* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This file implements classes CNcsAifEntry, CNcsAifEditor.
#include "emailtrace.h"
#include <AknsDrawUtils.h>
#include <s32mem.h>
#include <txtrich.h>
#include <baclipb.h>
#include <PtiDefs.h>
#include <StringLoader.h>
#include <FreestyleEmailUi.rsg>
#include "ncsaifeditor.h"
#include "ncsconstants.h"
#include "ncsaddressinputfield.h"
#include "ncsutility.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUiUtilities.h"
#include "ncsemailaddressobject.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUiLayoutData.h"
#include "FSDelayedLoader.h"
#include "FSEmail.pan"
const TChar KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon = ';';
const TChar KCharAddressDelimeterComma = ',';
const TChar KCharSpace = ' ';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEntry::NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CNcsAifEntry* CNcsAifEntry::NewL( const CNcsEmailAddressObject& aAddr )
CNcsAifEntry* self = new (ELeave) CNcsAifEntry;
self->ConstructL( aAddr );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEntry::NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CNcsAifEntry* CNcsAifEntry::NewL(
const TDesC& aDn,
const TDesC& aEml,
TBool aDisplayFull )
CNcsAifEntry* self = new ( ELeave ) CNcsAifEntry;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aDn, aEml, aDisplayFull );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEntry::~CNcsAifEntry
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iAddress;
delete iDisplayString;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEntry::CNcsAifEntry
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEntry::ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEntry::ConstructL( const TDesC& aDn, const TDesC& aEml, TBool aDisplayFull )
iAddress = CNcsEmailAddressObject::NewL( aDn, aEml );
iAddress->SetDisplayFull( aDisplayFull );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEntry::ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEntry::ConstructL( const CNcsEmailAddressObject& aAddress )
iAddress = CNcsEmailAddressObject::NewL( aAddress );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEntry::ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEntry::ConstructL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEntry::SetDisplayStringL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEntry::SetDisplayStringL()
delete iDisplayString;
iDisplayString = NULL;
const TDesC& dname = iAddress->DisplayName();
const TDesC& email = iAddress->EmailAddress();
TInt dnameLength = dname.Length();
TInt emailLength = email.Length();
TBool displayFull = iAddress->DisplayFull() || iIsDup;
TInt length;
// Show only display name OR email address if showing both is not required
// or if display name doesn't contain anything but the email address
// or if the display name is empty
if ( !displayFull ||
dname == email ||
!dnameLength )
length = dnameLength > 0 ? dnameLength : emailLength;
length += KEmailAddressSeparator().Length(); // ';'
iDisplayString = HBufC::NewL( length );
TPtr ptr = iDisplayString->Des();
ptr.Append( dname.Length() > 0 ? dname : email );
ptr.Append( KEmailAddressSeparator );
// Otherwise, show both display name and email addresss
// Display, Name;
length = dnameLength + emailLength +
KSpace().Length() +
KEmailAddressDecorationHead().Length() +
KEmailAddressDecorationTail().Length() +
iDisplayString = HBufC::NewL( length );
TPtr ptr = iDisplayString->Des();
ptr.Append( dname );
ptr.Append( KSpace );
ptr.Append( KEmailAddressDecorationHead );
ptr.Append( email );
ptr.Append( KEmailAddressDecorationTail );
ptr.Append( KEmailAddressSeparator );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEntry::SetDupL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEntry::SetDupL( TBool aDup )
if ( iIsDup != aDup )
iIsDup = aDup;
// Display string needs to be recreated unless there's no
// meaningful display name
if ( iAddress->DisplayName().Length() &&
iAddress->DisplayName() != iAddress->EmailAddress() )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEntry::IsSameDN
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CNcsAifEntry::IsSameDN( const CNcsAifEntry& entry ) const
const TDesC& ownDn = Address().DisplayName();
const TDesC& otherDn = entry.Address().DisplayName();
return ownDn.Compare( otherDn ) == 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// constructor/destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
MNcsFieldSizeObserver* aSizeObserver, const TDesC& aCaptionText )
: CNcsEditor( aSizeObserver, ETrue, ENcsEditorAddress, aCaptionText ), iAddressPopupList( NULL ),
iAddLeftover( ETrue )
SetEdwinObserver( this );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// second phase constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::ConstructL( const CCoeControl* aParent,
TInt aNumberOfLines,
TInt aTextLimit )
CNcsEditor::ConstructL( aParent, aNumberOfLines, aTextLimit );
iAsyncCallBack = new (ELeave) CAsyncCallBack( CActive::EPriorityStandard );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( iAsyncCallBack )
delete iAsyncCallBack;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::CursorLineNumber() const
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CNcsAifEditor::CursorLineNumber() const
TInt ret = iLayout->GetLineNumber( CursorPos() );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::LineCount() const
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CNcsAifEditor::LineCount() const
TInt lineCount = iLayout->GetLineNumber( TextLength() );
return lineCount;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::OfferKeyEventL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TKeyResponse CNcsAifEditor::OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType )
TKeyResponse ret = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
// check if we are copying
if ( ret == EKeyWasNotConsumed )
ret = CopyEntriesToClipboardL( aKeyEvent, aType );
// Check if we need to delete a contact
// This is done before select since they key off of the same key code.
if ( ret == EKeyWasNotConsumed )
ret = HandleContactDeletionL( aKeyEvent, aType );
// Check if we need to highlight a contact
if ( ret == EKeyWasNotConsumed )
ret = SetEditorSelectionL( aKeyEvent, aType );
//when press a key down, record the coursor position
if ( aType == EEventKeyDown )
iLastTimeCursorPos = CursorPos();
if ( ret == EKeyWasNotConsumed )
// enter completes the address entry
if( aType == EEventKey && (aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyEnter ||
aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyEnter) )
// make sure there is really some text inputted
TInt cursorPos( CursorPos() );
TCursorSelection selection = NonEntryTextAtPos( cursorPos );
TInt length( selection.Length() );
HBufC* text = HBufC::NewLC( length );
TPtr ptr = text->Des();
Text()->Extract( ptr, selection.LowerPos(), length );
// complete the entry by adding a semicolon,
// address will be added in HandleTextUpdateL
if( ptr.Length() > 0 )
Text()->InsertL( cursorPos, KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon );
SetCursorPosL( cursorPos + 1, EFalse );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
iTextSelection = Selection();
ret = CNcsEditor::OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::HandleEdwinEventL()
// This function gets called if a character is entered through the FEP.
// Otherwise the character entry is added through OfferKeyEvent
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::HandleEdwinEventL( CEikEdwin* /*aEdwin*/,
TEdwinEvent aEventType )
if ( aEventType == MEikEdwinObserver::EEventTextUpdate )
// Remove any invalid entries. This is needed when entries have been marked
// and have got replaced with some key event handled by FEP.
// Make a deferred call to HandleTextUpdateL() because it may result in
// changing the text field contents, and doing so directly within HandleEdwinEventL
// causes problems for the FEP in some special cases.
else if ( aEventType == MEikEdwinObserver::EEventNavigation )
iTextSelection = Selection();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::SetEditorSelectionL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TKeyResponse CNcsAifEditor::SetEditorSelectionL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType )
TKeyResponse response = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
CNcsAifEntry* entry = NULL;
TCursorSelection selection = Selection();
// Moving to a new line is a special case.
// We need to offer the key to the editor control first so it can
// move the cursor for us. Then we check if it's in an entry.
if ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyUpArrow || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDownArrow )
response = CNcsEditor::OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent,aType );
if ( response == EKeyWasConsumed )
// We're moving to a new line.
entry = GetEntryAt( CursorPos() );
if ( entry )
SetSelectionL( entry->iCursorPos, entry->iAnchorPos );
// Check if the cursor is in any of the addresses
else if( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyLeftArrow || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyBackspace )
// We're moving left, but haven't yet.
entry = GetEntryAt( CursorPos(), EDirectionLeft );
if ( entry )
if ( selection.Length() && aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyLeftArrow)
// Adds or removes the entry from the current selection.
SetSelectionL( entry->LowerPos(), selection.iAnchorPos );
response = EKeyWasConsumed;
else if ( !selection.Length() )
SetSelectionL( entry->LowerPos(), entry->HigherPos() );
response = EKeyWasConsumed;
else if( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyRightArrow || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDelete )
// We're moving right, but haven't yet.
entry = GetEntryAt( CursorPos(), EDirectionRight );
if ( entry )
if ( selection.Length() && aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyRightArrow )
// Adds or removes the entry form the current selection.
SetSelectionL( entry->HigherPos(), selection.iAnchorPos );
response = EKeyWasConsumed;
else if ( !selection.Length() )
SetSelectionL( entry->HigherPos(), entry->LowerPos() );
response = EKeyWasConsumed;
// to fix problems with updating CBA when hash key is pressed and hold
else if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyHash )
// Close the address popup if we handled the event
if ( response == EKeyWasConsumed )
return response;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::HandleContactDeletionL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TKeyResponse CNcsAifEditor::HandleContactDeletionL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType )
TKeyResponse response = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
if ( SelectionLength() && aType == EEventKey
&& IsCharacterKey( aKeyEvent ) )
// Delete highlighted entries.
TCursorSelection selection = Selection();
TBool entryDeleted = EFalse;
for ( TInt ii = iArray.Count() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii )
if ( iArray[ii]->LowerPos() >= selection.LowerPos() &&
iArray[ii]->HigherPos() <= selection.HigherPos() )
delete iArray[ii];
iArray.Remove( ii );
entryDeleted = ETrue;
if ( entryDeleted )
// Check that duplicate entries are correctly marked.
// Set the cursor after the entry before the ones we just deleted
CNcsAifEntry* entry = NULL;
for ( TInt ii = iArray.Count() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii )
if ( iArray[ii]->HigherPos() <= selection.LowerPos() )
entry = iArray[ii];
RepositionEntriesL( entry );
// The key event is set consumed only on delete and backpace
// events, other events need to be forwarded to the editor.
if ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDelete ||
aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyBackspace )
response = EKeyWasConsumed;
return response;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::DoCharChangeL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::DoCharChangeL()
TChar previousChar = CharAtPos( CursorPos() - 1 );
TBool sentinel = ( previousChar == KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon ||
previousChar == KCharAddressDelimeterComma );
if ( sentinel )
// if comma was pressed we replace it with semicolon
if ( previousChar == KCharAddressDelimeterComma )
CPlainText* text = Text();
text->DeleteL( CursorPos() - 1, 1 );
text->InsertL( CursorPos() - 1, KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAddressInputField::CharAtPos
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TChar CNcsAifEditor::CharAtPos( TInt aPos ) const
if ( aPos >= 0 && aPos < TextLength() )
TBuf<1> buf;
Text()->Extract( buf, aPos, 1 );
return buf[0];
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::SetAddressesL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::SetAddressesL( const RPointerArray<CNcsEmailAddressObject>& aAddresses )
AppendAddressesL( aAddresses );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::AppendAddressesL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::AppendAddressesL( const RPointerArray<CNcsEmailAddressObject>& aAddresses )
// First, add all the addresses without updating the editor text contents
for ( TInt i=0 ; i<aAddresses.Count() ; i++ )
AddAddressL( *aAddresses[i], EFalse );
// Update editor text content after all the items have been added
RepositionEntriesL( NULL );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::GetAddressesL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const RPointerArray<CNcsEmailAddressObject>& CNcsAifEditor::GetAddressesL()
// Clear the existing array since it may be out of sync
for ( TInt i=0 ; i<iArray.Count() ; i++ )
return iAddressArray;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::GetEntryAt()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CNcsAifEntry* CNcsAifEditor::GetEntryAt(
TInt aPos,
TEntryDirection aDirection ) const
const TChar KSpace( ' ' );
for( TInt i = 0; i < iArray.Count(); i++ )
CNcsAifEntry* entry = iArray[i];
if ( aDirection == EDirectionNone )
// no direction, check if cursor is on entry
if ( entry->Includes( aPos ) )
return entry;
else if ( aDirection == EDirectionRight )
// direction to the righ. check if cursor is on entry or
// entry is immediately to the right of the cursor
if ( entry->Includes( aPos ) )
return entry;
if ( entry->Start() >= aPos && entry->Start() - aPos <= 1 &&
CharAtPos( aPos ) == KSpace )
return entry;
else if ( aDirection == EDirectionLeft )
// direction to the left. decrease cursor by one and check if it
// is on entry or if entry is immediately to the left of the cursor
if ( entry->Includes( aPos - 1 ) )
return entry;
if ( aPos >= entry->End() && aPos - entry->End() <= 1 &&
CharAtPos( aPos - 1 ) == KSpace )
return entry;
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::GetPreviousEntryFrom()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CNcsAifEntry* CNcsAifEditor::GetPreviousEntryFrom( TInt aPos ) const
CNcsAifEntry* entry = NULL;
for( TInt i = 0 ; i < iArray.Count() ; i++ )
if ( iArray[i]->End() < aPos )
entry = iArray[i];
return entry;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::CheckAddressWhenFocusLostL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::CheckAddressWhenFocusLostL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::ParseNewAddressL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::ParseNewAddressL()
HBufC* text = GetNonEntryTextLC();
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( text, Panic(EFSEmailUiNullPointerException) );
if ( text->Length() )
// if changing focus leftover text is parsed to email
// object - we don't need to add it anymore
iAddLeftover = EFalse;
// check if there is a name for the email address
HBufC* name = CFsDelayedLoader::InstanceL()->GetContactHandlerL()->GetLastSearchNameL( *text );
if ( name )
CleanupStack::PushL( name );
AddAddressL( *name, *text, ETrue );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( name );
AddAddressL( KNullDesC, *text );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::GetNonEntryTextL()
// This will extract any text that was entered that is not
// part of any existing entries
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CNcsAifEditor::GetNonEntryTextLC() const
// "non-entry text" starts after last "entry"
TInt start( 0 );
if ( iArray.Count() > 0 )
start = iArray[iArray.Count() - 1]->End();
TInt length( TextLength() - start );
// Allocate space and extract it
HBufC* text = HBufC::NewLC( length );
TPtr ptr = text->Des();
Text()->Extract( ptr, start, length );
// Wipe out possible delimiter
TInt pos = ptr.Locate( KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon );
if ( pos != KErrNotFound )
ptr.Delete( pos, 1 );
// Remove unnecessary whitespaces
INFO_1("non-entry text == %S", text);
return text;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::CopyEntriesToClipBoardL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TKeyResponse CNcsAifEditor::CopyEntriesToClipboardL(
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType )
TKeyResponse ret = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
// check that we are copying
TBool copyKeyEvent = ( aType == EEventKey && aKeyEvent.iCode == 3 &&
aKeyEvent.iModifiers & EModifierCtrl &&
aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EPtiKeyQwertyC );
TBool cutKeyEvent = ( aType == EEventKey && aKeyEvent.iCode == 24 &&
aKeyEvent.iModifiers & EModifierCtrl &&
aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EPtiKeyQwertyX );
if ( copyKeyEvent || cutKeyEvent )
RPointerArray<CNcsAifEntry> entries;
CleanupClosePushL( entries );
FindSelectedEntriesL( entries );
if ( entries.Count() > 0 )
HBufC* formattedText = GetFormattedAddressListLC( entries, EFalse );
TFsEmailUiUtility::CopyToClipboardL( *formattedText );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( formattedText );
if ( !cutKeyEvent )
{ // cutting needs more handling
ret = EKeyWasConsumed;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &entries );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::FindSelectedEntriesL( )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::FindSelectedEntriesL( RPointerArray<CNcsAifEntry>& aEntries )
TCursorSelection selection = Selection();
TInt count = iArray.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iArray.Count(); i++ )
CNcsAifEntry* entry = iArray[i];
if ( entry->Start() >= selection.LowerPos() &&
entry->End() <= selection.HigherPos() )
aEntries.AppendL( entry );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::EmailAddressIndexNameBySelection( )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CNcsEmailAddressObject* CNcsAifEditor::EmailAddressObjectBySelection() const
// Find the contact the cursor is in
const CNcsAifEntry* aEntry = GetEntryAt(CursorPos());
ASSERT(aEntry != NULL);
return &aEntry->Address();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::AddAddressL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::AddAddressL( const CNcsEmailAddressObject& aAddress, TBool aUpdateEditorText /*= ETrue*/ )
CNcsAifEntry* entry = CNcsAifEntry::NewL( aAddress );
CleanupStack::PushL( entry );
AddAddressL( entry, aUpdateEditorText );
CleanupStack::Pop( entry );
void CNcsAifEditor::AddAddressL(
const TDesC& aDisplayName,
const TDesC& aEmail,
TBool aDisplayFull /*= EFalse*/,
TBool aUpdateEditorText /*= ETrue*/ )
CNcsAifEntry* entry = CNcsAifEntry::NewL( aDisplayName, aEmail, aDisplayFull );
CleanupStack::PushL( entry );
AddAddressL( entry, aUpdateEditorText );
CleanupStack::Pop( entry );
void CNcsAifEditor::AddAddressL( CNcsAifEntry* aNewEntry, TBool aUpdateEditorText )
TInt idx;
// Check for duplicate display names
for ( idx=0 ; idx<iArray.Count() ; idx++ )
if ( iArray[idx]->IsSameDN(*aNewEntry) )
// Find the location where we need to insert the address.
// Browse from back to forth to make last index as default index.
// This ensures items remain in correct order when populating field from
// existing message.
TInt cursorPos = CursorPos();
// if we are at the end of editor the address was
// added from MRU list or separator was typed in
if ( cursorPos == Text()->DocumentLength() )
iAddLeftover = EFalse;
for ( idx = iArray.Count() ; idx > 0 ; idx-- )
if ( cursorPos >= iArray[idx-1]->End() ) break;
if ( idx == iArray.Count() )
// Tack the address onto the end of the array
iArray.AppendL( aNewEntry );
iArray.InsertL( aNewEntry, idx );
if ( aUpdateEditorText )
// Trap because we must not leave after we have taken the ownership of aNewEntry.
// Otherwise douple deletion might happen.
TRAP_IGNORE( RepositionEntriesL( aNewEntry ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::RecalculateEntryPositions()
// The text has changed, so recalculate the positions of the items.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::RecalculateEntryPositions()
// We only need to worry about items right of the cursor
TInt pos = CursorPos();
TInt error = KErrNone;
// Find the first item to the right of the cursor
TInt idx = 0;
for ( idx = 0; idx < iArray.Count(); idx++ )
if ( ( iArray[idx]->Includes( iLastTimeCursorPos ) )
|| ( iArray[idx]->Start() >= iLastTimeCursorPos ) )
// If no entry was to the right of the cursor position
// then the new text was added at the end of the text.
// Don't do anything
if ( idx == iArray.Count() )
// Find the location of the first entry to the right
// of the cursor using a display string match
pos = Min( iArray[idx]->Start(), pos );
TRAP( error, pos = FindTextL( &iArray[idx]->DisplayString(), pos,
CEikEdwin::EFindCaseSensitive | CEikEdwin::ENoBusyMessage ) );
ASSERT( KErrNone == error && KErrNotFound != pos );
// Now reposition all entries to the right
for ( ; idx<iArray.Count(); idx++ )
pos = iArray[idx]->SetPos( pos );
pos++; // for whitespace
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::RepositionEntriesL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::RepositionEntriesL( const CNcsAifEntry* aPosEntry )
TInt pos = 0;
CNcsAifEntry* entry;
for ( TInt i=0 ; i<iArray.Count() ; i++ )
entry = iArray[i];
pos = entry->SetPos( pos );
pos++; // for whitespace
// Reset the text
SetCursorPosL( 0, EFalse ); //In case the cursor pos is invalid
HBufC* text = NULL;
text = GetFormattedAddressListLC( iArray );
if ( iAddLeftover )
TInt lengthBefore = Text()->DocumentLength();
HBufC* textBefore = HBufC::NewLC( lengthBefore );
TPtr ptrBefore = textBefore->Des();
Text()->Extract( ptrBefore, 0, lengthBefore );
// find text after last semicolon
TInt colon = ptrBefore.LocateReverseF(
KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon ) + 1;
TPtrC leftover = ptrBefore.Mid( colon );
HBufC* newText = HBufC::NewLC( text->Length() + leftover.Length() );
TPtr newTextPtr = newText->Des();
// add all email addresses
newTextPtr.Append( text->Des() );
// add the text that was after last email object
newTextPtr.Append( leftover );
SetTextL( newText );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( newText );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( textBefore );
SetTextL( text );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
// Set the cursor at the end of the given entry
if ( !aPosEntry )
SetCursorPosL( 0, EFalse );
SetCursorPosL( aPosEntry->End(), EFalse );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::CheckAndRemoveInvalidEntriesL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::CheckAndRemoveInvalidEntriesL()
TInt currentCursorPos( CursorPos() );
const TInt KNoEntryRemoved = -1;
TInt removedEntryIndex( KNoEntryRemoved );
for ( TInt i = iArray.Count() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; --i )
TInt matchesInText;
TInt matchesInArray;
TInt arrayItemLowPos( iArray[i]->LowerPos() );
TInt arrayItemHighPos( iArray[i]->HigherPos());
GetMatchingEntryCountsL( iArray[i], matchesInText, matchesInArray );
// Entry is removed if:
// a) there's no matches for it in the text, or
// b) there're less matches for it in the text than in array (i.e.,
// a duplicate ("foo(at)foo.org; foo(at)foo.org") has just been removed)
// In b) case the correct duplicate is the one that is in current
// cursor position (or one off due to possible whitespace).
if ( 0 == matchesInText ||
( matchesInText < matchesInArray ) &&
( currentCursorPos >= arrayItemLowPos &&
currentCursorPos <= arrayItemHighPos ))
delete iArray[i];
removedEntryIndex = i;
if ( iTextSelection.iAnchorPos != iTextSelection.iCursorPos &&
iTextSelection.HigherPos() < arrayItemHighPos )
iPartialRemove = ETrue;
if ( KNoEntryRemoved != removedEntryIndex )
// at least one entry has been removed => udpates duplicate markings
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::GetLookupTextLC()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CNcsAifEditor::GetLookupTextLC() const
HBufC* text = GetTextInHBufL();
if (text == NULL) return NULL;
CleanupStack::PushL( text );
TPtr ptr( text->Des() );
TInt location = ptr.LocateReverse( KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon );
if( location != KErrNotFound )
ptr = ptr.RightTPtr( ptr.Length() - location -1 );
return text;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::GetFormattedAddressListLC()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CNcsAifEditor::GetFormattedAddressListLC(
RPointerArray<CNcsAifEntry>& aEntries,
TBool aDisplayList ) const
TInt length = CalculateAddressListLength( aEntries, aDisplayList );
if ( length <= 0 )
return HBufC::NewLC(0);
HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC( length );
TPtr ptr = buf->Des();
TInt count = aEntries.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if ( aDisplayList )
ptr.Append( aEntries[i]->DisplayString() );
ptr.Append( aEntries[i]->Address().EmailAddress() );
ptr.Append( KEmailAddressSeparator );
// append whitespace, if not in the last entry
if ( i < count - 1 )
ptr.Append( KLineFeed );
return buf;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::GetFormattedAddressListL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CNcsAifEditor::GetFormattedAddressListL(
RPointerArray<CNcsAifEntry>& aEntries,
TBool aDisplayList ) const
HBufC* buf = GetFormattedAddressListLC( aEntries, aDisplayList );
CleanupStack::Pop( buf );
return buf;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::CalculateAddressListLength()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CNcsAifEditor::CalculateAddressListLength(
RPointerArray<CNcsAifEntry>& aEntries,
TBool aDisplayList ) const
TInt length = 0;
TInt count = aEntries.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CNcsAifEntry* entry = aEntries[ i ];
if ( !entry ) continue;
if ( aDisplayList )
length += entry->Length();
// +1 is for semicolon
length += entry->Address().EmailAddress().Length() + 1;
// add one white space after that so the format is
// aamiumaubb.com; ccmiumaudd.com; eemiumauff.com
if ( count > 1 )
// ( count - 1 ) we do need white space after the last address
length += count - 1 ;
if ( aEntries.Count() > 0 )
length += 2;
return length;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::UpdateAddressAutoCompletionL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::UpdateAddressAutoCompletionL()
HBufC* text = GetNonEntryTextLC();
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( text, Panic(EFSEmailUiNullPointerException) );
iAddressPopupList->UpdatePopupContactListL( *text, EFalse );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::UpdateAddressAutoCompletionL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::UpdateAddressAutoCompletionL(
const TCursorSelection& aSelection )
TInt length = aSelection.Length();
HBufC* text = HBufC::NewLC( length );
TPtr ptr = text->Des();
Text()->Extract( ptr, aSelection.LowerPos(), length );
if ( text->Length() )
iAddressPopupList->UpdatePopupContactListL( *text, EFalse );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::UpdateAddressListAllL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::UpdateAddressListAllL()
iAddressPopupList->UpdatePopupContactListL( KNullDesC, ETrue );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Updates the duplicate markings in the entry array.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::UpdateDuplicateEntryMarkingsL()
const TInt entryCount = iArray.Count();
for ( TInt ii = entryCount - 1; ii >= 0; --ii )
if ( ii > 0 )
TBool duplicateFound = EFalse;
for ( TInt jj = ii - 1; jj >= 0; --jj )
if ( iArray[ii]->IsSameDN( *iArray[jj] ) )
duplicateFound = ETrue;
iArray[jj]->SetDupL( ETrue );
iArray[ii]->SetDupL( duplicateFound );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Makes a deferred call to HandleTextUpdateL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::HandleTextUpdateDeferred()
if ( iAsyncCallBack )
iAsyncCallBack->Set( TCallBack( DoHandleTextUpdate, this ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static wrapper function for HandleTextUpdateL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CNcsAifEditor::DoHandleTextUpdate( TAny* aSelf )
CNcsAifEditor* self = static_cast<CNcsAifEditor*>( aSelf );
TRAPD( err, self->HandleTextUpdateL() );
return err;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handles text update.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::HandleTextUpdateL()
TCursorSelection textSelection = NonEntryTextAtPos( CursorPos() );
TBool newEntryCreated = EFalse;
if ( textSelection.Length() )
// Check non-entry text for complete entries.
newEntryCreated = HandleTextUpdateL( textSelection );
if ( newEntryCreated )
// add line feed after new entry
TInt cursorPos( CursorPos() );
if ( !iPartialRemove )
Text()->InsertL( cursorPos, TChar(CEditableText::ELineBreak) );
SetCursorPosL( cursorPos + 1, EFalse );
iSizeObserver->UpdateFieldSizeL( ETrue );
iPartialRemove = EFalse;
UpdateAddressAutoCompletionL( textSelection );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::HandleTextUpdateL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CNcsAifEditor::HandleTextUpdateL( const TCursorSelection& aSelection )
iAddLeftover = ETrue;
TInt firstCharacter = aSelection.LowerPos();
TInt lastCharacter = aSelection.HigherPos();
// get the inputted text
TInt length = lastCharacter - firstCharacter;
HBufC* text = HBufC::NewLC( length );
TPtr ptr = text->Des();
Text()->Extract( ptr, firstCharacter, length );
TBool entriesFound( EFalse );
// start looking for entries separated with semicolon
TInt start( 0 );
TInt end( ptr.Length() );
for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < end; ++ii )
TChar character = ptr[ii];
if ( IsSentinel( character ) )
if ( character == KCharAddressDelimeterComma )
// Replace comma with semicolon
ptr[ii] = KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon;
// Create new entry.
if ( start < end )
// only if longer than 0, if not we'll get
// "empty" email address
if ( ii-start )
AddAddressL( KNullDesC(), ptr.Mid(start, ii-start) );
start = Min( ii + 1, end );
entriesFound = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
return entriesFound;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handles navigation event.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::HandleNavigationEventL()
// Close the contact popup when cursor is moved withing the field to make it less distracting.
// It's reopened when user types something.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the range of non-entry text at the given position.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TCursorSelection CNcsAifEditor::NonEntryTextAtPos( TUint aPosition ) const
TCursorSelection text( TextLength(), 0 );
for ( TInt ii = iArray.Count() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii )
if ( iArray[ii]->Includes( aPosition - 1) )
// Given position is included in existing entry
text.SetSelection( 0, 0 );
else if ( iArray[ii]->LowerPos() >= aPosition )
// Found entry after the given position
text.iCursorPos = iArray[ii]->LowerPos();
else if ( iArray[ii]->HigherPos() < aPosition )
// Found first entry before given position
text.iAnchorPos = iArray[ii]->HigherPos();
// get the selected text to remove whitespace
TInt length( text.Length() );
HBufC* selectedText = NULL;
TRAPD( err, selectedText = HBufC::NewL( length ) );
if( err == KErrNone )
TPtr ptr = selectedText->Des();
Text()->Extract( ptr, text.LowerPos(), length );
// trim from end
TInt index( length - 1 );
while( index >= 0 && IsWhitespace( ptr[index--] ) )
// trim from begin
index = 0;
while( index < length && IsWhitespace( ptr[index++] ) )
delete selectedText;
selectedText = NULL;
return text;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the range of text immediatelly before given position that does not
// belong to any entry.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TCursorSelection CNcsAifEditor::NonEntryTextBeforePos( TUint aPosition ) const
TCursorSelection text( aPosition, 0 );
for ( TInt ii = iArray.Count() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii )
if ( iArray[ii]->Includes( aPosition - 1 ) )
// Given position is included in existing entry
text.SetSelection( 0, 0 );
else if ( iArray[ii]->HigherPos() < aPosition )
// Found first existing entry before given position
text.SetSelection( aPosition, iArray[ii]->HigherPos() );
return text;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks whether given character is considered as sentinel.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CNcsAifEditor::IsSentinel( TChar aCharacter ) const
return ( aCharacter == KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon ||
aCharacter == KCharAddressDelimeterComma );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks whether given character is considered as whitespace.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CNcsAifEditor::IsWhitespace( TChar aCharacter ) const
return ( aCharacter == KCharSpace ||
aCharacter == TChar(CEditableText::ELineBreak) ||
aCharacter == TChar(CEditableText::EParagraphDelimiter) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks whether given event is considered as navigation event.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CNcsAifEditor::IsNavigationKey( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent ) const
return ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyLeftArrow ||
aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyRightArrow ||
aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyUpArrow ||
aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDownArrow ||
aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyLeftArrow ||
aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyRightArrow ||
aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyUpArrow ||
aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDownArrow );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks whether given event is one which generates visible character
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CNcsAifEditor::IsCharacterKey( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent ) const
TUint ctrlModifiers = EModifierLeftCtrl | EModifierRightCtrl | EModifierCtrl;
TBool ctrlEvent = aKeyEvent.iModifiers & ctrlModifiers;
TBool isAppKey = ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode >= EStdKeyApplication0) && (aKeyEvent.iScanCode <= EStdKeyKeyboardExtend);
return ( !ctrlEvent && !IsNavigationKey(aKeyEvent) && !isAppKey );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the count of substrings (in current text field) matching the aEntry's
// DisplayName (DN) and the count of matching (same DN) items in iArray.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::GetMatchingEntryCountsL( const CNcsAifEntry* aEntry,
TInt& aNrOfMatchesInText,
TInt& aNrOfMatchesInEntryArray )
aNrOfMatchesInText = 0;
aNrOfMatchesInEntryArray = 0;
TInt pos( 0 );
const TInt end_pos( TextLength() );
// First a checking loop for finding the number of matching substrings
// (i.e., substrings that match the entry's displaystring) in current text
while ( pos < end_pos )
pos = FindTextL( &aEntry->DisplayString(), pos,
CEikEdwin::EFindCaseSensitive |
CEikEdwin::ENoBusyMessage );
// No more matches for entry found => checking finished for this one
if ( pos < 0 )
pos = end_pos; // ends the loop
// Match found => update counter
// Move to next word
TInt len;
TInt startPos;
GetWordInfo( pos, startPos, len );
pos = startPos+len;
// Secondly check the number of entries in entry array that match
// the given entry's displayname.
for ( TInt i = iArray.Count()-1; i >= 0; --i )
if ( !aEntry->DisplayString().Compare( iArray[i]->DisplayString() ) )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::HandlePointerEventL()
// Handles pointer events
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent )
if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down )
CTextLayout* textLayout = TextLayout();
TInt cursorPos = CursorPos();
TPoint touchPoint( aPointerEvent.iPosition );
//adjust touch point to mach editor coordinates
touchPoint.iX -= Position().iX;
TInt pointerLineNbr = textLayout->GetLineNumber( textLayout->XyPosToDocPosL( touchPoint ));
TInt cursorLineNbr = textLayout->GetLineNumber( cursorPos );
if ( pointerLineNbr != cursorLineNbr )
// We're moving to a new line.
CNcsAifEntry* entry = NULL;
entry = GetEntryAt( CursorPos() );
if ( entry )
SetSelectionL( entry->iCursorPos, entry->iAnchorPos );
CEikEdwin::HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNcsAifEditor::CompleteEntryL()
// Adds semicolol to the of the entry
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcsAifEditor::CompleteEntryL()
// make sure there is really some text inputted
TInt cursorPos( CursorPos() );
TCursorSelection selection = NonEntryTextAtPos( cursorPos );
TInt length( selection.Length() );
HBufC* text = HBufC::NewLC( length );
TPtr ptr = text->Des();
if( selection.LowerPos() >= 0 )
Text()->Extract( ptr, selection.LowerPos(), length );
// complete the entry
if( ptr.Length() > 0 )
Text()->InsertL( selection.HigherPos(), KCharAddressDelimeterSemiColon );
HandleTextUpdateL( TCursorSelection(selection.LowerPos(), selection.HigherPos() + 1) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
// End of File