* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: General utilities for FS Email UI
#include <e32base.h> // CTimer
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <hlplch.h>
#include <msvstd.h>
#include <AknQueryDialog.h>
#include "mesmricalviewercallback.h"
#include "fsccontactactionmenudefines.h"
#include <DocumentHandler.h>
#include "AknServerApp.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailExportedUtilities.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUiConstants.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUiTextureManager.h"
#include "FreestyleEmailUiContactHandler.h"
class CGulIcon;
class CFSMailBox;
class CFSMailMessage;
class CFSMailClient;
class CMsvSession;
class TPbkContactItemField;
class CPbkContactItem;
class CFscContactActionMenu;
class CFscContactActionService;
class CAlfTexture;
class CFreestyleEmailUiTextureManager;
class CFSMailMessagePart;
class CFSMailAddress;
class CFSMailFolder;
class MAknServerAppExitObserver;
class CFSEmailUiGenericTimer;
class CAknGlobalNote;
class CAknWaitDialog;
// <cmail>
class CESMRIcalViewer;
// </cmail>
const TInt KActionMenuItemNormalPriority = 10;
const TInt KGenericTimerDefaultInterval = 1000;
typedef RArray<TActionMenuCustomItemId> RFsEActionMenuIdList;
enum TFollowUpNewState
EFollowUp = 0, // don't change, as these are the in the order they are in popup selection list
EFollowUpComplete = 1, // don't change
EFollowUpClear = 2, // don't change
EFollowUpNoChanges = 3
enum TMessageSizeClass
ETiny = KKilo,
ESmall = 10*KKilo,
EMedium = 100*KKilo,
ELarge = 500*KKilo,
EVeryLarge = KMega,
EHuge = 5*KMega,
EColossal = KMaxTInt
class TFsEmailUiUtility
// Clean up any static variables of the class
static void DeleteStaticData();
static void LaunchHelpL( const TDesC& aContext );
static CFSMailBox* GetMceDefaultMailboxL( CFSMailClient& aClient, CMsvSession& aMsvSession );
static CFSMailBox* GetMailboxForMtmIdL( CFSMailClient& aClient, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMtmId );
static TBool IsRemoteLookupSupported( CFSMailBox& aMailBox );
static void CopyToClipboardL( const TDesC& aBuf );
static TInt ShowConfirmationQueryL( TInt aResourceStringId, const TDesC& aResourceParameter = KNullDesC );
static TInt ShowConfirmationQueryL( const TDesC& aPromptText );
static void ShowErrorNoteL( TInt aResourceStringId, TBool aWaitingDialog = EFalse );
static void ShowInfoNoteL( TInt aResourceStringId, TBool aWaitingDialog = EFalse );
static void ShowGlobalErrorNoteL( TInt aResourceStringId );
static void ShowGlobalInfoNoteL( TInt aResourceStringId );
static void ShowDiscreetInfoNoteL( TInt aResourceStringId );
* Creates and shows a local wait note. Caller must pass a member variable pointer
* which will hold the created wait note instance. This must NOT be an automatic variable.
static void ShowWaitNoteL( CAknWaitDialog*& aDialog, TInt aTextResourceId,
TBool aAllowCancel, TBool aVisibilityDelayOff = EFalse );
* Launches a global wait note with no CBA buttons and text from given resource.
* A cleanup item is pushed to CleanupStack and the wait note is dismissed
* when the PopAndDestroy() is called for it.
* @param aTextResourceId Resource ID of the text string to be shown in the note
* @return ID of the opened wait note
static TInt ShowGlobalWaitNoteLC( TInt aTextResourceId );
static void CloseGlobalWaitNote( TAny* aNoteIdPointer );
* Shows file selection dialog.
* @param aFileName Contains the selected file name on return if user
* selected a file.
* @return ETrue if user selected file, EFalse otherwise.
static TBool ShowSelectFileDialogL( TDes& aFileName );
static TBool ShowSaveFolderDialogL( TDes& aFileName );
* Displays overwrite query if needed
* @param aFilePath Path to where the file is to be saved
* @param aAttachmentPart Message part of the attachment to be saved
* @return ETrue if OK to save the file to a given path, EFalse if not
static TBool OkToSaveFileL( const TDesC& aFilePath, CFSMailMessagePart& aAttachmentPart );
static void ShowFilesSavedToFolderNoteL( TInt aCount );
static void ShowCreateMessageQueryL( const TDesC& aAddressData, TBool aSendingToEmail = EFalse );
static TInt CountRecepients( CFSMailMessage* aMsgPtr );
static TInt CountRecipientsSmart( CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi& aAppUi, CFSMailMessage* aMsgPtr );
static TBool IsMessageBodyLargeL( CFSMailMessage* aMessage );
* Opens the given file for viewing using document handler.
* @param aFileToOpen File to be opened for viewing. The file handle is
* closed after viewing.
static void OpenFileL( RFile& aFileToOpen, TBool aAllowSave );
* Opens the given file for viewing using document handler.
* @param aFileTope File to be opened for viewing. The file handle is
* closed after the viewing.
* @param TDataType MIME type of the file.
static void OpenFileL( RFile& aFileToOpen, TDataType& aDataType, TBool aAllowSave );
* Opens the given attachment for viewing.
* @param aAttachmentPart The message part data that identifies the
* attachment to be opened.
static void OpenAttachmentL( const TPartData& aAttachmentPart );
* Opens the given file for viewing using document handler.
* @param aFileTope File to be opened for viewing. The file handle is
* closed after the viewing.
* @param TDataType MIME type of the file.
* @param aAllowSave Flag to control availability of Save option in file viewer app.
* When ETrue, the viewer app may show Save in options menu and/or when
* closing the viewer.
static void OpenAttachmentL( CFSMailMessagePart& aAttachmentPart, TBool aAllowSave = ETrue );
* SetMessageFollowupFlagL
* @param aShowFlagCompleted Whether to show the completed flag.
* When false we are in the editor view.
static TFollowUpNewState SetMessageFollowupFlagL( CFSMailMessage& aMsg, TBool aShowFlagCompleted = ETrue );
static void SetMessageFollowupStateL( CFSMailMessage& aMsg, TFollowUpNewState aNewFollowUpState );
static TBool RunFollowUpListDialogL( TFollowUpNewState& aSelectedOption, TBool aShowFlagCompleted = ETrue );
static TFileType GetFileType( const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aMimeType );
static CAlfTexture& GetAttachmentIcon( TFileType aAttachmentType, CFreestyleEmailUiTextureManager& aTextureManager );
static TFSEmailUiTextures GetAttachmentIconTextureId( TFileType aAttachmentType );
static CAlfTexture& GetMsgIcon( CFSMailMessage* aMsgPtr, CFreestyleEmailUiTextureManager& aTextureManager );
static TFSEmailUiTextures GetMsgIconTextureId( CFSMailMessage* aMsgPtr );
static void MoveMessageToDraftsL( CFSMailBox& aMailBox, CFSMailMessage& aMsg );
static TBool IsMessagePartFullyFetched( const CFSMailMessagePart& aPart );
static TBool IsMessageStructureKnown( const CFSMailMessagePart& aPart );
static void CreatePlainTextPartL( CFSMailMessage& aMsg, CFSMailMessagePart*& aPart );
static TBool IsCompleteOrCancelEvent( TFSProgress aEvent );
static TBool HasUnfetchedAttachmentsL( CFSMailMessage& aMsg );
static TBool IsFollowUpSupported( const CFSMailBox& aMailBox );
// Set new email message icon on/off
static void ToggleEmailIconL( TBool aIconOn );
static void ToggleEmailIconL( TBool aIconOn, const TFSMailMsgId& aMailBox );
static HBufC* DateTextFromMsgLC( const CFSMailMessage* aMessage, TBool aAddYearNumer = ETrue );
static HBufC* TimeTextFromMsgLC( const CFSMailMessage* aMessage );
static HBufC* WeekDayTextFromMsgLC( const CFSMailMessage* aMessage, TBool aUseToday, TBool aUseYesterday,
TBool& aWasToday, TBool& aWasYesterday );
static HBufC* CreateSizeDescLC( TInt aSizeInBytes,
TBool aShowSizeInBytes = EFalse );
static HBufC* ListMsgTimeTextFromMsgLC( const CFSMailMessage* aMessage, TBool aDividersInUse );
static TInt CompareMailAddressesL( CFSMailAddress* aAddr1, CFSMailAddress* aAddr2 );
static HBufC* CreateCompareNameForAddressLC( const CFSMailAddress& aAddress );
static TInt CompareMailSubjectsL( const CFSMailMessage* aMessage1, const CFSMailMessage* aMessage2 );
static HBufC* CreateSubjectWithoutLocalisedPrefixLC( const CFSMailMessage* aMessage, TBool aSuppressNotAvailableText = EFalse );
static HBufC* CreateSubjectTextLC( const CFSMailMessage* aMessage );
static HBufC* CreateBodyTextLC( const CFSMailMessage* aMessage );
static void FilterListItemTextL( TDes& aText );
static TMessageSizeClass MessageSizeClass( const CFSMailMessage& aMessage );
static HBufC* ConvertHtmlToTxtL( const TDesC& aHtml );
static void DisplayMsgsMovedNoteL( TInt aMsgCount,
const TFSMailMsgId aDestinationFolderId,
TBool aIsWaitingNote );
static TBool IsOfflineModeL();
* Shows mailbox creation query:
* "No e-mail mailboxes defined. Create a mailbox?"
* @return ETrue if user answered "Yes", EFalse if user answered "No"
static TBool DisplayCreateMailboxQueryL();
// static CAlfTexture& GetAttachmentIconL( TFileType aAttachmentType, CFreestyleEmailUiTextureManager& aTextureManager );
// static TFSEmailUiTextures GetAttachmentIconTextureIdL( TFileType aAttachmentType );
// Brings Freestyle Email UI application to foreground if it's not already
static void BringFsEmailToForeground();
// Formats display name
static void StripDisplayName( HBufC& aDisplayName );
// Creates a displayname of firstname and lastname components
static HBufC* CreateDisplayNameLC( const TDesC& aFirstname, const TDesC& aLastname );
// Creates a displayname of firstname, lastname, emailfield components
static HBufC* CreateDisplayNameLC( const TDesC& aFirstname, const TDesC& aLastname, const TDesC& aEmailField );
// Get the icon file name including the drive letter and full path
static void GetFullIconFileNameL( TDes& aFileName );
// Check if given file names have the same file extension (omitting the character case)
static TBool DoFileExtensionsMatchL( const TDesC& aFileName1, const TDesC& aFileName2 );
* Makes a copy of given file to the temp directory of FsEmailUI.
* Caller is reponsible of closing the returned file handle.
static RFile CopyFileToTempDirL( const RFile& aSourceFile, const TDesC& aTargetFileName );
// Deletes all files from our temporary directory
static void EraseTempDir();
// Checks if FSMailServer is running. If not, then launches it.
static void EnsureFsMailServerIsRunning( RWsSession& aWsSession );
static TFSEmailUiTextures GetReadMsgIcon( CFSMailMessage* aMsgPtr );
static TFSEmailUiTextures GetUnreadMsgIcon( CFSMailMessage* aMsgPtr );
// <cmail>
static TBool IsMrCancellationMsgL( CFSMailMessage* aMsgPtr );
// </cmail>
* Get EmailUI temp directory path. Creates the directory if it does not exist.
* Caller must supply large enough descriptor. Maximum path length in Symbian is 256 characters.
static void GetTempPathL( RFs& aFs, TDes& aPath );
* Show "save to folder" or "select file" dialog.
* @param aType Dialog type as defined in enumeration TCommonDialogType
* @param aFileName Output argument for the selected file/folder name
* @return ETrue if file/folder selected (i.e. dialog not cancelled)
static TBool ShowFileDialogL( TInt aType, TDes& aFileName );
// Checks if FSMailServer is running. If not, then launches it.
static void EnsureFsMailServerIsRunningL( RWsSession& aWsSession );
private: // static data
static CAknGlobalNote* iGlobalWaitNote;
static CAknWaitDialog* iOpeningWaitNote;
// <cmail>
// A separate MR viewer instance for checking the MR method type.
// The instance owned by AppUi can't be used for this because that instance
// may be in use at time we need to check the method.
static CESMRIcalViewer* iMrViewer;
class CMrViewerEmptyCallback : public CBase, public MESMRIcalViewerCallback
virtual void ProcessAsyncCommandL( TESMRIcalViewerOperationType, const CFSMailMessage&, MESMRIcalViewerObserver* ) {}
virtual void ProcessSyncCommandL( TESMRIcalViewerOperationType, const CFSMailMessage& ) {}
virtual TBool CanProcessCommand( TESMRIcalViewerOperationType ) const { return EFalse; }
static CMrViewerEmptyCallback* iMrViewerCallback;
// </cmail>
* Action menu handler
* Is constructed in CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi when application is launched.
* After that the static functions can be used to operate with action menu.
class CFSEmailUiActionMenu : public CBase
friend class CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi;
* Get pointer to the action menu, can be used if built-in methods are
* not enough. Ownership is not transferred.
* @return Action menu pointer
static CFscContactActionMenu* GetActionMenu();
* Remove all items from action menu
static void RemoveAllL();
* Add one email specific custom item by id
* @param aItemId Item id of the item to be added
static void AddCustomItemL( TActionMenuCustomItemId aItemId );
* Add several email specific custom items by list of ids
* @param aItemList List of item ids to be added
static void AddCustomItemsL( RFsEActionMenuIdList aItemList );
// <cmail>
* Execute previously constructed action menu
* @param aPosition Vertical position where menu is to be openned
* @param aIndex Index of focused/highlighted item when menu is opened
* @return Id of the selected item
static TActionMenuCustomItemId ExecuteL( TFscContactActionMenuPosition aPosition = EFscCenter,
TInt aIndex = 0, MFsActionMenuPositionGiver* aPositionGiver = 0 );
* Remove all old items, add new items from the aItemList and then
* execute the action menu
* @param aItemList List of item ids to be added
* @param aPosition Vertical position where menu is to be openned
* @param aIndex Index of focused/highlighted item when menu is opened
* @return Id of the selected item
static TActionMenuCustomItemId ExecuteL( RFsEActionMenuIdList aItemList,
TFscContactActionMenuPosition aPosition = EFscCenter,
TInt aIndex = 0, MFsActionMenuPositionGiver* aPositionGiver = 0 );
* Dismiss menu
* Menu gets closed if it was visible when the method was called.
* Otherwise method call does not do anything
* @param aSlide If ETrue menu slides away from the screen.
* Otherwise it disappears instantly
static void Dismiss( TBool aSlide );
// </cmail>
* Create icon by bitmap and mask
* @param aBitmapId Icon bitmap
* @param aMaskId Icon mask
* @return Created icon object
static CGulIcon* CreateIconL( TInt aBitmapId, TInt aMaskId );
static CFSEmailUiActionMenu* NewL( CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi* aAppUi );
CFSEmailUiActionMenu( CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi* aAppUi );
void ConstructL();
static TActionMenuCustomItemId ResolveSelectedCustomItemIdL();
static void CreateIconsL();
CFscContactActionService* iService;
static CFscContactActionMenu* iActionMenu;
static TFileName iIconFilePath;
static RPointerArray<CGulIcon> iIconArray;
CFreestyleEmailUiAppUi* iAppUi;
* Generic timer's callback
* Classes inherited from this one can be used as a callback for the generic
* timer. TimerEvent() is called when the timer elapses.
class MFSEmailUiGenericTimerCallback
* @param aTriggeredTimer The timer which launched this event.
virtual void TimerEventL( CFSEmailUiGenericTimer* aTriggeredTimer ) = 0;
* Generic timer
* Caller gives MFSEmailUiGenericTimerCallback inherited pointer as a
* parameter, and that pointer is used as a callback when the timer elapses.
* Timer interval is given as a parameter for the Start function. If interval
* not given, or it is less than zero, default interval of 1 second is used.
class CFSEmailUiGenericTimer : public CTimer
* Symbian two-pahse constructor.
* @param aCallback Callback class
* @param aPriority Timers priority, EPriorityStandard by default
static CFSEmailUiGenericTimer* NewL(
MFSEmailUiGenericTimerCallback* aCallback,
const TInt aPriority = CActive::EPriorityStandard );
* Symbian two-pahse constructor.
* @param aCallback Callback class
* @param aPriority Timers priority, EPriorityStandard by default
static CFSEmailUiGenericTimer* NewLC(
MFSEmailUiGenericTimerCallback* aCallback,
const TInt aPriority = CActive::EPriorityStandard );
* Destructor.
* Starts the timer with specified interval, or with the default value.
* NOTE: Give time in milliseconds (not microseconds)!
* @param aInterval Timer interval as milliseconds
void Start( TInt aInterval = KGenericTimerDefaultInterval );
* Stops the timer.
void Stop();
* CActive object's RunL
void RunL();
* Constructor.
CFSEmailUiGenericTimer( MFSEmailUiGenericTimerCallback* aCallback,
const TInt aPriority );
* 2nd phase constructor.
void ConstructL();
/* Pointer to callback class */
MFSEmailUiGenericTimerCallback* iCallback;
* File handle shutter.
* Instance of file handle shutter can be set to handle the closing of an open
* file handle on embedded viewer application exit.
class CFsEmailFileHandleShutter : public CBase,
public MAknServerAppExitObserver
* Two-phased constuctor. Creates an instance of CFsEmailFileHandleShutter
* which is set to observe embedded application close events delegated
* by the given document handler.
* @param Reference to document handler instance, which the file handle
* shutter is set to observe.
static CFsEmailFileHandleShutter* NewL(
CDocumentHandler& aDocumentHandler );
* Destructor.
* Sets the file handle that is to be closed when viewer app exits.
* @param aFile The file handle.
void SetFile( RFile aFile );
// from base class MAknServerAppExitObserver
* Handle the exit of a connected server app.
* @param aReason The reason that the server application exited.
* This will either be an error code, or the command id that caused the
* server app to exit.
void HandleServerAppExit( TInt aReason );
/** Default constructor. */
/** Second phase constructor. */
void ConstructL( CDocumentHandler& aDocumentHandler );
private: // data
TBool iHandleOpen;
RFile iFileHandle;
class CFSEmailUiCallDialog : public CAknQueryDialog
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent &aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType);