1 |
2 |
* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
3 |
* All rights reserved.
4 |
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
5 |
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
6 |
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
7 |
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
8 |
9 |
* Initial Contributors:
10 |
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
11 |
12 |
* Contributors:
13 |
14 |
* Description: Phonebook 2 UI Controls project specification file.
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
#include <platform/app/Pbk2UID.h>
20 |
#include "Pbk2Config.mmp"
21 |
#include "../inc/Pbk2InternalUID.h"
22 |
#include <platform_paths.hrh>
23 |
#include <data_caging_paths.hrh>
24 |
25 |
// Target information
26 |
TARGET Pbk2UiControls.dll
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
// Source path
32 |
SOURCEPATH ../UIControls/src
33 |
34 |
// Controls
35 |
SOURCE CPbk2NamesListControl.cpp
36 |
SOURCE CPbk2NamesListNotReadyState.cpp
37 |
SOURCE CPbk2NamesListEmptyState.cpp
38 |
SOURCE CPbk2NamesListReadyState.cpp
39 |
SOURCE CPbk2NamesListFilteredState.cpp
40 |
SOURCE CPbk2NamesListHiddenState.cpp
41 |
SOURCE CPbk2NamesListStartupState.cpp
42 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactViewListBox.cpp
43 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactInfoControl.cpp
44 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactInfoListBox.cpp
45 |
SOURCE CPbk2SettingsListControl.cpp
46 |
SOURCE CPbk2InputAbsorber.cpp
47 |
SOURCE CPbk2ThumbnailPopupControl.cpp
48 |
SOURCE CPbk2ThumbnailPopup.cpp
49 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactUiControlSubstitute.cpp
50 |
SOURCE CPbk2ListboxModelCmdDecorator.cpp
51 |
52 |
// Models
53 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactViewListBoxModel.cpp
54 |
55 |
SOURCE CPbk2FieldListBoxModel.cpp
56 |
57 |
SOURCE CPbk2FieldListBoxModelOld.cpp
58 |
#endif // RD_SIND_VIA_AIW
59 |
SOURCE CPbk2FieldFormatter.cpp
60 |
SOURCE CPbk2FieldAnalyzer.cpp
61 |
SOURCE CPbk2DefaultSavingStorageQueryListBoxModel.cpp
62 |
63 |
// Settings
64 |
SOURCE CPbk2MemorySelectionSettingPage.cpp
65 |
SOURCE CPbk2NameOrderSettingItem.cpp
66 |
SOURCE CPbk2MemorySelectionSettingItem.cpp
67 |
SOURCE CPbk2DefaultSavingStorageSettingItem.cpp
68 |
SOURCE CPbk2PredictiveSearchSettingItem.cpp
69 |
70 |
// Dialogs
71 |
SOURCE CPbk2SelectFieldDlg.cpp
72 |
SOURCE CPbk2AddressSelect.cpp
73 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorDlg.cpp
74 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorDlgImpl.cpp
75 |
SOURCE CPbk2GeneralConfirmationQuery.cpp
76 |
SOURCE CPbk2AddItemToContactDlg.cpp
77 |
78 |
SOURCE CPbk2MemoryEntryDefaultsDlg_NoUnifiedEditor.cpp
79 |
80 |
SOURCE CPbk2MemoryEntryDefaultsDlg.cpp
81 |
82 |
SOURCE CPbk2MemoryEntryDefaultsAssignDlg.cpp
83 |
SOURCE CPbk2PhonebookInfoDlg.cpp
84 |
SOURCE CPbk2StoreListQuery.cpp
85 |
SOURCE CPbk2PrependDlg.cpp
86 |
SOURCE CPbk2MergeConflictsDlg.cpp
87 |
SOURCE CPbk2MergePhotoConflictDlg.cpp
88 |
89 |
// Contact editor
90 |
SOURCE Pbk2ContactEditorStrategyFactory.cpp
91 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorNewContact.cpp
92 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorEditContact.cpp
93 |
SOURCE cpbk2contacteditornewowncontact.cpp
94 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorFieldArray.cpp
95 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorFieldBase.cpp
96 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorNumberField.cpp
97 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorPhoneNumberField.cpp
98 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorPostalCodeField.cpp
99 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorReadingField.cpp
100 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorTextField.cpp
101 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorUrlField.cpp
102 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorImpplField.cpp
103 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorDateField.cpp
104 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorDTMFField.cpp
105 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorEmailField.cpp
106 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorSyncField.cpp
107 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorRingtoneField.cpp
108 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorImageField.cpp
109 |
SOURCE Pbk2ContactEditorFieldFactory.cpp
110 |
111 |
// Fetch
112 |
SOURCE CPbk2FetchDlg.cpp
113 |
SOURCE CPbk2FetchDlgPage.cpp
114 |
SOURCE CPbk2FetchDlgGroupPage.cpp
115 |
SOURCE CPbk2FetchDlgPages.cpp
116 |
SOURCE CPbk2FetchResults.cpp
117 |
SOURCE CPbk2FetchDlgGroupMarker.cpp
118 |
SOURCE Pbk2FetchDlgPageFactory.cpp
119 |
120 |
// Utility
121 |
SOURCE CPbk2NamesListStateFactory.cpp
122 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactInfoDataSwapper.cpp
123 |
SOURCE TPbk2AddItemWrapper.cpp
124 |
SOURCE CPbk2AddItemManager.cpp
125 |
SOURCE TPbk2DeleteItemManager.cpp
126 |
SOURCE TPbk2AddressSelectParams.cpp
127 |
SOURCE CPbk2ThumbnailScaler.cpp
128 |
SOURCE cpbk2filteredviewstack.cpp
129 |
SOURCE cpbk2filteredviewstackelement.cpp
130 |
SOURCE CPbk2DefaultAttributeProcess.cpp
131 |
SOURCE CPbk2SettingsListState.cpp
132 |
SOURCE CPbk2ThumbnailLoader.cpp
133 |
SOURCE CPbk2ReadingFieldEditorVisitor.cpp
134 |
SOURCE CPbk2StoreInfoItemBuilder.cpp
135 |
SOURCE Pbk2PhoneNumberFormatterFactory.cpp
136 |
SOURCE CPbk2DefaultPhoneNumberFormatter.cpp
137 |
SOURCE CPbk2NumberGroupingFormatter.cpp
138 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactFieldDynamicProperties.cpp
139 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactViewIterator.cpp
140 |
SOURCE CPbk2FindDelay.cpp
141 |
SOURCE Pbk2TitlePanePictureFactory.cpp
142 |
SOURCE CPbk2FindStringSplitter.cpp
143 |
SOURCE CPbk2FieldSelector.cpp
144 |
SOURCE TPbk2FindTextUtil.cpp
145 |
SOURCE CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller.cpp
146 |
SOURCE Pbk2RingtoneCommands.cpp
147 |
SOURCE Pbk2ImageCommands.cpp
148 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorReadonlyField.cpp
149 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactIconsUtils.cpp
150 |
SOURCE CPbk2UIField.cpp
151 |
SOURCE CPbk2UIFieldArray.cpp
152 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorUIFieldBase.cpp
153 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorUIAddressField.cpp
154 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorUIAddressHomeField.cpp
155 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorUIAddressOfficeField.cpp
156 |
SOURCE CPbk2ContactEditorArrayItem.cpp
157 |
SOURCE Pbk2AddressTools.cpp
158 |
SOURCE cpbk2predictiveviewstack.cpp
159 |
SOURCE cpbk2contactviewcustomlistboxitemdrawer.cpp
160 |
SOURCE cpbk2contactviewcustomlistboxdata.cpp
161 |
SOURCE CPbk2PredictiveSearchFilter.cpp
162 |
SOURCE CPbk2ThumbnailManager.cpp
163 |
SOURCE cpbk2contactviewdoublelistbox.cpp
164 |
SOURCE cpbk2contactviewdoublelistboxmodel.cpp
165 |
SOURCE pbk2contactviewdoublelistboxdataelement.cpp
166 |
SOURCE cpbk2doublelistboxmodelcmddecorator.cpp
167 |
168 |
// Resources
169 |
170 |
START RESOURCE ../rss/Pbk2UIControls.rss
171 |
DEPENDS pbk2commonui.rsg
172 |
TARGET Pbk2UIControls
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
177 |
// Include paths
178 |
USERINCLUDE ../UIControls/inc ../UIControls/rss
179 |
USERINCLUDE ../Application/inc
180 |
181 |
182 |
183 |
// Dependencies to Symbian OS components
184 |
LIBRARY euser.lib cone.lib bafl.lib eikdlg.lib bitmaptransforms.lib
185 |
LIBRARY eikcoctl.lib eikctl.lib eikcore.lib estor.lib fbscli.lib ecom.lib
186 |
LIBRARY CentralRepository.lib efsrv.lib egul.lib
187 |
LIBRARY hlplch.lib findutil.lib charconv.lib
188 |
LIBRARY form.lib etext.lib
189 |
190 |
// Dependencies to AVKON
191 |
LIBRARY Avkon.lib AknSkins.lib
192 |
LIBRARY CdlEngine.lib AknJapaneseReading.lib
193 |
LIBRARY AknLayout2.lib AknLayout2Scalable.lib AknIcon.lib
194 |
LIBRARY touchfeedback.lib
195 |
LIBRARY serviceprovidersettings.lib
196 |
197 |
LIBRARY rcse.lib
198 |
199 |
// Dependencies to S60 platform components
200 |
LIBRARY commonengine.lib FeatMgr.lib numbergrouping.lib
201 |
LIBRARY DrmParsers.lib DrmDcf.lib DrmRights.lib
202 |
LIBRARY DrmServerInterfaces.lib
203 |
204 |
205 |
LIBRARY apparc.lib MGFetch.lib CommonUI.lib apmime.lib sysutil.lib
206 |
207 |
// Dependencies to other Phonebook components
208 |
LIBRARY VPbkEng.lib Pbk2Presentation.lib Pbk2UIExt.lib Pbk2CommonUI.lib
209 |
210 |
// Predictive search
211 |
LIBRARY PcsUtils.lib PsServerClientAPI.lib
212 |
LIBRARY gdi.lib bitgdi.lib
213 |
214 |
215 |
// Depencency to Phonebook profiling library
216 |
LIBRARY Pbk2Profile.lib
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
LIBRARY aknlistloadertfx.lib
221 |
222 |
223 |
LIBRARY akntransitionutils.lib
224 |
LIBRARY aknphysics.lib
225 |
LIBRARY aknpictograph.lib
226 |
227 |
// End of File