changeset 0 e686773b3f54
child 8 5586b4d2ec3e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e686773b3f54
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Contacts Model store contact view implementation.
    15 *
    16 */
    22 // INCLUDES
    24 #include <e32base.h>
    25 #include <cntdef.h>
    26 #include <badesca.h>
    27 #include <cntviewbase.h>
    29 // From VPbkEng
    30 #include <MVPbkContactViewFiltering.h>
    31 #include <MVPbkContactViewObserver.h>
    33 // From VPbkCntModel
    34 #include "MParentViewForFiltering.h"
    37 class CVPbkFieldTypeRefsList;
    38 class MVPbkContactFindPolicy;
    39 class CContactIdArray;
    40 template<class MVPbkContactViewObserver> class CVPbkAsyncObjectOperation;
    41 template<class MFilteredViewSupportObserver> class CVPbkAsyncObjectOperation;
    43 namespace VPbkCntModel {
    46 class CViewContact;
    47 class CViewBase;
    49 /**
    50  * An interface for checking if the contact is one of the
    51  * always included contacts
    52  */
    53 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( MAlwaysIncludedContacts )
    54     {
    55     public: 
    56         /**
    57          * Checks if contact is always included
    58          * @param aContact Contact to be checked
    59          * @return ETrue if aContact is always included
    60          */
    61         virtual TBool IsContactAlwaysIncluded( 
    62             const CViewContact& aContact ) const = 0;
    64     protected:
    65         ~MAlwaysIncludedContacts() {}
    66     };
    68 /**
    69  * Declared only for using static protected CompareFieldsL in
    70  * Symbian's CContactViewBase.
    71  */
    72 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCompareView ) : public CContactViewBase
    73     {
    74     public:
    76         /**
    77          * Compare function for Contacts Model view contacts.
    78          * Forwards request to CContactViewBase of Contacts Model.
    79          * @param aFirst  First view contact to be compared
    80          * @param aSecond Second view contact to be compared
    81          * @return Result of CompareFieldsL from cntviewbase
    82          */
    83         static TInt CompareFieldsL( const ::CViewContact &aFirst,
    84             const ::CViewContact &aSecond );
    86     private:
    87         /**
    88          * Dummy constructor. Not to be used.
    89          */
    90         CCompareView( const CContactDatabase& aDb );
    91     };
    93 /**
    94  * A base class for find views that implements MVPbkContactView
    95  */    
    96 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CFindViewBase ): public CBase,
    97                                     public MParentViewForFiltering,
    98                                     public MVPbkContactViewFiltering,
    99                                     public MFilteredViewSupportObserver,
   100                                     protected MAlwaysIncludedContacts
   101     {
   102     public: // Constructor and destructor
   103         /**
   104          * Destructor.
   105          */
   106         ~CFindViewBase();   
   108     public: //New functions
   110         /**
   111          * Acticates the match asynchrnously. View ready event
   112          * will be send when the find view is ready
   113          */
   114         void ActivateContactMatchL();
   116     public: // From MVPbkContactView
   117         MVPbkObjectHierarchy& ParentObject() const;
   118         void RefreshL();
   119         TInt ContactCountL() const;
   120         const MVPbkViewContact& ContactAtL(
   121                 TInt aIndex ) const;  
   122         MVPbkContactLink* CreateLinkLC(
   123                 TInt aIndex ) const;
   124         TInt IndexOfLinkL(
   125                 const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink ) const;
   126         TVPbkContactViewType Type() const;
   127         void ChangeSortOrderL(const MVPbkFieldTypeList& aSortOrder);
   128         const MVPbkFieldTypeList& SortOrder() const;
   129         void AddObserverL(MVPbkContactViewObserver& aObserver);
   130         void RemoveObserver(MVPbkContactViewObserver& aObserver);        
   131         TBool MatchContactStore(const TDesC& aContactStoreUri) const;
   132         TBool MatchContactStoreDomain(const TDesC& aContactStoreDomain) const;
   133         MVPbkContactBookmark* CreateBookmarkLC(
   134                 TInt aIndex ) const;
   135         TInt IndexOfBookmarkL(
   136                 const MVPbkContactBookmark& aContactBookmark ) const;
   137         MVPbkContactViewFiltering* ViewFiltering();
   139     public: // From MParentViewForFiltering
   140         void AddFilteringObserverL( MFilteredViewSupportObserver& aObserver );
   141         void RemoveFilteringObserver( MFilteredViewSupportObserver& aObserver );
   143     public: // From MVPbkContactViewFiltering
   144         MVPbkContactViewBase* CreateFilteredViewLC( 
   145                 MVPbkContactViewObserver& aObserver,
   146                 const MDesCArray& aFindWords,
   147                 const MVPbkContactBookmarkCollection* aAlwaysIncludedContacts );
   148         /// Subclasses must implement this
   149         virtual void UpdateFilterL( 
   150             const MDesCArray& aFindWords,
   151             const MVPbkContactBookmarkCollection* aAlwaysIncludedContacts ) = 0;
   153     public: // From MVPbkContactViewObserver
   154         void ContactViewReady(
   155                 MVPbkContactViewBase& aView );
   156         void ContactViewUnavailable(
   157                 MVPbkContactViewBase& aView );
   158         void ContactAddedToView(
   159                 MVPbkContactViewBase& aView, 
   160                 TInt aIndex, 
   161                 const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink );
   162         void ContactRemovedFromView(
   163                 MVPbkContactViewBase& aView, 
   164                 TInt aIndex, 
   165                 const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink );
   166         void ContactViewError(
   167                 MVPbkContactViewBase& aView, 
   168                 TInt aError, 
   169                 TBool aErrorNotified );                
   170         // From MFilteredViewSupportObserver
   171         void ContactViewReadyForFiltering( 
   172             MParentViewForFiltering& aView );
   173         void ContactViewUnavailableForFiltering( 
   174                 MParentViewForFiltering& aView );
   177     protected: // Implementation
   179         /**
   180          * @param aParentView the view whose contacts are filtered
   181          * @param aBaseView the all contacts view.
   182          * @param aOwnsMatchedContacts ETrue if this instance owns
   183          *          contacts in iMatchedContacts
   184          */
   185         CFindViewBase( MParentViewForFiltering& aParentView,
   186             CViewBase& aBaseView,
   187             TBool aOwnsMatchedContacts );
   189         /**
   190          * @param aFindString the find words for filtering
   191          * @param aFindPolicy a policy for matching.
   192          * @param aExternalViewObserver an observer that was given
   193          *        by the Virtual Phonebook client
   194          */
   195         void BaseConstructL( const MDesCArray& aFindStrings,
   196             MVPbkContactFindPolicy& aFindPolicy,
   197             MVPbkContactViewObserver& aExternalViewObserver );
   199         /**
   200          * Checks if aViewContact matches to iFindStrings
   201          *
   202          * @param aViewContact the contact to be checked
   203          */
   204         TBool IsMatchL( const MVPbkViewContact& aViewContact );
   206         /**
   207          * Returns the find words used in filtering
   208          *
   209          * @return the find words used in filtering
   210          */
   211         const MDesCArray& FindStrings() const;
   213         /**
   214          * Deletes the old find strings and allocates new ones
   215          * based on aFindStrings
   216          *
   217          * @param aFindStrings new find strings
   218          */
   219         void SetFindStringsL( const MDesCArray& aFindStrings );
   221         /**
   222          * Calls ViewReady or Unavailable depending on state
   223          */
   224         void SendViewStateEventToObservers();
   226         /**
   227          * a type definition for Contacts Model view contact for
   228          * separating it clearly from VPbkCntModel::CViewContact
   229          */
   230         typedef ::CViewContact CCntModelViewContact;
   232     private: // New functions
   233         virtual void MatchL( 
   234             RPointerArray<CCntModelViewContact>& aMatchedContacts ) = 0;
   235         virtual void DoContactAddedToViewL( MVPbkContactViewBase& aView,
   236                 TInt aIndex, const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink,
   237                 RPointerArray<CCntModelViewContact>& aMatchedContacts ) = 0;
   239     private: // implementation
   240         void DoContactViewReadyForFilteringL( MVPbkContactViewBase& aView );
   241         void HandleContactAddedToViewL( MVPbkContactViewBase& aView,
   242                 TInt aIndex, const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink );
   243         void HandleContactRemovedFromViewL( MVPbkContactViewBase& aView, 
   244                 TInt aIndex,  const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink );
   245         void DoAddObserver( MVPbkContactViewObserver& aObserver );
   246         void DoAddObserverError( MVPbkContactViewObserver& aObserver,
   247                 TInt aError );
   248         void DoAddFilteringObserverL( 
   249                 MFilteredViewSupportObserver& aObserver );
   250         void DoAddFilteringObserverError( 
   251                 MFilteredViewSupportObserver& aObserver, TInt aError );
   252         void ContactMatchL();
   253         void ResetContacts();
   254         void SendContactViewErrorEvent( TInt aError, TBool aErrorNotified );
   256     protected: // Data
   257         /// Ref: The view that cretead this filtered view
   258         MParentViewForFiltering& iParentView;
   259         /// Ref: The all contacts view
   260         CViewBase& iBaseView;
   262     private: // Data                  
   263         /// Own: A matched contacts         
   264         RPointerArray<CCntModelViewContact> iMatchedContacts;
   265         /// Ref: other observer added by AddObserverL
   266         RPointerArray<MVPbkContactViewObserver> iObservers;
   267         /// Ref: an array of observers that filters this view.
   268         RPointerArray<MFilteredViewSupportObserver> iFilteringObservers;
   269         /// Own: find words for filtering
   270         CDesCArrayFlat* iFindStrings;        
   271         /// Own: a field type list for name construction policy
   272         CVPbkFieldTypeRefsList* iFieldTypeRefsList;
   273         /// Ref: a policy for match
   274         MVPbkContactFindPolicy* iContactFindPolicy;
   275         /// Own: a view contact for ContactAtL
   276         CViewContact* iViewContact;
   277         /// Own: an async operation for MVPbkContactViewObserver
   278         CVPbkAsyncObjectOperation<MVPbkContactViewObserver>* iObserverOp;
   279         /// Own: an async operation for MFilteredViewSupportObserver
   280         CVPbkAsyncObjectOperation<MFilteredViewSupportObserver>* iFilterObsOp;
   281         /// Own: ETrue if this view owns matched contacts
   282         TBool iOwnsContacts;
   283         /// Own: ETrue if this view is ready
   284         TBool iViewReady;
   285     };
   286 } // namespace VPbkCntModel    
   290 // End of File