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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  A SIM contact view subsession.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef RVPBKSIMCNTVIEW_H
    20 #define RVPBKSIMCNTVIEW_H
    22 //  INCLUDES
    23 #include <e32std.h>
    24 #include <VPbkSimStoreCommon.h>
    25 #include <VPbkSimServerCommon.h>
    26 #include <bamdesca.h>
    29 class RVPbkSimStore;
    30 class RVPbkSimFieldTypeArray;
    31 class CVPbkSimFieldTypeFilter;
    32 struct TVPbkSimContactEventData;
    37 /**
    38  *  A SIM contact view subsession.
    39  *
    40  */
    41 class RVPbkSimCntView : public RSubSessionBase
    42     {
    43     public:  // Constructors and destructor
    45         /**
    46          * C++ constructor.
    47          */
    48         IMPORT_C RVPbkSimCntView();
    50     public: // New functions
    52         /**
    53          * Opens a view subsession.
    54          *
    55          * @param aStore                An open parent store session.
    56          * @param aSortOrder            The sortorder for the view.
    57          * @param aConstructionPolicy   Defines the way the view
    58          *                              is constructed.
    59          * @param aViewName             The name of the view for the
    60          *                              shared view or KNullDesC.
    61          * @param aFilter               Field type filter or NULL
    62          * @exception KErrArgument      If invalid sortorder or
    63          *                              store is not ready.
    64          */
    65         IMPORT_C void OpenL(
    66                 RVPbkSimStore& aStore, 
    67                 const RVPbkSimFieldTypeArray& aSortOrder,
    68                 TVPbkSimViewConstructionPolicy aConstructionPolicy,
    69                 const TDesC& aViewName,
    70                 CVPbkSimFieldTypeFilter* aFilter );
    72         /**
    73          * Closes the view subsession
    74          */
    75         IMPORT_C void Close();
    77         /**
    78          * Cancels asynchronous store request.
    79          *
    80          * @param aReqToCancel  An asynchronous operation code
    81          *                      from VPbkSimServerOpCodes.h.
    82          */
    83         IMPORT_C void CancelAsyncRequest(
    84                 TInt aReqToCancel );
    86         /**
    87          * Starts listening to view events.
    88          *
    89          * @param aStatus   The request status completed by the server.
    90          * @param aEvent    The view event data structure filled by the server.
    91          */
    92         IMPORT_C void ListenToViewEvents(
    93                 TRequestStatus& aStatus,
    94                 TVPbkSimContactEventData& aEvent );
    96         /**
    97          * Returns the number of contacts in the view.
    98          *
    99          * @return The number of contacts in the view.
   100          */
   101         IMPORT_C TInt CountL() const;
   103         /**
   104          * Returns a view contact in specified index.
   105          *
   106          * @param aIndex            The view index of the contact.
   107          * @exception KErrArgument  If invalid index.
   108          * @return  A pointer to view contact in ETel format. The contact.
   109          *          is valid until next call to this function.
   110          */
   111         IMPORT_C TPtr8 ContactAtL(
   112                 TInt aIndex );
   114         /**
   115          * Starts reordering of the contacts in the view.
   116          *
   117          * @param aSortOrder    The new sort order.
   118          */
   119         IMPORT_C void ChangeSortOrderL(
   120                 const RVPbkSimFieldTypeArray& aSortOrder );
   122         /**
   123          * Finds the view index of the contact whose sim index is given.
   124          *
   125          * @param aSimIndex     The SIM index of the contact.
   126          * @return  The view index or KErrNotFound.
   127          */
   128         IMPORT_C TInt FindViewIndexL(
   129                 TInt aSimIndex );
   131         /**
   132         * Contact matching prefix
   133         *
   134         * @param aFindStrings
   135         * @param aResultBufferSize, contact matching result buffer's size
   136         * @param aStatus The request status completed by the server.
   137         */
   138         IMPORT_C void ContactMatchingPrefixL(
   139                 const MDesCArray& aFindStrings,   
   140                 TInt& aResultBufferSize,
   141                 TRequestStatus& aStatus );
   143         /**
   144         * Get contact matching result, synchronous function                                       
   145         *
   146         * @param aSimMatchResultBufPtr
   147         */
   148         IMPORT_C void ContactMatchingResultL( 
   149                 TPtr8& aSimMatchResultBufPtr );
   151         /**
   152         * Gets the sort order of the view.
   153         *
   154         * It can be internalized using RVPbkSimFieldTypeArray
   155         *
   156         * @return A packed sort order. Ownership is given.
   157         */
   158         IMPORT_C HBufC8* SortOrderL() const;
   160     private: // Implementation
   161         /// Double the size of the buffer or leave if max size achieved
   162         void EnlargeBufferOrLeaveL();
   163         // Prohibit copy constructor if not deriving from CBase.
   164         RVPbkSimCntView(
   165                 const RVPbkSimCntView& );
   166         // Prohibit assigment operator if not deriving from CBase.
   167         RVPbkSimCntView& operator=(
   168                 const RVPbkSimCntView& );
   169         HBufC8* SerializeParametersL(
   170                 const TDesC* aViewName,
   171                 const HBufC8* aFilterBuffer ) const;
   173     private: // Data
   174         /// Own: Descriptor pointer for the view event
   175         TPtr8 iViewEvent;
   176         /// Own: Buffer for ETel contact
   177         HBufC8* iContactBuf;
   178         /// Own: Pointer for the ETel contact
   179         TPtr8 iContactPtr;
   180         /// Own: 
   181         HBufC8* iMatchingBuffer;
   182         /// The sim index of the saved contact
   183         TPtr8 iMatchingBufferSize;
   184     };
   186 #endif      // RVPBKSIMCNTVIEW_H
   188 // End of File