changeset 0 e686773b3f54
child 7 b3431bff8c19
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e686773b3f54
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Phonebook 2 address selection.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <CPbk2AddressSelect.h>
    21 // Phonebook 2
    22 #include "CPbk2SelectFieldDlg.h"
    23 #include "MPbk2ControlKeyObserver.h"
    24 #include <MPbk2ContactNameFormatter.h>
    25 #include <CPbk2FieldPropertyArray.h>
    26 #include <TPbk2AddressSelectParams.h>
    27 #include <MPbk2ApplicationServices.h>
    28 #include <MPbk2ApplicationServices2.h>
    29 #include <CPbk2ServiceManager.h>
    30 #include <MPbk2AppUi.h>
    31 #include <Pbk2UIControls.rsg>
    32 #include <CPbk2ApplicationServices.h>
    33 #include <TPbk2StoreContactAnalyzer.h>
    35 // Virtual Phonebook
    36 #include <CVPbkFieldFilter.h>
    37 #include <MVPbkStoreContactField.h>
    38 #include <MVPbkStoreContact.h>
    39 #include <CVPbkFieldTypeSelector.h>
    40 #include <MVPbkContactFieldData.h>
    41 #include <MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection.h>
    42 #include <CVPbkContactManager.h>
    43 #include <CVPbkDefaultAttribute.h>
    44 #include <MVPbkFieldType.h>
    45 #include <TVPbkFieldVersitProperty.h>
    47 // System includes
    48 #include <avkon.hrh>
    49 #include <aknnotewrappers.h>
    50 #include <StringLoader.h>
    52 //SpSettings
    53 #include <spsettings.h>
    54 #include <spentry.h>
    55 #include <spproperty.h>
    57 /// Unnamed namespace for local definitions
    58 namespace {
    60 #ifdef _DEBUG
    61 enum TPanicCode
    62     {
    63     EPanicPostCond_Constructor = 1,
    64     EPanicPreCond_ExecuteLD
    65     };
    67 static void Panic(TPanicCode aReason)
    68     {
    69     _LIT(KPanicText, "CPbk2AddressSelect");
    70     User::Panic(KPanicText, aReason);
    71     }
    72 #endif // _DEBUG
    74 #define KOneVOIPServiceAvailable    1
    76 const TInt KFirstField = 0;
    77 const TInt KDefaultTitleFormat = MPbk2ContactNameFormatter::EUseSeparator;
    79 /**
    80  * Returns index of given field in store contact field collection.
    81  *
    82  * @param aCollection   Store contact field collection.
    83  * @param aField        Store contact field to search for.
    84  * @return  Index of the given field.
    85  */
    86 inline TInt IndexOfField(
    87         const MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection& aCollection,
    88         const MVPbkStoreContactField& aField )
    89     {
    90     TInt ret = KErrNotFound;
    91     const TInt count = aCollection.FieldCount();
    93     for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
    94         {
    95         MVPbkStoreContactField* field = aCollection.FieldAtLC( i );
    96         if ( aField.IsSame( *field ) )
    97             {
    98             ret = i;
    99             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // field
   100             break;
   101             }
   102         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // field
   103         }
   105     return ret;
   106     }
   108 } /// namespace
   112 /**
   113  * Special field selection dialog class for CPbk2AddressSelect.
   114  * The main purpose of this class is to
   115  * get #include of MPbk2ControlKeyObserver
   116  * away from public header CPbk2AddressSelect.h.
   117  */
   118 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPbk2AddressSelect::CSelectFieldDlg) :
   119         public CPbk2SelectFieldDlg,
   120         private MPbk2ControlKeyObserver
   121     {
   122     public:  // Construction
   124         /**
   125          * Constructor.
   126          *
   127          * @param aParent   Parent.
   128          */
   129         CSelectFieldDlg( CPbk2AddressSelect& aParent ) :
   130                 iParent( aParent )
   131             {
   132             SetObserver( this );
   133             }
   135     private: // From MPbk2ControlKeyObserver
   136         TKeyResponse Pbk2ControlKeyEventL
   137             ( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType );
   139     private: // Data
   140         /// Ref: Parent
   141         CPbk2AddressSelect& iParent;
   142     };
   145 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   146 // CPbk2AddressSelect::CSelectFieldDlg::Pbk2ControlKeyEventL
   147 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   148 //
   149 TKeyResponse CPbk2AddressSelect::CSelectFieldDlg::Pbk2ControlKeyEventL
   150         ( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType )
   151     {
   152     // Forward call to virtual function in CPbk2AddressSelect interface
   153     return iParent.Pbk2ControlKeyEventL( aKeyEvent,aType );
   154     }
   156 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   157 // CPbk2AddressSelect::CPbk2AddressSelect
   158 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   159 //
   160 CPbk2AddressSelect::CPbk2AddressSelect( 
   161     TPbk2AddressSelectParams& aParams,
   162     const TArray<MVPbkStoreContact*>* aStoreContactsArray,
   163     const TArray<CPbk2PresenceIconInfo*>* aPresenceIconsArray ):
   164     iParams( aParams ),
   165     iStoreContactsArray( aStoreContactsArray ),
   166     iPresenceIconsArray( aPresenceIconsArray )
   167     {
   168     __ASSERT_DEBUG
   169         ( !iFieldDlg && !iDestroyedPtr,
   170           Panic( EPanicPostCond_Constructor ) );
   171     }
   173 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   174 // CPbk2AddressSelect::~CPbk2AddressSelect
   175 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   176 //
   177 EXPORT_C CPbk2AddressSelect::~CPbk2AddressSelect()
   178     {
   179     // Tell ExecuteLD this object is already destroyed
   180     if (iDestroyedPtr)
   181         {
   182         *iDestroyedPtr = ETrue;
   183         }
   185     // Set eliminator pointer to NULL
   186     if ( iSelfPtr )
   187         {
   188         *iSelfPtr = NULL;
   189         }
   191     delete iFieldDlg;
   192     delete iFieldFilter;
   193     delete iFieldTypeSelector;
   194     iFieldFilterArray.ResetAndDestroy();
   195     }
   197 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   198 // CPbk2AddressSelect::NewL
   199 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   200 //
   201 EXPORT_C CPbk2AddressSelect* CPbk2AddressSelect::NewL
   202         ( TPbk2AddressSelectParams& aParams )
   203     {
   204     CPbk2AddressSelect* self = new ( ELeave ) CPbk2AddressSelect(
   205         aParams, NULL, NULL );
   206     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   207     self->ConstructL( NULL );
   208     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   209     return self;
   210     }
   212 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   213 // CPbk2AddressSelect::NewL
   214 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   215 //
   216 EXPORT_C CPbk2AddressSelect* CPbk2AddressSelect::NewL
   217         ( TPbk2AddressSelectParams& aParams,
   218           CVPbkFieldTypeSelector& aFieldTypeSelector,
   219           const TArray<MVPbkStoreContact*>* aStoreContactsArray,
   220           const TArray<CPbk2PresenceIconInfo*>* aPresenceIconsArray )
   221     {
   222     CPbk2AddressSelect* self = new ( ELeave ) CPbk2AddressSelect( aParams,
   223         aStoreContactsArray, aPresenceIconsArray );
   224     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   225     self->ConstructL( &aFieldTypeSelector );
   226     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   227     return self;
   228     }
   230 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   231 // CPbk2AddressSelect::ConstructL
   232 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   233 //
   234 void CPbk2AddressSelect::ConstructL(
   235     CVPbkFieldTypeSelector* aFieldTypeSelector )
   236     {
   237     // Read the resource referenced in address select resource struct
   238     const TInt fieldTypeSelectorRes = iParams.iResReader.ReadInt32();
   239     TResourceReader selectorReader;
   240     CCoeEnv::Static()->CreateResourceReaderLC
   241         ( selectorReader, fieldTypeSelectorRes );
   242     if ( aFieldTypeSelector == NULL )
   243         {
   244         // Give that resource reader to the field type selector
   245         iFieldTypeSelector = CVPbkFieldTypeSelector::NewL
   246             ( selectorReader, iParams.iContactManager.FieldTypes() );
   247         }
   248     else
   249         {
   250         iFieldTypeSelector = CVPbkFieldTypeSelector::NewL(
   251             *aFieldTypeSelector );
   252         }
   253     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // selectorReader
   255     iNoAddressesForNamePromptResource = iParams.iResReader.ReadInt32();
   256     iNoAddressesPromptResource = iParams.iResReader.ReadInt32();
   257     iSoftKeyResource = iParams.iResReader.ReadInt32();
   259     const CVPbkFieldFilter::TConfig config
   260         ( const_cast<MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection&>
   261             ( iParams.iContact.Fields() ),
   262                 iFieldTypeSelector, NULL );
   264     iFieldFilter = CVPbkFieldFilter::NewL( config );
   266     if ( iStoreContactsArray != NULL && iStoreContactsArray->Count() != 0 )
   267         {
   268         TInt count = iStoreContactsArray->Count();
   269         for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   270             {
   271             const CVPbkFieldFilter::TConfig conf
   272                 ( const_cast<MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection&>
   273                     ( iStoreContactsArray->operator[](i)->Fields() ),
   274                       iFieldTypeSelector, NULL );
   275             CVPbkFieldFilter* fieldFilter = CVPbkFieldFilter::NewL( conf );
   276             CleanupStack::PushL( fieldFilter );
   277             iFieldFilterArray.AppendL( fieldFilter );
   278             CleanupStack::Pop(); //fieldfilter
   279             }
   280         }
   282     CPbk2ApplicationServices* appServices =
   283         CPbk2ApplicationServices::InstanceLC();
   284     iAttributeManager =
   285         &appServices->ContactManager().ContactAttributeManagerL();
   286     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // appServices
   287     }
   289 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   290 // CPbk2AddressSelect::ExecuteLD
   291 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   292 //
   293 EXPORT_C MVPbkStoreContactField* CPbk2AddressSelect::ExecuteLD()
   294     {
   295     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iFieldDlg, Panic( EPanicPreCond_ExecuteLD ) );
   297     // "D" function semantics
   298     CleanupStack::PushL( this );
   299     TBool thisDestroyed = EFalse;
   300     // Ensure that thisDestroyed will be ETrue if this object is destroyed.
   301     // See in destructor how this is done.
   302     iDestroyedPtr = &thisDestroyed;
   304     SelectFieldL();
   306     MVPbkStoreContactField* returnedField = NULL;
   307     if ( iSelectedField )
   308         {
   309         // We cannot return iSelectedField directly since if its NULL,
   310         // it's value changes to 0xdedede before it is returned.
   311         // Therefore we must test iSelectedField before assigning it
   312         // to returnedField.
   313         returnedField = iSelectedField;
   314         }
   316     if ( thisDestroyed )
   317         {
   318         // This object has already been destroyed
   319         CleanupStack::Pop( this );
   320         returnedField = NULL;
   321         }
   322     else
   323         {
   324         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( this );
   325         }
   327     return returnedField;
   328     }
   330 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   331 // CPbk2AddressSelect::AttemptExitL
   332 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   333 //
   334 EXPORT_C void CPbk2AddressSelect::AttemptExitL( TBool aAccept )
   335     {
   336     if ( iFieldDlg )
   337         {
   338         iFieldDlg->AttemptExitL( aAccept );
   339         }
   340     }
   342 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   343 // CPbk2AddressSelect::Pbk2ControlKeyEventL
   344 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   345 //
   346 EXPORT_C TKeyResponse CPbk2AddressSelect::Pbk2ControlKeyEventL
   347         ( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType )
   348     {
   349     TKeyResponse ret = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   351     if ( aType == EEventKey && aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyPhoneSend )
   352         {
   353         // Event is Send key, tell field selection dialog to accept
   354         // current selection
   355         AttemptExitL( ETrue );
   356         ret = EKeyWasConsumed;
   357         }
   359     return ret;
   360     }
   362 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   363 // CPbk2AddressSelect::SetCba
   364 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   365 //
   366 EXPORT_C void CPbk2AddressSelect::SetCba( TInt aCbaResourceId )
   367     {
   368     iSoftKeyResource = aCbaResourceId;
   369     }
   371 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   372 // CPbk2AddressSelect::RequestExitL
   373 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   374 //
   375 void CPbk2AddressSelect::RequestExitL( TInt aCommandId )
   376     {
   377     if ( aCommandId == EEikBidCancel )
   378         {
   379         AttemptExitL( EFalse );
   380         }
   381     else if ( aCommandId == EEikBidOk )
   382         {
   383         AttemptExitL( ETrue );
   384         }
   385     }
   387 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   388 // CPbk2AddressSelect::ForceExit
   389 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   390 //
   391 void CPbk2AddressSelect::ForceExit()
   392     {
   393     TRAPD( err, AttemptExitL( EFalse ) );
   394     if ( err != KErrNone )
   395         {
   396         // If not nicely then use the force
   397         delete this;
   398         }
   399     }
   401 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   402 // CPbk2AddressSelect::ResetWhenDestroyed
   403 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   404 //
   405 void CPbk2AddressSelect::ResetWhenDestroyed(
   406         MPbk2DialogEliminator** aSelfPtr )
   407     {
   408     iSelfPtr = aSelfPtr;
   409     }
   411 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   412 // CPbk2AddressSelect::AddressField
   413 // Returns true if aField is an applicable address field.
   414 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   415 //
   416 TBool CPbk2AddressSelect::AddressField
   417         ( const MVPbkStoreContactField& aField ) const
   418     {
   419     TBool ret = EFalse;
   421     // Return true if field belongs to the selector
   422     ret = ( iFieldFilter->FindField( aField ) ==
   423         KErrNotFound ) ? EFalse : ETrue;
   425     return ret;
   426     }
   428 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   429 // CPbk2AddressSelect::NoAddressesL
   430 // Called if there are no applicable address fields in a contact passed
   431 // to ExecuteLD.
   432 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   433 //
   434 void CPbk2AddressSelect::NoAddressesL
   435         ( TPbk2AddressSelectParams aParams ) const
   436     {
   437     if ( !aParams.iSuppressWarnings )
   438         {
   439         HBufC* prompt = NULL;
   440         HBufC* name = aParams.iNameFormatter.GetContactTitleOrNullL
   441             ( iParams.iContact.Fields(), KDefaultTitleFormat );
   443         if ( name )
   444             {
   445             CleanupStack::PushL(name);
   446             prompt = StringLoader::LoadL
   447                 ( iNoAddressesForNamePromptResource, *name );
   448             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // name
   449             }
   450         else
   451             {
   452             prompt = StringLoader::LoadL( iNoAddressesPromptResource );
   453             }
   455         if ( prompt )
   456             {
   457             CleanupStack::PushL( prompt );
   458             // This is a waiting dialog because the address select might be
   459             // used from the application server and the information note will
   460             // disappear if the application server closes before the
   461             // note timeout has expired, thus causing blinking
   462             CAknInformationNote* noteDlg =
   463                 new ( ELeave ) CAknInformationNote( ETrue );
   464             noteDlg->ExecuteLD( *prompt );
   465             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // prompt
   466             }
   467         }
   468     }
   470 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   471 // CPbk2AddressSelect::SelectFieldL
   472 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   473 //
   474 inline void CPbk2AddressSelect::SelectFieldL()
   475     {
   476     // If currently focused field is an applicable field
   477     if ( iParams.iFocusedField && AddressField( *iParams.iFocusedField ) )
   478         {
   479         // Applicable field was focused -> return field
   480         SetSelectedFieldL( iParams.iFocusedField );
   481         }
   482     else
   483         {
   484         TBool found = EFalse;
   485         // Focus is in on some other field, first check default field
   486         if ( iParams.iDefaultPriorities &&
   487              iParams.iUseDefaultDirectly &&
   488              iParams.iDefaultPriorities->Count() > 0 )
   489             {
   490             found = SelectFromDefaultFieldsL();
   491             }
   493         if ( !found )
   494             {
   495             // No direct call to focused or default number, we have to
   496             // select from applicable fields
   497             SelectFromApplicableFieldsL();
   498             }
   499         }
   500     }
   502 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   503 // CPbk2AddressSelect::SelectFromApplicableFieldsL
   504 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   505 //
   506 inline void CPbk2AddressSelect::SelectFromApplicableFieldsL()
   507     {
   508     TInt indexOfDefault = IndexOfDefaultFieldL();
   509     TInt fieldCount = iFieldFilter->FieldCount();
   511     // check also addiotnal contacts
   512     if ( iFieldFilterArray.Count() > 0 )
   513         {
   514         TInt count = iFieldFilterArray.Count();
   515         for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   516             {
   517             fieldCount += iFieldFilterArray[i]->FieldCount();
   518             }
   519         }
   521     // Different actions for different number of applicable fields found
   522     if ( fieldCount == 0 )
   523         {
   524         // No applicable addresses found
   525         NoAddressesL( iParams );
   526         }
   527     else if ( fieldCount == 1 && !iParams.iQueryAlways )
   528         {
   529         // Exactly one applicable address found, just return it
   530         if ( iFieldFilter->FieldCount() != 0 )
   531         	{
   532          	SetSelectedFieldL( &iFieldFilter->FieldAt( KFirstField ) ); 
   533         	}
   534         else
   535         	{
   536         	SetSelectedFieldL( &iFieldFilterArray[0]->FieldAt( KFirstField ) );
   537         	}
   538         }
   539     else if (fieldCount > 1 || iParams.iQueryAlways )
   540         {
   541         HBufC* title = LoadDialogTitleL();
   543         // Run the address selection dialog
   544         CleanupStack::PushL( title );
   545         iFieldDlg = new ( ELeave ) CSelectFieldDlg( *this );
   546         iFieldDlg->ResetWhenDestroyed( &iFieldDlg );
   547         const MVPbkStoreContactField* field = NULL;
   548         field = iFieldDlg->ExecuteLCD
   549             ( *iFieldFilter, 
   550               iFieldFilterArray,
   551               iPresenceIconsArray,
   552               iParams.iContactManager,
   553               iParams.iFieldPropertyArray,
   554               iSoftKeyResource,
   555               iParams.iCommMethod,
   556               *title,
   557               indexOfDefault );
   559         SetSelectedFieldL( field );
   561         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // field, title
   562         }
   563     }
   565 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   566 // CPbk2AddressSelect::IndexOfDefaultFieldL
   567 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   568 //
   569 inline TInt CPbk2AddressSelect::IndexOfDefaultFieldL()
   570     {
   571     TInt ret = KErrNotFound;
   573     const MVPbkStoreContactField* field = FindDefaultFieldLC();
   574     if ( field )
   575         {
   576         ret = iFieldFilter->FindField( *field );
   577         }
   578     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // field
   580     return ret;
   581     }
   583 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   584 // CPbk2AddressSelect::SelectFromDefaultFieldsL
   585 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   586 //
   587 inline TBool CPbk2AddressSelect::SelectFromDefaultFieldsL()
   588     {
   589     TBool found = EFalse;
   591     const MVPbkStoreContactField* field = FindDefaultFieldLC();
   592     if ( field )
   593         {
   594         SetSelectedFieldL( field );
   595         found = ETrue;
   596         }
   597     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // field
   599     return found;
   600     }
   602 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   603 // CPbk2AddressSelect::FindDefaultFieldLC
   604 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   605 //
   606 MVPbkStoreContactField* CPbk2AddressSelect::FindDefaultFieldLC()
   607     {
   608     MVPbkStoreContactField* ret = NULL;
   610     // Go through the default priorities array, and
   611     // check does a specific default exist
   612     if ( iParams.iDefaultPriorities )
   613         {
   614         const TInt defaultCount = iParams.iDefaultPriorities->Count();
   616         for (TInt i=0; i<defaultCount; ++i)
   617             {
   618             TVPbkDefaultType defaultType =
   619                 (TVPbkDefaultType) iParams.iDefaultPriorities->At(i);
   621             // Create an attribute prototype out of the attribute identifier
   622             CVPbkDefaultAttribute* attr =
   623                 CVPbkDefaultAttribute::NewL( defaultType );
   624             CleanupStack::PushL( attr );
   626             if ( iAttributeManager->HasContactAttributeL
   627                     ( *attr, iParams.iContact ) )
   628                 {
   629                 const MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection& fields =
   630                     iParams.iContact.Fields();
   632                 // Get the field with attribute
   633                 const TInt fieldCount = fields.FieldCount();
   634                 for ( TInt j = 0; j < fieldCount; ++j )
   635                     {
   636                     if ( iAttributeManager->HasFieldAttributeL
   637                             ( *attr, fields.FieldAt( j ) ) )
   638                         {
   639                         ret = fields.FieldAtLC( j );
   640                         CleanupStack::Pop(); // ret
   641                         break;
   642                         }
   643                     }
   644                 }
   646             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( attr );
   647             }
   648         }
   650     CleanupDeletePushL( ret );
   651     return ret;
   652     }
   654 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   655 // CPbk2AddressSelect::SetSelectedFieldL
   656 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   657 //
   658 inline void CPbk2AddressSelect::SetSelectedFieldL
   659         ( const MVPbkStoreContactField* aField )
   660     {
   661     if ( aField )
   662         {
   663         const MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection& fields =
   664             iParams.iContact.Fields();
   665         TInt index = IndexOfField( fields, *aField );
   666         if ( index >= 0 )
   667             {
   668             // field from main contact
   669             iSelectedField = fields.FieldAtLC( index );
   670             CleanupStack::Pop();
   671             }
   672         else if ( iStoreContactsArray != NULL &&
   673                   iStoreContactsArray->Count() > 0 )
   674             {
   675             // field from additional contact
   676             TInt count = iStoreContactsArray->Count();
   677             for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   678                 {
   679                 const MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection& xspFields =
   680                     iStoreContactsArray->operator[](i)->Fields();
   681                 index = IndexOfField( xspFields, *aField );
   682                 if ( index >= 0 )
   683                     {
   684                     iSelectedField = xspFields.FieldAtLC( index );
   685                     CleanupStack::Pop();
   686                     break;
   687                     }
   688                 }
   689             }
   690         }
   691     }
   693 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   694 // CPbk2AddressSelect::LoadDialogTitleL
   695 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   696 //
   697 inline HBufC* CPbk2AddressSelect::LoadDialogTitleL()
   698     {
   699     HBufC* title = NULL;
   700     switch( iParams.iCommMethod )
   701         {
   702         case VPbkFieldTypeSelectorFactory::EVoiceCallSelector:
   703             {
   704             title = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_PHOB_TITLE_POPUP_CALL );
   705             break;
   706             }
   707         case VPbkFieldTypeSelectorFactory::EUniEditorSelector:
   708             {
   709             title = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_PHOB_TITLE_POPUP_MESSAGE );
   710             break;
   711             }
   712         case VPbkFieldTypeSelectorFactory::EEmailEditorSelector:
   713             {
   714             title = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_PHOB_TITLE_POPUP_EMAIL );
   715             break;
   716             }
   717         case VPbkFieldTypeSelectorFactory::EInstantMessagingSelector:
   718             {
   719             title = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_PHOB_TITLE_POPUP_CHAT );
   720             break;
   721             }
   722         case VPbkFieldTypeSelectorFactory::EVOIPCallSelector:
   723             {
   724             title = GetVOIPDialogTitleL();
   725             break;
   726             }       
   727         case VPbkFieldTypeSelectorFactory::EURLSelector:
   728             {
   729             title = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_PHOB_TITLE_POPUP_URL );
   730             break;
   731             }
   732         case VPbkFieldTypeSelectorFactory::EVideoCallSelector:
   733             {
   734             title = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_PHOB_TITLE_POPUP_VIDEO_CALL );
   735             break;
   736             }
   737         case VPbkFieldTypeSelectorFactory::EFindOnMapSelector:
   738             {
   739             if ( AreGeoFieldsForAddressesL() )
   740             	{
   741                 title = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_CCA_POPUP_SHOW_ON_MAP );
   742             	}
   743             else
   744             	{
   745             	title = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_CCA_POPUP_FIND_ON_MAP );
   746             	}
   747             break;
   748             }
   749         case VPbkFieldTypeSelectorFactory::EAssignFromMapSelector:
   750             {
   751             title = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_CCA_POPUP_ASSIGN_FROM_MAP );
   752             break;
   753             }
   754         case VPbkFieldTypeSelectorFactory::EPocSelector:
   755             {
   756             title = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_PHOB_TITLE_POPUP_PUSH_TO_TALK );
   757             break;
   758             }       
   759         default:
   760             {
   761             HBufC* entryTitle = iParams.iNameFormatter.GetContactTitleL
   762                 ( iParams.iContact.Fields(), KDefaultTitleFormat );
   763             CleanupStack::PushL( entryTitle );
   765             if ( iParams.iTitleResId )
   766                 {
   767                 if ( iParams.iIncludeContactNameInPrompt )
   768                     {
   769                     title = StringLoader::LoadL
   770                         ( iParams.iTitleResId, *entryTitle );
   771                     }
   772                 else
   773                     {
   774                     title = StringLoader::LoadL
   775                         ( iParams.iTitleResId );
   776                     }
   777                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entryTitle );
   778                 }
   779             else
   780                 {
   781                 title = entryTitle; // takes ownership of entryTitle
   782                 CleanupStack::Pop( entryTitle );
   783                 entryTitle = NULL;
   784                 }
   785             break;
   786             }
   787         }
   789     return title;
   790     }
   792 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   793 // CPbk2AddressSelect::AreGeoFieldsForAddressesL
   794 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   795 //
   796 TBool CPbk2AddressSelect::AreGeoFieldsForAddressesL()
   797     {
   798     TBool result = EFalse;
   799     TBool generalAddress = ETrue;
   800     TBool homeAddress = ETrue;
   801     TBool workAddress = ETrue;
   802     TInt startIndex = 0;
   804     TPbk2StoreContactAnalyzer analyzer( iParams.iContactManager, NULL );
   806     TInt countFields = iParams.iContact.Fields().FieldCount();
   807     for ( TInt i = 0; i < countFields; i++ )
   808         {
   809         const MVPbkStoreContactField& field =
   810             iParams.iContact.Fields().FieldAt( i );
   811         TInt countProps =
   812             field.BestMatchingFieldType()->VersitProperties().Count();
   813         TArray<TVPbkFieldVersitProperty> props =
   814             field.BestMatchingFieldType()->VersitProperties();
   815         for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < countProps; ii++ )
   816             {
   817             if ( props[ ii ].Name() == EVPbkVersitNameADR )
   818                 {
   819                 if ( props[ ii ].Parameters().Contains(
   820                     	EVPbkVersitParamHOME ) )
   821                     {
   822                     homeAddress = EFalse;
   823                     }
   824                 else if ( props[ ii ].Parameters().Contains(
   825                     	EVPbkVersitParamWORK ) )
   826                     {
   827                     workAddress = EFalse;
   828                     }
   829                 else
   830                     {
   831                     generalAddress = EFalse;
   832                     }
   833                 }
   834             }
   835         }
   837     if ( !homeAddress )
   838         {
   839         if ( analyzer.HasFieldL( R_PHONEBOOK2_HOME_GEO_SELECTOR,
   840         		startIndex, &iParams.iContact ) != KErrNotFound )
   841         	{
   842         	homeAddress = ETrue;
   843         	}
   844         }
   845     if ( !workAddress )
   846         {
   847         if ( analyzer.HasFieldL( R_PHONEBOOK2_WORK_GEO_SELECTOR,
   848         		startIndex, &iParams.iContact ) != KErrNotFound )
   849         	{
   850         	workAddress = ETrue;
   851         	}
   852         }
   853     if ( !generalAddress )
   854         {
   855         if ( analyzer.HasFieldL( R_PHONEBOOK2_GENERAL_GEO_SELECTOR,
   856         		startIndex, &iParams.iContact ) != KErrNotFound )
   857         	{
   858         	generalAddress = ETrue;
   859         	}
   860         }
   862     if ( generalAddress && homeAddress && workAddress )
   863     	{
   864     	result = ETrue;
   865     	}
   866     else
   867     	{
   868     	result = EFalse;
   869     	}
   871     return result;
   872     }
   874 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   875 // CPbk2AddressSelect::GetVOIPDialogTitleL
   876 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   877 //
   878 inline HBufC* CPbk2AddressSelect::GetVOIPDialogTitleL()
   879     {
   880     //Usecase : If we have only one voip service, the voip(Internet Call)
   881     //dialog title must be "ServiceName" appended with "call:". 
   882     //eg : If we have a service named SKYPE installed in the Phone
   883     //and if SKYPE supports VOIP, dialog title should be 
   884     //"SKYPE call:". 
   885     //If we have more than one voip service, then the VOIP dialog title must be
   886     //should be R_QTN_PHOB_TITLE_POPUP_VOIP_CALL 
   887     //as defined in the rss   
   889     //Check whether we have more than one voip service configured
   890     //in the Phone
   891     HBufC* title (NULL);
   892     TPtrC tempTitle;
   893     RIdArray idArray;
   894     CleanupClosePushL(idArray);
   895     CSPSettings* settings = CSPSettings::NewLC();
   896     TInt numServSupportInternetCall (0); //Num of Service that support InternetCall
   897     TServiceId serviceId (0); //Stores the last found Service Id of VOIP Service
   898     TInt findResult = settings->FindServiceIdsL(idArray);
   899     if ( findResult == KErrNone )
   900     	{
   901 	    for (TInt i = 0; i < idArray.Count(); ++i)
   902 	        {
   903 	        TBool supported( EFalse );
   904 	        CSPEntry* entry = CSPEntry::NewLC();
   905 	        TServiceId id = idArray[i];
   906 	        User::LeaveIfError( settings->FindEntryL(id, *entry) );
   907 	        const CSPProperty* property = NULL;
   909 	        //Mandatory Settings for VOIP
   910 	        if (entry->GetProperty(property, EPropertyServiceAttributeMask) == KErrNone)
   911 	            {
   912 	            TInt value = 0;
   913 	            property->GetValue(value);
   914 	            if ( value & ESupportsInternetCall )
   915 	                {
   916 	                serviceId = id;
   917 	                numServSupportInternetCall++;
   918 	                }
   919 	            }
   920 	        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // entry
   921 	        }
   922 	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // settings, idArray    
   924 	    if ( KOneVOIPServiceAvailable == numServSupportInternetCall )
   925 	        { 
   926 	        // get the XSP ServiceName 
   927 	        // CPbk2ServiceManager stores all the brandinfo
   928 	        // related to the services configured to the phone
   929 	        // use this to show uniform icon & name throughout PhoneBook
   930 	        MPbk2ApplicationServices2* servicesExtension = 
   931 	            reinterpret_cast<MPbk2ApplicationServices2*>
   932 	                ( Phonebook2::Pbk2AppUi()->ApplicationServices().
   933 	                    MPbk2ApplicationServicesExtension(
   934 	                        KMPbk2ApplicationServicesExtension2Uid ) );
   935 	        CPbk2ServiceManager& servMan = servicesExtension->ServiceManager();
   936 	        const CPbk2ServiceManager::RServicesArray& services = servMan.Services();    
   937 	        for ( TInt i = 0; i < services.Count(); i++ )
   938 	            {
   939 	            const CPbk2ServiceManager::TService& service = services[i];
   940 	            //Found the appropriate service info
   941 	            if ( service.iServiceId == serviceId )
   942 	                {
   943 	                tempTitle.Set( service.iDisplayName );
   944 	                break;
   945 	                }
   946 	            }            
   947 	        }
   948     	}
   949     if ( tempTitle.Length() )
   950         {
   951         title = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_PHOB_TITLE_POPUP_VOIP_CALL_SINGLE_SERVICE, 
   952                 tempTitle);
   953         }
   954     else
   955         {
   956         title = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_PHOB_TITLE_POPUP_VOIP_CALL );
   957         }
   959     return title;
   960     }
   962 // End of File