changeset 0 e686773b3f54
child 21 9da50d567e3c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e686773b3f54
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Phonebook 2 field selection dialog.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "CPbk2SelectFieldDlg.h"
    21 // Phonebook 2
    22 #include "MPbk2ControlKeyObserver.h"
    23 #include "MPbk2ClipListBoxText.h"
    24 #include <CPbk2IconArray.h>
    25 #include <CPbk2PresentationContactFieldCollection.h>
    26 #include <CPbk2StorePropertyArray.h>
    27 #include <CPbk2UIExtensionManager.h>
    28 #include <MPbk2UIExtensionIconSupport.h>
    29 #include <Pbk2UIControls.rsg>
    30 #include <CPbk2PresenceIconInfo.h>
    31 #include "CPbk2FieldAnalyzer.h"
    32 #include <CPbk2ApplicationServices.h>
    34 // Virtual Phonebook
    35 #include <CVPbkContactManager.h>
    36 #include <MVPbkContactStore.h>
    37 #include <MVPbkBaseContact.h>
    38 #include <MVPbkContactLink.h>
    40 // System includes
    41 #include <avkon.rsg>
    42 #include <aknPopup.h>
    43 #include <aknlists.h>
    44 #include <eikclbd.h>
    45 #include <calslbs.h>
    46 #include <barsread.h>
    47 #include <MPbk2AppUi.h>
    48 #include "CPbk2IconInfo.h"
    49 #include <CPbk2ServiceManager.h>
    50 #include <MPbk2ApplicationServices.h>
    51 #include <MPbk2ApplicationServices2.h>
    52 #include <aknlayoutscalable_avkon.cdl.h>
    54 /// Unnamed namespace for local definitions
    55 namespace {
    57 //uid for presence icons
    58 const TInt32 KPbk2PrecenceIconsId = 0x2001E63D;
    60 #ifdef _DEBUG
    61 enum TPanicCode
    62     {
    63     EPanicPostCond_Constructor = 1,
    64     EPanicPreCond_ExecuteLD,
    65     EPanicPreCond_AttemptExitL,
    66     EPanicPreCond_ResetWhenDestroyed
    67     };
    69 void Panic(TPanicCode aReason)
    70     {
    71     _LIT(KPanicText, "CPbkSelectFieldDlg");
    72     User::Panic(KPanicText, aReason);
    73     }
    74 #endif // _DEBUG
    77 /**
    78  * Creates and returns an icon array with Phonebook 2
    79  * default and extension icons.
    80  *
    81  * @param aPresenceIconsArray Presence icons array
    82  * @return  An array filled with icons.
    83  */
    84 CPbk2IconArray* CreateListBoxIconArrayL(
    85     const TArray<CPbk2PresenceIconInfo*>* aPresenceIconsArray,
    86     RArray<CPbk2FieldListBoxModel::TPresenceIconPosInIconArray>&
    87         aPresenceIconsPos )
    88     {
    89     // Create icon array
    90     TResourceReader reader;
    91     CCoeEnv::Static()->CreateResourceReaderLC( reader,
    92         R_PBK2_FIELDTYPE_ICONS );
    93     CPbk2IconArray* iconArray = CPbk2IconArray::NewL( reader );
    94     CleanupStack::PushL( iconArray );
    96     //Calculate preferred size for xsp service icons 
    97     TRect mainPane;
    98     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect(
    99         AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, mainPane );
   100     TAknLayoutRect listLayoutRect;
   101     listLayoutRect.LayoutRect(
   102         mainPane,
   103         AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_single_graphic_pane_g1(0).LayoutLine() );
   104     TSize size(listLayoutRect.Rect().Size());
   106     // Add xsp service icons
   107     CPbk2ApplicationServices* appServices =
   108         CPbk2ApplicationServices::InstanceLC();
   109     MPbk2ApplicationServices2* servicesExtension = 
   110         reinterpret_cast<MPbk2ApplicationServices2*>
   111             ( appServices->MPbk2ApplicationServicesExtension(
   112                     KMPbk2ApplicationServicesExtension2Uid ) );
   113     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // appServices
   114     CPbk2ServiceManager& servMan = servicesExtension->ServiceManager();
   115     const CPbk2ServiceManager::RServicesArray& services = servMan.Services();
   116     TUid uid;
   117     uid.iUid = KPbk2ServManId;
   118     for ( TInt i = 0; i < services.Count(); i++ )
   119         {
   120         const CPbk2ServiceManager::TService& service = services[i];
   121         if ( service.iBitmapId && service.iBitmap )
   122             {
   123         	AknIconUtils::SetSize(
   124         	           service.iBitmap,
   125         	           size );
   126         	AknIconUtils::SetSize(
   127         	           service.iMask,
   128         	           size );
   130             TPbk2IconId id = TPbk2IconId( uid, services[i].iBitmapId );
   131             CPbk2IconInfo* info = CPbk2IconInfo::NewLC(
   132                 id, services[i].iBitmap, services[i].iMask, size );
   133             iconArray->AppendIconL(info);
   134             CleanupStack::Pop(info);
   135             }
   136         }    
   138     // Add icons from UI extensions
   139     CPbk2UIExtensionManager* extManager = CPbk2UIExtensionManager::InstanceL();
   140     extManager->PushL();
   141     extManager->IconSupportL().AppendExtensionIconsL( *iconArray );
   142     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // extManager
   144     // add presence icons if exist
   145     if ( aPresenceIconsArray != NULL )
   146         {
   147         TUid presenceIconsUid;
   148         presenceIconsUid.iUid = KPbk2PrecenceIconsId;
   149         TInt count = aPresenceIconsArray->Count();
   150         for ( TInt j = 0; j < count; j++ )
   151             {
   152             TPbk2IconId presenceIconId = TPbk2IconId( presenceIconsUid, j );
   153             CPbk2IconInfo* presenceIconInfo = CPbk2IconInfo::NewLC(
   154                 presenceIconId,
   155                 aPresenceIconsArray->operator[](j)->IconBitmap(),
   156                 aPresenceIconsArray->operator[](j)->IconBitmapMask(),
   157                 size );
   158             iconArray->AppendIconL( presenceIconInfo );
   159             CleanupStack::Pop( presenceIconInfo );
   161             // save presence icon position
   162             CPbk2FieldListBoxModel::TPresenceIconPosInIconArray presenceIconPos( 
   163                 aPresenceIconsArray->operator[](j)->ServiceName() );
   164             presenceIconPos.iIconId = presenceIconId;
   165             aPresenceIconsPos.AppendL( presenceIconPos );
   166             }
   167         }
   169     CleanupStack::Pop( iconArray );
   170     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader
   172     return iconArray;
   173     }
   175 } /// namespace
   178 /**
   179  * Specialized popup list class.
   180  */
   181 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CPopupList ) :
   182         public CAknPopupList
   183     {
   184     public: // Interface
   186         /**
   187          * Like CAknPopupList::NewL.
   188          * @see CAknPopupList::NewL
   189          */
   190         static CPopupList* NewL(
   191                 CEikListBox* aListBox,
   192                 TInt aCbaResource,
   193                 AknPopupLayouts::TAknPopupLayouts aType =
   194                     AknPopupLayouts::EMenuWindow );
   196         /**
   197          * Sets the listbox item to focus initially.
   198          * By default focus is on the first item.
   199          *
   200          * @param aFocusIndex  Index of the listbox item to focus initially.
   201          */
   202         inline void SetInitialFocus(
   203                 TInt aFocusIndex );
   205         /**
   206          * Like CAknPopupList::AttemptExitL.
   207          * @see CAknPopupList::AttemptExitL
   208          */
   209         inline void AttemptExitL(
   210                 TBool aAccept );
   212     private: // From CAknPopupList
   213         void SetupWindowLayout(
   214                 AknPopupLayouts::TAknPopupLayouts aType );
   216         TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(
   217                 const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType );
   219     private: // Implementation
   220         inline CPopupList();
   222     private: // Data
   223         /// Own: Focus index
   224         TInt iFocusIndex;
   225     };
   227 /**
   228  * Specialized listbox class.
   229  */
   230 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CListBox ) :
   231         public CAknDoubleGraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox,
   232         public MPbk2ClipListBoxText
   233     {
   234     public: // Interface
   236         /**
   237          * Constructor.
   238          */
   239         inline CListBox();
   241         /**
   242          * Sets the observer.
   243          *
   244          * @param aKeyObserver      The observer to set.
   245          */
   246         inline void SetObserver(
   247                 MPbk2ControlKeyObserver* aKeyObserver );
   249         /**
   250          * Returns CONE environment.
   251          *
   252          * @return  CONE environment.
   253          */
   254         inline CCoeEnv* CoeEnv();
   256     private: // From CAknDoubleGraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox
   257         TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(
   258             const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
   259             TEventCode aType );
   261     private: // From MPbk2ClipListBoxText
   262         TBool ClipFromBeginning(
   263             TDes& aBuffer,
   264             TInt aItemIndex,
   265             TInt aSubCellNumber );
   267     private: // Data
   268         /// Ref: Observer
   269         MPbk2ControlKeyObserver* iKeyObserver;
   270     };
   273 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   274 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CListBox::CPopupList
   275 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   276 //
   277 inline CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CPopupList::CPopupList() :
   278         iFocusIndex( KErrNotFound )
   279     {
   280     }
   282 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   283 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CListBox::NewL
   284 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   285 //
   286 CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CPopupList* CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CPopupList::NewL
   287         ( CEikListBox* aListBox,  TInt aCbaResource,
   288           AknPopupLayouts::TAknPopupLayouts aType )
   289     {
   290     CPopupList* self = new ( ELeave ) CPopupList();
   291     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   292     self->ConstructL( aListBox, aCbaResource, aType );
   293     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   294     return self;
   295     }
   297 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   298 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CListBox::SetInitialFocus
   299 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   300 //
   301 inline void CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CPopupList::SetInitialFocus
   302         ( TInt aFocusIndex )
   303     {
   304     iFocusIndex = aFocusIndex;
   305     }
   307 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   308 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CPopupList::AttemptExitL
   309 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   310 //
   311 inline void CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CPopupList::AttemptExitL( TBool aAccept )
   312     {
   313     CAknPopupList::AttemptExitL( aAccept );
   314     }
   316 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   317 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CListBox::SetupWindowLayout
   318 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   319 //
   320 void CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CPopupList::SetupWindowLayout
   321         ( AknPopupLayouts::TAknPopupLayouts aType )
   322     {
   323     // Call base class
   324     CAknPopupList::SetupWindowLayout( aType );
   325     // Set initial focus
   326     if ( iFocusIndex >= 0 )
   327         {
   328         ListBox()->SetCurrentItemIndex( iFocusIndex );
   329         }
   330     }
   332 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   333 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CListBox::OfferKeyEventL
   334 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   335 //
   336 TKeyResponse CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CPopupList::OfferKeyEventL
   337         (const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType)
   338     {
   339     // The focus can display after clicking on navigation key and MSK key.
   340     // Then, both LSK and RSK should be visible.
   341     // Check whether LSK is hidden, if yes, make it visible
   342     if ( !ButtonGroupContainer()->IsCommandVisible( EAknSoftkeySelect ) )
   343     	{
   344         // Whether navigation key or MSK key is pressed.
   345     	if ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyUpArrow  
   346           || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDownArrow 
   347           || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDevice3 )
   348             {
   349             ButtonGroupContainer()->MakeCommandVisible( EAknSoftkeySelect, ETrue );
   350             }
   351     	}
   352     TKeyResponse response = ListBox()->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
   353     return response;
   354     }
   356 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   357 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CListBox::CListBox
   358 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   359 //
   360 inline CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CListBox::CListBox()
   361     {
   362     }
   364 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   365 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CListBox::SetObserver
   366 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   367 //
   368 inline void CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CListBox::SetObserver
   369         ( MPbk2ControlKeyObserver* aKeyObserver )
   370     {
   371     iKeyObserver = aKeyObserver;
   372     }
   374 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   375 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CListBox::CoeEnv
   376 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   377 //
   378 inline CCoeEnv* CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CListBox::CoeEnv()
   379     {
   380     return iCoeEnv;
   381     }
   383 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   384 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CListBox::OfferKeyEventL
   385 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   386 //
   387 TKeyResponse CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CListBox::OfferKeyEventL
   388         ( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType )
   389     {
   390     TKeyResponse ret = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   392     if ( iKeyObserver &&
   393          iKeyObserver->Pbk2ControlKeyEventL( aKeyEvent,aType )
   394             == EKeyWasConsumed )
   395         {
   396         ret = EKeyWasConsumed;
   397         }
   398     else
   399         {
   400         ret = CAknDoubleGraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox::OfferKeyEventL
   401             ( aKeyEvent, aType );
   402         }
   404     return ret;
   405     }
   407 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   408 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CListBox::ClipFromBeginning
   409 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   410 //
   411 TBool CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CListBox::ClipFromBeginning
   412         ( TDes& aBuffer, TInt aItemIndex, TInt aSubCellNumber )
   413     {
   414     return AknTextUtils::ClipToFit
   415         ( aBuffer, AknTextUtils::EClipFromBeginning, this,
   416           aItemIndex, aSubCellNumber );
   417     }
   419 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   420 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CPbk2SelectFieldDlg
   421 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   422 //
   423 CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CPbk2SelectFieldDlg()
   424     {
   425     __ASSERT_DEBUG(
   426         !iListBox && !iPopupList && !iKeyObserver && !iDestroyedPtr,
   427         Panic(EPanicPostCond_Constructor));
   428     }
   430 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   431 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::~CPbk2SelectFieldDlg
   432 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   433 //
   434 CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::~CPbk2SelectFieldDlg()
   435     {
   436     if ( iSelfPtr )
   437         {
   438         *iSelfPtr = NULL;
   439         }
   440     if ( iDestroyedPtr )
   441         {
   442         *iDestroyedPtr = ETrue;
   443         }
   444     if ( iPopupList )
   445         {
   446         iPopupList->CancelPopup();
   447         }
   449     delete iFieldAnalyzer;
   450     delete iListBox;
   451     iFieldCollectionArray.ResetAndDestroy();
   452     iPresenceIconsPos.Reset();
   454     delete iContactLink;
   455     }
   457 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   458 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::StoreReady
   459 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   460 //
   461 void CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::StoreReady( 
   462         MVPbkContactStore& /*aContactStore*/ )
   463     {
   464     }
   466 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   467 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::StoreUnavailable
   468 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   469 //
   470 void CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::StoreUnavailable( 
   471         MVPbkContactStore& /*aContactStore*/, 
   472         TInt /*aReason*/ )
   473     {
   474     }
   476 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   477 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::HandleStoreEventL
   478 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   479 //
   480 void CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::HandleStoreEventL( 
   481         MVPbkContactStore& /*aContactStore*/, 
   482         TVPbkContactStoreEvent aStoreEvent )
   483     {
   484     if ( iContactLink && 
   485             aStoreEvent.iContactLink &&
   486             aStoreEvent.iContactLink->IsSame( *iContactLink ) )
   487         {
   488         switch( aStoreEvent.iEventType )
   489             {
   490             case TVPbkContactStoreEvent::EContactDeleted:
   491                 {
   492                 iPopupList->CancelPopup();
   493                 break;
   494                 }
   496             default:
   497                 break;
   498             }
   499         }
   500     }
   502 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   503 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::ExecuteLCD
   504 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   505 //
   506 const MVPbkStoreContactField* CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::ExecuteLCD
   507         ( MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection& aFieldCollection,
   508           RPointerArray<CVPbkFieldFilter>& aFieldCollectionArray,
   509           const TArray<CPbk2PresenceIconInfo*>* aPresenceIconsArray,
   510           const CVPbkContactManager& aContactManager,
   511           const MPbk2FieldPropertyArray& aFieldProperties,
   512           TInt aCbaResourceId, 
   513           VPbkFieldTypeSelectorFactory::TVPbkContactActionTypeSelector aCommMethod,
   514           const TDesC& aHeading /*=KNullDesC*/,
   515           TInt aFocusIndex /*=KErrNotFound*/ )
   516     {
   517     __ASSERT_DEBUG(!iListBox && !iPopupList, Panic(EPanicPreCond_ExecuteLD));
   519     // "D" function semantics
   520     CleanupStack::PushL( this );
   521     TBool thisDestroyed = EFalse;
   522     // Destructor will set thisDestroyed to ETrue if this object is destroyed
   523     iDestroyedPtr = &thisDestroyed;
   525     CPbk2PresentationContactFieldCollection* fields =
   526         CPbk2PresentationContactFieldCollection::NewL(
   527             aFieldProperties,
   528             aFieldCollection,
   529             aFieldCollection.ParentStoreContact() );
   530     CleanupStack::PushL( fields );
   532     if ( aFocusIndex != KErrNotFound )
   533         {
   534         // The focus index is from store contact field order and
   535         // we have to map it to presentation contact field order
   536         MVPbkStoreContactField* initiallyFocusedField =
   537             aFieldCollection.FieldAtLC( aFocusIndex );
   538         for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < fields->FieldCount(); ++i )
   539             {
   540             if ( fields->FieldAt( i ).IsSame( *initiallyFocusedField ) )
   541                 {
   542                 // Fix the focus index to match with
   543                 // presentation contact fields
   544                 aFocusIndex = i;
   545                 break;
   546                 }
   547             }
   548         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // initiallyFocusedField
   549         }
   551     // Create presentation fields for additional contacts
   552     if ( aFieldCollectionArray.Count() > 0 )
   553         {
   554         TInt count = aFieldCollectionArray.Count();
   555         for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   556             {
   557             CPbk2PresentationContactFieldCollection* xspFields =
   558                 CPbk2PresentationContactFieldCollection::NewL(
   559                     aFieldProperties,
   560                     *aFieldCollectionArray[i],
   561                     aFieldCollectionArray[i]->ParentStoreContact() );
   562             CleanupStack::PushL( xspFields );
   564             iFieldCollectionArray.AppendL( xspFields );
   565             CleanupStack::Pop(); //xspFields
   566             }
   567         }
   569     // Create list box
   570     CreateListBoxL( *fields, aPresenceIconsArray, aContactManager, 
   571         aFieldProperties, aCbaResourceId, aHeading, aFocusIndex, aCommMethod );
   573     // Show the list query, if there are more than 1 field in the listbox
   574     TInt dlgResult = 0;
   575     if ( iListBoxModel->MdcaCount() > 1 )
   576         {
   577         MVPbkBaseContact& contact = fields->ParentContact();
   578         MVPbkContactLink* link = contact.CreateLinkLC();
   579         MVPbkContactStore& store = link->ContactStore();
   580         store.OpenL( *this );
   581         delete iContactLink;
   582         iContactLink = link;
   583         CleanupStack::Pop(); // link
   585         TRAPD( err, dlgResult = iPopupList->ExecuteLD() );
   586         store.Close( *this );
   588         if ( !thisDestroyed )
   589             {
   590             iPopupList = NULL;
   591             }
   592         if ( err != KErrNone )
   593             {
   594             User::Leave( err );
   595             }
   596         }
   597    else
   598        {
   599        dlgResult = 1; // simulate user's selection
   600        delete iPopupList;
   601        iPopupList = NULL;
   602        }
   604     // Get the return value
   605     MVPbkStoreContactField* result = NULL;
   606     if ( thisDestroyed )
   607         {
   608         // This object has been destroyed
   609         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fields );
   610         CleanupStack::Pop();  // this
   611         }
   612     else
   613         {
   614         if ( dlgResult )
   615             {
   616             TInt index = iListBoxModel->GetModelIndex(
   617                 iListBox->CurrentItemIndex() );
   618             if ( index < fields->FieldCount() )
   619                 {
   620                 // field from the main contact
   621                 result = fields->FieldAt( index ).CloneLC();
   622                 CleanupStack::Pop();
   623                 }
   624             else if ( iFieldCollectionArray.Count() > 0 )
   625                 {
   626                 // field from the addiotnal contact
   627                 TInt offset = fields->FieldCount();
   628                 for ( TInt i = 0; i < iFieldCollectionArray.Count(); i++ )
   629                     {
   630                     TInt xspFieldCount = iFieldCollectionArray.operator[](i)->
   631                         FieldCount();
   632                     if ( index < offset + xspFieldCount )
   633                         {
   634                         // selected field belongs to iFieldCollectionArray[i] contact
   635                         result = iFieldCollectionArray.operator[](i)->FieldAt(
   636                             index - offset ).CloneLC();
   637                         CleanupStack::Pop();
   638                         break;
   639                         }
   640                     else
   641                         {
   642                         offset += xspFieldCount;
   643                         }
   644                     }
   645                 }
   646             }
   647         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fields );
   648         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // this
   649         }
   651     CleanupDeletePushL( result );
   652     return result;
   653     }
   655 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   656 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::SetObserver
   657 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   658 //
   659 void CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::SetObserver
   660         ( MPbk2ControlKeyObserver* aKeyObserver )
   661     {
   662     iKeyObserver = aKeyObserver;
   663     }
   665 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   666 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::AttemptExitL
   667 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   668 //
   669 void CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::AttemptExitL( TBool aAccept )
   670     {
   671     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iPopupList, Panic( EPanicPreCond_AttemptExitL ) );
   672     iPopupList->MakeVisible( EFalse );
   673     iPopupList->AttemptExitL( aAccept );
   674     }
   676 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   677 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::ResetWhenDestroyed
   678 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   679 //
   680 void CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::ResetWhenDestroyed
   681         ( CPbk2SelectFieldDlg** aSelfPtr )
   682     {
   683     __ASSERT_DEBUG(!aSelfPtr || *aSelfPtr==this,
   684         Panic(EPanicPreCond_ResetWhenDestroyed));
   686     iSelfPtr = aSelfPtr;
   687     }
   689 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   690 // CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CreateListBoxL
   691 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   692 //
   693 void CPbk2SelectFieldDlg::CreateListBoxL
   694         ( const CPbk2PresentationContactFieldCollection& aFieldCollection,
   695           const TArray<CPbk2PresenceIconInfo*>* aPresenceIconsArray,
   696           const CVPbkContactManager& aContactManager,
   697           const MPbk2FieldPropertyArray& aFieldProperties,
   698           TInt aCbaResourceId, const TDesC& aHeading,
   699           TInt aFocusIndex,
   700           VPbkFieldTypeSelectorFactory::TVPbkContactActionTypeSelector aCommMethod)
   701     {
   702     // Create a list box
   703     iListBox = new(ELeave) CListBox;
   705     // Create a popup list
   706     CPopupList* popupList = CPopupList::NewL(
   707         iListBox,
   708         aCbaResourceId,
   709         AknPopupLayouts::EMenuDoubleLargeGraphicWindow );
   710     CleanupStack::PushL( popupList );
   712     // Init list box
   713     iListBox->ConstructL( popupList, CEikListBox::ELeftDownInViewRect );
   714     iListBox->SetObserver( iKeyObserver );
   716     // Set title of popuplist
   717     if ( aHeading.Length() > 0 )
   718         {
   719         popupList->SetTitleL( aHeading );
   720         }
   722     // There is no focus at the initial phase, hence, LSK is not necessary.
   723     popupList->ButtonGroupContainer()->MakeCommandVisible( EAknSoftkeySelect, EFalse );
   725     // Create icon array
   726     CPbk2IconArray* iconArray = CreateListBoxIconArrayL( aPresenceIconsArray,
   727         iPresenceIconsPos );
   728     iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->SetIconArray( iconArray );
   730     // Create list box model
   731     HBufC* timeFormat =
   732         iListBox->CoeEnv()->AllocReadResourceLC( R_QTN_DATE_USUAL );
   734     iFieldAnalyzer = CPbk2FieldAnalyzer::NewL( const_cast<CVPbkContactManager&>( aContactManager ) );
   736     CPbk2FieldListBoxModel::TParams params( 
   737         aFieldCollection,
   738         aContactManager,
   739         aFieldProperties,
   740         *timeFormat,
   741         *iconArray,
   742         iFieldAnalyzer,
   743         NULL,
   744         ETrue,
   745 		aCommMethod );
   746     CPbk2FieldListBoxModel* listBoxModel = CPbk2FieldListBoxModel::NewL(
   747         params, &iFieldCollectionArray.Array(), &iPresenceIconsPos.Array() );
   748     CleanupStack::PushL( listBoxModel );
   749     listBoxModel->FormatFieldsL();
   750     CleanupStack::Pop( listBoxModel );
   751     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // timeFormat
   752     listBoxModel->SetClipper( *iListBox );
   753     iListBox->Model()->SetItemTextArray( listBoxModel );
   754     iListBox->Model()->SetOwnershipType( ELbmOwnsItemArray );
   755     iListBox->Reset();
   757     if ( aFocusIndex >= 0 && aFocusIndex <
   758             iListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems() )
   759         {
   760         popupList->SetInitialFocus( aFocusIndex );
   761         }
   763     iListBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
   764     iListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(
   765         CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );
   767     CleanupStack::Pop();  // listBox
   768     iPopupList = popupList;
   770     iListBoxModel = listBoxModel;
   771     }
   773 // End of File