changeset 0 e686773b3f54
child 21 9da50d567e3c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e686773b3f54
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Phonebook 2 USIM UI Extension FDN names list view.
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include "CPsu2FixedDialingView.h"
    22 // Phonebook 2
    23 #include "CPsu2FixedDialingCall.h"
    24 #include "CPsu2ViewManager.h"
    25 #include "CPsu2SecUi.h"
    26 #include <MPbk2ContactUiControl.h>
    27 #include <CPbk2UIExtensionView.h>
    28 #include <MPbk2ViewActivationTransaction.h>
    29 #include <CPbk2AppUiBase.h>
    30 #include <MPbk2ViewExplorer.h>
    31 #include <TPbk2ContactEditorParams.h>
    32 #include <CPbk2ContactEditorDlg.h>
    33 #include <CPbk2FieldPropertyArray.h>
    34 #include <MPbk2FieldProperty.h>
    35 #include <Pbk2USimUIRes.rsg>
    36 #include <Pbk2UIControls.rsg>
    37 #include <CPbk2NamesListControl.h>
    38 #include <CPbk2ControlContainer.h>
    39 #include <CPbk2ViewState.h>
    40 #include <MPbk2CommandHandler.h>
    41 #include <MPbk2ApplicationServices.h>
    42 #include <Pbk2UID.h>
    43 #include <csxhelp/phob.hlp.hrh>
    45 // Virtual Phonebook
    46 #include <MVPbkSimPhone.h>
    47 #include <CVPbkContactManager.h>
    48 #include <MVPbkContactStoreList.h>
    49 #include <VPbkContactStoreUris.h>
    50 #include <TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr.h>
    51 #include <MVPbkContactStore.h>
    52 #include <MVPbkContactStoreInfo.h>
    53 #include <MVPbkStoreContact.h>
    54 #include <MVPbkContactFieldData.h>
    55 #include <MVPbkContactFieldTextData.h>
    56 #include <CVPbkFieldTypeSelector.h>
    57 #include <MVPbkContactLink.h>
    58 #include <MVPbkContactOperationBase.h>
    60 // System includes
    61 #include <aknnavide.h>
    62 #include <aknnavi.h>
    63 #include <StringLoader.h>
    64 #include <eikmenup.h>
    65 #include <barsread.h>
    66 #include <aknnotewrappers.h>
    67 #include <AknUtils.h>
    68 #include <AiwCommon.hrh>
    69 #include <avkon.hrh>
    71 /// Unnamed namespace for local definitions
    72 namespace {
    74 #ifdef _DEBUG
    76 enum TPanicCode
    77     {
    78     EAddFindTextL_Logic = 0
    79     };
    81 void Panic(TInt aReason)
    82     {
    83     _LIT(KPanicText, "CPbk2CreateNewContactCmd");
    84     User::Panic(KPanicText, aReason);
    85     }
    86 #endif // _DEBUG
    88 /**
    89  * Checks is the given field type included in
    90  * the given selection.
    91  *
    92  * @param aResourceId   Selector's resource id.
    93  * @param aFieldType    The field type to check.
    94  * @param aManager      Virtual Phonebook contact manager.
    95  * @return  ETrue if field type is included.
    96  */
    97 TBool IsFieldTypeIncludedL(
    98         const MVPbkFieldType& aFieldType,
    99         const CVPbkContactManager& aManager,
   100         const TInt aResourceId )
   101     {
   102     // Get the field type
   103     TResourceReader resReader;
   104     CCoeEnv::Static()->CreateResourceReaderLC
   105         (resReader, aResourceId);
   107     CVPbkFieldTypeSelector* selector =
   108         CVPbkFieldTypeSelector::NewL(resReader, aManager.FieldTypes());
   109     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // resReader
   111     TBool ret = selector->IsFieldTypeIncluded(aFieldType);
   112     delete selector;
   113     return ret;
   114     }
   116 /**
   117  * Displays a note.
   118  *
   119  * @param aResourceId   Note resource.
   120  */
   121 void ShowNoteL( TInt aResourceId )
   122     {
   123     HBufC* prompt = StringLoader::LoadLC( aResourceId );
   124     CAknInformationNote* dlg = new ( ELeave ) CAknInformationNote( EFalse );
   125     dlg->ExecuteLD( *prompt );
   126     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // prompt
   127     }
   129 /**
   130  * Returns ETrue if shift is depressed in given key event.
   131  *
   132  * @param aKeyEvent     Key event.
   133  * @return  ETrue if shift is pressed.
   134  */
   135 inline TBool ShiftDown
   136         (const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent)
   137     {
   138     return (aKeyEvent.iModifiers &
   139         (EModifierShift | EModifierLeftShift | EModifierRightShift)) != 0;
   140     }
   142 } /// namespace
   144 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::CPsu2FixedDialingView
   146 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   147 //
   148 CPsu2FixedDialingView::CPsu2FixedDialingView(
   149         CPbk2UIExtensionView& aExtensionView,
   150         CPsu2ViewManager& aViewManager ) :
   151     CPsu2NameListViewBase( aExtensionView, aViewManager ),
   152     iShowFdnNotActiveNote( ETrue )
   153     {
   154     }
   156 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   157 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::~CPsu2FixedDialingView
   158 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   159 //
   160 CPsu2FixedDialingView::~CPsu2FixedDialingView()
   161     {
   162     delete iFdnCall;
   163     delete iContactLink;
   164     delete iContact;
   165     delete iContactRetriever;
   166     delete iWaitOtherComplete;
   167     }
   169 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   170 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::NewL
   171 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   172 //
   173 CPsu2FixedDialingView* CPsu2FixedDialingView::NewL(
   174         CPbk2UIExtensionView& aExtensionView,
   175         CPsu2ViewManager& aViewManager )
   176     {
   177     CPsu2FixedDialingView* self = new (ELeave) CPsu2FixedDialingView(
   178             aExtensionView, aViewManager );
   179     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   180     self->ConstructL();
   181     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   182     return self;
   183     }
   185 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   186 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::ConstructL
   187 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   188 //
   189 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::ConstructL()
   190     {
   191     iFdnStore =
   192         Phonebook2::Pbk2AppUi()->ApplicationServices().ContactManager().
   193             ContactStoresL().Find
   194                 ( VPbkContactStoreUris::SimGlobalFdnUri() );
   195     }
   197 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   198 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::HandleCommandKeyL
   199 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   200 //
   201 TBool CPsu2FixedDialingView::HandleCommandKeyL
   202         ( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType )
   203     {
   204     const TInt count = iControl->NumberOfContacts();
   205     const TBool marked = iControl->ContactsMarked();
   206     TBool itemSpecCommEnabled = Phonebook2::Pbk2AppUi()->ActiveView()->MenuBar()->ItemSpecificCommandsEnabled();
   208     if ( aType == EEventKey )
   209         {
   210         if ( itemSpecCommEnabled && ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyOK || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyEnter ) )
   211             {
   212             if (!ShiftDown(aKeyEvent))  // pure OK/Enter key
   213                 {
   214                 if ( marked || count <= 0 )
   215                     {
   216                     iExtensionView.LaunchPopupMenuL(
   217                         R_PSU2_FIXED_DIALING_CONTEXT_MENUBAR );
   218                     }
   219                 else
   220                     {
   221                     if ( iControl->NumberOfContacts() > 0 )
   222                         {
   223                         OpenInfoViewCmdL( *iControl );
   224                         }
   225                     }
   226                 return ETrue;
   227                 }
   228             }
   229         // Send key
   230         if ( itemSpecCommEnabled && aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyPhoneSend )
   231             {
   232             if ( count > 0 && !marked )
   233                 {
   234                 CreateCallL( EPbk2CmdCall );
   235                 }
   236             return ETrue;
   237             }
   238         // Delete key
   239         else if ( ( itemSpecCommEnabled || marked ) && aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyBackspace )
   240             {
   241              if ( iControl->FindTextL() == KNullDesC )
   242                 {
   243                 HandleCommandL( EPbk2CmdDeleteMe );
   244                 return ETrue;
   245                 }
   246             }
   247         else if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyNo )
   248             {
   249             // 'Red' button pressed, clear PIN2 query info
   250             iViewManager.SecUi().Reset();
   251             iShowFdnNotActiveNote = ETrue;
   252             }
   253         else { /* Empty to make PC-lint happy */ }
   254         }
   256     if ( ShiftDown( aKeyEvent ) )
   257         {
   258         // Update cbas when shift and msk is pressed.
   259         UpdateCbasL();
   260         }
   262     return CPsu2NameListViewBase::HandleCommandKeyL( aKeyEvent, aType );
   263     }
   265 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   266 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::HandlePointerEventL
   267 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   268 //
   269 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::HandlePointerEventL(
   270         const TPointerEvent& /*aPointerEvent*/ )
   271     {
   272     // nothing to do
   273     }
   275 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   276 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::DoActivateL
   277 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   278 //
   279 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::DoActivateL(
   280         const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
   281         TUid aCustomMessageId,
   282         const TDesC8& aCustomMessage)
   283     {
   284     // Load FDN title
   285     HBufC* title = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_TEXT_FDN_LIST);
   286     // Create FDN application context pane icon
   287     TContextPaneIcon icon(EPsu2qgn_menu_simfdn);
   288     CEikImage* image = icon.CreateLC();
   290     // Set up view
   291     MPbk2ViewActivationTransaction* viewActivationTransaction =
   292         Phonebook2::Pbk2AppUi()->Pbk2ViewExplorer()->
   293             HandleViewActivationLC
   294                 ( iExtensionView.Id(), aPrevViewId, title, image,
   295                   Phonebook2::EUpdateNaviPane |
   296                   Phonebook2::EUpdateContextPane |
   297                   Phonebook2::EUpdateTitlePane );
   299     // Call base class
   300     CPsu2NameListViewBase::DoActivateL(
   301             aPrevViewId, aCustomMessageId, aCustomMessage );
   303     viewActivationTransaction->Commit();
   304     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, title); // viewActivationTransaction,
   306     // Update navi pane                    // icon, title
   307     UpdateNaviPaneTextL();
   309     if( aPrevViewId.iViewUid != TUid::Uid( EPsu2FixedDialingInfoViewId ) )
   310     	{
   311     	iShowFdnNotActiveNote = ETrue;
   312     	// Clear PIN2 query info
   313     	iViewManager.SecUi().Reset();
   314     	}
   315     // Don't show note here, because there are many controls intializing, drawing and layouting 
   316     // will make the note flash. So delay the note pop up time to aviod the problem.
   317     iWaitOtherComplete = CIdle::NewL( CActive::EPriorityIdle );
   318     TCallBack callback( WaitOtherCompleteL, this );
   319     iWaitOtherComplete->Start( callback );
   320     }
   322 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   323 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::WaitOtherComplete
   324 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   325 //
   326 TInt CPsu2FixedDialingView::WaitOtherCompleteL( TAny* object )
   327     {
   328     STATIC_CAST( CPsu2FixedDialingView*, object )->CheckFDNActivityL();
   329     return 0;
   330     }
   332 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   333 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::CheckFDNActivity
   334 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   335 //
   336 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::CheckFDNActivityL()
   337     {
   338     if ( iShowFdnNotActiveNote )
   339         {
   340         if ( !iViewManager.SecUi().IsFDNActive() )
   341             {
   342             ShowNoteL( R_QTN_FDN_NOTE_NOT_ACTIVE );
   343             }
   344         iShowFdnNotActiveNote = EFalse;
   345         }
   346     }
   348 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   349 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::DoDeactivate
   350 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   351 //
   352 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::DoDeactivate()
   353     {
   354     DestroyNaviPaneText();
   355     CPsu2NameListViewBase::DoDeactivate();
   357     delete iWaitOtherComplete;
   358     iWaitOtherComplete = NULL;
   359     }
   361 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   362 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::HandleCommandL
   363 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   364 //
   365 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand)
   366     {
   367     iCommandIsBeingHandled = ETrue;
   368     if ( Phonebook2::Pbk2AppUi()->ApplicationServices().CommandHandlerL()->
   369             ServiceCmdByMenuCmd ( aCommand ) == KAiwCmdCall )
   370         {
   371         CreateCallL( aCommand );
   372         }
   373     else
   374         {
   375         switch( aCommand )
   376             {
   377             case EPsu2CmdOpenFixedDialingInfoView: // FALLTHROUGH
   378             case EPsu2CmdActivateFDN: // FALLTHROUGH
   379             case EPsu2CmdDeactivateFDN: // FALLTHROUGH
   380             case EPsu2CmdNewContact: // FALLTHROUGH
   381             case EPsu2CmdCopyFromContacts: // FALLTHROUGH
   382             case EPbk2CmdEditMe:        // FALLTHROUGH
   383             case EPbk2CmdDeleteMe:
   384                 {
   385                 if ( iViewManager.StoreAvailableL() )
   386                     {
   387                     switch( aCommand )
   388                         {
   389                         case EPsu2CmdOpenFixedDialingInfoView:
   390                             {
   391                             OpenInfoViewCmdL( *iControl );
   392                             break;
   393                             }
   394                         case EPsu2CmdActivateFDN:
   395                             {
   396                             ActivateFDNCmdL();
   397                             break;
   398                             }
   399                         case EPsu2CmdDeactivateFDN:
   400                             {
   401                             DeactivateFDNCmdL();
   402                             break;
   403                             }
   404                         case EPsu2CmdNewContact:
   405                             {
   406                             if ( !FdnStoreFullL() &&
   407                                 iViewManager.SecUi().ConfirmPin2L() )
   408                                 {
   409                                 CreateNewFdnContactL();
   410                                 }
   411                             break;
   412                             }
   413                         case EPsu2CmdCopyFromContacts:
   414                             {
   415                             if ( !FdnStoreFullL() &&
   416                                     iViewManager.SecUi().ConfirmPin2L() )
   417                                 {
   418                                 CPsu2NameListViewBase::HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   419                                 }
   420                             break;
   421                             }
   422                         case EPbk2CmdEditMe:
   423                             {
   424                             if ( iViewManager.SecUi().ConfirmPin2L() )
   425                                 {
   426                                 delete iContactLink;
   427                                 iContactLink = NULL;
   428                                 iContactLink = 
   429                                     iControl->FocusedContactL()->CreateLinkLC();
   430                                 CleanupStack::Pop();
   431                                 iContactRetriever = 
   432                                     Phonebook2::Pbk2AppUi()->ApplicationServices().
   433                                         ContactManager().RetrieveContactL(
   434                                             *iContactLink, *this );
   435                                 }
   436                             break;
   437                             }
   438                         default: 
   439                             {
   440                             if ( iViewManager.SecUi().ConfirmPin2L() )
   441                                 {
   442                                 CPsu2NameListViewBase::HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   443                                 }
   444                             break;
   445                             }
   446                         }
   447                     }
   448                 break;
   449                 }
   450             case EPbk2CmdExit:          // FALLTHROUGH
   451             case EAknSoftkeyBack:
   452             case EAknCmdHideInBackground:
   453                 {
   454                 // Clear PIN2 query info
   455                 iViewManager.SecUi().Reset();
   456                 // If the note has not popped up, cancel the popping up of the note.
   457                 if( iWaitOtherComplete->IsActive() )
   458                     {
   459                     iWaitOtherComplete->Cancel();
   460                     }
   461                 iShowFdnNotActiveNote = ETrue;
   463                 if ( aCommand == EAknCmdHideInBackground && iDlgEliminator )
   464                     {
   465                     iDlgEliminator->RequestExitL( EKeyEscape );
   466                     }
   468                 CPsu2NameListViewBase::HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   469                 break;
   470                 }
   471             default:
   472                 {
   473                 CPsu2NameListViewBase::HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   474                 break;
   475                 }
   476             }
   477         }
   478     // Update CBAs, if command handler is consuming the command
   479     // postcommandexecution is updating cbas
   480     UpdateCbasL();
   481     iCommandIsBeingHandled = EFalse;
   482     }
   484 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   485 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::DynInitMenuPaneL
   486 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   487 //
   488 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::DynInitMenuPaneL(
   489         TInt aResourceId,
   490         CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane)
   491     {
   492     const TInt count = iControl->NumberOfContacts();
   493     const TBool marked = iControl->ContactsMarked();
   495     switch( aResourceId )
   496         {
   498             {
   499             if ( count <= 0 || marked )
   500                 {
   501                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed
   502                     ( EPsu2CmdOpenFixedDialingInfoView , ETrue );
   503                 }
   504             break;
   505             }
   506         case R_PSU2_FIXED_DIALING_MENUPANE:
   507             {
   508             if ( iViewManager.SecUi().IsFDNActive() )
   509                 {
   510                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EPsu2CmdActivateFDN, ETrue );
   511                 }
   512             else
   513                 {
   514                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EPsu2CmdDeactivateFDN, ETrue );
   515                 }
   516             if ( count <= 0 )
   517                 {
   518                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EPbk2CmdEditMe , ETrue );
   519                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EPbk2CmdDeleteMe , ETrue );
   520                 }
   521             else
   522                 {
   523                 if( marked )
   524                     {
   525                     aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EPsu2CmdNewContact , ETrue );
   526                     aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EPbk2CmdEditMe , ETrue );
   527                     aMenuPane->SetItemSpecific( EPbk2CmdDeleteMe, EFalse );
   528                     }
   529                 else
   530                     {
   531                     aMenuPane->SetItemSpecific( EPbk2CmdDeleteMe, ETrue );
   532                     }
   533                 }
   534             break;
   535             }
   538             {
   539             if ( count <= 0 )
   540                 {
   541                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EPbk2CmdCopy, ETrue );
   542                 }
   543             if ( marked )
   544                 {
   545                 aMenuPane->SetItemSpecific( EPbk2CmdCopy, EFalse );
   546                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EPsu2CmdCopyFromContacts, ETrue );
   547                 }
   548             else
   549                 {
   550                 aMenuPane->SetItemSpecific( EPbk2CmdCopy, ETrue);
   551                 }
   552             break;
   553             }
   555             {
   556             if ( count <= 0 )
   557                 {
   558                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EPbk2CmdDeleteMe , ETrue );
   559                 }
   560             break;
   561             }
   563             {
   564             if ( count > 0 )
   565                 {
   566                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EPsu2CmdNewContact , ETrue );
   567                 }
   568             break;
   569             }
   570         default:
   571             {
   572             CPsu2NameListViewBase::DynInitMenuPaneL
   573                 ( aResourceId, aMenuPane );
   574             break;
   575             }
   576         };
   577     }
   579 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   580 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::UpdateCbasL
   581 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   582 //
   583 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::UpdateCbasL()
   584     {
   585     if ( iControl )
   586         {
   587         if ( iControl->NumberOfContacts() > 0 && !iControl->ContactsMarked() )
   588             {
   589             // Set middle softkey as Open.
   590             iExtensionView.Cba()->SetCommandSetL(
   591                     R_PSU_FDN_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_BACK_OPEN );
   592             iExtensionView.Cba()->DrawDeferred();
   593             }
   594         else
   595             {
   596             // Set middle softkey as Context menu.
   597             iExtensionView.Cba()->SetCommandSetL(
   598                     R_PSU_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_BACK_CONTEXT );
   599             iExtensionView.Cba()->DrawDeferred();
   600             // Change context menu when marked items
   601             iExtensionView.MenuBar()->SetContextMenuTitleResourceId(
   602                     R_PSU2_FIXED_DIALING_CONTEXT_MENUBAR );
   603             }
   604         }
   605     }
   607 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   608 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::NameListControlResourceId
   609 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   610 //
   611 TInt CPsu2FixedDialingView::NameListControlResourceId() const
   612     {
   614     }
   616 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   617 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::ContactEditingComplete
   618 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   619 //
   620 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::ContactEditingComplete(
   621         MVPbkStoreContact* aEditedContact)
   622     {
   623     if( iControl )
   624         {
   625         // Reset Find before setting the focus because if new contact is created
   626         // through find box, ResetFindL corrupts the focus.
   627         TRAP_IGNORE( iControl->ResetFindL() );
   628         if (aEditedContact)
   629             {
   630             // Focus the created contact
   631             TRAPD( error, iControl->SetFocusedContactL( *aEditedContact ) );
   632             if ( error != KErrNone )
   633                 {
   634                 CCoeEnv::Static()->HandleError( error );
   635                 }
   636             }
   637         }
   638     delete aEditedContact; // not needed anymore
   639     }
   641 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   642 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::ContactEditingDeletedContact
   643 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   644 //
   645 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::ContactEditingDeletedContact(
   646         MVPbkStoreContact* aEditedContact)
   647     {
   648     delete aEditedContact; // not needed anymore
   649     }
   651 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   652 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::ContactEditingAborted
   653 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   654 //
   655 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::ContactEditingAborted()
   656     {
   657     // Do nothing
   658     }
   660 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   661 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::VPbkSingleContactOperationComplete
   662 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   663 //    
   664 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::VPbkSingleContactOperationComplete(
   665         MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation,
   666         MVPbkStoreContact* aContact )
   667     {
   669     if ( iContactRetriever == &aOperation && aContact)
   670         {
   671         delete iContactRetriever;
   672         iContactRetriever = NULL;
   674         delete iContact;    
   675         iContact = aContact;     
   677         TRAPD( error, iContact->LockL(*this) );
   678         if ( error != KErrNone )
   679             {
   680             CCoeEnv::Static()->HandleError(error);
   681             } 
   682         }      
   683     }
   685 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   686 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::VPbkSingleContactOperationFailed
   687 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   688 //        
   689 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::VPbkSingleContactOperationFailed(
   690         MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation, 
   691         TInt aError )
   692     {
   693     if ( iContactRetriever == &aOperation )
   694         {
   695         delete iContactRetriever;
   696         iContactRetriever = NULL;
   698         CCoeEnv::Static()->HandleError(aError);
   699         }    
   700     }    
   702 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   703 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::ContactOperationCompleted
   704 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   705 //     
   706 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::ContactOperationCompleted(
   707         TContactOpResult /*aResult*/ )
   708     {
   709     TRAPD(result, EditFdnContactL());
   711     if (result != KErrNone)
   712         {
   713         CCoeEnv::Static()->HandleError(result);
   714         }
   715     }
   717 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   718 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::ContactOperationFailed
   719 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   720 //     
   721 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::ContactOperationFailed(
   722         TContactOp /*aOpCode*/, 
   723         TInt aErrorCode, 
   724         TBool /*aErrorNotified*/ )
   725     {
   726     CCoeEnv::Static()->HandleError(aErrorCode);
   727     }    
   729 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   730 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::UpdateNaviPaneTextL
   731 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   732 //
   733 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::UpdateNaviPaneTextL()
   734     {
   735     HBufC* text = NULL;
   736     if (iViewManager.SecUi().IsFDNActive())
   737         {
   738         text = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_QTN_FDN_ACTIVE);
   739         }
   740     else
   741         {
   742         text = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_QTN_FDN_DEACTIVE);
   743         }
   745     DestroyNaviPaneText();
   746     if (!iNaviPane)
   747         {
   748         iNaviPane = static_cast<CAknNavigationControlContainer*>(
   749             iAvkonAppUi->StatusPane()->ControlL(
   750             TUid::Uid(EEikStatusPaneUidNavi)));
   751         }
   752     iNaviDecorator = iNaviPane->CreateNavigationLabelL(*text);
   753     iNaviPane->PushL(*iNaviDecorator);
   755     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // text
   756     }
   758 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   759 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::DestroyNaviPaneText
   760 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   761 //
   762 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::DestroyNaviPaneText()
   763     {
   764     if (iNaviPane && iNaviDecorator)
   765         {
   766         iNaviPane->Pop(iNaviDecorator);
   767         }
   768     delete iNaviDecorator;
   769     iNaviDecorator = NULL;
   770     }
   772 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   773 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::OpenInfoViewCmdL
   774 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   775 //
   776 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::OpenInfoViewCmdL
   777         (MPbk2ContactUiControl& aUiControl) const
   778     {
   779     if (!aUiControl.ContactsMarked())
   780         {
   781         CPbk2ViewState* state = aUiControl.ControlStateL();
   782         CleanupStack::PushL(state);
   783         Phonebook2::Pbk2AppUi()->Pbk2ViewExplorer()->
   784             ActivatePhonebook2ViewL
   785                 (TUid::Uid(EPsu2FixedDialingInfoViewId), state);
   786         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( state );  // state
   787         aUiControl.UpdateAfterCommandExecution();
   788         }
   789     }
   791 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   792 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::ActivateFDNCmdL
   793 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   794 //
   795 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::ActivateFDNCmdL()
   796     {
   797     if ( !iViewManager.SecUi().IsFDNActive() )
   798         {
   799         iViewManager.SecUi().ActivateFDNL();
   800         UpdateNaviPaneTextL();
   801         }
   802     }
   804 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   805 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::DeactivateFDNCmdL
   806 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   807 //
   808 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::DeactivateFDNCmdL()
   809     {
   810     if ( iViewManager.SecUi().IsFDNActive() )
   811         {
   812         iViewManager.SecUi().DeactivateFDNL();
   813         UpdateNaviPaneTextL();
   814         }
   815     }
   817 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   818 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::CreateNewFdnContactL
   819 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   820 //
   821 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::CreateNewFdnContactL()
   822     {
   823     MVPbkStoreContact* newFdnContact = iFdnStore->CreateNewContactLC();
   825     // Add find text to last name field, if any
   826     AddFindTextL(*newFdnContact);
   828     TUint32 flags = TPbk2ContactEditorParams::ENewContact;
   830     TCoeHelpContext helpContext;
   831     helpContext.iMajor.iUid = KPbk2UID3;
   832     helpContext.iContext = KFDN_HLP_FDN_NUM_EDIT_VIEW;
   834     TPbk2ContactEditorParams params( flags, NULL, &helpContext );
   835     CPbk2ContactEditorDlg* editor =
   836         CPbk2ContactEditorDlg::NewL(params, newFdnContact, *this);
   837     CleanupStack::Pop(); // newFdnContact, whose ownership was taken away
   839     iDlgEliminator = editor;
   840     editor->ExecuteLD();
   841     iDlgEliminator = NULL;
   842     }
   845 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   846 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::AddFindTextL
   847 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   848 //
   849 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::AddFindTextL(MVPbkStoreContact& aContact)
   850     {
   851     const TDesC& findText = iControl->FindTextL();
   853     if (findText != KNullDesC)
   854         {
   855         CPbk2FieldPropertyArray& fieldProperties =
   856             Phonebook2::Pbk2AppUi()->ApplicationServices().FieldProperties();
   858         const TInt fieldCount = fieldProperties.Count();
   859         for (TInt i=0; i<fieldCount; ++i)
   860             {
   861             const MPbk2FieldProperty& prop = fieldProperties.At(i);
   863             if (IsFieldTypeIncludedL(prop.FieldType(),
   864                     Phonebook2::Pbk2AppUi()->ApplicationServices().
   865                         ContactManager(),
   866                     R_PHONEBOOK2_LAST_NAME_SELECTOR))
   867                 {
   868                 MVPbkStoreContactField* field = aContact.CreateFieldLC
   869                     (prop.FieldType());
   871                 __ASSERT_DEBUG(field->FieldData().DataType() ==
   872                     EVPbkFieldStorageTypeText, Panic(EAddFindTextL_Logic));
   874                 MVPbkContactFieldTextData* fieldData =
   875                     &MVPbkContactFieldTextData::Cast(field->FieldData());
   876                 //The max length of a name in the Sim Card
   877                 TInt maxLength = fieldData->MaxLength();
   878                 fieldData->SetTextL( findText.Left( maxLength ));
   880                 TInt index = aContact.AddFieldL(field);
   881                 CleanupStack::Pop(); // field
   882                 break;
   883                 }
   884             }
   885         }
   886     }
   888 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   889 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::FdnStoreFullL
   890 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   891 //
   892 TBool CPsu2FixedDialingView::FdnStoreFullL()
   893     {
   894     TBool ret = EFalse;
   895     const MVPbkContactStoreInfo& storeInfo = iFdnStore->StoreInfo();
   896     if ( storeInfo.MaxNumberOfContactsL() <= storeInfo.NumberOfContactsL() )
   897         {
   898         ret = ETrue;
   899         ShowNoteL( R_QTN_FDN_LIST_FULL );
   900         }
   901     return ret;
   902     }
   904 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   905 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::CreateCallL
   906 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   907 //
   908 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::CreateCallL( TInt aCommand )
   909     {
   910     if ( !iFdnCall )
   911         {
   912         iFdnCall = CPsu2FixedDialingCall::NewL
   913             ( Phonebook2::Pbk2AppUi()->ApplicationServices().ContactManager(),
   914               *Phonebook2::Pbk2AppUi()->ApplicationServices().
   915                 CommandHandlerL(),
   916               iExtensionView );
   917         }
   919     MVPbkContactLink* contactLink =
   920         iControl->FocusedContactL()->CreateLinkLC();
   921     CleanupStack::Pop(); // CreateCall takes contactLink ownership
   922     iFdnCall->CreateCallL( contactLink, aCommand );
   923     }
   925 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   926 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::EditFdnContactL
   927 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   928 //    
   929 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::EditFdnContactL()
   930     {
   931     TCoeHelpContext helpContext;
   932     helpContext.iMajor.iUid = KPbk2UID3;
   933     helpContext.iContext = KFDN_HLP_FDN_NUM_EDIT_VIEW;
   935     TPbk2ContactEditorParams params;
   936     params.iHelpContext = &helpContext;
   938     // create and execute editing dialog
   939     CPbk2ContactEditorDlg* dlg =
   940         CPbk2ContactEditorDlg::NewL( params, iContact, *this );
   941     iContact = NULL; // ownership went to editor
   943     iDlgEliminator = dlg;
   944     dlg->ExecuteLD();      
   945     iDlgEliminator = NULL;
   946     }    
   948 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   949 // CPsu2FixedDialingView::HandleControlEventL
   950 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   951 //    
   952 void CPsu2FixedDialingView::HandleControlEventL(
   953         MPbk2ContactUiControl& aControl,
   954         const TPbk2ControlEvent& aEvent )
   955     {
   956     const TInt count = iControl->NumberOfContacts();
   957     const TBool marked = iControl->ContactsMarked();
   959     switch ( aEvent.iEventType )
   960         {
   961         case TPbk2ControlEvent::EContactTapped:
   962         case TPbk2ControlEvent::EContactDoubleTapped:
   963             {
   964             if ( marked )
   965                 {
   966                 iExtensionView.LaunchPopupMenuL(
   967                     R_PSU2_FIXED_DIALING_CONTEXT_MENUBAR );
   968                 }
   969             else
   970                 {
   971                 // Open contact
   972                 HandleCommandL( EPsu2CmdOpenFixedDialingInfoView );
   973                 }
   974             break;
   975             }
   976         default:
   977             {
   978             CPsu2NameListViewBase::HandleControlEventL( aControl, aEvent );
   979             break;
   980             }
   981         }
   982     }
   984 //  End of File