changeset 20 f4a778e096c2
child 21 9da50d567e3c
equal deleted inserted replaced
19:5b6f26637ad3 20:f4a778e096c2
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  A high level class for matching phone numbers from stores.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 // INCLUDES
    20 #include <CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy.h>
    22 #include <CVPbkContactManager.h>
    23 #include <CVPbkContactLinkArray.h>
    24 #include <MVPbkContactOperation.h>
    25 #include <MVPbkContactStoreList.h>
    26 #include <MVPbkContactStore.h>
    27 #include <MVPbkContactStoreProperties.h>
    28 #include <MVPbkContactLink.h>
    29 #include <MVPbkStoreContact.h>
    30 #include <MVPbkSingleContactOperationObserver.h>
    31 #include <RLocalizedResourceFile.h>
    32 #include <VPbkDataCaging.hrh>
    33 #include <VPbkEng.rsg>
    34 #include <VPbkFieldTypeSelectors.rsg>
    35 #include <CVPbkFieldTypeSelector.h>
    36 #include <CVPbkFieldFilter.h>
    37 #include <barsread.h>
    38 #include <MVPbkContactFieldTextData.h>
    39 #include <CVPbkContactStoreUriArray.h>
    40 #include <centralrepository.h>
    41 #include <VPbkStoreUriLiterals.h>
    43 #include "CVPbkPhoneNumberSequentialMatchStrategy.h"
    44 #include "CVPbkPhoneNumberParallelMatchStrategy.h"
    45 #include "CVPbkETelCntConverter.h"
    47 #include <cntdb.h>
    48 #include <ecom/ecom.h>
    51 #include <cntphonenumparser.h>
    52 #endif
    53 // CONSTANTS
    54 // Unnamed namespace for local definitions
    55 namespace {
    56 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    57 // Phonebook Central Repository UIDs
    58 // Copied from sf\app\contacts\phonebookui\Phonebook2\inc\Phonebook2InternalCRKeys.h
    59 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    60 //
    61 const TUint32 KCRUidPhonebookStoreConfiguration             = 0x1020727f;
    62 const TUint32 KPhonebookCurrentConfigurationPartialKey      = 0x00000100;
    63 const TUint32 KPhonebookCurrentConfigurationMask            = 0xffffff00;
    65 const TInt KInitialStoreUriSize = 22; // length of KVPbkDefaultCntDbURI
    66 const TInt KMagicNumber = -1;
    67 } // namespace
    69 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl) :
    70         public CActive,
    71         public MVPbkContactFindObserver,
    72         public MVPbkSingleContactOperationObserver
    73     {
    74     public: // Construction
    75         static CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl* NewL(
    76                 CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy& aParent,
    77                 const CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::TConfig& aConfig,
    78                 CVPbkContactManager& aContactManager,
    79                 MVPbkContactFindObserver& aObserver);
    80         ~CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl();
    82     public: // Interface
    83         void MatchL(const TDesC& aPhoneNumber);
    84         TInt MaxMatchDigits() const;
    85         TArray<MVPbkContactStore*> StoresToMatch() const;
    86         TBool IsSimStore( const MVPbkContactStore& aStore );
    88     private: // From CActive
    89         void RunL();
    90         void DoCancel();
    91         TInt RunError(TInt aError);
    93     private: // From MVPbkContactFindObserver
    94         void FindCompleteL(MVPbkContactLinkArray* aResults);
    95         void FindFailed(TInt aError);
    97     private: // From MVPbkSingleContactOperationObserver
    98         void VPbkSingleContactOperationComplete(
    99                 MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation,
   100                 MVPbkStoreContact* aContact);
   101         void VPbkSingleContactOperationFailed(
   102                 MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation,
   103                 TInt aError);
   105     private:
   106         /// Phone number types
   107         enum TNumberType { ENotInitialized, EUnknown, EDigit, EPlus, EOneZero, ETwoZeros };
   109     private: // Implementation
   110         CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl(CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy& aParent);
   111         void ConstructL(
   112                 const CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::TConfig& aConfig,
   113                 CVPbkContactManager& aContactManager,
   114                 MVPbkContactFindObserver& aObserver);
   116         /**
   117          * Searches for a store that has given URI from the list of
   118          * stores that the contact manager has.
   119          * @param aUriPtr URI of the store to search for.
   120          * @return The store with aUriPtr, or NULL if store was not found.
   121          */
   122         MVPbkContactStore* FindStoreL(
   123                 const TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr& aUriPtr);
   125         /**
   126          * Issues new request to be handled in RunL.
   127          */
   128         void IssueRequest();
   130         MVPbkContactLink* IsValidResultLC(MVPbkStoreContact* aContact);
   132         /**
   133          * Creates name tokens array
   134          * @param aContact which is checking, RPointerArray reference
   135          */
   136         void CreateNameTokensArrayL( MVPbkStoreContact* aContact, RPointerArray <HBufC>& aNameTokensArray );
   138         /**
   139          * Check if contact already exists in results array
   140          * @param aContact which is checking
   141          * @return True if contact exist or if array was empty.
   142          */
   143         TBool CheckContactDuplicationL( MVPbkStoreContact* aContact );
   145         /**
   146          * Gets contact's field value
   147          * @param aContact to get field's value from
   148          * @param aFieldType: EVPbkVersitNameN for Last Name 
   149          * EVPbkVersitNameFN for First Name
   150          * @return Pointer descriptor with field's value.
   151          */
   152         TPtrC NameFieldValueL( MVPbkStoreContact* aContact, TVPbkFieldTypeName aFieldType );
   154         TBool ValidateBestMatchingRulesL( const TDesC& aNumber );
   155         TBool CheckBestMatchingRules( const TDesC& aNumberA, TNumberType aNumberAType,
   156                 const TDesC& aNumberB, TNumberType aNumberBType  );
   157         TInt FormatAndCheckNumberType( TDes& aNumber );
   159         /**
   160          * Reads current store configuration from central repositiry
   161          * @return Array of stores or NULL if error during reading form cenrep.
   162         */
   163         CVPbkContactStoreUriArray* GetCurrentStoreConfigurationL();
   165         /**
   166          * If there is in the results at least one contact
   167          * from currently used stores in Phonebook2 it removes from results 
   168          * contacts from other stores
   169         */
   170         void RefineDuplicatedNumbersL();
   172         /**
   173          * Load number parser plugin.
   174         */
   175         void LoadNumberParserPluginL();
   177     private: // Data
   178         CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy& iParent;
   179         /// Ref: The contact manager instance to be used for searching.
   180         CVPbkContactManager* iContactManager;
   181         /// Ref: Observer for the searching process.
   182         MVPbkContactFindObserver* iObserver;
   183         /// Own: The find operation that is currently ongoing.
   184         MVPbkContactOperationBase* iOperation;
   185         /// Maximum number of matched digits.
   186         TInt iMaxMatchDigits;
   187         /// Flags to configure matching process, @see TVPbkPhoneNumberMatchFlags
   188         TUint32 iMatchFlags;
   190         /// Own: Array of stores that are used in matching.
   191         RPointerArray<MVPbkContactStore> iStoresToMatch;
   192         /// Own: Phone number that is being matched.
   193         HBufC* iPhoneNumber;
   194         /// Own: Intermediate results of the matching process.
   195         CVPbkContactLinkArray* iWorkingResults;
   196         /// Own: Final results of the matching process.
   197         CVPbkContactLinkArray* iResults;
   198         /// iWorkingResults index of current contact retrieval
   199         TInt iCurrentContact;
   201         /// Own: Currently retrieved contact
   202         MVPbkStoreContact* iStoreContact;
   203         /// Own: Field type selector
   204         CVPbkFieldTypeSelector* iFieldTypeSelector;
   205         /// Own: A filtered and sorted collection of Virtual Phonebook contact fields.
   206         CVPbkFieldFilter* iFieldFilter;
   208         /// Active object states
   209         enum TState { EMatch, ERemoveDuplicates, ERefineSearch, EComplete };
   210         /// Active object current state
   211         TState iState;
   213         /// Own: First Name field type selector
   214         CVPbkFieldTypeSelector* iFirstNameSelector;
   215         /// Own: Last Name field type selector
   216         CVPbkFieldTypeSelector* iLastNameSelector;
   217         /// Own: Array of tokens gotten from first and last name fields of first matched contact
   218         RPointerArray <HBufC> iNameTokensArray;
   219         /// Own: Array of tokens gotten from first and last name fields of contact
   220         RPointerArray <HBufC> iTempNameTokensArray;
   221         /// Indicates if all contact in iResult are the same
   222         TBool iDoubledContacts;
   223         /// type of iPhoneNumber
   224         TNumberType iPhoneNumberType;
   225         // Own: parser
   226         CContactPhoneNumberParser* iParser;
   227     };
   229 CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl(
   230         CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy& aParent) :
   231     CActive(CActive::EPriorityIdle),
   232     iParent(aParent)
   233     {
   234     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   235     }
   237 inline void CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::ConstructL(
   238         const CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::TConfig& aConfig,
   239         CVPbkContactManager& aContactManager,
   240         MVPbkContactFindObserver& aObserver)
   241     {
   242     iContactManager = &aContactManager;
   243     iObserver = &aObserver;
   245     iMaxMatchDigits = aConfig.iMaxMatchDigits;
   246     iMatchFlags = aConfig.iMatchFlags;
   248     const TInt uriCount = aConfig.iUriPriorities.Count();
   249     for (TInt i = 0; i < uriCount; ++i)
   250         {
   251         MVPbkContactStore* store = FindStoreL(aConfig.iUriPriorities[i]);
   252         if (store)
   253             {
   254             iStoresToMatch.AppendL(store);
   255             }
   256         }
   258     VPbkEngUtils::RLocalizedResourceFile resFile;
   259     resFile.OpenLC(iContactManager->FsSession(),
   260                    KVPbkRomFileDrive,
   261                    KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR,
   262                    KVPbkFieldTypeSelectorsResFileName);
   263     HBufC8* selectorBuf = resFile.AllocReadLC(R_VPBK_PHONE_NUMBER_SELECTOR);
   264     TResourceReader resReader;
   265     resReader.SetBuffer(selectorBuf);
   267     iFieldTypeSelector = CVPbkFieldTypeSelector::NewL(resReader, iContactManager->FieldTypes());
   269     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( selectorBuf );
   271     if ( iMatchFlags & CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::EVPbkDuplicatedContactsMatchFlag )
   272     	{ 
   273 	    HBufC8* firstNameSelectorBuf = resFile.AllocReadLC( R_VPBK_FIRST_NAME_SELECTOR );
   274 	    resReader.SetBuffer( firstNameSelectorBuf );
   275 	    iFirstNameSelector = CVPbkFieldTypeSelector::NewL( resReader, iContactManager->FieldTypes() );
   276 	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( firstNameSelectorBuf );
   278 	    HBufC8* lastNameSelectorBuf = resFile.AllocReadLC( R_VPBK_LAST_NAME_SELECTOR );
   279 	    resReader.SetBuffer( lastNameSelectorBuf );
   280 	    iLastNameSelector = CVPbkFieldTypeSelector::NewL( resReader, iContactManager->FieldTypes() );
   281 	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lastNameSelectorBuf );
   282     	}
   284     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &resFile );
   286     LoadNumberParserPluginL();
   287     }
   289 CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl* CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::NewL(
   290         CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy& aParent,
   291         const CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::TConfig& aConfig,
   292         CVPbkContactManager& aContactManager,
   293         MVPbkContactFindObserver& aObserver)
   294     {
   295     CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl* self =
   296             new(ELeave) CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl(aParent);
   297     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   298     self->ConstructL(aConfig, aContactManager, aObserver);
   299     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   300     return self;
   301     }
   303 CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::~CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl()
   304     {
   305     Cancel();
   307     delete iFieldFilter;
   308     delete iFieldTypeSelector;
   309     delete iWorkingResults;
   310     delete iResults;
   311     delete iStoreContact;
   312     delete iPhoneNumber;
   313     delete iOperation;
   314     delete iFirstNameSelector;
   315     delete iLastNameSelector;
   316     iNameTokensArray.ResetAndDestroy();
   317     iTempNameTokensArray.ResetAndDestroy();
   318     iStoresToMatch.Close();
   319     delete iParser;
   320     REComSession::FinalClose();
   321     }
   323 void CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::MatchL(const TDesC& aPhoneNumber)
   324     {
   325     HBufC* phoneNumber = aPhoneNumber.AllocL();
   326     delete iPhoneNumber;
   327     iPhoneNumber = phoneNumber;
   328     iPhoneNumberType = ENotInitialized;
   330     if ( iWorkingResults )
   331         {
   332         iWorkingResults->ResetAndDestroy();
   333         }                
   334     if ( iResults )
   335         {
   336         iResults->ResetAndDestroy();
   337         }                
   338     iCurrentContact = KMagicNumber;
   340     if ( iMatchFlags & CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::EVPbkDuplicatedContactsMatchFlag )
   341     	{
   342     	iDoubledContacts = ETrue;
   343     	}
   344     else
   345     	{
   346     	iDoubledContacts = EFalse;
   347     	}
   348     iState = EMatch;
   349     IssueRequest();
   350     }
   353 void CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::IssueRequest()
   354     {
   355     TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   356     User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
   357     SetActive();
   358     }
   360 void CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::RunL()
   361     {
   362     switch (iState)
   363         {
   364         case EMatch:
   365             {
   366             MVPbkContactOperation* operation = iParent.CreateFindOperationLC(*iPhoneNumber);
   367             if (operation)
   368                 {
   369                 operation->StartL();
   370                 CleanupStack::Pop(); // operation
   371                 delete iOperation;
   372                 iOperation = operation;
   373                 }
   374             else
   375                 {
   376                 // all needed operations are done if any
   377                 iState = ERemoveDuplicates;
   378                 IssueRequest();
   379                 }
   380             break;
   381             }
   382         case ERemoveDuplicates:
   383             {
   384             const TInt count = iWorkingResults ? iWorkingResults->Count() : 0;
   385             CVPbkContactLinkArray* results = CVPbkContactLinkArray::NewLC();
   386             for (TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i)
   387                 {
   388                 MVPbkContactLink* link = iWorkingResults->At(i).CloneLC();
   389                 if (results->Find(*link) == KErrNotFound)
   390                     {
   391                     results->AppendL(link);
   392                     CleanupStack::Pop(); // link
   393                     }
   394                 else
   395                     {
   396                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // link
   397                     }
   398                 }
   399             CleanupStack::Pop(results);
   400             delete iWorkingResults;
   401             iWorkingResults = results;
   402             iState = ERefineSearch;
   403             iCurrentContact = 0;
   404             IssueRequest();
   405             break;
   406             }
   407         case ERefineSearch:
   408             {
   409             if (!iResults)
   410                 {
   411                 iResults = CVPbkContactLinkArray::NewL();
   412                 }
   414             MVPbkContactLink* result = IsValidResultLC( iStoreContact );
   415             if ( result )
   416                 {
   417                 iResults->AppendL( result );
   418                 CleanupStack::Pop(); // MVPbkContactLink
   420                 if ( iDoubledContacts )
   421                     {
   422                     iDoubledContacts = CheckContactDuplicationL( iStoreContact );
   423                     }
   424                 }
   426             delete iStoreContact;
   427             iStoreContact = NULL;
   429             const TInt count = iWorkingResults ? iWorkingResults->Count() : 0;
   430             if (iCurrentContact < count &&                 
   431                 !( iResults->Count() > 0 && 
   432                         (iMatchFlags & CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::EVPbkStopOnFirstMatchFlag)))
   433                 {
   434                 const MVPbkContactLink& link = iWorkingResults->At(iCurrentContact);
   435                 delete iOperation;
   436                 iOperation = NULL;
   437                 iOperation = iContactManager->RetrieveContactL(link, *this);
   438                 ++iCurrentContact;
   439                 }
   440             else
   441                 {
   442                 iState = EComplete;
   443                 IssueRequest();
   444                 }
   445             break;
   446             }
   447         case EComplete:
   448             {
   449             iNameTokensArray.ResetAndDestroy();
   450             iTempNameTokensArray.ResetAndDestroy();
   451             if ( iDoubledContacts && iResults->Count() )
   452                 {
   453                 CVPbkContactLinkArray* results = CVPbkContactLinkArray::NewLC();
   454                 MVPbkContactLink* link = iResults->At(0).CloneLC(); // first element
   455                 results->AppendL( link );
   456                 CleanupStack::Pop( 2, results ); // results, link
   457                 delete iResults;
   458                 iResults = results;
   459                 }
   461             if ( iResults->Count() > 1 )
   462                 {
   463                 RefineDuplicatedNumbersL();
   464                 }
   466             CVPbkContactLinkArray* results = iResults;
   467             iResults = NULL;            
   468             iObserver->FindCompleteL( results );
   469             break;
   470             }
   471         default:
   472             {
   473             // This case should not be possible
   474             User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   475             break;
   476             }
   477         }
   478     }
   480 void CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::DoCancel()
   481     {
   482     }
   484 TInt CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::RunError(TInt aError)
   485     {
   486     iObserver->FindFailed(aError);
   487     return KErrNone;
   488     }
   490 inline MVPbkContactStore* CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::FindStoreL(
   491         const TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr& aUriPtr)
   492     {
   493     const TInt storeCount = iContactManager->ContactStoresL().Count();
   494     for (TInt i = 0; i < storeCount; ++i)
   495         {
   496         MVPbkContactStore& store = iContactManager->ContactStoresL().At(i);
   497         if (store.StoreProperties().Uri().Compare(
   498                     aUriPtr,
   499                     TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr::EContactStoreUriAllComponents) == 0)
   500             {
   501             return &store;
   502             }
   503         }
   504     return NULL;
   505     }
   507 void CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::FindCompleteL(MVPbkContactLinkArray* aResults)
   508     {
   509     // This function called by operation which is created in 
   510     // iParent.CreateFindOperationLC
   511     if (aResults)
   512         {
   513         CleanupDeletePushL( aResults ); // Take ownership
   515         if (!iWorkingResults)
   516             {
   517             iWorkingResults = CVPbkContactLinkArray::NewL();
   518             }
   519         const TInt count = aResults->Count();
   520         for (TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i)
   521             {
   522             MVPbkContactLink* link = aResults->At(i).CloneLC();
   523             iWorkingResults->AppendL(link);
   524             CleanupStack::Pop(); // link
   525             }
   527         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // aResults
   528         }
   529     IssueRequest();
   530     }
   532 void CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::FindFailed(TInt aError)
   533     {
   534     iObserver->FindFailed(aError);
   535     }
   537 void CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::VPbkSingleContactOperationComplete(
   538         MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation,
   539         MVPbkStoreContact* aContact)
   540     {
   541     if (iOperation == &aOperation)
   542         {
   543         delete iOperation;
   544         iOperation = NULL;
   546         iStoreContact = aContact;
   547         IssueRequest();
   548         }
   549     }
   551 void CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::VPbkSingleContactOperationFailed(
   552         MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation,
   553         TInt aError)
   554     {
   555     if (iOperation == &aOperation)
   556         {
   557         delete iOperation;
   558         iOperation = NULL;
   560         iObserver->FindFailed(aError);
   561         }
   562     }
   564 TInt CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::MaxMatchDigits() const
   565     {
   566     return iMaxMatchDigits;
   567     }
   569 TArray<MVPbkContactStore*> CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::StoresToMatch() const
   570     {
   571     return iStoresToMatch.Array();
   572     }
   574 MVPbkContactLink* CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::IsValidResultLC(
   575         MVPbkStoreContact* aContact)
   576     {
   577     MVPbkContactLink* result = NULL;
   579     if (!(iMatchFlags & CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::EVPbkExactMatchFlag)
   580             && !(iMatchFlags & CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::EVPbkBestMatchingFlag))
   581         {
   582         // If exact match is not needed we will accept the contact as valid
   583         // if it is not NULL
   584         if ( aContact )
   585             {
   586             result = aContact->CreateLinkLC();
   587             }        
   588         }
   589     else if (aContact)
   590         {
   591         TPtrC matchedNumber = iPhoneNumber->Des().
   592                 Right(Min(iPhoneNumber->Length(), iMaxMatchDigits));
   594         CVPbkFieldFilter::TConfig config(aContact->Fields(), iFieldTypeSelector);
   595         if (!iFieldFilter)
   596             {
   597             iFieldFilter = CVPbkFieldFilter::NewL(config);
   598             }
   599         else
   600             {
   601             iFieldFilter->ResetL(config);
   602             }
   603         const TInt count = iFieldFilter->FieldCount();
   604         for (TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i)
   605             {
   606             MVPbkContactFieldData& data = iFieldFilter->FieldAt(i).FieldData();
   607             if (data.DataType() == EVPbkFieldStorageTypeText)
   608                 {
   609                 const TDesC& dataText = MVPbkContactFieldTextData::Cast(data).Text();
   610                 if (iMatchFlags & CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::EVPbkExactMatchFlag)
   611                     {
   612                     TPtrC dataTextPtr = dataText.Right(Min(dataText.Length(), iMaxMatchDigits));
   613                     if (dataTextPtr == matchedNumber)
   614                         {
   615                         result = iFieldFilter->FieldAt(i).CreateLinkLC();
   616                         break;
   617                         }
   618                     }
   619                 else if (iMatchFlags & CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::EVPbkBestMatchingFlag
   620                             && ValidateBestMatchingRulesL(dataText))
   621                     {
   622                     result = aContact->CreateLinkLC();
   623                     break;
   624                     }
   625                 }
   626             }
   627         }
   628     return result;
   629     }
   631 TBool CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::CheckContactDuplicationL(
   632         MVPbkStoreContact* aContact )
   633     {
   635     if ( !aContact )
   636         {
   637         return ETrue;
   638         }
   640     if ( aContact && iCurrentContact == 1 )
   641         {
   642         CreateNameTokensArrayL( aContact, iNameTokensArray );
   643         return ETrue;
   644         }
   645     else 
   646         {
   647         iTempNameTokensArray.ResetAndDestroy();
   648         CreateNameTokensArrayL( aContact, iTempNameTokensArray );
   649         TInt count = iNameTokensArray.Count();
   650         if ( iNameTokensArray.Count() != iTempNameTokensArray.Count() )
   651         	{
   652         	return EFalse;
   653         	}
   654         else
   655         	{
   656         	TInt result = 0;
   657         	for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   658         		{
   659         		HBufC* token = iNameTokensArray[i];
   660         		TInt tempCount = iTempNameTokensArray.Count();
   661             	for ( TInt j = 0; j < tempCount; j++ )
   662             		{
   663             		result = token->Compare( *( iTempNameTokensArray[j] ) );
   664                 	if ( !result )
   665                 		{
   666                 		HBufC* removedToken = iTempNameTokensArray[j];
   667                 		iTempNameTokensArray.Remove( j );
   668                 		delete removedToken;
   669                 		break;
   670                 		}
   671             		}
   672             	if ( result )
   673             		{
   674             		return EFalse;
   675             		}
   676         		}
   677         	}
   678         return ETrue;
   679         }
   680     }
   682 void CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::CreateNameTokensArrayL( MVPbkStoreContact* aContact,
   683 										RPointerArray <HBufC>& aNameTokensArray )
   684 	{
   685     TPtrC firstName = NameFieldValueL( aContact, EVPbkVersitNameFN );
   686     TLex lexer;
   687     lexer.Assign( firstName );
   689     TPtrC ptr;
   690     TInt len = 0;
   691     while( ETrue )
   692         {
   693         ptr.Set( lexer.NextToken() );
   695         len = ptr.Length();
   696         if ( len )
   697             {
   698             HBufC* token = ptr.AllocLC();
   699             aNameTokensArray.AppendL( token );
   700             CleanupStack::Pop( token );
   701             }
   702         else
   703             {
   704             break;
   705             }
   706         } 
   708     TPtrC lastName = NameFieldValueL( aContact, EVPbkVersitNameN );
   710     lexer.Assign( lastName );
   712     len = 0;
   713     while( ETrue )
   714         {
   715         ptr.Set( lexer.NextToken() );
   717         len = ptr.Length();
   718         if ( len )
   719             {
   720             HBufC* token = ptr.AllocLC();
   721             aNameTokensArray.AppendL( token );
   722             CleanupStack::Pop( token );
   723             }
   724         else
   725             {
   726             break;
   727             }
   728         }
   729 	}
   731 TPtrC CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::NameFieldValueL( 
   732         MVPbkStoreContact* aContact, TVPbkFieldTypeName aFieldType )
   733     {
   734     if ( aContact )
   735         {
   736         CVPbkFieldFilter::TConfig config( aContact->Fields() );
   737         if ( aFieldType == EVPbkVersitNameFN )
   738             {
   739             config.iFieldSelector = iFirstNameSelector;
   740             }
   741         else if ( aFieldType == EVPbkVersitNameN )
   742             {
   743             config.iFieldSelector = iLastNameSelector;
   744             }
   745         else
   746             {
   747             return KNullDesC();
   748             }
   750         if (!iFieldFilter)
   751             {
   752             iFieldFilter = CVPbkFieldFilter::NewL(config);
   753             }
   754         else
   755             {
   756             iFieldFilter->ResetL(config);
   757             }
   758         const TInt count = iFieldFilter->FieldCount();
   759         for (TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i)
   760             {
   761             MVPbkContactFieldData& data = iFieldFilter->FieldAt(i).FieldData();
   762             if (data.DataType() == EVPbkFieldStorageTypeText)
   763                 {
   764                 return  MVPbkContactFieldTextData::Cast(data).Text();
   765                 }
   766             }
   767         return KNullDesC();
   768         }
   769     else
   770         {
   771         return KNullDesC();
   772         }
   773     }
   775 // Removes non-digit chars except plus form the beginning
   776 // Checks if number matches to one of defined types
   777 //
   778 TInt CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::FormatAndCheckNumberType( TDes& aNumber )
   779     {
   780     _LIT( KOneZeroPattern, "0*" );
   781     _LIT( KTwoZerosPattern, "00*" );
   782     _LIT( KPlusPattern, "+*" );
   783     _LIT( KPlusString, "+" );
   784     const TChar KPlus = TChar('+');
   785     const TChar KZero = TChar('0');
   786     const TChar KAsterisk = TChar('*');
   787     const TChar KHash = TChar('#');
   789     HBufC* numberBuf = HBufC::NewL( aNumber.Length() );
   790     TPtr number = numberBuf->Des();
   791     if ( iParser )
   792         {
   793         iParser->ExtractRawNumber( aNumber, number );
   794         }
   795     TInt pos = aNumber.Find( number );
   797     if ( pos > 0 && aNumber[pos-1] == KPlus )
   798         {
   799         number.Insert( 0, KPlusString );
   800         }
   802     if ( number.Length() > 0)
   803         {
   804         aNumber.Copy( number );
   805         }
   806     delete numberBuf;
   808 	TInt format;
   810     if ( !aNumber.Match( KTwoZerosPattern ) && aNumber.Length() > 2 && aNumber[2] != KZero )
   811         {
   812         format = ETwoZeros;
   813         }
   814     else if ( !aNumber.Match( KOneZeroPattern )&& aNumber.Length() > 1 && aNumber[1] != KZero )
   815         {
   816         format = EOneZero;
   817         }
   818     else if ( !aNumber.Match( KPlusPattern ) && aNumber.Length() > 1 && aNumber[1] != KZero )
   819         {
   820         format = EPlus;
   821         }
   822     else if ( aNumber.Length() > 0 && aNumber[0] != KZero && ( ( TChar ) aNumber[0] ).IsDigit() )
   823         {
   824         format = EDigit;
   825         }
   826 	else
   827 		{
   828         format = EUnknown;
   829 	    }
   831     return format;
   832     }
   834 TBool CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::ValidateBestMatchingRulesL( const TDesC& aNumber )
   835     {
   836     if ( iPhoneNumberType == ENotInitialized )
   837         {
   838         TPtr16 phoneNumber = iPhoneNumber->Des();
   839         iPhoneNumberType = ( TNumberType ) FormatAndCheckNumberType( phoneNumber );
   840         }
   842     HBufC* number = aNumber.AllocLC();
   843     TPtr16 phoneNumber = number->Des();
   844     TNumberType numberType = ( TNumberType ) FormatAndCheckNumberType( phoneNumber );
   846     TBool match = ( !phoneNumber.Compare( *iPhoneNumber ) ||
   847                   CheckBestMatchingRules( *iPhoneNumber, iPhoneNumberType, *number, numberType  ) ||
   848                   CheckBestMatchingRules( *number, numberType, *iPhoneNumber, iPhoneNumberType  ) );
   850     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( number );
   852     return match;
   853     }
   855 TBool CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::CheckBestMatchingRules(
   856         const TDesC& aNumberA, TNumberType aNumberAType,
   857         const TDesC& aNumberB, TNumberType aNumberBType  )
   858     {
   859     TBool result = EFalse;
   861     // Rules for matching not identical numbers
   862     // Rules details are presented in Best_Number_Matching_Algorithm_Description.doc
   864     // rule International-International 1
   865     if ( !result && aNumberAType == EPlus && aNumberBType == ETwoZeros )
   866         {
   867         TPtrC numberA = aNumberA.Right( aNumberA.Length() - 1 );
   868         TPtrC numberB = aNumberB.Right( aNumberB.Length() - 2 );
   869         result = !( numberA.Compare( numberB ) );
   870         if ( result )
   871             {
   872             return result;
   873             }
   874         }
   876     // rule International-International 2
   877     if ( aNumberAType == EPlus && aNumberBType == EDigit )
   878         {
   879         TPtrC numberA = aNumberA.Right( aNumberA.Length() - 1 );
   880         if ( numberA.Length() < aNumberB.Length() )
   881             {
   882             TPtrC numberB = aNumberB.Right( numberA.Length() );
   883             result = !( numberA.Compare( numberB ) );
   884             if ( result )
   885                 {
   886                 return result;
   887                 }
   888             }
   889         }
   891     // rule International-International 3
   892     if ( aNumberAType == ETwoZeros && aNumberBType == EDigit )
   893         {
   894         TPtrC numberA = aNumberA.Right( aNumberA.Length() - 2 );
   895         if ( numberA.Length() < aNumberB.Length() )
   896             {
   897             TPtrC numberB = aNumberB.Right( numberA.Length() );
   898             result = !( numberA.Compare( numberB ) );
   899             if ( result )
   900                 {
   901                 return result;
   902                 }
   903             }
   904         }
   906     // rule International-Operator 1
   907     if ( aNumberAType == EOneZero && aNumberBType == EPlus
   908             || aNumberAType == EDigit && aNumberBType == EPlus )
   909         {
   910         TPtrC numberA;
   911         if ( aNumberAType == EOneZero )
   912             {
   913             numberA.Set( aNumberA.Right( aNumberA.Length() - 1 ) );
   914             }
   915         else
   916             {
   917             numberA.Set( aNumberA );
   918             }
   919         if ( numberA.Length() < aNumberB.Length() - 1 )
   920             {
   921             TPtrC numberB = aNumberB.Right( numberA.Length() );
   922             result = !( numberA.Compare( numberB ) );
   923             if ( result )
   924                 {
   925                 return result;
   926                 }
   927             }
   928         }
   930     // rule International-Operator 2
   931     if ( aNumberAType == EOneZero && aNumberBType == ETwoZeros
   932             || aNumberAType == EDigit && aNumberBType == ETwoZeros )
   933         {
   934         TPtrC numberA;
   935         if ( aNumberAType == EOneZero )
   936             {
   937             numberA.Set( aNumberA.Right( aNumberA.Length() - 1 ) );
   938             }
   939         else
   940             {
   941             numberA.Set( aNumberA );
   942             }
   943         if ( numberA.Length() < aNumberB.Length() - 2 )
   944             {
   945             TPtrC numberB = aNumberB.Right( numberA.Length() );
   946             result = !( numberA.Compare( numberB ) );
   947             if ( result )
   948                 {
   949                 return result;
   950                 }
   951             }
   952         }
   954     // rule International-Operator 3
   955     if ( aNumberAType == EOneZero && aNumberBType == EDigit
   956             || aNumberAType == EDigit && aNumberBType == EDigit )
   957         {
   958         TPtrC numberA;
   959         if ( aNumberAType == EOneZero )
   960             {
   961             numberA.Set( aNumberA.Right( aNumberA.Length() - 1 ) );
   962             }
   963         else
   964             {
   965             numberA.Set( aNumberA );
   966             }
   967         if ( numberA.Length() < aNumberB.Length() )
   968             {
   969             TPtrC numberB = aNumberB.Right( numberA.Length() );
   970             result = !( numberA.Compare( numberB ) );
   971             if ( result )
   972                 {
   973                 return result;
   974                 }
   975             }
   976         }
   978     // rule Operator-Operator 1
   979     if ( aNumberAType == EOneZero && aNumberBType == EDigit )
   980         {
   981         TPtrC numberA = aNumberA.Right( aNumberA.Length() - 1 );
   982         result = !( numberA.Compare( aNumberB ) );
   983             {
   984             if ( result )
   985                 {
   986                 return result;
   987                 }
   988             }
   989         }
   991     // rule North America Numbering Plan 1
   992     if ( aNumberAType == EDigit && aNumberBType == EPlus )
   993         {
   994         TPtrC numberB = aNumberB.Right( aNumberB.Length() - 1 );
   995         result = !( aNumberA.Compare( numberB ) );
   996             {
   997             if ( result )
   998                 {
   999                 return result;
  1000                 }
  1001             }
  1002         }
  1004     // More exceptional acceptance rules can be added here
  1005 	// Keep rules updated in the document Best_Number_Matching_Algorithm_Description.doc
  1007     return result;
  1008     }
  1010 CVPbkContactStoreUriArray* CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::GetCurrentStoreConfigurationL()
  1011     {
  1012     CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewL( TUid::Uid( KCRUidPhonebookStoreConfiguration ) );
  1013     CleanupStack::PushL( repository );
  1014     CVPbkContactStoreUriArray* result = CVPbkContactStoreUriArray::NewLC();
  1016     RArray<TUint32> configurationKeys;
  1017     CleanupClosePushL( configurationKeys );
  1019     repository->FindL( KPhonebookCurrentConfigurationPartialKey,
  1020             KPhonebookCurrentConfigurationMask, configurationKeys );
  1022     HBufC* buffer = HBufC::NewLC( KInitialStoreUriSize );
  1023     const TInt keyCount = configurationKeys.Count();
  1024     TInt ret = KErrNone;
  1025     for ( TInt i = 0; i < keyCount; ++i )
  1026         {
  1027         TPtr ptr = buffer->Des();
  1028         ptr.Zero();
  1029         TInt actualSize = 0;
  1030         ret = repository->Get( configurationKeys[i], ptr, actualSize );
  1031         if ( ret == KErrOverflow )
  1032             {
  1033             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buffer
  1034             buffer = HBufC::NewLC( actualSize );
  1035             ptr.Set( buffer->Des() );
  1036             ret = repository->Get( configurationKeys[i], ptr );
  1037             }
  1039         if ( ret != KErrNone )
  1040             {
  1041             break;
  1042             }
  1044         if( !result->IsIncluded( TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr( ptr ) ) )  // Only append if the uri is not yet included
  1045             {
  1046             result->AppendL( ptr );
  1047             }
  1048         }
  1049     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer );
  1050     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &configurationKeys );
  1051     CleanupStack::Pop( result );
  1052     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
  1054     if ( ret != KErrNone )
  1055         {
  1056         delete result;
  1057         result = NULL;
  1058         }
  1059     return result;
  1060     }
  1062 void CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::RefineDuplicatedNumbersL()
  1063     {
  1064     CVPbkContactStoreUriArray* stores = GetCurrentStoreConfigurationL();
  1065     if ( !stores )
  1066         {
  1067         return;
  1068         }
  1069     CleanupStack::PushL( stores );
  1071     TInt storesCount = stores->Count();
  1072     if ( storesCount )
  1073         {
  1074         TInt linksCount = iResults->Count();
  1075         // check if there is in the results at least one contact
  1076         // from currently used stores
  1077         TBool isFromUsedStore = EFalse;
  1078         for ( TInt i = 0; i < linksCount; i++ )
  1079             {
  1080             const MVPbkContactStoreProperties& linkStoreProp = 
  1081                 iResults->At( i ).ContactStore().StoreProperties();
  1083             for ( TInt j = 0; j < storesCount; j++ )
  1084                 {
  1085                 if ( !linkStoreProp.Uri().UriDes().Compare( ( *stores )[j].UriDes() ) )
  1086                     {
  1087                     isFromUsedStore = ETrue;
  1088                     break;
  1089                     }
  1090                 }
  1091             if ( isFromUsedStore )
  1092                 {
  1093                 break;
  1094                 }
  1095             }
  1096         // remove from results contacts from not used stores
  1097         if ( isFromUsedStore )
  1098             {
  1099             for ( TInt i = 0; i < linksCount; i++ )
  1100                 {
  1101                 TBool remove = ETrue;
  1102                 const MVPbkContactStoreProperties& linkStoreProp = 
  1103                     iResults->At( i ).ContactStore().StoreProperties();
  1105                 for ( TInt j = 0; j < storesCount; j++ )
  1106                     {
  1107                     if ( !linkStoreProp.Uri().UriDes().Compare( ( *stores )[j].UriDes() ) )
  1108                         {
  1109                         remove = EFalse;
  1110                         break;
  1111                         }
  1112                     }
  1113                 if ( remove )
  1114                     {
  1115                     iResults->Delete( i );
  1116                     linksCount--;
  1117                     i--;
  1118                     }
  1119                 }
  1120             }
  1121         }
  1122     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( stores );
  1123     }
  1125 TBool CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::IsSimStore( const MVPbkContactStore& aStore )
  1126     {
  1127     TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr uriPtr = aStore.StoreProperties().Uri();
  1128     if ( !uriPtr.UriDes().Compare( KVPbkSimGlobalAdnURI )
  1129             || !uriPtr.UriDes().Compare( KVPbkSimGlobalFdnURI )
  1130             || !uriPtr.UriDes().Compare( KVPbkSimGlobalSdnURI )
  1131             || !uriPtr.UriDes().Compare( KVPbkSimGlobalOwnNumberURI ) )
  1132         {
  1133         return ETrue;
  1134         }
  1135     return EFalse;
  1136     }
  1138 void CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::LoadNumberParserPluginL()
  1139     {    
  1140     RImplInfoPtrArray   implInfoArray;
  1141     CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( implInfoArray );
  1142     REComSession::ListImplementationsL( KUidEcomCntPhoneNumberParserInterface, 
  1143                                         implInfoArray );
  1144     // Load the first implementation found for KUidEcomCntPhoneNumberParserInterface 
  1145     const TInt count = implInfoArray.Count();
  1146     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( count > 0, User::Leave( KErrNotFound ) );
  1147     const TUid firstImplementationFound = implInfoArray[0]->ImplementationUid();
  1148     iParser = reinterpret_cast<CContactPhoneNumberParser*> 
  1149         ( CContactEcomPhoneNumberParser::NewL( firstImplementationFound ) );
  1150     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &implInfoArray );
  1151     }
  1153 CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy()
  1154     {
  1155     }
  1157 EXPORT_C CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy* CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::NewL(
  1158         const TConfig& aConfig,
  1159         CVPbkContactManager& aContactManager,
  1160         MVPbkContactFindObserver& aObserver)
  1161     {
  1162     if (aConfig.iMatchMode == EVPbkSequentialMatch)
  1163         {
  1164         return CVPbkPhoneNumberSequentialMatchStrategy::NewL(aConfig, aContactManager, aObserver);
  1165         }
  1166     else
  1167         {
  1168         return CVPbkPhoneNumberParallelMatchStrategy::NewL(aConfig, aContactManager, aObserver);
  1169         }
  1170    }
  1172 CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::~CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy()
  1173     {
  1174     delete iImpl;
  1175     }
  1177 EXPORT_C void CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::MatchL(const TDesC& aPhoneNumber)
  1178     {
  1179     InitMatchingL();
  1181     iImpl->MatchL(aPhoneNumber);
  1182     }
  1184 void CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::BaseConstructL(
  1185         const TConfig& aConfig,
  1186         CVPbkContactManager& aContactManager,
  1187         MVPbkContactFindObserver& aObserver)
  1188     {
  1189     iImpl = CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategyImpl::NewL(
  1190             *this, aConfig, aContactManager, aObserver);
  1191     }
  1193 MVPbkContactFindObserver& CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::FindObserver() const
  1194     {
  1195     return *iImpl;
  1196     }
  1198 TInt CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::MaxMatchDigits() const
  1199     {
  1200     return iImpl->MaxMatchDigits();
  1201     }
  1203 TArray<MVPbkContactStore*> CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::StoresToMatch() const
  1204     {
  1205     return iImpl->StoresToMatch();
  1206     }
  1208 TBool CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::IsSimStore( const MVPbkContactStore& aStore )
  1209     {
  1210     return iImpl->IsSimStore( aStore );
  1211     }
  1212 // End of File