--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phonebookengines_old/contactsmodel/tsrc/T_PlPerformance.cpp Tue Aug 31 15:05:21 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Persistence Layer Performance Test module
+// These tests compare the Contact Persistence Layer with the original
+// Contacts model.
+// This class is an implementation of the bridge pattern. It represents
+// the left hand side of the pattern or an abstraction class. The decoupled
+// implementation classes can be found in T_CntTestImplentor.h
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <coreappstest/testserver.h>
+#include <cntitem.h>
+#include <cntfldst.h>
+_LIT(KTestName, "T_PlPerformance"); // Used by Testhelper - gives an warning under ARMv5
+#include "T_PlPerformance.h"
+#include "testhelpers.h"
+#include "persistencelayer.h"
+#include "T_CntTestImplDefs.h"
+//#define RUN_CNT
+#define RUN_PL
+// Implementation of CPlPerformance member functions
+CPlPerformance* CPlPerformance::NewLC (CCntTestImplementor& aCntTestImpl, const TDesC& aFilename)
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CPlPerformance::NewLC"));
+ CPlPerformance* self = new (ELeave) CPlPerformance(aCntTestImpl);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aFilename);
+ return self;
+ }
+void CPlPerformance::ConstructL(const TDesC& aFilename)
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CPlPerformance::ConstructL"));
+ // 0
+ iCntTestImpl.CreateDatabaseL(nsPlPerformance::KCreatePlPerform, ETrue);
+ // 1
+ iCntItemBldr = CCntItemBuilder::NewLC(iCntTestImpl.GetSysTemplate());
+ CleanupStack::Pop(iCntItemBldr);
+ // 2
+ iIdBuffer = new (ELeave) CIdBuffer();
+ // 3
+ iMatchAll = CContactItemViewDef::NewLC(CContactItemViewDef::EIncludeFields,
+ CContactItemViewDef::EIncludeHiddenFields);
+ iMatchAll->AddL(KUidContactFieldMatchAll);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(iMatchAll);
+ // 4
+ iCsvWriter = CCsvWriter::NewLC(aFilename);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(iCsvWriter);
+ }
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("~CPlPerformance()"));
+ // 4
+ delete iCsvWriter;
+ // 3
+ delete iMatchAll;
+ // 2
+ delete iIdBuffer;
+ // 1
+ delete iCntItemBldr;
+ // 0
+ iCntTestImpl.CloseDatabase();
+ }
+void CPlPerformance::CreateContactsBatchL(TInt aSize)
+ {
+ test.Next(_L(" ->... Create"));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CreateContactsTestL(TInt aSize)"));
+ TTime startTime;
+ startTime.UniversalTime();
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < aSize; ii+=nsPlPerformance::KBatchSize)
+ {
+ CreateContactsTestL(aSize<nsPlPerformance::KBatchSize ?
+ aSize:nsPlPerformance::KBatchSize);
+ if (ii >= nsPlPerformance::KBatchSize - 1)
+ {
+ iCntTestImpl.CompactL();
+ }
+ }
+ TTime finishTime;
+ finishTime.UniversalTime();
+ // Temporary required for ARMv5, adress of Int64() is taken in
+ // parameter to Format method otherwise.
+ TReal lapsed = (TReal) finishTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime).Int64();
+ TBuf8<64> row;
+ // _LIT8 gives an error - illegal implicit conversion from long
+ row.Format(_L8("Create,%d,%.4f\r\n"), aSize, lapsed/1000000);
+ iCsvWriter->WriteNextLineL(row);
+ /*TBool compressFlag = */iCntTestImpl.CompressRequired();
+ }
+void CPlPerformance::CreateContactsTestL(TInt aSize)
+ {
+ CContactItem* tempCntItem = NULL;
+ // create a contact & add to the contact db.
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < aSize; ++ii)
+ {
+ tempCntItem = iCntItemBldr->GetCntItemLC();
+ iIdBuffer->AddL(iCntTestImpl.CreateL(*tempCntItem));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tempCntItem);
+ tempCntItem = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+void CPlPerformance::UpdateContactsBatchL(const TInt aStartPos, const TInt aEndPos)
+ {
+ test.Next(_L(" ->... Update"));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CPlPerformance::UpdateContactsTestL"));
+ ShuffleContactIdsL();
+ TInt size = iIdBuffer->Count() < aEndPos ? iIdBuffer->Count() : aEndPos;
+ TTime startTime;
+ startTime.UniversalTime();
+ for (int ii = aStartPos; ii < aEndPos; ii+=nsPlPerformance::KBatchSize)
+ {
+ UpdateContactsTestL(ii, size < nsPlPerformance::KBatchSize + ii ?
+ size : nsPlPerformance::KBatchSize + ii);
+ if (ii >= nsPlPerformance::KBatchSize - 1)
+ {
+ iCntTestImpl.CompactL();
+ }
+ }
+ TTime finishTime;
+ finishTime.UniversalTime();
+ TReal lapsed = (TReal) finishTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime).Int64();
+ TBuf8<84> row;
+ // _LIT8 gives an error - illegal implicit conversion from long
+ row.Format(_L8("Update,%d,%.4f\r\n"), size - aStartPos, lapsed/1000000);
+ iCsvWriter->WriteNextLineL(row);
+ }
+void CPlPerformance::UpdateContactsTestL(const TInt aStartPos, const TInt aEndPos)
+ {
+ CContactItem* tempCntItem = NULL;
+ for (int ii = aStartPos; ii < aEndPos; ++ii)//size; ++ii)
+ {
+ // Modify the data in a contact from the db
+ tempCntItem = iCntTestImpl.OpenLC(iIdBuffer->Get(ii), *iMatchAll);
+ TCnt cnt(tempCntItem);
+ cnt[KUidContactFieldGivenName] = nsPlPerformance::KName;
+ cnt[KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber] & KWork & KVoice = nsPlPerformance::KNumber;
+ cnt[KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber] & KWork & KVoice & KCell += nsPlPerformance::KNumber;
+ cnt[KUidContactFieldEMail] & KWork = nsPlPerformance::KEmail;
+ cnt[KUidContactFieldAddress] & KHome = nsPlPerformance::KHomeAdd;
+ iCntTestImpl.UpdateL(*tempCntItem);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tempCntItem);
+ }
+ }
+void CPlPerformance::ReadContactsTestL(const TInt aStartPos, const TInt aEndPos)
+ {
+ test.Next(_L(" ->... Read"));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("ReadContactsTestL"));
+ ShuffleContactIdsL();
+ TTime startTime;
+ startTime.UniversalTime();
+ TInt size = iIdBuffer->Count() < aEndPos ? iIdBuffer->Count() : aEndPos;
+ for (int ii = aStartPos; ii < size; ++ii)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iCntTestImpl.ReadLC(iIdBuffer->Get(ii), *iMatchAll));
+ }
+ TTime finishTime;
+ finishTime.UniversalTime();
+ TReal lapsed = (TReal) finishTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime).Int64();
+ TBuf8<64> row;
+ // _LIT8 gives an error - illegal implicit conversion from long
+ row.Format(_L8("Read,%d,%.4f\r\n"), size - aStartPos, lapsed/1000000);
+ iCsvWriter->WriteNextLineL(row);
+ }
+void CPlPerformance::DeleteContactsBatchL(const TInt aStartPos, const TInt aEndPos)
+ {
+ test.Next(_L(" ->.. Delete."));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("DeleteContactsTestL"));
+ ShuffleContactIdsL();
+ TInt size = iIdBuffer->Count() < aEndPos ? iIdBuffer->Count() : aEndPos;
+ TTime startTime;
+ startTime.UniversalTime();
+ for (int ii = aStartPos; ii < aEndPos; ii+=nsPlPerformance::KBatchSize)
+ {
+ DeleteContactsTestL(ii, size < nsPlPerformance::KBatchSize + ii ?
+ size : nsPlPerformance::KBatchSize + ii);
+ if (ii >= nsPlPerformance::KBatchSize - 1)
+ {
+ iCntTestImpl.CompactL();
+ }
+ }
+ TTime finishTime;
+ finishTime.UniversalTime();
+ TReal lapsed = (TReal) finishTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime).Int64();
+ TBuf8<64> row;
+ // _LIT8 gives an error - illegal implicit conversion from long
+ row.Format(_L8("Delete,%d,%.4f\r\n"), size - aStartPos, lapsed/1000000);
+ iCsvWriter->WriteNextLineL(row);
+ /*TBool compressFlag = */iCntTestImpl.CompressRequired();
+ }
+void CPlPerformance::DeleteContactsTestL(const TInt aStartPos, const TInt aEndPos)
+ {
+ for (int ii = aStartPos; ii < aEndPos; ++ii)
+ {
+ iCntTestImpl.DeleteL(iIdBuffer->Get(ii));
+ }
+ }
+void CPlPerformance::ShuffleContactIdsL()
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("ShuffleContactIdsL"));
+ if (iShuffle) // only ever shuffle once
+ {
+ iIdBuffer->RandomShuffleL();
+ iShuffle = false;
+ }
+ }
+// End of CPlPerformance member variables
+// CIdBuffer Class
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CIdBuffer()"));
+ iContactIds = new CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample
+ + nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample + nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample
+ + nsPlPerformance::KSize4Sample + nsPlPerformance::KSize5Sample
+ + nsPlPerformance::KSize6Sample + 1);
+ if (!iContactIds)
+ {
+ test(EFalse);
+ }
+ }
+void CIdBuffer::AddL(TInt aID)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("Add Contact ID:%d \n"),aID);
+ iContactIds->InsertL(iContactIds->Count(), aID);
+ }
+void CIdBuffer::RandomShuffleL()
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CIdBuffer::RandomShuffleL"));
+ TInt upperBounds = iContactIds->Count();
+ TInt orgVal = 0;
+ TInt newVal = 0;
+ TInt ranPos = 0;
+ for (TInt ii = 0; ii < upperBounds; ++ii)
+ {
+ ranPos = Math::Rand(nsPlPerformance::KSeed) % upperBounds;
+ orgVal = iContactIds->At(ii);
+ newVal = iContactIds->At(ranPos);
+ iContactIds->Delete(ranPos);
+ iContactIds->InsertL(ranPos, orgVal);
+ iContactIds->Delete(ii);
+ iContactIds->InsertL(ii, newVal);
+ }
+ }
+TInt CIdBuffer::Get(TInt& aIndex) const
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("Get Contact ID @ index: %d \n"),aIndex);
+ return iContactIds->At(aIndex);
+ }
+TInt CIdBuffer::Count() const
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CIdBuffer::Count()"));
+ return iContactIds->Count();
+ }
+// End of CIdBuffer class implementation
+// CCsvWriter class
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("~CCsvWriter()"));
+ iSrcFile.Close();
+ }
+CCsvWriter* CCsvWriter::NewLC(const TDesC& filename)
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CCsvWriter::NewLC"));
+ CCsvWriter* self = new (ELeave) CCsvWriter();
+ CleanupStack::PushL (self);
+ User::LeaveIfError (self->iFs.Connect());
+ TInt err = self->iSrcFile.Open (self->iFs, filename, EFileWrite);
+ if (err == KErrNotFound)
+ err = self->iSrcFile.Create(self->iFs, filename, EFileWrite);
+ if (err < KErrNone)
+ User::Leave(err);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+void CCsvWriter::ConstructL()
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("ConstructL()"));
+ // Write the header line.
+ WriteNextLineL(nsPlPerformance::KColumnHeader);
+ }
+void CCsvWriter::WriteNextLineL(const TDesC8& aCsvLine)
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("WriteNextLineL"));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSrcFile.Write(aCsvLine));
+ }
+// End of CCsvWriter class implementation
+// Temporary CompressRequired Test
+void DoPlCompressRequiredTestsL(CPlPerformance& aCntTests)
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("DoPlCompressRequiredTestsL"));
+ test.Next(_L(" -> Adding contacts..."));
+ aCntTests.CreateContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample);
+ aCntTests.DeleteContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry,
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample);
+ aCntTests.CreateContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample);
+ aCntTests.DeleteContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample,
+ nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample);
+ aCntTests.CreateContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample);
+ aCntTests.DeleteContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample,
+ nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample+
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample);
+ }
+void DoPlTestsL(CPlPerformance& aCntTests)
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("DoPlTestsL"));
+ test.Next(_L(" -> Adding contacts..."));
+ aCntTests.CreateContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample);
+ aCntTests.CreateContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample);
+ aCntTests.CreateContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample);
+ aCntTests.CreateContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KSize4Sample);
+ aCntTests.CreateContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KSize5Sample);
+ aCntTests.CreateContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KSize6Sample);
+ test.Next(_L(" -> Updating contacts..."));
+ aCntTests.UpdateContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry,
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample);
+ aCntTests.UpdateContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample,
+ nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample);
+ aCntTests.UpdateContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample,
+ nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample+
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample);
+ aCntTests.UpdateContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample,
+ nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize4Sample);
+ aCntTests.UpdateContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize4Sample,
+ nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize4Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize5Sample);
+ aCntTests.UpdateContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize4Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize5Sample,
+ nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize4Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize5Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize6Sample);
+ test.Next(_L(" -> Reading contacts..."));
+ aCntTests.ReadContactsTestL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry,
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample);
+ aCntTests.ReadContactsTestL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample,
+ nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample);
+ aCntTests.ReadContactsTestL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample,
+ nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample+
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample);
+ aCntTests.ReadContactsTestL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample,
+ nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize4Sample);
+ aCntTests.ReadContactsTestL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize4Sample,
+ nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize4Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize5Sample);
+ aCntTests.ReadContactsTestL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize4Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize5Sample,
+ nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize4Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize5Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize6Sample);
+ test.Next(_L(" -> Deleting contacts..."));
+ aCntTests.DeleteContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry,
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample);
+ aCntTests.DeleteContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample,
+ nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample);
+ aCntTests.DeleteContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample,
+ nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample+
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample);
+ aCntTests.DeleteContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample,
+ nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize4Sample);
+ aCntTests.DeleteContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize4Sample,
+ nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize4Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize5Sample);
+ aCntTests.DeleteContactsBatchL(nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize4Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize5Sample,
+ nsPlPerformance::KFirstEntry +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize1Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize2Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize3Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize4Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize5Sample +
+ nsPlPerformance::KSize6Sample);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void DoTestsL()
+ {
+ CleanupClosePushL(test);
+ test.Start(_L ("@SYMTestCaseID:PIM-T-PIPERFORMANCE-0001 ----------- Performance tests ---------- "));
+ // Setup test
+ CPlPerformance* performTest = NULL;
+ // Run the old contact model test
+#ifdef RUN_CNT
+ test.Start(_L(" ---- Contact Model Tests ---- "));
+ CCntTestImpl* oldCntTestImpl = CCntTestImpl::NewLC();
+ performTest = CPlPerformance::NewLC(*oldCntTestImpl,
+ nsPlPerformance::KContactCSV);
+ DoPlTestsL(*performTest);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(performTest);
+ performTest = NULL;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(oldCntTestImpl);
+ oldCntTestImpl = NULL;
+ test.End();
+#endif // RUN_CNT
+ // Run the new persistence layer test
+#ifdef RUN_PL
+ test.Start(_L(" ---- Persistence Layer Tests ---- "));
+ CPlTestImpl* plCntTestImpl = CPlTestImpl::NewLC();
+ performTest = CPlPerformance::NewLC(*plCntTestImpl,
+ nsPlPerformance::KPersistCSV);
+ DoPlTestsL(*performTest);
+ //DoPlCompressRequiredTestsL(*performTest);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(performTest);
+ performTest = NULL;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(plCntTestImpl);
+ plCntTestImpl = NULL;
+ test.End();
+#endif // RUN_PL
+ // Run the new client server test
+ test.Start(_L(" ---- Client Server Tests ---- "));
+ CClientSvrImpl* clsvrTestImpl = CClientSvrImpl::NewLC();
+ performTest = CPlPerformance::NewLC(*clsvrTestImpl,
+ nsPlPerformance::KClSvrCSV);
+ DoPlTestsL(*performTest);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(performTest);
+ performTest = NULL;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(clsvrTestImpl);
+ clsvrTestImpl = NULL;
+ test.End();
+ test.End();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // test.Close
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ // Init
+ CTrapCleanup* cleanupStack = CTrapCleanup::New();
+ if (!cleanupStack)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ CActiveScheduler* activeScheduler = new CActiveScheduler;
+ if (!activeScheduler)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ CActiveScheduler::Install(activeScheduler);
+ // Run the tests
+ TRAPD(err, DoTestsL());
+ test(__NB_failures == 0);
+ // Cleanup
+ delete activeScheduler;
+ delete cleanupStack;
+ activeScheduler = NULL;
+ cleanupStack = NULL;
+ return err;
+ }