--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phonebookengines/VirtualPhonebook/VPbkSimStore/inc/CFindViewBase.h Tue Feb 02 10:12:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Sim store contact view implementation.
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <MVPbkContactViewFiltering.h>
+#include <MVPbkContactViewObserver.h>
+#include <badesca.h>
+#include <VPbkSimCntFieldTypes.hrh>
+#include "MParentViewForFiltering.h"
+class MVPbkSimContact;
+class MVPbkSimStoreOperation;
+class MVPbkContactFindPolicy;
+class CVPbkFieldTypeRefsList;
+template<class MVPbkContactViewObserver> class CVPbkAsyncObjectOperation;
+template<class MFilteredViewSupportObserver> class CVPbkAsyncObjectOperation;
+namespace VPbkSimStore {
+class MParentViewForFiltering;
+class CContactView;
+class CViewContact;
+ * An interface for checking if the contact is one of the
+ * always included contacts
+ */
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( MAlwaysIncludedContacts )
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Return ETrue aContact is always included
+ */
+ virtual TBool IsContactAlwaysIncluded(
+ const CViewContact& aContact ) const = 0;
+ protected:
+ ~MAlwaysIncludedContacts() {}
+ };
+ * A base class for filtered views that implements most of
+ * the MVPbkContactView functions.
+ */
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CFindViewBase ): public CBase,
+ public MParentViewForFiltering,
+ public MFilteredViewSupportObserver,
+ public MVPbkContactViewFiltering,
+ protected MAlwaysIncludedContacts
+ {
+ public: // Constructor and destructor
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ ~CFindViewBase();
+ public: //New functions
+ /**
+ * Starts matching asynchrnously. Sends event
+ * using MVPbkContactViewObserver when the find is ready.
+ */
+ void ActivateContactMatchL();
+ public: // Functions from MVPbkContactView
+ MVPbkObjectHierarchy& ParentObject() const;
+ void RefreshL();
+ TInt ContactCountL() const;
+ const MVPbkViewContact& ContactAtL(
+ TInt aIndex ) const;
+ MVPbkContactLink* CreateLinkLC(
+ TInt aIndex ) const;
+ TInt IndexOfLinkL(
+ const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink ) const;
+ TVPbkContactViewType Type() const;
+ void ChangeSortOrderL(const MVPbkFieldTypeList& aSortOrder);
+ const MVPbkFieldTypeList& SortOrder() const;
+ void AddObserverL(MVPbkContactViewObserver& aObserver);
+ void RemoveObserver(MVPbkContactViewObserver& aObserver);
+ TBool MatchContactStore(const TDesC& aContactStoreUri) const;
+ TBool MatchContactStoreDomain(const TDesC& aContactStoreDomain) const;
+ MVPbkContactBookmark* CreateBookmarkLC(
+ TInt aIndex ) const;
+ TInt IndexOfBookmarkL(
+ const MVPbkContactBookmark& aContactBookmark ) const;
+ MVPbkContactViewFiltering* ViewFiltering();
+ public: // From MParentViewForFiltering
+ void AddFilteringObserverL( MFilteredViewSupportObserver& aObserver );
+ void RemoveFilteringObserver( MFilteredViewSupportObserver& aObserver );
+ public: // Functions from MVPbkContactViewFiltering
+ MVPbkContactViewBase* CreateFilteredViewLC(
+ MVPbkContactViewObserver& aObserver,
+ const MDesCArray& aFindWords,
+ const MVPbkContactBookmarkCollection* aAlwaysIncludedContacts );
+ /// Subclasses must implement these
+ virtual void UpdateFilterL(
+ const MDesCArray& aFindWords,
+ const MVPbkContactBookmarkCollection* aAlwaysIncludedContacts ) = 0;
+ virtual TBool IsNativeMatchingRequestActive() = 0;
+ public: // From MVPbkContactViewObserver
+ virtual void ContactViewReady( MVPbkContactViewBase& aView ) = 0;
+ void ContactViewUnavailable( MVPbkContactViewBase& aView );
+ void ContactAddedToView(
+ MVPbkContactViewBase& aView,
+ TInt aIndex,
+ const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink );
+ void ContactRemovedFromView(
+ MVPbkContactViewBase& aView,
+ TInt aIndex,
+ const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink );
+ void ContactViewError(
+ MVPbkContactViewBase& aView,
+ TInt aError,
+ TBool aErrorNotified );
+ /**
+ * Subclass handles the logic after the parent view is ready
+ * for filtering
+ */
+ virtual void ContactViewReadyForFiltering(
+ MParentViewForFiltering& aView ) = 0;
+ void ContactViewUnavailableForFiltering(
+ MParentViewForFiltering& aView );
+ protected: // Implementation
+ /**
+ * @param aParentView the view whose contacts are filtered
+ * @param aAllContactsView the all contacts view.
+ * @param aOwnsMatchedContacts ETrue if this instance owns
+ * contacts in iMatchedContacts
+ */
+ CFindViewBase( MParentViewForFiltering& aParentView,
+ CContactView& aAllContactsView,
+ TBool aOwnsMatchedContacts );
+ /**
+ * @param aExternalViewObserver an observer that was given
+ * by the Virtual Phonebook client
+ * @param aFindString the find words for filtering
+ * @param aFindPolicy a policy for matching.
+ */
+ void BaseConstructL( MVPbkContactViewObserver& aExternalViewObserver,
+ const MDesCArray& aFindStrings,
+ MVPbkContactFindPolicy& aFindPolicy );
+ /**
+ * Start synchrnous contact match.
+ * Calls first MatchL and then sends events to obserers.
+ */
+ void MatchContactsL();
+ /**
+ * Checks if aViewContact matches to iFindStrings
+ *
+ * @param aViewContact the contact to be cheked
+ */
+ TBool IsMatchL( const MVPbkViewContact& aViewContact );
+ /**
+ * Returns the find words used in filtering
+ *
+ * @return the find words used in filtering
+ */
+ const MDesCArray& FindStrings() const;
+ /**
+ * Deletes old find strings and allocates new ones based on
+ * aFindStrings.
+ *
+ * @param aFindStrings new find strings
+ */
+ void SetFindStringsL( const MDesCArray& aFindStrings );
+ /**
+ * Sends ViewReady or ViewUnavailable event depending on view state
+ */
+ void SendViewStateEventToObservers();
+ private: // New functions
+ /**
+ * Subclass defines the match logic. This is called from
+ * MatchContactsL.
+ *
+ * @param aMatchedContacts an array that is filled by subclass.
+ */
+ virtual void MatchL(
+ RPointerArray<MVPbkSimContact>& aMatchedContacts ) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Subclass handles matching of added contact and adds it
+ * to the correct location in aMatchedContacts.
+ *
+ * @see MVPbkContactViewObserver::ContactAddedToView
+ * @param aMatchedContacts an array of contacts in which the new
+ * contact is inserted if it matches.
+ */
+ virtual void DoContactAddedToViewL( MVPbkContactViewBase& aView,
+ TInt aIndex, const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink,
+ RPointerArray<MVPbkSimContact>& aMatchedContacts ) = 0;
+ private: // Implementation
+ void DoAddObserver( MVPbkContactViewObserver& aObserver );
+ void DoAddObserverError( MVPbkContactViewObserver& aObserver,
+ TInt aError );
+ void DoAddFilteringObserverL( MFilteredViewSupportObserver& aObserver );
+ void DoAddFilteringObserverError(
+ MFilteredViewSupportObserver& aObserver, TInt aError );
+ void HandleContactAddedToViewL( MVPbkContactViewBase& aView,
+ TInt aIndex, const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink );
+ void HandleContactRemovedFromViewL( MVPbkContactViewBase& aView,
+ TInt aIndex, const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink );
+ void ResetContacts();
+ protected: // Data
+ /// Ref: The view that cretead this filtered view
+ MParentViewForFiltering& iParentView;
+ /// Ref: The all contacts view
+ CContactView& iAllContactsView;
+ private: // Data
+ /// Own: find words from the client
+ CDesCArrayFlat* iFindStrings;
+ /// Own or Not Own: depends on iOwnsContacts
+ RPointerArray<MVPbkSimContact> iMatchedContacts;
+ /// Own: the current view contact
+ CViewContact* iCurrentContact;
+ /// Ref: a policy for match
+ MVPbkContactFindPolicy* iContactFindPolicy;
+ /// Own: a field type list for name construction policy
+ CVPbkFieldTypeRefsList* iFieldTypeRefsList;
+ /// Ref: an array of view observers
+ RPointerArray<MVPbkContactViewObserver> iObservers;
+ /// Ref: an array of observers that filters this view.
+ RPointerArray<MFilteredViewSupportObserver> iFilteringObservers;
+ /// Own: an async operation for MVPbkContactViewObserver
+ CVPbkAsyncObjectOperation<MVPbkContactViewObserver>* iObserverOp;
+ /// Own: an async operation for MFilteredViewSupportObserver
+ CVPbkAsyncObjectOperation<MFilteredViewSupportObserver>* iFilterObsOp;
+ /// Own: ETrue if this view owns contacts in iMatchedContacts
+ TBool iOwnsContacts;
+ /// Own: ETrue if this view is ready
+ TBool iViewReady;
+ };
+} // namespace VPbkSimStore
+// End of File