changeset 0 e686773b3f54
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phonebookengines/contactsmodel/cntsrv/src/CCntDbManager.cpp	Tue Feb 02 10:12:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+ @released
+#include "persistencelayer.h"
+#include "CCntDbManager.h"
+#include "CCntRequest.h"
+#include "CCntStateMachine.h"
+#include "CCntBackupRestoreAgent.h"
+#include "CIniFileManager.h"
+#include "CntSpeedDials.h"
+#include "CCntLowDiskManager.h"
+#include "CViewSubSessions.h"
+CCntDbManager::CCntDbManager(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aCntFile, CCntBackupRestoreAgent& aBackupRestoreAgent, CIniFileManager& aIniManager) 
+: iFs(aFs), iCntFile(aCntFile), iBackupRestoreAgent(aBackupRestoreAgent), iIniManager(aIniManager)
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	iObserverArray.Close();
+	delete iViewManager;
+ 	delete iPersistenceLayer;
+ 	delete iStateMachine;
+ 	delete iLowDiskManager;
+	}
+const TDesC& CCntDbManager::CntFile()
+	{
+	return iCntFile;
+	}
+Object factory method.
+@param aFs File Server session.
+@param aCntFile Filename of the Contacts database.
+@param aFileMode Indicates whether to open, create or replace the Contacts
+database.  If open is indicated then the actual open takes place within the
+State Machine and is initiated by the CCntDbManagerController singleton.
+@param aBackupRestoreAgent The Backup/Restore Agent used to monitor inform this
+database of Backup/Restore events originating from the SBEngine component.
+@param aIniManager The Initialisation File Manager used to manage this
+database's data within cntmodel.ini.
+@return CCntDbManager instance.
+CCntDbManager* CCntDbManager::NewLC(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aCntFile, TCntFileMode aFileMode, CCntBackupRestoreAgent& aBackupRestoreAgent, CIniFileManager& aIniManager)
+ 	{
+	CCntDbManager* manager = new (ELeave) CCntDbManager(aFs, aCntFile, aBackupRestoreAgent, aIniManager);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(manager);
+	manager->ConstructL(aFileMode);
+	return manager;
+	}
+Second phase constructor.
+@param aFileMode Indicates whether to open, create or replace the Contacts
+database.  If open is indicated then the actual open takes place within the
+State Machine and is initiated by the CCntDbManagerController singleton.
+void CCntDbManager::ConstructL(TCntFileMode aFileMode)
+ 	{
+	iPersistenceLayer = CPersistenceLayer::NewLC(iFs, this, NULL);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(iPersistenceLayer);
+ 	// The State Machine is passed into the Persistence Layer as
+ 	// MContactDbObserver since it is the first observer to recieve (and deal
+ 	// with) database events outside the Persistence Layer. 
+	iPersistenceLayer->RegisterDbObserver(StateMachineL());
+	// Create and replace use the same call just the overwrite is different.
+	// Once created, the database has to be opened.  The open operation is
+	// initiated in the State Machine by the CCntDbManagerController singleton
+	// that creates this CCntDbManager instance.
+	if (aFileMode == ECntFileCreate)
+		{
+		iPersistenceLayer->ContactsFileL().CreateL(iCntFile, MLplContactsFile::EPlLeaveIfExist);
+		}
+	else if (aFileMode == ECntFileReplace)
+		{
+		iPersistenceLayer->ContactsFileL().CreateL(iCntFile, MLplContactsFile::EPlOverwrite);
+		}
+	if (aFileMode == ECntFileCreate || aFileMode == ECntFileReplace)
+		{
+		// creating a backup registration file for the newly created or replaced database file.
+		TRAPD(createErr, BackupRestoreAgent().CreateBackupRegistrationFileL(iCntFile));
+		if (createErr != KErrNone)
+			{
+			//An error has occured while creating backupregistration file,
+			//therefore we should delete the newly created database file.
+			TRAP_IGNORE(iPersistenceLayer->ContactsFileL().DeleteL(iCntFile));
+			//return the error recieved while creating BackupRegistration File
+			User::Leave(createErr);
+			}	
+		}
+	// Start Low Disk Space Manager.  Uses the database file name in iCntFile to
+	// determine the drive to observe for low disk space.
+	LowDiskManagerL().Start();
+	}
+Get the State Machine instance owned by this CCntDbManager.  This instance is
+used to call CCntStateMachine::ProcessRequestL() which implements the Visitor
+Pattern.  If the instance does not yet exist then create it (lazy
+@return CCntStateMachine instance owned by this CCntDbManager.
+@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory.
+CCntStateMachine& CCntDbManager::StateMachineL()
+	{
+	if (!iStateMachine)
+		{
+		iStateMachine = CCntStateMachine::NewL(*iPersistenceLayer, *this);
+		}
+	return *iStateMachine;
+	}
+Get the Persistence Layer instance owned by this CCntDbManager.
+@return CPersistenceLayer instance owned by this CCntDbManager.
+CPersistenceLayer& CCntDbManager::GetPersistenceLayer()
+	{
+	return *iPersistenceLayer;
+	}
+Get the Backup/Restore Agent instance owned by this CCntDbManager.
+@return CCntBackupRestoreAgent instance owned by this CCntDbManager.
+CCntBackupRestoreAgent& CCntDbManager::BackupRestoreAgent()
+	{
+	return iBackupRestoreAgent;
+	}
+Get the Initialisation File Manager instance owned by this CCntDbManager.
+@return CIniFileManager instance owned by this CCntDbManager.
+CIniFileManager& CCntDbManager::IniFileManager()
+	{
+	return iIniManager;
+	}
+Get the View Manager instance owned by this CCntDbManager.  If the instance does
+not yet exist then create it (lazy initialisation).
+@return CCntStateMachine instance owned by this CCntDbManager.
+CViewManager& CCntDbManager::ViewManagerL()
+	{
+	if (!iViewManager)
+		{
+		iViewManager = CViewManager::NewL(GetPersistenceLayer().FactoryL(), *this);
+		}	
+	return *iViewManager;
+	}
+Create and start Active Object which observes disk threshold notifications.
+@return CCntLowDiskManager instance owned by this CCntDbManager.
+CCntLowDiskManager& CCntDbManager::LowDiskManagerL()
+	{
+	if (!iLowDiskManager)
+		{
+		// Find out the drive held in iCntFile.  If a drive letter is not
+		// present then the method leaves.
+		TParsePtrC parseFileName(iCntFile);
+		if (!parseFileName.DrivePresent())
+		{
+			User::Leave(KErrBadName);
+		}
+		TDriveUnit drive(parseFileName.Drive());
+		iLowDiskManager = CCntLowDiskManager::NewL(*this, KLowDiskThreshold, drive, iFs);	
+		//
+		// FUTURE: In later implementation we will call RFs::ReserveDriveSpace()
+		// either here or via Persistence Layer.  There is no method to un-
+		// reserve this space - it is automatically cleaned up when the RFs
+		// object used to reserve the space is closed.
+		//
+		}
+	return *iLowDiskManager;
+	}
+TInt CCntDbManager::FileSizeL()
+	{
+	return iPersistenceLayer->ContactsFileL().FileSize();  
+	}	
+Add a session (increase the number of clients accessing this database).
+void CCntDbManager::AddSession()
+	{
+	iSessionCount++;
+	}
+Remove a session (decrease the number of clients accessing this database).
+void CCntDbManager::RemoveSession()
+	{
+	iSessionCount--;
+	}
+Return the session count.  When the session count reaches zero this instance of
+CCntDbManager can be destroyed.
+@return Session count.
+TInt CCntDbManager::SessionCount() const
+	{
+	return iSessionCount;
+	}
+Add a database event observer for this database.
+@param aObserver Database event observer to add.
+void CCntDbManager::RegisterDatabaseEventObserverL(MContactDbObserver& aObserver)
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError(iObserverArray.InsertInAddressOrder(&aObserver));
+	}
+Remove a database event observer for this database.
+@param aObserver Database event observer to remove.
+void CCntDbManager::UnRegisterDatabaseEventObserver(MContactDbObserver& aObserver)
+	{
+	TInt index = KErrNotFound;
+	const TInt error = iObserverArray.FindInAddressOrder(&aObserver, index);
+	if	(error != KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		iObserverArray.Remove(index);
+		}
+	}
+Process a database event (typically generated in the Persistence Layer).
+@param aEvent Database event.
+void CCntDbManager::HandleDatabaseEventL(TContactDbObserverEvent aEvent)
+	{
+	// Notify all registered observers of the event.
+	NotifyObserversL(aEvent);	
+	}
+Process a Backup/Restore event (typically generated by the Database Manager 
+Controller via the Backup/Restore Agent).
+@param aEvent Database event (limited to Backup/Restore database events).
+void CCntDbManager::HandleBackupRestoreEventL(TContactDbObserverEvent aEvent)
+	{
+	// Create and then process appropriate request using state machine.
+	CCntRequest* request = NULL;
+	switch(aEvent.iType)
+		{
+		case EContactDbObserverEventBackupBeginning :
+		case EContactDbObserverEventRestoreBeginning :
+			{
+			request = CReqBackupRestoreBegin::NewLC();
+			}
+			break;
+		case EContactDbObserverEventBackupRestoreCompleted :
+		// Bad database recovery is automatically carried out in the
+		// Persistence Layer as part of the opening process.
+		case EContactDbObserverEventRestoreBadDatabase :
+			{
+			request = CReqBackupRestoreEnd::NewLC();
+			}
+			break;
+		default :
+			{
+			// Misuse of API (unexpected event).
+			User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+			}
+		}
+	StateMachineL().ProcessRequestL(request);    // ownership transferred
+	// ProcessRequestL received ownership of the request, the request only need
+	// to be popped from CleanupStack.
+	CleanupStack::Pop(request); 
+	// Notify all registered observers of Backup/Restore event.
+	NotifyObserversL(aEvent);
+	}
+Process a low/not low disk condition.
+@param aLowDisk ETrue if low disk condition, EFalse otherwise.
+void CCntDbManager::HandleLowDiskL(TBool aLowDisk)
+	{
+	// Create and then process appropriate request using state machine.
+	CCntRequest* request = NULL;
+	if (aLowDisk)
+		{
+		request = CReqDiskSpaceLow::NewLC();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		request = CReqDiskSpaceNormal::NewLC();
+		}
+	StateMachineL().ProcessRequestL(request);    // ownership transferred
+	// ProcessRequestL received ownership of the request, the request only need
+	// to be popped from CleanupStack.
+    CleanupStack::Pop(request);
+	}
+Notify all registered observers (typically a client session) of a database
+event.  Each registered observer implements the MContactDbObserver interface
+which is comprised of the HandleDatabaseEventL() method.
+@param aEvent Database event to send to registered observers.
+void CCntDbManager::NotifyObserversL(const TContactDbObserverEvent aEvent)
+	{
+	for(TInt i = iObserverArray.Count()-1; i>=0; --i)
+		{
+		iObserverArray[i]->HandleDatabaseEventL(aEvent);
+		}
+	}
+void CCntDbManager::SetCurrentItemL(TContactItemId aContactId, TUint aConnectionId)
+	{
+	iIniManager.SetCurrentItemL(iCntFile, aContactId);
+	TContactDbObserverEvent event;
+	event.iType = EContactDbObserverEventCurrentItemChanged;
+	event.iContactId = aContactId;
+	event.iConnectionId = aConnectionId;
+	// Save the changes to the contacts model ini file
+	iIniManager.ScheduleSaveIniFileSettings(CIniFileManager::ESaveCurrentItem);
+	NotifyObserversL(event);
+	}
+void CCntDbManager::RemoveCurrentItemL(TUint aConnectionId)
+	{
+	iIniManager.RemoveCurrentItemL(iCntFile);
+	TContactDbObserverEvent event;
+	event.iType = EContactDbObserverEventCurrentItemDeleted;
+	event.iContactId = KNullContactId;
+	event.iConnectionId = aConnectionId;
+	// Save the changes to the contacts model ini file
+	iIniManager.ScheduleSaveIniFileSettings(CIniFileManager::ESaveCurrentItem);
+	NotifyObserversL(event);
+	}
+TContactItemId CCntDbManager::CurrentItem() const
+	{
+	return iIniManager.CurrentItem(iCntFile);
+	}
+void CCntDbManager::DeleteNotifyL(TContactItemId aContactId)
+	{
+	if (aContactId == CurrentItem())
+		{
+		// Tell the server that the current item has just been deleted.
+		RemoveCurrentItemL(0);
+		}
+	}
+Return the speed dial phone number at the specified speed dial table index.
+void CCntDbManager::GetSpeedDialContactIdAndPhoneNumberL(const TInt aSpeedDialIndex, TSpeedDialPhoneNumber& aPhoneNumber, TContactItemId& aContactId)
+	{
+	const CCntServerSpeedDialTable& table = iIniManager.SpeedDialManager().TableL(iCntFile);
+	aContactId = table.SpeedDialContactItem(aSpeedDialIndex, aPhoneNumber);
+	}
+Set the phone number and Contact ID for the specified speed dial table index.
+TContactItemId CCntDbManager::SetSpeedDialIdForPositionL(const TInt aSpeedDialIndex, const TContactItemId aContactId,  const TSpeedDialPhoneNumber& aPhoneNumber, TUint aConnectionId, TBool aSendNotification)
+	{
+	// Get the speed dial table
+	CCntServerSpeedDialTable& table = iIniManager.SpeedDialManager().TableL(iCntFile);
+	// Grab data from the speed dial table
+	TContactItemId contactIdToBroadcast;
+	if ( aContactId == KNullContactId )
+		 {
+		 TSpeedDialPhoneNumber phoneNumberFromSpeedDialTable;
+		 contactIdToBroadcast = table.SpeedDialContactItem(aSpeedDialIndex, phoneNumberFromSpeedDialTable);
+		 }
+	else
+		 {
+ 		 contactIdToBroadcast = aContactId;
+ 		 }
+	// Update speed dial array
+	table.SetSpeedDialL(aSpeedDialIndex, aContactId, aPhoneNumber);	
+	// Save the changes to the contacts model ini file
+	iIniManager.ScheduleSaveIniFileSettings(CIniFileManager::ESaveSpeedDials);
+	if (aSendNotification)
+		{	
+		//BroadCast the SpeedDialsChanged event
+		TContactDbObserverEvent event;
+		event.iType = EContactDbObserverEventSpeedDialsChanged;
+		event.iContactId = contactIdToBroadcast;
+		event.iConnectionId = aConnectionId;
+		NotifyObserversL(event);
+		}
+	return contactIdToBroadcast;	
+	}
+CArrayFix<TInt>* CCntDbManager::SpeedDialIndicesForContactIdLC(TContactItemId aContactId)
+	{
+	CCntServerSpeedDialTable& table = iIniManager.SpeedDialManager().TableL(iCntFile);	
+	return table.SpeedDialIndicesForContactIdLC(aContactId);
+	}
+void CCntDbManager::SetCardTemplatePrefIdL(TContactItemId aCardTemplatePrefId, TInt aConnectionId)
+	{
+	// This is effectively a Write operation which should not be allowed in low
+	// disk condition.
+	if (LowDiskManagerL().LowDiskL())
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrDiskFull);
+		}
+	iPersistenceLayer->ContactProperties().SetCardTemplatePrefIdL(aCardTemplatePrefId);
+	//Notify clients here
+	TContactDbObserverEvent event;
+	event.iType = EContactDbObserverEventPreferredTemplateChanged;
+	event.iContactId = aCardTemplatePrefId;
+	event.iConnectionId = aConnectionId;
+	NotifyObserversL(event);	
+	}
+void CCntDbManager::RecreateSystemTemplateL()
+	{
+	// This is effectively a Write operation which should not be allowed in low
+	// disk condition.
+	if (LowDiskManagerL().LowDiskL())
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrDiskFull);
+		}
+	iPersistenceLayer->ContactProperties().RecreateSystemTemplateL();
+	}