changeset 0 e686773b3f54
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pimprotocols/phonebooksync/Server/SyncContactsWithICC.cpp	Tue Feb 02 10:12:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,833 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Contains method implementations for the Active Object classes used by the Phonebook 
+// Synchroniser.
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include "common.h"
+#include "Phonebook.h"
+#include "PhonebookManager.h"
+#include "SyncContactICCEntry.h"
+#include "phbksynclog.h"
+#include "phbksyncsvr.h"
+#include "SyncEngineSession.h"
+#include "SyncEngineServer.h"
+#include "phbksyncsess.h"
+#include "SyncContactsWithICC.h"
+ *  Number of retries to read the ICC in an ICC multiple read operation.
+ */
+const TInt KMaxICCReadRetryCnt = 1;
+ *	Delay for retry (will be multiplied by an increasing factor).
+ */
+const TInt KReadRetryDelayBase = 100000;
+ *  Static factory method used to create a CSyncContactsWithICC object.
+ *
+ *  @param aSession           Reference to the engine session.
+ *  @param aPhonebookManager  Reference to the Phonebook Manager which stores
+ *                            all the phonebook parameters.
+ *  @param aDb                Reference to the database.
+ *  @param aPhone             Handle to the phone object.
+ *  @param aPhonebookUid      Phonebook UID for the contact to be deleted from.
+ *  @param aClientMessage     Handle to the engine message request.
+ */
+CSyncContactsWithICC* CSyncContactsWithICC::NewL(CSyncEngineSession& aSession,
+												 CPhoneBookManager& aPhoneBookManager,
+												 CContactDatabase& aDb,
+												 RMobilePhone& aPhone,
+												 TUid aPhonebookUid,
+												 const RMessage2& aClientMessage)
+	{
+	CSyncContactsWithICC*  self = new(ELeave) CSyncContactsWithICC(aSession,
+																   aPhoneBookManager,
+																   aDb,
+																   aPhone,
+																   aPhonebookUid,
+																   aClientMessage);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	} // CSyncContactsWithICC::NewL
+ *  Standard constructor.
+ *
+ *  @param aSession           Reference to the engine session.
+ *  @param aPhonebookManager  Reference to the Phonebook Manager which stores
+ *                            all the phonebook parameters.
+ *  @param aDb                Reference to the database.
+ *  @param aPhone             Handle to the phone object.
+ *  @param aPhonebookUid      Phonebook UID for the contact to be deleted from.
+ *  @param aClientMessage     Handle to the engine message request.
+ */
+CSyncContactsWithICC::CSyncContactsWithICC(CSyncEngineSession& aSession,
+										   CPhoneBookManager& aPhonebookManager,
+										   CContactDatabase& aDb,
+										   RMobilePhone& aPhone,
+										   TUid aPhonebookUid,
+										   const RMessage2& aClientMessage)
+  : CActive(EPriorityNormal),
+	iSession(aSession),
+	iPhonebookManager(aPhonebookManager),
+	iDb(aDb),
+	iPhone(aPhone),
+	iPhonebookUid(aPhonebookUid),
+	iClientMessage(aClientMessage),
+	iState(ESyncContactsWithICCStateIdle),
+	iPhonebookDataPtr(NULL,0),
+	iNumOfEntries(1),
+	iSlotNum(1)
+	{
+	// NOP
+	} // CSyncContactsWithICC::CSyncContactsWithICC
+ *  Standard destructor. This will cancel any pending active requests.
+ */
+	{
+	LOGACTIVE1(_L8("~CSyncContactsWithICC()"));
+	Cancel();
+	delete iPhonebookData;
+	iUnconfirmedEntries.Close();
+	iTimer.Close();
+	} // CSyncContactsWithICC::~CSyncContactsWithICC
+ *  Second phase constructor.
+ */
+void CSyncContactsWithICC::ConstructL()
+	{
+	LOGACTIVE1(_L8("CSyncContactsWithICC::ConstructL()"));
+	//
+	// Create the phonebook data buffer.
+	//
+	iPhonebookData = HBufC8::NewL(KPBDataClientHeap);
+	iPhonebookDataPtr.Set(const_cast<unsigned char*>(iPhonebookData->Ptr()), 0, KPBDataClientHeap);
+	//
+	// Obtain a few bits of info now to save time later...
+	//
+	User::LeaveIfError(iPhonebookManager.GetPhoneBookInfo(iPhonebookUid, iPhBkInfo));
+	User::LeaveIfError(iPhonebookManager.GetPhoneBookStore(iPhonebookUid, iPhone, iPhonebookStore));
+	//
+	// Create a timer for use later if needed...
+	//
+	iTimer.CreateLocal();
+	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+	} // CSyncContactsWithICC::ConstructL
+ *  Begin synchronising the ICC phonebook into the Contacts Database. This
+ *  function begins the process be ensuring the Look-Up Table is upto date
+ *  with the information from the Contacts DB. Any contact entires that are
+ *  stored outside the slot range of the ICC (e.g. entries from previous ICCs)
+ *  are removed.
+ */
+void CSyncContactsWithICC::SyncContactsWithICCL()
+	{
+	LOGACTIVE1(_L8("CSyncContactsWithICC::SyncContactsWithICCL()"));
+	//
+	// Check that we are not in use!
+	//
+	if (iState != ESyncContactsWithICCStateIdle)
+		{
+		PhBkSyncPanic(EPhBkSyncPanicDoMultipleReadError);
+		}
+	//
+	// Fetch all current database entries into the Look-Up Table. Also we
+	// need to delete all entires outside the size of the phonebook. Start by
+	// getting the size of the phonebook and clearing the current table data.
+	//
+	TInt  phonebookSize;
+	User::LeaveIfError(iPhonebookManager.GetLookUpTableSize(iPhonebookUid,
+															phonebookSize));
+	User::LeaveIfError(iPhonebookManager.ClearLookUpTable(iPhonebookUid));
+	//
+	// Get the Group ID to search for entries. If no ID exists then the
+	// database does not contain any entries.
+	//
+	TContactItemId  groupId;
+	User::LeaveIfError(iPhonebookManager.GetGroupId(iPhonebookUid, groupId));
+ 	//
+ 	// Populate the lookup table with entries from the contacts database...
+ 	//
+ 	if (groupId != KNullContactId  &&  groupId != KGoldenTemplateId)
+		{
+ 		CContactItem*  group = iDb.ReadContactLC(groupId);
+ 		const CContactIdArray*  members = static_cast<CContactGroup*>(group)->ItemsContained();
+ 		const TInt  count = members->Count();
+		TContactTextDefItem  iccSlotFieldType(KUidContactFieldICCSlot);
+		CContactTextDef*  iccSlotFieldTextDef = CContactTextDef::NewLC();
+		iccSlotFieldTextDef->AppendL(iccSlotFieldType);
+		for (TInt item = 0;  item < count;  item++)
+			{
+			//
+			// Read the item from the database and add to the Look-Up Table.
+			// The state is unconfirmed until the synchronisation is complete.
+			//
+			TBuf<KTemplateNumberLength>  iccSlotField;
+			iDb.ReadContactTextDefL((*members)[item], iccSlotField,
+									iccSlotFieldTextDef);
+			TLex  input(iccSlotField);
+			TInt  slotNum = 0;
+			input.Val(slotNum);
+			//
+			// Delete entries that are in slots exceeding the ICC slot range,
+			// otherwise add them to the Look Up Table.
+			//
+			if (slotNum > phonebookSize)
+				{
+				iDb.DeleteContactL((*members)[item]);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				User::LeaveIfError(iPhonebookManager.UpdateEntryInTable(iPhonebookUid,
+																		slotNum,
+																		(*members)[item],
+																		ESlotUnconfirmed));
+				}
+			}
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, group);
+ 		}
+	//
+	// Now begin the process of reading entries and writting them to the database.
+	//
+	ReadICCEntries();
+	} // CSyncContactsWithICC::SyncContactsWithICCL
+ *  Issues a read of one or more ICC entries.
+ */
+void CSyncContactsWithICC::ReadICCEntries()
+	{
+	LOGACTIVE1(_L8("CSyncContactsWithICC::ReadICCEntries()"));
+	//
+	// Now issue the ICC read and set the object Active...
+	//
+	iPhonebookStore.Read(iStatus, iSlotNum, 1, iPhonebookDataPtr);
+	iState = ESyncContactsWithICCStateWaitForRead;
+	iDbAccessRetryCount=0;
+	iICCReadRetryCount=0;
+	SetActive();
+	} // CSyncContactsWithICC::ReadICCEntries
+ *  Standard Active Object RunL() method to process the various sync requests.
+ */
+void CSyncContactsWithICC::RunL()
+	{
+	LOGACTIVE2(_L8("CSyncContactsWithICC::RunL() iStatus=%d)"),
+			   iStatus.Int());
+	switch (iState)
+		{
+		case ESyncContactsWithICCStateWaitForRead:
+			{
+			//
+			// If the request was completed, cancelled or no more entries were found...
+			//
+			if (iStatus.Int() == KErrNone  ||
+				iStatus.Int() == KErrCancel  || 
+			    iStatus.Int() == KErrNotFound)
+				{
+				TInt  ret(iStatus.Int());
+				iICCReadRetryCount=0;
+				//
+				// Now decode received phonebook data and store it in Contacts DB...
+				//
+				TRAPD(decodeErr, DecodeICCAndStoreToDbL(iSlotNum, iReceivedEntries));
+				if (decodeErr != KErrNone)
+					{
+					iSession.Server().RollbackIccTransaction();
+					if (iDbAccessRetryCount < KMaxDbAccessRetryCount  &&
+						(decodeErr == KErrInUse  ||  decodeErr == KErrLocked))
+						{					
+						iDbAccessRetryCount++;			
+						LOGACTIVE2(_L8("iDbAccessErrorCount is %d"),iDbAccessRetryCount);
+						iTimer.After(iStatus, KReadRetryDelayBase*iDbAccessRetryCount);//increase the delay each time
+						SetActive();
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						iSession.Server().CompleteDoSync(decodeErr);
+						}
+					return;
+					}
+				iDbAccessRetryCount = 0; // reset the DB retry counter
+				//
+				// Have we finished reading yet?
+				//
+				if ((iPhBkInfo.iUsedEntries < 0  ||  iReceivedEntries < iPhBkInfo.iUsedEntries)  &&
+				    iSlotNum < iPhBkInfo.iTotalEntries)
+					{
+					//
+					// Increment the slot number and read some more...
+					//
+					iSlotNum++;
+					ReadICCEntries();
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					//
+					// All entries have been read. It is okay to not find an
+					// entry in the case where the TSY could not tell you how
+					// many entries were used. If there was an error return now.
+					//
+					if (ret != KErrNone  &&  ret != KErrNotFound)
+						{
+						iState = ESyncContactsWithICCStateIdle;
+						iSession.Server().CompleteDoSync(ret);
+						return;
+						}
+					//
+					// Request the list of unconfirmed entries to remove...
+					//
+					TInt  result;
+					result = iPhonebookManager.GetMatchingEntries(iPhonebookUid,
+																  ESlotUnconfirmed,
+																  iUnconfirmedEntries);
+					if (result != KErrNone)
+						{
+						iSession.Server().CompleteDoSync(result);
+						return;
+						}
+					//
+					// Yield and continue processing in the next RunL call.
+					//
+					iState = ESyncContactsWithICCStateRemoveUnconfirmedEntries;
+					YieldToOtherActiveObjects();
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				if (iICCReadRetryCount < KMaxICCReadRetryCnt)
+					{					
+					iICCReadRetryCount++;
+					iPhonebookDataPtr.Zero();	
+					iPhonebookStore.Read(iStatus, iSlotNum, 1, iPhonebookDataPtr);
+					SetActive();
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					iSession.Server().CompleteDoSync(iStatus.Int());
+					return;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		case ESyncContactsWithICCStateRemoveUnconfirmedEntries:
+			{
+			//
+			// If we have unconfirmed entries to remove, then delete one of
+			// them before yielding to the scheduler (so we don't spend too
+			// much time in the RunL() in one go). Otherwise we have finished.
+			//
+			if (iUnconfirmedEntries.Count() > 0)
+				{
+				//
+				// Get the contact ID for the entry we are going to delete...
+				//
+				TContactItemId  contactId;
+				TInt  result;
+				result = iPhonebookManager.GetContactIdFromSlotNum(iPhonebookUid,
+																   iUnconfirmedEntries[0],
+																   contactId);
+				if (result != KErrNone)
+					{
+					iSession.Server().CompleteDoSync(result);
+					return;
+					}
+				//
+				// Delete the entry...
+				//				
+				TRAP(result, iDb.DeleteContactL(contactId));
+				if (result != KErrNone)
+					{
+					iSession.Server().CompleteDoSync(result);
+					return;
+					}
+				//
+				// Reset the Look-Up Table entry...
+				//
+				result = iPhonebookManager.UpdateEntryInTable(iPhonebookUid,
+															  iUnconfirmedEntries[0],
+															  KNullContactId,
+															  ESlotEmpty);
+				if (result != KErrNone)
+					{
+					iSession.Server().CompleteDoSync(result);
+					return;
+					}
+				//
+				// Remove this entry from the list and yield...
+				//
+				iUnconfirmedEntries.Remove(0);
+				YieldToOtherActiveObjects();
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				//
+				// Compress the database if needed and we are finished!
+				//
+				if (iDb.CompressRequired())
+					{
+					TRAP_IGNORE(iDb.CompactL());
+					}
+				iState = ESyncContactsWithICCStateIdle;
+				iSession.Server().CompleteDoSync(KErrNone);
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		case ESyncContactsWithICCStateWaitForCancel:
+			{
+			iState = ESyncContactsWithICCStateIdle;
+			iSession.Server().CompleteDoSync(iStatus.Int());
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			{
+			PhBkSyncPanic(EPhBkSyncPanicDoMultipleReadError);
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	} // CSyncContactsWithICC::RunL
+ *  Simple function that causes the Active Object to yield to the scheduler
+ *  and let any other Active Objects (such as the engine) run if they want.
+ */
+void CSyncContactsWithICC::YieldToOtherActiveObjects()
+	{
+	LOGACTIVE1(_L8("CSyncContactsWithICC::YieldToOtherActiveObjects()"));
+	//
+	// Post a dummy request...
+	//
+	iStatus = KRequestPending;
+	SetActive();
+	//
+	// Now complete the dummy request...
+	//
+	TRequestStatus*  reqStatusPtr = &iStatus;
+	User::RequestComplete(reqStatusPtr, KErrNone);
+	} // CSyncContactsWithICC::YieldToOtherActiveObjects
+ *  Decode the phonebook entries supplied in iPhoneData. The entries are
+ *  converted from TLV (Tag-Length-Value) format into the phonebook server internal
+ *  (CSyncContactICCEntry) format and then written to the Contacts Database.
+ *  Once they are written to the DB, the server's look-up table is updated
+ *  accordingly.
+ *
+ *  @param aIndex            Returns the slot number of the last decoded
+ *                           phonebook entry.
+ *  @param aReceivedEntries  Returns the number of the received entries.
+ */
+void CSyncContactsWithICC::DecodeICCAndStoreToDbL(TInt& aIndex,
+												  TInt& aReceivedEntries)
+	{
+	LOGACTIVE1(_L8("CSyncContactsWithICC::DecodeICCAndStoreToDbL()"));
+	TBuf16<KPBDataClientBuf>  buffer;
+	TPtrC16  bufPtr(buffer);
+	TUint8  tagValue(0);
+	TInt  entryCount(0);
+	CPhoneBookBuffer::TPhBkTagType  dataType;
+	TBool  isAdditionalNumber(EFalse); // Used to indicate beginning of an Additional Number 
+	CSyncContactICCEntry::TSyncAdditionalNumber  additionalNumber;
+	//
+	// Allocate an ICC Entry...
+	//
+	CSyncContactICCEntry*  iccEntry = CSyncContactICCEntry::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(iccEntry);
+	//
+	// Create a CPhoneBookBuffer ready to decode the entries...
+	//
+	CPhoneBookBuffer*  pbBuffer = new(ELeave) CPhoneBookBuffer();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(pbBuffer);
+	pbBuffer->Set(&iPhonebookDataPtr);
+	//
+	// Now start decoding the phonebook data received in TLV format...
+	//
+	pbBuffer->StartRead();
+	while (pbBuffer->GetTagAndType(tagValue, dataType) == KErrNone)
+		{
+		switch (tagValue)
+			{
+			case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBAdnIndex:
+				{
+				entryCount++;     // Don't increment this until we find the index
+								  // So that we wait for whole entry to be received
+				TUint16  index;
+				pbBuffer->GetValue(index);			
+				iccEntry->iSlotNum = (TInt) index;
+				aIndex = iccEntry->iSlotNum;
+				}
+				break;
+			case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBTonNpi:
+				{
+				TUint8  tonNpi;
+				pbBuffer->GetValue(tonNpi);			
+				if (isAdditionalNumber)
+					{
+					additionalNumber.iTON = ConvertTypeOfNumber(tonNpi); // TON associated with additional number
+					// We have rearched to the end of one additional number. So, 
+				    // we add the complete additionNumber into the list and set 
+					// the flag as EFalse. Note we will get a ETagPBAnrStart for
+					// each additional number.
+					iccEntry->iNumberList->AppendL(additionalNumber);
+					isAdditionalNumber = EFalse;
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					// TON associated with first (default) number
+					iccEntry->iTON = ConvertTypeOfNumber(tonNpi);
+					}
+				}
+				break;
+			case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText:
+				{
+				pbBuffer->GetValue(bufPtr);
+				if (isAdditionalNumber)
+					{
+					// For additional number bufPtr contains number alpha string
+					additionalNumber.iNumberString.Copy(bufPtr);
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					iccEntry->iName.Copy(bufPtr);
+					}
+				}
+				break;
+			case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBSecondName:
+				{
+				pbBuffer->GetValue(bufPtr);			
+				iccEntry->iSecondName.Copy(bufPtr);
+				}
+				break;
+			case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber:
+				{
+				pbBuffer->GetValue(bufPtr);	
+				if (isAdditionalNumber)
+					{
+					additionalNumber.iNumber.Copy(bufPtr);
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					// First number so this will be used as default number
+					iccEntry->iNumber.Append(bufPtr);
+					}
+				}
+				break;
+			case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBAnrStart:
+				{
+				// This tag should precede every additional number entry
+				isAdditionalNumber = ETrue;
+				}
+				break;
+			case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBGroupName:
+				{
+				pbBuffer->GetValue(bufPtr);	
+				iccEntry->iGroupList->AppendL(bufPtr);
+				}
+				break;
+			case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBEmailAddress:
+				{
+				pbBuffer->GetValue(bufPtr);
+				iccEntry->iEmailList->AppendL(bufPtr);
+				}
+				break;
+			case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBHiddenInfo:
+				{
+	 			TUint8  hidden;
+				pbBuffer->GetValue(hidden);
+				if (hidden != 0)
+					{
+					iccEntry->iIsHidden = ETrue;
+					}
+				}
+				break;
+			case RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNewEntry:
+				{
+				//
+				// This signals the end of the entry and is a special case
+				// which will be handled below.
+				//
+				}
+				break;
+			default:
+				{
+				//
+				// An unsupported field type - just skip this value
+				//
+				pbBuffer->SkipValue(dataType);
+				}
+				break;
+			}
+		//
+		// Has the whole entry been extracted?
+		//
+		if ((tagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNewEntry  &&  entryCount > 0) ||
+			(pbBuffer->RemainingReadLength() == 0  &&  entryCount > 0))
+			{
+			iccEntry->iPhonebookUid = iPhonebookUid;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+			iccEntry->LogSyncContactICCEntry();
+			//
+			// Write the entry to the Contacts Database...
+			//
+			TContactItemId id(KNullContactId);
+			TPhonebookSlotState slotState(ESlotUsedAvailable);
+			if (iccEntry->iIsHidden)
+				// Hidden entry so ignore all fields for that entry, since they will not 
+				// be stored in Contacts database
+				{
+				slotState = ESlotHiddenNotAvailable;
+				// remove any existing entry for this slot from database
+				TInt  result = iPhonebookManager.GetContactIdFromSlotNum(iPhonebookUid,
+																		  iccEntry->iSlotNum,
+																		  id);
+				if (result == KErrNone)
+					{
+					iDb.DeleteContactL(id);
+					id = KNullContactId;
+					// Populate the phonebook look-up table 
+					User::LeaveIfError(iPhonebookManager.UpdateEntryInTable(iPhonebookUid,
+																			iccEntry->iSlotNum,
+																			id, slotState));
+					}
+				}
+			else // Not hidden entry or it used to be hidden but its not anymore 
+				{
+				// So add this entry to Contacts database 
+				id = iSession.Server().WriteICCContactToDBL(*iccEntry);
+				}
+			// ICC entry successfully written Contacts DB, so update look-up table
+			if((id!=KNullContactId) || (iccEntry->iIsHidden)) 
+				{
+				// Populate the phonebook look-up table 
+				User::LeaveIfError(iPhonebookManager.UpdateEntryInTable(iPhonebookUid,
+																		iccEntry->iSlotNum,
+																		id, slotState));
+				}
+			//
+			// Loop again...
+			//
+			iccEntry->Reset();
+			aReceivedEntries++;
+			} 
+		}
+	iPhonebookDataPtr.Zero();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, iccEntry);
+	} // CSyncContactsWithICC::DecodeICCAndStoreToDbL
+ *  Converts an ETSI Type-Of-Number value to a RMobilePhone::TMobileTON.
+ *
+ *  @param aValue  An ETSI Type-Of-Number field.
+ *
+ *  @return The equivalent RMobilePhone::TMobileTON value.
+ */
+RMobilePhone::TMobileTON CSyncContactsWithICC::ConvertTypeOfNumber(TUint8 aValue) const
+	{
+	//
+	// Mask off NPI and move TON to least-sig byte...
+	//
+	TUint8  aTon = (aValue & KEtsiTonPosition) >> 4;
+	//
+	// The below 'magic numbers' come from the ETSI 03.40
+	// specification for Address Fields (section
+	//
+	RMobilePhone::TMobileTON  result;
+	switch(aTon)
+		{
+		case 0:
+			{
+			result = RMobilePhone::EUnknownNumber;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 1:		
+			{
+			result = RMobilePhone::EInternationalNumber;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			{
+			result = RMobilePhone::ENationalNumber;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 3:
+			{
+			result = RMobilePhone::ENetworkSpecificNumber;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 4:
+			{
+			result = RMobilePhone::ESubscriberNumber;
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			{
+			result = RMobilePhone::EUnknownNumber;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	return result;
+	} // CSyncContactsWithICC::ConvertTypeOfNumber
+ *  Standard Active Object DoCancel method called when the objects Cancel()
+ *  method is called.
+ */
+void CSyncContactsWithICC::DoCancel()
+	{
+	if (iState == ESyncContactsWithICCStateWaitForRead)
+		{
+		iPhonebookStore.CancelAsyncRequest(EMobilePhoneBookStoreRead);
+		iState = ESyncContactsWithICCStateWaitForCancel;
+		}
+	} // CSyncContactsWithICC::DoCancel
+ *  Standard Active Object RunError method called when the objects RunL()
+ *  method leaves.
+ *
+ *  Hopefully this method should never be called.
+ *
+ *  @param aError  Leave code from the RunL().
+ *
+ *  @return  KErrNone is returned although the server will panic first.
+ */
+TInt CSyncContactsWithICC::RunError(TInt aError)
+	{
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	LOGACTIVE2(_L8("CSyncContactsWithICC::RunError(%d)"), aError);
+	(void) aError;
+	PhBkSyncPanic(EPhBkSyncPanicUnexpectedLeave);
+	return KErrNone;	
+	} // CSyncContactsWithICC::RunError