--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phonebookengines/contactsmodel/tsrc/T_CntMatch.cpp Wed Sep 01 12:29:52 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,863 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include "T_UTILS.H"
+#include "testhelpers.h"
+RFs fs;
+#if defined(__EABI__)
+ _LIT(KTestFileName, "z:\\CntmodelTest\\%S");
+ _LIT(KTestFileName, "z:\\system\\programs\\cntmodelTest\\%S");
+GLDEF_D CCntTest* CntTest=NULL;
+TInt PhoneNumberFieldIndex = -1;
+TBool FileExists(const TDesC& aFilename)
+ {
+ TUint val;
+ TBool res = fs.Att(aFilename, val) == KErrNone;
+ return res;
+ }
+// Delete the current contacts database and create a new one
+LOCAL_C void ResetDatabaseL()
+ {
+ CntTest->CloseDatabase();
+ CntTest->DeleteDatabaseL();
+ CntTest->CreateDatabaseL();
+ CntTest->OpenDatabaseL();
+ // Reset all server side speed dials ;-)))
+ CntTest->Db()->ResetServerSpeedDialsL();
+ }
+LOCAL_C TContactItemId CreateContactL(const TDesC& aFirstName, const TDesC& aFamilyName, const TDesC& aPhoneNo, const TDesC& aMobileNo)
+ {
+ CContactItem* item=CContactCard::NewLC();
+ SetNameL(*item,KUidContactFieldGivenName,KUidContactFieldVCardMapUnusedN,aFirstName,ETrue);
+ SetNameL(*item,KUidContactFieldFamilyName,KUidContactFieldVCardMapUnusedN,aFamilyName,ETrue);
+ SetNameL(*item,KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber,KUidContactFieldVCardMapTEL,aPhoneNo,ETrue); //KUidContactFieldVCardMapTELFAX
+ if (aMobileNo.Length() > 0)
+ SetNameL(*item,KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber,KUidContactFieldVCardMapCELL,aMobileNo,ETrue);
+ item->SetTemplateRefId(KGoldenTemplateId);
+ TContactItemId id=CntTest->Db()->AddNewContactL(*item);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(item);
+ return id;
+ }
+LOCAL_C TInt CheckPhoneMatchL(const TDesC& aPhoneNumberToMatch, TInt aNumberOfMatchDigits) //, TInt aExpectedNumOfMatches)
+ {
+ TBuf<256> testCase;
+ _LIT(KFormat,"Checking matches to %S, matching %d digits");
+ testCase.Format(KFormat, &aPhoneNumberToMatch, aNumberOfMatchDigits);
+ //test.Next(_L(" "));
+ CContactDatabase& db = *(CntTest->Db());
+ CContactIdArray* array = db.MatchPhoneNumberL(aPhoneNumberToMatch,aNumberOfMatchDigits);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(array);
+ const TInt numberOfMatches = array->Count();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(array);
+ return numberOfMatches;
+ }
+//Simple test cases
+LOCAL_C void PerfectMatchL()
+ {
+ //Database contains the only phone number.
+ //We search for exactly the same number.
+ //The matching must return one for all the rage of digits.
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ _LIT(KTestNumber2,"4362 5120 7000 0001");
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,KTestNumber2,KNullDesC);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber2,1) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber2,2) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber2,3) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber2,4) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber2,5) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber2,6) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber2,7) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber2,8) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber2,9) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber2,10) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber2,11) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber2,12) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber2,13) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber2,14) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber2,15) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber2,16) == 0); // AB - only 15 digits..
+ //Here it works...
+ //The same story - match on itself must happen for all the rage of digits.
+ _LIT(KTestNumber,"789543625 120 7582 2381");
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,KTestNumber,KNullDesC);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,1) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,2) == 0);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,3) == 0);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,4) == 0);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,5) == 0);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,6) == 0);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,7) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,8) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,9) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,10) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,11) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,12) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,13) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,14) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,15) == 1);
+ TESTTRUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,16) == 0); // AB - not 16 digits, 15 is max.
+ //Here it doesn't
+ /* At the moment, the function simply returns "no matches" if the
+ number of match digits is incorrect. At no point does it leave with
+ KErrArgument; if it did, it is possible that client code could be
+ broken because it expects the API to return zero, not that it should
+ leave. Whilst leaving with KErrArgument is a laudable aspiration, it
+ should not be changed here without going through the appropriate
+ assessment process. Suggest raising a CR.
+ //We shouldn't be able to match on less than 1 digit...
+ TRAPD(err,CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,0));
+ TESTVALUE(err, KErrArgument);
+ TRAP(err,CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,-15));
+ TESTVALUE(err, KErrArgument);
+ //We do not provide matching for more than 16 digits.
+ TRAP(err, CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber,200));
+ TESTVALUE(err, KErrArgument);
+ */
+ }
+LOCAL_C void DontUnderestimateTheMeaningOfZeroL()
+ {
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ //Database contains only this number 207 946 0321;
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("207 946 0321"),KNullDesC);
+ //Trying to search on that exact number by 6 digits...
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL( _L("207 946 0321"), 6),0);
+ //No matches, well I kind of expected it... :-(
+ //Now we add a number that differs from the first one by one digit..
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("207 046 0321"),KNullDesC);
+ //Repeat our search
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL( _L("207 946 0321"), 6),1);
+ //It matches!!... Please don't laugh! There is logic in it!
+ //If the number doesn't match to itself - then it should match on different one! ;-)
+ }
+LOCAL_C void Test2L()
+ {
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ //if 5324 doesn't match to 228 100 5324...
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("207 100 0324"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL( _L("0324"),11),0);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL( _L("0324"), 4),0);
+ //it shouldn't match to 228 000 5324 as well, but... it does
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("207 000 0324"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL( _L("0324"),11),1); // AB
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL( _L("0324"), 4),1);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void TestCallingAmericaL()
+ {
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ //here are some additional test numbers for testing the acceptance of the '(+' combination
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("(+020) 79460123"),KNullDesC);
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("(020) 79460123"),KNullDesC);
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("+020 79460123"),KNullDesC);
+ //when searching for any of the above numbers 3 instances should be found
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("(+020) 79460123"),10),3);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("(020) 79460123"),10),3);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("+020 79460123"),10),3);
+ // Note that the phone number parser does generate a hash of 0 for all
+ //these now that the '(+'combination is recognised
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("(+1) 0755 345 3644 644"),KNullDesC);
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("(+1) 0789 37737 39173-1"),KNullDesC);
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("(+1) 0755 789 445 557"),KNullDesC);
+ //these numbers should no longer be found
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("(650)365-0000"),4),0);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("20 00000 00000"),11),0);
+ //the american number should now be found with out a problem
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("(+1) 0755 345 3644 644"), 7),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("(+1) 0755 345 3644 644"), 8),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("(+1) 0755 345 3644 644"), 9),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("(+1) 0755 345 3644 644"),10),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("(+1) 0755 345 3644 644"),11),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("(+1) 0755 345 3644 644"),12),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("(+1) 0755 345 3644 644"),13),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("(+1) 0755 345 3644 644"),14),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("(+1) 0755 345 3644 644"),15),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("(+1) 0755 345 3644 644"),16),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("(+1) 0755 345 3644 644"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void Test3L()
+ {
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L( "123 4567"),KNullDesC);
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("9876543 123 4567"),KNullDesC);
+ //it definetly should match on itself....
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("123 4567"), 7),2); //Both numbers match by 7 digits..
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("123 4567"), 8),2); //But they must differ for more digits
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("123 4567"), 9),2); // AB - all these should match both...
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("123 4567"),10),2);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("123 4567"),11),2);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("123 4567"),12),2);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("123 4567"),13),2);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("123 4567"),14),2);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("123 4567"),15),2);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("123 4567"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),2);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void Test4L()
+ {
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L( "6543 123 4567 00"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("6543 123 456700"), 7),1); //Both numbers match by 7 digits..
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("6543 123 456700"), 8),1); //But they must differ for more digits
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("6543 123 456700"), 9),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("6543 123 456700"),10),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("6543 123 456700"),11),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("6543 123 456700"),12),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("6543 123 456700"),13),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("6543 123 456700"),14),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("6543 123 456700"),15),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("6543 123 456700"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void Test5L()
+ {
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("01234 56789"),KNullDesC);
+ //it definetly should match on itself....
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("00 44 1234 56789"), 7),1); //Both numbers match by 7 digits..
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("00 44 1234 56789"), 8),1); //But they must differ for more digits
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("00 44 1234 56789"), 9),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("00 44 1234 56789"),10),0);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("00 44 1234 56789"),11),0);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("00 44 1234 56789"),12),0);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("00 44 1234 56789"),13),0);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("00 44 1234 56789"),14),0);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("00 44 1234 56789"),15),0);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("00 44 1234 56789"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ }
++@SYMTestType UT
++@SYMTestPriority Critical
++@SYMDEF PDEF097460
++@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests that attempting to match a phone number consisting of
++only "(" does not cause a panic.
++1. Add a number consisting only of "(".
++2. Check that no panic or error occurs when we attempt to match.
++@SYMTestExpectedResults No panic occurs.
+void TestPDEF097460()
+ {
+ test.Next(_L("Testing fix for PDEF097460."));
+ //
+ // 1. Add a number consisting only of "(".
+ //
+ _LIT(KTestNumber3,"(");
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,KTestNumber3,KNullDesC);
+ //
+ // 2. Check that no panic or error occurs when we attempt to match.
+ //
+ TRAPD( err, CheckPhoneMatchL(KTestNumber3,1) );
+ test( err == KErrNone );
+ }
+// CCsvReader class //
+class CCsvReader : CBase
+ {
+ static CCsvReader* NewLC(const TDesC& filename);
+ ~CCsvReader();
+ CDesCArray* ReadNextLineL();
+ CCsvReader() {};
+ RFs iFs;
+ RFile iSrcFile;
+ };
+ {
+ iSrcFile.Close();
+ }
+CCsvReader* CCsvReader::NewLC(const TDesC& filename)
+ {
+ CCsvReader* self = new (ELeave) CCsvReader();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ User::LeaveIfError(self->iFs.Connect());
+ User::LeaveIfError(self->iSrcFile.Open(self->iFs,filename,EFileRead));
+ return self;
+ }
+CDesCArray* CCsvReader::ReadNextLineL()
+ {
+ TBool goOn = ETrue;
+ TBuf8<1> symbol;
+ TFileName buf;
+ CDesCArraySeg* array = new (ELeave) CDesCArraySeg(3);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(array);
+ while (goOn)
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSrcFile.Read(symbol, 1));
+ if(symbol.Length() == 0)
+ {
+ if (buf.Length() > 0) //If there is something in the buffer - save in array
+ array->AppendL(buf);
+ if (array->Count() > 0)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::Pop(array);
+ return array; //If array is not empty - return what we've got
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(array);
+ return NULL; //If array is empty - return zero to indicate EOF
+ }
+ }
+ TChar chr = symbol[0];
+ switch(chr)
+ {
+ case '\r': goOn = EFalse;
+ case ';': array->AppendL(buf);
+ buf.Zero();
+ case '\n': //Ignore
+ break;
+ default:
+ buf.Append(chr);
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::Pop(array);
+ return array;
+ }
+LOCAL_C void FillInDatabaseL(const TDesC& file)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("Creating Database:\n"));
+ CntTest->CreateDatabaseL();
+ CCsvReader* reader = CCsvReader::NewLC(file);
+ {
+ CDesCArray* arr = reader->ReadNextLineL();
+ if (!arr) //EOF reached
+ break;
+ PUSH(arr);
+ const TPtrC surname = (*arr)[0];
+ const TPtrC name = (*arr)[1];
+ const TPtrC phone = (*arr)[2];
+ CreateContactL(name, surname, phone, KNullDesC);
+ test.Printf(surname.Mid(0,1));
+ POPD(arr);
+ }
+ POPD(reader);
+ CntTest->Db()->CompactL();
+ }
+void SetPhoneNumberFieldIndex(const TContactItemId& id)
+ {
+ CContactItem* cnt = CntTest->Db()->ReadContactL(id);
+ PUSH(cnt);
+ TInt fldInd = 0;
+ FOREVER //Find a field with phone number
+ {
+ fldInd = cnt->CardFields().FindNext(KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber,KUidContactFieldVCardMapTEL, fldInd+1);
+ ASSERT(fldInd != KErrNotFound);
+ CContactItemField& phoneFld = cnt->CardFields().operator[](fldInd); //fldInd
+ const TPtrC& phoneNum = phoneFld.TextStorage()->Text();
+ if (phoneNum.Length())
+ {
+ PhoneNumberFieldIndex = fldInd;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ POPD(cnt);
+ }
+LOCAL_C CDesCArraySeg* MatchL(const TDesC& phone, TInt matchOn)
+ {
+ CDesCArraySeg* retArray = new (ELeave) CDesCArraySeg(3);
+ PUSH(retArray);
+ CContactIdArray* array = CntTest->Db()->MatchPhoneNumberL(phone,matchOn);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(array);
+ const TInt numberOfMatches = array->Count();
+ for(TInt j=0; j<numberOfMatches; ++j) //Cycle on results of matching
+ {
+ const TContactItemId& id = (*array)[j];
+ if (PhoneNumberFieldIndex == -1) //Find an index for the field with the phone (depends on template)
+ SetPhoneNumberFieldIndex(id);
+ CContactItem* cnt = CntTest->Db()->ReadContactL(id);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(cnt);
+ CContactItemField& phoneFld = cnt->CardFields().operator[](PhoneNumberFieldIndex); //todo: 27-magic number
+ const TPtrC& phoneStr = phoneFld.TextStorage()->Text();
+ retArray->AppendL(phoneStr);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cnt);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(array);
+ POP(retArray);
+ return retArray;
+ }
+TBool FilesAreIdenticaL(const TDesC& file1, const TDesC& file2)
+ {
+ RFile aFile;
+ RFile bFile;
+ TBuf8<256> aBuf;
+ TBuf8<256> bBuf;
+ TBool retVal = ETrue;
+ TESTNOERRL(aFile.Open(fs,file1,EFileRead));
+ TESTNOERRL(bFile.Open(fs,file2,EFileRead));
+ do {
+ TESTNOERRL(aFile.Read(aBuf));
+ TESTNOERRL(bFile.Read(bBuf));
+ if (aBuf != bBuf)
+ {
+ retVal = EFalse;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (aBuf.Length() > 0 || bBuf.Length() >0);
+ aFile.Close();
+ bFile.Close();
+ return retVal;
+ }
+LOCAL_C void CheckMatchingL(const TDesC& aDatabase, const TDesC& aMatchtable, const TDesC& aResultTable)
+ {
+ _LIT(KTempResult, "c:\\result.csv");
+ TFileName fileName;
+ //Open existing database or create if it was not found
+ //The code reads comma-seprated file and puts contacts to the database
+ if (FileExists(KDatabaseFileName))
+ {
+ CntTest->OpenDatabaseL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fileName.Format(KTestFileName, &aDatabase);
+ FillInDatabaseL(fileName);
+ }
+ RFile outFile;
+ TESTNOERRL(outFile.Replace(fs,KTempResult,EFileWrite));
+ TBuf<64> str;
+ TBuf8<64> str8;
+ //The reader reads comma separated phonenumbers
+ fileName.Format(KTestFileName, &aMatchtable);
+ CCsvReader* reader = CCsvReader::NewLC(fileName);
+ //This cycle scans through the file with all the phonenumber we want to match with
+ {
+ CDesCArray* arr = reader->ReadNextLineL();
+ if (!arr) //EOF reached
+ break;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(arr);
+ const TPtrC& phoneNumber = (*arr)[0];
+ str.Format(_L("\r\n%S;\r\n"),&phoneNumber);
+ str8.Copy(str);
+ test.Printf(_L("%S"),&str);
+ outFile.Write(str8);
+ for (TInt i = 1; i<=16; ++i) //Cycle on number of digits to match
+ {
+ //Match of cntmodel
+ CDesCArray* matches = MatchL(phoneNumber,i);
+ TESTTRUE(matches != NULL);
+ if (!matches)
+ break;
+ PUSH(matches);
+ //Matches from model
+ str.Format(_L("%d;%d"),i,matches->Count());
+ str8.Copy(str);
+ //test.Printf(str);
+ outFile.Write(str8);
+ for(TInt j=0; j<matches->Count(); ++j) //Cycle on results of matching
+ { //Each match returns an array on contacts - so we print them all
+ const TPtrC& phoneStr = matches->operator[](j);
+ str.Format(_L(";%S"),&phoneStr);
+ str8.Copy(str);
+ //test.Printf(_L("%S"),&str);
+ outFile.Write(str8);
+ }
+ //test.Printf(_L("\r\n"));
+ outFile.Write(_L8("\r\n"));
+ POPD(matches);
+ }
+ POPD(arr);
+ }
+ outFile.Close();
+ POPD(reader);
+ CntTest->CloseDatabase();
+ CntTest->DeleteDatabaseL();
+ fileName.Format(KTestFileName, &aResultTable);
+ TESTTRUEL(FilesAreIdenticaL(fileName,KTempResult));
+ fs.Delete(KTempResult);
+ }
+@SYMTestType UT
+@SYMTestPriority Normal
+@SYMDEF PDEF104729/INC104452
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests that attempting to match a phone number that exceeds
+KCntMaxTextFieldLength does not cause a panic.
+1. Run a match on a number that exceeds KCntMaxTextFieldLength.
+2. Check that no panic or error occurs when we attempt to match.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults No panic occurs.
+void TestMatchWithNumberGreaterThanKCntMaxTextFieldLength()
+ {
+ test.Next(_L("@SYMTESTCaseID:PIM-T-CNTMATCH-0002 Testing fix for PDEF104729."));
+ test.Printf(_L("Running a match with a number greater than KCntMaxTextFieldLength\n"));
+ // 265 characters long.
+ _LIT(KTestNumber,"333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333");
+ CContactDatabase& db = *(CntTest->Db());
+ CContactIdArray* array = NULL;
+ TRAPD(err , array = db.MatchPhoneNumberL(KTestNumber, 5));
+ CleanupStack::PushL(array);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(array);
+ test( err == KErrNone );
+ test.Printf(_L("Handled match with a number greater than KCntMaxTextFieldLength OK\n"));
+ }
+void TestMatchWithContactWithMultipleNumbersL()
+ {
+ /*
+ * Create contact Y with phone number 0501111111
+ Add another phone number to Y 0441111111
+ phone match 0441111111
+ Result: phone should match to the second number
+ *
+ */
+ _LIT(KTelNo,"0501111111");
+ _LIT(KMobNo, "0441111111");
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName(), KCntSurname(), KTelNo(), KMobNo());
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL( KMobNo(), 10),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL( KTelNo(), 10),1);
+ }
+void TestMatchWithContactAfterEditL()
+ {
+ /*
+ * Create contact with number 1111111111
+ * edit the phone number to 2221111111
+ * try to do a phone match with 1111111111
+ * This should not match since the number has been edited.
+ */
+ _LIT(KOrigTelNo,"1111111111");
+ _LIT(KEditedTelNo,"2221111111");
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ TContactItemId contactId = CreateContactL(KCntName(), KCntSurname(), KOrigTelNo(), KNullDesC());
+ // Edit the contact
+ CContactItem* contactItem = CntTest->Db()->OpenContactL(contactId);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(contactItem);
+ CContactItemFieldSet& fieldSet = contactItem->CardFields();
+ TInt pos = fieldSet.Find(KUidContactFieldVCardMapTEL);
+ while (pos!=KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ if (fieldSet[pos].TextStorage()->Text() == KOrigTelNo())
+ {
+ fieldSet[pos].TextStorage()->SetTextL(KEditedTelNo());
+ break;
+ }
+ pos = fieldSet.FindNext(KUidContactFieldVCardMapTEL, pos+1);
+ }
+ CntTest->Db()->CommitContactL(*contactItem);
+ test (fieldSet[pos].TextStorage()->Text() == KEditedTelNo());
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(contactItem);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL( KOrigTelNo(), 10),0);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL( KEditedTelNo(), 10),1);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void TestBestMatchingStrategyL()
+ {
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("34567"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("358401234567"),KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),0);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("34567"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("358401234567"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("358401234567"),KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("34567"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),0);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("3560 0123456"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("0000 0123456"),KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ // false positive?
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("123456"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("1234567"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("358401234567"),KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("34567"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),0);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("0000 0123456"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("0123456"),KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("123456"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("3456"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),0);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("020 7700 9001"),KNullDesC);
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("20 7700 90012"),KNullDesC);
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("020 7700 9081"),KNullDesC);
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("120 7700 9081"),KNullDesC);
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("9120 7700 9081"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("020 7700 9001"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("20 7700 90012"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("020 7700 9081"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),3);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("120 7700 9081"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),3);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("9120 7700 9081"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),3);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("20 7700 9081"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),3);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("9999 9990 0999 999"),KNullDesC);
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("9000 0000 0000 000"),KNullDesC);
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("0000 0000 0000 000"),KNullDesC);
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("0000 0000 0000 009"),KNullDesC);
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("9 9000 000"),KNullDesC);
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("9000 000"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("9999 9990 0999 999"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("9000 0000 0000 000"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),2);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("0000 0000 0000 000"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),2);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("0000 0000 0000 009"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("9 9000 000"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),2);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("9000 000"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),2);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("0000 000"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),2);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("443049607"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("358443049607"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("0443049607"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("358443049607"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("358443049607"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("443049607"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("358443049607"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("0443049607"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("358443049607"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("3049607"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("358443049607"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("03049607"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("443049607"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("0443049607"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("0443049607"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("443049607"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("3049607"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("358443049607"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("03049607"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("358443049607"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("03049607"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("0358443049607"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("4443049607"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("3584443049607"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("584443049607"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("4443049607"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("401234567"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("2041234567"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),0);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("0401234567"),KNullDesC);
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("0501234567"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("0401234567"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ ResetDatabaseL();
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("020421234567"),KNullDesC);
+ CreateContactL(KCntName,KCntSurname,_L("005021234567"),KNullDesC);
+ TESTVALUE(CheckPhoneMatchL(_L("020421234567"), KBestMatchingPhoneNumbers),1);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void DoTestsL()
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("@SYMTESTCaseID:PIM-T-CNTMATCH-0001 T_CntMatch"));
+ CheckMatchingL(_L("cnt2.csv"), _L("mat2.csv"), _L("res2.csv"));
+ CntTest->CreateDatabaseL();
+ TestPDEF097460();
+ PerfectMatchL();
+ DontUnderestimateTheMeaningOfZeroL();
+ Test2L();
+ TestCallingAmericaL();
+ Test3L();
+ Test4L();
+ Test5L();
+ TestMatchWithNumberGreaterThanKCntMaxTextFieldLength();
+ TestMatchWithContactWithMultipleNumbersL();
+ TestMatchWithContactAfterEditL();
+ TestBestMatchingStrategyL();
+ CntTest->CloseDatabase();
+ CntTest->DeleteDatabaseL();
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ CntTest=new(ELeave) CCntTest;
+ CntTest->ConstructL(test,KDatabaseFileName);
+ User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
+ TRAPD(err,DoTestsL());
+ test(__NB_failures == 0);
+ CntTest->EndTestLib(err);
+ fs.Close();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }