changeset 20 f4a778e096c2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phonebookui/Phonebook2/UIControls/src/cpbk2contactviewcustomlistboxitemdrawer.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:29:52 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: PhoneBook2 custom control. Code has been modified to
+*       suit PhoneBook2 requirements. See CColumnListBoxItemDrawer
+*       in EIKCLB.CPP
+*       Ensure that this piece of code is in sync with Avkon EIKCLB.CPP(CColumnListBoxItemDrawer)
+#include <barsread.h>
+#include <gdi.h>
+#include <gulicon.h>
+#include <gulutil.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <eiklbi.h>
+#include <eiktxlbm.h>
+#include <eikedwin.h>
+#include <eiklbv.h>
+#include <AknUtils.h>
+#include <eiksfont.h>
+#include <AknsDrawUtils.h>
+#include <AknsControlContext.h>
+#include <aknlists.h>
+#include <eikpanic.h>
+#include <eikcoctlpanic.h>
+#include <aknlayoutscalable_avkon.cdl.h>
+#include <aknlistloadertfx.h>
+#include <aknlistboxtfxinternal.h>
+#include <AknTasHook.h>
+//Start of Code Added for PhoneBook2
+//Added for PhoneBook2
+#include "cpbk2contactviewcustomlistboxdata.h"
+#include "cpbk2contactviewcustomlistboxitemdrawer.h"
+//End of Code Added for PhoneBook2
+//Define this Flag once Pbk2 decides to implement the MarkingMode changes that has been implemented for Avkon Lists
+//    Class CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxItemDrawer
+CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxItemDrawer::CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxItemDrawer() {}
+CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxItemDrawer::CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxItemDrawer(MTextListBoxModel* aTextListBoxModel,
+                                                            const CFont* aFont,
+                                                            CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxData* aColumnData )
+    : CTextListItemDrawer(aTextListBoxModel, aFont)
+    {    
+    SetData(aColumnData);
+    }
+    {
+    delete iPropertyArray;
+    }
+TSize CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxItemDrawer::MinimumCellSize() const
+    {
+    CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxData* data=ColumnData();
+    const TInt columns=data->LastColumn();
+    if (columns==-1)
+        {
+        return CTextListItemDrawer::MinimumCellSize();
+        }
+    TInt width=0;
+    TInt height=0;
+    TBool graphicsColumn=EFalse;
+    for (TInt ii=0;ii<=columns;ii++)
+        {
+        width+=data->ColumnWidthPixel(ii);
+        if (data->ColumnIsGraphics(ii))
+            {
+            graphicsColumn=ETrue;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            const CFont* font=data->ColumnFont(ii);
+            if(font)
+                {
+                height=Max(height,font->HeightInPixels());
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                height=Max(height, iFont->HeightInPixels());
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    if (graphicsColumn)
+        {
+        CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* iconArray=data->IconArray();
+        if (iconArray) 
+            {
+            const TInt count=iconArray->Count();
+            for (TInt jj=0;jj<count;jj++)
+                height=Max(height,(*iconArray)[jj]->Bitmap()->SizeInPixels().iHeight);
+            }
+        }
+    height = Max (iData->FontBoundValues().iHeightInPixels, height);
+    height+=VerticalInterItemGap(); 
+    return TSize(width,height);
+    }
+TInt CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxItemDrawer::ItemWidthInPixels(TInt /*aItemIndex*/) const
+    {
+    CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxData* data=ColumnData();
+    const TInt columns=data->LastColumn();
+    TInt itemWidth = 0;
+    if (iDrawMark)
+        {
+        itemWidth += (iMarkColumnWidth + iMarkGutter);
+        }
+    for (TInt ii=0;ii<=columns;ii++)
+        {
+        if (!ColumnData()->ColumnIsOptional(ii))
+            {
+            itemWidth+=data->ColumnWidthPixel(ii);
+            }
+        }
+    return itemWidth;
+    }
+void CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxItemDrawer::SetItemCellSize(
+    const TSize& aSizeInPixels)
+    {
+    CTextListItemDrawer::SetItemCellSize( aSizeInPixels );
+    // Data needs the cell size to create/reconfigure highlight animations
+    CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxData* data = ColumnData();
+    data->SetItemCellSize( iItemCellSize );
+    }
+* Returns a pointer to the column data. Does not imply transfer of ownership.
+* @since ER5U
+CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxData* CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxItemDrawer::ColumnData() const
+    {
+    return STATIC_CAST(CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxData*,iData);
+    }
+void CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxItemDrawer::DrawItemMark(TBool /*aItemIsSelected*/, TBool /*aViewIsDimmed*/, const TPoint& /*aMarkPos*/) const
+    {
+    // not used in S60
+    }
+void CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxItemDrawer::DrawItemText( TInt aItemIndex,
+                                             const TRect& aItemTextRect,
+                                             TBool aItemIsCurrent,
+                                             TBool /*aViewIsEmphasized*/,
+                                             TBool aItemIsSelected ) const
+//    Draw the items text
+    {
+    MAknListBoxTfxInternal* transApi = CAknListLoader::TfxApiInternal( iGc );
+    if ( transApi )
+        {
+        transApi->StartDrawing( MAknListBoxTfxInternal::EListNotSpecified );
+        }
+    iGc->SetPenColor(iTextColor);
+    iGc->SetBrushColor(iBackColor);
+    TPtrC temp=iModel->ItemText(aItemIndex);
+    SetupGc(aItemIndex);
+    if ( transApi )
+        {
+        transApi->StopDrawing();
+        }
+    TBufC<256> target(KNullDesC);
+    // SERIES60 ITEM MARKS! SAPLAF (the same code is in eikfrlb.cpp and eikclb.cpp)
+    TPtrC repl;
+    TInt pos = -1;
+    TBool removeicon = (!aItemIsSelected && !ItemMarkReverse()) || (aItemIsSelected && ItemMarkReverse()); 
+    if ( Flags() & CListItemDrawer::EMarkingModeEnabled )
+        {
+        removeicon = EFalse;
+        }
+    if ( Flags() & EDrawMarkSelection && ItemMarkPosition() != -1 && removeicon)
+        {
+        repl.Set( ItemMarkReplacement() );
+        pos = ItemMarkPosition();
+        }
+    // Try to allocate buffer dynamically. If out of memory, use the fixed size stack buffer.
+    // (+1 is for the last column separator)
+    TInt size = temp.Length() + repl.Length() + 1;
+    if ( pos >= 0 )
+        {
+        size += pos; // space for other column separators
+        }
+    HBufC* buffer = NULL;
+    if ( size > 256 )
+        {
+        buffer = HBufC::New( size );
+        }
+    TPtr des = ( buffer ? buffer->Des() : target.Des() );
+    // Note that ReplaceColumn does not update correct length in variable 'des',
+    // because it is not a reference parameter :(
+    AknLAFUtils::ReplaceColumn(des, &temp, &repl, '\t', pos);
+    des.Set( buffer ? buffer->Des() : target.Des() );
+    CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxData::TColors colors;
+    colors.iText=iTextColor;
+    colors.iBack=iBackColor;
+    colors.iHighlightedText=iHighlightedTextColor;
+    colors.iHighlightedBack=iHighlightedBackColor;
+    if (ColumnData()->CurrentMarqueeItemIndex() != aItemIndex && aItemIsCurrent)
+        {
+        ColumnData()->ResetMarquee();
+        ColumnData()->SetCurrentMarqueeItemIndex(aItemIndex);
+        }
+    ColumnData()->SetCurrentItemIndex(aItemIndex);
+    ColumnData()->Draw(Properties(aItemIndex), *iGc,&des,aItemTextRect,(aItemIsCurrent /*|| aViewIsEmphasized*/),colors, aItemIndex);
+    if ( transApi )
+        {
+        transApi->StartDrawing( MAknListBoxTfxInternal::EListNotSpecified );
+        }
+    iGc->DiscardFont();
+    if ( transApi )
+        {
+        transApi->StopDrawing();
+        }
+    // end of SERIES60 LAF code.
+    delete buffer;
+    }
+TAny* CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxItemDrawer::Reserved_1()
+    {
+    return NULL;
+    }
+void CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxItemDrawer::ClearAllPropertiesL()
+    {
+    delete iPropertyArray;
+    iPropertyArray = NULL;
+    iPropertyArray = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<SListProperties>(2);    
+    }
+void CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxItemDrawer::SetPropertiesL(TInt aItemIndex, TListItemProperties aProperty)
+    {
+    if (!iPropertyArray) ClearAllPropertiesL();
+    TInt index;
+    TKeyArrayFix key(0,ECmpTInt);
+    SListProperties prop;
+    prop.iItem = aItemIndex;
+    if (iPropertyArray->FindIsq(prop, key, index))
+        {
+        iPropertyArray->InsertIsqL(prop, key);
+        iPropertyArray->FindIsq(prop, key, index);
+        }
+    iPropertyArray->At(index).iProperties = aProperty;
+    }
+TListItemProperties CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxItemDrawer::Properties(TInt aItemIndex) const
+    {
+    if ( !iPropertyArray )
+        {
+        TListItemProperties prop( 
+            CTextListItemDrawer::Properties( aItemIndex ) );       
+        // Do not allow marking other than contact items
+        if ( !ColumnData()->IsContactAtListboxIndex( aItemIndex ) )
+            {
+            prop.SetHiddenSelection( ETrue );
+            }      
+        return prop;
+        }
+    CAknListBoxFilterItems *filter = STATIC_CAST(CAknFilteredTextListBoxModel*,iModel)->Filter();
+    if (filter)
+        {
+        aItemIndex = filter->FilteredItemIndex(aItemIndex);
+        }
+    TKeyArrayFix key(0,ECmpTInt);
+    SListProperties prop;
+    prop.iItem = aItemIndex;
+    TInt index;
+    if (iPropertyArray->FindIsq(prop, key, index)) return CTextListItemDrawer::Properties(aItemIndex);
+    return iPropertyArray->At(index).iProperties;
+    }
+void CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxItemDrawer::CPbk2ContactViewCustomListBoxItemDrawer_Reserved()
+    {
+    }
+// End of File