author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Fri, 19 Feb 2010 22:40:27 +0200
changeset 3 04ab22b956c2
parent 0 e686773b3f54
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201003 Kit: 201007

// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:


#include "cviewcontactmanager.h"
#include "cntviewprivate.h"
#include "CNTSTD.H"

 * Factory constructor.
CIdleContactSorter* CIdleContactSorter::NewL(MContactViewSortObserver& aObserver, MLplPersistenceLayerFactory& aFactory, TContactViewPreferences aRequestedViewPrefs)
	CIdleContactSorter* self = new (ELeave) CIdleContactSorter(aObserver, aRequestedViewPrefs);
	return self;

/* Constructor */
CIdleContactSorter::CIdleContactSorter(MContactViewSortObserver& aObserver, TContactViewPreferences aRequestedViewPrefs) 
: CAsyncOneShot(CActive::EPriorityLow), 

 * Second phase construction.
 * Copy the View's requested preferences, get link to ICC phonebook watcher
void CIdleContactSorter::ConstructL(MLplPersistenceLayerFactory& aFactory)
	// is ICC phonebook sync expected?
	if (iRequestedView & (EICCEntriesOnly | EICCEntriesAndContacts))
		iPhbkSyncWatcher = CContactPhbkSyncWatcher::NewL(aFactory.GetContactSynchroniserL(KMaxTUint32));

		// observe ICC sync events
/* Destructor */

	if (iPhbkSyncWatcher)
		if (iPhbkSyncWatcher->ObserverCount() == 0)
			delete iPhbkSyncWatcher;
		} //if (iPhbkSyncWatcher)

/* Cancel any active requests to the phonebook synchroniser */
void CIdleContactSorter::DoCancel()
	// Nothing to do.

 * Uses a simple state machine, initial iSortState is set by Start() to either
 * EInsertSortFinal or EWaitingForInitialICCReady
 * Either Insert Sort all or part of the requested view.
 * (CIdle::RunL calls back to the Insert Sort code.)
 *    State
 *    EInsertContactsOnlyIccLocked		  insert Contacts only (in a mixed view)
 *        goes to EContactsReadyWaitICCUnlock
 *    EInsertSortFinal                    insert all Contacts & ICC entries, or
 *        goes to ESortDone               add ICC entries to mixed view
 *                                        (iSortView specifies which)
 * Or wait for Phonebook Synchroniser to either finish or fail
 *    (failure other than SIM Locked causes a Sort Error) 
 *    State
 *    EWaitingForInitialICCReady          the view has nothing in: Phonebook
 *        goes to EInsertSortFinal        Synchronised allows full view to be available;
 *        or EInsertContactsOnlyIccLocked SIM Locked allows a view without ICC entries to 
 *                                        accessible
 *    EContactsReadyWaitICCUnlock         SIM was previously found to be locked, if/when
 *        goes to EInsertSortFinal        Phonebook Synchroniser completes we can merge in
 *                                        requested ICC entries
 * The check whether the phonebook synchroniser is in a cache-valid state:-
 * This check is done by making a async request to be completed when the 
 * phbksync cache state has changed, checking the current cache state and 
 * if the cache is valid already cancelling the request.
 * (The cancelled request will complete, causing RunL to run again.)
 * If there was a phbksync error check the error code, if it is not due to the
 * SIM card being locked then Leave.
void CIdleContactSorter::RunL()

	// either sort or wait for ICC ready / phonebook synch state change
	switch (iSortState)
		// states that are sorting all or part of view
	case EInsertSortFinal:				// full insert sort or Phonebook Synched so add ICC entries
	case EInsertContactsOnlyIccLocked:	// insert Contacts for now, then wait for SIM to be unlocked
		// do slice of full / Contacts only /ICC only insert sort
		if (iSortObserver.IdleSorterNotifyL(KErrNone))
			{ // CAsyncOneShot::Call()
		else if(iSortState == EInsertContactsOnlyIccLocked)
			// we are now waiting for phbksync, so that we can add ICC entries
			// CIdleContactSorter all done
			iSortState = ESortAllDone;

		// states that are waiting for a phonebook sync event
	case EWaitingForInitialICCReady:	// ICC entries in view, waiting for Phonebook Synch state change
		// ICC entries are included in view:
		if (iPhbkSyncWatcher->PhonebooksReady() > 0)
			// ICC sync complete - can immediately sort everything
		else if (iPhbkSyncWatcher->PhonebooksWaiting() > 0)
			// SIM card is locked and, this is the first time we've seen this

			// Insert Contacts (if wanted) into View now
			// Afterwards we will wait again for SIM to unlock & Phonebook Synch to complete
			if(iRequestedView & EICCEntriesAndContacts)
				// insert/sort view, but without the requested ICC entries
				iSortView = static_cast<TContactViewPreferences>(iSortView & ~EICCEntriesAndContacts);
				// now wait for SIM to unlock & Phonebook Synch to complete
			// synchronisation finished with an error?

		// otherwise wait for a Phonebook Synch event

	case EContactsReadyWaitICCUnlock:	// when SIM is unlocked add ICC Entries to this view
		// ICC entries are included in view:
		if (iPhbkSyncWatcher->PhonebooksReady() > 0)
			// ICC sync complete - can sort everything

			// add requested ICC entries into the sorted view
			iSortView = STATIC_CAST(TContactViewPreferences, (iSortView & ~EContactsOnly) | EICCEntriesOnly);

		// otherwise wait for a Phonebook Synch event

	case ESortAllDone: // shouldn't have come back here


 * Change the current sort state.
 * @param aNewSortState the new sort state to be set.
void CIdleContactSorter::ChangeSortState(TSorterState aNewSortState)
	// new state
	iSortState = aNewSortState;
	// make the active object to run, CAsyncOneShot::Call()

 * Handle any leave during CIdleContactSorter::RunL. 
 * The local view is informed of that the view construction failed.
 * It will broadcast indirectly an ESortError view event to all clients of this view.
 * @param aError Leave code from RunL
TInt CIdleContactSorter::RunError(TInt aError)
	if ((aError != KErrCancel) && (iSortState != ESortAllDone))
		TInt err = KErrNone;
		TRAP(err, iSortObserver.IdleSorterNotifyL(aError));
		iSortState = ESortAllDone;
	return KErrNone;

 Initialise Idle Contact Sorter for a new sort

 Re-init iSortView - the view filter for the Insert Sort
 Decide the initial iSortState for RunL:
   Contacts only view -> EInsertSortFinal
   ICC entries included -> EWaitingForInitialICCReady
void CIdleContactSorter::Start()
	// initially we will try to insert sort everything requested
	iSortView = iRequestedView;

	if (iPhbkSyncWatcher)
		// ICC entries included in view, must wait for Phonebook Synch
		iSortState = EWaitingForInitialICCReady;
		// Only Contacts wanted in view, we can Sort straight away
		iSortState = EInsertSortFinal;

	// set Active for the first time, CAsyncOneShot::Call()

 Stop any sort that is already in progress
void CIdleContactSorter::Stop()
	if (iSortState != ESortAllDone)
		// stop sorting
		iSortState = ESortAllDone;

 * Determines whether view events should be queued.
 * @return ETrue, if view events should be queued. EFalse, otherwise
TBool CIdleContactSorter::IsICCSynchronised() const
	// Initial wait for phonebook synch (i.e. waiting for ICC ready or locked) ?
	if(iSortState == EWaitingForInitialICCReady)
		return EFalse;
	return ETrue;

 * Current View Preferences for insert sort in to View
 * May be a subset of the requested View.
 * If the SIM card is locked this will initially be a View without ICC entries.
 * If the SIM becomes unlocked a second pass then picks out ICC entries only.
TContactViewPreferences CIdleContactSorter::SortViewPreferences() const
	return iSortView;

 * Modifies View Preferences for inserting into View
 * May be a subset of the requested View:
 * If a Mixed (Contacts & ICC view) is requested and the Phonebook Synch has NOT
 * completed then only Contacts entries are added to the view. When the PhoneBook Synch 
 * completes all ICC entries will at the same time.
TBool CIdleContactSorter::InsertViewPreferences(TContactViewPreferences &aInsertView) const
	TBool okayToInsert = ETrue;

	switch (iSortState)
	case EInsertSortFinal:				// full insert sort or Phonebook Synched so add ICC entries
	case ESortAllDone:
		// view is finished or finishing, can Insert any contact

	case EInsertContactsOnlyIccLocked:	// insert Contacts for now, then wait for SIM to be unlocked
		// only Contacts can be inserted now, no ICC entries
		aInsertView = iSortView;

	case EWaitingForInitialICCReady:	// ICC entries in view, waiting for Phonebook Synch state change
		// Waiting for initial ICC Synch result, insert nothing
		okayToInsert = EFalse;

	case EContactsReadyWaitICCUnlock:	// when SIM is unlocked add ICC Entries to this view
		if (aInsertView & EICCEntriesOnly)
			okayToInsert = EFalse;		// can't insert ICC entries yet
			aInsertView = iSortView;	// only Insert Contacts

	return okayToInsert;

 * PhoneBook Synch event handler
 * @param aPhbkState the new phone book synch state.
void CIdleContactSorter::ContactPhbkSyncEventHandler(TPhonebookState aPhbkState)
	switch (aPhbkState)
		case EIccPhbkNotSynchronised:
			/* Initial state, or ICC card has 'gone away' (e.g. ICC is resetting). */
			// no action - may want to act on this in future

		case EIccPhbkSynchronised:	// ICC Phonebook has completed synchronisation.

		case EIccWaitForPhbkToBeReady:	// Sync failed due to ICC being locked or not ready.

		case EIccPhbkSyncError:		//	Sync with Phbk Server failed.

			// in a sorting state where we care?
			if ((iSortState == EWaitingForInitialICCReady) || (iSortState == EContactsReadyWaitICCUnlock))
				// let state machine in RunL() deal with the event
				if (!IsActive())
					{ // CAsyncOneShot::Call()