* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Class implementing CCCAppViewPluginAknContainer
#include <eiklbo.h>
#include <ccappviewpluginakncontainer.h>
#include "ccappmycard.h"
#include "ccappmycardimageloader.h"
#include <MPbk2ContactUiControl.h>
#include <MPbk2ClipListBoxText.h>
#include <aknlongtapdetector.h>
#include "ccappmycardheadercontrol.h"
#include "ccappstatuscontrol.h"
class CCCAppMyCardPlugin;
class CCCAppMyCardHeaderControl;
class CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext;
class CAknFormDoubleGraphicStyleListBox;
class CSpbContactDataModel;
class CCCAppStatusControl;
class CPbk2ApplicationServices;
class CSpbContentProvider;
class MCCAViewLauncher;
class CCCAExtensionFactory;
class CCCaFactoryExtensionNotifier;
class CPbk2IconArray;
* Class implementing CCAppMyCard -container for UI controls
* @lib ccappmycardplugin.dll
* @since S60 9.2
class CCCAppMyCardContainer :
public CCCAppViewPluginAknContainer,
public MMyCardObserver,
public MMyCardImageLoaderObserver,
public MEikListBoxObserver,
public MPbk2ContactUiControl,
public MCCAStatusControlObserver,
public MMyCardHeaderControlObserver,
public MAknLongTapDetectorCallBack,
public MPbk2ClipListBoxText
public: // constructor and destructor
* CCCAppMyCardContainer.
* @param aPlugin reference
CCCAppMyCardPlugin& aPlugin );
* ~CCCAppMyCardContainer
public: // Functions from base classes
* From CCoeControl
* (see details from baseclass )
void Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const;
* From CCoeControl
* (see details from baseclass )
void SizeChanged();
* From CCoeControl
* (see details from baseclass )
TInt CountComponentControls() const;
* From CCoeControl
* (see details from baseclass )
CCoeControl* ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const;
* From CCoeControl
* (see details from baseclass )
TTypeUid::Ptr MopSupplyObject( TTypeUid aId );
* From CCoeControl
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType );
* From CCoeControl
void GetHelpContext(TCoeHelpContext& aContext) const;
* From MMyCardObserver
void MyCardEventL( MMyCardObserver::TEvent aEvent );
* From MMyCardImageLoaderObserver
void ThumbnailReady( CFbsBitmap* aThumbnail );
* From MMyCardImageLoaderObserver
void ThumbnailLoadError( TInt aError );
* From MEikListBoxObserver
void HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType );
* From MCCAStatusControlObserver
void StatusClickedL();
* From MMyCardHeaderControlObserver
void MyCardHeaderControlClickL( TPoint aPos );
* Default callback function for CAknLongTapDetector member object.
* Base class implementation does nothing
* @param aPenEventLocation Long tap event location relative to parent control.
* @param aPenEventScreenLocation Long tap event location relative to screen.
void HandleLongTapEventL( const TPoint& aPenEventLocation,
const TPoint& aPenEventScreenLocation );
* From CoeControl
* Overridden to receive pointer events
void HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent );
* From MPbk2ClipListBoxText
TBool ClipFromBeginning(
TDes& aBuffer,
TInt aItemIndex,
TInt aSubCellNumber);
public: // New
* Getter for plugin reference.
* @return Plugin reference
* @since S60 v5.0
CCCAppMyCardPlugin& Plugin();
public: // From MPbk2ContactUiControl
MPbk2ContactUiControl* ParentControl() const;
TInt NumberOfContacts() const;
const MVPbkBaseContact* FocusedContactL() const;
const MVPbkViewContact* FocusedViewContactL() const;
const MVPbkStoreContact* FocusedStoreContact() const;
void SetFocusedContactL(
const MVPbkBaseContact& aContact );
void SetFocusedContactL(
const MVPbkContactBookmark& aContactBookmark );
void SetFocusedContactL(
const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink );
TInt FocusedContactIndex() const;
void SetFocusedContactIndexL(
TInt aIndex );
TInt NumberOfContactFields() const;
const MVPbkBaseContactField* FocusedField() const;
TInt FocusedFieldIndex() const;
void SetFocusedFieldIndex(
TInt aIndex );
TBool ContactsMarked() const;
MVPbkContactLinkArray* SelectedContactsL() const;
MVPbkContactLinkArray* SelectedContactsOrFocusedContactL() const;
MPbk2ContactLinkIterator* SelectedContactsIteratorL() const;
CArrayPtr<MVPbkContactStore>* SelectedContactStoresL() const;
void ClearMarks();
void SetSelectedContactL(
TInt aIndex,
TBool aSelected );
void SetSelectedContactL(
const MVPbkContactBookmark& aContactBookmark,
TBool aSelected );
void SetSelectedContactL(
const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink,
TBool aSelected );
void DynInitMenuPaneL(
TInt aResourceId,
CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane ) const;
void UpdateAfterCommandExecution();
TInt GetMenuFilteringFlagsL() const;
CPbk2ViewState* ControlStateL() const;
void RestoreControlStateL(
CPbk2ViewState* aState );
const TDesC& FindTextL();
void ResetFindL();
void ShowThumbnail();
void HideThumbnail();
void SetBlank(
TBool aBlank );
void RegisterCommand(
MPbk2Command* aCommand );
void SetTextL(
const TDesC& aText );
TAny* ContactUiControlExtension(TUid aExtensionUid );
void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId ) const;
* Checks the ecom implementations available and lauches the first
* with correct UID
MCCAViewLauncher* CreateViewLauncherL( );
private: // Constructors
* ConstructL
void ConstructL();
* Sets the name to mycard header control in correct format
void SetNameForHeaderControlL();
* Sets the correct place for Image selection popup menu
void PosToScreenCoordinates( CCoeControl* aControl, TPoint& aPos );
* Gets called when ExtensionFactory plugin is installed/removed
static TInt CheckExtensionFactoryL(TAny* aPtr);
* Hides/shows the status control based on Extensionfactory plugins
* availability.
void DoCheckExtensionFactoryL();
inline void ResolveNameOrderL();
private: // Data
* Ref to plugin.
* Not own.
CCCAppMyCardPlugin& iPlugin;
* Background for skinning
* Own.
CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext* iBackground;
* Header UI control of MyCard view
* Own.
CCCAppMyCardHeaderControl* iHeaderCtrl;
* Details list UI control of MyCard view
* Own.
CAknFormDoubleGraphicStyleListBox* iListBox;
* Reference to listbox model
* Not own.
CSpbContactDataModel& iModel;
* Contact image loader
* Own.
CCCAppMyCardImageLoader* iImageLoader;
/// Ref: command in execution
MPbk2Command* iCommand;
* Used for launching the Ecom plugins
* Own.
MCCAViewLauncher* iViewLauncher;
TBool iControlLink;
* Contact image selection stylus popup menu
* Own.
CAknStylusPopUpMenu* iImageSelectionPopup;
* Flag for checking whether or not an user image is set to MyCard
TBool iMyCardImageSet;
* Used for hiding/showing the StatusControl
* Own.
CCCaFactoryExtensionNotifier* iFactoryExtensionNotifier;
TInt iNameOrder;
* iLongTapDetector
* Own.
CAknLongTapDetector* iLongTapDetector;
* Contact detail selection stylus popup menu
* Own.
CAknStylusPopUpMenu* iDetailsPopup;
* Flag for checking if Stylys opened
TBool iLongTapHandled;
* Not own. Listbox's icon array
CPbk2IconArray* iIconArray;
// End of File