* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: The virtual phonebook contact link
#include "CContactLink.h"
#include "CContactStore.h"
#include "CContact.h"
#include "CViewContact.h"
#include "CViewBase.h"
#include <cntitem.h>
#include <CVPbkContactLinkArray.h>
#include <MVPbkStoreContact.h>
#include <MVPbkViewContact.h>
#include <MVPbkContactStoreProperties.h>
namespace {
* Link version supported by this version.
const TUint8 KContactLinkVersion = 1;
} // namespace
namespace VPbkCntModel {
// CContactLink implementation
CContactLink::CContactLink(CContactStore& aContactStore) :
void CContactLink::CommonConstructL()
iLinkArray = CVPbkContactLinkArray::NewL();
* The Contact model link internal specification.
* Specifies link content and order.
* 1st item: version numer (byte)
* 2nd item: contact item id (word)
* 3rd item: contact item field id (word)
inline void CContactLink::ConstructL(
RReadStream& aStream)
/*TUint8 version = */aStream.ReadUint8L();
iId = aStream.ReadInt32L(); // TContactItemId
iFieldId = aStream.ReadInt32L(); // TInt
inline void CContactLink::ConstructL(
TContactItemId aId,
TInt aFieldId)
iId = aId;
iFieldId = aFieldId;
CContactLink* CContactLink::NewLC
(CContactStore& aContactStore,
RReadStream& aStream)
CContactLink* self = new(ELeave) CContactLink(aContactStore);
return self;
CContactLink* CContactLink::NewLC
(CContactStore& aContactStore,
TContactItemId aId,
TInt aFieldId /* = KErrNotFound */)
CContactLink* self = new(ELeave) CContactLink(aContactStore);
self->ConstructL(aId, aFieldId);
return self;
if (iLinkArray)
delete iLinkArray;
TBool CContactLink::Matches(
const TDesC& aStoreUri,
const MVPbkContactLink& aLink,
TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr::TVPbkContactStoreUriComponent aComponent)
if (aLink.ContactStore().StoreProperties().Uri().Compare(aStoreUri, aComponent) == 0)
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
TBool CContactLink::Matches(
const TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr& aStoreUri,
const MVPbkContactLink& aLink)
if (aLink.ContactStore().StoreProperties().Uri().Compare(aStoreUri,
TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr::EContactStoreUriAllComponents) == 0)
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
TContactItemId CContactLink::ContactId() const
return iId;
TInt CContactLink::ContactFieldId() const
return iFieldId;
void CContactLink::SetContactId(TContactItemId aContactId)
iId = aContactId;
void CContactLink::SetContactFieldId(TInt aContactFieldId)
iFieldId = aContactFieldId;
const TPtrC CContactLink::ContactDbFileName() const
return iContactStore.StoreProperties().Uri().Component(
MVPbkContactStore& CContactLink::ContactStore() const
return iContactStore;
TBool CContactLink::IsSame(const MVPbkContactLink& aOther) const
TBool result = EFalse;
if (&ContactStore() == &aOther.ContactStore())
const CContactLink& other =
static_cast<const CContactLink&>(aOther);
result = (other.ContactId() == ContactId() &&
other.ContactFieldId() == ContactFieldId());
return result;
TBool CContactLink::RefersTo(const MVPbkBaseContact& aContact) const
TBool result = EFalse;
if (const CContact* contact = dynamic_cast<const CContact*>(&aContact))
if (&ContactStore() == &contact->ParentStore())
result = (contact->NativeContact()->Id() == ContactId());
else if(const CViewContact* contact = dynamic_cast<const CViewContact*>(&aContact))
if (&ContactStore() == &contact->View().ContactStore())
result = (contact->Id() == ContactId());
return result;
const MVPbkStreamable* CContactLink::Streamable() const
return this;
const MVPbkContactLinkPacking& CContactLink::Packing() const
return *this;
MVPbkContactLink* CContactLink::CloneLC() const
return CContactLink::NewLC(iContactStore, iId, iFieldId);
void CContactLink::ExternalizeL(
RWriteStream& aStream) const
HBufC8* buf = iLinkArray->PackLC();
TInt CContactLink::ExternalizedSize() const
return iLinkArray->PackedBufferSize();
TInt CContactLink::InternalPackedSize() const
return (1 /*Link version number */ +
4 /* Contact item id */ +
4 /* Contact field id */);
void CContactLink::PackInternalsL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
aStream.WriteUint8L(KContactLinkVersion); // version number
aStream.WriteInt32L(iId); // contact item id
} // namespace VPbkCntModel
// end of file