* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Phonebook2 contact editor dialog.
#include "CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller.h"
#include "MVPbkViewContact.h"
#include "MVPbkContactViewBase.h"
#include "MPbk2ContactNameFormatter.h"
#include <FindUtil.h>
#include <badesca.h>
const TInt KMaxAdaptiveGridCacheCount = 10;
const TInt KAdaptiveSearchKeyMapGranularity = 100;
const TInt KAdaptiveSearchRefineStep = 200;
const TInt KContactFormattingFlags = MPbk2ContactNameFormatter::EPreserveLeadingSpaces | MPbk2ContactNameFormatter::EReplaceNonGraphicChars;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPbk2AdaptiveGrid) : public CBase
HBufC* iFindText;
HBufC* iKeyMap;
delete iFindText;
delete iKeyMap;
void SetKeyMapL( const TDesC& aFindText, const TDesC& aKeyMap )
delete iFindText;
delete iKeyMap;
iFindText = iKeyMap = NULL;
iFindText = aFindText.AllocL();
iKeyMap = aKeyMap.AllocL();
const TDesC& FindText() const
return *iFindText;
const TDesC& KeyMap() const
return *iKeyMap;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPbk2ContactEditorDlg::CPbk2ContactEditorDlg
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller::CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller( CAknSearchField& aField, MPbk2ContactNameFormatter& aNameFormatter )
: CActive( CActive::EPriorityStandard ), iSearchField( aField ), iNameFormatter( aNameFormatter ),
iInvalidateAdaptiveSearchGrid( EFalse ),iSetFocusToSearchGrid( ETrue )
CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPbk2ContactEditorDlg::~CPbk2ContactEditorDlg
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iKeyMap;
delete iCurrentGrid;
delete iSearchString;
delete iFindUtil;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPbk2ContactEditorDlg::NewL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller* CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller::NewL( CAknSearchField& aField, MPbk2ContactNameFormatter& aNameFormatter )
CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller* self =
new(ELeave) CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller( aField, aNameFormatter );
return self;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPbk2ContactEditorDlg::ConstructL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller::ConstructL()
iKeyMap = HBufC::NewL( KAdaptiveSearchKeyMapGranularity );
iFindUtil = CFindUtil::NewL();
void CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller::StartFilling( const MVPbkContactViewBase& aView, const TDesC& aSearchString )
CPbk2AdaptiveGrid* keyMap = KeyMapFromCache( aSearchString );
if( keyMap )
iSearchField.SetAdaptiveGridChars( keyMap->KeyMap() );
delete iSearchString;
iSearchString = NULL;
iSearchString = aSearchString.AllocL();
// If there is no search word, the user is not searching any contacts
// so we should reset the array to prepare for the next searching.
if ( iSearchString->Length()== 0 )
iView = &aView;
iCounter = 0;
TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
void CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller::StopFilling()
iView = NULL;
void CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller::RunL()
if( !iView )
TInt stopCount = iCounter + KAdaptiveSearchRefineStep;
const TInt itemCount = iView->ContactCountL();
TInt maxSpacesNumber = 0;
if( stopCount > itemCount )
stopCount = itemCount;
for( ; iCounter < stopCount; iCounter++ )
const MVPbkViewContact& contact = iView->ContactAtL( iCounter );
const TInt titleLength = iNameFormatter.MaxTitleLength( contact.Fields(), KContactFormattingFlags );
HBufC* title = HBufC::NewLC( titleLength );
TPtr ptrTitle = title->Des();
iNameFormatter.GetContactTitle( contact.Fields(), ptrTitle, KContactFormattingFlags );
BuildGridL( ptrTitle, *iSearchString, iKeyMap );
// check number of spaces in the contact title
TInt numberOfSpaces = NumberOfSpacesInString( ptrTitle );
if ( numberOfSpaces > maxSpacesNumber )
maxSpacesNumber = numberOfSpaces;
// Check if the contact's title include drgraphs,
// if it is, add it to array to save.
if ( IsDigraphContactsTitleL( ptrTitle ) )
iDigraphContactsTitleArray.AppendL( title );
CleanupStack::Pop(); //title
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //title
// If there are titles in array, we should add them to build grids again,
// because the contacts include drgraphs will be filtered
// when the application builds grids again.
if ( iDigraphContactsTitleArray.Count()!= 0 )
for( TInt i(0); i < iDigraphContactsTitleArray.Count() ; i++ )
TPtr ptrContactsTitle = iDigraphContactsTitleArray[i]->Des();
BuildGridL( ptrContactsTitle, *iSearchString, iKeyMap );
if( stopCount == itemCount )
SetAdaptiveGridCharsL( maxSpacesNumber );
AddKeyMapToCacheL( *iSearchString, *iKeyMap );
//else continue
TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
void CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller::DoCancel()
iView = NULL;
TInt CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller::RunError( TInt /*aError*/ )
//ignore errors, nothing critical has happened, lets forget it
return KErrNone;
CPbk2AdaptiveGrid* CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller::KeyMapFromCache( const TDesC& aFindText )
const TInt count = iAdaptiveGridCache.Count();
for( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; i++ )
if( !aFindText.Compare( iAdaptiveGridCache[i]->FindText() ) )
return iAdaptiveGridCache[i];
return NULL;
void CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller::AddKeyMapToCacheL( const TDesC& aFindText, const TDesC& aKeyMap )
CPbk2AdaptiveGrid* keyMap = new( ELeave )CPbk2AdaptiveGrid;
CleanupStack::PushL( keyMap );
keyMap->SetKeyMapL( aFindText, aKeyMap );
iAdaptiveGridCache.InsertL( keyMap, 0 );
if( iAdaptiveGridCache.Count() > KMaxAdaptiveGridCacheCount )
delete iAdaptiveGridCache[0];
iAdaptiveGridCache.Remove( 0 );
void CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller::ClearCache()
if ( iCurrentGrid )
delete iCurrentGrid;
iCurrentGrid = NULL;
void CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller::InvalidateAdaptiveSearchGrid()
iInvalidateAdaptiveSearchGrid = ETrue;
void CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller::SetFocusToAdaptiveSearchGrid()
iSetFocusToSearchGrid = ETrue;
void CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller::SetAdaptiveGridCharsL( const TInt aMaxSpacesNumber )
TPtr ptr = iKeyMap->Des();
//To do upper case for all characters
CDesCArray* array = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat( KAdaptiveSearchKeyMapGranularity );
CleanupStack::PushL( array );
TInt length = ptr.Length();
for( TInt ii = 0; ii < length; ii++ )
array->AppendL( ptr.Mid( ii, 1 ) );
// Alphabetical sort
array->Sort( ECmpCollated );
// Add space character only if user typed already some characters
// in the find pane and more spaces can be found in contacts than
// in the current search string.
TInt searchTextLength = iSearchField.TextLength();
HBufC* searchText = HBufC::NewL( searchTextLength );
TPtr ptrSearchText = searchText->Des();
iSearchField.GetSearchText( ptrSearchText );
if ( searchTextLength > 0
&& NumberOfSpacesInString( ptrSearchText ) < aMaxSpacesNumber )
ptr.Append( TChar( ' ' ) );
delete searchText;
searchText = NULL;
for( TInt ii = 0; ii < length; ii++ )
ptr.Append(array->MdcaPoint( ii ));
if( iCurrentGrid )
if( !iCurrentGrid->Des().Compare( *iKeyMap ) )
//same grid again
if( !iInvalidateAdaptiveSearchGrid )
//if grid hasn't been invalidated, we do not need to set it again
iInvalidateAdaptiveSearchGrid = EFalse;
delete iCurrentGrid;
iCurrentGrid = NULL;
iCurrentGrid = iKeyMap->Des().AllocL();
iSearchField.SetAdaptiveGridChars( *iKeyMap );
if ( iSetFocusToSearchGrid )
// set the focus to findbox
iSetFocusToSearchGrid = EFalse;
CDesC16Array* CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller::SplitContactFieldTextIntoArrayLC(
const TDesC& aText )
const TInt KGranularity = 2;
CDesCArrayFlat* array = new ( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat( KGranularity );
CleanupStack::PushL( array );
const TInt textLength = aText.Length();
for ( TInt beg = 0; beg < textLength; ++beg )
// Skip separators before next word
if ( !iNameFormatter.IsFindSeparatorChar( aText[beg] ) )
// Scan the end of the word
TInt end = beg;
for (; end < textLength &&
!iNameFormatter.IsFindSeparatorChar( aText[end] );
++end )
const TInt len = end - beg;
// Append found word to the array
array->AppendL( aText.Mid( beg,len ) );
// Scan for next word
beg = end;
if ( array->MdcaCount() == 0 && textLength > 0 )
// aText is all word separator characters
// -> make a "word" out of those
array->AppendL( aText );
return array;
void CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller::BuildGridL( const TDesC& aContactTitle, const TDesC& aSearchString, HBufC*& aKeyMap )
CDesC16Array* contactTitles = SplitContactFieldTextIntoArrayLC( aContactTitle );
CDesC16Array* searchWords = SplitContactFieldTextIntoArrayLC( aSearchString );
//in searchWords list, the last term is the only one which generates new keymap characters
//other ones are used only for matching
if( searchWords->MdcaCount() == 0 )
searchWords->AppendL( KNullDesC );
if( aSearchString.Length() > 0 )
if( aSearchString[ aSearchString.Length() - 1 ] == TChar( ' ' ) )
//because we now start new search term, we must add KNullDesC so we
//can find the matching new words
searchWords->AppendL( KNullDesC );
const TInt searchWordCount = searchWords->MdcaCount();
TBool contactMatch( searchWordCount == 1 );
for( TInt i( 0 ); i < searchWordCount; i++ )
TInt contactTitleCount = contactTitles->MdcaCount();
TBool contactTitleMatch( EFalse );
for( TInt j( 0 ); j < contactTitleCount; j++ )
TPtrC searchWord = searchWords->MdcaPoint( i );
TPtrC contactTitle = contactTitles->MdcaPoint( j );
const TBool lastSearchWord = ( i == searchWordCount - 1 );
TBool match( EFalse );
if( lastSearchWord )
if( !contactMatch )
//none of the previous words didin't match, so why this is not filtered?
//marked contact!?
match = iFindUtil->Interface()->MatchAdaptiveRefineL( contactTitle, searchWord, aKeyMap );
match = iFindUtil->Interface()->MatchRefineL( contactTitle, searchWord );
if( match )
if( !contactTitleMatch )
contactTitles->Delete( j );
//allow one search word to take away only one contactTitle
contactTitleMatch = ETrue;
//for loop must go from first contact title to last
//to be consistent with match functionality of VPbk.
j--; contactTitleCount--;
contactMatch = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );//contactTitle, searchWords
TInt CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller::NumberOfSpacesInString(
const TDesC& aSearchString )
TInt numberOfSpaces = 0;
TInt searchResult = 0;
TPtrC ptr = aSearchString;
while ( searchResult != KErrNotFound )
searchResult = ptr.Locate( TChar( ' ' ) );
if ( searchResult != KErrNotFound )
ptr.Set( ptr.Right( ptr.Length() - searchResult - 1 ) );
return numberOfSpaces;
TBool CPbk2AdaptiveSearchGridFiller::IsDigraphContactsTitleL(const TDesC& aContactTitle)
TBool isDigraphic( EFalse );
// Go through the contactTitles one-by-one and check if they
// include digraphs
const TInt KDigraphLength(2);
if ( aContactTitle.Length()>= KDigraphLength )
TPtrC substring = aContactTitle.Left(1);
if( !iFindUtil->Interface()->MatchRefineL( aContactTitle, substring ) )
// The substring did not match the characters of the contactTitles
// For example with Croatian locale the contactTitles "nj" does
// not include the substring "n" because "nj" is a digraph
isDigraphic = ETrue;
return isDigraphic;
// End of File