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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  M-Class that capsulates presence sub service API's
    15 *
    16 */
    22 //  INCLUDES
    23 #include <e32base.h>
    24 #include "tvimpstenums.h"
    25 #include "mvimpstenginesubservice.h"
    29 class MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubServiceEventObserver;
    30 class MVIMPSTEngineBlockedListFetchEventObserver;
    32 /**
    33  *  
    34  *  This class list the M-Class for subservices
    35  *
    36  *  @lib vimpstengine.lib
    37  *  @since S60 5.0
    38  */
    39 //Class declaration
    40 class MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService: public MVIMPSTEngineSubService
    41 	{
    43 	public:
    45 		/**
    46          * Casts MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService to this interface.
    47          *
    48          * @precond aSubService.Type() == TVIMPSTEnums::EPresence
    49          *          Panic(EPanicTypeMismatch)
    50          *          is raised if the precondition does not hold.
    51          * @param aSubService    Base Class .
    52          * @return Casted inteface for the Presence SubService
    53          */
    54         IMPORT_C static MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService& Cast(
    55                 MVIMPSTEngineSubService& aSubService);
    58         /**
    59          * Casts constMVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService to this interface.
    60          *
    61          * @precond aSubService.Type() == TVIMPSTEnums::EPresence
    62          *          Panic(EPanicTypeMismatch)
    63          *          is raised if the precondition does not hold.
    64          * @param aSubService    Base Class .
    65          * @return Casted inteface for the Presence SubService
    66          */        
    67         IMPORT_C static const MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService& Cast(
    68                 const MVIMPSTEngineSubService& aSubService);
    71 		/**
    72 		* RegisterPresenceEventObserver
    73 		* The observers that have implemented MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubServiceEventObserver can use this API
    74 		* to register themselves to receive Presence SubService related events
    75 		* @param aObserver - Object that implements the observer class 
    76 		*   MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubServiceEventObserver that needs to be added.
    77 		*/
    78 	  	virtual void RegisterPresenceEventObserverL(
    79 	  								MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubServiceEventObserver* aObserver) = 0;
    81 		/**
    82 		* UnRegisterChatObserver
    83 		* The observers that have implemented MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubServiceEventObserver can use this API
    84 		* to unregister themselves from Presence SubService related events
    85 		* @param aObserver - Object that implements the observer class 
    86 		*    MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubServiceEventObserver that needs to be removed.
    87 		*/
    88 	  	virtual void UnRegisterPresenceEventObserver(
    89 	  								MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubServiceEventObserver* aObserver) = 0;
    91 		/**
    92          * Subsribes presence of a single contact
    93          * Can be done for the contacts who are already subscribed(Required atleast in XMPP Case)
    94          * This function can be used on FriendRequests also wherein it performs 2 operation
    95          * 1. Accepts the invitation if Friend Request is Pending(GrantPresenceForPresentityL)
    96          * 2. Subscribes for the presence either to PresenceCache 
    97          * or XIMP (MPresentityPresenceEvent)
    98          * 
    99          *
   100          * @since S60 5.0
   101          * @param aUriOfTheContact, Presence URI to be subscribed         
   102          */
   103         virtual  void SubscribePresenceOfSingleContactL( const TDesC& aUriOfTheContact ) = 0;  
   105            /**
   106          * Unsubsribes presence of a single contact
   107          * Used for those contact whose presence has been subscribed
   108          * Can be used for Friend Requests also
   109          * 1. Denies the invitation for the contact (WithdrawPresenceGrantFromPresentityL)
   110          * 2. Sends a unsubscribe to PresenceCache 
   111          * or XIMP (UnsubscribePresentityPresenceL)
   112          *
   113          * @since S60 5.0
   114          * @param aUriOfTheContact, Presence URI to be subscribed         
   115          */
   116         virtual void UnSubscribePresenceOfSingleContactL( const TDesC& aUriOfTheContact ) = 0;                          
   117         /**
   118          * Fetches presence from presencecache.
   119          * This is called by the service tab whenever it comes up,
   120          * so that it has uptodate presence information of the contacts
   121          * that are present in the service tab.
   122          * 
   123          * @since S60 5.0   
   124          **/
   125         virtual TInt FetchPresenceFromCache() = 0;
   128        /**
   129         * Requests the XIMPFw to subscribe for presence
   130         * grant request list subscription.
   131         */  
   132         virtual void  SubscribeForAuthorizationL() = 0;
   134        /**
   135         * sends PresenceGrantForPresentity  response to server        
   136         * 
   137         * @since S60 5.0   
   138         * @param aContactId, id of the requesting party..
   139         * @param aResponse , Etrue if accpeted else rejected. 
   140         * @return TInt error if any 
   141         *      
   142         */ 
   143         virtual TInt SendPresenceGrantPresentityL( const TDesC& aContactId , TBool aResponse ) = 0;
   145         /**
   146          * IsChangeOwnStatusSupported by the protocol
   147          * 
   148          * @since S60 5.0   
   149          * @return TBool ETrue if supported else EFalse.
   150          */ 
   151         virtual TBool IsChangeOwnStatusSupported() = 0;
   153         /**
   154          * IsStatusMsgSupported by the protocol
   155          * 
   156          * @since S60 5.0   
   157          * @return TBool ETrue if supported else EFalse.
   158          */ 
   159         virtual TBool IsStatusMsgSupported() = 0;
   161          /**
   162          * IsAvatarSupported by the protocol
   163          * 
   164          * @since S60 5.0   
   165          * @return TBool ETrue if supported else EFalse.
   166          */ 
   167         virtual TBool IsAvatarSupported() = 0;
   169         /**
   170          * SetAvatarSupported by the protocol
   171          * 
   172          * @since S60 5.0   
   173          * @param aSupported, TBool ETrue if supported else EFalse.
   174          */ 
   175         virtual void SetAvatarSupported(TBool aSupported ) = 0;
   177         /**
   178           * PublishOwnPresenceL
   179           * to update the  ownstatus to server.
   180           * and publishes the own status.
   181           * 
   182           * @param aStatus ,status to be updated to the server.
   183           * @param aValue , text for the status message
   184  		  * @param aFilename , avatar file name
   185   		  * @param aMimetype , a mime type
   186   		  * @param aIsAvatar , a avatar field included
   187           * @return TInt error if any
   188           */                                
   189          virtual TInt PublishOwnPresenceL(TVIMPSTEnums::TOnlineStatus aStatus,
   190          						  const TDesC& aValue,
   191          						  const TDesC& aFilename = KNullDesC, 
   192          						  const TDesC8& aMimetype = KNullDesC8,
   193          						  TBool aIsAvatar = EFalse  ) = 0 ;
   195          /**
   196           * Removes URI from block list
   197           *
   198           * @since S60 5.0
   199           * @param aUriOfTheContact, URI to be removed
   200           * @return error.
   201           */
   202          virtual TInt  RemoveFromBlockListL( const TDesC& aUriOfTheContact ) = 0;
   204          /**
   205           * Adds URI to block list
   206           *
   207           * @since S60 5.0
   208           * @param aContactId, URI to be added
   209           * @return error.
   210           */
   211          virtual TInt  AddToBlockListL( const TDesC& aContactId ) = 0;
   213          /**
   214           * Returns the blocked list.
   215           * it returns the blocked list that it maintains locally in engine.
   216           * @since S60 5.0
   217           * @return blocked list.
   218           */
   219          virtual RPointerArray<HBufC>* GetBlockedList() = 0;
   221 		/**
   222 		* fetch blocked list from server to get the freshed blocked list.
   223 		*@param aOb,pointer of MVIMPSTEngineBlockedListFetchEventObserver,
   224 		*		   Notify that fetch of blocked list has been completed..
   225 		*/
   226 		virtual void FetchBlockedListFromServerL(MVIMPSTEngineBlockedListFetchEventObserver* aOb) = 0;
   228          /**
   229           * function call from the engine on the completion of contact fetch operation
   230           */
   231          virtual void UpdatePresenceStateL() = 0;
   233      /**
   234       * Fetches the presence of singlecontact form presence cache
   235       * @param aContact, user id of the ocntact who's presence 
   236       * needs to eb fetched.
   237       */
   238      virtual void FetchPresenceOfSingleContactL(const TDesC& aContact) = 0; 
   240      /**
   241      * Unsubscribes ximp group contents.
   242      * 
   243      * Buddy list and authorization lists are always unsubscibed.
   244      * Block list is unsubscribed if it is supported.
   245      *
   246      * @since S60 5.0
   247      * @param None
   248      * @leave Standard Symbian error codes.
   249      * @return None
   250      */                 
   251     virtual void UnsubscribeListsL() = 0;
   252        /**
   253 		* virtual Destructor
   254 		*/		
   255 		virtual ~MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService() 
   256 		{}
   258 	};