changeset 0 5e5d6b214f4f
child 6 78867dafe7eb
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5e5d6b214f4f
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation for CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "cvimpstuidoublelistboxtabviewcontrol.h"
    21 #include "cvimpstuidoublelistboxarray.h"
    22 #include "tvimpstenums.h"
    23 #include "mvimpstcmdhandler.h"
    24 #include "cvimpstuibranddata.h"
    25 #include "imcvuiliterals.h"
    26 #include "cvimpstuilistboxmodel.h"
    27 #include "vimpstutilsdialog.h"
    28 #include "vimpstui.hrh"
    29 #include "cvimpstuitabbedview.h"
    30 #include "mvimpstengine.h"
    31 #include "cvimpststoragemanagerfactory.h"
    32 #include "mvimpststorageserviceview.h"
    33 #include "cvimpstsettingsstore.h" // settings store in cenrep used for own avatar data
    34 #include "cvimpstengineimagehandler.h"
    35 // system include
    36 #include 	<aknenv.h>
    37 #include	<aknlists.h>
    38 #include    <AknIconArray.h>
    39 #include	<eikclbd.h> 
    40 #include	<aknsfld.h> 
    41 #include 	<AknUtils.h> 
    42 #include	<AknLayout.lag>   
    43 #include 	<StringLoader.h>
    44 // Pbk2
    45 #include <MPbk2KeyEventHandler.h>
    46 #include <vimpstuires.rsg>
    48 #include <aknlayoutscalable_avkon.cdl.h>
    49 #include "vimpstdebugtrace.h"
    50 // imlauncher
    51 #include <imcvlauncher.h>
    52 const TInt KTextLimit( 40 ); // Text-limit for find-field
    54 const TInt KMinContact(1);   // minmimum number of contacts to show findpane
    56 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    58 inline CVIMPSTUiDoubleStyleListBox& CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::ListBox() const
    59     {
    60     return(*iListBox);
    61     }
    62 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    63 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl
    64 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    65 //
    66 CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl(CVIMPSTUiTabbedView& aTabbedView, MPbk2KeyEventHandler* aKeyEventHandler,
    67 														MVIMPSTCmdHandler& aCommandHandler,
    68 														TUint32 aServiceId,
    69 														CVIMPSTUiBrandData& aBrandHandler,
    70 														MVIMPSTEngine& aEngine )
    71 	:iTabbedView(aTabbedView),
    72 	 iKeyEventHandler(aKeyEventHandler),
    73 	 iCommandHandler(aCommandHandler),
    74 	 iArrayProcess(iCommandHandler.GetProcessInterface()),
    75 	 iServiceId(aServiceId),
    76 	 iBrandHandler(aBrandHandler),
    77 	 iEngine(aEngine)
    78     {
    80     }
    83 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::ConstructL
    85 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 //
    87 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::ConstructL()
    88     {
    89     CreateWindowL();
    90     // register to get the call back for any array data change
    91     iArrayProcess.AddObserver(this);  
    92     // this to make sure that if user id changed storage should be refresh with new user id
    93     // Initialize the listbox
    94     // Create and construct listbox
    95     iListBox = new ( ELeave ) CVIMPSTUiDoubleStyleListBox;
    97     iListBox->ConstructL(this , EAknListBoxSelectionList);
    99     iListBox->SetContactListModelL(iArrayProcess);
   101     iListBox->SetListBoxObserver( this );
   103     iListBox->SetContainerWindowL(*this);
   104     iListBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL(ETrue);
   105     iListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL
   106         (CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto);
   107 	// set marquee on
   108     iListBox->ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->EnableMarqueeL( ETrue );
   109     CVIMPSTUiDoubleListboxArray* friendsArray = CVIMPSTUiDoubleListboxArray::NewL( iArrayProcess,
   110                                                           iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData(),
   111                                                           *iListBox ,
   112                                                           *this);
   113     // now set the array
   114     iListBox->Model()->SetItemTextArray(friendsArray );
   116     iListBox->Model()->SetOwnershipType(ELbmOwnsItemArray);
   117     // if there is any contact other than owndata , show findpane
   118     if( iListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems() > KMinContact) 													
   119         { 											 	 
   120         // Create find-pane
   121         ActivateFindPaneL();
   122         }
   123     LoadBitmapsL();
   125     SetCbaLockL( EFalse );
   126     }
   127 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   128 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::NewL
   129 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   130 //
   131 CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl* CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::NewL
   132         (CVIMPSTUiTabbedView& aTabbedView,MPbk2KeyEventHandler* aKeyEventHandler, 
   133         MVIMPSTCmdHandler& aCommandHandler, TUint32 aServiceId,
   134         CVIMPSTUiBrandData& aBrandHandler,
   135         MVIMPSTEngine& aEngine)
   136     {
   137     CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl* self = NewLC(aTabbedView,aKeyEventHandler,
   138     			aCommandHandler, aServiceId, aBrandHandler,aEngine);
   139     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   140     return self;
   141     }
   144 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::NewLC
   146 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   147 //
   148 CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl* CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::NewLC
   149         (CVIMPSTUiTabbedView& aTabbedView,MPbk2KeyEventHandler* aKeyEventHandler,
   150         MVIMPSTCmdHandler& aCommandHandler, TUint32 aServiceId,
   151         CVIMPSTUiBrandData& aBrandHandler,
   152         MVIMPSTEngine& aEngine)
   153     {
   154     CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl* self =
   155         new (ELeave) CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl(aTabbedView,aKeyEventHandler,
   156         aCommandHandler, aServiceId, aBrandHandler,aEngine);
   157     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   158     self->ConstructL();
   159     return self;
   160     }
   163 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   164 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::~CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl
   165 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   166 //
   167 CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::~CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl()
   168     {
   169     delete iListBox;
   170     iArrayProcess.RemoveObserver();
   171     if( iFindbox )
   172     	{
   173     	delete iFindbox;
   174     	iFindbox = NULL;
   175     	}
   176     }
   178 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   179 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL
   180 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   181 //
   182 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL( const TDesC& aUserId ) 
   183     {
   184     TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL  Start") );
   185     TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL aUserId = %S "), &aUserId );
   186     CFormattedCellListBoxData* listBoxData = iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData();
   187     TPtrC loginUserId = iArrayProcess.LoginUserIdFromStoreL();
   188     TInt Avindex = 0;
   189     CGulIcon* newIcon = NULL;
   190     TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL loginUserId = %S "), &loginUserId );
   191     if( KErrNone == loginUserId.Compare( aUserId ) )
   192         {
   193         TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL inside if ownuserid") );
   194         TPtrC8 avatardata = iArrayProcess.OwnAvatarContentL();
   195         TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL after iArrayProcess.OwnAvatarContentL()") );
   196         Avindex = iArrayProcess.OwnAvatarIndexL();
   197         if( avatardata.Length() )
   198             {
   199             TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL avatardata.Length()") );
   200             newIcon = AvatarToIconL( avatardata );
   201             }
   202         if( newIcon ) // there is a new avatar icon 
   203             {
   204             TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL newIcon") );
   205             CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* currentIconArray = listBoxData->IconArray();
   206             if( Avindex ) // if there is old icon already
   207                 {
   208                 TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL Avindex ") );
   209                 // delete the old icon compress the array and insert at the same position
   210                 currentIconArray->Delete( Avindex );
   211                 currentIconArray->Compress();
   212                 currentIconArray->InsertL( Avindex , newIcon);
   213                 }
   214             else 
   215                 { 
   216                 TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL else of Avindex ") );
   217                 // if there is no old icon append at the last
   218                 currentIconArray->AppendL( newIcon);
   219                 // set the index to cenrep
   220                 TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL currentIconArray->Count()-1 = %d "),currentIconArray->Count()-1  );
   221                 iArrayProcess.SetOwnAvatarIndexL( currentIconArray->Count()-1 );
   222                 }
   223             }
   224         else 
   225             {
   226             TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL else of avatar got cleared.") );
   227             // avatar got cleared just  set the icon index to '0'
   228             // icon what was added still remains in the  listbox icon array
   229             // dont delete the old icon, because that needs to modify the whole 
   230             // indexes of the  other contacts. 
   231             // "keeping the icon is better than changing all contacts indexes"
   232             // The icons will be deleted by listbox, when list box got destructed.
   233             iArrayProcess.SetOwnAvatarIndexL( KErrNone );
   234             }
   235         }
   236     else
   237         {
   238         TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL else  not own id") );
   239         TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL else  not own id aUserId = %S"),&aUserId );
   240         TInt index = iArrayProcess.GetSelectedItemIndex( aUserId );//Get the index from storage.
   242         TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL after GetSelectedItemIndex") );
   243         TPtrC8 avatardata = iArrayProcess.AvatarContent( index );
   244         TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL after iArrayProcess.AvatarContent") );
   245         Avindex = iArrayProcess.AvatarIndex(index);
   246         TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL after Avindex = %d"),Avindex );
   247         if( avatardata.Length() )
   248             {
   249             TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL inside if avatardata.Length()") );
   250             newIcon = AvatarToIconL( avatardata );
   251             }
   252         if( newIcon ) // there is a new avatar icon 
   253             {
   254             TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL inside if newIcon") );
   255             CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* currentIconArray = listBoxData->IconArray();
   256             if( Avindex ) // if there is old icon already
   257                 {
   258                 TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL inside Avindex") );
   259                 // delete the old icon compress the array and insert at the same position
   260                 currentIconArray->Delete( Avindex );
   261                 currentIconArray->Compress();
   262                 currentIconArray->InsertL( Avindex , newIcon);
   263                 }
   264             else 
   265                 { 
   266                 TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL inside Avindex else") );
   267                 // if there is no old icon append at the last
   268                 currentIconArray->AppendL( newIcon);
   269                 // set the index to cenrep
   270                 iArrayProcess.SetAvatarIndex(index, currentIconArray->Count()-1 );
   271                 }
   272             }
   273         else 
   274             {
   275             TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL  avatar got cleared") );
   276             // avatar got cleared just  set the icon index to '0'
   277             // icon what was added still remains in the  listbox icon array
   278             // dont delete the old icon, because that needs to modify the whole 
   279             // indexes of the  other contacts. 
   280             // "keeping the icon is better than changing all contacts indexes"
   281             // The icons will be deleted by listbox, when list box got destructed.
   282             iArrayProcess.SetAvatarIndex( index , KErrNone );
   283             }
   284         }
   286     iListBox->DrawNow();
   287     TRACE( T_LIT("CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarChangeL  End") );
   288     }	
   289 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   290 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAddition
   291 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   292 //
   293 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAdditionL(TVIMPSTEnums::TItem aType, TInt aIndex)
   294 	{
   295 	if(iListBox )
   296 		{
   297 		iListBox->HandleItemAdditionL();
   298 		UpdateViewL(aIndex,aType) ;
   299 		}
   300 	}
   302 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   303 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAddition
   304 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   305 //
   306 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleDeletionL(TVIMPSTEnums::TItem aType , TInt aIndex )
   307 	{
   308 	if(iListBox)
   309 		{
   310 		iListBox->HandleItemRemovalL();  
   311 		TInt count = iListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems();
   312 		if( count == aIndex )
   313 			{
   314 			aIndex = 0;	
   315 			}
   316 		UpdateViewL(aIndex,aType) ;
   317 		}
   318 	}
   320 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   321 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleItemAdditionL
   322 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   323 //
   324 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleItemAdditionL()
   325     {
   326     if(iListBox)
   327   	 	{
   328         iListBox->HandleItemAdditionL();  
   329         TInt index  = CurrentItemIndex();
   330     	TVIMPSTEnums::TItem type = iArrayProcess.GetType(index);
   331        	UpdateViewL(index,type) ;  
   332    		}
   333     }
   336 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   337 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleItemRemovalL
   338 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   339 //
   340 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleItemRemovalL()
   341     {
   342     if(iListBox)
   343   	 	{
   344         iListBox->HandleItemRemovalL();  
   345         TInt index  = CurrentItemIndex();
   346     	TVIMPSTEnums::TItem type = iArrayProcess.GetType(index);
   347        	UpdateViewL(index,type) ;  
   348     	}
   349     }
   351 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   352 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SizeChanged
   353 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   354 //
   355 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SizeChanged()
   356     {
   357     SetLayout(); //layouting controls
   358     if ( iFindbox && iFindPaneIsVisible  )
   359         {
   360         iFindbox->MakeVisible( ETrue );
   361         }
   362     }
   365 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   366 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::CountComponentControls
   367 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   368 //
   369 TInt CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::CountComponentControls() const
   370     { 
   371      // return number of controls inside this container
   372     if( !iFindbox )
   373         {
   374         // Find-pane does not exist when there is no data in listbox,
   375         // so only one control exists (listbox)
   376         return 1; //Ignore CodeScanner warning
   377         }
   378     else
   379         {
   380         // listbox and findbox exists. that makes it two
   381         return 2; //Ignore CodeScanner warning
   382         }
   383     }
   385 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   386 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::FocusChanged
   387 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   388 //
   389 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::FocusChanged( TDrawNow aDrawNow )
   390     {
   391     if ( iFindbox && iFindbox->IsVisible() )
   392             {
   393             iFindbox->SetFocus( IsFocused(), aDrawNow );
   394             if ( aDrawNow == EDrawNow && IsFocused() )
   395                 {
   396                 iFindbox->DrawDeferred();
   397                 }
   398             }
   399     }
   401 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   402 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::ComponentControl
   403 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   404 //
   405 CCoeControl* CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const
   406     {
   407    // return iListBox;
   408     switch ( aIndex )
   409         {
   410         // the caller wants to have the first control
   411         // so it's always listbox
   412         case 0:
   413             {
   414 			return iListBox;
   415             }
   416         // the caller wants to have the second control
   417         // so it's always the findbox if it exists
   418         case 1:
   419             {
   420             if( iFindbox )
   421                 {
   422                 return iFindbox;
   423                 }
   424             return NULL;
   425             }
   426         default:
   427             {
   428             return NULL;
   429             }
   430         }
   431     }
   434 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   435 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::OfferKeyEventL
   436 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   437 //
   438 TKeyResponse CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::OfferKeyEventL
   439         (const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType)
   440     {
   441     if ( !aKeyEvent.iCode ) 
   442         {
   443         //The character code generated 
   444         //for an EEventKey, or 0 for a down or up event.
   445         //For down or up key return key consumed.. handle only the events
   447         if((EEventKeyDown == aType) && (EStdKeyDevice3 == aKeyEvent.iScanCode))
   448             {
   449             //for setting the command to be executed for the "Selection key"
   450             //in case of selection key, container's OfferKeyEventL() is called only for EEventKeyDown and EEventKeyUp
   451             //and not for EEventKey
   452             UpdateCbaL();
   453             }
   454         return EKeyWasConsumed;	    	
   455         }
   456     UpdateCbaL();
   457     TKeyResponse ret = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   458     // Offer key event first to the key event handler
   459     if ( iKeyEventHandler && iKeyEventHandler->Pbk2ProcessKeyEventL
   460             ( aKeyEvent, aType ) )
   461         {
   462         ret = EKeyWasConsumed;
   463         }
   464     switch ( aKeyEvent.iCode )
   465            {
   466            case EKeyBackspace:
   467                {
   468                if ( iFindbox )  
   469                    {
   470                    if( iFindbox->TextLength() == 0 )
   471                        {
   472                        TInt index = CurrentItemIndex();
   473                        if( iArrayProcess.IsConversationExist(index) )
   474                            {
   475                            iTabbedView.CloseConversationL();
   476                            ret = EKeyWasConsumed;
   477                            }
   478                        else if(TVIMPSTEnums::EContactItem == iArrayProcess.GetType(  index ) )
   479                            {
   480                            if( TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCERegistered == iArrayProcess.GetLoginState()  )                          
   481                                {
   482                                iTabbedView.DeleteContactL();
   483                                }
   484                            ret = EKeyWasConsumed;
   485                            }
   486                        }
   487                    }
   488                break;
   489                }
   490 	           // Case to handle send key press consumption.
   491            case EKeyYes:
   492                {
   493                TInt index = iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();
   494                if( TVIMPSTEnums::EOwnStatusItem == iArrayProcess.GetType( index ) )
   495                    {
   496                    ret = EKeyWasConsumed;
   497                    }
   498                break;
   499                }
   500            default:
   501                break;
   502            }
   503    if( EKeyPhoneSend == aKeyEvent.iCode  && ret != EKeyWasConsumed )
   504     	{
   505     	if( iEngine.IsSubServiceSupportedL(TVIMPSTEnums::EVoip))
   506 		    {
   507 		    iTabbedView.MakeVoipCallL();
   508 		   	ret = EKeyWasConsumed;
   509 		    }
   511     	}
   512     if( ret == EKeyWasConsumed )
   513 	    {
   514 	    // user might has choosen back/end key/application key etc
   515 	    // application might switch to background 
   516 	    // return from here
   517 	    return ret;	
   518 	    }
   519     if (iFindPaneIsVisible && iFindbox ) 
   520 	    {
   521 	    ret = iFindbox->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType )	;
   522 	    }
   523     // Not consumed by the key handler and findpane , offer to the control next
   524     if ( ret == EKeyWasNotConsumed )
   525         {
   526         ret = iListBox->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
   527         }
   528     iTabbedView.UpdateToolbarL();	
   529     return ret;
   530     }
   533 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   534 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::CurrentItemIndex
   535 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   536 //
   537 TInt CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::CurrentItemIndex() const
   538     {
   539     if( !iListBox )
   540         {
   541         return KErrNotFound;
   542         }
   543     if( !iListBox->View() )
   544         {
   545         // CurrentItemIndex panics if the listbox has no view
   546         return KErrNotFound;
   547         }
   549     TInt curIndex( iListBox->CurrentItemIndex() );
   550     if ( curIndex < 0 )
   551         {
   552         return KErrNotFound;
   553         }
   554     CVIMPSTUiListBoxModel* model =
   555         static_cast<CVIMPSTUiListBoxModel*>( iListBox->Model() );
   557     if( model )
   558         {
   559         return model->FilteredItemIndex( curIndex );
   560         }
   561     return KErrNotFound;
   562     }
   566 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   567 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SetCurrentItemIndex
   568 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   569 //
   570 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SetCurrentItemIndex(TInt aIndex)
   571     {
   572     if (iListBox->CurrentItemIndex() != aIndex &&
   573         aIndex >= 0 &&
   574         aIndex < iListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems() )
   575         {
   576         iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex(aIndex);
   577         TRAP_IGNORE(UpdateCbaL());
   578         }
   579     }
   582 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   583 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SetCurrentItemIndexAndDraw
   584 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   585 //
   586 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SetCurrentItemIndexAndDraw(TInt aIndex)
   587     {
   588     SetCurrentItemIndex(aIndex);
   589     this->DrawDeferred();
   590     }
   593 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   594 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SetListEmptyTextL
   595 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   596 //
   597 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SetListEmptyTextL(TInt aResourceId)
   598     {
   599     HBufC* emptyText = iCoeEnv->AllocReadResourceLC(aResourceId);
   600     iListBox->View()->SetListEmptyTextL(*emptyText);
   601     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(emptyText);
   602     }
   604 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   605 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::LoadBitmapsL
   606 // Called by framework when the view size is changed
   607 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   608 //
   609 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::LoadBitmapsL()
   610     {
   613 	CFormattedCellListBoxData* listBoxData = iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData();
   614 	if ( !listBoxData )
   615 		{
   616 		//No listbox data
   617 		User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
   618 		}
   620 	CAknIconArray* icons = iBrandHandler.LoadIconsLC( );
   622     CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* oldIconArray = listBoxData->IconArray();
   623     if( oldIconArray )
   624         {
   625         oldIconArray->ResetAndDestroy();
   626 		delete oldIconArray;
   627         listBoxData->SetIconArray( NULL );
   628         }
   629     TPtrC8 avatardata = iArrayProcess.OwnAvatarContentL();
   630     CGulIcon* newIcon = NULL;
   631     if( avatardata.Length() )
   632         {
   633         newIcon = AvatarToIconL( avatardata );
   634         }
   635     if( newIcon )
   636         {  
   637         // if icon creation from avatar is successful then append icon 
   638         // set the index 
   639         icons->AppendL(newIcon);
   640         iArrayProcess.SetOwnAvatarIndexL( icons->Count()-1 );    
   641         }
   642     else
   643         { // set the index to '0'
   644           // index=0 means default icon
   645         iArrayProcess.SetOwnAvatarIndexL( KErrNone );
   646         }
   648     TInt count = iArrayProcess.Count();
   649     // loop all the items in the array and get the avatar data 
   650     for (TInt i=0 ;i< count ;++i)
   651         {
   652         TPtrC8 avatarContent = iArrayProcess.AvatarContent(i);
   653         newIcon = NULL;//  make this as NULL since the icon 
   654                       //ownership will be taken from LIstbox
   655         if( avatarContent.Length())
   656             {
   657             // if that contact has any avatar data then process and create the icon
   658             newIcon = AvatarToIconL( avatarContent );
   659             }
   660         if ( newIcon )
   661             {
   662             // if the icon is created successfully the append to icon array
   663             icons->AppendL(newIcon);
   664             // set the icon index to the storage 
   665             iArrayProcess.SetAvatarIndex( i , icons->Count()-1);
   666             }
   667         else
   668             {
   669             //if icon not found. set the default for buddies
   670             iArrayProcess.SetAvatarIndex( i , KErrNone);
   671             }
   672         }
   673     // Set icon-array to listbox's drawer
   674     listBoxData->SetIconArray( icons );
   675     CleanupStack::Pop( icons );
   676     }
   678 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   679 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleListBoxEventL(
   680 //			CEikListBox* /*aListBox*/, TListBoxEvent /*aEventType*/ )
   681 // From MEikListBoxObserver, Handles event's generated by listbox
   682 // (other items were commented in a header).
   683 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   684 //
   685 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleListBoxEventL(
   686         CEikListBox* /*aListBox*/, TListBoxEvent aEventType )
   687     {
   688     iTabbedView.UpdateToolbarL();
   689     switch(aEventType)
   690         {
   691         case EEventItemSingleClicked:
   693             {
   694             TInt index = CurrentItemIndex();
   695             TVIMPSTEnums::TItem itemType = iArrayProcess.GetType(index);
   696             TBool presenceEnabled = iEngine.IsSubServiceEnabled(TVIMPSTEnums::EPresence);
   697             TBool imEnabled = iEngine.IsSubServiceEnabled(TVIMPSTEnums::EIM);
   698             TBool voipEnabled = iEngine.IsSubServiceEnabled(TVIMPSTEnums::EVoip);
   699             TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTRegistrationState serviceState = iTabbedView.GetServiceState();
   700             TVIMPSTEnums::TOnlineStatus onlinestatus = iArrayProcess.GetOnlineStatusL(index);
   702             if(TVIMPSTEnums::EOwnStatusItem == itemType && 
   703                     TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCENotRegistered ==  serviceState)
   704                 {
   705             iTabbedView.HandleCommandL( ECmdLogin );
   706                 }
   707             else if(TVIMPSTEnums::EOwnStatusItem == itemType &&
   708                                             TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCEWaitingForNetwork == serviceState)
   709                 {
   710                 iTabbedView.HandleCommandL( ECmdChangeConnectioninWaitingState);
   711                 }
   712             else if(TVIMPSTEnums::EOwnStatusItem == itemType 
   713                     && presenceEnabled &&
   714                     TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCERegistered ==  serviceState )
   715                 {
   716             iTabbedView.HandleCommandL( ECmdChangeStatus );
   717                 }
   718             else if( ( TVIMPSTEnums::EContactItem == itemType || 
   719                     TVIMPSTEnums::EUnknonContactItem == itemType )&& imEnabled &&
   720                     TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCERegistered == serviceState && 
   721                     TVIMPSTEnums::EServiceOut != onlinestatus )
   722                 {
   723             iTabbedView.HandleCommandL( ECmdOpenConversation );
   724                 }
   725             else if ( itemType == TVIMPSTEnums::EFriendRequestItem
   726                     && TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCERegistered == serviceState)
   727                 {
   728             iTabbedView.HandleCommandL( ECmdOpenFriendRequest );    		                    
   729                 }
   730             else if( TVIMPSTEnums::EContactItem == itemType )
   731                 {
   732                 if((TVIMPSTEnums::EPending != onlinestatus) && 
   733                         !(TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCEUpdatingContacts ==  serviceState ||
   734                                 TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCENetworkConnecting ==  serviceState || 
   735                                 TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCENetworkDisConnecting ==  serviceState))
   736                     {
   737                     iTabbedView.HandleCommandL( ECmdContactDetails );
   738                     }
   739                 }
   740             break;
   742             }
   743             // Add enter key handling
   744         case EEventEnterKeyPressed:
   745             {
   746             CEikButtonGroupContainer* cba = CEikButtonGroupContainer::Current();
   747             TInt commandId( iCba->ButtonGroup()->CommandId( CEikButtonGroupContainer::EMiddleSoftkeyPosition));
   749             iTabbedView.HandleCommandL(commandId);
   750             break;
   751             }
   752         default:
   753             {
   754             break;
   755             }
   756         }
   758        }
   759 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   760 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SendMessageL(
   761 //			CEikListBox* /*aListBox*/, TListBoxEvent /*aEventType*/ )
   762 // From MEikListBoxObserver, Handles event's generated by listbox
   763 // (other items were commented in a header).
   764 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   765 //
   766 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SendMessageL()
   767 	{
   768 //	TInt index = iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();
   769 	TInt index = CurrentItemIndex();        
   770 	if( index< 0 )
   771 		{
   772 		// return if item not found
   773 		return;	
   774 		}
   775 	TPtrC seletctedItem = iArrayProcess.GetItemUserId(index) ;
   776 	if(seletctedItem.Length())
   777 	    {
   778 	    TInt result = EAknSoftkeyOk;
   779         //get the status from engine.
   780         TVIMPSTEnums::TOnlineStatus status = iArrayProcess.GetOnlineStatusL(index);
   782         if( status == TVIMPSTEnums::EOffline )
   783             {
   784             TBool isConvExist = iArrayProcess.IsConversationExist(index);
   785             if( !isConvExist)
   786                 {
   787                 // TODO : need to show only once if conversation not exist
   788                 // handling of error message need to be done in cv also ,waiting for ximp changes
   789                 // Show note about offline contact
   790                 HBufC* msg = StringLoader::LoadLC(
   791                         R_QTN_CHAT_CONTACT_MAY_NOT_RECEIVE_MESSAGE,
   792                         seletctedItem );                    
   794                  result = VIMPSTUtilsDialog::DisplayQueryDialogL(
   795                         R_CHAT_CONTACT_MAY_NOT_RECEIVE_MESSAGE_DIALOG,
   796                         msg->Des() );
   797                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( msg );
   798                 }
   799             }
   801         if( ( result == EAknSoftkeyOk ) || ( result == EAknSoftkeyYes ) )
   802             {
   803             TPtrC itemName = iArrayProcess.GetItemNameText(index) ;
   804             // not own this p
   805             MVPbkContactLink* contactLink = iArrayProcess.ContactLink( index );
   807             TVwsViewId activeViewId;
   808             CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi()->GetActiveViewId( activeViewId );
   809             UpdateCbaL();
   810             // imlauncher call for luanching the conversationview with seletced user id
   811             IMCVLauncher::LaunchImConversationViewL(activeViewId, iServiceId, seletctedItem, itemName, contactLink);
   812             }
   813 	    }
   815 	}
   816 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   817 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::UpdateViewL
   818 // (other items were commented in a header).
   819 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   820 //
   821 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::UpdateViewL( 
   822 				TInt aIndex, TVIMPSTEnums::TItem aType)
   823     {
   824     TInt index = KErrNotFound;
   825      if( aIndex < 0 )
   826     	{
   827     	aIndex = CurrentItemIndex()<0?0:CurrentItemIndex();	
   828     	}
   829     switch(aType)
   830 	    {
   831 	    case TVIMPSTEnums::EContactItem:
   832 	    case TVIMPSTEnums::EOwnStatusItem:
   833 	    	{
   834 	    	/*Not attempting to get the index of contact because aIndex is the 
   835 	    	same as this index and we pass it on to the contactlistboxmodel's 
   836 	    	visibleitem method*/
   837 	    	CVIMPSTUiListBoxModel* list =
   838 	    	        static_cast<CVIMPSTUiListBoxModel*>( iListBox->Model() );
   839 	    	index = list->VisibleItemIndex(aIndex); 
   840 	    	if( index != KErrNotFound && iFindbox )
   841 				{
   842 			    if(iClrFindPaneFlag)
   843 			        {
   844 			        iFindbox->SetSearchTextL( KNullDesC );
   845 			        iFindbox->DrawNow();
   846 			        iClrFindPaneFlag = EFalse;
   847 			     	}
   848 			    else
   849 					{
   850 					TBuf<KTextLimit> temp;
   851 					iFindbox->GetSearchText(temp);
   852 					if(0 != temp.Compare(KNullDesC))
   853 					    {
   854 					    ((CAknFilteredTextListBoxModel*) iListBox->Model() )
   855 					            ->Filter()->HandleOfferkeyEventL();
   856 					    }
   857 					}
   858 				}
   859 			break;
   860 			}
   861 		default:
   862 			{
   863 			//nothing to do
   864 			break;
   865 			}    	
   866 	    }
   867 	iListBox->DrawNow();
   868 	SetCurrentItemIndex(aIndex);
   869 	SetFocusAndMakeItemVisible();
   870 	TInt count = iArrayProcess.Count();
   871 	if(count > KMinContact && ! iFindPaneIsVisible)  
   872 		{
   873 		ActivateFindPaneL();		
   874 		}
   875     else if(count <= KMinContact && iFindPaneIsVisible) // extra check needed here to improve performance
   876 	    {
   877 	    DeactivateFindPaneL();	    
   878 	    }
   880 	//Update the Toolbar after moving the focus to the current item.
   881 	iTabbedView.UpdateToolbarL();   
   882 	UpdateCbaL();		
   883     }
   884 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   885 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::ActivateFindPaneL()
   886 // Activates find-pane
   887 // (other items were commented in a header).
   888 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   889 //
   890 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::ActivateFindPaneL()
   891     {
   892     if( !iFindbox )
   893         {
   894         // Use EAdaptiveSearch so that we can search according to columns.
   895         iFindbox = CAknSearchField::NewL( *this,
   896                 CAknSearchField::EAdaptiveSearch,
   897                 NULL, KTextLimit );
   899     // This is to filter the presence status from the search
   900     // username(0)/presencestatus(1) - 1 is to filter the presence status
   901     // column out of the search. In this case there are only two columns.
   902     TBitFlags32 columnFilterFlag; 
   903     columnFilterFlag.Set(1);
   904     iFindbox->SetListColumnFilterFlags(columnFilterFlag);
   905         static_cast<CAknFilteredTextListBoxModel*>( iListBox->Model() )
   906             ->CreateFilterL( iListBox, iFindbox );
   907         }
   908     iFindbox->SetObserver( this );
   909     iFindbox->ActivateL();
   910     iFindbox->ResetL();
   911     iFindbox->SetSearchTextL( KNullDesC );    
   913     iFindPaneIsVisible = ETrue;
   914     SetLayout();
   916     if( IsActivated() )
   917         {
   918         iFindbox->MakeVisible( ETrue );
   919         iFindbox->SetFocus( ETrue );
   920         iListBox->SizeChanged();
   921         DrawNow();
   922         }
   923     }
   925 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   926 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::DeactivateFindPaneL()
   927 // De-activates find-pane
   928 // (other items were commented in a header).
   929 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   930 //
   931 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::DeactivateFindPaneL()
   932     {
   933     if( !iFindbox )
   934 	    {
   935 	    return;	
   936 	    }
   937     static_cast<CAknFilteredTextListBoxModel*>( iListBox->Model() )
   938         ->Filter()->ResetFilteringL();
   941     iFindbox->MakeVisible( EFalse );
   942     iFindbox->SetFocus( EFalse );
   944     iFindPaneIsVisible = EFalse;
   945     SetLayout();
   947     if( IsActivated() )
   948         {
   949         DrawNow();
   950         }
   951     }
   953  // ---------------------------------------------------------
   954 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::GetFocussedId()
   955 // To get the pointer to the iFocussedID
   956 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   957 TPtrC CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::GetFocussedId()
   958     {
   959     TInt index = CurrentItemIndex();
   960     if( index < 0 )
   961 	    {
   962 	    index = 0;	
   963 	    }
   964     return iCommandHandler.GetProcessInterface().GetItemUserId( index  );
   965     }
   966 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   967 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SetFocussedId()
   968 // Saves the Contact ID in iFocussedID
   969 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   970 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SetFocussedId(const TDesC& aContact)
   971     {
   972     TInt index = iCommandHandler.GetProcessInterface().GetSelectedItemIndex( aContact );
   973     if( index < 0 )
   974 	    {
   975 	    index = 0;	
   976 	    }
   977     SetCurrentItemIndex( index );
   978     SetFocusAndMakeItemVisible();
   979     } 
   980 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   981 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SetLayout()
   982 // Layouts current components according to AVKON LAF
   983 // (other items were commented in a header).
   984 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   985 //
   986 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SetLayout()
   987     {
   988     const TRect rect( Rect() );
   989     if( iListBox && iFindPaneIsVisible )
   990         {
   992         TAknWindowLineLayout empty;
   993         empty.iC = 0;
   994         empty.il = 0;
   995         empty.it = 0;
   996         empty.ir = 0;
   997         empty.ib = 0;
   998         empty.iW = ELayoutEmpty;
   999         empty.iH = ELayoutEmpty;
  1001         TAknWindowLineLayout findPane = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::find_pane().LayoutLine();
  1002         TAknWindowLineLayout listPane;
  1004         // listPane should equal to parent's rect
  1005         listPane.il = Rect().iTl.iX;
  1006         listPane.ir = ELayoutEmpty;
  1007         listPane.it = Rect().iTl.iY;
  1008         listPane.ib = ELayoutEmpty;
  1009         // this check is required since it's not guaranteed that listbox's SetRect
  1010         // has been called when this code is executed
  1011         if ( Size().iWidth > 0 )
  1012             {
  1013             listPane.iW = Size().iWidth;
  1014             listPane.ir = ELayoutEmpty;
  1015             }
  1016         else
  1017             {
  1018             listPane.iW = ELayoutEmpty;
  1019             listPane.ir = 0;
  1020             }
  1021         // but findpane's height should be subtracted
  1022         listPane.iH = Size().iHeight - findPane.iH;
  1024         // findPane's width should equal to listPane's width
  1025         findPane.iW = listPane.iW;
  1026         CAknFilteredTextListBoxModel* m = static_cast <CAknFilteredTextListBoxModel*> ( iListBox->Model() );
  1027         if ( m->Filter() )
  1028             {
  1029             m->Filter()->SetParentControl( this );
  1030             }
  1031         TAknLayoutRect lrect;
  1032         lrect.LayoutRect( Rect(), empty );
  1033         AknLayoutUtils::LayoutControl( iFindbox, lrect.Rect(), findPane );
  1034         AknLayoutUtils::LayoutControl( iListBox, Rect(), listPane );
  1036         }
  1037     else if( iListBox )
  1038         {
  1039         AknLayoutUtils::LayoutControl( iListBox,
  1040                                        rect,
  1041                                        AKN_LAYOUT_WINDOW_list_gen_pane( 0 ) );
  1042         }
  1043     }
  1045 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1046 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleControlEventL
  1047 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1048 //
  1049 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleControlEventL(CCoeControl* /*aControl*/,TCoeEvent aEventType)
  1050     {
  1051     // We only observe iFindbox
  1052     if( EEventStateChanged == aEventType )
  1053         {
  1055       	((CAknFilteredTextListBoxModel*) iListBox->Model() )
  1056             ->Filter()->HandleOfferkeyEventL();        
  1058         }
  1059     iListBox->DrawNow(); 
  1060     iTabbedView.UpdateToolbarL();
  1061     }
  1063 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1065 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1066 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::CheckAndSetLastItemFlag()
  1067 // Checks if the last contact is focused and Sets the iLastItemFlag
  1068 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1069 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::CheckAndSetLastItemFlag()
  1070     {
  1071     if(iListBox->CurrentItemIndex() == (iArrayProcess.Count() - 1))
  1072         {
  1073         iLastItemFlag = ETrue;
  1074         }
  1075     else
  1076         {
  1077         iLastItemFlag = EFalse;
  1078         }
  1079     }
  1080 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1081 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SetFocusAndMakeItemVisible()
  1082 // Compares the Saved Contact in iFocussedID with the contacts in the List and focuses if it is found 
  1083 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1084 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SetFocusAndMakeItemVisible()
  1085     {  
  1086     TInt count = iArrayProcess.Count();
  1087     TInt index = CurrentItemIndex();
  1088     if( index == count )
  1089         {   
  1090         if( iLastItemFlag )
  1091             {
  1092             index = count - 1;
  1093             iLastItemFlag = EFalse;
  1094             }
  1095         }
  1096     CVIMPSTUiListBoxModel* model =
  1097         static_cast<CVIMPSTUiListBoxModel*>( iListBox->Model() );
  1099     if( model )
  1100         {
  1101         index = model->VisibleItemIndex( index );
  1102         }
  1103     iListBox->ScrollToMakeItemVisible(index );
  1104     SetCurrentItemIndex(index);
  1105     iListBox->DrawDeferred();
  1106     }
  1108 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  1109 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SetClrFindPaneFlag(TBool aFlag)
  1110 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  1112 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SetClrFindPaneFlag(TBool aFlag)
  1113     {
  1114     iClrFindPaneFlag = aFlag;
  1115     }
  1117 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1118 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::CoeControl()
  1119 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1121 CCoeControl* CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::CoeControl()
  1122     {
  1123     return  this; // return this pointer since its a parent class pointer of  CCoeControl
  1124     }
  1125 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1126 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::AvatarToIconL
  1127 // 
  1128 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1129 CGulIcon* CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::AvatarToIconL( const TDesC8& aAvatarContent )
  1130     {
  1131     CGulIcon* newIcon = NULL;
  1132     CVIMPSTEngineImageHandler* imageHandler = CVIMPSTEngineImageHandler::NewL();
  1133     CleanupStack::PushL( imageHandler );
  1134     // pass the avatar content and mimetype as NULL
  1135     // mimetype will be recognised by the UTILS  class
  1136     HBufC8* content = imageHandler->ProcessImageFromDataL( aAvatarContent , KNullDesC8);
  1137     if ( iAvatarError == KErrNone)
  1138         {
  1139         newIcon = CGulIcon ::NewL( &(imageHandler->Bitmap()) ); 
  1140         newIcon->SetBitmapsOwnedExternally( EFalse );              
  1141         }
  1142     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // imageHandler 
  1143     if(content)
  1144         {
  1145         delete content;
  1146         content = NULL;
  1147         }
  1148     return  newIcon; 
  1149     }
  1150 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1151 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SetCbaLockL()
  1152 // Sets the lock status of cba keys.
  1153 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1154 //
  1155 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::SetCbaLockL( TBool aLock )
  1156     {
  1157     iCbaLock = aLock;
  1158     if( !aLock )
  1159         {
  1160         UpdateCbaL();
  1161         }
  1162     }
  1163 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1164 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::UpdateCbaL()
  1165 // Updates Softkeys according to current focus.
  1166 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1167 //
  1168 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::UpdateCbaL( TBool aUseDefaultCba /*= EFalse*/ )
  1169     {
  1171     iCurrentCmdToExe = -1;
  1172     if( !iCbaLock )
  1173         {
  1174         TInt index = CurrentItemIndex();
  1175         //if invalid index then dont set any command
  1176         if(KErrNotFound == index)
  1177             {
  1178             if ( iCba )
  1179                 {               
  1180                 iCba->SetCommandSetL( cbaRes );
  1181                 iCba->DrawNow();                
  1182                 }
  1183             return; 
  1184             }
  1186         TVIMPSTEnums::TItem itemtype = iArrayProcess.GetType(index);
  1187         TVIMPSTEnums::TOnlineStatus onlinestatus = iCommandHandler.GetProcessInterface().GetOnlineStatusL(index);        
  1188         TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTRegistrationState servicestate = iEngine.ServiceState();
  1189         TBool updateinvalid( iLastFocusedItemType == TVIMPSTEnums::EInvalid );
  1190          if ( !iCba )
  1191             {
  1192             iCba = CEikButtonGroupContainer::Current();
  1193             }
  1195         // default softkeys
  1196          if(iCba)
  1197              {
  1198              if( aUseDefaultCba || updateinvalid )
  1199                  {
  1200                  if( aUseDefaultCba )
  1201                      {
  1202                      iLastFocusedItemType = TVIMPSTEnums::EOwnStatusItem;
  1203                      }
  1204                  else
  1205                      {
  1206                      iLastFocusedItemType = itemtype;
  1207                      }
  1209                  if ( itemtype == TVIMPSTEnums::EOwnStatusItem  )
  1210                      {
  1211                      // Own status
  1212                      if(TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCERegistered == servicestate)
  1213                          {
  1214                          // Options/Back/Change status
  1215                           cbaRes = R_SERVTAB_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_EXIT__CHANGESTATUS;
  1216                           iCurrentCmdToExe = ECmdChangeStatus;
  1217                          }
  1218                      else if(TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCENetworkConnecting == servicestate)
  1219                          {
  1220                          if(iTabbedView.CancelLoginSupportedL())
  1221                               {
  1222                               cbaRes = R_SERVTAB_SOFTKEYS_OPTION_CANCEL__EXIT;
  1223                               iCurrentCmdToExe = ECmdCancelLogin;
  1224                               }
  1225                           else
  1226                               {
  1227                               cbaRes = R_SERVTAB_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_EXIT__EMPTY;
  1228                               iCurrentCmdToExe = -1;
  1229                               }
  1230                          }
  1231                      else if(TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCEWaitingForNetwork == servicestate)
  1232                          {
  1233                          cbaRes = R_SERVTAB_SOFTKEYS_OPTION_CHANGECONN__EXIT;
  1234                          iCurrentCmdToExe = ECmdChangeConnectioninWaitingState;
  1235                          }
  1236                     else if(TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCEUpdatingContacts != servicestate)
  1237 		                    {
  1238 		                    cbaRes = R_SERVTAB_SOFTKEYS_OPTION_LOGIN__EXIT;
  1239 		                    iCurrentCmdToExe = ECmdLogin;
  1240 		                    }
  1241                      }
  1243                  iCba->SetCommandSetL( cbaRes );
  1244                  iCba->DrawNow();
  1245                  }
  1247              // collapse softkey ( when focus is on contact )
  1248              else if(  itemtype == TVIMPSTEnums::EContactItem  )
  1249                  {
  1250                  iLastFocusedItemType = itemtype;
  1251                  if(TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCERegistered == servicestate)
  1252                      {
  1253                      // im is supported
  1254                      if(iEngine.IsSubServiceSupportedL(TVIMPSTEnums::EIM))
  1255                          {
  1256                          iCba->SetCommandSetL( R_SERVTAB_SOFTKEYS_OPTION_OPENCONV__EXIT );
  1257                          iCurrentCmdToExe = ECmdOpenConversation;
  1258                          }
  1259                      else //im is not supporteed
  1260                          {
  1261                          iCba->SetCommandSetL( R_SERVTAB_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_DETAILS__EXIT );
  1262                          iCurrentCmdToExe = ECmdContactDetails;
  1263                          }                     
  1264                      }
  1265                  else if(TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCENotRegistered == servicestate)
  1266                      {
  1267                      iCba->SetCommandSetL( R_SERVTAB_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_DETAILS__EXIT );                  
  1268                      iCurrentCmdToExe = ECmdContactDetails;
  1269                      }
  1270                  iCba->DrawNow();	
  1271                  }
  1272              else if(  itemtype == TVIMPSTEnums::EUnknonContactItem  )
  1273                  {
  1274                  iLastFocusedItemType = itemtype;
  1275                  if(TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCERegistered == servicestate && 
  1276                          iEngine.IsSubServiceSupportedL(TVIMPSTEnums::EIM))
  1277                      {
  1278                      iCba->SetCommandSetL( R_SERVTAB_SOFTKEYS_OPTION_OPENCONV__EXIT );
  1279                      iCurrentCmdToExe = ECmdOpenConversation;
  1280                      }
  1281                  else //im is not supporteed
  1282                      {
  1283                      iCba->SetCommandSetL( R_SERVTAB_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_EXIT__EMPTY );
  1284                      iCurrentCmdToExe = -1;
  1285                      }                     
  1286                  iCba->DrawNow();   
  1287                  }
  1288              // Focus on own contact item
  1289              else if( itemtype == TVIMPSTEnums::EOwnStatusItem )
  1290                  {
  1291                  iLastFocusedItemType = itemtype;
  1292                  if ( itemtype == TVIMPSTEnums::EOwnStatusItem  )
  1293                      {
  1294                      // Own status
  1295                      if(TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCERegistered == servicestate)
  1296                          {
  1297                          // Options/Back/Change status
  1298                           cbaRes = R_SERVTAB_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_EXIT__CHANGESTATUS;
  1299                           iCurrentCmdToExe = ECmdChangeStatus;
  1300                          }
  1301                      else if(TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCENetworkConnecting == servicestate)
  1302                          {
  1303                          if(iTabbedView.CancelLoginSupportedL())
  1304                               {
  1305                               cbaRes = R_SERVTAB_SOFTKEYS_OPTION_CANCEL__EXIT;
  1306                               iCurrentCmdToExe = ECmdCancelLogin;                         
  1307                               }
  1308                           else
  1309                               {
  1310                               cbaRes = R_SERVTAB_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_EXIT__EMPTY;
  1311                               iCurrentCmdToExe = -1;
  1312                               }
  1313                          }
  1314                      else if(TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCEWaitingForNetwork == servicestate)
  1315                          {
  1316                          cbaRes = R_SERVTAB_SOFTKEYS_OPTION_CHANGECONN__EXIT;
  1317                          iCurrentCmdToExe = ECmdChangeConnectioninWaitingState;
  1318                          }
  1319                     else if(TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCEUpdatingContacts != servicestate)
  1320 		                    {
  1321 		                    cbaRes = R_SERVTAB_SOFTKEYS_OPTION_LOGIN__EXIT;
  1322 		                    iCurrentCmdToExe = ECmdLogin;
  1323 		                    }
  1324                      }
  1325                  //add for connecting state and waiting for connection state.
  1326                  iCba->SetCommandSetL( cbaRes );
  1327                  iCba->DrawNow();
  1328                  }
  1329              // Focus on invitation item
  1330              else if( itemtype == TVIMPSTEnums::EFriendRequestItem )
  1331                  {
  1332                  iLastFocusedItemType = itemtype;
  1333                  if(TVIMPSTEnums::ESVCERegistered == servicestate)
  1334                      {
  1335                      iCurrentCmdToExe = ECmdOpenFriendRequest;	
  1336                      iCba->SetCommandSetL( R_SERVTAB_SOFTKEYS_OPTION_OPENFRNDREQ__EXIT );
  1337                      iCba->DrawNow();
  1338                      }
  1340                  }  
  1341              }
  1343         }
  1344     }
  1346 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1347 // CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarDeleteL()
  1348 // Saves the Contact ID in iFocussedID
  1349 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1350 void CVIMPSTUiDoubleListBoxTabViewControl::HandleAvatarDeleteL( const TDesC& aUserId )
  1351 	{
  1352 	TInt index = iArrayProcess.GetSelectedItemIndex(aUserId );//Get the index from storage.
  1353 	if(index >= 0)
  1354 		{
  1355 		CFormattedCellListBoxData* listBoxData = iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData();
  1356 		CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* currentIconArray = listBoxData->IconArray();
  1357 		TInt avIndex = iArrayProcess.AvatarIndex(index);
  1359 		    if( avIndex ) // if there is old icon already
  1360 		        {
  1361 		        // delete the old icon compress the array and insert at the same position
  1362 		        currentIconArray->Delete( avIndex );
  1363 		        currentIconArray->Compress();
  1364 		        }
  1366 		    // avatar got cleared just  set the icon index to '0'
  1367 		    // icon what was added still remains in the  listbox icon array
  1368 		    // dont delete the old icon, because that needs to modify the whole 
  1369 		    // indexes of the  other contacts. 
  1370 		    // "keeping the icon is better than changing all contacts indexes"
  1371 		    // The icons will be deleted by listbox, when list box got destructed.
  1372 		    iArrayProcess.SetAvatarIndex( index , KErrNone );
  1374 		}
  1375 	}
  1377 // End of File