changeset 23 9a48e301e94b
parent 0 5e5d6b214f4f
equal deleted inserted replaced
22:3104fc151679 23:9a48e301e94b
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  single context observer implementation
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include "cimcvenginecontextobserver.h"
    20 #include <ximpidentity.h>
    21 #include <ximpstatus.h>
    22 #include <ximpcontextstateevent.h>
    23 #include <ximprequestcompleteevent.h>
    24 #include <presentitypresenceevent.h>
    25 #include <presentitygrouplistevent.h>
    26 #include <presentitygroupinfo.h>
    27 #include <presentitygroupcontentevent.h>
    28 #include <presentitygroupmemberinfo.h>
    29 #include <ximpcontextstate.h>
    30 #include "imcvuiliterals.h"
    31 #include "mimcvenginenewmessagehandler.h"
    32 #include "imcvlogger.h"
    33 #include <imerrors.hrh>
    34 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ==============================
    36 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    37 // CIMCVEngineContextObserver::NewL
    38 // two phase construction
    39 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    40 CIMCVEngineContextObserver* CIMCVEngineContextObserver::NewL()
    41     {
    42     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVEngineContextObserver::NewL() start") );
    43     CIMCVEngineContextObserver* self = 
    44     					CIMCVEngineContextObserver::NewLC();
    45     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    46     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVEngineContextObserver::NewL() end") );
    47     return self;
    48     }
    50 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    51 // CIMCVEngineContextObserver::NewLC
    52 // two phase construction
    53 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    54 CIMCVEngineContextObserver* CIMCVEngineContextObserver::NewLC()
    55     {
    56     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVEngineContextObserver::NewLC() start") );
    57     CIMCVEngineContextObserver* self = new 
    58     					(ELeave) CIMCVEngineContextObserver();
    59     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    60     self->ConstructL();
    61     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVEngineContextObserver::NewLC() end") );
    62     return self;
    63     }
    65 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    66 // CIMCVEngineContextObserver::ConstructL
    67 // two phase construction
    68 // ---------------------------------------------------------    
    69 void CIMCVEngineContextObserver::ConstructL()
    70 	{
    71 	}
    73 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    74 // CIMCVEngineContextObserver::~CIMCVEngineContextObserver
    75 // destructor
    76 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    77 CIMCVEngineContextObserver::~CIMCVEngineContextObserver()
    78     {
    79     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVEngineContextObserver::~CIMCVEngineContextObserver() start") );
    80      if(iWait.IsStarted() )
    81 	    {
    82 	    iWait.AsyncStop();	
    83 	    }
    84 	IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVEngineContextObserver::~CIMCVEngineContextObserver() end") );
    85     }
    87 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    88 // CIMCVEngineContextObserver::CIMCVEngineContextObserver
    89 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    90 CIMCVEngineContextObserver::CIMCVEngineContextObserver() :
    91 iCurrentReqType(EReqUnknown)
    92     {
    93     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVEngineContextObserver::CIMCVEngineContextObserver() start") );
    94     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVEngineContextObserver::CIMCVEngineContextObserver() end") );
    95     }
    97 // ===========================================================================
    99 // ===========================================================================
   100 //
   101 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   102 // CIMCVEngineContextObserver::HandleximpContextEvent
   103 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   104 void CIMCVEngineContextObserver::HandlePresenceContextEvent( 
   105     const MXIMPContext& /*aContext*/,
   106     const MXIMPBase& aEvent )
   107     {
   108   	IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVEngineContextObserver::HandlePresenceContextEvent() start") );
   109     const TInt32 eventType = aEvent.GetInterfaceId();
   111     switch( eventType )
   112         {
   113         case MXIMPRequestCompleteEvent::KInterfaceId:
   114 			{
   115             const MXIMPRequestCompleteEvent* event =
   116                 TXIMPGetInterface< const MXIMPRequestCompleteEvent >::From( aEvent, MXIMPBase::EPanicIfUnknown );
   118             TXIMPRequestId reqId = event->RequestId();
   120             const MXIMPStatus& status = event->CompletionResult();
   122             TInt err = status.ResultCode();
   123             //Login request has been issued            
   124             if ((iCurrentXIMPReq == reqId) && (ELoginReq == iCurrentReqType))
   125 	            {
   126 				//Login is an synchronous call	            
   127 	            if ( iWait.IsStarted() )
   128 					{
   129 					iWait.AsyncStop();	
   130 					}
   131 				if(KErrNone == err )
   132 	                {	                
   133 	                iLoggedIn = ETrue;	                		                
   134 	                }
   135                 else
   136 	                {	                
   137 	                iLoggedIn = EFalse;	                
   138 	                } 	            
   140 				iCurrentReqType = EReqUnknown;	
   141 				if(iSessionObserver)
   142 					{
   143 					TRAP_IGNORE( iSessionObserver->HandleConnectionEventL( ELoggedIn, KErrNone ) );  				
   144 					}				                	
   145 	            }
   146 	        //Logout request has been issued    
   147 			else if ((iCurrentXIMPReq == reqId) && (ELogoutReq == iCurrentReqType))  
   148 				{
   149 				//Login is an synchronous call	            
   150 	            if ( iWait.IsStarted() )
   151 					{
   152 					iWait.AsyncStop();	
   153 					}
   154 				iLoggedIn = EFalse;	
   155 				iCurrentReqType = EReqUnknown;	
   156 				if(iSessionObserver)
   157 					{
   158 					TRAP_IGNORE( iSessionObserver->HandleConnectionEventL(ELoggedOut, KErrNone ) );  				
   159 					}			
   160 				}
   161 			//SendMessage request has been issued	
   162 			else
   163 				{
   164 				// for message delivery report
   165 			    if( iSessionObserver && iLoggedIn )
   166 				    {
   167 				    TRAP_IGNORE( iSessionObserver->HandleDeliveryReportL(reqId, status.ResultCode() ) );	
   168 				    }	
   169 				}
   170             break;
   171             }
   173         case MXIMPContextStateEvent::KInterfaceId:
   174         	{        	
   175         	// what do we do with context state event
   176         	// state of the context can be associated with the 
   177         	const MXIMPContextStateEvent* ctxtStateEvent = 
   178             TXIMPGetInterface< const MXIMPContextStateEvent >::From( aEvent, 
   179                                                                      MXIMPBase::EPanicIfUnknown );
   180             const MXIMPStatus* fwStatus = ctxtStateEvent->StateChangeReason();
   181             const MXIMPContextState& cState = ctxtStateEvent->ContextState();
   182             MXIMPContextState::TState state = cState.ContextState();          
   184             if (MXIMPContextState::EInactive == state  )
   185 				{
   186 				//No request of Login/Logout has been issued by CV
   187 				//Hence this might be a server initiated disconnect
   188 				//handle properly
   189 			 	if( (iSessionObserver) && (EReqUnknown == iCurrentReqType) )
   190 					{
   191 					TRAP_IGNORE( iSessionObserver->HandleConnectionEventL(EForcedLoggedOut, KImErrServiceForceClosedSession ) );  
   192 					}
   194 				}
   195              break;
   196         	}
   197        default:
   198         	{
   200         	break;
   201 			}
   202         }
   203     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVEngineContextObserver::HandlePresenceContextEvent() end") );
   204     }
   207 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   208 // CIMCVEngineContextObserver::GetCompletedReqResult
   209 // 
   210 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   211 void CIMCVEngineContextObserver::GetConnectedSessionL(MXIMPContext& aContext, TInt aServiceId, TUid aProtocolUid)
   212 	{
   213 	IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVEngineContextObserver::GetConnectedSessionL() start") );
   214 	//TUid protocolUid = TUid::Uid( KProtocolUidTelepathy );
   215 	if ( (!iLoggedIn) && (EReqUnknown == iCurrentReqType) )
   216 	    {
   217 	    //iOngoingOperation = TIMCVStateEnums::EIMCVLogging;
   218 	    iCurrentXIMPReq = aContext.BindToL( aProtocolUid, aServiceId ) ;
   219 	    iCurrentReqType = ELoginReq;
   221 	    if( !iWait.IsStarted() )
   222 	        {
   223 	        // Code scanner warning "active object called without checking 
   224 	        // whether it is active or cancelling it first" ignored because
   225 	        // CActiveSchedulerWait is not an active object
   226 	        iWait.Start(); // CSI: 10 # See above
   227 	        }
   229 	    //iOngoingOperation = TIMCVStateEnums::EIMCVUnknown;
   230 	    }
   231 	IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVEngineContextObserver::GetConnectedSessionL() end") );
   233 	}
   234 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   235 // CIMCVEngineContextObserver::GetCompletedReqResult
   236 // 
   237 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   238 void CIMCVEngineContextObserver::ReleaseConnectionL(MXIMPContext& aContext)
   239 	{
   240 	IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVEngineContextObserver::ReleaseConnectionL() start") );
   241 	if ( (iLoggedIn) && (EReqUnknown == iCurrentReqType) )
   242 	    {
   243 	    //iOngoingOperation = TIMCVStateEnums::EIMCVLoggingOut;
   244 	    iCurrentXIMPReq = aContext.UnbindL() ;
   245 	    iCurrentReqType = ELogoutReq;
   246 	    if( !iWait.IsStarted() )
   247 	        {
   248 	        // Code scanner warning "active object called without checking 
   249 	        // whether it is active or cancelling it first" ignored because
   250 	        // CActiveSchedulerWait is not an active object
   251 	        iWait.Start(); // CSI: 10 # See above	
   252 	        }
   253 	    }
   254     IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVEngineContextObserver::ReleaseConnectionL() end") );
   256 	}
   258 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   259 // CIMCVEngineContextObserver::IsLoggedIn
   260 // 
   261 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   262 TBool CIMCVEngineContextObserver::IsLoggedIn() const
   263 	{
   264 	return 	iLoggedIn;
   265 	}
   266 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   267 // CIMCVEngineContextObserver::RegisterObserver
   268 // 
   269 // ---------------------------------------------------------	
   270 void CIMCVEngineContextObserver::RegisterObserver(MIMCVEngineServiceSessionHandler* aObserver)  
   271 	{
   272 	IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVEngineContextObserver::RegisterObserver() start") );
   273 	iSessionObserver = 	aObserver;
   274 	IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVEngineContextObserver::RegisterObserver() end") );
   275 	}
   276 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   277 // CIMCVEngineContextObserver::UnRegisterObserver
   278 // 
   279 // ---------------------------------------------------------		
   280 void CIMCVEngineContextObserver::UnRegisterObserver(MIMCVEngineServiceSessionHandler* /*aObserver*/)  
   281 	{
   282 	IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVEngineContextObserver::UnRegisterObserver() start") );
   283 	// do not call delete 
   284 	// not owned by this class
   285 	iSessionObserver = NULL;
   286 	IM_CV_LOGS(TXT("CIMCVEngineContextObserver::UnRegisterObserver() end") );
   287 	}
   288 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   289 // CIMCVEngine::SetLoggedIn()
   290 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   291 //
   292 void CIMCVEngineContextObserver::SetLoggedIn(TBool aState) 
   293 	{
   294 	iLoggedIn = aState;
   295 	}	
   297 // end of file