changeset 23 9a48e301e94b
child 24 2b4be3554d30
equal deleted inserted replaced
22:3104fc151679 23:9a48e301e94b
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation of the header part control(s) of the details view layout
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "cvimpstdetailsheadercontrol.h"
    21 #include "cvimpstdetailsimagedecoder.h"
    22 #include "mvimpstdetailspresencehandler.h"
    23 #include "cvimpstdetailsviewbrandhandler.h"
    24 #include <vimpstui.mbg>
    25 #include <conversations.mbg>
    26 #include <eikimage.h> 
    27 #include <eiklabel.h> 
    28 #include <AknUtils.h>
    29 #include <layoutmetadata.cdl.h>
    30 #include <applayout.cdl.h> //cdl
    31 #include <aknlayoutscalable_apps.cdl.h>
    32 #include <AknsUtils.h>
    34 // virtual phonebook
    35 #include <MVPbkStoreContactField.h>
    36 #include <MVPbkContactFieldData.h>
    37 #include <MVPbkFieldType.h>
    38 #include <MVPbkContactFieldBinaryData.h>
    39 #include <VPbkEng.rsg>
    40 #include <MVPbkStoreContact.h>
    42 #include "uiservicetabtracer.h"
    43 // constants declaration
    44 const TInt KLabelLineCount = 3;
    46 // Size of thumbnail images stored to contacts
    47 #define KPbkPersonalImageSize TSize(80,96)
    49 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    50 // NewL, two-phase construction
    51 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52 //
    53 CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl* CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl::NewL(CVIMPSTDetailsViewBrandHandler& aBrandHandler,
    54 												MVIMPSTDetailsPresenceHandler& aPresenceHandler)
    55     {
    56     CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl* self= new (ELeave) CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl(aBrandHandler, aPresenceHandler );
    57     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    58     self->ConstructL();
    59     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    60     return self;
    61     }
    63 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64 // C++ (first phase) constructor
    65 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66 //
    67 CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl::CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl(CVIMPSTDetailsViewBrandHandler& aBrandHandler, 
    68 							MVIMPSTDetailsPresenceHandler& aPresenceHandler)
    69    : iBrandHandler( aBrandHandler),
    70    iPresenceHandler( aPresenceHandler )
    71     {
    72     // No implementation required
    73     }
    75 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76 // ConstructL, second phase constructor
    77 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    78 //
    79 void CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl::ConstructL()
    80 	{ 
    81 	TRACER_AUTO;
    82 	// Create the header image
    83 	iImage = new (ELeave) CEikImage();
    84 	iImage->SetPictureOwnedExternally(ETrue); //EHLeftVCenter
    85 	iImage->SetAlignment(EHCenterVCenter);
    86 	// Create the header labels
    87     for (TInt i=0; i < KLabelLineCount; i++)
    88         {
    89         CEikLabel* label = new(ELeave) CEikLabel;
    90         CleanupStack::PushL(label);
    91         label->SetTextL(KNullDesC());
    92         label->SetAlignment(EHLeftVCenter);// EHCenterVCenter, EHLeftVCenter        
    93         iLabels.AppendL(label);
    94         CleanupStack::Pop(label);
    95         }
    96     iContactImageSize = KPbkPersonalImageSize;
    97    	}
    99 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   100 // Destructor
   101 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   102 //
   103 CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl::~CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl()
   104     {
   105     iLabels.ResetAndDestroy();
   107     if (iImageDecoder)
   108         {
   109         if (iImageDecoder->IsActive())
   110             {
   111             iImageDecoder->Cancel();
   112             }
   113         delete iImageDecoder;
   114         iImageDecoder = NULL;
   115         }
   116     delete iHeaderField;
   118     if (iImage)
   119         {
   120         delete iImage;
   121         iImage = NULL;
   122         }
   124     if (iBitmap)
   125         {
   126         delete iBitmap;
   127         iBitmap = NULL;
   128         }
   129     if (iMask)
   130         {
   131         delete iMask;
   132         iMask = NULL;
   133         }
   134      }
   137 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   138 // From CCoeControl, returns the number of child controls to the framework
   139 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   140 //
   141 TInt CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl::CountComponentControls() const
   142     {
   143     // image control + Label Count
   144     return 1 + iLabels.Count();
   145     }
   147 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   148 // From CCoeControl, returns the child controls to the framework by index
   149 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   150 //
   151 CCoeControl* CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl::ComponentControl(TInt aIndex)  const
   152     {
   153     if (aIndex == 0)
   154         {
   155         return iImage;
   156         }
   157     else if (aIndex - 1 < iLabels.Count())
   158         {
   159         return iLabels[aIndex-1];
   160         }
   161     else
   162         {
   163         return NULL;
   164         }
   165     }
   167 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   168 // From CCoeControl, called when the control's size changes, handles portrait-landscape switch
   169 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   170 //
   171 void CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl::SizeChanged()
   172     {
   173     TInt isLandscape = Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() ? 1 : 0;
   175     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutImage(
   176             iImage, Rect(), AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cl_header_pane_g1(isLandscape));
   178     TPoint position = iImage->Position();
   179     TSize size = iImage->Size();
   181     const TPoint newImagePosition = TPoint( position.iX/2, position.iY/2 );
   182     iImage->SetPosition( newImagePosition );
   184     const TSize newImageSize = TSize( size.iWidth + 2*( position.iX - newImagePosition.iX ) ,
   185             size.iHeight + 2*( position.iY - newImagePosition.iY ) );
   187     iImage->SetSize( newImageSize );
   189     iContactImageSize = newImageSize;
   191     if ( iImageDecoder )
   192         {
   193         // if bitmap was set resize it
   194         if (iImageDecoder->IsActive())
   195             {
   196             iImageDecoder->Cancel();
   197             }
   198         TRAP_IGNORE( iImageDecoder->StartL( iContactImageSize ) );
   199         }
   201     TAknLayoutRect labelsRect;
   202     labelsRect.LayoutRect(Rect(), AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cl_header_name_pane(isLandscape));
   204     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel(iLabels[0], labelsRect.Rect(), AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cl_header_name_pane_t1(2));
   205     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel(iLabels[1], labelsRect.Rect(), AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cl_header_name_pane_t2(2));
   207     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel(iLabels[2], labelsRect.Rect(), AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cl_header_name_pane_t3(2));
   209     TRAP_IGNORE(LabelsSizeChangedL());
   210     }
   212 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   213 // CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl::LabelsSizeChangedL()
   214 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   215 //
   216 void CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl::LabelsSizeChangedL()
   217     {
   218     MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
   219     TRgb color;
   220     AknsUtils::GetCachedColor( skin, color, KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG6 );
   222     if (iLabels.Count() > 0)
   223         {
   224          for (TInt i=0; i < iLabels.Count(); i++)
   225             {
   226             iLabels[i]->SetTextL( iPresenceHandler.GetHeaderLabelDataL(i) );
   227             iLabels[i]->CropText();
   228             iLabels[i]->OverrideColorL( EColorLabelText, color );
   229             iLabels[i]->DrawDeferred();
   230             }
   231          }
   232     }
   233 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   234 // CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl::HeaderSizeChangedL()
   235 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   236 //
   237 void CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl::HeaderSizeChangedL()
   238     {
   239     CFbsBitmap* bmp = NULL;
   240     CFbsBitmap* bmpMask = NULL;
   241     TVIMPSTEnums::TOnlineStatus onlineStatus = iPresenceHandler.GetPresenceStatus();
   242     if(TVIMPSTEnums::EPending == onlineStatus)
   243         {
   244         iBrandHandler.LoadBitMapLC(bmp, 
   245                 bmpMask,
   246                 EMbmVimpstuiQgn_prop_service_friend_request_sent ,
   247                 EMbmVimpstuiQgn_prop_service_friend_request_sent_mask  );
   248         }
   249     else if(TVIMPSTEnums::EBlocked == onlineStatus)
   250         {
   251         iBrandHandler.LoadBitMapLC(bmp, 
   252                 bmpMask,
   253                 EMbmVimpstuiQgn_servtab_avatar_blocked ,
   254                 EMbmVimpstuiQgn_servtab_avatar_blocked_mask  );
   255         }
   256      else
   257         {
   258         iBrandHandler.LoadBitMapLC(bmp, 
   259                 bmpMask,
   260                 EMbmVimpstuiQgn_prop_service_default_avatar ,
   261                 EMbmVimpstuiQgn_prop_service_default_avatar_mask  );
   262         }
   263     SetBitmap(bmp, bmpMask);//ownership transferred
   264     CleanupStack::Pop(2); // bitmap,bmpMask 
   265     SizeChanged();
   267     }
   268 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   269 // From CCoeControl, overridden to set the container windows for the child
   270 // controls of this control (labels and image)
   271 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   272 //
   273 void CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl::SetContainerWindowL(const CCoeControl& aContainer)
   274     {
   275     CCoeControl::SetContainerWindowL(aContainer);
   276     iImage->SetContainerWindowL(aContainer);
   277     for (TInt i=0; i < iLabels.Count(); i++)
   278         {
   279         iLabels[i]->SetContainerWindowL(aContainer);
   280         }
   281     }
   283 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   284 // CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl :: SetBitmap
   285 // Sets the bitmap shown in the header image 
   286 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   287 //
   288 void CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl::SetBitmap(CFbsBitmap* aBmp, CFbsBitmap* aMask )
   289     {
   290     if (iBitmap)
   291         {
   292         delete iBitmap;
   293         iBitmap = NULL;
   294         }
   295     if (iMask)
   296         {
   297         delete iMask;
   298         iMask = NULL;
   299         }
   300     iBitmap = aBmp;
   301     iMask = aMask;
   303     iImage->SetPicture(aBmp, NULL);
   304     iImage->DrawDeferred();
   306     TRAP_IGNORE( LabelsSizeChangedL() );
   307     }
   309 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   310 // CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl :: ClearL
   311 // Clears the header texts & image to blank
   312 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   313 //
   314 void CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl::ClearL()
   315     {
   316     iImage->SetPicture(NULL, NULL);
   317     if (iBitmap)
   318         {
   319         delete iBitmap;
   320         iBitmap = NULL;
   321         }
   322     if (iMask)
   323         {
   324         delete iMask;
   325         iMask = NULL;
   326         }
   327     for (TInt i = 0; i < iLabels.Count(); i++)
   328         {
   329         iLabels[i]->SetTextL(KNullDesC());
   330         }
   332     }
   333 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   334 // CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl :: CreateHeaderPresentationL
   335 // Clears the header texts & image to blank
   336 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   337 //
   338 void CVIMPSTDetailsHeaderControl::CreateHeaderPresentationL(MVPbkStoreContact& aContact )
   339 	{
   340 	TRACER_AUTO;
   341 	if( iHeaderField )
   342 		{
   343 		delete iHeaderField;
   344 		iHeaderField = NULL	;
   345 		}
   347 	MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection& fieldCollection = aContact.Fields();
   349 	TInt fieldCount = fieldCollection.FieldCount();
   351 	for( TInt i=0; i< fieldCount; i++ )
   352 		{
   353 		MVPbkStoreContactField& field = fieldCollection.FieldAt( i );	
   354 		const MVPbkFieldType* type = field.BestMatchingFieldType() ;
   355 		if( R_VPBK_FIELD_TYPE_THUMBNAILPIC == type->FieldTypeResId() )
   356 			{
   357 			iHeaderField = field.CloneLC();
   358 			CleanupStack::Pop();
   359 			break;	
   360 			}
   361 		}
   362 	if( iHeaderField )
   363 		{
   364 		// field available	
   365 		const MVPbkContactFieldData& fieldData = iHeaderField->FieldData();
   366 		if( fieldData.DataType() == EVPbkFieldStorageTypeBinary )
   367 			{
   368 			TPtrC8 data = MVPbkContactFieldBinaryData::Cast(fieldData).BinaryData();
   369 	       	if (iImageDecoder)
   370 	            {
   371 	            if (iImageDecoder->IsActive())
   372 	                {
   373 	                iImageDecoder->Cancel();
   374 	                }
   375 	            delete iImageDecoder;
   376 	            iImageDecoder = NULL;
   377 	            }
   378 	        iImageDecoder = CVIMPSTDetailsImageDecoder::NewL(*this, data );
   379 	        iImageDecoder->StartL(iContactImageSize);
   380 			}
   381 		}
   383      }
   385 // end of file