changeset 22 3104fc151679
parent 21 2b7283837edb
child 23 9a48e301e94b
--- a/uiservicetab/inc/tvimpstenums.h	Thu Aug 19 09:41:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: enum for service tab
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <bamdesca.h>
-	This is main interface of arraywrapper on Process component side.
-	UI Side array decorator has to use this array and get the details required....
-class MCCAParameter;
-class MCCAConnection;
- * structure
- * encapsulating data required for search 
- */
-struct TVIMPSTSearchData
-	{
-	TPtrC iFirstName; /*First name*/
-	TPtrC iLastName; /*Last name*/
-	TPtrC iEmailId;	/*Email Id*/
-	};
- * structure
- * TSendData for temp use,to be removed later 
- */
-struct TSendData
-    {
-    TPtrC   msgText; /* actual message to be sent*/
-    TPtrC   recipientID; /* Id of hte receiver of the msgText.*/
-    };
- * structure
- * TNewContact encpsulating data required for addaing a new contact.
- */
-struct TNewContact
-    {
-    TPtrC   listId; /* list id*/
-    TPtrC   displayName; /* display name*/
-    TPtrC   userId; /* user id */
-    };
- * structure
- * TLaunchCCAData encpsulating data required for launching the details view
- */
-struct TLaunchCCAData
-    {
-    MCCAParameter* iParameter;	 /* parameter */
-	MCCAConnection* iConnection;/* connection */
-	TInt iIndex; /* index of the contact */
-    };
- * structure
- * TAddFriendResponse encpsulating data required for sending 
- * accapted/ rejected reactive authorization response.
- */
-struct TAddFriendResponse
-    {
-    const TDesC& iRequesterId ; /*  user id of the requestor*/
-    TBool iResponse; // Accepted/Declined ETrue/EFalse
-    };
- * structure
- * TVoipData encpsulating data required for voip
- */
-struct TVoipData
-	{
-	TInt iWindowGroup; /* window group*/
-	TInt iIndex; /* index of the contact */
-	TUint32 iServiceId; /* service id*/
-	};
- * TVPbkSelectedData encapsulating data required for
- * adding contact from phone book
- * iPackedLinks HBufC8 pointer to hold packed links from selection dialog.
- * iXSPList array of xsp id(s) retrived based on iPackedLinks.
- */
-struct TVPbkSelectedData
-    {
-    HBufC8* iPackedLinks;
-    RPointerArray<HBufC> iXSPList;    
-    };
- *  TVIMPSTEnums all the enms and structures used across the application are defined here.
- *  @lib vimpstengine.lib
- *  @since 5.0
- */		
-class TVIMPSTEnums
-    {
-    public:	// Enumerations and typedefs
-        /**
-         * A enum
-         * to identify which type of service.
-         */
-        enum TServiceIds
-            {
-            EXmppService = 0, /* xmmp service */
-            EXizmoService /* gizmo service */
-            };
-        enum SubServiceType
-            {
-            EVoip,
-            EPresence,
-            EIM,
-            ELast		
-            };
-        enum ExtentionType
-            {
-            ESearch,
-            EBlocking,
-            EContactManagement,
-            EExtentionLast	
-            };	
-        enum FeatureSupport
-            {
-            ESupportUnKnown,
-            ESupported,
-            ENotSupported
-            };			
-        /**
-         * A enum
-         * Registration states to control views
-         */
-        enum TVIMPSTRegistrationState
-            {
-            ESVCENotRegistered = 0,/* Service Not registered*/
-            ESVCERegistered = 0x8, /* Service registered */
-            ESVCENetworkConnecting = 0x4, /* service connecting */		    
-            ESVCEWaitingForNetwork = 0x2, /* service waiting for connection*/
-            ESVCENetworkDisConnecting = 0x1, /* service disconnecting */
-            ESVCEUpdatingContacts = 0x10
-            };
-        /**		 
-         * A enum
-         * to identify Type of operation
-         */
-        enum TOperationType
-            {
-            EAddItem, /* Add item */
-            ERemoveItem, /* Remove Item */
-            EUpdateItem /* Update Item */
-            };
-        /**
-         * A enum
-         * to identify errors.
-         */
-        enum TImpsCSPAllErrors
-            {
-            EImpsErrNone = 0, /* no error */
-            ECSPInsufficientGroupPrivileges, /* Insufficient group privileges error */
-            ECSPNotSupported, /* Not supported error */
-            ECSPInvalidParameter, /* Invalid parameter error */
-            ECSPMultipleErrors /* general error */
-            };
-        /**
-         * A enum
-         * to identify Type of item
-         */
-        enum TItem
-            {
-            EInvalid = -1, /* unknown Item */
-            EOwnStatusItem, /* Own item */
-            EContactItem, /* Contact Item */
-            EContactListItem, /* ContactList Item */
-            EFriendRequestItem,/* Friend request item */
-            EUnknonContactItem /* contact item but not in friend list */
-            };
-        /**
-         * A enum
-         * to identify the onlne status
-         */
-        enum TOnlineStatus
-            {
-            EUnknown = -1, /* unknown status */
-            EOffline, /* Offline status */
-            EOnline, /* Online status */
-            EInvisible, /* Invisible status */
-            EAway, /* Away status */
-            EBusy, /* Busy status */
-            EOnPhone,
-            EDoNotDisturb,
-            EPending,
-            EBlocked,
-            EServiceOut,
-            ECallForward
-            };
-        /**
-         * A enum
-         * ximp context states.
-         */
-        enum TLoginState
-            {
-            EOffLine = 0, /* Context is inactive */
-            ELogging,          /* Context is binding to service */
-            ELoggedIn, /* Context is active and binded to service */
-            ELoggingOut,           /* Context is unbinding from service */
-            ERequestComplete, /* user cancel login */
-            ELoggingCancel /* user cancel ongoing login */
-            };
-        /**
-         * A enum
-         * Type of note
-         */
-        enum TNoteType
-            {
-            EUnKnown = -1, /* unknown note type*/
-            EWaiteNote, /* Wait note */
-            EInfoNote, /* Info note */
-            EWaiteNoteWithRSK, /* wait note with RSK */
-            EConfirmationNote, /* Confirmation Note */
-            EInformationNote /* Information note.*/
-            };
-        /**
-         * A enum
-         * request presence
-         */
-        enum TVIMPSTPresenceRequestStatus
-            {
-            ESVCEPresenceRequestStatusUnKnown = -1, //unknown presence statusRequest Status might be NotFound
-            ESVCEPresenceRequestStatusAlwaysAsk = 0, /* ask when ever there si a request for presence.*/
-            ESVCEPresenceRequestStatusAutoAccept /* auto accept when ever there is a request for presence.*/
-            };    
-        /**
-         * A enum
-         * Presence event
-         */
-        enum TVIMPSTPresenceEvent
-            {
-            ESVCENoEvent = 0, /* No presence Event */
-            ESVCERemotePartyAcceptedPresenceRequest, /* Remote contact accepted the presence request. */
-            ESVCEExtensionRemotePartyBlockedYou, /* Remote contact blocked you */
-            ESVCERemotePartyWantsToWatchYou /* remote contact requested for the your presence. */
-            };
-        /**
-         * A enum
-         * Filter type for getting right contacts.
-         * Tells us what to show; for example EFilterAll
-         *  does not filter out any statuses: all contacts are shown
-         */
-        enum TFilterType
-            {
-            EFilterNotDefined = -1, /* Filter Not defined */
-            EFilterAll = 0, /* Filter All*/
-            EFilterAndOperation = 1, /* Filter based on AND operation*/
-            EFilterOnline = 2, /* Fileter online */
-            EFilterNonBlocked = 4, /*  Filter non blocked */
-            EFilterAway = 8, /*  Filter Away */
-            EFilterNonOffline = 16 /*  this means online and away */ 
-            };
-        /**
-         * A enum
-         * to identify client type
-         */
-        enum TClientType
-            {
-            EUnknownClient = 0, /*  Unknown Client*/
-            EMobile, /*  Mobile Client*/
-            EPC /*  PC Client*/
-            };       
-        /**
-         * A enum
-         * observer event types
-         */
-        enum TVIMPSTStorgaeEventType
-            {
-            EStorageEventUnkown = -1,
-            EStorageEventListAddition, /* Storege ListAddition event*/
-            EStorageEventListDelete, /* Storege ListDelete event*/
-            EStorageEventListChanged, /* Storege ListChanged event*/
-            EStorageEventContactAddition, /* Storege ContactAddition event*/
-            EStorageEventContactDelete, /* Storege ContactDeletion event*/
-            EStorageEventContactChange, /* storage contact information chnaged*/
-            EStorageAvatarChange, 	// avatar change signal,
-            EStoragePresenceChange, // Contact presence chnages
-            EStorageMultiplePresenceChange, // Contact presence chnages
-            EStorageOwnPresenceChange,
-            EStorageAllContactRemoved, // all storage contact removed 
-            EStorageContactFetchComplete,
-            EStorageEventDeleteFromPbk,
-            EStorageEventOwnUserChanged,
-            EStorageEventUserIdPreChange, // in pre change engin emust unsubscribe and close conversatio  if exist
-            EStorageEventUserIdPostChange,// engine must subscribe here
-            EStorageContactReadComplete,
-            EStorageContactReading,
-            EStorageContactFetching,
-            EStorageContactFetchExistInStore,
-            EStorageContactSynchronizing
-            };
-        /**
-         * A enum 
-         * Search Key Types
-         */
-        enum TVIMPSTSearchKey
-            {
-            EVIMPSTSearchKeyUknown = -1, /* Unknown search key */
-            EVIMPSTFirstName = 600, /* First Name search key */
-            EVIMPSTMiddleName, /* Middle Name search key */
-            EVIMPSTLastName, /* Last NAme search key */
-            EVIMPSTFullName, /* Full Name search key */
-            EVIMPSTNickName, /* Nick Name search key */
-            EVIMPSTBirthday, /* BirthDay search key */
-            EVIMPSTCountry, /* Country search key */
-            EVIMPSTCity, /* City search key */
-            EVIMPSTState, /* State search key */
-            EVIMPSTEmailAddress, /* Email Address search key */
-            EVIMPSTUser, /* User search key */
-            EVIMPSTOrganisation, /* Organization search key */
-            EVIMPSTOrganisationUnit /* Organization Unit search key */
-            };	
-        enum TVIMPSTBindStatus
-            {         
-            EVIMPSTBindNotDone = 0,
-            EVIMPSTBindDone,
-            EVIMPSTUnBinding,
-            EVIMPSTUnBindWaiting,
-            EVIMPSTBindFailureMode
-            };
-        enum TPresenceStatus
-            {
-            EVIMPSTPresenceNotSubscribed = 0, // default values:
-            EVIMPSTPresenceOnline,    // subscribed
-            EVIMPSTPresenceOffline,   // subscribed
-            EVIMPSTPresenceBlocked,   // blocked
-            EVIMPSTPresencePending,   // subscribed
-            EVIMPSTPresencePendingAuthorization,
-            EVIMPSTPresencePendingBlock,
-            EVIMPSTPresencePendingUnBlock,
-            EVIMPSTPresenceAutoSubscribe,
-            EVIMPSTPresenceSubscribeWaitingForContactCreation,
-            EVIMPSTPresenceSubscribeWhenContactCreated
-            };
-        enum TPresenceEvent
-            {
-            EVIMPSTNoEvent = 0,
-            EVIMPSTPresenceDataChanged,
-            EVIMPSTRemotePartyAcceptedPresenceRequest,
-            EVIMPSTRemotePartyBlockedYou,
-            EVIMPSTRemotePartyWantsToWatchYou,
-            EVIMPSTSubcribeListReceived
-            };
-        enum TIMEventType
-            {
-            EIMRequestCompleted = 0,
-            EIMNewMessage ,
-            EIMUnreadMessage,
-            EIMUnreadChange,
-            EIMNewChat,
-            EIMChatStarted,
-            EIMChatClosed,
-            EIMAllChatClosed
-            };
-    };
- * structure
- * TVIMPSTSearchKeyData  encapsulates the data required for search key
- */
-struct TVIMPSTSearchKeyData
-	{
-	TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTSearchKey iSearchKey; /* search key */
-	TPtrC iSearchLabel; /* Search lable */
-	TPtrC iSearchKeyData; /* isearchkeydata */	
-	};
-enum TErrorType
-    {
-    EProtected = 1, 
-    ECorrupted,
-    EErrExistInBlockList,
-    EErrExistInContactList
-    };
-enum TXimpOperation
-    {
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationNoOperation = 0,
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationBind,
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationUnBind,
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationGetSubscribedList,
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationGetBlockList,
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationGetPresenceGrantList,
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationGetWatcherList,
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationUnsubcribeWatcherList,
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationUnsubcribeGrantRequestList,
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationSubcribeGrantRequestList,
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationWithdrawPresenceGrant,
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationGrantPresenceForPresentity,
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationCancelPresenceBlockFromPresentity,
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationBlockPresenceForPresentity,
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationPublisOwnPresence,
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationSubscribe,
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationUnsubscribe,
-    //Start of ContactMgmt Operations
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationAddContact,
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationDeleteContact,        
-    //End of ContactMgmt Operations
-    //Start of Search Feature Operations
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationSearchContact,
-    EVIMPSTXimpOperationSubscribeSearchKeys
-    //End of Search Feature Operations
-    }; 
-enum TVIMPSTFeatureSupported //multiples of 2
-	{
-	EVIMPSTFeatureUnknown 		= 0,   
-	EVIMPSTFeaturePublish 		= 0x1,
-	EVIMPSTFeatureFetch   		= 0x2,
-	EVIMPSTFeatureSubscribe 	= 0x4,
-	EVIMPSTFeatureUnsubscribe 	= 0x8,
-	EVIMPSTFeatureAddContact 	= 0x10,
-	EVIMPSTFeatureDeleteContact = 0x20,
-	EVIMPSTFeatureBlock 		= 0x40,
-	EVIMPSTFeatureUnBlock 		= 0x80,
-	EVIMPSTFeatureAvatar 		= 0x100,
-	EVIMPSTFeatureCreateGroup 	= 0x200,
-	EVIMPSTFeatureDeleteGroup 	= 0x400,
-	EVIMPSTFeatureInstantMessage = 0x800,
-	EVIMPSTFeatureSearch 		= 0x1000,
-	EVIMPSTFeatureLast			= 0x2000
-	};
-struct TStatusAndStatusText
-	{
-	TVIMPSTEnums::TOnlineStatus iStatus;
-	TBuf<50> iStatusText;
-	};
- * structure
- * encapsulating data required for avatar, filename and mimetype
- */
-struct TAvatarData
-    {
-    TVIMPSTEnums::TOnlineStatus iStatus;
-	TBuf<50> iStatusText;
-    TPtrC iFileName;
-    TPtrC8 iMimeType;
-    };
-#endif      // TVIMPSTENUMS_H