changeset 22 3104fc151679
parent 21 2b7283837edb
child 23 9a48e301e94b
--- a/uiservicetab/vimpststorage/tsrc/vimpststorage_ut/src/vimpststorage_testBlocks.cpp	Thu Aug 19 09:41:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1215 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002 - 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  
-// [INCLUDE FILES] - do not remove
-#include <e32svr.h>
-#include <StifParser.h>
-#include <Stiftestinterface.h>
-#include <cntdb.h>
-#include <cntitem.h>
-//#include <cntmodel.h>
-#include <cntfldst.h>
-#include <cntfield.h>
-//#include <cvpbkcontactmanager.h> 
-#include "vimpststorage_test.h"
-#include "cvimpststoragemanager.h"
-#include "cvimpststoragemanagerfactory.h"
-#include "mvimpststoragecontacts.h"
-#include "mvimpststorageitemmodel.h"
-#include "cvimpststoragecontact.h"
-#include "cvimpststoragecontactlist.h"
-#include "bamdesca.h"
-#include "cvimpststoragevpbkstorehandler.h"
-#include "CVIMPSTStorageViewId.h"
-#include "CVIMPSTStorageContactSorter.h"
-#include "MVIMPSTStorageContact.h"
-#include "s_MVPbkContactLinkstub.h"
-#include <CVPbkContactStoreUriArray.h>
-#include <CVPbkContactManager.h>
-#include "CVPbkStoreContactStub.h"
-#include "CVPbkContactOperationBaseStub.h"
-_LIT( KIMContactListId,"IMContacts" );
-//_LIT( KVPContactListId,"VPContacts" );
-_LIT( KStoreName, "TestStore.cdb" );
-_LIT( KServiceName, "TestService" )	;
-_LIT( KDisplayname, "my contact list" );
-//_LIT( KVPDisplayname, "Voip list" );
-_LIT( KUserId, "id3@dummydomain.com" );
-const TUint32 serviceId(3);
-const TInt KNumberGranularity( 12 );
-const TInt ProcessInterval = 10000000; //10 seconds
-extern TInt gGiveFieldCount;
-extern TBool gBestMatchingFieldType;
-extern CVPbkContactOperationBaseStub* gOperationStub;
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Cvimpststorage_test::Delete
-// Delete here all resources allocated and opened from test methods. 
-// Called from destructor. 
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Cvimpststorage_test::Delete() 
-    {
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Cvimpststorage_test::RunMethodL
-// Run specified method. Contains also table of test mothods and their names.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::RunMethodL( 
-    CStifItemParser& aItem ) 
-    {
-	//first of all create database.
-    static TStifFunctionInfo const KFunctions[] =
-        {  
-        // Copy this line for every implemented function.
-        // First string is the function name used in TestScripter script file.
-        // Second is the actual implementation member function. 
-        ENTRY( "InitialiseLibraryTest", Cvimpststorage_test::InitialiseLibraryTestL ),
-        ENTRY( "InitialiseViewTest", Cvimpststorage_test::InitialiseViewTestL ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase1L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase1L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase2L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase2L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase3L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase3L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase4L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase4L ),        
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase6L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase6L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase7L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase7L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase8L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase8L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase9L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase9L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase10L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase10L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase11L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase11L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase12L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase12L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase13L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase13L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase14L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase14L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase15L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase15L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactListTestCase16L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactListTestCase16L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactListTestCase17L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactListTestCase17L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactListTestCase18L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactListTestCase18L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactListTestCase19L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactListTestCase19L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactListTestCase20L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactListTestCase20L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageContactListTestCase21L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactListTestCase21L ),
-        ENTRY( "CVIMPSTStorageXSPStoreHandlerTestCase01L", Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageXSPStoreHandlerTestCase01L ),
-        // [test cases entries] - Do not remove
-        };
-    const TInt count = sizeof( KFunctions ) / 
-                        sizeof( TStifFunctionInfo );
-    return RunInternalL( KFunctions, count, aItem );
-    }
- * Called when a contact is deleted.
- * @param aId The ID of the deleted contact
- * @param aFromPEC, ETrue, if event is coming from PEC
- */
- void Cvimpststorage_test::HandleContactDeleteL( const TDesC& /*aContactId*/ )
-	 {
-	 iObserverReceivedNotification = ETrue;	
-	 }
- * Called when a contact is added.
- * @param aList. List for contact that was added.
- * @param aContact The contact which was added
- * @param aFromPEC, ETrue, if event is coming from PEC
- */
- void Cvimpststorage_test::HandleAdditionL( MVIMPSTStorageContactList& /*aList*/, MVIMPSTStorageContact& /*aContact*/ )
- 	 {
-	 iObserverReceivedNotification = ETrue;	
-	 }
- * Called when a contact or list is about to change, or has been changed.
- * @param aList List that is changed. Can be NULL if contact is changed.
- * @param aContact Contact that is changed. Can be NULL if list is changed
- * @param aEventType The type of event: EStorageEventPreChange before
- * the change (contact still has the old information), or
- * EStorageEventPostChange after the change took place 
- * (contact has new information)
- */
- void Cvimpststorage_test::HandleChangeL( MVIMPSTStorageContactList* /*aList*/, MVIMPSTStorageContact* /*aContact*/,
-        TVIMPSTEnums::TCAObserverEventType /*aEventType*/,
-        TBool /*aUserIdChanged*/ )
-	 {
-	 iObserverReceivedNotification = ETrue;	
-	 }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Cvimpststorage_test::InitialiseLibraryTestL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::InitialiseLibraryTestL( CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/  )
-	{
-	_LIT( KState, "State" );
-    _LIT( KResult, "Initialisation successful" );   
-	CVIMPSTStorageManagerFactory::InitialiseLibraryL();	
-	CVIMPSTStorageManagerFactory::Release();
-    // Test case passed    
-    TestModuleIf().Printf( 1, KState, KResult );  
-    // Case was executed
-    return KErrNone;
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Cvimpststorage_test::InitialiseViewTestL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt  Cvimpststorage_test::InitialiseViewTestL( CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/  )
-	{
-	/*CVIMPSTStorageManagerFactory::InitialiseLibraryL();
-	CVIMPSTStorageManagerFactory::InitialiseViewL(serviceId,KStoreName, KServiceName);	
-	CVIMPSTStorageManagerFactory::Release();	
-	  */  
-    // Case was executed
-    return KErrNone;		
-	}
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase1L()
-	{
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-                                 NULL,
-                                 NULL,                                 
-                                 NULL,                                                                  
-                                 NULL);
-	if (contact)
-		{		
-		delete contact;
-		return KErrNone ;
-		}
-	return KErrGeneral;	
-	}
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase2L()
-	{
-	//Ownership of contactLink is transferred to CVIMPSTStorageContact
-	//hence dont delete
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLink = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();
-	CVPbkContactStoreUriArray* uriArray = CVPbkContactStoreUriArray::NewL();
-	CVPbkContactManager* contactMgr = CVPbkContactManager::NewL(*uriArray);
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-                                 contactLink,
-                                 NULL,                                 
-                                 contactMgr,                                                                  
-                                 NULL);
-	if (contact)
-		{
-		if (contactLink == contact->ContactLink())
-			{
-			delete contact;
-			delete contactMgr;
-			delete uriArray;		
-			return KErrNone ;
-			}
-		}
-	delete contactMgr;
-	delete uriArray;
-	delete contactLink;
-	return KErrGeneral;	
-	}
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase3L()
-	{
-	//Ownership of contactLink is transferred to CVIMPSTStorageContact
-	//hence dont delete
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLink = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-                                 contactLink,
-                                 NULL,                                 
-                                 NULL,                                                                  
-                                 NULL);
-	if (contact)
-		{	
-		delete contact;
-		return KErrNone ;
-		}
-	delete contactLink;
-	return KErrGeneral;	
-	}	
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase4L()
-	{	
-	//TestCase for when there is no service field for a contact
-	gGiveFieldCount = 0;							
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-                                 NULL,
-                                 NULL,                                 
-                                 NULL,                                                                  
-                                 NULL);
-	if (contact)
-		{
-		CVPbkStoreContactStub* storedContact = new (ELeave) CVPbkStoreContactStub();
-		CleanupStack::PushL( storedContact );
-		// Read all necessary data from contact and store to 
-	    // own type
-	    CDesCArray* arrayForService = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat( 
-	        KNumberGranularity );
-	    CleanupStack::PushL( arrayForService );
-		TInt err = contact->GetServiceFieldsL(storedContact, *arrayForService);
-		contact->SetServiceFieldsL(*arrayForService);
-		RPointerArray<HBufC> serviceDetails = contact->ServiceDetails();
-		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //storedContact, arrayForService	
-		if ((err == KErrNotFound) && (0 == serviceDetails.Count()))
-			{
-			delete contact;
-			return KErrNone ;
-			}
-		}	
-	delete contact;
-	return KErrGeneral;	
-	}			
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase6L()
-	{	
-	//TestCase for when there are some service field for a contact
-	//but the BestMatchingFieldType() function returns NULL
-	//Our code should not crash as this returns a Ptr value
-	gGiveFieldCount = 4;
-	gBestMatchingFieldType = EFalse;							
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-                                 NULL,
-                                 NULL,                                 
-                                 NULL,                                                                  
-                                 NULL);
-	if (contact)
-		{
-		CVPbkStoreContactStub* storedContact = new (ELeave) CVPbkStoreContactStub();
-		CleanupStack::PushL( storedContact );
-		// Read all necessary data from contact and store to 
-	    // own type
-	    CDesCArray* arrayForService = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat( 
-	        KNumberGranularity );
-	    CleanupStack::PushL( arrayForService );
-		TInt err = contact->GetServiceFieldsL(storedContact, *arrayForService);		
-		contact->SetServiceFieldsL(*arrayForService);
-		RPointerArray<HBufC> serviceDetails = contact->ServiceDetails();
-		if ((0 == arrayForService->MdcaCount()) && (arrayForService->MdcaCount() == serviceDetails.Count()))
-			{
-			delete contact;
-			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //storedContact, arrayForService
-			return KErrNone ;	
-			}
-		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //storedContact, arrayForService
-		}	
-	delete contact;
-	return KErrGeneral;	
-	}
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase7L()
-	{
-	_LIT(KTestCaseUserId, "testUser");									
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-                                 NULL,
-                                 NULL,                                 
-                                 NULL,                                                                  
-                                 NULL);
-	if (contact)
-		{
-		contact->SetUserIdL(KTestCaseUserId());
-		if (0 == KTestCaseUserId().Compare(contact->UserId()))
-			{
-			delete contact;
-			return KErrNone;	
-			}
-		}	
-	delete contact;
-	return KErrGeneral;	
-	}			
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase8L()
-	{
-	_LIT(KTestCaseUserId, "testUser");									
-	iObserverReceivedNotification = EFalse;
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( this,
-                                 NULL,
-                                 NULL,                                 
-                                 NULL,                                                                  
-                                 NULL);
-	if (contact)
-		{
-		//Initial Presence
-		if (TVIMPSTEnums::EOffline != contact->OnlineStatus())
-			{
-			delete contact;
-			return KErrGeneral;	
-			}
-		contact->SignalChanges();
-		//Set the presence
-		contact->SetOnlineStatus(TVIMPSTEnums::EOnline);
-		if (TVIMPSTEnums::EOnline != contact->OnlineStatus())
-			{
-			delete contact;								
-			return KErrGeneral;	
-			}	
-		contact->SignalChanges();
-		contact->SetOnlineStatus(TVIMPSTEnums::EOnline);
-		if (TVIMPSTEnums::EOnline != contact->OnlineStatus())
-			{
-			delete contact;			
-			return KErrGeneral;	
-			}	
-		contact->SignalChanges();
-		delete contact;
-		if (!iObserverReceivedNotification)
-			{
-			return KErrGeneral;		
-			}
-		return KErrNone;
-		}	
-	delete contact;
-	return KErrGeneral;	
-	}		
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase9L()
-	{
-	_LIT(KTestCaseStatusTestId, "status");									
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-                                 NULL,
-                                 NULL,                                 
-                                 NULL,                                                                  
-                                 NULL);
-	if (contact)
-		{
-		if (contact->StatusText().Length())
-			{
-			delete contact;
-			return KErrGeneral;	
-			}
-		contact->SetStatusTextL(KTestCaseStatusTestId());
-		if (0 == KTestCaseStatusTestId().Compare(contact->StatusText()))
-			{
-			delete contact;
-			return KErrNone;	
-			}
-		}	
-	delete contact;
-	return KErrGeneral;	
-	}			
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase10L()
-	{
-	_LIT8(KTestCaseAvatarId, "avatar");	
-	iObserverReceivedNotification = EFalse;								
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( this,
-	                             NULL,
-	                             NULL,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             NULL);
-	if (contact)
-		{
-		if (!contact->AvatarContent().Length())
-			{
-			contact->SetAvatarIndex(3);
-			if (3 == contact->AvatarIndex())
-				{
-				contact->iAvatarContent = KTestCaseAvatarId().AllocL();
-				if (0 == KTestCaseAvatarId().Compare(contact->AvatarContent()))
-					{
-					contact->SignalAvatarChange();
-					if (iObserverReceivedNotification)
-						{
-						delete contact;
-						return KErrNone;					
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	delete contact;
-	return KErrGeneral;		
-	}
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase11L()
-	{
-	iObserverReceivedNotification = EFalse;
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( this,
-	                             NULL,
-	                             NULL,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             NULL);
-	CVPbkStoreContactStub* storedContact = new (ELeave) CVPbkStoreContactStub();
-	CleanupStack::PushL( storedContact );
-	CVPbkContactOperationBaseStub* operationBaseStub = NULL;
-	if (contact)
-		{
-		TRAPD(err,contact->VPbkSingleContactOperationComplete(*operationBaseStub, storedContact));
-		if ((KErrNone == err) && (storedContact==contact->VPbkStoreContact()))
-			{
-			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //storedContact
-			delete contact;	
-			return KErrNone;
-			}
-		}
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //storedContact	
-	delete contact;
-	return KErrGeneral;		
-	}
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase12L()
-	{
-	iObserverReceivedNotification = EFalse;
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( this,
-	                             NULL,
-	                             NULL,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             this);
-	CVPbkStoreContactStub* storedContact = new (ELeave) CVPbkStoreContactStub();
-	CleanupStack::PushL( storedContact );
-	if (contact)
-		{
-		TRAPD(err,contact->DoHandleVPbkSingleContactOperationCompleteL(storedContact));
-		if (KErrNone == err)
-			{
-			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //storedContact
-			delete contact;	
-			return KErrNone;
-			}
-		}
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //storedContact	
-	delete contact;
-	return KErrGeneral;		
-	}
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase13L()
-	{
-	iObserverReceivedNotification = EFalse;
-	CVPbkStoreContactStub* storedContact = new (ELeave) CVPbkStoreContactStub();	
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( this,
-	                             NULL,
-	                             storedContact,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             this);
-	if (contact)
-		{
-		contact->Commit();	
-		TContactOpResult opResult;
-		opResult.iOpCode = EContactCommit;
-		opResult.iStoreContact = storedContact;
-		opResult.iExtension = NULL;	
-		contact->ContactOperationCompleted(opResult);
-		opResult.iOpCode = EContactLock;
-		contact->ContactOperationCompleted(opResult);		
-		contact->ContactOperationFailed( 
-    				opResult.iOpCode, KErrArgument, EFalse );
-		contact->Commit(this, this);
-		contact->ContactOperationCompleted(opResult);		
-		contact->ContactOperationFailed( 
-    				opResult.iOpCode, KErrArgument, EFalse );
-		}
-	delete contact;
-	return KErrNone;		
-	}
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase14L()
-	{
-	iObserverReceivedNotification = EFalse;
-	CVPbkStoreContactStub* storedContact = new (ELeave) CVPbkStoreContactStub();	
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLink = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();
-	CVPbkContactStoreUriArray* uriArray = CVPbkContactStoreUriArray::NewL();
-	CVPbkContactManager* contactMgr = CVPbkContactManager::NewL(*uriArray);
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( this,
-	                             contactLink,
-	                             storedContact,                                 
-	                             contactMgr,                                                                  
-	                             this);
-	if (contact)
-		{
-		contact->Commit();	
-		TContactOpResult opResult;
-		opResult.iOpCode = EContactCommit;
-		opResult.iStoreContact = storedContact;
-		opResult.iExtension = NULL;	
-		contact->ContactOperationCompleted(opResult);
-		opResult.iOpCode = EContactLock;
-		contact->ContactOperationCompleted(opResult);		
-		contact->ContactOperationFailed( 
-    				opResult.iOpCode, KErrArgument, EFalse );
-		contact->Commit(this, this);
-		contact->ContactOperationCompleted(opResult);		
-		contact->ContactOperationFailed( 
-    				opResult.iOpCode, KErrArgument, EFalse );
-		}
-	delete uriArray;
-	delete contactMgr;	
-	delete contact;
-	return KErrNone;		
-	}
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactTestCase15L()
-	{
-	CVPbkStoreContactStub* storedContact = new (ELeave) CVPbkStoreContactStub();	
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLink = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();
-	CVPbkContactStoreUriArray* uriArray = CVPbkContactStoreUriArray::NewL();
-	CVPbkContactManager* contactMgr = CVPbkContactManager::NewL(*uriArray);
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( this,
-	                             contactLink,
-	                             storedContact,                                 
-	                             contactMgr,                                                                  
-	                             this);	
-	CVPbkContactOperationBaseStub* operationBaseStub = NULL;	                             
-	if (contact)
-		{
-		contact->VPbkSingleContactOperationFailed(*operationBaseStub, KErrArgument);
-		contact->iContactOperationObserver = this;		
-		contact->VPbkSingleContactOperationFailed(*gOperationStub, KErrArgument);
-		}
-	delete uriArray;
-	delete contactMgr;	
-	delete contact;
-	return KErrNone;		
-	}
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactListTestCase16L()
-	{	
-	_LIT(KContactListId, "listid");
-	_LIT(KContactListName, "listName");
-	_LIT(KContactName, "contact");	
-	_LIT(KContactName1, "contact1");
-	_LIT(KContactName2, "contact2");
-	_LIT(KContactName3, "contact3");
-	_LIT(KContactNotFound, "contactNotFound");	
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-	                             NULL,
-	                             NULL,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             NULL);	
-	contact->SetUserIdL(KContactName());	                             	
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact1 = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-	                             NULL,
-	                             NULL,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             NULL);	
-	contact1->SetUserIdL(KContactName1());	                             		
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact2 = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-	                             NULL,
-	                             NULL,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             NULL);	
-	contact2->SetUserIdL(KContactName2());	                             		                             
-	CVIMPSTStorageContactSorter* sorter = CVIMPSTStorageContactSorter::NewL() ;
-	CleanupStack::PushL(sorter);
-	sorter->SetSortAlgorithm(MVIMPSTStorageContact::ECompareAlphabetically);
-	CVIMPSTStorageContactList* list = CVIMPSTStorageContactList::NewL( *this,
-                                      *sorter,
-                                      KContactListId(), 
-                                      KContactListName() );	                                                     	                             
-	if (list)
-		{
-		MVIMPSTStorageContact* cnt = NULL;		
-		cnt = list->AddContactL(contact);
-		if (cnt)
-			{			
-			//add same contact 
-			cnt = list->AddContactL(contact)	;				
-			if (cnt == contact)
-				{
-				cnt = list->AddContactL(contact1);					
-				cnt = list->AddContactL(contact2);									
-				//search for contacts based on Id
-				cnt = list->FindContact(KContactName());
-				MVIMPSTStorageContact* cnt1(list->FindContact(KContactName1()));
-				MVIMPSTStorageContact* cnt2(list->FindContact(KContactName2()));
-				MVIMPSTStorageContact* cnt3(list->FindContact(KContactNotFound()));
-				sorter->SetSortAlgorithm(MVIMPSTStorageContact::ECompareByPresence);
-				if ( (cnt == contact) && 
-					(cnt1 == contact1) &&
-					(cnt2 == contact2) &&
-					(NULL == cnt3) )
-					{
-					TInt err = list->RemoveContact(KContactNotFound());
-					TInt err1 = list->RemoveContact(KContactName2());
-					TInt err2 = list->RemoveContact(KContactName1());
-					TInt err3 = list->RemoveContact(KContactName());
-					if ( (KErrNotFound == err) &&
-						(KErrNone == err1) &&
-						(KErrNone == err2) &&
-						(KErrNone == err3)
-						)
-						{
-						delete list;
-						CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);	
-						return KErrNone;						
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);	
-	return KErrGeneral;		
-	}
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactListTestCase17L()
-	{	
-	_LIT(KContactListId, "listid");
-	_LIT(KContactListName, "listName");
-	_LIT(KContactName, "contact");	
-	_LIT(KContactName1, "contact1");
-	_LIT(KContactName2, "contact2");
-	_LIT(KContactName3, "contact3");
-	_LIT(KContactNotFound, "contactNotFound");
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLink = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();	
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-	                             contactLink,
-	                             NULL,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             NULL);	
-	contact->SetUserIdL(KContactName());	                             	
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLink1 = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();	
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact1 = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-	                             contactLink1,
-	                             NULL,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             NULL);	
-	contact1->SetUserIdL(KContactName1());	                             	
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLink2 = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();	
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact2 = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-	                             contactLink2,
-	                             NULL,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             NULL);	
-	contact2->SetUserIdL(KContactName2());	                             		                             
-	CVIMPSTStorageContactSorter* sorter = CVIMPSTStorageContactSorter::NewL() ;
-	CleanupStack::PushL(sorter);
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLinkNotFound = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();
-	CVIMPSTStorageContactList* list = CVIMPSTStorageContactList::NewL( *this,
-                                      *sorter,
-                                      KContactListId(), 
-                                      KContactListName() );	                                                     	                             
-	if (list)
-		{
-		MVIMPSTStorageContact* cnt = NULL;		
-		cnt = list->AddContactL(contact);
-		if (cnt)
-			{			
-			//add same contact 
-			cnt = list->AddContactL(contact)	;				
-			if (cnt == contact)
-				{
-				cnt = list->AddContactL(contact1);					
-				cnt = list->AddContactL(contact2);									
-				//search for contacts based on Id
-				cnt = list->FindContact(*contactLink);
-				MVIMPSTStorageContact* cnt1(list->FindContact(*contactLink1));
-				MVIMPSTStorageContact* cnt2(list->FindContact(*contactLink2));
-				MVIMPSTStorageContact* cnt3(list->FindContact(*contactLinkNotFound));
-				if ( (cnt == contact) && 
-					(cnt1 == contact1) &&
-					(cnt2 == contact2) &&
-					(NULL == cnt3) )
-					{
-					TInt err = list->RemoveContact(*contactLinkNotFound);
-					TInt err1 = list->RemoveContact(*contactLink2);
-					TInt err2 = list->RemoveContact(*contactLink1);
-					TInt err3 = list->RemoveContact(*contactLink);
-					if ( (KErrNotFound == err) &&
-						(KErrNone == err1) &&
-						(KErrNone == err2) &&
-						(KErrNone == err3)
-						)
-						{
-						delete list;
-						CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);	
-						return KErrNone;						
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);	
-	return KErrGeneral;		
-	}	
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactListTestCase18L()
-	{	
-	_LIT(KContactListId, "listid");
-	_LIT(KContactListName, "listName");
-	_LIT(KContactName, "contact");	
-	_LIT(KContactName1, "contact1");
-	_LIT(KContactName2, "contact2");
-	_LIT(KContactName3, "contact3");
-	_LIT(KContactNotFound, "contactNotFound");
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLink = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();	
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-	                             contactLink,
-	                             NULL,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             NULL);		
-	CVIMPSTStorageContactSorter* sorter = CVIMPSTStorageContactSorter::NewL() ;
-	CleanupStack::PushL(sorter);
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLinkNotFound = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();
-	CVIMPSTStorageContactList* list = CVIMPSTStorageContactList::NewL( *this,
-                                      *sorter,
-                                      KContactListId(), 
-                                      KContactListName() );	                                                     	                             
-	if (list)
-		{
-		MVIMPSTStorageContact* cnt = NULL;		
-		cnt = list->AddContactL(contact);
-		if (cnt)
-			{			
-			//Pop the contact 
-			cnt = list->PopContact(*contactLink)	;				
-			if (cnt == contact)
-				{								
-				MVIMPSTStorageContact* cnt3(list->PopContact(*contactLinkNotFound));
-				if ( (cnt == contact) && 					
-					(NULL == cnt3) )
-					{
-					delete list;
-					delete contact;
-					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);
-					return KErrNone;																	
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);	
-	return KErrGeneral;		
-	}
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactListTestCase19L()
-	{	
-	_LIT(KContactListId, "listid");
-	_LIT(KContactListName, "listName");
-	_LIT(KContactName, "contact");	
-	_LIT(KContactName1, "contact1");
-	_LIT(KContactName2, "contact2");
-	_LIT(KContactName3, "contact3");
-	_LIT(KContactNotFound, "contactNotFound");
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLink = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();	
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-	                             contactLink,
-	                             NULL,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             NULL);	
-	contact->SetUserIdL(KContactName());	                             	
-	contact->SetOnlineStatus(TVIMPSTEnums::EOnline);
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLink1 = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();	
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact1 = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-	                             contactLink1,
-	                             NULL,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             NULL);	
-	contact1->SetUserIdL(KContactName1());	                             	
-	contact1->SetOnlineStatus(TVIMPSTEnums::EOffline);
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLink2 = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();	
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact2 = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-	                             contactLink2,
-	                             NULL,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             NULL);	
-	contact2->SetUserIdL(KContactName2());	                             		                             
-	contact2->SetOnlineStatus(TVIMPSTEnums::EBusy);
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLink3 = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();	
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact3 = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-	                             contactLink3,
-	                             NULL,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             NULL);	
-	contact3->SetUserIdL(KContactName3());	                             		                             
-	contact3->SetOnlineStatus(TVIMPSTEnums::EAway);
-	CVIMPSTStorageContactSorter* sorter = CVIMPSTStorageContactSorter::NewL() ;
-	CleanupStack::PushL(sorter);
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLinkNotFound = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();
-	CVIMPSTStorageContactList* list = CVIMPSTStorageContactList::NewL( *this,
-                                      *sorter,
-                                      KContactListId(), 
-                                      KContactListName() );	                                                     	                             
-	if (list)
-		{
-		list->AddContactL(contact);
-		list->AddContactL(contact1);
-		list->AddContactL(contact2);
-		list->AddContactL(contact3);;
-		MVIMPSTStorageContact* test = &list->operator[](0);
-		if ( test && list->Count() == 4)
-			{
-			if (list->OnlineCount() == 3)					
-				{
-				delete list;
-				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);
-				return KErrNone;					
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);	
-	return KErrGeneral;		
-	}	
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactListTestCase20L()
-	{	
-	_LIT(KContactListId, "listid");
-	_LIT(KContactListName, "listName");
-	_LIT(KTestCase20ListId, "meco");
-	_LIT(KTestCase20ListName, "Meco display");
-	CVIMPSTStorageContactSorter* sorter = CVIMPSTStorageContactSorter::NewL() ;
-	CleanupStack::PushL(sorter);
-	CVIMPSTStorageContactList* list = CVIMPSTStorageContactList::NewL( *this,
-                                      *sorter,
-                                      KContactListId(), 
-                                      KContactListName() );	                                                     	                             
-	if (list)
-		{
-		if (0 == KContactListId().Compare(list->ListId()))
-			{
-			if (0 == KContactListName().Compare(list->DisplayName()))
-				{
-				list->SetDisplayNameL(KTestCase20ListName());
-				list->SetListIdL(KTestCase20ListId());
-				if ( (0 == KTestCase20ListId().Compare(list->ListId())) &&
-					(0 == KTestCase20ListName().Compare(list->DisplayName())) )
-					{
-					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);	
-					delete list;
-					return KErrNone;						
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);	
-	return KErrGeneral;		
-	}
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageContactListTestCase21L()
-	{	
-	_LIT(KContactListId, "listid");
-	_LIT(KContactListName, "listName");
-	_LIT(KContactName, "contact");	
-	_LIT(KContactName1, "contact1");
-	_LIT(KContactName2, "contact2");
-	_LIT(KContactName3, "contact3");
-	_LIT(KContactNotFound, "contactNotFound");
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLink = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();	
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-	                             contactLink,
-	                             NULL,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             NULL);	
-	contact->SetUserIdL(KContactName());	                             	
-	contact->SetOnlineStatus(TVIMPSTEnums::EOnline);
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLink1 = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();	
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact1 = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-	                             contactLink1,
-	                             NULL,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             NULL);	
-	contact1->SetUserIdL(KContactName1());	                             	
-	contact1->SetOnlineStatus(TVIMPSTEnums::EOffline);
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLink2 = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();	
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact2 = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-	                             contactLink2,
-	                             NULL,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             NULL);	
-	contact2->SetUserIdL(KContactName2());	                             		                             
-	contact2->SetOnlineStatus(TVIMPSTEnums::EBusy);
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLink3 = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();	
-	CVIMPSTStorageContact* contact3 = CVIMPSTStorageContact::NewL( NULL,
-	                             contactLink3,
-	                             NULL,                                 
-	                             NULL,                                                                  
-	                             NULL);	
-	contact3->SetUserIdL(KContactName3());	                             		                             
-	contact3->SetOnlineStatus(TVIMPSTEnums::EAway);
-	CVIMPSTStorageContactSorter* sorter = CVIMPSTStorageContactSorter::NewL() ;
-	CleanupStack::PushL(sorter);
-	MVPbkContactLink* contactLinkNotFound = new (ELeave) CVPbkContactLinkStub();
-	CVIMPSTStorageContactList* list = CVIMPSTStorageContactList::NewL( *this,
-                                      *sorter,
-                                      KContactListId(), 
-                                      KContactListName() );	                                                     	                             
-	if (list)
-		{
-		list->AddContactL(contact);
-		list->AddContactL(contact1);
-		list->AddContactL(contact2);	
-		list->Sort();
-		contact1->SetOnlineStatus(TVIMPSTEnums::EOnline);
-		list->ResortContact(contact1);	
-		contact1->SetOnlineStatus(TVIMPSTEnums::EAway);	
-		list->ResortUnKnownContact(contact1);
-		MVIMPSTStorageContact* cnt = &(list->OnlineContact( 1 ));
-		TInt index = list->FindIndexOfContact( cnt, TVIMPSTEnums::EFilterAll );
-		if (index == 1)
-			{
-			delete list;		
-			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);	
-			return KErrNone;				
-			}
-		}
-	delete list;		
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);	
-	return KErrGeneral;		
-	}	
-TInt Cvimpststorage_test::CVIMPSTStorageXSPStoreHandlerTestCase01L()
-	{	
-	_LIT(KStoreName, "MecoStore");
-	_LIT(KServiceName, "MecoService");
-	CVIMPSTStorageViewId* store = CVIMPSTStorageViewId::NewL(1,
-										KStoreName(),
-										KServiceName());
-	//Create XSP Store Handler
-    CVIMPSTStorageVPbkStoreHandler*	contactStoreHandler = 
-    			CVIMPSTStorageVPbkStoreHandler::NewL(
-    						KStoreName(), KIMContactListId, 1, KServiceName(),
-    						*store);
-	if (contactStoreHandler)
-		{
-		delete contactStoreHandler;
-		delete store;
-		return KErrNone;
-		}
-	delete contactStoreHandler;		
-	delete store;
-	return KErrGeneral;		
-	}	
- * Called when all the contacts are fetched
- */
-void Cvimpststorage_test::HandleContactAddedL(RPointerArray<HBufC>& /*aServiceDetails*/)
-	{
-	}
- * Called when all the contacts are fetched
- */
-void Cvimpststorage_test::HandleContactDeletedL(RPointerArray<HBufC>& /*aServiceDetails*/)
-	{
-	}
-void Cvimpststorage_test::HandleContactOperationCompleteL( MVIMPSTStorageContact& /*aContact*/, TInt /*aError = KErrNone*/ )
-	{
-	}
- * From  MVPbkContactObserver
- */
-void Cvimpststorage_test::ContactOperationCompleted(TContactOpResult /*aResult*/)
-	{
-	}
- * From MVPbkContactObserver
- */
-void Cvimpststorage_test::ContactOperationFailed
-    (TContactOp /*aOpCode*/, TInt /*aErrorCode*/, TBool /*aErrorNotified*/)
-    {
-    }
-//  [End of File] - Do not remove