changeset 25 5b858729772b
parent 0 3ce708148e4d
equal deleted inserted replaced
24:6757f1e2efd2 25:5b858729772b
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  This class encapsulates test results from live execution runs
    15 *                as well as logged results and presents a common interface for
    16 *                both.
    17 *
    18 */
    21 // System Include Files
    22 #include <centralrepository.h>                  // CRepository
    23 #include <drmserviceapi.h>                      // CDrmServiceApi
    24 #include <DiagEngineCommon.h>                   // MDiagEngineCommon
    25 #include <DiagPluginExecPlan.h>                 // CDiagPluginExecPlan
    26 #include <DiagExecPlanEntry.h>                  // MDiagExecPlanEntry
    27 #include <DiagResultsDatabaseItem.h>            // CDiagResultsDatabaseItem
    28 #include <DiagPlugin.h>                         // MDiagPlugin
    29 #include <DiagTestPlugin.h>                     // MDiagTestPlugin
    30 #include <DiagPluginPool.h>                     // CDiagPluginPool
    31 #include <DiagResultsDatabaseTestRecordInfo.h>  // TDiagResultsDatabaseTestRecordInfo
    32 #include <DiagResultsDbRecordEngineParam.h>     // CDiagResultsDbRecordEngineParam
    33 #include <DiagResultsDatabase.h>                // RDiagResultsDatabase,
    34                                                 // RDiagResultsDatabaseRecord
    35 #include <DiagFrameworkDebug.h>                 // Debugging Macros
    37 // User Include Files
    38 #include "devdiagexecutionresults.h"                 // CDevDiagExecResults
    39 #include "devdiagapp.hrh"                    // UID definition
    40 #include "devdiag.pan"                    // Panic
    41 #include "devdiagprivatecrkeys.h"           // CR Key ID Definitions
    43 // Local Constants
    44 ///@@@KSR: changes for BAD Warnings - #177-D: variable "KRecordsArrayGranularity" was declared but never referenced
    45 //const TInt KRecordsArrayGranularity = ( 5 );
    47 // Local Data Types
    48 typedef CArrayFixFlat< TDiagResultsDatabaseTestRecordInfo > CDatabaseRecordInfoArray;
    51 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================
    53 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    54 // From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
    55 // Static two-phase constructor.
    56 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    57 //
    58 CDevDiagExecResults::CResult* CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::NewL(
    59     const MDiagPlugin& aPlugin )
    60     {
    61     CResult* self = CResult::NewLC( aPlugin );
    62     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    63     return self;
    64     }
    66 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    67 // From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
    68 // Static two-phase constructor.
    69 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    70 //
    71 CDevDiagExecResults::CResult* CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::NewLC(
    72     const MDiagPlugin& aPlugin )
    73     {
    74     CResult* self = new ( ELeave ) CResult( aPlugin );
    75     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    76     self->ConstructL();
    77     return self;
    78     }
    80 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    81 // From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
    82 // Destructor.
    83 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 //
    85 CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::~CResult()
    86     {
    87     delete iResult;
    88     iResult = NULL;
    89     }
    91 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    92 // From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
    93 // Return the test result.  This may be NULL if the test has not been run.
    94 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    95 //
    96 const CDiagResultsDatabaseItem* CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::Result() const
    97     {
    98     return iResult;
    99     }
   101 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   102 // From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
   103 // Return a reference to the plugin for this result.
   104 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   105 //
   106 const MDiagPlugin& CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::Plugin() const
   107     {
   108     return iPlugin;
   109     }
   111 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   112 // From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
   113 // Return the execution error code.
   114 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   115 //
   116 TInt CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::ExecStatus() const
   117     {
   118     return iExecStatus;
   119     }
   121 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   122 // From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
   123 // Return the current execution step for this result.
   124 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   125 //
   126 TUint CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::CurrentStep() const
   127     {
   128     return iCurrentStep;
   129     }
   131 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   132 // From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
   133 // Return the total execution steps for this result.
   134 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   135 //
   136 TUint CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::TotalSteps() const
   137     {
   138     return iTotalSteps;
   139     }
   141 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   142 // From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
   143 // This function takes ownership of a result object.
   144 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145 //
   146 void CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::SetResult(
   147     CDiagResultsDatabaseItem* aResult,
   148     TInt aError )
   149     {
   150     // Sanity check.
   151     if ( iResult )
   152         {
   153         delete iResult;
   154         }
   156     // Set the result and error code Ownership of the result is transferred.
   157     iResult = aResult;
   158     iExecStatus = aError;
   159     }
   161 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   162 // From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
   163 // Set the progress information for this result.
   164 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   165 //
   166 void CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::SetProgress( TUint aCurrentStep,
   167                                                 TUint aTotalSteps )
   168     {
   169     iCurrentStep = aCurrentStep;
   170     iTotalSteps = aTotalSteps;
   171     }
   173 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   174 // From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
   175 // The default constructor.
   176 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   177 //
   178 CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::CResult( const MDiagPlugin& aPlugin )
   179 :   iPlugin( aPlugin )
   180     {
   181     }
   183 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   184 // From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
   185 // The second phase constructor.
   186 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   187 //
   188 void CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::ConstructL()
   189     {
   190     }
   193 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================
   195 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   196 // Static two-phase constructor.
   197 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   198 //
   199 CDevDiagExecResults* CDevDiagExecResults::NewL(
   200     TUid aRecordId,
   201     CDiagPluginPool& aPluginPool,
   202     RDiagResultsDatabase& aDbSession )
   203     {
   204     LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagExecResults::NewL( %d )", aRecordId.iUid )
   206     CDevDiagExecResults* self = new ( ELeave ) CDevDiagExecResults(
   207         aRecordId,
   208         aPluginPool,
   209         aDbSession );
   210     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   211     self->ConstructL();
   212     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   213     return self;
   214     }
   216 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   217 // Static two-phase constructor.
   218 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   219 //
   220 CDevDiagExecResults* CDevDiagExecResults::NewL(
   221     TUid aRecordId,
   222     CDiagPluginPool& aPluginPool,
   223     RDiagResultsDatabase& aDbSession,
   224     TUid aExecutedUid,
   225     MDiagEngineCommon* aDiagEngine )
   226     {
   227     LOGSTRING3( "CDevDiagExecResults::NewL( %d, 0x%x )",
   228                 aRecordId.iUid,
   229                 aDiagEngine )
   231     CDevDiagExecResults* self = new ( ELeave ) CDevDiagExecResults(
   232         aRecordId,
   233         aPluginPool,
   234         aDbSession,
   235         aExecutedUid,
   236         aDiagEngine );
   237     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   238     self->ConstructL();
   239     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   240     return self;
   241     }
   243 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   244 // Destructor.
   245 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   246 //
   247 CDevDiagExecResults::~CDevDiagExecResults()
   248     {
   249     LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagExecResults::~CDevDiagExecResults()" )
   250     iResults.ResetAndDestroy();
   251     }
   253 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   254 // This function is called during live execution to transfer ownership of a
   255 // test result.
   256 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   257 //
   258 void CDevDiagExecResults::AddEntryL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem* aResult,
   259                                      TInt aStatus )
   260     {
   261     LOGSTRING3( "CDevDiagExecResults::AddEntryL( 0x%x, %d )",
   262                 aResult,
   263                 aStatus )
   265     // This is only valid for live executions.
   266     if ( iType != ETypeExecution )
   267         {
   268         delete aResult;
   269         User::Leave( KErrCompletion );
   270         }
   272     // Assign the result object to the corresponding item in the local array.
   273     iResults[ CurrentIndexL() ]->SetResult( aResult, aStatus );
   275     // Update the completed step counter.
   276     if ( iResults[ CurrentIndexL() ]->Plugin().Type() ==
   277         MDiagPlugin::ETypeTestPlugin )
   278         {
   279         iCompletedSteps += static_cast< const MDiagTestPlugin& >(
   280             iResults[ CurrentIndexL() ]->Plugin() ).TotalSteps();
   282         if ( aResult && ( aResult->TestResult() ==
   283                             CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::EFailed ||
   284                           aResult->TestResult() ==
   285                             CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::EDependencyFailed ) )
   286             {
   287             iFailedCount++;
   288             }
   290         if ( aResult && ( aResult->TestResult() ==
   291                             CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::ESuccess) )
   292             {
   293             iPassedCount++;
   294             }
   295         }
   296     iCurrentPluginStep = 0;
   297     }
   299 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   300 // This function is called during live execution to transfer ownership of a
   301 // test result.
   302 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   303 //
   304 void CDevDiagExecResults::SetProgressL( TUint aCurrentStep, TUint aTotalSteps )
   305     {
   306     LOGSTRING3( "CDevDiagExecResults::SetProgressL( %d, %d )",
   307             aCurrentStep,
   308             aTotalSteps )
   310     // This is only valid for live executions.
   311     if ( iType != ETypeExecution )
   312         {
   313         return;
   314         }
   316     // Assign the progress to the corresponding item in the local array.
   317     iResults[ CurrentIndexL() ]->SetProgress( aCurrentStep, aTotalSteps );
   319     // Update the current step counter.
   320     if ( iResults[ CurrentIndexL() ]->Plugin().Type() ==
   321         MDiagPlugin::ETypeTestPlugin )
   322         {
   323         iCurrentPluginStep = aCurrentStep;
   324         }
   325     else
   326         {
   327         iCurrentPluginStep = 0;
   328         }
   329     }
   331 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   332 // This function returns the corresponding results item from the local array.
   333 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   334 //
   335 CDevDiagExecResults::CResult& CDevDiagExecResults::operator[] ( TInt aIndex )
   336     {
   337     return *iResults[ aIndex ];
   338     }
   340 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   341 // This function returns the corresponding results item from the local array.
   342 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   343 //
   344 const CDevDiagExecResults::CResult& CDevDiagExecResults::operator[] (
   345     TInt aIndex ) const
   346     {
   347     return *iResults[ aIndex ];
   348     }
   350 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   351 // This function returns the current item from the local array.  For results
   352 // which are from execution, this is the current execution item.  For results
   353 // which are from the database, this is always the last item.
   354 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   355 //
   356 CDevDiagExecResults::CResult& CDevDiagExecResults::CurrentItemL()
   357     {
   358     return *iResults[ CurrentIndexL() ];
   359     }
   361 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   362 // This function returns the current item from the local array.  For results
   363 // which are from execution, this is the current execution item.  For results
   364 // which are from the database, this is always the last item.
   365 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   366 //
   367 const CDevDiagExecResults::CResult& CDevDiagExecResults::CurrentItemL() const
   368     {
   369     return *iResults[ CurrentIndexL() ];
   370     }
   372 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   373 // This function returns the number of items in the local array.
   374 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   375 //
   376 TInt CDevDiagExecResults::Count() const
   377     {
   378     return iResults.Count();
   379     }
   381 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   382 // This function returns the index of the currently-executing item.
   383 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   384 //
   385 TUint CDevDiagExecResults::CurrentIndexL() const
   386     {
   387     // For live execution, the index from the execution plan is returned.
   388     if ( iType == ETypeExecution )
   389         {
   390         TUint index = 0;
   391         index = iDiagEngine->ExecutionPlanL().CurrentIndex();
   392         return index;
   393         }
   395     // For logged test results, the last index is returned.
   396     return iResults.Count() - 1;
   397     }
   399 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   400 // This utility function allows the result view to check if testing is
   401 // complete but the diagnostics engine has not yet reported testing as
   402 // finished.
   403 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   404 //
   405 TBool CDevDiagExecResults::LastTestFinishedL() const
   406     {
   407     if ( !iDiagEngine ||
   408          ( iDiagEngine->ExecutionPlanL().IsLastTest() &&
   409            ( iResults[ iLastTestIndex ] )->Result() ) )
   410         {
   411         return ETrue;
   412         }
   414     return EFalse;
   415     }
   417 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   418 // This utility function checks to see if a test is being executed / was
   419 // executed as a dependency.
   420 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   421 //
   422 TBool CDevDiagExecResults::IsDependencyL( TInt aIndex ) const
   423     {
   424     //__ASSERT_ALWAYS( ( aIndex < Count() ), Panic( EDevDiagApplicationGeneral ) );
   426     // For live execution, get the information from the execution plan.
   427     if ( iType == ETypeExecution )
   428         {
   429         TBool dependent = EFalse;
   430         dependent = iDiagEngine->ExecutionPlanL()[ aIndex ].AsDependency();
   431         return dependent;
   432         }
   434     // For logged test results, get the information from the test result.  The
   435     // NULL check is needed in case the plugin failed during running and did
   436     // not report a result.
   437     if ( iResults[ aIndex ]->Result() )
   438         {
   439         return iResults[ aIndex ]->Result()->WasDependency();
   440         }
   441     else
   442         {
   443         return EFalse;
   444         }
   445     }
   447 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   448 // Returns whether or not the results are from a completed test record.  This
   449 // information is used to determine the validity of the session's "end time."
   450 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   451 //
   452 TBool CDevDiagExecResults::IsRecordCompleted() const
   453     {
   454     return iCompleted;
   455     }
   457 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   458 // This function locks "execution" style results from further changes, by
   459 // changing the results type and clearing the reference to the engine.
   460 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   461 //
   462 void CDevDiagExecResults::Finalize( TBool aTestingComplete )
   463     {
   464     LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagExecResults::Finalize()" )
   466     iDiagEngine = NULL;
   467     iType = ETypeLog;
   468     iCompletedSteps = iTotalSteps;
   469     iCurrentPluginStep = 0;
   470     iCompleted = aTestingComplete;
   471     }
   473 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   474 // This function returns the total number of steps for all items in the
   475 // execution results.
   476 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   477 //
   478 TInt CDevDiagExecResults::TotalExecutionSteps() const
   479     {
   480     return iTotalSteps;
   481     }
   483 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   484 // This function returns the current execution step based on all items in the
   485 // execution results.
   486 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   487 //
   488 TInt CDevDiagExecResults::CurrentExecutionStep() const
   489     {
   490     return iCompletedSteps + iCurrentPluginStep;
   491     }
   494 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   495 // Returns a reference to the plugin that execution was requested for.
   496 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   497 //
   498 const MDiagPlugin& CDevDiagExecResults::ExecutedPluginL() const
   499     {
   500     LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagExecResults::ExecutedPluginL()" )
   502     MDiagPlugin* plugin = NULL;
   503     User::LeaveIfError( iPluginPool.FindPlugin( iExecutedPlugin, plugin ) );
   505     return *plugin;
   506     }
   508 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   509 // Returns whether or not the execution is for a single plugin.
   510 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   511 //
   512 TBool CDevDiagExecResults::SinglePluginExecutionL() const
   513     {
   514     if ( !iDiagEngine )
   515         {
   516         return EFalse;
   517         }
   519     return ( iDiagEngine->ExecutionPlanL().TestCount( EFalse ) == 1 );
   520     }
   522 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   523 // Returns the number of failed tests in this set of results.
   524 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   525 //
   526 TInt CDevDiagExecResults::FailedResultsCount() const
   527     {
   528     return iFailedCount;
   529     }
   532 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   533 // Returns the number of passed tests in this set of results.
   534 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   535 //
   536 TInt CDevDiagExecResults::PassedResultsCount() const
   537     {
   538     return iPassedCount;
   539     }
   541 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   542 // Returns whether or not the execution plan's resume index has been reached.
   543 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   544 //
   545 TBool CDevDiagExecResults::ResumeIndexReachedL() const
   546     {
   547     if ( !iDiagEngine )
   548         {
   549         return ETrue;
   550         }
   552     return ( iDiagEngine->ExecutionPlanL().CurrentIndex() >=
   553         iDiagEngine->ExecutionPlanL().ResumeIndex() );
   554     }
   556 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   557 // Returns the UID of the record associated with this set of results.
   558 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   559 //
   560 const TUid& CDevDiagExecResults::RecordId() const
   561     {
   562     return iRecordId;
   563     }
   565 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   566 // The default constructor.
   567 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   568 //
   569 CDevDiagExecResults::CDevDiagExecResults( TUid aRecordId,
   570                                           CDiagPluginPool& aPluginPool,
   571                                           RDiagResultsDatabase& aDbSession,
   572                                           TUid aExecutedUid,
   573                                           MDiagEngineCommon* aDiagEngine )
   574 :   iRecordId( aRecordId ),
   575     iPluginPool( aPluginPool ),
   576     iDbSession( aDbSession ),
   577     iDiagEngine( aDiagEngine ),
   578     iExecutedPlugin( aExecutedUid )
   579     {
   580     LOGSTRING3( "CDevDiagExecResults::CDevDiagExecResults( %d, 0x%x )",
   581                 aRecordId.iUid,
   582                 aDiagEngine )
   584     }
   586 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   587 // The second phase constructor.
   588 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   589 //
   590 void CDevDiagExecResults::ConstructL()
   591     {
   592     LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagExecResults::ConstructL()" )
   594     // There are two types of results: (1) Current Execution, and (2) Logs.
   596     // (1) If a pointer to the diagnostics engine was provided, then it is
   597     // assumed that the results are from a live execution and this object will
   598     // wait for the results to be assigned .
   599     if ( iDiagEngine )
   600         {
   601         // This is the "current execution" type.
   602         iType = ETypeExecution;
   603         const MDiagPluginExecPlan& execPlan = iDiagEngine->ExecutionPlanL();
   605         // Add an entry for every item in the plan.
   606         TUint numItems = execPlan.Count();
   607         for ( TUint i = 0; i < numItems; i++ )
   608             {
   609             CResult* result = CResult::NewLC( execPlan[ i ].Plugin() );
   610             iResults.AppendL( result );
   611             CleanupStack::Pop( result );
   613             // Update the total step counter with this plugin's information.
   614             if ( execPlan[ i ].Plugin().Type() == MDiagPlugin::ETypeTestPlugin )
   615                 {
   616                 iTotalSteps += static_cast< const MDiagTestPlugin& >(
   617                     execPlan[ i ].Plugin() ).TotalSteps();
   618                 iLastTestIndex = i;
   619                 }
   620             }
   621         }
   622     // (2) If no pointer to the diagnostics engine was provided, then all the
   623     // results which correspond to the record id will be looked up from the
   624     // results database.
   625     else
   626         {
   627         // This is the "logged" type.
   628         iType = ETypeLog;
   630         // Get the record's results from the database.
   631         RDiagResultsDatabaseRecord dbRecord;
   632         User::LeaveIfError( dbRecord.Connect( iDbSession, iRecordId, ETrue ) );
   633         CleanupClosePushL( dbRecord );
   634         User::LeaveIfError( dbRecord.IsTestCompleted( iCompleted ) );
   635         RPointerArray< CDiagResultsDatabaseItem > logResults;
   636         CleanupClosePushL( logResults );
   637         User::LeaveIfError( dbRecord.GetTestResults( logResults ) );
   639         // Add an entry for each result item.
   640         TUint numItems = logResults.Count();
   641         for ( TUint i = 0; i < numItems; i++ )
   642             {
   643             MDiagPlugin* plugin = NULL;
   644             TInt err = iPluginPool.FindPlugin( logResults[ i ]->TestUid(),
   645                                                plugin );
   647             // If a matching plugin was not found for this result, we just
   648             // skip over it, because we can't do anything useful with it.
   649             // This case should only occur if a plugin logged results
   650             // previously, but was later removed from the phone.
   651             if ( err != KErrNone )
   652                 {
   653                 continue; //lint !e960 A continue makes sense here.
   654                 }
   656             CResult* result = CResult::NewLC( *plugin );
   658             // Ownership of the results item is transferred.
   659             result->SetResult( logResults[ i ], KErrNone );
   660             logResults[ i ] = NULL;
   662             // Get the test result.
   663             if ( result->Result()->TestResult() ==
   664                     CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::EFailed ||
   665                  result->Result()->TestResult() ==
   666                     CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::EDependencyFailed )
   667                 {
   668                 iFailedCount++;
   669                 }
   671             iResults.AppendL( result );
   672             CleanupStack::Pop( result );
   673             }
   674         iLastTestIndex = numItems - 1;
   676         CleanupStack::Pop(); // logResults
   677         logResults.ResetAndDestroy();
   679         // Get the uid of the executed test.
   680         CDiagResultsDbRecordEngineParam* execParam;
   681         User::LeaveIfError( dbRecord.GetEngineParam( execParam ) );
   682         iExecutedPlugin = execParam->ExecutionsUidArray()[ 0 ];
   683         delete execParam;
   685         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // dbRecord
   687         // Set dummy numbers for the execution steps.
   688         iTotalSteps = 1;
   689         iCompletedSteps = 1;
   690         }
   691     }
   695  const CDiagResultsDatabaseItem* CDevDiagExecResults::GetSinglepluginExecutionResult() const
   696     {
   698     	return iResults[ iLastTestIndex ]->Result();
   699     	/*
   700     	CDiagResultsDatabaseItem* aResult;
   701     	const CDevDiagExecResults::CResult& result = CDevDiagExecResults::CurrentItemL();
   702     	aResult = result.Result();
   703     	return aResult;*/
   705     }
   706 // End of File