changeset 25 5b858729772b
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equal deleted inserted replaced
24:6757f1e2efd2 25:5b858729772b
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Header file CMiniBrowser class
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef MINI_BROWSER_H
    20 #define MINI_BROWSER_H
    22 //  INCLUDES
    23 #include <http/mhttptransactioncallback.h>
    24 #include <http/mhttpdatasupplier.h>
    25 #include <http/rhttpsession.h>
    26 #include <http/rhttptransaction.h>
    29 #include "MiniBrowserObserver.h"
    30 #include "HttpProvStates.h"
    33 class CNHeadWrapperParser;
    37 /**
    38 *  CMiniBrowser class
    39 *
    40 *  @since 3.1?
    41 */
    42 class CMiniBrowser :
    43     public CBase,
    44     public MHTTPTransactionCallback,
    45     public MHTTPDataSupplier
    46     {
    47 public:
    48     enum TContentType
    49         {
    50         EContentTypeUnknown = 0,
    51         EContentTypeTextPlain,
    52         EContentTypeNokiaHeadWrapper
    53         };
    54     /**
    55     Standard Symbian 2 phase constructor. The returned object is left
    56     to the CleanupStack.
    57     @param    aObserver Listens for events/errors
    58     @param    aSocketServ RSocketServ. Note! This must be opened until
    59             the CMiniBrowser object has been destroyed.
    60     @param    aSocketServ RSocketServ. Note! This must be opened and
    61             started until the CMiniBrowser object has been destroyed.
    62     */      
    63     static CMiniBrowser* NewLC( MMiniBrowserObserver& aObserver,
    64         RSocketServ& aSocketServ, RConnection& aConnection );
    66     /**
    67     Standard Symbian 2 phase constructor.
    68     @param aObserver Listens for events/errors
    69     @param    aSocketServ RSocketServ. Note! This must be opened until
    70             the CMiniBrowser object has been destroyed.
    71     @param    aSocketServ RSocketServ. Note! This must be opened and
    72             started until the CMiniBrowser object has been destroyed.
    73     */      
    74     static CMiniBrowser* NewL( MMiniBrowserObserver& aObserver, RSocketServ&
    75         aSocketServ, RConnection& aConnection );
    77     /**
    78     * Destructor.
    79     */      
    80     virtual ~CMiniBrowser();
    82     /**
    83     Make a HTTP GET request to the url defined.
    84     Use this override if the AP used does not have proxy defined.
    85     @param aUri 
    86     @param aProxyAddress Proxy server address.
    87     @param aProxyPort Port to be used for proxy server
    88     */      
    89     void HttpGetL( const TDesC& aUri );
    91     /**
    92     Make a HTTP GET request to the url defined.
    93     Use this override if the AP used has a proxy defined.
    94     @param aUri 
    95     @param aProxyAddress Proxy server address.
    96     @param aProxyPort Port to be used for proxy server
    97     */      
    98     void HttpGetL( const TDesC& aUri, const TDesC& aProxyAddress,
    99         const TUint aProxyPort );
   101     /**
   102     Returns the report URL that was in the previously received HeadWrapper document.
   103     Leaves with KErrNotFound if there was no valid report url or no HeadWrapper document
   104     has been received.
   105     @return Report Url. Left to CleanupStack.
   106     */
   107     HBufC* GetReportUrlLC();
   109 private:
   110     CMiniBrowser( MMiniBrowserObserver& aObserver );
   111     void ConstructL( RSocketServ& aSocketServ, RConnection& aConnection );
   113     /**
   114     Called from HttpGetL.
   115     @see HttpGetL
   116     */
   117     void CMiniBrowser::DoHttpGetL(
   118         const TDesC& aUri,
   119         const TBool aUseProxy,
   120         const TDesC& aProxyAddress,
   121         const TUint aProxyPort );
   124 public: // from MHTTPTransactionCallback
   126     /*!
   127     Called when the filter's registration conditions are satisfied
   128     for events that    occur on a transaction.    Note that this function
   129     is not allowed to leave if called with certain events
   130     */
   131     void MHFRunL( RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent &aEvent );
   132     /*!
   133     Called when RunL leaves from a transaction event. This works
   134     in the same way as CActve::RunError; return KErrNone if you
   135     have handled the error. If you don't completely handle the
   136     error, a panic will occur.
   137     */
   138     TInt MHFRunError( TInt aError, RHTTPTransaction aTransaction,
   139         const THTTPEvent& aEvent );
   141 public: // from MHTTPDataSupplier
   143     /*!
   144     Obtain a data part from the supplier. The data is guaranteed to
   145     survive until a call is made to ReleaseData(). 
   146     */
   147     TBool GetNextDataPart( TPtrC8 &aDataPart );
   149     /*!
   150     Release the current data part being held at the data supplier.
   151     This call indicates to the supplier that the part is no longer
   152     needed, and another one can be supplied, if appropriate. 
   153     */
   154     void ReleaseData();
   156     /*!
   157     Obtain the overall size of the data being supplied, if known to
   158     the supplier. Where a body of data is supplied in several parts
   159     this size will be the sum of all the part sizes. If the size is
   160     not known, KErrNotFound is returned; in this case the client must
   161     use the return code of GetNextDataPart to find out when the data
   162     is complete.
   163     */
   164     TInt OverallDataSize();
   166     /*!
   167     Reset the data supplier. This indicates to the data supplier that
   168     it should return to the first part of the data. This could be used
   169     in a situation where the data consumer has encountered an error and
   170     needs the data to be supplied afresh. Even if the last part has
   171     been supplied (i.e. GetNextDataPart has returned ETrue), the data
   172     supplier should reset to the first part.
   174     If the supplier cannot reset it should return an error code;
   175     otherwise it should return KErrNone, where the reset will be
   176     assumed to have succeeded 
   177     */
   178     TInt Reset();
   180 private:
   181     /*
   182     @return TInt KErrNone in case everything was Ok.
   183     */
   184     static TInt TimeOutCallBack( TAny* aMiniBrowser);
   185     /*
   186     Called by TimeOutCallBack
   187     */
   188     void DoTimeOutCallBackL();
   190     /*!
   191     Appends aData to iResponseData. If aData does not fit in, iResponseData
   192     is reallocated.
   193     */
   194     void AppendResponseDataL( const TDesC8& aData );
   196     /*!
   197     Deletes and allocates an empty buffer for iResponseData and iReportUrl.
   198     This is called from DoHttpGetL to prevent using same response data and
   199     report url twice.
   200     */
   201     void ResetResponseDataL();
   203     /**
   204     Currently not supported
   205     Shows the response text (from iResponseData) in a dialog. 
   206     */
   207 //    void ShowMessageDialogL( const TDesC8& aMessage );
   209     /**
   210     Parses received data and saves provisioned settings if the data is a
   211     HeadWrapper document.
   212     */
   213     void ParseAndSaveProvisionedSettingsL();
   215     /**
   216     Saves provisioned settings.
   217     */
   218     void SaveProvisionedSettingsL( const TDesC8& aContent );
   220     /*!
   221     Get special user agent string for ServiceHelp silent mode.
   222     */
   223     HBufC8* GetUserAgentStringL();
   225     /*!
   226     Get report Url from CNHeadWrapperParser and store it into iReportUrl
   227     buffer for later reference.
   228     */
   229     void GetReportUrlL( const CNHeadWrapperParser& aNHwrParser );
   231 private:
   232     /*! Time-out timer */
   233     CPeriodic* iPeriodic;
   234     /*! Observer is notified when transaction was successful or failed */
   235     MMiniBrowserObserver& iObserver;
   236     /*! Internet access point id */
   237     TInt iIapId;
   238     /*! buffer for URI */
   239     HBufC8* iUri;
   240     /*! buffer for received data */
   241     HBufC8* iResponseData;
   242     /*! buffer for report/next url parameter of received HeadWrapper document */
   243     HBufC8* iReportUrl;
   244     /*! The content type header value of the received data */
   245     TContentType iContentType;
   246     /*! Http session */
   247     RHTTPSession iSession;
   248     /*! String pool for http session */
   249     RStringPool iSessionStringPool;
   250     /*! Http transaction*/
   251     RHTTPTransaction iTransaction;
   252     /*! The status of last provisioning, default is EStatusUnknown */
   253     THttpProvStates::TProvisioningStatus iProvisioningStatus;
   254     };
   256 #endif  // MINI_BROWSER_H
   258 // End of File