1 /* |
2 * Copyright (c) 2000 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
3 * All rights reserved. |
4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
8 * |
9 * Initial Contributors: |
10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
11 * |
12 * Contributors: |
13 * |
14 * Description: Implementation of applicationmanagement components |
15 * |
16 */ |
17 |
18 |
19 #include <hbdevicedialog.h> |
20 #include <apgtask.h> |
21 #include <eikenv.h> |
22 #include <driveinfo.h> |
23 #include <hbapplication.h> |
24 #include <hbmessagebox.h> |
25 #include "amstorage.h" |
26 #include "appmgmtnotifier.h" |
27 #include "appmgmtdownloadmgr.h" |
28 #include "ApplicationManagementUtility.h" |
29 #include "debug.h" |
30 |
31 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
32 // AppMgmtNotifier::AppMgmtNotifier |
33 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
34 AppMgmtNotifier::AppMgmtNotifier(QString aAppName) |
35 { |
36 m_appname = aAppName; |
37 } |
38 |
39 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
40 // AppMgmtNotifier::~AppMgmtNotifier |
41 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
42 AppMgmtNotifier::~AppMgmtNotifier() |
43 { |
44 } |
45 |
46 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
47 // AppMgmtNotifier::getAvailableDrives |
48 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
49 void AppMgmtNotifier::getAvailableDrives() |
50 { |
51 RFs iFs; |
52 int err; |
53 qt_symbian_throwIfError(iFs.Connect()); |
54 TDriveList driveList; |
55 TInt driveCount = 0; |
56 TBuf<20> buf; |
57 int i = 0; |
58 QString val; |
59 QStringList list; |
60 TDriveInfo info; |
61 TVolumeInfo volumeInfo; |
62 qt_symbian_throwIfError(DriveInfo::GetUserVisibleDrives(iFs, driveList, |
63 driveCount)); |
64 TUint driveStatus = 0; |
65 for (TInt index(0); index < KMaxDrives; index++) |
66 { |
67 if (driveList[index]) |
68 { |
69 TRealFormat realFormat; |
70 qt_symbian_throwIfError(DriveInfo::GetDriveStatus(iFs, index, |
71 driveStatus)); |
72 TFileName path; |
73 TDriveUnit driveUnit(index); |
74 if (!(driveStatus & DriveInfo::EDriveRemote)) |
75 { |
76 TBuf<64> freeSpace; |
77 TReal free; |
78 TInt64 freeKBytes; |
79 realFormat.iWidth = 6; |
80 iFs.Drive(info, index); |
81 if(iFs.Volume(volumeInfo, index)==KErrNone) |
82 { |
83 freeKBytes = 0; |
84 freeKBytes = volumeInfo.iFree / 1024; |
85 RDEBUG_2("free space: (%d)", volumeInfo.iFree ); |
86 free = volumeInfo.iFree / 1024; |
87 freeSpace.Num(freeKBytes); |
88 TInt sizeUnit = -1; |
89 |
90 //converting the drive freespace |
91 int len = freeSpace.Length(); |
92 if (len >= 7) |
93 { |
94 TReal nul = (1024 * 1024); |
95 TReal temp = free / nul; |
96 freeSpace.Num(temp, realFormat); |
97 sizeUnit = 1; |
98 } |
99 else |
100 { |
101 TReal temp = free / 1024; |
102 freeSpace.Num(temp, realFormat); |
103 sizeUnit = 0; |
104 } |
105 //Getting the drive name in QString |
106 path.Zero(); |
107 path.Append(driveUnit.Name()); |
108 val = QString::fromUtf16(path.Ptr(), path.Length()); |
109 m_Drilist.Append(path); |
110 //Getting the drive free space in QString |
111 path.Zero(); |
112 path.Append(freeSpace); |
113 QString str1 = QString::fromUtf16(path.Ptr(), path.Length()); |
114 QString driv; |
115 if (sizeUnit == -1) |
116 { |
117 driv |
118 = hbTrId( |
119 "txt_deviceupdate_setlabel_install_to_val_1_2_kb").arg( |
120 val, str1); |
121 } |
122 else if (sizeUnit == 0) |
123 { |
124 driv |
125 = hbTrId( |
126 "txt_deviceupdate_setlabel_install_to_val_1_2_Mb").arg( |
127 val, str1); |
128 } |
129 else |
130 { |
131 driv |
132 = hbTrId( |
133 "txt_deviceupdate_setlabel_install_to_val_1_2_Gb").arg( |
134 val, str1); |
135 } |
136 m_DriveBox->insertItem(i++, driv); |
137 } |
138 } |
139 } |
140 } |
141 } |
142 |
143 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
144 // AppMgmtNotifier::showInstallDialog |
145 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
146 void AppMgmtNotifier::showInstallDialog(CDeploymentComponent *aCompo, TRequestStatus &s) |
147 { |
148 bringServerToForeground(); |
149 iStat = &s; |
150 iComp = aCompo; |
151 HbDocumentLoader loader; |
152 QString val; |
153 bool ok = false; |
154 HbLabel* label; |
155 int err; |
156 iComp->SetDriveSelectionStatus(true); |
157 CDeliveryComponentStorage* iStorage ; |
158 QT_TRAP_THROWING(iStorage= CDeliveryComponentStorage::NewL()); |
159 TRAP( err, QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(iStorage->UpdateL(*iComp))); |
160 delete iStorage; |
161 loader.load(":/xml/sample.docml", &ok); |
162 if (!ok) |
163 { |
164 return; |
165 } |
166 Q_ASSERT_X(ok, "Device Manager", "Invalid docml file"); |
167 m_Dialog = qobject_cast<HbDialog*> (loader.findWidget("dialog")); |
168 |
169 //set title for the dialog |
170 label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget( |
171 "qtl_dialog_pri_heading")); |
172 |
173 val = hbTrId("txt_device_update_title_install"); |
174 label->setPlainText(val); |
175 |
176 TDeploymentComponentName name = aCompo->ComponentName(); |
177 TBuf<KDeploymentComponentNameMaxLength> nameBuf; |
178 nameBuf.Copy(name); |
179 m_appname = QString::fromUtf16(nameBuf.Ptr(), nameBuf.Length()); |
180 //set the app name |
181 label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget("label")); |
182 val = hbTrId("txt_deviceupdate_info_file_1_2").arg(m_appname); |
183 label->setPlainText(val); |
184 |
185 //size |
186 label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget("label_1")); |
187 label->setPlainText(""); |
188 //icon |
189 label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget("icon")); |
190 label->setIcon(HbIcon(":/icon/qgn_prop_sml_http.svg")); |
191 |
192 //"install to" label |
193 label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget("qtl_dialog_pri5")); |
194 val = hbTrId("txt_device_update_setlabel_install_to"); |
195 label->setPlainText(val); |
196 |
197 //getting the available free space in all drives and adding to combobox |
198 |
199 m_DriveBox = qobject_cast<HbComboBox*> (loader.findWidget("combobox")); |
200 |
201 TRAP(err,getAvailableDrives()); |
202 if(err==KErrNone) |
203 { |
204 connect(m_DriveBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, |
205 SLOT(defaultDriveChanged(int ))); |
206 } |
207 else |
208 m_DriveBox->setVisible(false); |
209 //setting the actions |
210 m_OkButton = qobject_cast<HbAction*> (loader.findObject( |
211 "qtl_dialog_softkey_2_left")); |
212 m_Cancel = qobject_cast<HbAction*> (loader.findObject( |
213 "qtl_dialog_softkey_2_right")); |
214 val = hbTrId("txt_common_button_ok"); |
215 m_OkButton->setText(val); |
216 val = hbTrId("txt_common_button_cancel"); |
217 m_Cancel->setText(val); |
218 m_Dialog->setTimeout(20000); |
219 CApplicationManagementUtility::mCurrDlg = m_Dialog; |
220 m_Dialog->open(this, SLOT(dlgSlot(HbAction*))); |
221 } |
222 |
223 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
224 // AppMgmtNotifier::defaultDriveChanged |
225 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
226 void AppMgmtNotifier::defaultDriveChanged(int i) |
227 { |
228 TAMInstallOptions opts = iComp->InstallOpts(); |
229 TChar drive = m_Drilist[i*2]; |
230 drive.LowerCase(); |
231 int err; |
232 opts.iOptions.iDrive = drive; |
233 TPtrC8 buf; |
234 TAMInstallOptionsPckg optsb(opts); |
235 buf.Set(optsb); |
236 TRAP( err, QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(iComp->SetInstallOptsL(buf))); |
237 CDeliveryComponentStorage* iStorage; |
238 TRAP( err, QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(iStorage = CDeliveryComponentStorage::NewL())); |
239 TRAP( err, QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(iStorage->UpdateL(*iComp))); |
240 delete iStorage; |
241 iStorage = NULL; |
242 } |
243 |
244 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
245 // AppMgmtNotifier::dlgSlot |
246 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
247 void AppMgmtNotifier::dlgSlot(HbAction* action) |
248 { |
249 if(action == m_Cancel) |
250 { |
251 sendServerToBackground(); |
252 TRequestStatus* status(iStat); |
253 User::RequestComplete(status, KStatusUserCancelled); |
254 } |
255 else |
256 { |
257 TRequestStatus* status(iStat); |
258 User::RequestComplete(status, KErrCompletion ); |
259 } |
260 CApplicationManagementUtility::mCurrDlg = 0; |
261 m_OkButton=0; |
262 m_Cancel = 0; |
263 } |
264 |
265 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
266 // AppMgmtNotifier::showInstallFailedNote |
267 //launching a device dialog to display notefor "install failed" case |
268 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
269 void AppMgmtNotifier::showInstallFailedNote() |
270 { |
271 HbDeviceDialog deviceDialog; |
272 QVariantMap parameters; |
273 //_LIT(KScomoNotifier, "scomonotifier"); |
274 parameters.insertMulti(QString("scomonotifier"), QVariant(QString("installfailed"))); |
275 QString data = m_appname; |
276 parameters.insertMulti(QString("scomoappname"), QVariant(data)); |
277 const char *deviceDialogType = "com.nokia.hb.devicemanagementdialog/1.0"; |
278 bool ret = deviceDialog.show(QString(deviceDialogType), parameters); |
279 } |
280 |
281 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
282 // AppMgmtNotifier::sendServerToBackground |
283 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
284 void AppMgmtNotifier::sendServerToBackground() |
285 { |
286 CCoeEnv* coe = CCoeEnv::Static(); |
287 TApaTaskList taskList(coe->WsSession()); |
288 TApaTask task=taskList.FindApp(TUid::Uid(KAppMgmtServerUid)); |
289 if(task.Exists()) |
290 { |
291 task.SendToBackground(); |
292 } |
293 } |
294 |
295 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
296 // AppMgmtNotifier::bringServerToForeground |
297 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
298 void AppMgmtNotifier::bringServerToForeground() |
299 { |
300 CCoeEnv* coe = CCoeEnv::Static(); |
301 TApaTaskList taskList(coe->WsSession()); |
302 TApaTask task = taskList.FindApp(TUid::Uid(KAppMgmtServerUid)); |
303 if (task.Exists()) |
304 { |
305 task.BringToForeground(); |
306 } |
307 } |
308 |
309 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
310 // AppMgmtNotifier::operationSuccessSlot |
311 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
312 void AppMgmtNotifier::successSlot(HbAction* action) |
313 { |
314 RDEBUG("successslot"); |
315 if(action == m_OkButton || action == NULL) |
316 { |
317 sendServerToBackground(); |
318 RDEBUG("slot entered"); |
319 TRequestStatus* status(iStat); |
320 User::RequestComplete(status, KErrCompletion); |
321 } |
322 m_OkButton = 0; |
323 RDEBUG("successslot end"); |
324 } |
325 |
326 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
327 // AppMgmtNotifier::showInstallSuccessNote |
328 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
329 void AppMgmtNotifier::showInstallSuccessNote() |
330 { |
331 if (CApplicationManagementUtility::mHidden == 1) |
332 { |
333 //Display Installation complete dialog |
334 HbDeviceNotificationDialog notificationDialog; |
335 QString text = |
336 hbTrId("txt_device_update_title_installation_complete"); |
337 notificationDialog.setTitle(text); |
338 text |
339 = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_product_code_val_installa").arg( |
340 m_appname); |
341 notificationDialog.setText(text); |
342 notificationDialog.show(); |
343 } |
344 else |
345 { |
346 bringServerToForeground(); |
347 HbDocumentLoader loader; |
348 bool ok = false; |
349 loader.load(":/xml/error_notes.docml", &ok); |
350 QString val; |
351 // Exit if the file format is invalid |
352 Q_ASSERT_X(ok, "Device Manager", "Invalid docml file"); |
353 m_Dialog = qobject_cast<HbDialog*> (loader.findWidget( |
354 "dialog")); |
355 HbLabel* label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget( |
356 "heading_text")); |
357 val = hbTrId("txt_device_update_title_installation_complete"); |
358 label->setPlainText(val); |
359 |
360 val = hbTrId("txt_deviceupdate_info_file_1_2").arg(m_appname); |
361 label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget("content_text")); |
362 label->setPlainText(val); |
363 m_OkButton = qobject_cast<HbAction*> (loader.findObject( |
364 "qtl_dialog_softkey_2_left")); |
365 val = hbTrId("txt_common_button_ok"); |
366 m_OkButton->setText(val); |
367 |
368 m_Dialog->setTimeout(HbPopup::ContextMenuTimeout); |
369 //m_Dialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); |
370 m_Dialog->open(this, SLOT(successSlot(HbAction*))); |
371 CDialogWait* wait = CDialogWait::NewL(); |
372 registerStatus(wait->iStatus); |
373 RDEBUG_2("AppMgmtNotifier::Start before StartWait (%d)", wait->iStatus.Int()); |
374 wait->StartWait(); |
375 delete wait; |
376 } |
377 } |
378 |
379 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
380 // AppMgmtNotifier::dialogUnSlot |
381 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
382 void AppMgmtNotifier::dialogUnSlot(HbAction* retAction) |
383 { |
384 sendServerToBackground(); |
385 if (retAction == m_Cancel) |
386 { |
387 TRequestStatus* status(iStat); |
388 User::RequestComplete(status, KStatusUserCancelled); |
389 } |
390 else |
391 { |
392 TRequestStatus* status(iStat); |
393 User::RequestComplete(status, KErrCompletion); |
394 } |
395 CApplicationManagementUtility::mCurrDlg = 0; |
396 m_OkButton = 0; |
397 m_Cancel = 0; |
398 } |
399 |
400 |
401 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
402 // AppMgmtNotifier::showUninstallDialog |
403 //uninstall beginning confirmation note |
404 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
405 void AppMgmtNotifier::showUninstallDialog(const CDeploymentComponent &aCompo, |
406 TRequestStatus &s) |
407 { |
408 iStat = &s; |
409 bringServerToForeground(); |
410 |
411 HbDocumentLoader loader; |
412 bool ok; |
413 loader.load(":/xml/downloaddialog.docml", &ok); |
414 |
415 Q_ASSERT_X(ok, "Device Manager", "Invalid docml file"); |
416 m_Dialog = qobject_cast<HbDialog*> (loader.findWidget("dialog")); |
417 |
418 HbLabel* label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget( |
419 "qtl_dialog_pri_heading")); |
420 QString val = hbTrId("txt_device_update_title_uninstalling_application"); |
421 label->setPlainText(val); |
422 |
423 label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget("icon")); |
424 label->setIcon(HbIcon(":/icons/qgn_prop_sml_http.svg")); |
425 |
426 label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget("qtl_dialog_pri5")); |
427 TDeploymentComponentName name = aCompo.ComponentName(); |
428 TBuf<255> ne; |
429 ne.Copy(name); |
430 |
431 QString str = QString::fromUtf16(ne.Ptr(), ne.Length()); |
432 val = hbTrId("txt_deviceupdate_info_application_1").arg(str); |
433 label->setPlainText(val); |
434 |
435 label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget("qtl_dialog_pri5_1")); |
436 label->setPlainText(""); |
437 |
438 m_OkButton = qobject_cast<HbAction*> (loader.findObject( |
439 "qtl_dialog_softkey_2_left")); |
440 m_Cancel = qobject_cast<HbAction*> (loader.findObject( |
441 "qtl_dialog_softkey_2_right")); |
442 val = hbTrId("txt_common_button_ok"); |
443 m_OkButton->setText(val); |
444 val = hbTrId("txt_common_button_cancel"); |
445 m_Cancel->setText(val); |
446 CApplicationManagementUtility::mCurrDlg = m_Dialog; |
447 m_Dialog->setTimeout(10000); |
448 m_Dialog->open(this, SLOT(dialogUnSlot(HbAction*))); |
449 } |
450 |
451 |
452 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
453 //AppMgmtNotifier::showUnInstallFailedNote |
454 //Displaying uninstall failed note |
455 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
456 void AppMgmtNotifier::showUnInstallFailedNote() |
457 { |
458 HbDeviceDialog deviceDialog; |
459 QVariantMap parameters; |
460 //_LIT(KScomoNotifier, "scomonotifier"); |
461 parameters.insertMulti(QString("scomonotifier"), QVariant(QString( |
462 "uninstallfailed"))); |
463 QString data = m_appname; |
464 parameters.insertMulti(QString("scomoappname"), QVariant(data)); |
465 const char *deviceDialogType = "com.nokia.hb.devicemanagementdialog/1.0"; |
466 bool ret = deviceDialog.show(QString(deviceDialogType), parameters); |
467 } |
468 |
469 |
470 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
471 // AppMgmtNotifier::showUnInstallSuccessNote |
472 //uninstall success notification |
473 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
474 void AppMgmtNotifier::showUnInstallSuccessNote() |
475 { |
476 if (CApplicationManagementUtility::mHidden == 1) |
477 { |
478 //Display Installation complete dialog |
479 HbDeviceNotificationDialog notificationDialog; |
480 QString text = hbTrId( |
481 "txt_device_update_title_uninstallation_complete"); |
482 notificationDialog.setTitle(text); |
483 text |
484 = hbTrId( |
485 "txt_device_update_dblist_product_code_val_uninstalla_comple").arg( |
486 m_appname); |
487 notificationDialog.setText(text); |
488 notificationDialog.show(); |
489 } |
490 else |
491 { |
492 bringServerToForeground(); |
493 |
494 HbDocumentLoader loader; |
495 bool ok = false; |
496 loader.load(":/xml/error_notes.docml", &ok); |
497 QString val; |
498 // Exit if the file format is invalid |
499 Q_ASSERT_X(ok, "Device Manager", "Invalid docml file"); |
500 m_Dialog = qobject_cast<HbDialog*> (loader.findWidget( |
501 "dialog")); |
502 QString blank(""); |
503 HbLabel* label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget( |
504 "heading_text")); |
505 val = hbTrId("txt_device_update_title_uninstallation_complete"); |
506 label->setPlainText(val); |
507 val |
508 = hbTrId( |
509 "txt_device_update_dblist_product_code_val_uninstalla_comple").arg( |
510 m_appname); |
511 label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget("content_text")); |
512 label->setPlainText(val); |
513 m_OkButton = qobject_cast<HbAction*> (loader.findObject( |
514 "qtl_dialog_softkey_2_left")); |
515 val = hbTrId("txt_common_button_ok"); |
516 m_OkButton->setText(val); |
517 |
518 m_Dialog->setTimeout(HbPopup::StandardTimeout); |
519 m_Dialog->open(this, SLOT(successSlot(HbAction*))); |
520 CDialogWait* wait = CDialogWait::NewL(); |
521 registerStatus(wait->iStatus); |
522 RDEBUG_2("AppMgmtNotifier::Start before StartWait (%d)", wait->iStatus.Int()); |
523 wait->StartWait(); |
524 delete wait; |
525 } |
526 } |
527 |
528 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
529 // AppMgmtNotifier::showDownloadFailedNote |
530 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
531 bool AppMgmtNotifier::showDownloadFailedNote(QString aNotifierdata) |
532 { |
533 HbDeviceDialog deviceDialog; |
534 QVariantMap parameters; |
535 //_LIT(KScomoNotifier, "scomonotifier"); |
536 parameters.insertMulti(QString("scomonotifier"), QVariant(QString( |
537 "downloadfailed"))); |
538 parameters.insertMulti(QString("scomoappdata"),QVariant(aNotifierdata)); |
539 const char *deviceDialogType = "com.nokia.hb.devicemanagementdialog/1.0"; |
540 bool stat = deviceDialog.show(QString(deviceDialogType), parameters); |
541 return stat; |
542 } |
543 |
544 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
545 // AppMgmtNotifier::showDownloadSuccessNote |
546 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
547 void AppMgmtNotifier::showDownloadSuccessNote() |
548 { |
549 if (CApplicationManagementUtility::mHidden == 1) |
550 { |
551 HbDeviceNotificationDialog notificationDialog; |
552 QString tr = hbTrId("txt_device_update_title_download_complete"); |
553 notificationDialog.setTitle(tr); |
554 tr |
555 = hbTrId( |
556 "txt_device_update_dblist_product_code_val_download_comple").arg( |
557 m_appname); |
558 notificationDialog.setText(tr); |
559 notificationDialog.show(); |
560 } |
561 else |
562 { |
563 bringServerToForeground(); |
564 HbDocumentLoader loader; |
565 bool ok = false; |
566 loader.load(":/xml/error_notes.docml", &ok); |
567 QString val; |
568 // Exit if the file format is invalid |
569 Q_ASSERT_X(ok, "Device Manager", "Invalid docml file"); |
570 m_Dialog = qobject_cast<HbDialog*> (loader.findWidget( |
571 "dialog")); |
572 HbLabel* label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget( |
573 "heading_text")); |
574 val = hbTrId("txt_device_update_title_download_complete"); |
575 label->setPlainText(val); |
576 |
577 val = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_product_code_val_download_comple").arg(m_appname); |
578 label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget("content_text")); |
579 label->setPlainText(val); |
580 m_OkButton = qobject_cast<HbAction*> (loader.findObject( |
581 "qtl_dialog_softkey_2_left")); |
582 val = hbTrId("txt_common_button_ok"); |
583 m_OkButton->setText(val); |
584 |
585 m_Dialog->setTimeout(HbPopup::ContextMenuTimeout); |
586 |
587 m_Dialog->open(this, SLOT(successSlot(HbAction*))); |
588 CDialogWait* wait = CDialogWait::NewL(); |
589 registerStatus(wait->iStatus); |
590 RDEBUG_2("AppMgmtNotifier::Start before StartWait (%d)", wait->iStatus.Int()); |
591 wait->StartWait(); |
592 delete wait; |
593 } |
594 } |
595 void AppMgmtNotifier::registerStatus(TRequestStatus &stat) |
596 { |
597 RDEBUG("registering request status"); |
598 iStat = &stat; |
599 stat = KRequestPending; |
600 RDEBUG_2("stat = %d",stat.Int() ); |
601 RDEBUG("registering request status end"); |
602 } |