--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applicationmanagement/omascomoadapter/src/omascomoadapter.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:40:12 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,4464 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+ *
+ * Description: Implementation of applicationmanagement components
+ *
+ 1. Remember the applications managed by Corporate Admin Role certificate
+ 1.1 They must be removed during rfs
+ 1.2 Others must be left as is (applications at least must be left)
+ */
+#define __AM_CHECKSTATE_CHANGES // uncomment to enable dynamic acl
+#include <badesca.h>
+#include <fbs.h>
+#include <s32file.h>
+#include "omascomoadapter.h"
+#include <implementationproxy.h> // For TImplementationProxy definition
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include "nsmldmuri.h"
+#include "nsmldmiapmatcher.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "amprivateCRKeys.h"
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+#include "aminstalloptions.h"
+#include <featmgr.h>
+#include <apgtask.h>
+#include <w32std.h>
+#include <SyncMLClient.h>
+#include <SyncMLClientDM.h>
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+#include <DevManInternalCRKeys.h>
+#include "NSmlPrivateAPI.h"
+#include "nsmldmconst.h"
+#include "ampskeys.h"
+#include "nsmldmtreedbclient.h"
+#include "SyncService.h"
+#include "amprivateCRKeys.h"
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+#include <SWInstDefs.h>
+#include <dmtreenode.h>
+#include <devman.h>
+#include "nsmldmuri.h"
+// Constants
+_LIT8( KDeployedURI, "./SCOMO/Inventory/Deployed/" );
+_LIT8( KDeliveredURI, "./SCOMO/Inventory/Delivered/" );
+_LIT8( KDownloadURI, "./SCOMO/Download/" );
+#include <nsmldmuri.h>
+// Constants
+_LIT8( KDeployedURI, "SCOMO/Inventory/Deployed/" );
+_LIT8( KDeliveredURI, "SCOMO/Inventory/Delivered/" );
+_LIT8( KDownloadURI, "SCOMO/Download/" );
+#ifdef __NSML_DEBUG__
+#pragma message("NSml Debugging is ON!")
+using namespace NApplicationManagement;
+_LIT8( KAMStateValueActive, "20" );
+_LIT8( KAMStateValueInactive, "10" );
+_LIT8( KAMStateValueDelivered, "10" );
+_LIT8( KSisxMimeType, "x-epoc/x-sisx-app" );
+_LIT8( KSisMimeType, "application/vnd.symbian.install" );
+_LIT8( KPipMimeType, "application/x-pip" );
+_LIT8( KJadMIMEType, "text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor" );
+_LIT8( KJarMIMEType, "application/java-archive" );
+_LIT8( KJavaMIMEType, "application/java" );
+const TUint8 KNSmlDMAMSeparatorDef = 0x2f; //forward slash
+_LIT8( KAMLastErrorURI, "./SCOMO/Ext/LastError" );
+_LIT8( KAMLastErrorURI, "SCOMO/Ext/LastError" );
+_LIT8( KStdError, "Error %d" );
+#define MAPERROR(x,y,z) DefaultMapError(x,y,z)
+#define MAPERROR(x,y,z) DefaultMapError(x,y)
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter* CSCOMOAdapter::NewL( )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSCOMOAdapter* CSCOMOAdapter::NewL(MSmlDmCallback* aDmCallback)
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::NewL(): begin");
+ CSCOMOAdapter* self = NewLC(aDmCallback);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter* CSCOMOAdapter::NewLC( )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSCOMOAdapter* CSCOMOAdapter::NewLC(MSmlDmCallback* aDmCallback)
+ {
+ CSCOMOAdapter* self = new( ELeave ) CSCOMOAdapter( aDmCallback );
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::CSCOMOAdapter()
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSCOMOAdapter::CSCOMOAdapter(TAny* aEcomArguments) :
+ CSmlDmAdapter(aEcomArguments), iSessionOpened(EFalse), iBuffer( 8),
+ iInAtomic(EFalse), iUpdated(EFalse), iIsStreamedContent(EFalse)
+ {
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::~CSCOMOAdapter()
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::~CSCOMOAdapter" );
+ iDbSession.Close();
+ iManagement.Close(); // make sure we're closed
+ iSessionOpened = EFalse;
+ iBuffer.Close();
+ CloseStreaming(); // Ensures that no streams are left open and that the temporary file is removed
+ delete iStreamedURI;
+ delete iStreamedLuid;
+ delete iStreamedType;
+ delete iLastError;
+ if (iAMdb)
+ delete iAMdb;
+ if (iUriDel)
+ delete iUriDel;
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::~CSCOMOAdapter end" );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::DDFVersionL()
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::DDFVersionL(CBufBase& aDDFVersion)
+ {
+ aDDFVersion.InsertL( 0, KAMDDFVersion);
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::DDFStructureL()
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::DDFStructureL(MSmlDmDDFObject& aDDF)
+ {
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::DDFStructureL(): begin" );
+ TSmlDmAccessTypes accessTypesGet;
+ accessTypesGet.SetGet();
+ TSmlDmAccessTypes accessTypesExec;
+ accessTypesExec.SetExec();
+ TSmlDmAccessTypes accessTypesAdd;
+ accessTypesAdd.SetAdd();
+ TSmlDmAccessTypes accessTypesExecReplace = accessTypesExec;
+ accessTypesExecReplace.SetReplace();
+ TSmlDmAccessTypes accessTypesGetAdd = accessTypesGet;
+ accessTypesGetAdd.SetAdd();
+ TSmlDmAccessTypes accessTypesGetReplace = accessTypesGet;
+ accessTypesGetReplace.SetGet();
+ TSmlDmAccessTypes accessTypesGetAddReplace = accessTypesGetAdd;
+ accessTypesGetAddReplace.SetReplace();
+ TSmlDmAccessTypes accessTypesGetAddReplaceDelete =
+ accessTypesGetAddReplace;
+ accessTypesGetAddReplaceDelete.SetDelete();
+ TSmlDmAccessTypes accessTypesAddReplace =
+ accessTypesAdd;
+ accessTypesAddReplace.SetReplace();
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO
+ AM node is the common parent to all application management functionality nodes.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Get
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ //MSmlDmDDFObject& root = aDDF.AddChildObjectGroupL();
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& am = aDDF.AddChildObjectL(KAMNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(am, accessTypesGet, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
+ KAMNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory
+ This node is start node to application inventory.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Get
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& inv = am.AddChildObjectL(KAMInventoryNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(inv, accessTypesGet, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
+ KAMInventoryNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Delivered
+ This is node under which applications that are delivered but not installed are found.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Get, Add
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& del = inv.AddChildObjectL(KAMDeliveredNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(del, accessTypesGetAdd, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
+ KAMDeliveredNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Deployed
+ This is a node under which active applications are found.
+ The child node descriptions are same as Delivered sibling node, except that <X> cannot be created, data node does not exist and there's no InstallOpts leaf.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Get
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& ac = inv.AddChildObjectL(KAMDeployedNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(ac, accessTypesGet, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
+ KAMDeployedNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Delivered/<X>
+ This dynamic node is placeholder applications that are in Delivered state.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: ZeroOrMore
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Get, Add, Replace, Delete
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& deldyna = del.AddChildObjectGroupL();
+ FillNodeInfoL(deldyna, accessTypesGetAddReplaceDelete,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EZeroOrMore, MSmlDmDDFObject::EDynamic,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode, KAMDeliveredDynaNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Delivered/<X>/PkgID
+ This leaf node holds an identifier for an application.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Chr
+ Access Types: Get, Add, Replace
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& delid = deldyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMPkgIDNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(delid, accessTypesGetAddReplace, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr,
+ KAMPkgIDNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Delivered/<X>/Name
+ This leaf node holds name of an application.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Chr
+ Access Types: Get ( + Add, Replace access within Delivered node only)
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& delname = deldyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMNameNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(delname, accessTypesGetAddReplace,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EZeroOrOne, MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr, KAMNameNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCM/Inventory/Delivered/<X>/Status
+ This leaf node holds the status of the Delivered. The client updates the node value.
+ The values are typically error codes of Operations done on delivered node
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Int
+ Access Types: Get
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& delstatus = deldyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMStatusNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(delstatus, accessTypesGet, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::EInt,
+ KAMStatusNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Delivered/<X>/PkgType
+ This leaf node holds an identifier for an application.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Chr
+ Access Types: Get
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& delpkgtype = deldyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMPkgTypeNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(delpkgtype, accessTypesGetAddReplace, MSmlDmDDFObject::EZeroOrOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr,
+ KAMPkgTypeNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Delivered/<X>/Data
+ This leaf node holds the data of an application.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Bin
+ Access Types: Add, Replace
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& delda = deldyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMDataNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoNoDefaultMimeL(delda, accessTypesAddReplace,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EZeroOrOne, MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EBin, KAMDataNodeDescription);
+ delda.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL(KSisxMimeType);
+ delda.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL(KSisMimeType);
+ delda.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL(KPipMimeType);
+ FeatureManager::InitializeLibL();
+ if (FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(KFeatureIdJavaMIDP20) )
+ {
+ delda.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL(KJadMIMEType);
+ delda.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL(KJarMIMEType);
+ delda.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL(KJavaMIMEType);
+ }
+ FeatureManager::UnInitializeLib();
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Delivered/<X>/Description
+ This leaf node holds the possible metadata of an application. Descriptor can be for example such a data that is required by the actual data in the Data leaf, but for some reason they cannot be bundled into same package. An example is Java JAR and JAD file combination, in which JAD file could be placed in MetaData and JAR in Data leaf.
+ Support: Optional
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Bin
+ Access Types: Add, Get, Replace
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& delmd = deldyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMDescriptionNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(delmd, accessTypesGetAddReplace,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EZeroOrOne, MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EBin, KAMDescriptorNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Delivered/<X>/State
+ This leaf node holds state value of an application.
+ Support: ?
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Chr
+ Access Types: Get
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& delstate =
+ deldyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMStateValueNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(delstate, accessTypesGet, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr,
+ KAMStateValueNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Delivered/<X>/Operations
+ This is a node that allows vendors to extend functionality.
+ Support: Optional
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Get, Replace, Add, Delete
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& delop = deldyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMOperationsNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(delop, accessTypesGet, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
+ KAMOperationsNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Delivered/<X>/Operations/Install
+ Exec command causes device to install a delivered application. The data inside
+ exec command refers to the application to be installed.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Exec, Replace
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& loinst = delop.AddChildObjectL(KAMInstallNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(loinst, accessTypesExecReplace, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
+ KAMInstallNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Delivered/<X>/Operations/InstallInactive
+ Exec command causes device to install a delivered application. The data inside
+ exec command refers to the application to be installed.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Exec, Replace
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& loinstact =
+ delop.AddChildObjectL(KAMInstallInactiveNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(loinstact, accessTypesExecReplace, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
+ KAMInstallInactivateNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Delivered/<X>/Operations/Remove
+ Exec command causes device to remove an application. The data inside exec command refers to the application to be removed. The application must be in Inactive state in order for remove to be successful.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Exec, Replace
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& lorem = delop.AddChildObjectL(KAMRemoveNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(lorem, accessTypesExecReplace, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
+ KAMRemoveNodeDescription);
+ /*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=
+ *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*/
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Deployed/<X>
+ This dynamic node is placeholder applications that are in Inactive state.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: ZeroOrMore
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Get, Replace
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& depldyna = ac.AddChildObjectGroupL();
+ FillNodeInfoL(depldyna, accessTypesGetReplace,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EZeroOrMore, MSmlDmDDFObject::EDynamic,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode, KAMDeployedDynaNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Deployed/<X>/ID
+ This leaf node holds an identifier for an application. This cannot be changed.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Chr
+ Access Types: Get
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& deplid = depldyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMIDNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(deplid, accessTypesGet, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr,
+ KAMIDNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Deployed/<X>/Name
+ This leaf node holds name of an application.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Chr
+ Access Types: Get, Add, Replace
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& deplname = depldyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMNameNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(deplname, accessTypesGetAddReplace,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EZeroOrOne, MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr, KAMNameNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Deployed/<X>/Version
+ This leaf node holds the version of an application.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Chr
+ Access Types: Get, Add, Replace
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& deplver = depldyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMVersionNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(deplver, accessTypesGetAddReplace,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EZeroOrOne, MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr, KAMVersionNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Deployed/<X>/Description
+ This leaf node holds the version of an application.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Chr
+ Access Types: Get, Add, Replace
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& depldesc = depldyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMDescriptionNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(depldesc, accessTypesGetAddReplace,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EZeroOrOne, MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr, KAMDescriptionNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Deployed/<X>/PkgIDRef
+ This leaf node holds an identifier for an application. This cannot be changed.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Chr
+ Access Types: Get
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& deplidref = depldyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMPkgIDRefNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(deplidref, accessTypesGet, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr,
+ KAMPkgIDRefNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Deployed/<X>/Status
+ This leaf node holds the status of the Deployed. The client updates the node value.
+ The values are typically error codes of Operations done on deployed node
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Int
+ Access Types: Get
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& deplstatus = depldyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMStatusNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(deplstatus, accessTypesGet, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::EInt,
+ KAMStatusNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Deployed/<X>/State
+ This leaf node holds state value of an application.
+ Support: ?
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Chr
+ Access Types: Get
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& deplstate =
+ depldyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMStateValueNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(deplstate, accessTypesGet, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr,
+ KAMStateValueNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Deployed/<X>/Operations
+ This is a node that allows vendors to extend functionality.
+ Support: Optional
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Get, Replace, Add, Delete
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& deplop = depldyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMOperationsNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(deplop, accessTypesGet, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
+ KAMOperationsNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Deployed/<X>/Operations/Remove
+ Exec command causes device to remove an application. The data inside exec command
+ refers to the application to be removed. The application must be in Inactive state
+ in order for remove to be successful.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Exec, Replace
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& deplrem = deplop.AddChildObjectL(KAMRemoveNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(deplrem, accessTypesExecReplace, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
+ KAMRemoveNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Deployed/<X>/Operations/Activate
+ Exec command causes device to activate an application.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Exec, Replace
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& deplac = deplop.AddChildObjectL(KAMActivateNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(deplac, accessTypesExecReplace, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
+ KAMActivateNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Inventory/Deployed/<X>/Operations/Deactivate
+ Exec command causes device to deactivate an application.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Exec, Replace
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& depldeac = deplop.AddChildObjectL(KAMDeActivateNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(depldeac, accessTypesExecReplace, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
+ KAMDeActivateNodeDescription);
+ /*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=
+ *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*/
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Download
+ This node is a root node for application download functionality. In practice download
+ works so that admin adds nodes under this node, and they are automatically moved to
+ Inventory/Delivered when the download has been finished. Running get command targeting
+ to this node returns a list of pending downloads.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Get, Add, Replace
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& dow = am.AddChildObjectL(KAMDownloadNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(dow, accessTypesGetAddReplace, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
+ KAMDownloadNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Download/<X>
+ This node is a placeholder for identifier of an application that is to be downloaded.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Get, Add, Replace, Delete
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& dowdyna = dow.AddChildObjectGroupL();
+ FillNodeInfoL(dowdyna, accessTypesGetAddReplaceDelete,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EZeroOrMore, MSmlDmDDFObject::EDynamic,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode, KAMDownloadDynaNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Download/<X>/PkgID
+ This leaf node holds an identifier for an application.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Chr
+ Access Types: Get
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& dowid = dowdyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMPkgIDNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(dowid, accessTypesGetAddReplace, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr,
+ KAMPkgIDNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Download/<X>/Name
+ This leaf node holds name of an application.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Chr
+ Access Types: Add, Get, Replace
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& downame = dowdyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMNameNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(downame, accessTypesGetAddReplace,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EZeroOrOne, MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr, KAMNameNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Download/<X>/PkgURL
+ This leaf node holds the URL from which the application should be downloaded.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Chr
+ Access Types: Add, Get, Replace
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& dowuri = dowdyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMURINodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(dowuri, accessTypesGetAddReplace,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EZeroOrOne, MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr, KAMURINodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: /SCOMO/Download/<X>/PkgType
+ This leaf node holds an identifier for an application.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Chr
+ Access Types: Add, Get, Replace
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& dowpkgtype = dowdyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMPkgTypeNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(dowpkgtype, accessTypesGetAddReplace, MSmlDmDDFObject::EZeroOrOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr,
+ KAMPkgTypeNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Download/<X>/Status
+ This leaf node holds the status of the download. The client updates the node value. The values are typically error codes of download protocol. Initially after the URI leaf is filled, this will get value 100, and will be replaced by one.
+ Support: Optional
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Chr
+ Access Types: Get
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& dowstat = dowdyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMStatusNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(dowstat, accessTypesGet, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr,
+ KAMStatusNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Download/<X>/Description
+ This leaf node holds the version of an application.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Chr
+ Access Types: Add, Get, Replace
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& dowver = dowdyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMDescriptionNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(dowver, accessTypesGetAddReplace,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EZeroOrOne, MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr, KAMDescriptionNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Download/<X>/Operations
+ This is a node that holds the operation nodes.
+ Support: Optional
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Get, Replace, Add, Delete
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& dowop = dowdyna.AddChildObjectL(KAMOperationsNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(dowop, accessTypesGet, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
+ KAMOperationsNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Download/<X>/Operations/Download
+ Exec command causes device to download an application. The dynamic node specifies the application to be downloaded.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Exec
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& dowdown =
+ dowop.AddChildObjectL(KAMDownloadOperationNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(dowdown, accessTypesExecReplace, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
+ KAMDownloadOperationNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Download/<X>/Operations/DownloadInstall
+ Exec command causes device to download and install an application. The dynamic node specifies the application to be downloaded.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Exec
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& dowdowni =
+ dowop.AddChildObjectL(KAMDownloadAndInstallNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(dowdowni, accessTypesExec, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
+ KAMDownloadAndInstallOperationNodeDescription);
+ /*
+ Node: ./SCOMO/Download/<X>/Operations/DownloadInstallInactive
+ Exec command causes device to download and install and activate an application. The dynamic node specifies the application to be downloaded.
+ Support: Mandatory
+ Occurs: One
+ Format: Node
+ Access Types: Exec
+ Values: N/A
+ */
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& dowdownia =
+ dowop.AddChildObjectL(KAMDownloadAndInstallAndInActivateNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(dowdownia, accessTypesExec, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
+ KAMDownloadAndInstallAndInActivateNodeName);
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& amext = am.AddChildObjectL(KAMExtNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(amext, accessTypesGet, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode,
+ KAMExtNodeDescription);
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& amerr = amext.AddChildObjectL(KAMLastErrorNodeName);
+ FillNodeInfoL(amerr, accessTypesGet, MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent, MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr,
+ KAMLastErrorDescription);
+ // Ignore generic alert error status if any otherwise adapter fails to load
+ TRAP_IGNORE(SendPendingGenericAlertL());
+ if (GetAdapterValue() == KAMSCOMOAdapter)
+ {
+ CheckStateChangesL();
+ SetAdapterValue(KAMDefaultValue);
+ }
+ CheckAndAddPredefinedNodeL();
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::DDFStructureL(): end" );
+ }
+void CSCOMOAdapter::SendPendingGenericAlertL()
+ {
+ // get information of the remote DM server
+ TSmlProfileId profId = 0;
+ HBufC8* serverId= NULL;
+ TBuf8<KMaxSizeString> scomometatype;
+ TBuf8<KMaxSizeString> scomometaformat;
+ TBuf8<KMaxSizeString> scomomark;
+ TBuf8<512> targetURIGet;
+ TUint32 internalid = KErrNone;
+ TInt finalresult = KErrNone;
+ TInt i =0;
+ // Get all the generic alert parameters from cenrep
+ // to construct generic alert message
+ CRepository *repository=CRepository::NewLC ( KCRUidPrivateApplicationManagementKeys );
+ repository->Get(KSCOMOMetaTypeKey,scomometatype);
+ repository->Get(KSCOMOMetaFormatKey,scomometaformat);
+ repository->Get(KSCOMOMark,scomomark);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ // Retrive server info of current DM Session
+ GetServerInfoL(profId, serverId);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(serverId);
+ RPointerArray<CAMDbItem> genericalerts;
+ // Get generic alert entry from Database for particular server ID.
+ TRAPD(err, iAMdb->GetEntryForServerIDL(genericalerts, *serverId));
+ // Send Pending generic alerts for server
+ for(i=0; i<genericalerts.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ if (genericalerts.Count()!= 0 && err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ internalid = genericalerts[i]->iLUID;
+ // Get Target URI and Final Generic Alert result from App. Mgmt. Server
+ // database.
+ TRAPD(err, SessionL().GetFinalResultsForGAL(internalid, finalresult,
+ targetURIGet));
+ // If data in SCOMO DB is inconsistent with AM Server DB or
+ // if it exceeds retry count then delete that entry from adapter
+ // and server database
+ if(finalresult <= KErrNone || err!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ iAMdb->DeleteFromDatabaseL(internalid);
+ User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+ }
+ TBuf8<6> dataresult;
+ dataresult.Num(finalresult);
+ TPtrC8 mapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(targetURIGet) );
+ TInt retryupdate = iAMdb->GetRetryCountForLuidL(internalid);
+ // If retryupdate in Zero then delete its entry from
+ // database.
+ if(retryupdate == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iAMdb->DeleteFromDatabaseL(internalid);
+ SessionL().GenericAlertSentL(internalid);
+ User::Leave(KErrCompletion);
+ }
+ // Decrement the retry count and update in database for
+ // that internalid.
+ iAMdb->UpdateRetryCountForLuidL(internalid, --retryupdate);
+ // open handle to private api
+ RNSmlPrivateAPI privateAPI;
+ privateAPI.OpenL();
+ CleanupClosePushL(privateAPI);
+ RArray<CNSmlDMAlertItem> iItemArray;
+ CNSmlDMAlertItem* item = new (ELeave) CNSmlDMAlertItem ;
+ HBufC8 *data = HBufC8::NewL(1024);
+ TPtr8 ptr = data->Des();
+ ptr.Append(KDataStart);
+ ptr.Append(KResultCodeStart);
+ ptr.Append(dataresult);
+ ptr.Append(KResultCodeEnd);
+ ptr.Append(KIdentifierStart);
+ ptr.Append(mapping);
+ ptr.Append(KIdentifierEnd);
+ ptr.Append(KDataEnd);
+ HBufC8 *sourceuri = genericalerts[i]->iSourceURI;
+ item->iSource = sourceuri;
+ HBufC8 *targeturi = targetURIGet.AllocL();
+ item->iTarget = targeturi;
+ HBufC8 *metatype = scomometatype.AllocL();
+ item->iMetaType = metatype;
+ HBufC8 *metaformat = scomometaformat.AllocL();
+ item->iMetaFormat = metaformat;
+ HBufC8 *metamark = scomomark.AllocL();
+ item->iMetaMark = metamark;
+ item->iData = data;
+ iItemArray.AppendL(*item);
+ TRAP_IGNORE(privateAPI.AddDMGenericAlertRequestL(
+ *genericalerts[i]->iCorrelator,iItemArray ));
+ delete data;
+ delete metamark;
+ delete metaformat;
+ delete metatype;
+ delete targeturi;
+ delete item;
+ iItemArray.Reset();
+ iItemArray.Close();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &privateAPI);
+ }
+ }
+ genericalerts.ResetAndDestroy();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //serverid
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::SessionL()
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RApplicationManagement &CSCOMOAdapter::SessionL()
+ {
+ if ( !iSessionOpened)
+ {
+ TCertInfo info;
+ const TUid KCentralRepositoryUid =
+ {
+ 0x10207843
+ };
+ const TInt KCertKey = 0x01;
+ CRepository *re= NULL;
+ TRAPD( errx, re = CRepository::NewL ( KCentralRepositoryUid ) );
+ if (errx == KErrNone && re)
+ {
+ TPckg<TCertInfo> pcert(info);
+ errx = re->Get(KCertKey, pcert) ;
+ RDEBUG_2("aCertInfo.iFingerprint.Length() is %u",info.iFingerprint.Length() );
+ if (errx == KErrNone)
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::SessionL() errx == KErrNone");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (errx != KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::SessionL() errx != KErrNotFound");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::SessionL() errx == KErrNotFound");
+ }
+ }
+ delete re;
+ }
+ if (errx == KErrNotFound || !iCertRequired)
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::SessionL() calling iManagement.Connect()");
+ User::LeaveIfError(iManagement.Connect() );
+ iSessionOpened = ETrue;
+ iTrustAdded = EFalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::SessionL() calling iManagement.Connect( info )");
+ User::LeaveIfError(iManagement.Connect(info) );
+ iSessionOpened = ETrue;
+ iTrustAdded = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ return iManagement;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL()
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL(const TDesC8& aURI,
+ const TDesC8& aLUID, const TDesC8& aObject, const TDesC8& aType,
+ TInt aStatusRef)
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_4("CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL(): begin, '%S', '%S' '%S'", &aURI, &aLUID, &aType );
+ MSmlDmAdapter::TError status = EOk;
+ SetAdapterValue(KAMSCOMOAdapter);
+ _UpdateLeafObjectL(aURI, aLUID, aObject, aType, aStatusRef, status);
+ SetStatusL(aStatusRef, status);
+ if (status == EOk)
+ {
+ if (iInAtomic)
+ {
+ iBuffer.Append(TAMCommandBufferElement(aStatusRef, aURI) );
+ }
+ }
+ RDEBUG_2("CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL(): end (%d)", status);
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL()
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::_UpdateLeafObjectL(const TDesC8& aURI,
+ const TDesC8& aLUID, const TDesC8& aObject, const TDesC8& aType,
+ TInt /*aStatusRef*/, MSmlDmAdapter::TError& aStatus)
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::_UpdateLeafObjectL(): begin");
+ CheckStateChangesL();
+ TError status(EError);
+ TPtrC8 uriPtrc = NSmlDmURI::RemoveDotSlash( aURI );
+ TInt numSeqs( NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs( uriPtrc ) );
+ TPtrC8 mapping( NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg( uriPtrc ) );
+ TPtrC8 parent( NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg( uriPtrc ) );
+ TInt numSeqs(NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs(aURI) );
+ TPtrC8 mapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(aURI) );
+ TPtrC8 parent(NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg(aURI) );
+ if (mapping == KAMNameNodeName)
+ {
+ if (aObject.Size() > KDeploymentComponentNameMaxLength)
+ {
+ aStatus = ETooLargeObject;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (mapping == KAMVersionNodeName)
+ {
+ if (aObject.Size() > KDeploymentComponentVersionMaxLength)
+ {
+ aStatus = ETooLargeObject;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (mapping == KAMURINodeName)
+ {
+ if (aObject.Size() > KMaxUrlLength)
+ {
+ aStatus = ETooLargeObject;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (mapping == KAMConRefNodeName)
+ {
+ if (aObject.Size() > KMaxConRef)
+ {
+ aStatus = ETooLargeObject;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (mapping == KAMDescriptionNodeName)
+ {
+ if (aObject.Size() > 512)
+ {
+ aStatus = ETooLargeObject;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if(mapping == KAMPkgIDNodeName)
+ {
+ if(aObject.Size() > 256)
+ {
+ aStatus = ETooLargeObject;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if(mapping == KAMPkgTypeNodeName)
+ {
+ // ADD check for PkgType MIME Type if not supported
+ // error status should be sent and operation should stop
+ if(aObject.Size() >100)
+ {
+ aStatus = ETooLargeObject;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ TPtrC8 grandParent(NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg(parent) );
+ TPtrC8 grandParentMapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(grandParent) );
+ RApplicationManagement &session = SessionL();
+ TDeploymentComponentState state(EDCSNone);
+ if (numSeqs == 4 || numSeqs == 5)
+ {
+ if (numSeqs == 4)
+ {
+ state = EDCSDownload;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (grandParentMapping == KAMDeliveredNodeName)
+ {
+ state = EDCSDelivered;
+ }
+ else
+ if (grandParentMapping == KAMDeployedNodeName)
+ {
+ state = EDCSActive;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_3( "CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL(): ILLEGAL LEVEL %d NODE %S", numSeqs, &aURI );
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_3("CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL(): ILLEGAL LEVEL %d NODE %S", numSeqs, &aURI );
+ }
+ if (state == EDCSDelivered || state == EDCSDownload ||state == EDCSActive
+ ||state == EDCSInactive)
+ {
+ if (aLUID != KNullDesC8)
+ {
+ TInt iluid(DesToIntL(aLUID) );
+ TDeploymentComponent comp;
+ TInt err(session.DeploymentComponent(iluid, comp) );
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ // Set default component install options for particular iluid.
+ TPtrC8 obj;
+ TAMInstallOptions opts;
+ TAMInstallOptionsPckg optsb(opts);
+ TBuf<KMaxSizeString> drive;
+ CRepository *rep = CRepository::NewLC(KCRUidPrivateApplicationManagementKeys );
+ rep->Get(KDefaultDriveForInstall,drive);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ //TChar KDefaultDrive = 'c';
+ TChar KDefaultDrive = drive[0];
+ opts.iOptions.iUpgrade = SwiUI::EPolicyAllowed;
+ opts.iOptions.iOptionalItems = SwiUI::EPolicyAllowed;
+ opts.iOptions.iOCSP = SwiUI::EPolicyAllowed;
+ opts.iOptions.iIgnoreOCSPWarnings = SwiUI::EPolicyAllowed;
+ opts.iOptions.iUntrusted = SwiUI::EPolicyAllowed;
+ opts.iOptions.iPackageInfo = SwiUI::EPolicyAllowed;
+ opts.iOptions.iCapabilities = SwiUI::EPolicyAllowed;
+ opts.iOptions.iKillApp = SwiUI::EPolicyAllowed;
+ opts.iOptions.iOverwrite = SwiUI::EPolicyAllowed;
+ opts.iOptions.iDownload = SwiUI::EPolicyAllowed;
+ opts.iOptions.iDrive = KDefaultDrive;
+ opts.iOptions.iLang = ELangNone;
+ opts.iOptions.iUsePhoneLang = EFalse ;
+ obj.Set(optsb);
+ TRAP_IGNORE( session.UpdateDeploymentComponentL( iluid, EDCInstallOptions, obj ) );
+ TDeplCompAttrType fl(UpdateFlagFromMapping(mapping) );
+ if (mapping == KAMDataNodeName || mapping
+ == KAMDescriptorNodeName)
+ {
+ TInt erx(KErrNone);
+ if ((mapping == KAMDataNodeName) &&(RecognizeMimeType(aType)== EFalse))
+ {
+ User::Leave(EInvalidObject);
+ }
+ if (iIsStreamedContent)
+ {
+ CloseStreaming();
+ TRAP( erx, session.UpdateDeploymentComponentStreamedDataL( iluid, fl, aType ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //
+ TRAP( erx, session.UpdateDeploymentComponentDataL( iluid, fl, aObject, aType ) );
+ }
+ MAPERROR( erx, status, _L8("Update Delivered Data or metadata %d") );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (fl != EDCNone)
+ {
+ TPtrC8 obj;
+ TAMInstallOptions opts;
+ TAMInstallOptionsPckg optsb(opts);
+ TPckgBuf<TInt> iap;
+ if (fl == EDCInstallOptions)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ if (fl == EDCConRef)
+ {
+ //CNSmlDMIAPMatcher* iapfinder = CNSmlDMIAPMatcher::NewLC( &Callback() );
+ //TInt i( iapfinder->IAPIdFromURIL( aObject ) );
+ //CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iapfinder );
+ //iap() = i;
+ CArrayFix<TSmlDmMappingInfo>* mapArray = new CArrayFixFlat<TSmlDmMappingInfo>(4);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(mapArray);
+ Callback().GetMappingInfoListL( KNSmlDMMMSSlashIAPUri,*mapArray );
+ TInt iapValue = KErrNotFound;
+ TSmlDmMappingInfo mapInfo;
+ for(TInt i = 0;i<mapArray->Count();i++)
+ {
+ if(LastURISeg(opts.iConRef)==mapArray->At(i).iURISeg)
+ {
+ iapValue=DesToInt(mapArray->At(i).iURISegLUID);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ iap() = iapValue;
+ mapArray->Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //mapArray
+ CNSmlDMIAPMatcher
+ * iapfinder =
+ CNSmlDMIAPMatcher::NewLC( &Callback() );
+ TInt i(iapfinder->IAPIdFromURIL(aObject) );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iapfinder);
+ iap() = i;
+ obj.Set(iap);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ obj.Set(aObject);
+ }
+ TRAPD( erx, session.UpdateDeploymentComponentL( iluid, fl, obj ) )
+ ;
+ MAPERROR( erx, status, _L8("Update some attribute %d") );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = ENotFound;
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL(): Unknown Target leaf" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG_3( "CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL(): FAILED TO GET COMPONENT OF ID %d: %d" , iluid, err );
+ status = ENotFound;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL(): Faild to get luid allocation and find buffered for '%S'", &parent );
+ status = ENotFound;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL(): WARNING Tried to update illegal state leaf! '%S'", &grandParentMapping );
+ }
+ aStatus = status;
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::_UpdateLeafObjectL(): end");
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL(const TDesC8& aURI,
+ const TDesC8& aLUID, RWriteStream*& aStream, const TDesC8& aType,
+ TInt aStatusRef)
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_4("CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL() aStream: begin, '%S', '%S' '%S'", &aURI, &aLUID, &aType );
+ TError status(CSmlDmAdapter::EOk);
+ if (iStreamedURI)
+ {
+ delete iStreamedURI;
+ iStreamedURI = NULL;
+ }
+ iStreamedURI = aURI.AllocL();
+ if (iStreamedLuid)
+ {
+ delete iStreamedLuid;
+ iStreamedLuid = NULL;
+ }
+ iStreamedLuid = aLUID.AllocL();
+ if (iStreamedType)
+ {
+ delete iStreamedType;
+ iStreamedType = NULL;
+ }
+ iStreamedType = aType.AllocL();
+ if (!iStreamOpen)
+ {
+ RApplicationManagement &session = SessionL();
+ TDeplCompAttrType attrType;
+ TPtrC8 mapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(aURI) );
+ TDeplCompAttrType fl(UpdateFlagFromMapping(mapping) );
+ if (mapping == KAMDataNodeName)
+ {
+ attrType = EDCData;
+ }
+ else
+ if (mapping == KAMDescriptorNodeName)
+ {
+ attrType = EDCMetaData;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2("CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL(): Unknown mapping: (%S)", &mapping);
+ status = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
+ }
+ if (status == CSmlDmAdapter::EOk)
+ {
+ TInt iluid(DesToIntL(aLUID) );
+ session.DeploymentComponentTempInstFileL(iluid, iStreamFile,
+ attrType);
+ iStream.Attach(iStreamFile);
+ aStream = &iStream;
+ iStreamOpen = ETrue;
+ iIsStreamedContent = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !iInAtomic)
+ {
+ iStatusRef = aStatusRef;
+ Callback().SetStatusL(aStatusRef, status);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iBuffer.Append(TAMCommandBufferElement(aStatusRef, aURI) );
+ }
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL() aStream : end");
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateFlagFromMapping( const TDesC8& aMapping )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TDeplCompAttrType CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateFlagFromMapping(const TDesC8& aMapping)
+ {
+ TDeplCompAttrType res;
+ if (aMapping == KAMIDNodeName)
+ {
+ res = EDCId;
+ }
+ else
+ if (aMapping == KAMNameNodeName)
+ {
+ res = EDCName;
+ }
+ else
+ if (aMapping == KAMVersionNodeName)
+ {
+ res = EDCVersion;
+ }
+ else
+ if (aMapping == KAMStateValueNodeName)
+ {
+ res = EDCStateValue;
+ }
+ else
+ if (aMapping == KAMInstallOptsNodeName)
+ {
+ res = EDCInstallOptions;
+ }
+ else
+ if (aMapping == KAMDescriptorNodeName)
+ {
+ res = EDCMetaData;
+ }
+ else
+ if (aMapping == KAMDataNodeName)
+ {
+ res = EDCData;
+ }
+ else
+ if (aMapping == KAMURINodeName)
+ {
+ res = EDCDownloadURI;
+ }
+ else
+ if (aMapping == KAMStatusNodeName)
+ {
+ res = EDCStatus;
+ }
+ else
+ if (aMapping == KAMConRefNodeName)
+ {
+ res = EDCConRef;
+ }
+ else
+ if (aMapping
+ == KAMDescriptionNodeName)
+ {
+ res = EDCDescriptionRef;
+ }
+ else
+ if(aMapping == KAMPkgIDNodeName)
+ {
+ res = EDCPkgID;
+ }
+ else
+ if(aMapping == KAMPkgTypeNodeName)
+ {
+ res = EDCPkgType;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+ res = EDCNone;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::GetLuidForUserIdL( const TDesC8 &aUserId,
+// const TDeploymentComponentState aState )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TUint32 CSCOMOAdapter::GetLuidForUserIdL(const TDesC8 &aUserId,
+ const TDeploymentComponentState aState)
+ {
+ TUint32 ret( 0);
+ if (aState != EDCSNone)
+ {
+ RElementIdArray array;
+ TInt err(SessionL().DeploymentComponentIdsL(array, aState) );
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ CleanupClosePushL(array);
+ TInt count(array.Count() );
+ for (TInt i( 0); i < count && ret == 0; i++)
+ {
+ TUint32 el = array[i];
+ TDCUserId dc;
+ SessionL().DeploymentComponentUserIdL(el, dc);
+ if (dc == aUserId)
+ {
+ ret = el;
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &array);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::GetLuid2L( const TDesC8 &aDMLuid, const TDesC8 &aUserId,
+// const TDeploymentComponentState aState, TError &aStatus )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TUint32 CSCOMOAdapter::GetLuid2L(const TDesC8 &aDMLuid,
+ const TDesC8 &aUserId, const TDeploymentComponentState aState,
+ TError &aStatus)
+ {
+ TUint32 ret(GetLuidL(aDMLuid, aUserId, aState) );
+ if ( (TInt32)ret <= 0)
+ {
+ aStatus = ENotFound;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::GetLuidL( const TDesC8 &aDMLuid, const TDesC8 &aUserId,
+// const TDeploymentComponentState aState )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TUint32 CSCOMOAdapter::GetLuidL(const TDesC8 &aDMLuid, const TDesC8 &aUserId,
+ const TDeploymentComponentState aState)
+ {
+ TUint32 ret( 0);
+ if (aDMLuid == KNullDesC8)
+ {
+ ret = GetLuidForUserIdL(aUserId, aState);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = DesToIntL(aDMLuid) ;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::DeleteObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::DeleteObjectL(const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID,
+ const TInt aStatusRef)
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_4("CSCOMOAdapter::DeleteObjectL(): begin (%S, %S, %d)" , &aURI, &aLUID, aStatusRef );
+ SetAdapterValue(KAMSCOMOAdapter);
+ CheckStateChangesL();
+ TError ret(EError);
+ TPtrC8 uriPtrc = NSmlDmURI::RemoveDotSlash(aURI);
+ TInt cnt( NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs( uriPtrc ) );
+ TPtrC8 mapping( NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg( uriPtrc ) );
+ TInt cnt(NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs(aURI) );
+ TPtrC8 mapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(aURI) );
+ TBuf8<KMaxFullName> temp;
+ GetPredefinedNodeL(temp);
+ TInt comp = mapping.Compare( temp );
+ if (temp.Length() && mapping.Compare( temp ) == 0)
+ {
+ MSmlDmAdapter::TError status = MSmlDmAdapter::ENotAllowed;
+ Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (cnt)
+ {
+ case 3:
+ case 4:
+ {
+ TPtrC8 which( NSmlDmURI::URISeg( uriPtrc, cnt == 4 ? 3 : 2 ) );
+ TPtrC8 which(NSmlDmURI::URISeg(aURI, cnt == 4 ? 3 : 2) );
+ if (which == KAMDeliveredNodeName || which == KAMDownloadNodeName)
+ {
+ TUint32 luid(GetLuidL(aLUID, mapping, (which
+ == KAMDeliveredNodeName
+ ? EDCSDelivered
+ : EDCSDownload)) );
+ if (luid > 0)
+ {
+ TRAPD( err, SessionL().RemoveL( luid ) )
+ ;
+ if (err == KErrNone || err == KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ ret = EOk;
+ Callback().SetMappingL(aURI, KNullDesC8);
+ if (err == KErrNone && iInAtomic)
+ {
+ iBuffer.Append(TAMCommandBufferElement(
+ aStatusRef, aURI) );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MAPERROR( err, ret, _L8("Delete %d") );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::DeleteObjectL(): WARNING Object not found" );
+ ret = ENotFound;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::DeleteObjectL(): ERROR Removing node %S is not supported", &aURI );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_3( "CSCOMOAdapter::DeleteObjectL(): ILLEGAL LEVEL %d NODE %S", cnt, &aURI );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ SetStatusL(aStatusRef, ret);
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::DeleteObjectL(): end" );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::DeactivateIfInactive( const TUint aLuidi, const TDeploymentComponentState aTargetState )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::DeactivateIfInactive(const TUint aLuidi,
+ const TDeploymentComponentState aTargetState)
+ {
+ if (aTargetState == EDCSInactive)
+ {
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::DeactivateIfInactive(): deactivating!" );
+ TRAPD( derr, iManagement.DeactivateL( aLuidi ) )
+ ;
+ if (derr != KErrNone)
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2("CSCOMOAdapter::DeactivateIfInactive(): ERROR deactivating failed %d", derr );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CSCOMOAdapter::InstallL(TUint aLuidi, const TDesC8& aURI,
+ const TDesC8& aLUID, const TDeploymentComponentState aTargetState,
+ TError &aRet)
+ {
+ TPtrC8 uriPtrc = NSmlDmURI::RemoveDotSlash(aURI);
+ //nothing
+ TRAPD( err, SessionL().InstallL( aLuidi, aTargetState ) )
+ ;
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ // Update the mappings in client to reflect new
+ // position in the management tree ( Inactive or Active..)
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::InstallL(): Install success!" );
+ TPtrC8 aclmapping(URISegsUpTo(aURI, 4) );
+ SetMappingL(aclmapping, aTargetState, aLUID);
+ iManagement.StateChangeComplete(aLuidi);
+ DeactivateIfInactive(aLuidi, aTargetState);
+ aRet = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::InstallL(): INSTALL FAILED '%d'" , err);
+ MAPERROR( err, aRet, _L8("Install %d") );
+ }
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::DefaultMapError( const TInt aErr, TError &aRet )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::DefaultMapError(const TInt aErr, TError &aRet,
+ const TDesC8&
+ aDes
+ {
+ if (aErr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ aRet = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ if (aErr == KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ aRet = ENotFound;
+ }
+ else
+ if (aErr == KErrArgument)
+ {
+ aRet = EInvalidObject;
+ }
+ else
+ if (aErr == KErrAlreadyExists)
+ {
+ aRet = EAlreadyExists;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aRet = EError;
+ }
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ TRAP( err, SetErrorL( aDes, aErr ) );
+ }
+void CSCOMOAdapter::SetErrorL(const TDesC8& aDes, const TInt aErr)
+ {
+ if (aDes != KNullDesC8)
+ {
+ SetLastErrorL(aDes, aErr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetLastErrorL(KStdError, aErr);
+ }
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID, const TDesC8& aArgument,
+// const TDesC8& aType,
+// TInt aStatusRef )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TDownloadTarget CSCOMOAdapter::DownloadTargetL(const TDesC8& aCommand)
+ {
+ if (aCommand == KAMDownloadOperationNodeName)
+ {
+ return EDeliver;
+ }
+ else
+ if (aCommand == KAMDownloadAndInstallNodeName)
+ {
+ return EInstallAndActivate;
+ }
+ else
+ if (aCommand == KAMDownloadAndInstallAndInActivateNodeName)
+ {
+ return EInstall;
+ }
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::DownloadTargetL(): ASKED OPERATION NOT SUPPORTED Download '%S'", &aCommand );
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ // NOTE! will not ever come here! Only to get rid of compiler warning !!
+ return EDeliver;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID, const TDesC8& aArgument,
+// const TDesC8& aType,
+// TInt aStatusRef )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID,
+ const TDesC8& aArgument, const TDesC8& /*aType*/, TInt aStatusRef)
+ {
+#ifdef __TARM_SYMBIAN_CONVERGENCY //Done by Dipak
+ TPtrC8 uriPtrc = NSmlDmURI::RemoveDotSlash(aURI);
+ //nothing
+ RDEBUG8_3("CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): begin, '%S', '%S'", &aURI, &aLUID );
+ SetAdapterValue(KAMSCOMOAdapter);
+ CheckStateChangesL();
+ TError ret(EExecUndefError);
+ if (aLUID == KNullDesC8)
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): WARNING no valid luid provided" );
+ }
+#ifdef __TARM_SYMBIAN_CONVERGENCY //Done by Dipak
+ TInt cnt( NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs( uriPtrc ) );
+ TInt cnt(NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs(aURI) );
+ TPtrC8 mapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(aURI) );
+ const TInt KDownloadMappingURILoc = 3;
+ switch (cnt)
+ {
+ case 5:
+ {
+ TUint32 iluid(GetLuidL(aLUID, NSmlDmURI::URISeg(aURI,
+ KDownloadMappingURILoc), EDCSDownload) );
+ // Track the Newly added delivered node to make sure that this reference
+ // of delivered node is removed from Tree DB.
+ // This delivered node is removed only if Execute command is successful
+ // by either adding Install, Install& activate etc.
+ // This Fix would be applicable in case of DM 1.2.
+ TPtrC8 urival(URISegsUpTo(aURI, KDownloadMappingURILoc));
+ if (iUriDel)
+ {
+ delete iUriDel;
+ iUriDel = NULL;
+ }
+ iUriDel = urival.AllocL();
+ RDEBUG_2("CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): luid is %d", iluid );
+ if (iluid > 0)
+ {
+ TDownloadTarget target = DownloadTargetL(mapping);
+ TRAPD( errx, SessionL().StartDownloadL( iluid, target ) );
+ //Check If Sync is supported. Default is ASyncReporting.
+ //If ASyncSupported is 0 mean Sync reporting is supported.
+ TInt ASyncSupported = -1;
+ CRepository *repository=CRepository::NewLC ( KCRUidPrivateApplicationManagementKeys );
+ repository->Get(KAsyncEnabled,ASyncSupported);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ if(errx == KErrNone)
+ {
+ if (ASyncSupported)
+ ASyncReportL(iluid, aArgument, target, aURI);
+ else
+ SyncReportL(iluid, aArgument, target, aURI, ret);
+ }
+ if (target == EInstall || target == EInstallAndActivate)
+ {
+ TInt err(iDbSession.RemoveMappingInfoL(KAMAdapterImplUid,
+ *iUriDel, iluid) );
+ }
+ if (errx == KErrNone)
+ {
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): StartDownloadL Successful " );
+ if (ASyncSupported)
+ {
+ ret = EAcceptedForProcessing;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): StartDownloadL FAILED '%d'", errx );
+ if (errx == KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ ret = ENotFound;
+ }
+ else
+ if (errx == KErrArgument)
+ {
+ ret = EExecUndefError;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = EExecUndefError;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = EExecUndefError;
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): case 5 Not found node" );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 6:
+ {
+ const TInt KInventoryMappingURILoc = 4;
+ // Track the Newly added delivered node to make sure that this reference
+ // of delivered node is removed from Tree DB.
+ // This delivered node is removed only if Execute command is successful
+ // by either adding Install, Install& activate etc.
+ // This Fix would be applicable in case of DM 1.2.
+ TPtrC8 urival(URISegsUpTo(aURI, KInventoryMappingURILoc));
+ if (iUriDel)
+ {
+ delete iUriDel;
+ iUriDel = NULL;
+ }
+ iUriDel = urival.AllocL();
+ if (mapping == KAMInstallNodeName || mapping
+ == KAMInstallInactiveNodeName)
+ {
+ TUint32 iluid(GetLuidL(aLUID, NSmlDmURI::URISeg(aURI,
+ KInventoryMappingURILoc), EDCSDelivered) );
+ if (iluid > 0)
+ {
+ TDeploymentComponentState targetstate = ((mapping
+ == KAMInstallNodeName)
+ ? EDCSActive
+ : EDCSInactive);
+ InstallL(iluid, aURI, aLUID, targetstate, ret);
+ TInt err(iDbSession.RemoveMappingInfoL(KAMAdapterImplUid,
+ *iUriDel, iluid) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = EExecInstallFailed;
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): case 6 install Not found node" );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (mapping == KAMRemoveNodeName)
+ {
+ TPtrC8 parent( NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg( urival ) );
+ TPtrC8 ParentMapping( NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg( parent ) );
+ TUint32 iluid(0);
+ if ( ParentMapping == KAMDeliveredNodeName )
+ {
+ iluid = GetLuidL(aLUID, NSmlDmURI::URISeg(aURI,
+ KInventoryMappingURILoc), EDCSDelivered) ;
+ }
+ else if ( ParentMapping == KAMDeployedNodeName)
+ {
+ iluid = GetLuidL(aLUID, NSmlDmURI::URISeg(aURI,
+ KInventoryMappingURILoc), EDCSActive) ;
+ if ( (TInt32)iluid <= 0)
+ {
+ iluid = GetLuidL(aLUID, NSmlDmURI::URISeg(aURI,
+ KInventoryMappingURILoc), EDCSInactive) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (iluid > 0)
+ {
+ TRAPD( err, SessionL().RemoveL( iluid ) )
+ ;
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): Remove success!" );
+ TPtrC8 aclmapping(URISegsUpTo(aURI, 4) );
+ // "Nullify" the mapping for argument
+ err = iDbSession.RemoveMappingInfoL(KAMAdapterImplUid, aclmapping);
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ ret = EExecSuccess;
+ }
+ if (iInAtomic)
+ {
+ iBuffer.Append(TAMCommandBufferElement(
+ aStatusRef, aURI) );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): Remove FAILED '%d'", err);
+ if (err == SwiUI::KSWInstErrUserCancel)
+ ret = EExecUserCancelled;
+ else
+ MAPERROR( err, ret, _L8("Execute Remove %d") );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = EExecRemoveFailed;
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): case 6 remove Not found node" );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (mapping == KAMActivateNodeName)
+ {
+ //DBG_ARGS8( "CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): Activating " );
+ TUint32 iluid(GetLuidL(aLUID,
+ KInventoryMappingURILoc),
+ EDCSActive) );
+ if ( (TInt32)iluid <= 0)
+ {
+ iluid = GetLuidL(aLUID,
+ KInventoryMappingURILoc),
+ EDCSInactive) ;
+ }
+ if (iluid > 0)
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( SessionL().ActivateL( iluid ) );
+ ret = EExecSuccess;
+ //MAPERROR( erx, ret, _L8("Activate %d") );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = EExecActivateFailed;
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): case 6 Activate Not found node" );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (mapping == KAMDeActivateNodeName)
+ {
+ //DBG_ARGS8( "CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): Inactivating " );
+ TUint32 iluid(GetLuidL(aLUID,
+ KInventoryMappingURILoc),
+ EDCSActive) );
+ if ( (TInt32)iluid <= 0)
+ {
+ iluid
+ = GetLuidL(
+ aLUID,
+ NSmlDmURI::URISeg(
+ aURI,
+ KInventoryMappingURILoc),
+ EDCSInactive) ;
+ }
+ if (iluid > 0)
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE(SessionL().DeactivateL( iluid ) )
+ ;
+ ret = EExecSuccess;
+ //MAPERROR( erx, ret,_L8("Dectivate %d") );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = EExecDeactivateFailed;
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): case 6 DeActivate Not found node" );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): ASKED NOT SUPPORTED OPERATION '%S'", &mapping );
+ ret = EExecUndefError;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_3( "CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): ILLEGAL LEVEL %d NODE %S", cnt, &aURI );
+ ret = EExecUndefError;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ SetStatusL(aStatusRef, ret) ;
+ }
+void CSCOMOAdapter::ASyncReportL(TUint32 aLuid, const TDesC8& aArgument,
+ const TDownloadTarget aTarget,const TDesC8& aURI)
+ {
+ // while sending generic alert
+ // adapter uses entry stored in database and constructs generic alert
+ // using SyncML framework API.
+ TInt index = 0;
+ // Default max retry count is 5. It is also cenep configurable
+ // Cenrep configuration responsible can change the max retry
+ // count
+ TInt retrycount = 5;
+ CRepository *repository = CRepository::NewLC ( KCRUidPrivateApplicationManagementKeys );
+ repository->Get(KMaxRetryCount,retrycount);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //repository
+ TSmlProfileId profId = KErrNotFound;
+ HBufC8* serverId= NULL;
+ //Retrive Server Information
+ GetServerInfoL(profId, serverId);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(serverId);
+ //Add Download entry to database
+ iAMdb->SaveToDatabaseL(index, aLuid, profId, retrycount, aURI,
+ *serverId, aArgument);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(serverId);
+ }
+void CSCOMOAdapter::SyncReportL(TUint32 aLuid, const TDesC8& aArgument,
+ const TDownloadTarget aTarget,const TDesC8& aURI, TError &aRet )
+ {
+ TInt status = KStatusSuccess;
+ RProperty counter;
+ TInt r=counter.Attach(KUidPSApplicationManagementKeys, KSyncNotifier,
+ EOwnerThread);
+ User::LeaveIfError(r);
+ CSyncService *syncService = CSyncService::NewL(NULL, KDevManServiceStart);
+ if (syncService)
+ {
+ syncService->EnableProgressNoteL(EFalse);
+ }
+ delete syncService;
+ // wait for the previously attached ‘counter’ property to be updated
+ TRequestStatus s;
+ counter.Subscribe(s);
+ User::WaitForRequest(s);
+ CRepository *repository = CRepository::NewLC ( KCRUidPrivateApplicationManagementKeys );
+ repository->Get(KAMSyncStatus,status);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ switch(status)
+ {
+ case KStatusUserCancelled:
+ {
+ aRet = MSmlDmAdapter::EExecUserCancelled;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KStatusDowloadFailedOOM:
+ {
+ aRet = MSmlDmAdapter::EExecDownFailOOM;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KStatusAlternateDownldAuthFail:
+ {
+ aRet = MSmlDmAdapter::EExecAltDwnldAuthFail;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KStatusDownloadFailed:
+ {
+ aRet = MSmlDmAdapter::EExecDownloadFailed;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KStatusPkgValidationFailed:
+ {
+ aRet = MSmlDmAdapter::EExecPkgValidationFail;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KStatusInstallFailedOOM:
+ {
+ aRet = MSmlDmAdapter::EExecInstallOOM;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KStatusInstallFailed:
+ {
+ aRet = MSmlDmAdapter::EExecInstallFailed;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KStatusUnSupportedEnvironment:
+ {
+ aRet = MSmlDmAdapter::EExecOperationReject;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KStatusAltDowldUnavailable:
+ {
+ aRet = MSmlDmAdapter::EExecAltDwnldSrvUnavailable;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ aRet = MSmlDmAdapter::EExecSuccess;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CSCOMOAdapter::GetServerInfoL(TSmlProfileId& aProfId, HBufC8*& aServerId) const
+ {
+ // Open session
+ RSyncMLSession session;
+ session.OpenL();
+ CleanupClosePushL(session);
+ // get current job's id (and usage type)
+ TSmlJobId jobId = KErrNotFound;
+ TSmlUsageType type = ESmlDevMan;
+ session.CurrentJobL(jobId, type);
+ // open currently running job
+ RSyncMLDevManJob dmJob;
+ dmJob.OpenL(session, jobId);
+ CleanupClosePushL(dmJob);
+ // get job's profile id
+ aProfId = dmJob.Profile();
+ // open profile using id in read-only mode
+ RSyncMLDevManProfile dmProf;
+ dmProf.OpenL(session, aProfId, ESmlOpenRead);
+ CleanupClosePushL(dmProf);
+ // get profile's server id
+ aServerId = dmProf.ServerId().AllocL();
+ // close handles
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &dmProf);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &dmJob);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &session);
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateL(
+// const TUint aLuidi,
+// const TDesC8& aURI,
+// const TDesC8& aSourceLUID,
+// const TDeploymentComponentState aTargetState,
+// TError &aRet
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateL(const TUint aLuidi, const TDesC8& aURI,
+ const TDesC8& aSourceLUID,
+ const TDeploymentComponentState aTargetState, TError &aRet)
+ {
+#ifdef __TARM_SYMBIAN_CONVERGENCY //Done by Dipak
+ TPtrC8 uriPtrc = NSmlDmURI::RemoveDotSlash(aURI);
+ //nothing
+ CBufBase *delivered = CBufFlat::NewL( 128);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(delivered);
+#ifdef __TARM_SYMBIAN_CONVERGENCY //Done by Dipak
+ TPtrC8 aclmapping( NSmlDmURI::URISeg( uriPtrc, 4 ) );
+ TPtrC8 aclmapping(NSmlDmURI::URISeg(aURI, 4) );
+ HBufC8 *targetURI = HBufC8::NewLC(KDeployedURI().Length() + aclmapping.Length() );
+ TPtr8 targetPtr(targetURI->Des() );
+ targetPtr.Copy(KDeployedURI);
+ targetPtr.Append(aclmapping);
+ HBufC8 *deployed = Callback().GetLuidAllocL(targetPtr) ;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(deployed);
+ //DBG_ARGS8( "CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateL(): Updating '%S' luid: '%S'" ), &targetPtr, &(*deployed));
+ if ( *deployed == KNullDesC8)
+ {
+ //DBG_ARGS8( "CSCOMOAdapter::UpdateL(): Failed to find to update target '%S'" ), &targetPtr );
+ aRet = EError;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Found delivered & active or inactive components! Do update!
+ TInt depluid(DesToIntL( *deployed ));
+ TRAPD( erx, SessionL().UpdateL( aLuidi, depluid ) )
+ ;
+ MAPERROR( erx, aRet,_L8("Update %d") );
+ if (erx == KErrNone)
+ {
+ SetMappingLC(aclmapping, aTargetState, aSourceLUID, targetURI);
+ DeactivateIfInactive(aLuidi, aTargetState);
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(deployed) ;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(targetURI) ;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(delivered) ;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateL( const TDeploymentComponent &aComp, const TDesC8& aURI
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateL(const TDeploymentComponent &aComp,
+ const TDesC8& aURI)
+ {
+ TBool ret;
+ if ((aComp.iState == EDCSDelivered) || (aComp.iState == EDCSActive) || ( aComp.iState == EDCSInactive) || (aComp.iState == EDCSDownload))
+ {
+ // Check for map & __TARM_SYMBIAN_CONVERGENCY also ?
+ ret = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ ret = EFalse;
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::StateL( const TDeploymentComponent &aComp, const TDesC8& aURI
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TDeploymentComponentState CSCOMOAdapter::StateL(const TDesC8& aURI)
+ {
+#ifdef __TARM_SYMBIAN_CONVERGENCY //Done by Dipak
+ TPtrC8 uriPtrc = NSmlDmURI::RemoveDotSlash(aURI);
+ //nothing
+ TDeploymentComponentState ret(EDCSNone);
+#ifdef __TARM_SYMBIAN_CONVERGENCY //Done by Dipak
+ TInt cnt( NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs( uriPtrc ) );
+ TInt cnt(NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs(aURI) );
+ if (cnt > 2)
+ {
+#ifdef __TARM_SYMBIAN_CONVERGENCY //Done by Dipak
+ TPtrC8 map( NSmlDmURI::URISeg( uriPtrc, 2 ) );
+ TPtrC8 map(NSmlDmURI::URISeg(aURI, 2) );
+ if (map == KAMInventoryNodeName)
+ {
+#ifdef __TARM_SYMBIAN_CONVERGENCY //Done by Dipak
+ TPtrC8 map( NSmlDmURI::URISeg( uriPtrc, 2 ) );
+ TPtrC8 map(NSmlDmURI::URISeg(aURI, 2) );
+ map.Set(NSmlDmURI::URISeg(aURI, 3) );
+ if (map == KAMDeployedNodeName)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ if (map == KAMDeliveredNodeName)
+ {
+ ret = EDCSDelivered;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (map == KAMDownloadNodeName)
+ {
+ ret = EDCSDownload;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateL(const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID)
+ {
+ TUint32 iluid(DesToIntL(aLUID) );
+ TDeploymentComponent comp;
+ TInt err(SessionL().DeploymentComponent(iluid, comp) );
+ TBool ret(EFalse);
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ ret = CheckStateL(comp, aURI);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::InstallOptionsDataL(const TUint32 iluid, const TDeplCompAttrType& aDataType,
+// CBufBase &aBuf, CBufBase *aRaw/*= NULL*/)
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::InstallOptionsDataL(const TUint32 iluid,
+ const TDeplCompAttrType& aDataType, CBufBase &aBuf, CBufBase *aRaw/*= NULL*/)
+ {
+ TAMInstallOptionsPckgBuf iop;
+ TBool pushed(EFalse);
+ if ( !aRaw)
+ {
+ aRaw = CBufFlat::NewL(32);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(aRaw);
+ pushed = ETrue;
+ SessionL().DeploymentComponentDataL(iluid, aDataType, *aRaw);
+ }
+ iop.Copy(aRaw->Ptr( 0) );
+ if (pushed)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(aRaw);
+ }
+ InstallOptionsParser::SerializeOptionsL(iop(), aBuf);
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::GetComponentDataL( const TDesC8& parent, const TDesC8& mapping,
+// const TUint32 iluid, CBufBase *currentList, CBufBase *currentMime, TError &status )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::GetComponentDataL(const TDesC8& parent,
+ const TDesC8& mapping, const TUint32 iluid, CBufBase ¤tList,
+ CBufBase ¤tMime, TError &status)
+ {
+ TDeploymentComponent comp;
+ TInt err(SessionL().DeploymentComponent(iluid, comp) );
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ RDEBUG_3( "CSCOMOAdapter::GetComponentDataL(): DeploymentComponent response: %d, state: %d", err, comp.iState );
+ if (CheckStateL(comp, parent) )
+ {
+ if (mapping == KAMPkgIDNodeName)
+ {
+ currentList.InsertL( 0, comp.iPkgID);
+ status = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ if (mapping == KAMNameNodeName)
+ {
+ currentList.InsertL( 0, comp.iName);
+ status = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ if (mapping == KAMVersionNodeName)
+ {
+ currentList.InsertL( 0, comp.iVersion);
+ status = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ if(mapping == KAMIDNodeName)
+ {
+ currentList.InsertL( 0, comp.iId);
+ status = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ if(mapping == KAMPkgIDRefNodeName)
+ {
+ currentList.InsertL( 0, comp.iPkgIDRef);
+ status = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ if(mapping == KAMPkgIDNodeName)
+ {
+ currentList.InsertL( 0, comp.iPkgID);
+ status = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ if(mapping == KAMPkgTypeNodeName)
+ {
+ currentList.InsertL( 0, comp.iPkgType);
+ status = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ if ( mapping == KAMStatusNodeName )
+ {
+ TDeplCompAttrType dataType( UpdateFlagFromMapping( mapping ) );
+ SessionL().DeploymentComponentDataL( iluid, dataType, currentList );
+ status = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ if (mapping == KAMDescriptionNodeName)
+ {
+ currentList.InsertL(0, comp.iDescription);
+ status = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TDeplCompAttrType
+ dataType(UpdateFlagFromMapping(mapping) );
+ if (comp.iState == EDCSDownload)
+ {
+ if ( dataType == EDCDownloadURI )//|| dataType == EDCDownloadStatus )
+ {
+ SessionL().DeploymentComponentDataL(iluid,
+ dataType, currentList);
+ status = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ if (dataType == EDCInstallOptions)
+ {
+ InstallOptionsDataL(iluid, dataType,
+ currentList);
+ status = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ if (dataType == EDCConRef)
+ {
+ CBufBase *b = CBufFlat::NewL(4);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(b);
+ SessionL().DeploymentComponentDataL(
+ iluid, dataType, *b);
+ TPckgBuf<TInt> iap;
+ iap.Copy(b->Ptr( 0) );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(b);
+ CArrayFix<TSmlDmMappingInfo>* mapArray = new CArrayFixFlat<TSmlDmMappingInfo>(4);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(mapArray);
+ Callback().GetMappingInfoListL( KNSmlDMMMSSlashIAPUri,*mapArray );
+ //TInt iap = KErrNotFound;
+ TSmlDmMappingInfo mapInfo;
+ HBufC8 * uri = NULL;
+ TPtr8 tempURI(uri->Des());
+ for(TInt i = 0;i<mapArray->Count();i++)
+ {
+ if(iap()==DesToInt(mapArray->At(i).iURISegLUID))
+ {
+ tempURI=mapArray->At(i).iURISeg;
+ }
+ }
+ mapArray->Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //mapArray
+ if ( uri != NULL )
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL( uri );
+ currentList.InsertL( 0, *uri );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( uri );
+ }
+ CNSmlDMIAPMatcher
+ * iapfinder =
+ CNSmlDMIAPMatcher::NewLC( &Callback() );
+ HBufC8
+ * uri =
+ iapfinder->URIFromIAPIdL(iap() ) ;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iapfinder);
+ if (uri != NULL)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL(uri) ;
+ currentList.InsertL( 0, *uri);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(uri) ;
+ }
+ status = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::GetComponentDataL(): ASKED NOT SUPPORTED LEAF '%S'", &mapping );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (comp.iState == EDCSDelivered)
+ {
+ if(mapping == KAMStateValueNodeName)
+ {
+ currentList.InsertL( 0,KAMStateValueDelivered() );
+ status = EOk;
+ }
+ if (dataType == EDCData || dataType
+ == EDCMetaData || dataType
+ == EDCInstallOptions)
+ {
+ CBufBase *raw = CBufFlat::NewL( 128);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(raw);
+ SessionL().DeploymentComponentDataL(
+ iluid, dataType, *raw);
+ TPtrC8 source(raw->Ptr(0) );
+ if (source.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ if (dataType == EDCData)
+ {
+ currentList.InsertL( 0,
+ source);
+ SessionL().DeploymentComponentDataL(
+ iluid, EDCDataMime,
+ currentMime);
+ }
+ else
+ if (dataType
+ == EDCInstallOptions)
+ {
+ InstallOptionsDataL(
+ iluid, dataType,
+ currentList, raw);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ currentList.InsertL( 0,
+ source);
+ SessionL().DeploymentComponentDataL(
+ iluid,
+ EDCMetaDataMime,
+ currentMime);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 0 data length...
+ }
+ status = EOk;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(raw);
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::GetComponentDataL(): DeploymentComponentDataL called '%S'", &mapping );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (dataType == EDCStateValue)
+ {
+ if (comp.iState == EDCSActive)
+ {
+ currentList.InsertL( 0,
+ KAMStateValueActive() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ currentList.InsertL( 0,
+ KAMStateValueInactive() );
+ }
+ status = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::GetComponentDataL(): ERROR ASKED NOT SUPPORTED LEAF '%S'", &mapping );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_3( "CSCOMOAdapter::GetComponentDataL(): WARNING Asked illegal state leaf '%S', %d", &mapping, comp.iState );
+ status = ENotFound;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG_3( "CSCOMOAdapter::GetComponentDataL(): ERROR FAILED TO GET COMPOMENT OF ID %d: %d", iluid, err );
+ MAPERROR( err, status,_L8("Get Component %d") );
+ }
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::GetLeafLuidL(const TDesC8 &aURI, const TDesC8 & aParentMapping )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSCOMOAdapter::GetLeafLuidL(const TDesC8 &aURI,
+ const TDesC8 & aParentMapping)
+ {
+#ifdef __TARM_SYMBIAN_CONVERGENCY //Done by Dipak
+ TPtrC8 uriPtrc = NSmlDmURI::RemoveDotSlash(aURI);
+ TInt numSeqs( NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs( uriPtrc ) );
+ TInt numSeqs(NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs(aURI) );
+ TUint32 iluid( 0);
+ //TInt numSeqs( NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs( aURI ) );//Dipak
+ switch (numSeqs)
+ {
+ case 4: // must be a download leaf
+ {
+ iluid = GetLuidForUserIdL(aParentMapping, EDCSDownload) ;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 5: // download operation or delivered or deployed leaf
+ {
+ if (URISegsUpTo(aURI, 2, ETrue) == KDownloadURI)
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::GetLeafLuidL(): WARNING download operation leaf '%S'", &aURI );
+ //status = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TPtrC8 start(URISegsUpTo(aURI, 3, ETrue) );
+ if (start == KDeliveredURI)
+ {
+ iluid = GetLuidForUserIdL(aParentMapping, EDCSDelivered) ;
+ }
+ else
+ if (start == KDeployedURI)
+ {
+ iluid = GetLuidForUserIdL(aParentMapping, EDCSActive) ;
+ if ( (TInt32)iluid <= 0)
+ {
+ iluid = GetLuidForUserIdL(aParentMapping,
+ EDCSInactive) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::GetLeafLuidL(): WARNING strange uri '%S'", &aURI );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 6: // delivered or deployed operation leaf
+ {
+ //iluid = GetLuidForUserIdL( parentMapping, EDCSDownload ) ;
+ //status = EOk;
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::GetLeafLuidL(): WARNING delivered or deployed operation leaf '%S'", &aURI );
+ break;
+ }
+ default: // illegal uri
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::GetLeafLuidL(): ERROR requested luid of illegal URI '%S'", &aURI );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return iluid;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID, const TDesC8& aType,
+// CBufBase& aObject )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL(const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID,
+ const TDesC8& aType, const TInt aResultsRef, TInt aStatusRef)
+ {
+#ifdef __TARM_SYMBIAN_CONVERGENCY //Done by Dipak
+ TPtrC8 uriPtrc = NSmlDmURI::RemoveDotSlash(aURI);
+ //Nothing
+ RDEBUG8_4("CSCOMOAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL('%S', '%S', '%S'): begin", &aURI, &aLUID, &aType );
+ SetAdapterValue(KAMSCOMOAdapter);
+ CheckStateChangesL();
+ TError status(EError);
+ CBufBase *currentList = CBufFlat::NewL( 128);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(currentList);
+ CBufBase *currentMime = CBufFlat::NewL( 128);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(currentMime);
+ TPtrC8 mapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(aURI) );
+ TPtrC8 parent(NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg(aURI) );
+ TPtrC8 parentMapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(parent) );
+ HBufC8 *luid= NULL;
+ if (aLUID != KNullDesC8)
+ {
+ luid = aLUID.AllocLC();
+ }
+ else
+ { // try if we find it from download path
+ TBuf8<256> down;
+ down = KDownloadURI;
+ down.Append(parentMapping);
+ luid = Callback().GetLuidAllocL(down);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(luid);
+ if ( *luid != KNullDesC8)
+ {
+ // make it to found next time
+ DirectSetMappingL(parent, *luid);
+ MoveAclL(down, parent);
+ // remove old
+ DirectSetMappingL(down, KNullDesC8);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( *luid != KNullDesC8)
+ {
+ TUint32 iluid(DesToIntL( *luid ));
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL(): Luid is : %d", iluid );
+ GetComponentDataL(parent, mapping, iluid, *currentList, *currentMime,
+ status);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TUint32 iluid(GetLeafLuidL(aURI, parentMapping) );
+ if (iluid > 0)
+ {
+ HBufC8 *l = IntToDes8LC(iluid);
+ DirectSetMappingL(parent, *l);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(l);
+ GetComponentDataL(parent, mapping, iluid, *currentList,
+ *currentMime, status);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL(): WARNING Faild to get luid allocation for '%S'", &parent );
+ if (aLUID == KNullDesC8)
+ {
+ if (aURI == KAMLastErrorURI)
+ {
+ const TDesC8& error= LastError();
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL(): Returning last error '%S'", &error );
+ currentList->InsertL(0, error);
+ status = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = ENotFound;
+ }
+ status = ENotFound;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SetStatusL(aStatusRef, status);
+ if (status == EOk)
+ {
+ if (iInAtomic)
+ {
+ iBuffer.Append(TAMCommandBufferElement(aStatusRef, aURI) );
+ }
+ Callback().SetResultsL(aResultsRef, *currentList,
+ ( (currentMime->Size() > 0) ? currentMime->Ptr(0) : aType ));
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(luid);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(currentMime); //currentMime
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(currentList); //currentList
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL: end" );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::IdListL( TDeploymentComponentState aState,
+// CBufBase *aCurrentList, TBool aAppend /* = EFalse */)
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSCOMOAdapter::TError CSCOMOAdapter::IdListL(
+ TDeploymentComponentState aState, CBufBase &aCurrentList,
+ TBool aAppend /* = EFalse */)
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::IdListL:Begin aState is %d", aState);
+ CSCOMOAdapter::TError ret(CSCOMOAdapter::EError);
+ RElementIdArray array;
+ TPtrC8 uriStart;
+ TBuf8<256> uri;
+ switch (aState)
+ {
+ case EDCSDelivered:
+ uriStart.Set(KDeliveredURI);
+ break;
+ case EDCSActive:
+ case EDCSInactive:
+ uriStart.Set(KDeployedURI) ;
+ break;
+ case EDCSDownload:
+ uriStart.Set(KDownloadURI) ;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ TInt err(SessionL().DeploymentComponentIdsL(array, aState) );
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ TInt count(array.Count() );
+ RDEBUG_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::IdListL: count is %d", count);
+ if (count && aAppend && aCurrentList.Size() )
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::IdListL: Inserting list size" );
+ aCurrentList.InsertL(aCurrentList.Size(), KAMSeparator8);
+ }
+ for (TInt i( 0); i < count; i++)
+ {
+ TUint32 el = array[i];
+ TDCUserId dc;
+ SessionL().DeploymentComponentUserIdL(el, dc);
+ RDEBUG_2("CSCOMOAdapter::IdListL: Node name is %S", &dc);
+ if (uriStart == KNullDesC8() )
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::IdListL: uriStart == KNullDesC8()" );
+ TDeploymentComponent comp;
+ err = SessionL().DeploymentComponent(el, comp) ;
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ switch (comp.iState)
+ {
+ case EDCSDelivered:
+ uriStart.Set(KDeliveredURI);
+ break;
+ case EDCSActive:
+ case EDCSInactive:
+ uriStart.Set(KDeployedURI) ;
+ break;
+ case EDCSDownload:
+ uriStart.Set(KDownloadURI) ;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (uriStart != KNullDesC8() )
+ {
+ uri.Copy(uriStart);
+ uri.Append(dc);
+ HBufC8 *luid = DirectGetLuidAllocLC(uri); //Callback().GetLuidAllocL( uri );
+ RDEBUG_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::IdListL: luid is %S", luid);
+ if (KNullDesC8() == *luid)
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_3( "CSCOMOAdapter::IdListL(): WARNING updating lost luid of '%S' %d", &uri, el );
+ HBufC8 *l = IntToDes8LC(el);
+ if ( *luid == *l)
+ {
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::IdListL(): WARNING CANCEL (not really updating, they're the same already" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::IdListL: DirectSetMappingL" );
+ DirectSetMappingL(uri, *l);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(l);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(luid);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::IdListL(): WARNING failed to get component state of id %d, cannot check mappings ", el );
+ }
+ aCurrentList.InsertL(aCurrentList.Size(), dc);
+ if (i + 1 < count)
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::IdListL: Adding Separator" );
+ aCurrentList.InsertL(aCurrentList.Size(), KAMSeparator8);
+ }
+ }
+ ret = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::IdListL(): Error %d", err );
+ }
+ array.Reset();
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::IdListL: end" );
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::ChildURIListL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aParentLUID,
+// const CArrayFix<TSmlDmMappingInfo>& /*aPreviousURISegmentList*/, const TInt aResultsRef,
+// TInt aStatusRef );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::ChildURIListL(const TDesC8& aURI,
+ const TDesC8& aParentLUID,
+ const CArrayFix<TSmlDmMappingInfo>& /*aPreviousURISegmentList*/,
+ const TInt aResultsRef, TInt aStatusRef)
+ {
+#ifdef __TARM_SYMBIAN_CONVERGENCY //Done by Dipak
+ TPtrC8 uriPtrc = NSmlDmURI::RemoveDotSlash(aURI);
+ //Nothing
+ RDEBUG8_3 ( "CSCOMOAdapter::ChildURIListL(): begin ('%S', '%S')" , &aURI, &aParentLUID );
+ CheckStateChangesL();
+ TError ret(EError);
+ CBufBase *currentList = CBufFlat::NewL( 128);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(currentList);
+ TInt numSeqs( NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs( uriPtrc ) );
+ TInt numSeqs(NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs(aURI) );
+ TPtrC8 mapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(aURI) );
+ if (numSeqs == 1)
+ {
+ currentList->InsertL( 0, KAMRootChilds);
+ ret = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ if (numSeqs == 2)
+ {
+ if (mapping == KAMInventoryNodeName)
+ {
+ currentList->InsertL( 0, KAMInventoryChilds);
+ ret = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ if (mapping == KAMDownloadNodeName)
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::ChildURIListL(): Level 2 NODE %S", &aURI );
+ TDeploymentComponentState state(EDCSDownload);
+ ret = IdListL(state, *currentList);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::ChildURIListL(): ILLEGAL LEVEL 2 NODE %S", &aURI );
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (numSeqs == 3)
+ {
+ if (mapping == KAMDeliveredNodeName)
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::ChildURIListL(): Level 3 NODE %S", &aURI );
+ TDeploymentComponentState state(EDCSDelivered);
+ ret = IdListL(state, *currentList);
+ }
+ else
+ if (mapping == KAMDeployedNodeName)
+ {
+ TDeploymentComponentState state(EDCSActive);
+ ret = IdListL(state, *currentList);
+ if (ret == EOk)
+ {
+ state = EDCSInactive;
+ ret = IdListL(state, *currentList, ETrue);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aParentLUID != KNullDesC8)
+ {
+ if (CheckStateL(aURI, aParentLUID) )
+ {
+ TPtrC8
+ parent(NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg(aURI) );
+ TPtrC8
+ parentMapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(parent) );
+ if (parentMapping == KAMDownloadNodeName)
+ {
+ currentList->InsertL( 0,
+ KAMDownloadDynaChilds);
+ ret = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::ChildURIListL(): ILLEGAL LEVEL 3 NODE %S", &aURI );
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::ChildURIListL(): DC has changed state %S", &aURI );
+ ret = ENotFound;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::ChildURIListL(): Level3 Node not found %S", &aURI );
+ ret = ENotFound;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (numSeqs == 4)
+ {
+ TPtrC8 parent(NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg(aURI) );
+ TPtrC8 parentMapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(parent) );
+ if (aParentLUID == KNullDesC8)
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::ChildURIListL(): WARNING possibly a illegal level 4 node %S", &aURI );
+ ret = ENotFound;
+ }
+ if (parentMapping == KAMDeliveredNodeName)
+ {
+ if (GetLuid2L(aParentLUID, mapping, EDCSDelivered,
+ ret) > 0)
+ {
+ currentList->InsertL( 0,
+ KAMInventoryDeliveredDynaChilds);
+ ret = EOk;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (parentMapping == KAMDeployedNodeName)
+ {
+ if (GetLuid2L(aParentLUID, mapping, EDCSActive,
+ ret) > 0)
+ {
+ currentList->InsertL( 0,
+ KAMInventoryDynaChilds);
+ ret = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ if (GetLuid2L(aParentLUID, mapping,
+ EDCSInactive, ret) > 0)
+ {
+ currentList->InsertL( 0,
+ KAMInventoryDynaChilds);
+ ret = EOk;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (mapping == KAMOperationsNodeName)
+ {
+ if (GetLuid2L(aParentLUID, parentMapping,
+ EDCSDownload, ret) > 0)
+ {
+ if (CheckStateL(aURI, aParentLUID) )
+ {
+ currentList->InsertL( 0,
+ KAMDownloadOperationChilds);
+ ret = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::ChildURIListL(): Level3 operations DC changed state '%S'", &aURI );
+ ret = ENotFound;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::ChildURIListL(): Level4 Node not found '%S'", &aURI );
+ ret = ENotFound;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (numSeqs == 5)
+ {
+ if (aParentLUID == KNullDesC8)
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::ChildURIListL(): WARNING possibly a illegal level 5 node %S", &aURI );
+ ret = ENotFound;
+ }
+ if (mapping == KAMOperationsNodeName)
+ {
+ TPtrC8 parent(NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg(aURI) );
+ TPtrC8
+ parentMapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(parent) );
+ TPtrC8 gparent(NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg(parent) );
+ TPtrC8
+ gparentMapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(gparent) );
+ if (gparentMapping == KAMDeliveredNodeName)
+ {
+ if (GetLuid2L(aParentLUID, parentMapping,
+ EDCSDelivered, ret) > 0)
+ {
+ currentList->InsertL( 0,
+ KAMDeliveredOperationChilds);
+ ret = EOk;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (gparentMapping == KAMDeployedNodeName)
+ {
+ if (GetLuid2L(aParentLUID, parentMapping,
+ EDCSActive, ret) > 0)
+ {
+ currentList->InsertL( 0,
+ KAMDeployedOperationChilds);
+ ret = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ if (GetLuid2L(aParentLUID,
+ parentMapping, EDCSInactive,
+ ret) > 0)
+ {
+ currentList->InsertL( 0,
+ KAMDeployedOperationChilds);
+ ret = EOk;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::ChildURIListL(): Level5 Node not found wrong parent '%S'", &aURI );
+ ret = ENotFound;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::ChildURIListL(): Level5 Node not found '%S'", &aURI );
+ ret = ENotFound;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_3( "CSCOMOAdapter::ChildURIListL(): ILLEGAL LEVEL %d NODE %S", numSeqs, &aURI );
+ ret = EError;
+ }
+ SetStatusL(aStatusRef, ret);
+ if (ret == EOk)
+ {
+ if (iInAtomic)
+ {
+ iBuffer.Append(TAMCommandBufferElement(aStatusRef, aURI) );
+ }
+ Callback().SetResultsL(aResultsRef, *currentList, KNullDesC8);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //currentList
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::DeliverOrDownloadL( const TDesC8 &aUserId, const TDesC8 &aURI, TInt aCnt,
+// const TDesC8 &aParentMapping, MSmlDmAdapter::TError &aStatus )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::DeliverOrDownloadL(const TDesC8 &aUserId,
+ const TDesC8 &aURI, TInt aCnt, const TDesC8 &aParentMapping,
+ MSmlDmAdapter::TError &aStatus)
+ {
+#ifdef __TARM_SYMBIAN_CONVERGENCY //Done by Dipak
+ TPtrC8 uriPtrc = NSmlDmURI::RemoveDotSlash(aURI);
+ //Nothing
+ switch (aCnt)
+ {
+ case 3:
+ {
+ if (aParentMapping == KAMDownloadNodeName)
+ {
+ TUint32 luid(SessionL().DownloadL(aUserId) );
+ Callback().SetMappingL(aURI, *IntToDes8LC(luid) );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ aStatus = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::DeliverOrDownloadL(): ERROR Illegal parent");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 4:
+ {
+ if (aParentMapping == KAMDeliveredNodeName)
+ {
+ TUint32 luid(SessionL().DeliverL(aUserId) );
+ Callback().SetMappingL(aURI, *IntToDes8LC(luid) );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ aStatus = EOk;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::DeliverOrDownloadL(): ERROR Illegal parent");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::DeliverOrDownloadL(): ERROR Illegal URI");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::AddNodeObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC& aParentLUID )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::AddNodeObjectL(const TDesC8& aURI,
+ const TDesC8& aParentLUID, TInt aStatusRef)
+ {
+#ifdef __TARM_SYMBIAN_CONVERGENCY //Done by Dipak
+ TPtrC8 uriPtrc = NSmlDmURI::RemoveDotSlash(aURI);
+ TPtrC8 mapping( NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg( uriPtrc ) );
+ TPtrC8 parent( NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg( uriPtrc ) );
+ TPtrC8 parentMapping( NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg( parent ) );
+ TInt cnt( NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs( uriPtrc ) );
+ TPtrC8 mapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(aURI) );
+ TPtrC8 parent(NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg(aURI) );
+ TPtrC8 parentMapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(parent) );
+ TInt cnt(NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs(aURI) );
+ RDEBUG8_3( "CSCOMOAdapter::AddNodeObjectL(): begin '%S', '%S'", &aURI, &aParentLUID );
+ SetAdapterValue(KAMSCOMOAdapter);
+ CheckStateChangesL();
+ TError status(EError);
+ // TPtrC8 mapping( NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg( aURI ) );//Dipak
+ // TPtrC8 parent( NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg( aURI ) );
+ // TPtrC8 parentMapping( NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg( parent ) );
+ // TInt cnt( NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs( aURI ) );
+ TUint32 iluid( GetLuidL( aParentLUID, mapping, (parentMapping == KAMDeliveredNodeName ? EDCSDelivered : ( parentMapping == KAMDownloadNodeName ? EDCSDownload : EDCSNone ) ) ) ) ;
+ if( !iluid)
+ {
+ // This is added for avoiding duplicate node creation in Delivered/Download only.
+ iluid = GetLuidL( aParentLUID, mapping, (parentMapping == KAMDeliveredNodeName ? EDCSDownload:EDCSDelivered ));
+ }
+ if (iluid == 0)
+ {
+ // Not found, add it ...
+ DeliverOrDownloadL(mapping, aURI, cnt, parentMapping, status);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::AddNodeObjectL(): WARNING May Already exists '%d'", iluid );
+ TDeploymentComponent comp;
+ TInt err(SessionL().DeploymentComponent(iluid, comp) );
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::AddNodeObjectL(): ERROR Already exists '%d'", iluid );
+ if (comp.iState == StateL(aURI) )
+ {
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::AddNodeObjectL(): (state is ok) " );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::AddNodeObjectL(): (state is NOK) " );
+ }
+ status = EAlreadyExists;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (err == KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::AddNodeObjectL(): WARNING Already exists but not found '%d'", iluid );
+ DeliverOrDownloadL(mapping, aURI, cnt, parentMapping, status);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::AddNodeObjectL(): ERROR May exists, but failed to fetch get one? '%d'", err );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (status == EOk)
+ {
+ if (iInAtomic)
+ {
+ iBuffer.Append(TAMCommandBufferElement(aStatusRef, aURI) );
+ }
+ }
+ //status = EAcceptedForProcessing;
+ //TInt error = 202;
+ SetStatusL(aStatusRef, status);
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::AddNodeObject(): end" );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::GetSizeL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC& aParentLUID )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSCOMOAdapter::GetSizeL(const TDeplCompAttrType aDataType,
+ const TInt aLuid, TError &aRet)
+ {
+ TInt size( 0);
+ if (aDataType == EDCStateValue)
+ {
+ TDeploymentComponent comp;
+ TInt err(SessionL().DeploymentComponent(aLuid, comp) );
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ if (comp.iState == EDCSActive)
+ {
+ size = KAMStateValueActive().Length();
+ }
+ else if (comp.iState == EDCSDelivered)
+ {
+ size = KAMStateValueDelivered().Length();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size = KAMStateValueInactive().Length() ;
+ }
+ aRet = EOk;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size = SessionL().DeploymentComponentDataSizeL(aLuid, aDataType);
+ aRet = EOk;
+ }
+ return size;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC& aParentLUID )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL(const TDesC8& aURI,
+ const TDesC8& aLUID, const TDesC8& aType, TInt aResultsRef,
+ TInt aStatusRef)
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_4("CSCOMOAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL('%S', '%S', '%S'): begin", &aURI, &aLUID, &aType );
+ CheckStateChangesL();
+ TError status(EError);
+ CBufBase *currentList = CBufFlat::NewL( 128);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(currentList);
+ TPtrC8 mapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(aURI) );
+ TPtrC8 parent(NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg(aURI) );
+ TPtrC8 parentMapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(parent) );
+ TInt size( 0);
+ HBufC8 *luid= NULL;
+ if (aLUID != KNullDesC8)
+ {
+ luid = aLUID.AllocLC();
+ }
+ else
+ { // try if we find it from download path
+ TBuf8<256> down;
+ down = KDownloadURI;
+ down.Append(parentMapping);
+ luid = Callback().GetLuidAllocL(down);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(luid);
+ if ( *luid != KNullDesC8)
+ {
+ // make it to found next time
+ DirectSetMappingL(parent, *luid);
+ MoveAclL(down, parent);
+ // remove old
+ DirectSetMappingL(down, KNullDesC8);
+ }
+ }
+ TDeplCompAttrType dataType(UpdateFlagFromMapping(mapping) );
+ if ( *luid != KNullDesC8)
+ {
+ TUint32 iluid(DesToIntL( *luid ));
+ RDEBUG_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL(): Luid is : %d", iluid );
+ size = GetSizeL(dataType, iluid, status);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TUint32 iluid(GetLeafLuidL(aURI, parentMapping) );
+ if (iluid > 0)
+ {
+ HBufC8 *l = IntToDes8LC(iluid);
+ DirectSetMappingL(parent, *l);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(l);
+ size = GetSizeL(dataType, iluid, status);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL(): WARNING Faild to get luid allocation for '%S'", &parent );
+ if (aLUID == KNullDesC8)
+ {
+ status = ENotFound;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SetStatusL(aStatusRef, status);
+ if (status == EOk && size > 0)
+ {
+ HBufC8 *hsize = IntToDes8LC(size);
+ currentList->InsertL( 0, *hsize);
+ if (iInAtomic)
+ {
+ iBuffer.Append(TAMCommandBufferElement(aStatusRef, aURI) );
+ }
+ Callback().SetResultsL(aResultsRef, *currentList, aType);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(hsize);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(luid);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(currentList); //currentList
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC& aParentLUID )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(const TDesC8& /*aURI*/,
+ const TDesC8& /*aLUID*/, RWriteStream*& /*aStream*/,
+ const TDesC8& /*aType*/, TInt /*aStatusRef*/)
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(stream): begin (NOT SUPPORTED)");
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::CopyCommandL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC& aParentLUID )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::CopyCommandL(const TDesC8& /*aTargetURI*/,
+ const TDesC8& /*aTargetLUID*/, const TDesC8& /*aSourceURI*/,
+ const TDesC8& /*aSourceLUID*/, const TDesC8& /*aType*/,
+ TInt aStatusRef)
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::CopyCommandL(): begin (NOT SUPPORTED)");
+ SetStatusL(aStatusRef, EError);
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::StartAtomicL( )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::StartAtomicL()
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::StartAtomicL(): begin (NOT properly SUPPORTED)");
+ iInAtomic = ETrue;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::CommitAtomicL( )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::CommitAtomicL()
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::CommitAtomicL(): begin (NOT SUPPORTED)");
+ iInAtomic = EFalse; // the initial statuses are already set
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::RollbackAtomicL( )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::RollbackAtomicL()
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::RollbackAtomicL(): begin (NOT properly SUPPORTED)");
+ TInt count(iBuffer.Count() );
+ for (TInt i( 0); i < count; i++)
+ {
+ TAMCommandBufferElement &pm(iBuffer[i]);
+ SetStatusL(pm.iStatusRef, ERollbackFailed);
+ }
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::StreamingSupport( )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSCOMOAdapter::StreamingSupport(TInt& aItemSize)
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::StreamingSupport(): begin");
+ //aItemSize = 1024;
+ // After Generic alert is sent delete that entry from database and notify
+ // AM server to delete the appropriate entry in its database.
+ if(aItemSize == KNSmlDMResetGenAlerts)
+ {
+ TSmlProfileId profId = 0;
+ HBufC8* serverId = NULL;
+ TRAP_IGNORE(GetServerInfoL( profId, serverId ));
+ TUint32 internalid;
+ RPointerArray<CAMDbItem> genericalerts;
+ // Get generic alert entry from Database for particular server ID.
+ TRAPD(err, iAMdb->GetEntryForServerIDL(genericalerts, *serverId));
+ if (genericalerts.Count()!= KErrNone && err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ for(TInt i=0; i<genericalerts.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ internalid = genericalerts[i]->iLUID;
+ // Delete the all the generic alert details from SCOMO adapeter DB
+ // Also delete the appropriate entry from AM Server DB as well.
+ TRAP_IGNORE(iAMdb->DeleteFromDatabaseL(internalid));
+ TRAP_IGNORE(SessionL().GenericAlertSentL(internalid));
+ }
+ }
+ genericalerts.ResetAndDestroy();
+ delete serverId;
+ _LIT(KNull,"");
+ // No monitoring required after generic alert is sent
+ TInt err_rep = KErrNone;
+ CRepository *repository1 = NULL;
+ TRAP(err_rep, repository1 =CRepository::NewL ( KCRUidDeviceManagementInternalKeys ));
+ if(err_rep == KErrNone)
+ {
+ repository1 ->Set(KDevManServerIdKey ,KNull);
+ repository1 ->Set(KDevManIapIdKey, KErrNone);
+ repository1 ->Set(KDevManEnableDMNetworkMon, KErrNone);
+ }
+ if(repository1)
+ delete repository1;
+ }
+ aItemSize = 1024;
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::StreamingSupport(): end");
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::StreamCommittedL( )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::StreamCommittedL( RWriteStream& /*aStream*/)
+void CSCOMOAdapter::StreamCommittedL()
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::StreamCommittedL(): begin");
+ if (iStreamOpen)
+ {
+ iStream.CommitL();
+ }
+ MSmlDmAdapter::TError status = EOk;
+ TRAPD( err, _UpdateLeafObjectL( *iStreamedURI, *iStreamedLuid, KNullDesC8(), *iStreamedType, iStatusRef, status ) )
+ ;
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2("CSCOMOAdapter::StreamCommittedL(): _UpdateLeafObjectL returned error (%d)", err);
+ }
+ iIsStreamedContent = EFalse;
+ iStreamOpen = EFalse;
+ Callback().SetStatusL(iStatusRef, status);
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::StreamCommittedL(): end");
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::CloseStreaming( )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::CloseStreaming()
+ {
+ if (iStreamOpen)
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::CloseStreaming(): closing");
+ iStreamFile.Close(); // !!! Closing this will also close the iStreamRFs because it is adopted from server
+ iStreamOpen = EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::CompleteOutstandingCmdsL()
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::CompleteOutstandingCmdsL()
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::CompleteOutstandingCmdsL(): begin");
+ /* iManagement.Close();
+ iSessionOpened = EFalse ;*/
+ iBuffer.Reset();
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::CompleteOutstandingCmdsL(): Management session closed");
+ }
+// ------------------
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] =
+ {
+ //
+ };
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy( TInt& aTableCount )
+ {
+ aTableCount = sizeof( ImplementationTable ) / sizeof( TImplementationProxy );
+ return ImplementationTable;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSCOMOAdapter::DesToIntL(const TDesC8& aLuid)
+ {
+ TLex8 lex(aLuid);
+ TInt value = 0;
+ User::LeaveIfError(lex.Val(value) );
+ return value;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC8* CSCOMOAdapter::IntToDes8LC(const TInt aLuid)
+ {
+ HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC( 10); //10 = max length of 32bit integer
+ TPtr8 ptrBuf = buf->Des();
+ ptrBuf.Num(aLuid);
+ return buf;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iAMdb = CSCOMOAdapterDb::NewL();
+ iDbSession.ConnectL();
+ User::LeaveIfError(iDbSession.Connect());
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::SetStatusL( TInt aStatusRef, MSmlDmAdapter::TError aErrorCode )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::SetStatusL(TInt aStatusRef,
+ MSmlDmAdapter::TError aErrorCode)
+ {
+ RDEBUG_3("CSCOMOAdapter::SetStatusL( %d, %d )", aStatusRef, aErrorCode );
+ Callback().SetStatusL(aStatusRef, aErrorCode);
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::SetResultsL( TInt aResultsRef, CBufBase& aObject, const TDesC8& aType )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::SetResultsL(TInt aResultsRef, CBufBase& aObject,
+ const TDesC8& aType)
+ {
+ Callback().SetResultsL(aResultsRef, aObject, aType);
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::FillNodeInfoL()
+// Fills the node info in ddf structure
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::FillNodeInfoL(MSmlDmDDFObject& aNode,
+ TSmlDmAccessTypes aAccTypes, MSmlDmDDFObject::TOccurence aOccurrence,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::TScope aScope, MSmlDmDDFObject::TDFFormat aFormat,
+ const TDesC8& aDescription)
+ {
+ FillNodeInfoNoDefaultMimeL(aNode, aAccTypes, aOccurrence, aScope,
+ aFormat, aDescription);
+ if (aFormat!=MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode)
+ {
+ aNode.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL(KAMTextPlain);
+ }
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::FillNodeInfoNoDefaultMimeL()
+// Fills the node info in ddf structure, without default mime type
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::FillNodeInfoNoDefaultMimeL(MSmlDmDDFObject& aNode,
+ TSmlDmAccessTypes aAccTypes, MSmlDmDDFObject::TOccurence aOccurrence,
+ MSmlDmDDFObject::TScope aScope, MSmlDmDDFObject::TDFFormat aFormat,
+ const TDesC8& aDescription)
+ {
+ aNode.SetAccessTypesL(aAccTypes);
+ aNode.SetOccurenceL(aOccurrence);
+ aNode.SetScopeL(aScope);
+ aNode.SetDFFormatL(aFormat);
+ aNode.SetDescriptionL(aDescription);
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesInternalL()
+// Updates the changed DC states to DM client mappings and ACLs
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesInternalL()
+ {
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesLInternal(): begin" );
+ if ( !iUpdated)
+ {
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesLInternal(): !iUpdated" );
+ RElementIdArray arr;
+ CleanupClosePushL(arr);
+ SessionL().CheckStatusNodesL();
+ RElementIdArray array;
+ TInt err( SessionL().DeploymentComponentIdsL( array, EDCSActive ) ); //to sync with SIS/Java registry
+ err = SessionL().DeploymentComponentIdsL( array, EDCSInactive ); //to sync with SIS/Java registry
+ CleanupClosePushL(array);
+ err = SessionL().StateChangingDCIdsL(arr);
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ TInt c(arr.Count() );
+ for (TInt i( 0); i < c; i++)
+ {
+ TDeploymentComponent comp;
+ err = iManagement.DeploymentComponent(arr[i], comp);
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ TDCUserId dc;
+ SessionL().DeploymentComponentUserIdL(arr[i], dc);
+ const TInt KNSmlDmMaxUriLength = 256;
+ HBufC8 *uri = HBufC8::NewLC(KNSmlDmMaxUriLength);
+ TPtr8 puri(uri->Des() );
+ RDmTreeNode uriNode;
+ CleanupClosePushL(uriNode);
+ RBuf8 acl;
+ acl.CreateL(128);
+ CleanupClosePushL(acl);
+ HBufC8 *newUri = HBufC8::NewLC( KNSmlDmMaxUriLength );
+ TPtr8 pnewUri( newUri->Des() );
+ RDmTreeNode newUriNode;
+ CleanupClosePushL(newUriNode);
+ CBufBase* acl = CBufFlat::NewL( 128);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(acl);
+ HBufC8 *newUri = HBufC8::NewLC(KNSmlDmMaxUriLength);
+ TPtr8 pnewUri(newUri->Des() );
+ switch (comp.iOldState)
+ {
+ case EDCSDelivered:
+ {
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesLInternal(): Old State = EDCSDelivered" );
+ puri.Copy(KDeliveredURI() );
+ puri.Append(dc);
+ HBufC8 *luid = DirectGetLuidAllocLC(puri);
+ if ( *luid == KNullDesC8)
+ { // probably moved already
+ iManagement.StateChangeComplete(arr[i]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // "Nullify" the old mapping
+ //DirectSetMappingL( puri, KNullDesC8 );
+ DirectRemoveMappingL(puri);
+ iDbSession.OpenNodeL(puri, uriNode, RDmTree::EReadOnly);
+ uriNode.DmPropertyL( DevMan::EACL, acl );
+ err = iDbSession.GetAclL(puri, *acl, EFalse); // no need for inherited
+ // Determine new uri
+ switch (comp.iState)
+ {
+ case EDCSActive:
+ case EDCSInactive: // both have same node
+ {
+ pnewUri.Copy(KDeployedURI() );
+ pnewUri.Append(dc);
+ DirectSetMappingL(pnewUri, *luid);
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iDbSession.OpenNodeL(pnewUri, newUriNode, RDmTree::EReadOnly);
+ uriNode.RemoveDmPropertyL( DevMan::EACL );
+ newUriNode.SetDmPropertyL( DevMan::EACL, acl );
+ err = iDbSession.DeleteAclL(puri);
+ err = iDbSession.UpdateAclL(
+ pnewUri, acl->Ptr( 0) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2("CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesL: ERROR Failed to get acl from %d ", err );
+ }
+ iManagement.StateChangeComplete(arr[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2("CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesL: WARNING Illegal state change from delivered to %d ", comp.iState );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(luid);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EDCSDownload:
+ {
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesLInternal(): Old State = EDCSDownload" );
+ puri.Copy(KDownloadURI() );
+ //check DC contains SCOMODefault.
+ TBuf8<256> staticnode;
+ TInt staticnodeenabled = 0;
+ CRepository* cenrep = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidPrivateApplicationManagementKeys );
+ cenrep->Get( KAMDownloadPredefinedNode, staticnode );
+ cenrep->Get( KAMStaticNodeEnabled, staticnodeenabled );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //cenrep
+ if (dc.Find(staticnode) != KErrNotFound && staticnodeenabled)
+ {
+ puri.Append(staticnode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ puri.Append(dc);
+ }
+ HBufC8 *luid = DirectGetLuidAllocLC(puri); //Callback().GetLuidAllocL( puri );
+ //CleanupStack::PushL( luid );
+ if ( *luid == KNullDesC8)
+ { // probably moved already
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(luid);
+ puri.Copy(KDeliveredURI() );
+ puri.Append(dc);
+ luid = DirectGetLuidAllocLC(puri); //Callback().GetLuidAllocL( puri );
+ if ( *luid == KNullDesC8)
+ { // probably moved already
+ iManagement.StateChangeComplete(arr[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iDbSession.OpenNodeL(puri, uriNode, RDmTree::EReadOnly);
+ uriNode.DmPropertyL( DevMan::EACL, acl );
+ err = iDbSession.GetAclL(puri, *acl, EFalse); // no need for inherited
+ // "Nullify" the old mapping
+ //DirectSetMappingL( puri, KNullDesC8 );
+ DirectRemoveMappingL(puri);
+ switch (comp.iState)
+ {
+ case EDCSActive:
+ case EDCSInactive: // both have same node
+ {
+ pnewUri.Copy(KDeployedURI() );
+ pnewUri.Append(dc);
+ DirectSetMappingL(pnewUri, *luid);
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iDbSession.OpenNodeL(pnewUri, newUriNode, RDmTree::EReadOnly);
+ uriNode.RemoveDmPropertyL( DevMan::EACL );
+ newUriNode.SetDmPropertyL( DevMan::EACL, acl );
+ err = iDbSession.DeleteAclL(puri);
+ err = iDbSession.UpdateAclL(
+ pnewUri, acl->Ptr( 0) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2("CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesL: ERROR Failed to get acl from %d ", err );
+ }
+ iManagement.StateChangeComplete(arr[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EDCSDelivered:
+ {
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesLInternal(): Current State = EDCSDelivered" );
+ pnewUri.Copy(KDeliveredURI() );
+ pnewUri.Append(dc);
+ DirectSetMappingL(pnewUri, *luid);
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iDbSession.OpenNodeL(pnewUri, newUriNode, RDmTree::EReadOnly);
+ uriNode.RemoveDmPropertyL( DevMan::EACL );
+ newUriNode.SetDmPropertyL( DevMan::EACL, acl );
+ err = iDbSession.DeleteAclL(puri);
+ err = iDbSession.UpdateAclL(
+ pnewUri, acl->Ptr( 0) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2("CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesL: ERROR Failed to get acl from %d ", err );
+ }
+ iManagement.StateChangeComplete(arr[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2("CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesL: WARNING Illegal state change from delivered to %d ", comp.iState );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(luid);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EDCSActive:
+ case EDCSInactive: // these both are in same node
+ {
+ RDEBUG_3("CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesL: No need to move anything in change from %d to %d ", comp.iOldState, comp.iState );
+ iManagement.StateChangeComplete(arr[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &newUriNode );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( newUri );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &uriNode );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &acl );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( uri );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(newUri);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(acl);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(uri);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2("CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesL: ERROR Failed to get component: %d ", err );
+ }
+ }
+ iUpdated = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2("CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesL: ERROR Failed to get state change dcs: %d ", err );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &array);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &arr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDEBUG("CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesL: Already updated! ");
+ }
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesL(): end" );
+ DBG_ARGS8( "CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesL(): disabled" );
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesL()
+// Updates acl and mapping trees to match state changes
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesL()
+ {
+ iCertRequired = EFalse;
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesL(): iCertRequired = EFalse" );
+ TRAPD( err, CheckStateChangesInternalL() )
+ ;
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ RDEBUG_2("CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesL(): warning failed to check state changes %d", err );
+ }
+ iCertRequired = ETrue;
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesL(): iCertRequired = ETrue" );
+ if ( !iTrustAdded)
+ {
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesL(): Adding Trust Closing Session" );
+ iManagement.Close();
+ iSessionOpened = EFalse;
+ RApplicationManagement &session = SessionL();
+ RDEBUG( "CSCOMOAdapter::CheckStateChangesL(): Adding Trust new session started" );
+ }
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::URISegsUpTo(const TDesC8& aURI, TInt aUpTo)
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TPtrC8 CSCOMOAdapter::URISegsUpTo(const TDesC8& aURI, TInt aUpTo,
+ TBool aInclKeno/*=EFalse*/)
+ {
+ TPtrC8 ret;
+ TInt numOfURISegs( 0);
+ for (TInt i( 0); i < aURI.Length() && ret.Ptr() == NULL; i++)
+ {
+ if (aURI[i] == KNSmlDMUriSeparator)
+ {
+ numOfURISegs++;
+ if (aUpTo == numOfURISegs)
+ {
+ if (aInclKeno && aURI.Length() > i+1)
+ {
+ ret.Set(aURI.Left(i + 1) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret.Set(aURI.Left(i) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::DirectGetLuidAllocLC( const TDesC8 &aURI )
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC8 *CSCOMOAdapter::DirectGetLuidAllocLC(const TDesC8 &aURI)
+ {
+ HBufC8 *ret = Callback().GetLuidAllocL( aURI );
+ HBufC8* ret = iDbSession.GetLuidAllocL(KAMAdapterImplUid, aURI);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(ret);
+ return ret;
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::DirectSetMappingL( const TDesC8 &aURI, const TDesC8 &aLUID )
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSCOMOAdapter::DirectSetMappingL(const TDesC8 &aURI, const TDesC8 &aLUID)
+ {
+ TRAPD( err, Callback().SetMappingL( aURI, aLUID ) );
+ TInt err(iDbSession.AddMappingInfoL(KAMAdapterImplUid, aURI, aLUID) );
+ return err;
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::MoveAclL( const TDesC8 &aFrom, const TDesC8 &aTo )
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::MoveAclL(const TDesC8 &aFrom, const TDesC8 &aTo)
+ {
+ RDmTreeNode from;
+ CleanupClosePushL(from);
+ RDmTreeNode to;
+ CleanupClosePushL(to);
+ RBuf8 acl;
+ acl.CreateL(128);
+ CleanupClosePushL(acl);
+ iDbSession.OpenNodeL(aFrom, from, RDmTree::EReadOnly);
+ TRAPD( err, from.DmPropertyL( DevMan::EACL, acl ) );
+ if ( err == KErrNone )
+ {
+ iDbSession.OpenNodeL(aTo, to, RDmTree::EReadOnly);
+ from.RemoveDmPropertyL( DevMan::EACL );
+ to.SetDmPropertyL( DevMan::EACL, acl );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3, &from );
+ CBufBase *acl = CBufFlat::NewL( 128);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(acl);
+ TInt err(iDbSession.GetAclL(aFrom, *acl, EFalse) ); // no need for inherited
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ err = iDbSession.DeleteAclL(aFrom);
+ err = iDbSession.UpdateAclL(aTo, acl->Ptr( 0) );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(acl);
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::SetMappingL( const TDesC8 &aOriginalURI,
+// const TDeploymentComponentState aTargetState, const TDesC8 &aLUID )
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::SetMappingL(const TDesC8 &aOriginalURI,
+ const TDeploymentComponentState aTargetState, const TDesC8 &aLUID)
+ {
+ HBufC8 * targeturi= NULL;
+ SetMappingLC(aOriginalURI, aTargetState, aLUID, targeturi);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(targeturi);
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::SetMappingLC( const TDesC8 &aOriginalURI,
+// const TDeploymentComponentState aTargetState, const TDesC8 &aLUID,
+// HBufC8 *&aNewUri )
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::SetMappingLC(const TDesC8 &aOriginalURI,
+ const TDeploymentComponentState aTargetState, const TDesC8 &aLUID,
+ HBufC8 *&aNewUri)
+ {
+ // "Nullify" the mapping for argument
+ DirectSetMappingL(aOriginalURI, KNullDesC8);
+ // Determine new uri for aArgument
+ TPtrC8 puri;
+ if (aNewUri == NULL)
+ {
+ TPtrC8 argMapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(aOriginalURI) );
+ TPtrC8 target;
+ if (aTargetState == EDCSInactive || aTargetState == EDCSActive)
+ {
+ target.Set(KDeployedURI() );
+ }
+ else
+ if (aTargetState == EDCSDelivered)
+ {
+ target.Set(KDeliveredURI() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ aNewUri = HBufC8::NewLC(target.Length() + argMapping.Length() );
+ TPtr8 p(aNewUri->Des() );
+ p.Copy(target);
+ p.Append(argMapping);
+ puri.Set(p);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ puri.Set( *aNewUri);
+ }
+ DirectSetMappingL(puri, aLUID);
+ MoveAclL(aOriginalURI, puri);
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSCOMOAdapter::SetLastErrorL( const TDesC8& aLastError, const TInt aError )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::SetLastErrorL(const TDesC8& aLastError, const TInt aError)
+ {
+ if (iLastError)
+ {
+ TPtrC8 p(*iLastError);
+ RDEBUG8_2( "CSCOMOAdapter::SetLastErrorL: clearing last error %S", &p);
+ delete iLastError;
+ iLastError = NULL;
+ }
+ iLastError = HBufC8::NewL(aLastError.Length() + 10);
+ iLastError->Des().Format(aLastError, aError);
+ }
+const TDesC8& CSCOMOAdapter::LastError()
+ {
+ return iLastError == NULL ? KNullDesC8() : *iLastError;
+ }
+TPtrC8 CSCOMOAdapter::LastURISeg(const TDesC8& aURI)
+ {
+ TInt i;
+ for (i=aURI.Length()-1; i>=0; i--)
+ {
+ if (aURI[i]==KNSmlDMAMSeparatorDef)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i==0)
+ {
+ return aURI;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return aURI.Mid(i+1);
+ }
+ }
+TInt CSCOMOAdapter::DesToInt(const TDesC8& aLuid)
+ {
+ TLex8 lex(aLuid);
+ TInt value = 0;
+ lex.Val(value);
+ return value;
+ }
+void CSCOMOAdapter::CheckAndAddPredefinedNodeL()
+ {
+ // Check if SCOMODefault node addition is enabled.
+ TInt staticnodeenabled = 0;
+ CRepository* cenrep = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidPrivateApplicationManagementKeys );
+ cenrep->Get( KAMStaticNodeEnabled, staticnodeenabled );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //cenrep
+ if(staticnodeenabled)
+ {
+ TBuf8<KMaxFullName> temp;
+ GetPredefinedNodeL(temp);
+ if (temp.Length())
+ {
+ TBuf8<KMaxFullName> temp1;
+ temp1.Zero();
+ temp1.Copy(KAMNodeName);
+ temp1.Append(KAMSeparator8);
+ temp1.Append(KAMDownloadNodeName);
+ temp1.Append(KAMSeparator8);
+ temp1.Append(temp);
+ HBufC8* luid = DirectGetLuidAllocLC(temp1);
+ if (luid->Length() > 0)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(luid);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Not found, add node and mapping ...
+ //TError status(EError);
+ TPtrC8 mapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(temp1) );
+ TPtrC8 parent(NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg(temp1) );
+ TPtrC8 parentMapping(NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(parent) );
+ TInt cnt(NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs(temp1) );
+ TUint32 newLuid(SessionL().DownloadL(mapping));
+ //Callback().SetMappingL( temp1, *IntToDes8LC( newLuid ) );
+ //CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ DirectSetMappingL(temp1, *IntToDes8LC(newLuid) );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // for IntToDes8LC()
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(luid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAmAdapter::GetPredefinedNodeL()
+// Gets predefined node for Download object from cenrep
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSCOMOAdapter::GetPredefinedNodeL(TDes8& aNode)
+ {
+ CRepository* centrep( NULL);
+ aNode.Zero();
+ centrep = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidPrivateApplicationManagementKeys );
+ if ( centrep )
+ {
+ TBuf8<256> temp;
+ TInt err = centrep->Get( KAMDownloadPredefinedNode, temp );
+ if (centrep->Get( KAMDownloadPredefinedNode, temp )==KErrNone && temp.Length() )
+ {
+ temp.Trim();
+ aNode.Copy(temp);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(centrep);
+ }
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAmAdapter::DirectRemoveMappingL( const TDesC8 &aURI )
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSCOMOAdapter::DirectRemoveMappingL( const TDesC8 &aURI )
+ {
+ TRAPD( err, Callback().SetMappingL( aURI, aLUID ) );
+ TInt err( iDbSession.RemoveMappingInfoL( KAMAdapterImplUid, aURI, ETrue ) );
+ return err;
+ }
+TInt CSCOMOAdapter::GetAdapterValue()
+ {
+ TInt adapterValue;
+ CRepository *repository = NULL;
+ TRAPD( err, repository = CRepository::NewL ( KCRUidPrivateApplicationManagementKeys ) );
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ err = repository->Get(KAMAdapterValue, adapterValue);
+ }
+ delete repository;
+ repository = NULL;
+ return adapterValue;
+ }
+void CSCOMOAdapter::SetAdapterValue(TInt aAdapterValue)
+ {
+ CRepository *repository = NULL;
+ TRAPD( err, repository = CRepository::NewL ( KCRUidPrivateApplicationManagementKeys ) );
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ err = repository->Set(KAMAdapterValue, aAdapterValue);
+ }
+ delete repository;
+ repository = NULL;
+ }
+TBool CSCOMOAdapter::RecognizeMimeType(const TDesC8& aMimeType)
+ {
+ TBool isSupportedMimeType = EFalse;
+ if ((aMimeType == KSisxMimeType )||(aMimeType == KSisMimeType )||(aMimeType == KPipMimeType )||
+ (aMimeType == KJadMIMEType )||(aMimeType == KJarMIMEType )||(aMimeType == KJavaMIMEType ))
+ {
+ isSupportedMimeType = ETrue;
+ }
+ return isSupportedMimeType;
+ }
+// End of File