--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applicationmanagement/server/inc/ApplicationManagementServer.h Thu Dec 17 08:40:12 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ *
+ * Description: Implementation of applicationmanagement components
+ *
+ */
+#include <SyncMLClient.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+#include <SWInstApi.h>
+#include <ssl.h>
+#include <swi/launcher.h>
+#include <swi/sisregistrysession.h>
+#include <swi/sisregistrypackage.h>
+#include <swi/sisregistryentry.h>
+#include <DownloadMgrClient.h>
+#include "ApplicationManagementClientServer.h"
+#include "PlatformSecurityPolicies.h"
+#include "AMDeploymentComponent.h"
+#include "amstorage.h"
+#include "ApplicationManagementUtility.h"
+#include "AMDownloaddb.h"
+#include "AMDownloadManager.h"
+const TInt KBase64BufSize = 131072;
+class CAppMgmtSrvApp;
+namespace NApplicationManagement
+ {
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------
+ // ApplicationManagement server panic codes
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------
+ enum TApplicationManagementPanic
+ {
+ EPanicGeneral,
+ EBadSubsessionHandle,
+ EPanicIllegalFunction,
+ EBadDescriptor
+ };
+ void PanicClient(const RMessagePtr2& aMessage,
+ TApplicationManagementPanic aPanic);
+ class CShutdown : public CTimer
+ {
+ enum
+ {
+ KApplicationManagementShutdownDelay = 0x3000000 // approx 30s
+ };
+ inline CShutdown();
+ inline void ConstructL();
+ inline void Start();
+ inline void Stop();
+ void RunL();
+ };
+ /**
+ * CApplicationManagementServer
+ * Description.
+ */
+ class CApplicationManagementServer : public CAknAppServer,
+ public MDownloadMngrObserver
+ {
+ static CApplicationManagementServer* NewL();
+ ~CApplicationManagementServer();
+ void Panic(TInt aPanicCode);
+ void AddSession();
+ void DropSession();
+ CPolicyServer::TCustomResult CreateServiceSecurityCheckL(
+ TUid aServiceType, const RMessage2& aMsg, TInt& aAction,
+ TSecurityInfo& aMissing);
+ CApplicationManagementServer();
+ virtual void ConstructL(const TDesC &aServerName);
+ /*CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion,
+ const RMessage2& aMessage) const;*/
+ //From CPolicyServer
+ CPolicyServer::TCustomResult
+ CustomSecurityCheckL(const RMessage2& aMsg, TInt& aAction,
+ TSecurityInfo& aMissing);
+ // browses sis registry
+ void LookupSisRegistryL();
+ //New methods
+ void DownloadCompleteL(CDeploymentComponent *aComponent, TInt iapid,
+ HBufC8* aServerId);
+ void InstallCompleteL(const CDeploymentComponent &aCompo,
+ const TBool &aInstallSuccess=ETrue);
+ TInt GetErrorStatus(TInt aErrorDownload, TInt aErrorInstall);
+ void EnableDMNetworkMonL(TInt iapid, HBufC8 *aServerId);
+ /**
+ * Storage Returns the storage
+ * @return The storage pointer
+ */
+ inline CDeliveryComponentStorage *Storage()
+ {
+ return iStorage;
+ }
+ /**
+ * UninstallL Uninstalls the given deployment component.
+ * @param aComponent The component to be uninstalled
+ * @param aStatus TRequestStatus of the call
+ */
+ void UninstallL(const CDeploymentComponent &aComponent,
+ TRequestStatus &aStatus);
+ void AddDownloadL(CDeploymentComponent *aComponent);
+ void PerformRFSL();
+ void RemoveInternalL(const CDeploymentComponent &aCompo,
+ TBool aDoUninstall = ETrue);
+ TBool CheckCertL(const TCertInfo &aInfo) const;
+ void DoTheInstallL(CDeploymentComponent &aCompo);
+ void GetAMServerDownloadDBL(TUint32 internalid, TInt& finalresult,
+ TDes8& atargetURI);
+ TBool IsOMASCOMOEnabledL();
+ /**
+ * JavaUidsL Returns java uids.
+ * @param aUids the array to hold uids
+ */
+ void JavaUidsL(RArray<TUid> &aUids) const;
+ /**
+ * FullUpdateL updates target with source
+ * @param sid Source deployment component id
+ * @param tid Target deployment component id
+ */
+ void FullUpdateL(const TUint32 sid, const TUint32 tid);
+ /**
+ * SetDataL sets data to deployment component and checks possible uid overlaps
+ * @param aCompo deployment component where data is set
+ * @param aData new data to be set
+ * @param aMime mimetype of the new data to be set
+ */
+ void SetDataL(CDeploymentComponent &aCompo, const TDesC8 &aData,
+ const TDesC8 &aMime);
+ /**
+ * Checks of data in file is Base64 decoded.
+ * @param aFile file to be checked if data is encoded
+ * @param aLength data length in file
+ * @return ETrue if given data in file is Base64 encoded
+ */
+ TBool IsDataFileB64EncodedL(RFile &aFile, TInt& aLength);
+ /**
+ * Checks of data is Base64 decoded.
+ * @param aData data to be checked for encoding
+ * @return ETrue if given data is Base64 encoded
+ */
+ TBool CheckB64Encode(const TDesC8& aData);
+ /**
+ * B64 Decodes data in aData and return decoded data
+ * @param aSourceFile file containing decoded data
+ * @param aDestinationFile file where to decode data
+ */
+ void DecodeB64DataFileL(RFile& aSourceFile, RFile& aDestinationFile);
+ /**
+ * B64 Decodes data in aData and return decoded data
+ * @param aData decoded data
+ * @return Decoded data
+ */
+ HBufC8* DecodeB64DataLC(const TDesC8 &aData);
+ /**
+ * B64 Encodes data in aData to aTarget
+ * @param aData data which is encoded
+ * @param aTarget encoded data buffer
+ */
+ void EncodeDataL(const TDesC8& aData, CBufBase &aTarget);
+ void HandleAllClientsClosed();
+ void DeleteGenericAlertForIDL(TUint32 internalid);
+ void CheckforDuplicateMidletsL(TMidletParameters& amidletParameters);
+ // from MDownloadMngrObserver
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param aComponent
+ * @param aStatus
+ */
+ void ComponentDownloadComplete(CDeploymentComponent *aComponent,
+ TInt iapid, HBufC8 *aServerId);
+ /**
+ * Looks all deployments components and sis & java registries
+ * to find out whether given uid is already used...
+ * @param aUid The uid to be looked for
+ * @return ETrue if uid is found, EFalse otherwise
+ */
+ TBool HasUidL(const TUid &aUid, CDeploymentComponent *& aCompo,
+ CDeploymentComponent *aIgnored);
+ void ComponentDownloadFailed(CDeploymentComponent *aComponent,
+ TInt aReason);
+ void StartShutDownTimerL();
+ void SendServerToBackground();
+ void BringServertoForeground();
+ void BringDMUItoForeground();
+ TBool IsInstalledAppRemovableL(TDriveNumber &iDrive);
+ /**
+ * FullUpdateL updates target with source
+ * @param sid Source deployment component
+ * @param tid Target deployment component
+ */
+ void FullUpdateL(CDeploymentComponent &scompo,
+ const CDeploymentComponent &tcompo);
+ /**
+ * InstallL Installs the given deployment component. Async version.
+ * @param aComponent The component to be installed
+ * @param aStatus TRequestStatus of the call
+ */
+ void InstallL(const CDeploymentComponent &aComponent,
+ TRequestStatus &aStatus);
+ /**
+ * InstallL Installs the given deployment component. Syncronized version.
+ * @param aComponent The component to be installed
+ */
+ void InstallL(const CDeploymentComponent &aComponent);
+ /**
+ * PrepareInstallL Prepares install of given component.
+ * @param aComponent The component to be installed
+ * @param aFileName If call is successful, will contain
+ * the name of file ready to be installed
+ * @return ETrue if preparation is successful, EFalse otherwise
+ */
+ TBool PrepareInstallL(const CDeploymentComponent &aComponent,
+ TFileName &aFileName);
+ /**
+ * Finds whether the given uid is found in sis or java registry.
+ * Searches first sis registry and uses FindJavaUidL if not found
+ */
+ TBool FindInstalledSisUidL(const TUid &aUid) const;
+ /**
+ * Finds whether the given uid is found in java registry
+ */
+ TBool FindInstalledJavaUidL(const TUid &aUid) const;
+ void SetSisAppVersionAndDriveL(CDeploymentComponent &aCompo);
+ void JavaInstallL(CDeploymentComponent &aCompo);
+ void SisInstallL(const CDeploymentComponent &aCompo);
+ TUid FindNewUid(const RArray<TUid> &aUidsOrig,
+ const RArray<TUid> &aUidsNew) const;
+ /**
+ * Reads Jar file name from Jad file
+ * @param aFile file handle for Jad file where to find Jar filename
+ * @return aFileName If call is successful, will contain the name of file ready to be installed
+ */
+ TFileName ReadJarFileNameL(RFile& aFile) const;
+ /**
+ * Reads line of data from file.
+ * @param aStream stream handle where to read data
+ * @param aLineBuffer buffer where function appends read data for line. Return a full line at time.
+ */
+ void ReadLineL(RReadStream& aStream, TDes8& aLineBuffer) const;
+ /**
+ * DoDataUpdateCheck checks whether there's dc having same data uid
+ * @return The conflicting DC or NULL
+ */
+ CDeploymentComponent * DoDataUpdateCheckL(
+ CDeploymentComponent &aCompo);
+ // Functions used to generate temporary files Java installation use case
+ // where both Jad and Jar files are delivered to phone and Jad file is used to install
+ // the Java application from local Jar file.
+ void GenerateTempJarFileNameL(RFs &aFs, const TDesC& aMetaSource,
+ TFileName &aFileName) const;
+ void GenerateTempFileNameL(const RFs &aFs, const TDesC& aSource,
+ TFileName &aFileName) const;
+ void GenerateTempFileNameL(RFs &aFs,
+ const CDeploymentComponent& aCompo, TFileName& aSource,
+ TFileName &aMetaSource, TFileName &aFileName,
+ TFileName &aMetaFileName) const;
+ void GenerateTempFileNameL(RFs &aFs,
+ const CDeploymentComponent& aCompo, TFileName &aFileName,
+ TFileName &aMetaFileName) const;
+ CApaAppServiceBase* CreateServiceL(TUid aServiceType) const;
+ CAppMgmtSrvApp* iParentApp;
+ TInt iSessionCount;
+ CShutdown iShutdown;
+ CApplicationManagementUtility* iUtility;
+ CDeliveryComponentStorage *iStorage;
+ TBool iInstallInProgress;
+ //SwiUI::RSWInstSilentLauncher iInstaller;
+ SwiUI::RSWInstLauncher iInstaller;
+ SwiUI::TInstallOptionsPckg iInstallOptions;
+ SwiUI::TUninstallOptionsPckg iUninstallOptions;
+ SwiUI::TInstallReqPckg iInstallReq;
+ RFs iInstallRFs;
+ RFile iInstallFile;
+ CAMDownloadManager* iDownloadMngr;
+ CAMDownloaddb* iAMServerDB;
+ TBool iOMASCOMOEnabled;
+ };
+ namespace NPolicyConstants
+ {
+ // "CSF" + CA + SerialNumber + Fingerprint) ;
+ //_LIT( KSubjectFormat, "CSF%S%S%S" );
+ namespace NActions
+ {
+ _LIT8( KUse, "Use" );
+ }
+ _LIT8( KResourceValue, "ApplicationManagement" );
+ }
+ class CApplicationManagementSession : public CAknAppServiceBase
+ {
+ inline CApplicationManagementSession();
+ inline CApplicationManagementSession(const TCertInfo &aInfo);
+ void CreateL();
+ ~CApplicationManagementSession();
+ inline CApplicationManagementServer& Server() const;
+ void ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+ TBool PreDispatchMessageL(const RMessage2 &aMessage);
+ void DispatchMessageL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+ void ServiceError(const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aError);
+ void ComponentCountL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+ void ComponentIdsL(const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
+ void Deliver2L(const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
+ void DeliverCompleteL(const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
+ void GetComponentL(const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
+ void InstallL(const RMessage2 &aMessage) const;
+ void UpdateL(const RMessage2 &aMessage) const;
+ void GetDataL(const RMessage2 &aMessage) const;
+ void GetDataLengthL(const RMessage2 &aMessage) const;
+ void RemoveL(const RMessage2 &aMessage) const;
+ void UpdateDataL(const RMessage2 &aMessage) const;
+ void UpdateStreamedDataL(const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
+ void DownloadL(const RMessage2 &aMessage) const;
+ void AddTrustL(const RMessage2 &aMessage);
+ void FullUpdateL(const RMessage2 &aMessage) const;
+ void GetUserIdL(const RMessage2 &aMessage) const;
+ void StartDownloadL(const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
+ void StateChangeComponentIdsL(const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
+ void StateChangeComponentIdsCountL(const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
+ void StateChangeCompleteL(const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
+ void ActivateL(const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
+ void DeactivateL(const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
+ void GetTemporaryInstFileL(const RMessage2 &aMessage) const;
+ void GetFinalResultForGAL(const RMessage2 &aMessage);
+ TInt PackageSizeL(Swi::RSisRegistrySession& aSession,
+ Swi::RSisRegistryEntry& aEntry);
+ TInt AugmentationSizeL(Swi::RSisRegistrySession& aSession,
+ const Swi::CSisRegistryPackage& aPackage);
+ void RemoveInternalL(const TUint32 &aId) const;
+ /**
+ * Collects active components in aArrt and places them in aArr
+ */
+ void ActiveComponentsL(const RComponentIdArray &aArrt,
+ RComponentIdArray &aArr,TDeploymentComponentState &aState) const;
+ void GenericAlertSentForIdL(const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
+ void CheckStatusNodesValuesL();
+ void LookupSisRegistryL();
+ TCertInfo iCertInfo;
+ TBool iTrustAdded;
+ };
+ }
+// End of File