--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applicationmanagement/tsrc/tarmappmng/inc/TestDmDDFObject.h Thu Dec 17 08:40:12 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Implementation of applicationmanagement components
+//#include <?include_file>
+#include <smldmadapter.h>
+//const ?type ?constant_var = ?constant;
+//#define ?macro ?macro_def
+//enum ?declaration
+//typedef ?declaration
+//extern ?data_type;
+//?type ?function_name(?arg_list);
+class CStifLogger;
+* ?one_line_short_description.
+* ?other_description_lines
+* @lib ?library
+* @since Series ?XX ?SeriesXX_version
+class CTestDmDDFObject : public CBase, public MSmlDmDDFObject
+ {
+ public: // Constructors and destructor
+ /**
+ * Two-phased constructor.
+ */
+ static CTestDmDDFObject* NewL( CStifLogger *aLog );
+ static CTestDmDDFObject* NewLC( CStifLogger *aLog );
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ virtual ~CTestDmDDFObject();
+ public: // New functions
+ /**
+ * ?member_description.
+ * @since Series ?XX ?SeriesXX_version
+ * @param ?arg1 ?description
+ * @return ?description
+ */
+ //?type ?member_function( ?type ?arg1 );
+ virtual void SetNameL( const TDesC8& aName );
+ void DumpL( const TDesC8& aParentName, TBool aFullDump = ETrue );
+ void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
+ public: // Functions from base classes
+//sf- *********************************
+ void SetAccessTypesL( TSmlDmAccessTypes aAccessTypes );
+ void SetDefaultValueL( const TDesC8& aDefaultValue );
+ void SetDescriptionL( const TDesC8& aDescription );
+ void SetDFFormatL( TDFFormat aFormat );
+ void SetOccurenceL( TOccurence aOccurence );
+ void SetScopeL( TScope aScope );
+ void SetDFTitleL( const TDesC8& aTitle );
+ void AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( const TDesC8& aMimeType );
+ void SetAsObjectGroup();
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& AddChildObjectL(const TDesC8& aNodeName);
+ MSmlDmDDFObject& AddChildObjectGroupL();
+//sf- #############################
+ const TDesC8& Name();
+ TSmlDmAccessTypes AccessTypes();
+ const TDesC8& DefaultValue();
+ const TDesC8& Description();
+ TDFFormat DFFormat();
+ TOccurence Occurence();
+ TScope Scope();
+ const TDesC8& DFTitle();
+ const TDesC8& DFTypeMimeType();
+ TBool ObjectGroup();
+ TInt ChildObjectCount();
+ CTestDmDDFObject& ChildObject( TInt aIndex );
+ CTestDmDDFObject* FindChildObject( const TDesC8& aName );
+ TInt SubObjectsCount();
+ protected: // New functions
+ /**
+ * ?member_description.
+ * @since Series ?XX ?SeriesXX_version
+ * @param ?arg1 ?description
+ * @return ?description
+ */
+ //?type ?member_function( ?type ?arg1 );
+ protected: // Functions from base classes
+ /**
+ * From ?base_class ?member_description
+ */
+ //?type ?member_function();
+ private:
+ /**
+ * C++ default constructor.
+ */
+ CTestDmDDFObject( CStifLogger *aLog );
+ /**
+ * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ // Prohibit copy constructor if not deriving from CBase.
+ // CTestDmDDFObject( const CTestDmDDFObject& );
+ // Prohibit assigment operator if not deriving from CBase.
+ // CTestDmDDFObject& operator=( const CTestDmDDFObject& );
+ public: // Data
+ // ?one_line_short_description_of_data
+ //?data_declaration;
+ protected: // Data
+ // ?one_line_short_description_of_data
+ //?data_declaration;
+ private: // Data
+ // ?one_line_short_description_of_data
+ //?data_declaration;
+ HBufC8* iName;
+ TSmlDmAccessTypes iAccessTypes;
+ HBufC8* iDefaultValue;
+ HBufC8* iDescription;
+ TDFFormat iFormat;
+ TOccurence iOccurence;
+ TScope iScope;
+ HBufC8* iTitle;
+ HBufC8* iMimeType;
+ TBool iObjectGroup;
+ RPointerArray<CTestDmDDFObject> iChildren;
+ // Reserved pointer for future extension
+ //TAny* iReserved;
+ public: // Friend classes
+ //?friend_class_declaration;
+ protected: // Friend classes
+ //?friend_class_declaration;
+ private: // Friend classes
+ //?friend_class_declaration;
+ /**
+ * Logger.
+ */
+ CStifLogger* iLog;
+ };
+// End of File