--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/devicediagnostics/diagplugins/diagloudspeakerplugin/src/diagspeakerplugin.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:40:12 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1578 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Class Definition of CDiagSpeakerPlugin
+// From System
+#include <AknQueryDialog.h> // CAknQueryDialog
+#include <aknmessagequerydialog.h> // CAknMessageQueryDialog
+#include <AknProgressDialog.h> // CAknProgressDialog
+#include <eikprogi.h> // CEikProgressInfo
+#include <eikbtgpc.h> // CEikButtonGroupContainer
+#include <AudioPreference.h> // KAudioPriorityRecording
+#include <mdaaudiosampleeditor.h> // CMdaAudioRecorderUtility
+#include <mdaaudiosampleplayer.h> // CMdaAudioPlayerUtility
+#include <StringLoader.h> // StringLoader
+#include <DiagTestObserver.h> // MDiagTestObserver
+#include <DiagTestExecParam.h> // TDiagTestExecParam
+#include <DiagEngineCommon.h> // MDiagEngine
+#include <DiagPluginPool.h> // CDiagPluginPool
+#include <DiagResultsDbItemBuilder.h> // CDiagResultsDbItemBuilder
+#include <DiagResultDetailBasic.h> // CDiagResultDetailBasic
+#include <DiagFrameworkDebug.h> // LOGSTRING
+#include <DiagCommonDialog.h> // for EDiagCommonDialogConfirmCancelAll
+// For Central Repository
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+#include "diagspeakertestprivatecrkeys.h"
+// Speaker Plugin Headerfile
+#include "diagspeakerplugin.h" // CDiagSpeakerPlugin
+#include "diagspeakerplugin.hrh" // Button Id defined
+#include <devdiagspeakerpluginrsc.rsg> // Resource Definitions
+#include <avkon.hrh>
+// Local Macro
+#define ASSERT_ALWAYS(c) __ASSERT_ALWAYS((c), User::Invariant())
+// Local Data Types
+enum TSpeakerSteps
+ {
+ EStepTestTitle,
+ EStepAskRecord,
+ EStepProgressRecord,
+ EStepAskPlay,
+ EStepProgressPlay,
+ EStepAskHeard,
+ EStepAskRepeat,
+ ESpeakerPluginTotalSteps
+ };
+// To Exit from Query it should be EAknSoftkeyOk
+// can't include in .hrh because it requires <eikon.rh>
+// leads compilation fail
+enum TSpeakerExitCBA
+ {
+ ECBACmdPlay = EAknSoftkeyOk,
+ ECBACmdStop = EAknSoftkeyOk,
+ ECBACmdStart = EAknSoftkeyOk
+ };
+// Local Constants
+const TInt KFinished = 0;
+const TInt KMinFileSize = 1024;
+const TInt KSamplingRate = 8192;
+const TInt KStereo = 2;
+const TInt KFive = 5;
+const TInt KMicroSecond = 1000*1000;
+const TInt KProgressDelay = 200000;
+const TInt KAudioServerRequestTimeoutValue = 16 * KMicroSecond;
+const TInt KProgressFinished = 0;
+const TInt KProgressNotFinished = 1;
+const TUid KDiagSpeakerPluginUid = { DIAG_SPEAKER_PLUGIN_UID };
+_LIT( KDiagSpeakerPluginResourceFileName, "z:DevDiagSpeakerPluginRsc.rsc" );
+_LIT( KDiagSpeakerPluginCategory,"DevDiagSpeakerPlugin" );
+const CAudioOutput::TAudioOutputPreference KTargetOutput = CAudioOutput::EPublic;
+// ========================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS ================================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::NewL()
+// Symbian OS default constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MDiagPlugin* CDiagSpeakerPlugin::NewL( TAny* aInitParams )
+ {
+ CDiagSpeakerPlugin* self;
+ CDiagPluginConstructionParam* param;
+ ASSERT_ALWAYS( aInitParams );
+ param = static_cast<CDiagPluginConstructionParam*>( aInitParams );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( param );
+ self = new( ELeave ) CDiagSpeakerPlugin ( param );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( param );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self ); // self
+ return self;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::~CDiagSpeakerPlugin
+// Destructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ // Delete resources allocated during construction.
+ // Nothing to do since no new resource is allocated in constructor.
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::CDiagSpeakerPlugin()
+// Constructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CDiagSpeakerPlugin::CDiagSpeakerPlugin( CDiagPluginConstructionParam* aParam )
+ : CDiagTestPluginBase( aParam )
+ {
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ConstructL()
+// Symbian OS two-phased constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ConstructL()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ConstructL: Plugin created. IN" )
+ BaseConstructL ( KDiagSpeakerPluginResourceFileName );
+ TInt recording_time;
+ // Open Central Repository
+ CRepository* audioRecorderRepository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidDiagSpeakerTestPlugin );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( audioRecorderRepository );
+ // Read File Path from CR
+ iRecordFilePath.FillZ();
+ User::LeaveIfError(
+ audioRecorderRepository->Get( KAudioRecorderFilePath, iRecordFilePath) );
+ // Read File Size from CR
+ User::LeaveIfError(
+ audioRecorderRepository->Get( KAudioRecorderRecordingTime , recording_time) );
+ iRecordFileSize = (recording_time * KSamplingRate * KStereo);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( audioRecorderRepository );
+ audioRecorderRepository = NULL;
+ // Set Audio Output
+ iOutput = KTargetOutput;
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ConstructL: Plugin created. OUT" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartRecordL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartRecordL()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DoRunTest() IN" )
+ TBool goNext;
+ // Delete Record File
+ DeleteRecordFile();
+ // Check Free Space
+ if ( !EnoughFreeSpace() )
+ {
+ CompleteTestL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::ENotPerformed );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Show Init Message Query
+ do
+ {
+ goNext = ETrue;
+ // Check session before launch before dialog starts
+ if ( !iSessionValid )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartRecordL - !iSessionValid 1" )
+ return;
+ }
+ // Report current Progress to Engine
+ ReportTestProgressL( EStepTestTitle );
+ // Show Message Query Title
+ TInt buttonId;
+ TBool result = EFalse;
+ result = ShowMessageQueryL( R_MESSAGEQUERY_TITLE, buttonId );
+ // Check session is valid after dialog dismissed
+ if ( !result )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartRecordL - !iSessionValid 2" )
+ return;
+ }
+ // 1.1 Case for press Skip
+ if ( buttonId == ECBACmdSkip )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartRecordL: Skip has pressed" );
+ // ADO & Platformization Changes
+ TInt cancelButtonId;
+ //cancelResult = AskCancelExecutionL( cancelButtonId );
+ CAknDialog* dlg = ExecutionParam().Engine().
+ CreateCommonDialogLC( EDiagCommonDialogConfirmSkipAll, NULL );
+ if ( !RunWaitingDialogL( dlg, cancelButtonId ) )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartPlayL - !iSessionValid 3" )
+ return;
+ }
+ if(cancelButtonId)
+ return;
+ else
+ goNext = EFalse;
+ // ADO & Platformization Changes
+ //CompleteTestL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::ESkipped );
+ //return;
+ }
+ // 1.2 case for press Cancel
+ else if ( buttonId == ECBACmdCancel )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartRecordL: Cancel has pressed" )
+ CompleteTestL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::ESkipped );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ while ( goNext == EFalse );
+ // Show Record Message Query
+ do
+ {
+ goNext = ETrue;
+ // Check session before launch before dialog starts
+ if ( !iSessionValid )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartRecordL - !iSessionValid 4" )
+ return;
+ }
+ // Report current Progress to Engine
+ ReportTestProgressL( EStepAskRecord );
+ // Show Message Query Title
+ TInt buttonId;
+ TBool result = EFalse;
+ result = ShowMessageQueryL( R_MESSAGEQUERY_ASK_RECORD, buttonId );
+ // Check session is valid after dialog dismissed
+ if ( !result )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartRecordL - !iSessionValid 5" )
+ return;
+ }
+ // 2.2 Case for press Skip
+ if ( buttonId == ECBACmdStart )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartRecordL: Start has pressed" )
+ RecordL();
+ return;
+ }
+ else if ( buttonId == ECBACmdSkip )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartRecordL: Skip has pressed" )
+ CompleteTestL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::ESkipped );
+ return;
+ }
+ // 2.3 case for press Cancel
+ else if ( buttonId == ECBACmdCancel )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartRecordL: Cancel has pressed" )
+ TInt cancelButtonId;
+ TBool cancelResult = EFalse;
+ cancelResult = AskCancelExecutionL( cancelButtonId );
+ if ( !cancelResult )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartPlayL - !iSessionValid 6" )
+ return;
+ }
+ if(cancelButtonId == EAknSoftkeyYes)
+ {
+ CompleteTestL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::ECancelled );
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(cancelButtonId)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ goNext = EFalse;
+ }
+ /*
+ switch ( cancelButtonId )
+ {
+ case EAknSoftkeyYes:
+ CompleteTestL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::ECancelled ); //Added for NTEI-7EZ96S
+ return;
+ default:
+ goNext = EFalse;
+ break;
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ while ( goNext == EFalse );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartPlayL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartPlayL()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartPlayL() IN" )
+ TBool goNext;
+ // Check Record File
+ if ( CheckRecordFile() == EFalse )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartPlayL() CheckRecordFile == EFalse" )
+ CompleteTestL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::ENotPerformed );
+ return;
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ goNext = ETrue;
+ // Check session before launch before dialog starts
+ if ( !iSessionValid )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartPlayL - !iSessionValid 1" )
+ return;
+ }
+ // Report current Progress to Engine
+ ReportTestProgressL( EStepAskPlay );
+ // Show ConfQuery to ask Play
+ TInt buttonId;
+ TBool result = EFalse;
+ result = ShowConfQueryL( R_CONFQUERY_ASK_PLAY, buttonId );
+ // Check session is valid after dialog dismissed
+ if ( !result )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartPlayL - !iSessionValid 2" )
+ return;
+ }
+ // 1.1 Case for press Skip
+ if ( buttonId == ECBACmdSkip )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartPlayL: Skip has pressed" )
+ CompleteTestL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::ESkipped );
+ return;
+ }
+ // 1.2 case for press Cancel
+ else if ( buttonId == ECBACmdCancel )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartPlayL: Cancel has pressed" )
+ TInt cancelButtonId;
+ TBool cancelResult = EFalse;
+ cancelResult = AskCancelExecutionL( cancelButtonId );
+ if ( !cancelResult )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartPlayL - !iSessionValid 3" )
+ return;
+ }
+ if(cancelButtonId == EAknSoftkeyYes)
+ {
+ CompleteTestL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::ECancelled );
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(cancelButtonId)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ goNext = EFalse;
+ }
+ /*
+ switch ( cancelButtonId )
+ {
+ case EAknSoftkeyYes:
+ iState = EStateCancelled;
+ SetActive();
+ TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
+ User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
+ //CompleteTestL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::ECancelled ); //Commented by Ganesh
+ return;
+ default:
+ goNext = EFalse;
+ break;
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ // 1.3 case for press Play
+ else if ( buttonId == ECBACmdPlay )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartPlayL: Play has pressed" )
+ iState = EStateRecorded;
+ PlayL();
+ }
+ } while ( !goNext );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::RecordingL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::RecordingL()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::RecordingL IN" )
+ const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds position = 0;
+ iFinalValue = iRecordFileSize / KSamplingRate / KStereo;
+ ReportTestProgressL( EStepProgressRecord );
+ ShowProgressNoteL( R_PROGRESS_NOTE_RECORDING, iFinalValue );
+ iRecorder->SetPriority(
+ KAudioPriorityAlarm + 1,
+ TMdaPriorityPreference( KAudioPrefVoiceRec )
+ );
+ iRecorder->SetPosition( position );
+ iRecorder->CropL();
+ iRecorder->SetMaxWriteLength( iRecordFileSize );
+ ResetWatchdog( KAudioServerRequestTimeoutValue, CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::EFailed );
+ iRecorder->RecordL(); // MoscoStateChangeEvent() will be called as return
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::RecordingL OUT" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::PlayingL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::PlayingL()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::PlayingL IN" )
+ TInt64 interval = 0;
+ TInt finalValue = 0;
+ interval = iMaxDurationMicroSec.Int64() / KMicroSecond;
+ finalValue = ((I64INT(interval)));
+ iFinalValue = finalValue;
+ // Save Audio Output
+ SaveAudioOutput();
+ ReportTestProgressL( EStepProgressPlay );
+ ShowProgressNoteL( R_PROGRESS_NOTE_PLAYING, iFinalValue );
+ iAudioPlayer->SetPosition( iPositionMicroSec );
+ iAudioPlayer->Play();
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::PlayingL OUT" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::AfterRecordL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::AfterRecordL()
+ {
+ StartPlayL();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::AfterPlayL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::AfterPlayL()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::AfterPlayL IN" )
+ // Check session before launch before dialog starts
+ if ( !iSessionValid )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::AfterPlayL - !iSessionValid 1.1" )
+ return;
+ }
+ // Report current Progress to Engine
+ ReportTestProgressL( EStepAskHeard );
+ // Show ConfQuery to ask Heard
+ TInt buttonId;
+ TBool result = EFalse;
+ result = ShowConfQueryL( R_CONFQUERY_ASK_HEARD, buttonId );
+ // Check session is valid after dialog dismissed
+ if ( !result )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::AfterPlayL - !iSessionValid 1.2" )
+ return;
+ }
+ // Report Success on Yes
+ if ( buttonId == EAknSoftkeyYes )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::AfterPlayL - Yes has pressed - return ESuccess" )
+ CompleteTestL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::ESuccess );
+ return;
+ }
+ else if ( buttonId != ECBACmdCustomNo )
+ {
+ //return; // ADO & Platformization Changes
+ }
+ // Check session before launch before dialog starts
+ if ( !iSessionValid )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::AfterPlayL - !iSessionValid 2.1" )
+ return;
+ }
+ // Report current Progress to Engine
+ ReportTestProgressL( EStepAskRepeat );
+ // Show ConfQuery to ask Heard
+ result = ShowConfQueryL( R_CONFQUERY_ASK_REPEAT, buttonId );
+ // Check session is valid after dialog dismissed
+ if ( !result )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::AfterPlayL - !iSessionValid 2.2" )
+ return;
+ }
+ // Report Success on Yes
+ if ( buttonId == EAknSoftkeyYes )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::AfterPlayL - Yes has pressed - Start Record Again" )
+ StartRecordL();
+ return;
+ }
+ else if ( buttonId == ECBACmdCustomNo || buttonId == EAknSoftkeyNo )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::AfterPlayL - No has pressed - Start Record Again" )
+ CompleteTestL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::EFailed );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CompleteTestL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::EFailed );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::RecordL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::RecordL()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::RecordL IN" )
+ iAudioState = CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::ERecording;
+ iState = EStateUnknown;
+ if ( iRecorder )
+ {
+ ResetWatchdog( KAudioServerRequestTimeoutValue, CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::EFailed );
+ iRecorder->OpenFileL( iRecordFilePath ); // MoscoStateChangeEvent() will be called as return
+ }
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::RecordL OUT" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::PlayL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::PlayL()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::PlayL IN" )
+ iAudioState = CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::EPlaying;
+ // Save Current Audio Output
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::PlayL:SaveAudioOutput" )
+ // Invoke Play
+ if ( iAudioPlayer )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::PlayL:OpenFileL(iRecordFilePath);" )
+ ResetWatchdog( KAudioServerRequestTimeoutValue, CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::EFailed );
+ iAudioPlayer->OpenFileL( iRecordFilePath ); // MapcInitComplete() will be called as return
+ }
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::PlayL OUT" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::SaveAudioOutput()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::SaveAudioOutput()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::SaveAudioOutput IN" )
+ if ( iAudioOutput )
+ {
+ iPrevAudioOutput = iAudioOutput->AudioOutput();
+ }
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::SaveAudioOutput OUT" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::RestoreAudioOutputL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::RestoreAudioOutputL()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::RestoreAudioOutputL IN" )
+ if ( iAudioOutput )
+ {
+ iAudioOutput->SetAudioOutputL( iPrevAudioOutput );
+ }
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::RestoreAudioOutputL OUT" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ClosePeriodic
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ClosePeriodic()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ClosePeriodic IN" )
+ if ( iPeriodic )
+ {
+ delete iPeriodic;
+ iPeriodic = NULL;
+ }
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ClosePeriodic OUT" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::CheckRecordFile
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CDiagSpeakerPlugin::CheckRecordFile()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::CheckRecordFile IN" )
+ TInt err;
+ TEntry entry;
+ TBool ret = EFalse;
+ err = CoeEnv().FsSession().Entry( iRecordFilePath, entry );
+ // Check if there was an error
+ if ( err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ ret = EFalse;
+ }
+ // Check File Size
+ else
+ {
+ ret = entry.iSize >= KMinFileSize;
+ }
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::CheckRecordFile OUT ret=%d", ret )
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagAuioPlugin::DeleteRecordFile
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DeleteRecordFile()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DeleteRecordFile IN" )
+ CoeEnv().FsSession().Delete( iRecordFilePath );
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DeleteRecordFile OUT" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::EnoughFreeSpace
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CDiagSpeakerPlugin::EnoughFreeSpace()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::EnoughFreeSpace IN" )
+ TInt64 RecordFileSize64;
+ TVolumeInfo vol_info;
+ TBool ret;
+ RecordFileSize64 = iRecordFileSize;
+ CoeEnv().FsSession().Volume( vol_info, EDriveC );
+ ret = vol_info.iFree >= RecordFileSize64;
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::EnoughFreeSpace OUT ret=%d", ret )
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::SetProgressDismissed
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::SetProgressDismissed( TBool aDismissed )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::SetProgressDismissed aDismissed=%d", aDismissed )
+ iProgressDismissed = aDismissed;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ProgressDismissed
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ProgressDismissed() const
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ProgressDismissed iProgressDismissed=%d", iProgressDismissed )
+ return iProgressDismissed;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::AskCancelExecutionL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CDiagSpeakerPlugin::AskCancelExecutionL( TInt& aButtonId )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::AskCancelExecutionL() IN" )
+ CAknDialog* dialog;
+ TBool result;
+ // set softkey for single execution
+ if ( !SinglePluginExecution() )
+ {
+ // Create common dialog by invoking Engine
+ dialog = ExecutionParam().Engine().
+ CreateCommonDialogLC( EDiagCommonDialogConfirmCancelAll, NULL );
+ // Launch dialog and get result from it
+ result = RunWaitingDialogL( dialog, aButtonId );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //CompleteTestL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::ECancelled ); //commented for NTEI-7EZ96S
+ aButtonId = EAknSoftkeyYes;
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ LOGSTRING3( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::AskCancelExecutionL() OUT aButtonId=%d result=%d", aButtonId, result )
+ return result;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ShowConfQueryL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ShowConfQueryL( TInt aResourceId, TInt &aButtonId )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ShowConfQueryL IN" )
+ CAknQueryDialog* dlg = NULL;
+ TBool result = EFalse;
+ // Create CAknQueryDialog instance
+ dlg = new ( ELeave ) CAknQueryDialog( CAknQueryDialog::ENoTone );
+ dlg->PrepareLC( aResourceId );
+ // set softkey for single execution
+ /*
+ if ( SinglePluginExecution() )
+ { */ // ADO & Platformization Changes
+ CEikButtonGroupContainer& cba = dlg->ButtonGroupContainer();
+ switch ( aResourceId )
+ {
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ /* } */
+ result = RunWaitingDialogL( dlg, aButtonId );
+ LOGSTRING3( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ShowConfQueryL() OUT aButtonId=%d result=%d", aButtonId, result )
+ return result;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ShowMessageQueryL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ShowMessageQueryL( TInt aResourceId, TInt &aButtonId )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ShowMessageQueryL IN" )
+ CAknMessageQueryDialog* dlg = NULL;
+ TBool result = EFalse;
+ // Create CAknMessageQueryDialog instance
+ dlg = new ( ELeave ) CAknMessageQueryDialog();
+ dlg->PrepareLC( aResourceId );
+ // set softkey for single execution
+ CEikButtonGroupContainer& cba = dlg->ButtonGroupContainer();
+ switch ( aResourceId )
+ {
+ if ( SinglePluginExecution() )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ result = RunWaitingDialogL( dlg, aButtonId );
+ LOGSTRING3( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ShowMessageQueryL() OUT aButtonId=%d result=%d", aButtonId, result )
+ return result;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ShowProgressNoteL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ShowProgressNoteL( TInt aResourceId, TInt aFinalValue )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ShowProgressNoteL IN" )
+ CAknProgressDialog* dlg;
+ if ( iProgressDialog )
+ {
+ delete iProgressDialog;
+ iProgressDialog = NULL;
+ }
+ SetProgressDismissed( EFalse );
+ iProgressDialog = dlg = new ( ELeave ) CAknProgressDialog(
+ reinterpret_cast <CEikDialog**> (&iProgressDialog),
+ ETrue
+ );
+ dlg->SetCallback( this );
+ dlg->PrepareLC( aResourceId );
+ // set softkey for single execution
+ /* if ( SinglePluginExecution() )
+ { */ // ADO & Platformization Changes
+ CEikButtonGroupContainer& cba = dlg->ButtonGroupContainer();
+ /* } */ // ADO & Platformization Changes
+ iProgressInfo = dlg->GetProgressInfoL();
+ iProgressInfo->SetFinalValue( aFinalValue * KFive );
+ dlg->RunLD();
+ // Set up Periodic
+ ClosePeriodic();
+ iPeriodic = CPeriodic::NewL( EPriorityNormal );
+ TCallBack callback( CallbackIncrementProgressNoteL, this );
+ iPeriodic->Start( 0, KProgressDelay, callback );
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::ShowProgressNoteL OUT" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::CallbackIncrementProgressNoteL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CDiagSpeakerPlugin::CallbackIncrementProgressNoteL( TAny* aThis )
+ {
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ CDiagSpeakerPlugin* myThis = (CDiagSpeakerPlugin *)aThis;
+ TRAP( err, myThis->UpdateProgressNoteL() );
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::CallbackIncrementProgressNoteL:User::Panic() on UpdateProgressNoteL()" )
+ User::Panic( KDiagSpeakerPluginCategory, err );
+ }
+ return KFinished;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::UpdateProgressNoteL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CDiagSpeakerPlugin::UpdateProgressNoteL()
+ {
+ TTime intervalTime;
+ TTime currentTime;
+ // Prevent from Screen Saver
+ User::ResetInactivityTime();
+ if ( iProgressDialog )
+ {
+ iProgressInfo->IncrementAndDraw(1);
+ if ( (iFinalValue * KFive) <= iProgressInfo->CurrentValue() )
+ {
+ if ( ProgressDismissed() == EFalse )
+ {
+ iProgressDialog->ProcessFinishedL();
+ }
+ return KProgressFinished;
+ }
+ }
+ return KProgressNotFinished;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MDiagPlugin
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::IsVisible()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CDiagSpeakerPlugin::IsVisible() const
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MDiagTestPlugin
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::RunMode()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MDiagTestPlugin::TRunMode CDiagSpeakerPlugin::RunMode() const
+ {
+ return EInteractiveDialog;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MDiagTestPlugin
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::TotalSteps()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TUint CDiagSpeakerPlugin::TotalSteps() const
+ {
+ return ESpeakerPluginTotalSteps;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MDiagPlugin
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::GetPluginNameL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC* CDiagSpeakerPlugin::GetPluginNameL( TNameLayoutType aLayoutType ) const
+ {
+ switch ( aLayoutType )
+ {
+ case ENameLayoutHeadingPane:
+ return StringLoader::LoadL( R_DIAG_SPEAKER_PLUGIN_HEADING_PANE );
+ case ENameLayoutPopupInfoPane:
+ case ENameLayoutTitlePane:
+ return StringLoader::LoadL( R_DIAG_SPEAKER_PLUGIN_TITLE_PANE );
+ case ENameLayoutListSingleGraphic:
+ case ENameLayoutListSingle:
+ default:
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::GetPluginNameL: "
+ L"ERROR: Unsupported layout type %d", aLayoutType )
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( 0, User::Invariant() );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MDiagPlugin
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::Uid
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TUid CDiagSpeakerPlugin::Uid() const
+ {
+ return KDiagSpeakerPluginUid;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From CDiagTestPluginBase
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::InitializeL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::TestSessionBeginL(
+ MDiagEngineCommon& /*aEngine*/,
+ TBool /*aSkipDependencyCheck*/,
+ TAny* /*aCustomParams*/)
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::TestSessionBeginL:: Deleting record file..." )
+ DeleteRecordFile();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From CDiagTestPluginBase
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::CleanupL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::TestSessionEndL(
+ MDiagEngineCommon& /*aEngine*/,
+ TBool /*aSkipDependencyCheck*/,
+ TAny* /*aCustomParams*/)
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::TestSessionEndL:: Deleting record file..." )
+ DeleteRecordFile();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From CDiagTestPluginBase
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DoRunTestL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DoRunTestL()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DoRunTest() IN" )
+ // Framework should never call DoRunTestL() before previous test
+ ASSERT_ALWAYS( iRecorder == NULL );
+ ASSERT_ALWAYS( iAudioPlayer == NULL );
+ iSessionValid = ETrue;
+ // Create Recorder
+ iRecorder = CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::NewL(
+ *this,
+ KAudioPriorityRecording,
+ TMdaPriorityPreference( KAudioPrefRealOneLocalPlayback )
+ );
+ // Create Audio Player
+ iAudioPlayer = CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::NewL( *this );
+ // Check it has been recorded
+ if ( CheckRecordFile() == EFalse )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DoRunTest() Record file does not exist. StartRecordL()" )
+ StartRecordL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DoRunTest() Record file exists. StartPlayL()" )
+ StartPlayL();
+ }
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DoRunTest() OUT" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DoStopAndCleanupL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DoStopAndCleanupL()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DoStopAndCleanupL IN" )
+ // All memory and resource allocated during test execution should be
+ // cleaned up here.
+ // Set Session
+ iSessionValid = EFalse;
+ // Close Recorder
+ if ( iRecorder )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagAudioPlugin::DoStopAndCleanupL: Stop & Close AudioPlayer" )
+ iRecorder->Stop();
+ iRecorder->Close();
+ }
+ // Close Audio
+ if ( iAudioPlayer )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DoStopAndCleanupL: Stop & Close AudioPlayer" )
+ iAudioPlayer->Stop();
+ iAudioPlayer->Close();
+ }
+ // Restore AudioOutput
+ RestoreAudioOutputL();
+ if ( ResultsDbItemBuilder().TestResult() == CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::ESuccess )
+ {
+ // Test was successful. Do not delete the temporary file.
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DoStopAndCleanupL: Keep file for next test." )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // test was not successful. Delete recorded file.
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DoStopAndCleanupL:DeleteRecordFile()" )
+ DeleteRecordFile();
+ }
+ if ( iAudioState == CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::EPlaying )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DoStopAndCleanupL:RestoreAudioOutputL" )
+ TRAP_IGNORE( RestoreAudioOutputL() );
+ }
+ // Call Engine to Dismiss Any Dialog
+ DismissWaitingDialog();
+ // Close which can be recovered by running doRunTestL()
+ ClosePeriodic();
+ // Clean up resources allocated during object creation.
+ delete iRecorder;
+ iRecorder = NULL;
+ delete iAudioPlayer;
+ iAudioPlayer = NULL;
+ delete iAudioOutput;
+ iAudioOutput = NULL;
+ // Cleanup Progress Dialog
+ LOGSTRING( "Cleanup Progress Dialog" )
+ if ( iProgressDialog )
+ {
+ delete iProgressDialog;
+ iProgressDialog = NULL;
+ }
+ SetProgressDismissed( ETrue );
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DoStopAndCleanupL OUT" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From CActive
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::RunL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::RunL()
+ {
+ switch(iState)
+ {
+ case EStateCancelled:
+ CompleteTestL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::ESkipped );
+ return;
+ case EStateRecorded:
+ AfterRecordL();
+ break;
+ case EStatePlayed:
+ AfterPlayL();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From CActive
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DoCancel
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DoCancel()
+ {
+ // Stop active request. This class does not use Async request using iStatus.
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DialogDismissedL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DialogDismissedL: aButtonId = %d", aButtonId )
+ TInt prevState;
+ SetProgressDismissed( ETrue );
+ // Restore Audio Output in case of Playing
+ if ( iAudioState == CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::EPlaying )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DialogDismissedL: Calling RestoreAudioOutputL" )
+ if ( iAudioOutput )
+ {
+ delete iAudioOutput;
+ iAudioOutput = NULL;
+ }
+ //RestoreAudioOutputL();
+ }
+ // Stop Recording / Playing
+ if ( iAudioState == CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::ERecording )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DialogDismissedL:: Stop. Record" )
+ if ( iRecorder )
+ {
+ iRecorder->Stop();
+ iRecorder->Close();
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( iAudioState == CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::EPlaying )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DialogDismissedL:: Stop. Play" )
+ if ( iAudioPlayer )
+ {
+ iAudioPlayer->Stop();
+ iAudioPlayer->Close();
+ }
+ }
+ // If button has not pressed
+ if ( ( aButtonId != ECBACmdSkip ) &&
+ ( aButtonId != EEikBidCancel ) && // ADO & Platformization Changes
+ ( aButtonId != EAknSoftkeyOk ) &&
+ ( aButtonId != EAknSoftkeyDone) &&
+ ( aButtonId != ECBACmdCancel )
+ )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDiagAudioPlugin::DialogDismissedL: Button not pressed. aButtonId = %d", aButtonId )
+ return;
+ }
+ // Skip
+ if ( aButtonId == ECBACmdSkip )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DialogDismissedL:: aButtonId == ECBACmdSkip" )
+ CompleteTestL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::ESkipped );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Cancel
+ else if ( aButtonId == EEikBidCancel ) // ADO & Platformization Changes
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DialogDismissedL:: aButtonId == ECBACmdCancel" )
+ prevState = iAudioState;
+ iAudioState = CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::EOpen;
+ TInt cancelButtonId;
+ TBool cancelResult = EFalse;
+ cancelResult = AskCancelExecutionL( cancelButtonId );
+ if ( !cancelResult )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::StartPlayL - !iSessionValid 3" )
+ return;
+ }
+ switch ( cancelButtonId )
+ {
+ case EAknSoftkeyYes:
+ SetAudioEvent(EStateCancelled);
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DialogDismissedL:: EAknSoftkeyYes return NOW!!" )
+ return;
+ default:
+ if ( prevState == CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::ERecording )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DialogDismissedL:: Start RecordL" )
+ RecordL();
+ }
+ else if ( prevState == CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::EPlaying )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DialogDismissedL:: Start PlayL" )
+ PlayL();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Stop
+ else
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DialogDismissedL: State = %d", iAudioState )
+ if ( iAudioState == CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::ERecording )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagAudioPlugin::DialogDismissedL:: Stop. Record" )
+ if ( iRecorder && iState == EStateUnknown)
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagAudioPlugin::DialogDismissedL:: Stop. Call AfterRecordL()" )
+ SetAudioEvent(EStateRecorded);
+ }
+ /*
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DialogDismissedL:: Stop. Call AfterRecordL()" )
+ // Stop playback/recording
+ AfterRecordL(); */
+ }
+ else if ( iAudioState == CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::EPlaying )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagAudioPlugin::DialogDismissedL:: Stop. Play" )
+ if ( iAudioPlayer && iState == EStateRecorded)
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagAudioPlugin::DialogDismissedL:: Stop. Call AfterPlayL()" )
+ SetAudioEvent(EStatePlayed);
+ }
+ /*
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::DialogDismissedL:: Stop. Call AfterPlayL()" )
+ // Stop playback/recording
+ AfterPlayL(); */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::SetAudioEvent(TState aState)
+ {
+ iState = aState;
+ SetActive();
+ TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
+ User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MoscoStateChangeEvent
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MoscoStateChangeEvent(
+ CBase* /*aObject*/,
+ TInt aPreviousState,
+ TInt aCurrentState,
+ TInt aErrorCode
+ {
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ LOGSTRING4( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MoscoStateChangeEvent:IN (%d -> %d, %d )", aPreviousState, aCurrentState, aErrorCode )
+ // 1. Record reaches to the end of file
+ if ( aErrorCode == KErrEof )
+ {
+ iState = EStateRecorded;
+ iAudioState = CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::EOpen;
+ TRAP( err, AfterRecordL() );
+ }
+ // 2. Start - Recording
+ else if ( ( aPreviousState == CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::ENotReady) &&
+ ( aCurrentState == CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::EOpen ) )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MoscoStateChangeEvent: Leave on RecordingL()" )
+ TRAP( err, RecordingL() );
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MoscoStateChangeEvent: RecordingL() err = %d", err )
+ }
+ // 3. Stopped - Recording
+ else if ( ( aPreviousState == CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::ERecording ) &&
+ ( aCurrentState == CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::EOpen )
+ )
+ {
+ iState = EStateRecorded;
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MoscoStateChangeEvent: Leave on AfterRecordL()" )
+ TRAP( err, AfterRecordL() );
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MoscoStateChangeEvent: AfterRecordL() err = %d", err )
+ }
+ // Handle for Trap
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MoscoStateChangeEvent:Call CompleteTestL with error = %d", err )
+ TRAP( err, CompleteTestL(CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::EFailed) );
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MoscoStateChangeEvent:User::Panic()" )
+ User::Panic( KDiagSpeakerPluginCategory, err );
+ }
+ return; // Fail Test
+ }
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MoscoStateChangeEvent OUT" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MapcInitComplete
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MapcInitComplete(TInt aError, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration)
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MapcInitComplete: aError=%d", aError )
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ // Set Duration
+ iPositionMicroSec = 0;
+ iMaxDurationMicroSec = aDuration;
+ // Set Priority of AudioPlayer
+ iAudioPlayer->SetPriority(
+ KAudioPriorityAlarm + 1,
+ TMdaPriorityPreference( KAudioPrefVoiceRec )
+ );
+ // Set Audio Output
+ if ( iAudioOutput )
+ {
+ delete iAudioOutput;
+ iAudioOutput = NULL;
+ }
+ // Create AudioOutput
+ TRAP(err,iAudioOutput = CAudioOutput::NewL( *iAudioPlayer ));
+ if ( err != KErrNone ) // Added for removing code scanner warning
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MapcInitComplete:Call CompleteTestL with error = %d", err )
+ TRAP( err, CompleteTestL(CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::EFailed) );
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MapcInitComplete:User::Panic()" )
+ User::Panic( KDiagSpeakerPluginCategory, err );
+ }
+ return; // Fail Test
+ }
+ TRAP(err,iAudioOutput->SetAudioOutputL( iOutput ));
+ if ( err != KErrNone ) // Added for removing code scanner warning
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MapcInitComplete:Call CompleteTestL with error = %d", err )
+ TRAP( err, CompleteTestL(CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::EFailed) );
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MapcInitComplete:User::Panic()" )
+ User::Panic( KDiagSpeakerPluginCategory, err );
+ }
+ return; // Fail Test
+ }
+ // Start Playing
+ TRAP( err, PlayingL() );
+ // Handle for Trap
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MapcInitComplete:Call CompleteTestL with error = %d", err )
+ TRAP( err, CompleteTestL(CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::EFailed) );
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MapcInitComplete:User::Panic()" )
+ User::Panic( KDiagSpeakerPluginCategory, err );
+ }
+ return; // Fail Test
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MapcPlayComplete
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MapcPlayComplete(TInt aError)
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MapcPlayComplete: aError=%d", aError )
+ if ( aError == KErrNone)
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MapcPlayComplete KErrNone" )
+ if ( iAudioOutput )
+ {
+ delete iAudioOutput;
+ iAudioOutput = NULL;
+ }
+ // RestoreAudioOutputL();
+ if(iState == EStateRecorded)
+ {
+ // Stop and Close Audio Player
+ if ( iAudioPlayer )
+ {
+ iAudioPlayer->Stop();
+ iAudioPlayer->Close();
+ iState = EStatePlayed;
+ }
+ TRAPD(err,AfterPlayL());
+ // Handle for Trap
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MapcInitComplete:Call CompleteTestL with error = %d", err )
+ TRAP( err, CompleteTestL(CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::EFailed) );
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDiagSpeakerPlugin::MapcInitComplete:User::Panic()" )
+ User::Panic( KDiagSpeakerPluginCategory, err );
+ }
+ return; // Fail Test
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+// End of File