--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omadm/omadmappui/src/NSmlDMProfilesContainer.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:40:12 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Methods for Server Profiles Container
+#include <aknPopup.h> // popup dialogs
+#include <StringLoader.h>
+#include <AknQueryDialog.h>
+#include <textresolver.h>
+#include <AknIconArray.h>
+#include <AknsUtils.h>
+#include <featmgr.h>
+#include <AknUtils.h>
+#include "NSmlDMProfilesContainer.h"
+#include "NSmlDMProfilesView.h"
+#include "NSmlDMSyncApp.h"
+#include "NSmlDMSyncAppEngine.h"
+#include "NSmlDMSyncUi.hrh"
+#include "NSmlDMdef.h"
+#include "NSmlDMSyncDebug.h"
+#include <NSmlDMSync.rsg>
+#include <nsmldmsync.mbg>
+#include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
+#include <csxhelp/dm.hlp.hrh>
+// ========================== MEMBER FUNCTIONS =================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CNSmlDMProfilesContainer* CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::NewL( CAknView* aView,
+ const TRect& aRect )
+ {
+ CNSmlDMProfilesContainer* self = new( ELeave ) CNSmlDMProfilesContainer( aView );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->SetMopParent( (MObjectProvider*) aView );
+ self->ConstructL( aRect );
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::CNSmlDMProfilesContainer
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::CNSmlDMProfilesContainer( CAknView* aView )
+ : iView( aView )
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::ConstructL( const TRect& aRect )
+ {
+ CreateWindowL();
+ iContextMenuUp = EFalse;
+ iAppUi = STATIC_CAST( CNSmlDMSyncAppUi*, iEikonEnv->EikAppUi());
+ iDocument = STATIC_CAST( CNSmlDMSyncDocument*, iAppUi->Document() );
+ iProfilesListBox = new ( ELeave ) CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox;
+ iProfilesListBox->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
+ iProfilesListBox->ConstructL( this, EAknListBoxSelectionList );
+ iProfilesListBox->SetListBoxObserver( this );
+ iProfilesListBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
+ iProfilesListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(
+ CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff,
+ CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );
+ iDocument->RefreshProfileListL();
+ AddIconsL();
+ //Comment this for Moduletests
+ ReadProfileListL();
+ iProfilesListBox->UpdateScrollBarsL();
+ iProfilesListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->MoveVertThumbTo( 0 );
+ SetRect( aRect );
+ ActivateL();
+ }
+// Destructor
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::~CNSmlDMProfilesContainer" );
+ delete iProfilesListBox;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::SizeChanged
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::SizeChanged()
+ {
+ iProfilesListBox->SetRect( Rect() ); // Mandatory, otherwise not drawn
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::HandleResourceChange
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::HandleResourceChange( TInt aType )
+ {
+ CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange( aType );
+ //Handle change in layout orientation
+ if ( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch || aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange )
+ {
+ if ( aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange )
+ {
+ // Skin changed; we'll have to reload the icon array
+ CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* iconArray =
+ iProfilesListBox->ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->IconArray();
+ if ( iconArray )
+ {
+ iconArray->ResetAndDestroy();
+ delete iconArray;
+ iconArray = NULL;
+ }
+ TRAP_IGNORE( AddIconsL() );
+ }
+ TRect mainPaneRect;
+ AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, mainPaneRect );
+ SetRect( mainPaneRect );
+ DrawDeferred();
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::CountComponentControls
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::CountComponentControls() const
+ {
+ TInt retval( 0 );
+ if ( iProfilesListBox )
+ {
+ retval = 1;
+ }
+ return retval; // return nbr of controls inside this container
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::ComponentControl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCoeControl* CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const
+ {
+ switch ( aIndex )
+ {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ return iProfilesListBox;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::Draw
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::Draw( const TRect& /* aRect */ ) const
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::HandleControlEventL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::HandleControlEventL( CCoeControl* /* aControl */,
+ TCoeEvent /* aEventType */ )
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::OfferKeyEventL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TKeyResponse CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
+ TEventCode aType )
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::OfferKeyEventL()" );
+ FTRACE( FPrint(
+ _L("[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::OfferKeyEventL>> Begin code = 0x%x"),aKeyEvent.iCode ) );
+ if ( iProfilesListBox && aType == EEventKey )
+ {
+ switch ( aKeyEvent.iCode )
+ {
+ case EStdKeyHome:
+ {
+ // delete only in main view
+ if ( iDocument->ProfileCount() != 0 )
+ {
+ iAvkonAppUi->HandleCommandL( ENSmlMenuCmdEraseProfile );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EKeyEnter: //Enter key
+ case EKeyOK: // OK button
+ {
+ if ( ! iAppUi->Synchronise() )
+ {
+ if (iSettingsView != EFalse)
+ {
+ return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ return EKeyWasConsumed;
+ }
+ case EKeyEscape:
+ {
+ if ( (iSettingsView != EFalse) || ( iAppUi->Synchronise() ) )
+ {
+ return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iAvkonAppUi->ProcessCommandL( EEikCmdExit );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EKeyUpArrow:
+ case EKeyDownArrow:
+ {
+ TKeyResponse retVal =
+ iProfilesListBox->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
+ iDocument->SetCurrentIndex( iProfilesListBox->CurrentItemIndex() );
+ return retVal;
+ }
+ case EKeyLeftArrow:
+ case EKeyRightArrow:
+ {
+ break; // AppUi handles the tab changes
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ return iProfilesListBox->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::OfferKeyEventL() completed, key was not consumed" );
+ return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::PostLayoutDynInitL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::PostLayoutDynInitL()
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::PostLayoutDynInitL()" );
+ iConfirmationNoteUp = EFalse;
+ iMenuUp = 0;
+ if ( iProfilesListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems() == 0 )
+ {
+ HBufC* emptyText =
+ iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_SML_MAIN_NOPROFILES );
+ iProfilesListBox->View()->SetListEmptyTextL( emptyText->Des() );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( emptyText );
+ iConfirmationNoteUp = ETrue; // using flag for preventing the popupmenu
+ // from popping up while dialog is up
+ HBufC* newProfile =
+ iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_SML_APPUI_NOTE_TEXT_NEW );
+ CAknQueryDialog* startDialog = new (ELeave) CAknQueryDialog();
+ if ( startDialog->ExecuteLD( R_STARTQUERY_NOTE, newProfile->Des() ) )
+ {
+ iAppUi->ShowEditProfileDialogL( ESmlNewProfile );
+ }
+ startDialog = NULL;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( newProfile );
+ iConfirmationNoteUp = EFalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iDocument->SetCurrentIndex(0);
+ iProfilesListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->MoveVertThumbTo(
+ iProfilesListBox->CurrentItemIndex() );
+ }
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::PostLayoutDynInitL() completed" );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::PreLayoutDynInitL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::PreLayoutDynInitL()
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::PreLayoutDynInitL" );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::HandleListBoxEventL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* aListBox,
+ TListBoxEvent aEventType )
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::HandleListBoxEventL()" );
+ iProfilesListBox->SetCurrentItemIndexAndDraw( aListBox->CurrentItemIndex() );
+ iDocument->SetCurrentIndex( aListBox->CurrentItemIndex() );
+ if ( aEventType == MEikListBoxObserver::EEventItemSingleClicked )
+ {
+ }
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::HandleListBoxEventL() completed" );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::ShowContextMenuL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::ShowContextMenuL( TInt aResource )
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::ShowContextMenuL()" );
+ // Switch to Context specific options menu,
+ // Show it and switch back to main options menu.
+ CEikMenuBar* menuBar = iView->MenuBar();
+ menuBar->SetMenuTitleResourceId( aResource );
+ menuBar->SetMenuType( CEikMenuBar::EMenuContext );
+ // TRAP displaying of menu bar.
+ // If it fails, the correct resource is set back before leave.
+ TRAPD( err, menuBar->TryDisplayMenuBarL() );
+ menuBar->SetMenuTitleResourceId( R_SMLSYNC_MENUBAR_PROFILES_VIEW );
+ menuBar->SetMenuType( CEikMenuBar::EMenuOptions );
+ User::LeaveIfError( err );
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::ShowContextMenuL() completed" );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::ReadProfileListL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::ReadProfileListL()
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::ReadProfileListL()" );
+ TInt index = 0;
+ TInt lockindex = 0;
+ iDocument->RefreshProfileListL();
+ CArrayFixFlat<TNSmlDMProfileItem> *profileList =
+ iDocument->ProfileList( index );
+ CDesCArray* items = (CDesCArray*) iProfilesListBox->Model()->ItemTextArray();
+ items->Reset();
+ TBuf<KNSmlMaxTextLength256> text;
+ TBuf<KNSmlMaxTextLength64> timeString;
+ TBuf<KNSmlMaxTextLength64> dateString;
+ TBuf<5> indexBuf;
+ HBufC* timeFormatted;
+ TBool settingEnforcement = TUtil::SettingEnforcementState();
+ TBool btObex = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(KFeatureIdSyncMlDmObex);
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < profileList->Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ text.Zero();
+ TInt index( EProfileInternet ); //internet
+ if ( ( *profileList )[i].iBearer != EProfileInternet )
+ {
+ // EProfileObexBlueTooth is defined to 1, but that index has
+ // the HTTP "off" icon. Looking at AddIconsL, BlueTooth icons
+ // should be 2 and 3, if present.
+ //index = EProfileObexBlueTooth;
+ index = EProfileObexBlueTooth + 1;
+ }
+ if ( ( *profileList )[i].iActive == 0 )
+ {
+ index++;
+ }
+ if (settingEnforcement ||( *profileList )[i].iProfileLocked )
+ {
+ // Locked setting item icon
+ lockindex = 2;
+ if (btObex)
+ {
+ // BlueTooth icons are present
+ lockindex = 4;
+ }
+ }
+ indexBuf.Num( index );
+ text.Append ( KNSmlTab );
+ text.Append ( ( *profileList )[i].iProfileName );
+ text.Append ( KNSmlTab );
+ if ( ( *profileList )[i].iSynced ) // profile has been synchronised
+ {
+ timeFormatted = TUtil::SyncTimeLC( ( *profileList )[i].iLastSuccessSync );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ timeFormatted =
+ iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_SML_MAIN_NOTSYNCED );
+ }
+ timeString.Append( timeFormatted->Des() );
+ text.Append ( timeString );
+ timeString.Zero();
+ AknTextUtils::DisplayTextLanguageSpecificNumberConversion( text );
+ text.Insert( 0, indexBuf );
+ if ( settingEnforcement || ( *profileList )[i].iProfileLocked)
+ {
+ indexBuf.Num( lockindex );
+ text.Append ( KNSmlTab );
+ text.Insert( text.Length(), indexBuf );
+ }
+ items->AppendL ( text );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( timeFormatted );
+ }
+ iProfilesListBox->HandleItemAdditionL();
+ if ( iProfilesListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems() == 0 )
+ {
+ //For Main pane primary text
+ HBufC* emptyPrimText =
+ iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_SML_MAIN_NOPROFILES );
+ //For Main pane secondary text
+ HBufC* emptySecText =
+ iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_SML_MAIN_NOPROFILES_SEC_TXT );
+ HBufC* emptyText = HBufC::NewLC( emptyPrimText->Length() + emptySecText->Length()+ 2 );
+ emptyText->Des().Append( emptyPrimText->Des() );
+ emptyText->Des().Append( KSmlEOL );
+ emptyText->Des().Append( emptySecText->Des() );
+ iProfilesListBox->View()->SetListEmptyTextL( emptyText->Des() );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( emptyText );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( emptySecText );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( emptyPrimText );
+ }
+ FTRACE( FPrint(
+ _L("[OMADM] CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::ReadProfileListL() completed, profile count = %d"),
+ profileList->Count() ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::RefreshL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::RefreshL()
+ {
+ ReadProfileListL();
+ //SetCurrentIndex( iProfilesListBox->CurrentItemIndex() );
+ SetCurrentIndex( iDocument->CurrentIndex() );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::SetCurrentIndex
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::SetCurrentIndex( const TInt aIndex )
+ {
+ FTRACE( FPrint(
+ _L("[OMADM] CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::SetCurrentIndex() aIndex = %d"),
+ aIndex ) );
+ TInt newIndex( aIndex );
+ if ( iProfilesListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems() > 0 )
+ {
+ if ( newIndex < 0 )
+ {
+ newIndex = 0;
+ }
+ if ( newIndex > ( iProfilesListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems() - 1 ) )
+ {
+ newIndex = iProfilesListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems() - 1;
+ iDocument->SetCurrentIndex(newIndex);
+ }
+ iProfilesListBox->SetCurrentItemIndexAndDraw( newIndex );
+ }
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::SetCurrentIndex() completed" );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::ClosePopupMenu
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::ClosePopupMenuL()
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::ClosePopupMenu" );
+ if (iContextMenuUp)
+ {
+ iAppUi->SetFadedL( EFalse );
+ CEikButtonGroupContainer* controlPane =
+ CEikButtonGroupContainer::Current();
+ controlPane->AddCommandSetToStackL(
+ controlPane->DrawNow();
+ iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->ClosePopup( iEikonEnv->EikAppUi() );
+ iContextMenuUp = EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::GetHelpContext
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::GetHelpContext" );
+ aContext.iMajor = KUidSmlSyncApp;
+ aContext.iContext = KDM_HLP_SERVERS_VIEW;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::FocusChanged
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::FocusChanged( TDrawNow /*aDrawNow*/ )
+ {
+ if ( iProfilesListBox )
+ {
+ iProfilesListBox->SetFocus( IsFocused() );
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::AddIconsL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::AddIconsL()
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncMainDialog::AddIconsL" );
+ HBufC* appIconFilePath = HBufC::NewLC( 5 + KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR().Length()
+ + KDMAppIconFileName().Length() );
+ TPtr ptr = appIconFilePath->Des();
+ ptr.Append( KZDrive );
+ ptr.Append( KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR );
+ ptr.Append( KDMAppIconFileName );
+ CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* icons = new (ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CGulIcon>(10);
+ iProfilesListBox->ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->SetIconArrayL( icons );
+ icons->AppendL( AknsUtils::CreateGulIconL(
+ AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
+ KAknsIIDQgnPropSmlHttp,
+ *appIconFilePath,
+ EMbmNsmldmsyncQgn_prop_sml_http,
+ EMbmNsmldmsyncQgn_prop_sml_http_mask ) );
+ icons->AppendL( AknsUtils::CreateGulIconL(
+ AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
+ KAknsIIDQgnPropSmlHttpOff,
+ *appIconFilePath,
+ EMbmNsmldmsyncQgn_prop_sml_http_off,
+ EMbmNsmldmsyncQgn_prop_sml_http_off_mask ) );
+ if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdSyncMlDmObex ) )
+ {
+ icons->AppendL( AknsUtils::CreateGulIconL(
+ AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
+ KAknsIIDQgnPropSmlBt,
+ *appIconFilePath,
+ EMbmNsmldmsyncQgn_prop_sml_bt,
+ EMbmNsmldmsyncQgn_prop_sml_bt_mask ) );
+ icons->AppendL( AknsUtils::CreateGulIconL(
+ AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
+ KAknsIIDQgnPropSmlBtOff,
+ *appIconFilePath,
+ EMbmNsmldmsyncQgn_prop_sml_bt_off,
+ EMbmNsmldmsyncQgn_prop_sml_bt_off_mask ) );
+ }
+ icons->AppendL( AknsUtils::CreateGulIconL(
+ AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
+ KAknsIIDQgnIndiSettProtectedAdd,
+ *appIconFilePath,
+ EMbmNsmldmsyncQgn_indi_sett_protected_add,
+ EMbmNsmldmsyncQgn_indi_sett_protected_add_mask ) );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( appIconFilePath );
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncMainDialog::AddIconsL Done" );
+ }
+void CNSmlDMProfilesContainer::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
+ {
+ if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
+ {
+ if (iProfilesListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems() == 0 )
+ {
+ if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up )
+ {
+ if ( iContextMenuUp )
+ {
+ // Absorb EButton1Up event if we already launched the stylus
+ // popup menu
+ iContextMenuUp = EFalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
+ }
+ else
+ CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
+ }
+ }
+// End of File