--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omadm/omadmappui/src/NSmlDMSyncAppUi_nofota.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:40:12 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,725 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Methods for Device Manager Application UI
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include <APGWGNAM.H>
+#include <gsfwviewuids.h>
+#include "nsmldmsyncinternalpskeys.h"
+#include <aknnotewrappers.h>
+#include <aknnavide.h>
+#include <stringloader.h>
+#include <textresolver.h>
+#include "nsmldmsyncappui.h"
+#include "nsmldmsyncapp.h"
+#include "nsmldmsyncappengine.h"
+#include "nsmldmprofilesview.h"
+#include "nsmldmsyncdocument.h"
+#include "nsmldmdlgprofileview.h"
+#include "nsmldmsyncdebug.h"
+#include "nsmldmsyncdialog.h"
+#include "nsmldmsyncprofile.h"
+#include <nsmldmsync.rsg>
+#include <FeatMgr.h>
+#include <hlplch.h>
+#include <csxhelp/dm.hlp.hrh>
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ==============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ConstructL()
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ConstructL()" );
+ BaseConstructL( EAknEnableSkin | EAknEnableMSK );
+ iSyncDocument = (CNSmlDMSyncDocument*) iDocument;
+ iSyncAppEngine = iSyncDocument->AppEngine();
+ iSyncAppEngine->RequestSyncStatus( this );
+ iNaviDecorator = 0;
+ iProfilesView = new (ELeave) CNSmlDMProfilesView();
+ iProfilesView->ConstructL(); // this );
+ AddViewL( iProfilesView ); // Transfer ownership to CAknViewAppUi
+ ActivateLocalViewL( iProfilesView->Id() );
+ iDialogUp = 0;
+ iDestroyed = 1;
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ConstructL() completed" );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] ~CNSmlDMSyncAppUi()" );
+ delete iNaviDecorator;
+ if ( iDestroyed == 0 )
+ {
+ delete iAppView;
+ }
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::DynInitMenuPaneL
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt /*aResourceId*/,
+ CEikMenuPane* /*aMenuPane*/ )
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::DynInitMenuPaneL:" );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleKeyEventL
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TKeyResponse CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
+ TEventCode aType )
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleKeyEventL:" );
+ //EEventKeyDown ends settdialog
+ if ( iDialogUp != 0 )
+ {
+ return EKeyWasConsumed;
+ }
+ if ( aType == EEventKey )
+ {
+ switch ( aKeyEvent.iCode )
+ {
+ case EKeyUpArrow:
+ {
+ if ( !Synchronise() )
+ {
+ HandleUpScrollL();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case EKeyDownArrow:
+ {
+ if ( !Synchronise() )
+ {
+ HandleDownScrollL();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case EKeyPhoneEnd:
+ case EKeyEscape:
+ {
+ if ( Synchronise() )
+ {
+ iSyncAppEngine->CancelSyncL();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+ }
+ }
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleKeyEventL() completed" );
+ return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleCommandL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
+ {
+ FTRACE( FPrint(
+ _L("[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleCommandL() command = 0x%x"),
+ aCommand ) );
+ iSyncDocument->DisableDbNotifications( ETrue );
+ iBusy = ETrue;
+ switch ( aCommand )
+ {
+ case EAknCmdHelp: //ENSmlMenuCmdMainHelp:
+ {
+ if (FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdHelp ))
+ {
+ HlpLauncher::LaunchHelpApplicationL( iEikonEnv->WsSession(), AppHelpContextL() );
+ iBusy = EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case EAknCmdExit:
+ case EEikCmdExit: // quit application
+ {
+ TInt value=-1;
+ TInt r1=RProperty::Set(KPSUidNSmlDMSyncApp,KNSmlDMSyncUiLaunchKey,value);
+ Exit();
+ }
+ break;
+ case ENSmlMenuCmdNewProfile: // create new profile
+ {
+ if (TUtil::SettingEnforcementState())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ HandleCommandNewProfileL();
+ }
+ break;
+ case ENSmlMenuCmdEraseProfile: // delete profile
+ {
+ if (TUtil::SettingEnforcementState())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ HandleCommandEraseProfileL();
+ }
+ break;
+ case ENSmlMenuCmdOpenLog: // open syncronisation log view
+ {
+ CNSmlDMSyncDialog::ShowDialogL(
+ iSyncDocument->ProfileItem()->iProfileId,
+ iSyncAppEngine->Session() );
+ iBusy = EFalse;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ENSmlMenuCmdOpenSettings: // open profile for editing
+ {
+ if (TUtil::SettingEnforcementState())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ ShowEditProfileDialogL( ESmlEditProfile );
+ }
+ break;
+ case ENSmlMenuCmdStartSync: // start synchronisation
+ {
+ if ( ShowConfirmationNoteL( R_QTN_SML_CONF_STARTQUERY ) )
+ {
+ StartSyncL();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ iSyncDocument->DisableDbNotifications( EFalse );
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleCommandL() completed" );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleUpScrollL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleUpScrollL()
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleUpScrollL:" );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleDownScrollL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleDownScrollL()
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleDownScrollL:" );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ShowEditProfileDialogL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ShowEditProfileDialogL( TNSmlEditMode aMode,
+ TInt /*aStartUp*/)
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ShowEditProfileDialogL:" );
+ TInt profileId( KErrNotFound );
+ if ( aMode != ESmlNewProfile )
+ {
+ profileId = iSyncDocument->ProfileItem()->iProfileId;
+ }
+ iAppView = CNSmlDMDlgProfileView::NewL(
+ iSyncDocument,
+ aMode,
+ profileId );
+ TRAPD( error, iAppView->ExecuteLD( R_NSML_SETTING_DIALOG ) );
+ if ( error != KErrNone )
+ {
+ ShowErrorNoteL( error );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iBusy = ETrue;
+ iActiveView = CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::SettingsView;
+ AddToStackL( iAppView );
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ProcessCommandParametersL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ProcessCommandParametersL( TApaCommand /*aCommand*/,
+ TFileName& aDocumentName,
+ const TDesC8& /*aTail*/ )
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ProcessCommandParametersL:" );
+ // This is to prevent dummy document creation
+ aDocumentName.Zero();
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::StartSyncL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::StartSyncL(
+ const TInt aProfileId, // = KErrNotFound
+ const TBool /*aUseFotaProgressNote*/ )
+ {
+ FTRACE( FPrint(
+ _L("[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::StartSyncL() aProfileId = %d"),
+ aProfileId ) );
+ if ( aProfileId == KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ iConfedProfileId = iSyncDocument->ProfileItem()->iProfileId;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iConfedProfileId = aProfileId;
+ }
+ FTRACE( FPrint(
+ _L("[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::StartSyncL() used profileId = %d"),
+ iConfedProfileId ) );
+ CNSmlDMSyncProfile* profile =
+ iSyncAppEngine->OpenProfileL( iConfedProfileId, ESmlOpenReadWrite );
+ TInt connectionBearer = profile->BearerType();
+ TBuf<KNSmlMaxProfileNameLength> serverName;
+ profile->GetName( serverName );
+ if ( profile->SASyncState() == ESASyncStateDisable )
+ {
+ if ( ShowConfirmationNoteL( R_QTN_SML_CONF_ACTIVEQUERY ) )
+ {
+ profile->SetSASyncStateL( ESASyncStateEnable );
+ profile->SaveL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSyncAppEngine->CloseProfile();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ iSyncAppEngine->CloseProfile();
+ // Since the FOTA is not supported, the simpler progress note
+ // is also never used and the EFalse can be given as parameter.
+ TRAPD( error, iSyncAppEngine->SynchronizeL( serverName,
+ iConfedProfileId,
+ connectionBearer,
+ EFalse ) );
+ if (error == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iActiveView = CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ProgressView;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ShowErrorNoteL( error );
+ iActiveView = CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::MainView;
+ }
+ FTRACE( FPrint(
+ _L("[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::StartSyncL() completed, error = %d"),
+ error ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ChangeViewL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ChangeViewL(TBool aRefresh)
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ChangeViewL:" );
+ iActiveView = CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::MainView;
+ if ( aRefresh != EFalse )
+ {
+ iSyncDocument->RefreshProfileListL();
+ iProfilesView->RefreshL();
+ }
+ CAknTitlePane* titlePane =
+ (CAknTitlePane*) StatusPane()->ControlL( TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidTitle ) );
+ HBufC* titleText = NULL;
+ if ( iViewTitle )
+ {
+ titleText = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_SML_APP_TITLE );
+ iViewTitle = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ titleText = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_SML_PROFILES_TITLE );
+ }
+ titlePane->SetTextL( titleText->Des() );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(titleText);
+ iBusy = EFalse;
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ChangeViewL() completed" );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ShowErrorNoteL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ShowErrorNoteL( TInt aError ) const
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ShowErrorNoteL:" );
+ TBuf<KNSmlMaxTextLength256> errMsg;
+ SetErrorMessageL( aError, errMsg );
+ CAknInformationNote* queryDialog = new (ELeave) CAknInformationNote;
+ queryDialog->ExecuteLD( errMsg );
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ShowErrorNoteL() completed" );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::SetErrorMessageL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::SetErrorMessageL( TInt aError, TDes& aMsg ) const
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::SetErrorMessageL:" );
+ CTextResolver* textResolver = CTextResolver::NewLC();
+ aMsg.Append( textResolver->ResolveErrorString( aError,
+ CTextResolver::ECtxNoCtx ) );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( textResolver );
+ HBufC* appTitle = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_SML_APP_TITLE );
+ aMsg.Insert( 0, appTitle->Des() );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( appTitle );
+ FTRACE( FPrint(
+ _L("[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::SetErrorMessageL() completed, aError = %d, aMsg ="),
+ aError ) );
+ FTRACE( FPrint(
+ _L("[OMADM] \"%S\""),
+ &aMsg ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HelpContextL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CArrayFix<TCoeHelpContext>* CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HelpContextL() const
+ {
+ CArrayFixFlat<TCoeHelpContext>* array =
+ new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TCoeHelpContext>(1);
+ array->AppendL( TCoeHelpContext( KUidSmlSyncApp, KDM_HLP_MAIN_VIEW ) );
+ array->AppendL( TCoeHelpContext( KUidSmlSyncApp, KFOTA_HLP_SETTINGS ) );
+ array->AppendL( TCoeHelpContext( KUidSmlSyncApp, KDM_HLP_SERVERS_VIEW ) );
+ array->AppendL( TCoeHelpContext( KUidSmlSyncApp, KDM_HLP_SETTINGS ) );
+ return array;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ShowResourceErrorNoteL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ShowResourceErrorNoteL(TInt aResource) const
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ShowResourceErrorNoteL:" );
+ HBufC* errorText = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( aResource );
+ CAknInformationNote* queryDialog = new (ELeave) CAknInformationNote;
+ queryDialog->ExecuteLD( errorText->Des() );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( errorText );
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ShowResourceErrorNoteL() completed" );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::FotaModel
+// This function is included for header file compliance with the version that
+// implements the FOTA feature. Should not be created in any case and
+// therefore returns always NULL.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CNSmlDMFotaModel* CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::FotaModel() const
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::MarkFwUpdChangesStartL
+// This function is included for header file compliance with the version that
+// implements the FOTA feature. Does nothing here.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::MarkFwUpdChangesStartL()
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::FwUpdStatesChangedL
+// This function is included for header file compliance with the version that
+// implements the FOTA feature. Returns always EFalse.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::FwUpdStatesChangedL()
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ShowConfirmationNoteL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ShowConfirmationNoteL( TInt aResource ) const
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ShowConfirmationNoteL:" );
+ HBufC* queryText = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( aResource );
+ CAknQueryDialog* queryDialog = new (ELeave) CAknQueryDialog();
+ TBool retValue = queryDialog->ExecuteLD( R_STARTQUERY_NOTE,
+ queryText->Des() );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( queryText );
+ FTRACE( FPrint(
+ _L("[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ShowConfirmationNoteL() completed, retval = %d"),
+ retValue ) );
+ return retValue;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleCommandNewProfileL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleCommandNewProfileL()
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleCommandNewProfileL:" );
+ if ( iSyncDocument->ProfileCount() != 0 )
+ {
+ HBufC* delQuery = StringLoader::LoadL(
+ iSyncDocument->ProfileItem()->iProfileName );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( delQuery );
+ CAknQueryDialog* queryDialog = new (ELeave) CAknQueryDialog();
+ iDialogUp = 1;
+ if ( queryDialog->ExecuteLD( R_STARTQUERY_NOTE, delQuery->Des() ) )
+ {
+ iDialogUp = 0;
+ ShowEditProfileDialogL( ESmlCopyProfile );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iDialogUp = 0;
+ ShowEditProfileDialogL( ESmlNewProfile );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( delQuery );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iDialogUp = 0;
+ ShowEditProfileDialogL( ESmlNewProfile );
+ }
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleCommandNewProfileL() completed" );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleCommandEraseProfileL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleCommandEraseProfileL()
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleCommandEraseProfileL:" );
+ HBufC* delQuery = StringLoader::LoadL(
+ iSyncDocument->ProfileItem()->iProfileName );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( delQuery );
+ CAknQueryDialog* queryDialog = new (ELeave) CAknQueryDialog( );
+ iDialogUp = 1;
+ if ( queryDialog->ExecuteLD( R_STARTQUERY_NOTE, delQuery->Des() ) )
+ {
+ TInt index = 0;
+ TInt result = iSyncDocument->DeleteProfile( index );
+ if ( result == KErrNone )
+ {
+ iProfilesView->RefreshL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ShowErrorNoteL( result );
+ }
+ }
+ iDialogUp = 0;
+ iBusy = EFalse;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( delQuery );
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::HandleCommandEraseProfileL() completed" );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::Synchronise
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::Synchronise()
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::Synchronise:" );
+ return iSyncAppEngine->SyncRunning();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::SyncComplete
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::SyncComplete( TNSmlStatus aStatus )
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::SyncComplete()" );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iSyncDocument->RefreshProfileListL() );
+ // The listbox should get at least an empty array in any case, so
+ // the result checking is not needed.
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iProfilesView->RefreshL() );
+ TInt Value;
+ TInt r=RProperty::Get(KUidSmlSyncApp,0,Value);
+ if ( iSyncDocument->IsServerAlertSync() && Value == 1) //for Server alert launch case
+ {
+ FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::SyncComplete: RunAppShutter" );
+ CAknEnv::Static()->RunAppShutter();
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::CloseGs
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::CloseGs()
+ {
+ TApaTaskList taskList( CEikonEnv::Static()->WsSession() );
+ TApaTask task(taskList.FindApp( KUidSmlSyncApp ) );
+ task.SetWgId( CEikonEnv::Static()->RootWin().Identifier() );
+ task.SendToBackground();
+ CAknEnv::Static()->RunAppShutter();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ExitCallL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::ExitCallL( )
+ {
+ //Dummy Should not be used if fota disabled
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::CheckFotaDlL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::CheckFotaDlL()
+ {
+ //Dummy Should not be used if fota disabled
+ }
+void CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::CheckAMDlL()
+ {
+ FLOG( "CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::CheckAMDlL : Start" );
+ const TUid KAppMgmtServerUid = {0x1020781C};
+ TInt silentoperation = 1;
+ RProperty::Get( KPSUidNSmlDMSyncApp,
+ KServerAlertType,
+ silentoperation);
+ const TUint KAMServerUIEnabled = 0x00001;
+ TInt newValue;
+ TInt err = RProperty::Get(KAppMgmtServerUid, KAMServerUIEnabled, newValue);
+ if(!err && newValue && (silentoperation==KErrNotFound || silentoperation==1))
+ {
+ FLOG( "CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::CheckAMDlL : Entered:" );
+ if(silentoperation ==0)
+ FLOG( "CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::CheckAMDlL :silentoperation ==0" );
+ else
+ FLOG( "CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::CheckAMDlL :silentoperation not equal to 0" );
+ TApaTaskList taskList( CEikonEnv::Static()->WsSession() );
+ TApaTask task = taskList.FindApp(KAppMgmtServerUid );
+ if(task.Exists())
+ {
+ FLOG( "CNSmlDMSyncAppUi::CheckAMDlL :task.Exists() : BringToForeground" );
+ task.BringToForeground();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// End of File