changeset 25 5b858729772b
parent 0 3ce708148e4d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/customization/supadapter/inc/supadapter.h	Wed Sep 01 12:31:32 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  DM Startup Adapter
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Includes
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// symbian
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <smldmadapter.h>
+// s60
+#include "TARMDmStreamAdapter.h"
+#include "UISettingsSrvClient.h"
+#include <PolicyEngineClient.h>
+const TUint KNSmlDMSUPAdapterImplUid = 0x10207822;
+// the DDF version must be changed if any changes in DDF structure ( built in DDFStructureL() function )
+_LIT8( KNSmlSUPDDFVersion, "1.0" ); 
+_LIT8( KNSmlSUPTextPlain, "text/plain" );
+_LIT8( KNSmlSUPNodeName, "Apps" );
+_LIT8( KNSmlSUPDescription, "This node is the common parent to all customization objects." );
+_LIT8( KNSmlSUPStartupNodeDescription, "Startup is a common parent node to nodes customizing startup functionality");
+_LIT8( KNSmlSUPWelcomeDataNodeDescription, "Image node stores the WelcomeData (image or text) as binary data, and its runtime Type determines the interpretation");
+_LIT8( KNSmlSUPWelcomeTextNodeDescription, "Text node stores the Welcome Text");
+_LIT8( KNSmlSUPDynamicNode, "" );
+_LIT8( KNSmlSUPWelcomeDataNodeName, "Data" );
+_LIT8( KNSmlSUPWelcomeTextNodeName, "Text" );
+_LIT8( KNSmlSUPStartupNodeName, "Startup" );
+_LIT8( KNSmlCustomizationNodeName, "Customization" );
+_LIT8( KNSmlSUPImage8, "WelcomeData" );
+_LIT8( KNSmlSUPStartup8, "Startup" );
+_LIT8( KNSmlCustomizationNodeName8, "Customization" );
+// Policies:
+#define SUPADAPTER_POLICY1_SUBJECT_P1 "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:subject:role_id"
+#define SUPADAPTER_POLICY1_RESOURCE_P1 "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:resource:resource_id"
+#define SUPADAPTER_POLICY1_RESOURCE_P2 "CustomizationManagement"
+_LIT8( KSUPAdapterPolicy1SubjectParam1, SUPADAPTER_POLICY1_SUBJECT_P1 );
+_LIT8( KSUPAdapterPolicy1SubjectParam2, SUPADAPTER_POLICY1_SUBJECT_P2 );
+_LIT8( KSUPAdapterPolicy1SubjectParam3, SUPADAPTER_POLICY1_SUBJECT_P3 );
+_LIT8( KSUPAdapterPolicy1ResourceParam1, SUPADAPTER_POLICY1_RESOURCE_P1 );
+_LIT8( KSUPAdapterPolicy1ResourceParam2, SUPADAPTER_POLICY1_RESOURCE_P2 );
+_LIT8( KSUPAdapterPolicy1ResourceParam3, SUPADAPTER_POLICY1_RESOURCE_P3 );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSupAdapter 
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class CSupAdapter : public CTARMDmStreamAdapter//, public MMsvSessionObserver
+	{
+	enum TStartupAdapterLeafType
+	{
+		EText 		= 0,
+		EImage 		= 1,
+		EUnknown 	= 2	
+	};
+    enum TSupNodeIdentifier
+        {
+        ESupNodeCustomization = 0,
+        ESupNodeStartup,
+        ESupNodeWelcomeData,
+        ESupNodeWelcomeText,
+        ESupNodeNotUsedAndAlwaysLast
+        };
+	CSupAdapter(TAny* aEcomArguments);
+	static CSupAdapter* NewL( MSmlDmCallback* aDmCallback );
+	static CSupAdapter* NewLC( MSmlDmCallback* aDmCallback );
+	virtual ~CSupAdapter();
+	// Pure virtual methods
+	void DDFVersionL( CBufBase& aVersion );
+	void DDFStructureL( MSmlDmDDFObject& aDDF );
+	void UpdateLeafObjectL( CSmlDmAdapter::TError& aStatus, const TDesC8& aURI,
+	                        const TDesC8& aLUID, const TDesC8& aObject, const TDesC8& aType );
+	CSmlDmAdapter::TError FetchLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID, TDes8& aNewMime, CBufFlat* object, TInt &aUncodedSize );
+	void _UpdateLeafObjectL     ( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID,
+	                              const TDesC8& aObject, const TDesC8& aType, TInt aStatusRef );
+	void _UpdateLeafObjectL     ( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID,
+	                              RWriteStream*& aStream, const TDesC8& aType, TInt aStatusRef );
+	void _DeleteObjectL         ( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID, TInt aStatusRef );
+	void _FetchLeafObjectL      ( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID,
+	                              const TDesC8& aType, TInt aResultsRef, TInt aStatusRef );
+	void _FetchLeafObjectSizeL  ( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID,
+	                              const TDesC8& aType, TInt aResultsRef, TInt aStatusRef );
+    void _ChildURIListL         ( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID,
+                                  const CArrayFix<TSmlDmMappingInfo>& aPreviousURISegmentList,
+                                  TInt aResultsRef, TInt aStatusRef );
+	void _AddNodeObjectL        ( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aParentLUID, TInt aStatusRef );
+	void _ExecuteCommandL       ( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID,
+	                              const TDesC8& aArgument, const TDesC8& aType, TInt aStatusRef );
+    void _ExecuteCommandL       ( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID,
+                                  RWriteStream*& aStream, const TDesC8& aType, TInt aStatusRef );
+    void _CopyCommandL          ( const TDesC8& aTargetURI, const TDesC8& aTargetLUID,
+                                  const TDesC8& aSourceURI, const TDesC8& aSourceLUID,
+                                  const TDesC8& aType, TInt aStatusRef );
+    void StartAtomicL();
+    void CommitAtomicL();
+    void RollbackAtomicL();
+    TAdapterStreamType StreamType( const TDesC8& aURI );
+    TBool StreamingSupport( TInt& aItemSize );
+    void CompleteOutstandingCmdsL();
+    TInt CheckPolicyL();    
+	void ConstructL(MSmlDmCallback* aDmCallback);
+	void FillNodeInfoL( MSmlDmDDFObject& aNode,TSmlDmAccessTypes aAccTypes,MSmlDmDDFObject::TOccurence aOccurrence, MSmlDmDDFObject::TScope aScope, MSmlDmDDFObject::TDFFormat aFormat,const TDesC8& aDescription,const TDesC8& aMimeType);
+	TStartupAdapterLeafType	GetObjectType(const TDesC8& aMime);
+	TBool IsSupportedImageType(const TDesC8& aMime);
+	TBool IsSupportedTextType(const TDesC8& aMime);
+	void SetStartupTextL(CSmlDmAdapter::TError& aStatus, const TDesC16& aText);
+	void SetStartupImageL(CSmlDmAdapter::TError& aStatus, const TDesC8& aObject, const TDesC8& aType);
+	CBufFlat* GetStartupTextL(CSmlDmAdapter::TError& aStatus, const TDesC8& aType);
+	CBufFlat* GetStartupImageL(CSmlDmAdapter::TError& aStatus, const TDesC8& aType, TInt &aImageSize);
+	void CopyAndTrimMimeType(TDes8& aNewMime, const TDesC8& aType);
+    CSupAdapter::TSupNodeIdentifier GetNodeIdentifier(const TDesC8& aURI);
+	TStartupAdapterLeafType GetFetchTypeL(CSmlDmAdapter::TError& aStatus, const TDesC8& aType);
+	TStartupAdapterLeafType GetSelectedTypeL(CSmlDmAdapter::TError& aStatus);	
+    TPtrC8 PolicyRequestResourceL( const TDesC8& aURI );
+#ifdef __WINS__	
+	void DebugTestsL();
+    RPolicyEngine   iPE;
+    RPolicyRequest  iPR;
+	MSmlDmCallback* iCallBack;
+	CBufBase *iUndoImage;
+	CBufBase *iUndoText;
+	TInt     iUndoNoteType;
+    TFileName iTemporaryImageFile;
+#endif // __NSMLSUPADAPTER_H__