--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/devicediagnostics/devdiagapp/src/devdiagengine.cpp Wed Sep 01 12:31:32 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1198 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Engine implementation
+// System Include Files
+#include <e32std.h> // User
+#include <f32file.h> // RFs
+#include <DiagEngine.h> // CDiagEngine
+#include <DiagPlugin.h> // MDiagPlugin
+#include <DiagSuitePlugin.h> // MDiagSuitePlugin
+#include <DiagResultsDatabaseItem.h> // CDiagResultsDatabaseItem
+#include <DiagPluginPool.h> // CDiagPluginPool
+#include <DiagResultsDatabaseTestRecordInfo.h>
+ // TDiagResultsDatabaseTestRecordInfo
+#include <drmserviceapi.h> // CDrmServiceApi
+#include <e32property.h> // RProperty
+#include <PSVariables.h> // Property values
+#include <startupdomainpskeys.h> // Property values
+#include <centralrepository.h> // CRepository
+#include <ProfileEngineSDKCRKeys.h> // CR Keys for Profile
+#include <DiagFrameworkDebug.h> // Debug Logger
+#include <DiagResultsDbRecordEngineParam.h>
+// User Include Files
+#include "devdiagapp.hrh" // UID definition
+#include "devdiagengine.h" // CDevDiagEngine
+#include "devdiagengineobserver.h" // CDevDiagEngineObserver
+#include "devdiagexecutionresults.h" // CDevDiagExecResults
+#include "devdiag.pan" // Panic
+#include "devdiagcommoncanceldialogs.h" // CDevDiagCancelExecutionDialog
+#include "devdiagcommonskipdialogs.h"
+// Local Constants
+const TInt KErrDevDiagAlreadyInitialized = ( -1 );
+const TInt KErrDevDiagAlreadyLoaded = ( -2 );
+const TInt KErrDevDiagUninitialized = ( -3 );
+///@@@KSR: changes for BAD Warnings - #177-D: variable "KErrDevDiagExecuting" was declared but never referenced
+//const TInt KErrDevDiagExecuting = ( -4 );
+const TInt KErrDevDiagAlreadyRunning = ( -5 );
+const TInt KErrDevDiagNotRunning = ( -6 );
+const TInt KErrDevDiagSuspendResume = ( -7 );
+const TUid KUidDevDiagApplication = { _UID3 };
+///@@@KSR: changes for BAD Warnings - #177-D: variable "KProgressGranularity" was declared but never referenced
+//const TInt KProgressGranularity = ( 2 );
+// Local Data Types
+typedef CArrayFixFlat< TDiagResultsDatabaseTestRecordInfo > CDatabaseRecordInfoArray;
+const TInt KArrayGranuality(50);
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Static two-phase constructor.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CDevDiagEngine* CDevDiagEngine::NewL()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::NewL()" )
+ CDevDiagEngine* self = CDevDiagEngine::NewLC();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Static two-phase constructor.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CDevDiagEngine* CDevDiagEngine::NewLC()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::NewLC()" )
+ CDevDiagEngine* self = new ( ELeave ) CDevDiagEngine();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::~CDevDiagEngine()" )
+ // Cancel any outstanding asynchronous requests.
+ Cancel();
+ // Delete the member variables.
+ delete iResults;
+ delete iDiagEngine;
+ delete iPluginPool;
+ if ( iUids )
+ {
+ delete iUids;
+ iUids = NULL;
+ }
+ iLastResults.ResetAndDestroy();
+ iLastResults.Close();
+ // Close the session with the results database.
+ iResultsDatabase.Close();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This function allows the UI to receive application engine callbacks by
+// implementing the MDevDiagEngineObserver interface.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::SetObserver( MDevDiagEngineObserver* aObserver )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagEngine::SetObserver( 0x%x )", aObserver )
+ if ( iObserver && aObserver )
+ {
+ // We have cannot leave here.
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iObserver->HandleEngineCommandL(
+ MDevDiagEngineObserver::EDevDiagEngineCommandObserverChanged,
+ KErrNone,
+ NULL ) )
+ }
+ iObserver = aObserver;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This function begins test execution. It is the responsibility of the
+// caller to check the runtime requirements prior to calling this function.
+// This is an asynchronous request.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::ExecuteTestL( TUid aUid, CAknViewAppUi& aAppUi )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagEngine::ExecuteTestL( 0x%x )", aUid.iUid )
+ // Reset the member variables to prepare for a new execution run.
+ delete iDiagEngine;
+ iDiagEngine = NULL;
+ delete iResults;
+ iResults = NULL;
+ iSuspendCounter = 0;
+ RArray< TUid > uidArray;
+ uidArray.Append( aUid );
+ CleanupClosePushL( uidArray );
+ // Create an engine instance and execute the test or suite.
+ iDiagEngine = CDiagEngine::NewL( aAppUi,
+ *this,
+ iResultsDatabase,
+ *iPluginPool,
+ EFalse,
+ uidArray );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // uidArray
+ iDiagEngine->ExecuteL();
+ // Do the state transition now that we are successfully starting.
+ SetState( EStateStartingExecution );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This function will provides the execution results, which may be from an
+// execution run which is ongoing, or from logged test results.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const CDevDiagExecResults& CDevDiagEngine::ExecutionResults() const
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::ExecutionResults()" )
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( HasExecutionResults(),
+ Panic( EDevDiagApplicationNotInitialized ) );
+ return *iResults;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This function will handle getting the results information for the most
+// recent test execution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::LoadLastLoggedResultsL()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::LoadLastLoggedResultsL()" )
+ // Check the state.
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iState == EStateReady,
+ Panic( EDevDiagApplicationInvalidEngineState ) );
+ // If there are any existing results, just use them.
+ if ( iResults )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get info about the last test record. If there are no existing records,
+ // just return -- the caller must check if there are results before they
+ // do anything.
+ TUid lastExecutionRecord;
+ if ( iResultsDatabase.GetLastRecord( lastExecutionRecord ) != KErrNone )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Now, load the logged results.
+ iResults = CDevDiagExecResults::NewL( lastExecutionRecord,
+ *iPluginPool,
+ iResultsDatabase );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This function will stop test execution. The argument specifies whether all
+// execution should be stopped, or just the currently running test.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::ExecutionStopL( TDevDiagAppEngineStopMode aReason )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagEngine::ExecutionStopL( %d )", aReason )
+ // Check the state.
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( IsRunningPlugins(),
+ Panic( EDevDiagApplicationInvalidEngineState ) );
+ // Stop the execution.
+ switch ( aReason )
+ {
+ case EStopModeSkip:
+ iDiagEngine->ExecutionStopL( MDiagEngineCommon::ESkip );
+ break;
+ case EStopModeCancel:
+ SetState( EStateStoppingExecution );
+ // Start an idle active object, which will handle deleting the
+ // diagnostics engine. This cannot be done here because the
+ // engine may be executing a test which is displaying the "Cancel
+ // Execution" dialog, which calls this function. The priority of
+ // this CIdle MUST be higher than then diagnostics engine and ALL
+ // of its active objects.
+ delete iIdle;
+ iIdle = NULL;
+ iIdle = CIdle::NewL( CActive::EPriorityHigh );
+ iIdle->Start( TCallBack( HandleExecutionCancelledL, this ) );
+ // Inform the observer. In the case where the observer is
+ // displaying a dialog, this will allow the observer to cancel it.
+ if ( iObserver )
+ {
+ iObserver->HandleEngineCommandL(
+ MDevDiagEngineObserver::EDevDiagEngineCommandExecutionStopping,
+ KErrCancel,
+ NULL );
+ }
+ break;
+ case EStopModeSuspend:
+ // Increment the suspend counter and check the state.
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagEngine::ExecutionStopL, counter: %d",
+ iSuspendCounter )
+ iSuspendCounter++;
+ if ( iState == EStateExecutionSuspended )
+ {
+ // Do nothing - we're already suspended.
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iSuspendCounter > 1,
+ Panic( EDevDiagApplicationInvalidEngineState ) );
+ break;
+ }
+ SetState( EStateExecutionSuspended );
+ iDiagEngine->SuspendL();
+ break;
+ case EStopModeWatchdog:
+ iDiagEngine->StopWatchdogTemporarily();
+ break;
+ default:
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( EDevDiagApplicationInvalidStopMode ) );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+TInt CDevDiagEngine::HandleExecutionCancelledL( TAny* aPtr )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagEngine::HandleExecutionCancelledL( 0x%x )", aPtr )
+ CDevDiagEngine* myThis = static_cast< CDevDiagEngine* >( aPtr );
+ myThis->iResults->Finalize( EFalse );
+ delete myThis->iDiagEngine;
+ myThis->iDiagEngine = NULL;
+ delete myThis->iIdle;
+ myThis->iIdle = NULL;
+ myThis->SetState( EStateReady );
+ // Inform the observer object.
+ if ( myThis->iObserver )
+ {
+ myThis->iObserver->HandleEngineCommandL(
+ MDevDiagEngineObserver::EDevDiagEngineCommandTestExecutionCancelled,
+ KErrCancel,
+ NULL );
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This function will resume suspended test execution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::ExecutionResumeL( TDevDiagAppEngineResumeMode aReason )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagEngine::ExecutionResumeL( %d )", aReason )
+ // Check the state.
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( IsRunningPlugins(),
+ Panic( EDevDiagApplicationInvalidEngineState ) );
+ // Resume the execution.
+ switch ( aReason )
+ {
+ case EResumeModeResume:
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagEngine::ExecutionResumeL, counter: %d",
+ iSuspendCounter )
+ // Decrement the suspend counter and check the state.
+ --iSuspendCounter;
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iSuspendCounter >= 0,
+ Panic( EDevDiagApplicationInvalidEngineState ) );
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iState == EStateExecutionSuspended,
+ Panic( EDevDiagApplicationInvalidEngineState ) );
+ // Resume the execution, but only if there have been enough
+ // "resume" calls to match the number of "suspend" calls.
+ if ( iSuspendCounter == 0 )
+ {
+ SetState( EStateRunningTests );
+ iDiagEngine->ResumeL();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EResumeModeWatchdog:
+ // iDiagEngine->ResetWatchdogL();
+ break;
+ default:
+ Panic( EDevDiagApplicationInvalidEngineState ) );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Returns the plugin pool.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const CDiagPluginPool& CDevDiagEngine::PluginPool() const
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::PluginPool()" )
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( ArePluginsLoaded(),
+ Panic( EDevDiagApplicationNotInitialized ) );
+ return *iPluginPool;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Returns whether or not tests are running.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CDevDiagEngine::IsRunningPlugins() const
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::IsRunningPlugins()" )
+ return ( iState == EStateStartingExecution ||
+ iState == EStateRunningTests ||
+ iState == EStateStoppingExecution ||
+ iState == EStateExecutionSuspended );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Checks if the engine is currently stopping execution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CDevDiagEngine::IsStoppingExecution() const
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::IsStoppingExecution()" )
+ return ( iState == EStateStoppingExecution );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Returns whether or not plugins are done loading.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CDevDiagEngine::ArePluginsLoaded() const
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::ArePluginsLoaded()" )
+ return ( iState != EStateInitial &&
+ iState != EStateLoadingPlugins );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Returns whether execution results are available.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CDevDiagEngine::HasExecutionResults() const
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::HasExecutionResults()" )
+ if ( iResults )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// The default constructor.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CDevDiagEngine::CDevDiagEngine() : CActive( EPriorityStandard ),
+ iDiagEngine( NULL )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::CDevDiagEngine()" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// The second phase constructor.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::ConstructL()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::ConstructL()" )
+ // Connect to the results database.
+ User::LeaveIfError( iResultsDatabase.Connect( KUidDevDiagApplication ) );
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::ResultDB connect");
+ // Load the plugins.
+ iPluginPool = CDiagPluginPool::NewL( *this );
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::NewL");
+ SetState( EStateLoadingPlugins );
+ iPluginPool->LoadAsyncL( KDiagPluginInterfaceUid );
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::LoadPlugin");
+ // Add the application engine to the active scheduler.
+ CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// To obtain the current engine state
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CDevDiagEngine::GetState()
+ {
+ return iState;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// The state machine transition handler. If there is an error in changing
+// states, then it will be returned and the state will be left unchanged.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::SetState( TDevDiagAppEngineState aNextState )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING3( "CDevDiagEngine::SetState( %d ), iState = %d",
+ aNextState,
+ iState )
+ // The state transition table. Structure: State in / State to go to.
+ static const TInt KStateTable[ EStateMax ][ EStateMax ] =
+ {
+ // EStateInitial
+ {
+ KErrNone, // To EStateInitial
+ KErrNone, // To EStateLoadingPlugins
+ KErrDevDiagUninitialized, // To EStateReady
+ KErrDevDiagUninitialized, // To EStateStartingExecution
+ KErrDevDiagUninitialized, // To EStateRunningTests
+ KErrDevDiagUninitialized, // To EStateStoppingExecution
+ KErrDevDiagUninitialized // To EStateExecutionSuspended
+ },
+ // EStateLoadingPlugins
+ {
+ KErrDevDiagAlreadyInitialized, // To EStateInitial
+ KErrNone, // To EStateLoadingPlugins
+ KErrNone, // To EStateReady
+ KErrDevDiagUninitialized, // To EStateStartingExecution
+ KErrDevDiagUninitialized, // To EStateRunningTests
+ KErrDevDiagUninitialized, // To EStateStoppingExecution
+ KErrDevDiagUninitialized // To EStateExecutionSuspended
+ },
+ // EStateReady
+ {
+ KErrDevDiagAlreadyInitialized, // To EStateInitial
+ KErrDevDiagAlreadyLoaded, // To EStateLoadingPlugins
+ KErrNone, // To EStateReady
+ KErrNone, // To EStateStartingExecution
+ KErrDevDiagNotRunning, // To EStateRunningTests
+ KErrDevDiagNotRunning, // To EStateStoppingExecution
+ KErrDevDiagNotRunning // To EStateExecutionSuspended
+ },
+ // EStateStartingExecution
+ {
+ KErrDevDiagAlreadyInitialized, // To EStateInitial
+ KErrDevDiagAlreadyLoaded, // To EStateLoadingPlugins
+ KErrNone, // To EStateReady
+ KErrNone, // To EStateStartingExecution
+ KErrNone, // To EStateRunningTests
+ KErrNone, // To EStateStoppingExecution
+ KErrDevDiagNotRunning // To EStateExecutionSuspended
+ },
+ // EStateRunningTests
+ {
+ KErrDevDiagAlreadyInitialized, // To EStateInitial
+ KErrDevDiagAlreadyLoaded, // To EStateLoadingPlugins
+ KErrNone, // To EStateReady
+ KErrDevDiagAlreadyRunning, // To EStateStartingExecution
+ KErrNone, // To EStateRunningTests
+ KErrNone, // To EStateStoppingExecution
+ KErrNone // To EStateExecutionSuspended
+ },
+ // EStateStoppingExecution
+ {
+ KErrDevDiagAlreadyInitialized, // To EStateInitial
+ KErrDevDiagAlreadyLoaded, // To EStateLoadingPlugins
+ KErrNone, // To EStateReady
+ KErrDevDiagAlreadyRunning, // To EStateStartingExecution
+ KErrDevDiagAlreadyRunning, // To EStateRunningTests
+ KErrNone, // To EStateStoppingExecution
+ KErrDevDiagNotRunning // To EStateExecutionSuspended
+ },
+ // EStateExecutionSuspended
+ {
+ KErrDevDiagAlreadyInitialized, // To EStateInitial
+ KErrDevDiagAlreadyLoaded, // To EStateLoadingPlugins
+ KErrDevDiagSuspendResume, // To EStateReady
+ KErrDevDiagAlreadyRunning, // To EStateStartingExecution
+ KErrNone, // To EStateRunningTests
+ KErrNone, // To EStateStoppingExecution
+ KErrNone // To EStateExecutionSuspended
+ }
+ };
+ // Check if there is an invalid state.
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( ( iState < EStateMax && aNextState < EStateMax ),
+ Panic( EDevDiagApplicationInvalidEngineState ) );
+ // Change the state if there was no error, and return.
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( KStateTable[ iState ][ aNextState ] == KErrNone,
+ Panic( EDevDiagApplicationInvalidEngineState ) );
+ iState = aNextState;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class CActive.
+// The active object completion function. This is only used for checking the
+// runtime requirements.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::RunL()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::RunL()" )
+ if ( iStatus.Int() == KErrNone )
+ {
+ TInt error = iResultsDatabase.GetLastResults( iLastResults );
+ if ( error != KErrNone )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagEngine::RunL GetLastResults error: %d", error );
+ }
+ if ( iObserver )
+ {
+ iObserver->HandleEngineCommandL(
+ MDevDiagEngineObserver::EDevDiagEngineCommandGetLastResults,
+ error,
+ &iLastResults );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagEngine::RunL error: %d", iStatus.Int() );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDevDiagEngine::RunError
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CDevDiagEngine::RunError( TInt aError )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagEngine::RunError error: %d", aError );
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class CActive.
+// The active object cancellation function.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::DoCancel()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::DoCancel()" )
+ // Stop plugin loading, if it is ongoing.
+ if ( iState == EStateLoadingPlugins )
+ {
+ // Cannot leave here.
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iPluginPool->CancelLoadPluginsL() )
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class MDiagEngineObserver.
+// The callback to indicate that test execution is starting.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::TestExecutionBeginL()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::TestExecutionBeginL()" )
+ SetState( EStateRunningTests );
+ // Get the record info, so we can get the record uid.
+ TDiagResultsDatabaseTestRecordInfo recordInfo;
+ User::LeaveIfError( iDiagEngine->DbRecord().GetRecordInfo( recordInfo ) );
+ // Get the engine parameters, so we can get the executed uid.
+ CDiagResultsDbRecordEngineParam* execParam;
+ User::LeaveIfError( iDiagEngine->DbRecord().GetEngineParam( execParam ) );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( execParam );
+ // Initialize the results data.
+ delete iResults;
+ iResults = NULL;
+ iResults = CDevDiagExecResults::NewL( recordInfo.iRecordId,
+ *iPluginPool,
+ iResultsDatabase,
+ execParam->ExecutionsUidArray()[ 0 ],
+ iDiagEngine );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( execParam );
+ // Inform the observer object.
+ if ( iObserver )
+ {
+ iObserver->HandleEngineCommandL(
+ MDevDiagEngineObserver::EDevDiagEngineCommandTestExecutionBegin,
+ KErrNone,
+ NULL );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class MDiagEngineObserver.
+// The callback to indicate test progress.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::TestExecutionProgressL( TUint aCurrentItemStep,
+ TUint aCurrentItemTotalSteps )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING3( "CDevDiagEngine::TestExecutionProgressL( %d, %d )",
+ aCurrentItemStep,
+ aCurrentItemTotalSteps )
+ // Update the results data.
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iResults, Panic( EDevDiagApplicationInvalidEngineState ) );
+ iResults->SetProgressL( aCurrentItemStep, aCurrentItemTotalSteps );
+ // Inform the observer object.
+ if ( iObserver )
+ {
+ iObserver->HandleEngineCommandL(
+ MDevDiagEngineObserver::EDevDiagEngineCommandProgressDataUpdated,
+ KErrNone,
+ NULL );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class MDiagEngineObserver.
+// The callback to indicate that a plugin has completed and provide the
+// result. Ownership of aResult is transferred.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::TestExecutionPluginExecutedL(
+ TInt aError,
+ CDiagResultsDatabaseItem* aResult )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING3( "CDevDiagEngine::TestExecutionPluginExecutedL( %d, 0x%x )",
+ aError,
+ aResult )
+ // Update the results data.
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iResults, Panic( EDevDiagApplicationNoExecutionResults ) );
+ iResults->AddEntryL( aResult, aError );
+ if ( aResult )
+ {
+ TInt result = aResult->TestResult();
+ }
+ const MDiagPlugin& plugin = iResults->CurrentItemL().Plugin();
+ if ( plugin.Type() == MDiagPlugin::ETypeTestPlugin )
+ {
+ //Now we are executing a test (NULL indicates a test suite).
+ if ( aResult )
+ {
+ MDevDiagEngineObserver::TAppEngineCommand cmd = MDevDiagEngineObserver::EDevDiagEngineCommandSinglePluginExecutionDone;
+ if ( iObserver )
+ iObserver->HandleEngineCommandL(cmd,aError,NULL );
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ MDevDiagEngineObserver::TAppEngineCommand cmd;
+ const MDiagPlugin& plugin = iResults->CurrentItemL().Plugin();
+ if ( plugin.Type() == MDiagPlugin::ETypeTestPlugin )
+ {
+ //Now we are executing a test (NULL indicates a test suite).
+ if ( aResult )
+ { javascript:submitForm('CreateAccountServlet', target='/accounts/my/create_selectService.jsp', '')
+ cmd = MDevDiagEngineObserver::EDevDiagEngineCommandSinglePluginExecutionDone;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //cmd = MDevDiagEngineObserver::EDevDiagEngineCommandGroupExecutionProgress;
+ }
+ if ( iObserver )
+ {
+ iObserver->HandleEngineCommandL(
+ cmd,
+ aError,
+ NULL );
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class MDiagEngineObserver.
+// The callback to indicate that the diagnostics engine has finished executing
+// plugins. This can also indicate a failure to begin executing plugins.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::TestExecutionCompletedL( TInt aError )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagEngine::TestExecutionCompletedL( %d )", aError )
+ SetState( EStateReady );
+ TBool singleExecution = iResults->SinglePluginExecutionL();
+ // Clean up the execution information.
+ if ( iResults )
+ {
+ // The results are fully complete only if execution cannot be resumed,
+ // so these are the only error codes that indicate that.
+ iResults->Finalize( aError == KErrNone ||
+ aError == KErrCancel ||
+ aError == KErrArgument );
+ }
+ delete iDiagEngine;
+ iDiagEngine = NULL;
+ // Inform the observer object.
+ if ( iObserver && !singleExecution )
+ {
+ iObserver->HandleEngineCommandL(
+ MDevDiagEngineObserver::EDevDiagEngineCommandGroupExecutionDone,
+ aError,
+ NULL );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class MDiagEngineObserver.
+// The callback to indicate that test execution has been suspended.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::TestExecutionSuspendedL( TSuspendReason aSuspendReason )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagEngine::TestExecutionSuspendedL( %d )",
+ aSuspendReason )
+ // Don't do anything if this suspend came from the application, as this
+ // would duplicate the counter increase.
+ if ( aSuspendReason == ESuspendByClient )
+ {
+ ( iSuspendCounter > 0 && iState == EStateExecutionSuspended ),
+ Panic( EDevDiagApplicationInvalidEngineState ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ LOGSTRING3( "CDevDiagEngine::TestExecutionSuspendedL: counter %d, state: %d",
+ iSuspendCounter,
+ iState )
+ // Increment the suspend counter and check the state.
+ iSuspendCounter++;
+ if ( iState == EStateExecutionSuspended )
+ {
+ // If we are already suspended, then this suspend has no effect.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Suspend ourself and inform the user.
+ SetState( EStateExecutionSuspended );
+ if ( iObserver )
+ {
+ iObserver->HandleEngineCommandL(
+ MDevDiagEngineObserver::EDevDiagEngineCommandTestExecutionSuspended,
+ KErrNone,
+ NULL );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class MDiagEngineObserver.
+// The callback to indicate that test execution has been resumed.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::TestExecutionResumedL( TResumeReason aResumeReason )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagEngine::TestExecutionResumedL( %d )", aResumeReason )
+ // Don't do anything if this suspend came from the application, as this
+ // would duplicate the counter decrease.
+ if ( aResumeReason == EResumedByClient )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LOGSTRING3( "CDevDiagEngine::TestExecutionResumedL: counter %d, state: %d",
+ iSuspendCounter,
+ iState )
+ // Decrement the suspend counter and check the state.
+ --iSuspendCounter;
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iSuspendCounter >= 0,
+ Panic( EDevDiagApplicationInvalidEngineState ) );
+ if ( iState != EStateExecutionSuspended )
+ {
+ // The resume was already done, so just return.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Resume ourself and inform the user.
+ SetState( EStateRunningTests );
+ if ( iObserver )
+ {
+ iObserver->HandleEngineCommandL(
+ MDevDiagEngineObserver::EDevDiagEngineCommandTestExecutionResumed,
+ KErrNone,
+ NULL );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class MDiagEngineObserver.
+// The callback to to create a custom common-use dialog. This may ONLY be
+// called by the Diagnostics Engine. Any application classes must use the
+// dialog classes directly.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAknDialog* CDevDiagEngine::CreateCommonDialogLC( TDiagCommonDialog aDialogType,
+ TAny* aInitData )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING3( "CDevDiagEngine::CreateCommonDialogLC( %d, 0x%x )",
+ aDialogType,
+ aInitData )
+ switch ( aDialogType )
+ {
+ case EDiagCommonDialogConfirmCancelAll:
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( !aInitData,
+ Panic( EDevDiagApplicationGeneral ) );
+ return CDevDiagCommonCancelDialogs::NewLC( *this, EFalse );
+ }
+ case EDiagCommonDialogConfirmSkipAll:
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( !aInitData,
+ Panic( EDevDiagApplicationGeneral ) );
+ return CDevDiagCommonSkipDialogs::NewLC( *this, EFalse );
+ }
+ }
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( EDevDiagApplicationBadType ) );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class MDiagEngineObserver.
+// The callback to to execute an application command. This may ONLY be
+// called by the Diagnostics Engine.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::ExecuteAppCommandL( TDiagAppCommand aCommand,
+ TAny* aParam1,
+ TAny* aParam2 )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING4( "CDevDiagEngine::ExecuteAppCommandL( %d, 0x%x, 0x%x )",
+ aCommand,
+ aParam1,
+ aParam2 )
+ switch ( aCommand )
+ {
+ case EDiagAppCommandSwitchToMainView:
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( ( !aParam1 && !aParam2 ),
+ Panic( EDevDiagApplicationGeneral ) );
+ if ( iObserver )
+ {
+ iObserver->HandleEngineCommandL(
+ MDevDiagEngineObserver::EDevDiagEngineCommandViewSwitch,
+ KErrNone,
+ NULL );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class MDiagPluginPoolObserver.
+// The callback to indicate plugin loading progress.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::LoadProgressL( TUint aCurrentStep,
+ TUint aTotalSteps,
+ const TUid& aLoadedPluginUid )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING4( "CDevDiagEngine::LoadProgressL( %d, %d, 0x%x )",
+ aCurrentStep,
+ aTotalSteps,
+ aLoadedPluginUid.iUid )
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iState == EStateLoadingPlugins,
+ Panic( EDevDiagApplicationInvalidEngineState ) );
+ // Inform the observer with the loading information.
+ if ( iObserver )
+ {
+ MDiagPlugin* plugin = NULL;
+ iPluginPool->FindPlugin( aLoadedPluginUid, plugin );
+ iObserver->HandleEngineCommandL(
+ MDevDiagEngineObserver::EDevDiagEngineCommandPluginLoadProgress,
+ KErrNone,
+ plugin );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class MDiagPluginPoolObserver.
+// The callback to indicate plugin loading completion.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::LoadCompletedL( TInt aError )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagEngine::LoadCompletedL( %d )", aError )
+ SetState( EStateReady );
+ // Inform the observer of the loading completion. The observer will
+ // display error messages for loading failures.
+ if ( iObserver )
+ {
+ iObserver->HandleEngineCommandL(
+ MDevDiagEngineObserver::EDevDiagEngineCommandPluginLoadComplete,
+ aError,
+ NULL );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get Last results from the Results Database.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDevDiagEngine::GetLastResultsL( TUid aParentUid )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::GetLastResultsL");
+ RPointerArray<MDiagPlugin> children;
+ CleanupClosePushL( children );
+ MDiagPlugin* plugin;
+ ///@@@KSR: changes for BAD Warnings - #177-D: variable "formattedName" was declared but never referenced
+ //HBufC* formattedName = NULL;
+ if ( PluginPool().FindPlugin( aParentUid, plugin ) == KErrNone )
+ {
+ MDiagSuitePlugin* suite = static_cast< MDiagSuitePlugin* >( plugin );
+ suite->GetChildrenL( children, MDiagSuitePlugin::ESortByPosition );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ if ( iUids )
+ {
+ delete iUids;
+ iUids = NULL;
+ }
+ iUids = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TUid>( KArrayGranuality );
+ iLastResults.ResetAndDestroy();
+ //Create UID array that is needed when results are searched from the DB.
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < children.Count(); ++i )
+ {
+ iUids->AppendL( children[i]->Uid() );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &children );
+ //Start search. This is an asynchronous call.
+ iResultsDatabase.InitiateGetLastResults( *iUids, iStatus );
+ SetActive();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get last plug-in that crashed (if any).
+// CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::EQueuedToRun indicates that the test was not
+// executed properly.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CDevDiagEngine::CrashedPluginL( TUid& aPluginUid )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::CrashedPluginL");
+ TUid recordUid;
+ TInt error = iResultsDatabase.GetLastNotCompletedRecord ( recordUid );
+ LOGSTRING2("crashedpluginL::dbconnect error %d",error);
+ TBool found = EFalse;
+ if ( error == KErrNone )
+ {
+ RDiagResultsDatabaseRecord crashedRecord;
+ error = crashedRecord.Connect( iResultsDatabase, recordUid, EFalse );
+ CleanupClosePushL( crashedRecord );
+ if ( error != KErrNone )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagEngine::CrashedPluginL connect error: %d", error );
+ User::Leave( error );
+ }
+ //ResetAndDestroy + Close would be better
+ RPointerArray<CDiagResultsDatabaseItem> resultsArray;
+ CleanupClosePushL( resultsArray );
+ error = crashedRecord.GetTestResults ( resultsArray );
+ if ( error != KErrNone )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagEngine::CrashedPluginL GetTestResults error: %d", error );
+ User::Leave( error );
+ }
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < resultsArray.Count(); ++i )
+ {
+ if ( resultsArray[i]->TestResult() == CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::EQueuedToRun )
+ {
+ aPluginUid = resultsArray[i]->TestUid();
+ found = ETrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ resultsArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //crashedRecord
+ }
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::CrashedPluginL end" );
+ return found;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Completes the crashed test record.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+///@@@KSR: changes for Codescanner error val = High
+//TInt CDevDiagEngine::CompleteCrashedTestRecord()
+TInt CDevDiagEngine::CompleteCrashedTestRecordL()
+ {
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::CompleteCrashedTestRecordL");
+ TUid recordUid;
+ TInt error = iResultsDatabase.GetLastNotCompletedRecord ( recordUid );
+ if ( error == KErrNone )
+ {
+ RDiagResultsDatabaseRecord crashedRecord;
+ error = crashedRecord.Connect( iResultsDatabase, recordUid, EFalse );
+ CleanupClosePushL( crashedRecord );
+ if ( error != KErrNone )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagEngine::CompleteCrashedTestRecordL connect error: %d", error );
+ return error;
+ }
+ error = crashedRecord.TestCompleted( ETrue );
+ if ( error != KErrNone )
+ {
+ LOGSTRING2( "CDevDiagEngine::CompleteCrashedTestRecordL TestCompleted error: %d", error );
+ return error;
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //crashedRecord
+ }
+ LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagEngine::CompleteCrashedTestRecordL end");
+ return error;
+ }
+// ADO & Platformization Changes
+ TBool CDevDiagEngine::GetPluginDependencyL()
+ {
+ ///@@@KSR: changes for Codescanner error val = High
+ //return iDiagEngine->GetPluginDependency();
+ return iDiagEngine->GetPluginDependencyL();
+ }
+// End of File