--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/devicediagnostics/diagplugins/diagdatanetworkplugin/inc/diagdatanetworktestpdpengine.h Wed Sep 01 12:31:32 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This is the header for the Diagnostics Data Network Test
+* PDP-Engine class
+#include "diagpdptestengine.h" // CDiagPDPTestEngine
+#include <DiagNetworkRegStatusObserver.h> // MDiagNetworkRegStatusObserver
+#include <diaglogeventeraserobserver.h> // MDiagLogEventEraserObserver
+#include <AknWaitDialog.h>
+#include "diagdatanetworktestcallbackinterface.h" // MDiagDataNetworkTestCallBackInterface
+class CDiagNetworkRegStatusWatcher;
+class CDiagPluginWaitingDialogWrapper;
+class CDiagLogEventEraser;
+class CDiagDataNetworkTestPDPEngine
+ : public CDiagPDPTestEngine,
+ public MDiagNetworkRegStatusObserver,
+ public MDiagLogEventEraserObserver,
+ public MProgressDialogCallback
+ {
+ /**
+ * Symbian OS two-phased constructor
+ * @return DataNetwork Test PDP Engine
+ */
+ static CDiagDataNetworkTestPDPEngine* NewL(
+ MDiagDataNetworkTestCallBackInterface& aInterface);
+ /**
+ * Destructor
+ */
+ ~CDiagDataNetworkTestPDPEngine();
+ /**
+ * The plugin calls this function of engine to start the Data Network test
+ */
+ void RunDataNetworkTestL();
+ /**
+ * This function return the total steps of the Data network test
+ */
+ static TUint TotalSteps();
+private: // private data-type
+ /**
+ * States of the PDP test engine
+ */
+ enum TPDPEngineState
+ {
+ EStateUnknown,
+ EStateWaitForInitialNetworkRegStatus,
+ EStateCheckingConnecitonParams,
+ EStateWaitForConnectionCompletion,
+ EStateWaitForLogErase,
+ EStateCancelTest,
+ EStateWaitDialogOn,
+ EStateDialogDismissed,
+ EStateMax
+ };
+private: // private functions
+ /**
+ * C++ default constructor.
+ */
+ CDiagDataNetworkTestPDPEngine(MDiagDataNetworkTestCallBackInterface& aInterface);
+ /**
+ * Symbian OS default constructor.
+ *
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ /**
+ * @see CDiagPDPTestEngine::ReadAPNsFromCenrepL()
+ */
+ void ReadAPNsFromCenrepL(TInt& aError);
+ /**
+ * This function is the entry point to start establishing PDP context
+ */
+ void EstablishPDPContextL();
+ /**
+ * @see CDiagPDPTestEngine::ReportResultToPluginL()
+ */
+ void ReportResultToPluginL(TBool aResult);
+ /**
+ * This function is the handles the process of ongoing connection request
+ */
+ void HandleOngoingConnectionRequestL();
+ /**
+ * This function starts the process of PDP establishment
+ */
+ void StartPdpEstablishmentL();
+ /**
+ * This function sets the state of the engine and reports the progress of the
+ * test to the plugin class
+ */
+ void SetStateL(TPDPEngineState aState);
+ /**
+ * This function starts the process of erasing logs.
+ *
+ */
+ void StartLogEraseOperationL(TBool aTestResult);
+ /**
+ * Progress Note
+ *
+ */
+ TBool ShowProgressNoteL(TInt);
+private: // from CActive
+ /**
+ * Handle active object completion event
+ */
+ void RunL();
+ /**
+ * Handle if RunL leaves
+ */
+ TInt RunError( TInt aError );
+ /**
+ * Handle cancel
+ */
+ void DoCancel();
+private: // from MProgressDialogCallback
+ /**
+ * Called when the progress dialog is dismissed.
+ *
+ * @param aButtonId - indicate which button made dialog to dismiss
+ */
+ virtual void DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId );
+private: // from MDiagNetworkRegStatusObserver
+ /**
+ * This function is used to inform the intial network registration status
+ *
+ * @param aRegistered.
+ * ETrue :The device is currently registered on the network
+ * EFalse:The device is currently not registered on the network.
+ */
+ void InitialNetworkRegistrationStatusL( const TBool& aRegistered );
+ /**
+ * This interface is used to inform the clients of any changes in the network registration
+ * status
+ *
+ * @param aRegistered
+ * ETrue :The device has now changed to registered status.
+ * EFalse:The device has now lost network coverage.
+ */
+ void NetworkRegistrationStatusChangeL( const TBool& aRegistered );
+private: // from MDiagLogEventEraserObserver
+ /**
+ * This callback interface is used to determine if the log event is
+ * to be deleted or not.
+ * @param aEvent is the event which has to be deleted
+ * @return ETrue if the event is to be deleted and EFalse if the event is
+ * not to be deleted
+ */
+ TBool IsEventToBeDeleted( const CLogEvent& aEvent );
+ /**
+ * This callback interface is used to notify that log events are erased
+ */
+ void CompleteEventEraseL( TInt aError );
+private: // private data
+ /**
+ * State of the Data network test engine
+ */
+ TPDPEngineState iEngineState;
+ TPDPEngineState iPrevState;
+ /**
+ * UTC time recorded just before starting the process of PDP connection
+ * establishment. This time is used to filter the log events for deletion
+ */
+ TTime iStartTime;
+ /**
+ * Flag to remember the result of the test prior to erasing of logs
+ */
+ TBool iTestResult;
+ /**
+ * Callback interface used by the engine class to report the progress of the test
+ * and result of the test
+ */
+ MDiagDataNetworkTestCallBackInterface& iInterface;
+ /**
+ * This index is used to store the current index of IAP array on which
+ * asynchrouns RConnection::Start() has been issued.
+ */
+ TInt iCurrentIndex;
+ /**
+ * This enum is used to store the current IAP array (primary or secondary) on which
+ * asynchrouns RConnection::Start() has been issued.
+ */
+ TIapArray iCurrentArray;
+ /**
+ * For providing prefernce about how to set up the connection
+ */
+ TCommDbConnPref iPref;
+ /**
+ * Instance of the Diagnostics network registration status watcher
+ * Owned by this class
+ */
+ CDiagNetworkRegStatusWatcher* iNetRegStatusWatcher;
+ /**
+ * Instance of the Diagnostics Log event eraser
+ * Owned by this class
+ */
+ CDiagLogEventEraser* iLogEventEraser;
+ /**
+ *
+ * Wait Dialog
+ *
+ */
+ CAknWaitDialog* iWaitDialog;
+ TBool idialogOn, idialogDismissed;
+ };
+// End of File