* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Header file for Server Profile settings dialog
#include <AknDialog.h> //CAknDialog
#include <eiklbo.h> //MEikListBoxObserver
#include <akntextsettingpage.h>
#include "NSmlDMdef.h"
class CNSmlDMSyncDocument;
class CEikListBox;
class CEikTextListBox;
class CAknSettingStyleListBox;
class CAknNavigationDecorator;
class CAknTabGroup;
class CNSmlDMSyncAppUi;
class CNSmlDMSyncProfile;
class CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine;
class CNSmlDMProfileData;
class CAknNavigationControlContainer;
typedef CArrayPtr<CNSmlDMProfileData> CNSmlDMSettingItemList;
* CNSmlDMDlgProfileView
* PRofile view
NONSHARABLE_CLASS (CNSmlDMDlgProfileView) : public CAknDialog,
public MEikListBoxObserver
enum TNSmlProfile
ENSmlProfileName = 0,
public:// Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aDoc - pointer to document instance
* @param aMode - edit, new or copy profile mode
* @param aProfileId - profile id
static CNSmlDMDlgProfileView* NewL( CNSmlDMSyncDocument* aDoc,
TNSmlEditMode aMode,
TInt aProfileId );
* Destructor
virtual ~CNSmlDMDlgProfileView();
* C++ default constructor.
* @param aDoc - pointer to document instance
* @param aMode - edit, new or copy profile mode
* @param aProfileId - profile id
* @return None.
CNSmlDMDlgProfileView( CNSmlDMSyncDocument* aDoc,
TNSmlEditMode aMode,
TInt aProfileId );
* From the base class
* @param aKeyEvent
* @param aType
* @return -
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType );
* From base class
* @param CDesCArray* aArray - array of the contacts
* items on the smlcontact
* @return -
virtual void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId );
* Called before menu is shown
* @param TInt aResourceId Menu resource id
* @param CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane Pointer to the menu
* @return -
void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceID, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
* Handle selection key presses
* @param -
* @return -
void HandleOKL();
* Add setting items to listbox
* @param aListBox - pointer to listbox
* @param aItemList - pointer to setting item array
* @return -
void AddProfileListItemL( CEikTextListBox* aListBox,
CNSmlDMSettingItemList* aItemList );
* Loads setting dialog title from resource
* @param -
* @return -
void SetSettingTitleL();
* Checks the type of the setting item
* @param CNSmlDMProfileData& aItem - reference to setting item
* @return ETrue if changed, EFalse otherwise
TBool PrepareToEditSettingItemL( CNSmlDMProfileData& aItem );
* Exit application when selected from Options menu
* @param -
* @return -
void DoExitFromMenuL();
* Return pointer to CNSmlDMSyncDocument
* @param -
* @return CNSmlDMSyncDocument*
CNSmlDMSyncDocument* Document() const { return iDoc; }
* Method to get context sensitive help topic
* @param TCoeHelpContext& aContext - Help topic to open
* @return -
void GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const;
* From CEikDialog OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId );
* Called by framework before exiting the dialog
* @param TInt aButtonId - id of the pressed button
* @return TBool (ETrue to exit\ EFalse to not to exit yet
TBool OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId );
* From CEikDialog PreLayoutDynInitL()
* Called by framework before the dialog is shown
* @param -
* @return -
void PreLayoutDynInitL();
* HandleListBoxEventL MEikListBoxObserver
* @param aListBox Pointer to used listbox
* @param aEventType Event type
* @return -
void HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* aListBox,
TListBoxEvent aEventType );
* Build list items
* @param -
* @return -
void CreateProfileSettingsListL();
* Launch access point dialog
* @param aItem Profile item
* @return Boolean
TBool EditSettingItemAccessPointL( CNSmlDMProfileData& aItem );
* Check access point
* @param TUint aId - id of the access point
* @return -
void SetAccessPointInfoL( TUint aId );
* Get access point info
* @param TUint aId - id of the access point
* @return -
void GetAccessPointInfoL( TInt aId );
* Handle text type setting items
* @param aItem - reference to setting item
* @return ETrue if changed, EFalse otherwise
TBool EditSettingItemTextL( CNSmlDMProfileData& aItem );
* Handle password type setting items
* @param aItem - reference to setting item
* @return ETrue if changed, EFalse otherwise
TBool EditSettingItemSecretL(CNSmlDMProfileData& aItem);
* Handle number type setting items
* @param aItem - reference to setting item
* @return ETrue if changed, EFalse otherwise
TBool EditSettingItemNumberL(CNSmlDMProfileData& aItem);
* Handle list type setting items
* @param aItem - reference to setting item
* @return ETrue if changed, EFalse otherwise
TBool EditSettingItemListL(CNSmlDMProfileData& aItem);
* Handle boolean type setting items
* @param aItem - reference to setting item
* @return ETrue to refresh list
TBool EditSettingItemListYesNoL(CNSmlDMProfileData& aItem);
* Handle boolean type setting items
* @param aItem - reference to setting item
* @return ETrue to refresh list
TBool EditHttpSettingItemListYesNoL(CNSmlDMProfileData& aItem);
* Saves profile
* @param -
* @return -
void SaveProfileL();
* Sets default values for new profile
* @param -
* @return -
void FillProfileWithDefaultsL();
* Check that mandatory fields are filled correctly
* @param -
* @return Index of the invalid setting item, -1 if ok.
TInt CheckMandatoryFieldsL();
* Check that mandatory fields are filled correctly
* @param -
* @return Index of the invalid setting item, -1 if ok.
TInt CheckUniqueFieldsL();
* Launch Confirmation note
* @param aResource - resource id
* @return ETrue if accepted, otherwise EFalse
TBool ShowConfirmationNoteL(TInt aResource);
* Is edited profile just edited
* @param -
* @return ETrue if Edit mode
inline TBool EditMode() { return iEditMode == ESmlEditProfile; }
* Is edited profile copied
* @param -
* @return ETrue if Copy profile
inline TBool CopyMode() { return iEditMode == ESmlCopyProfile; }
* Show confirmation note to user before editing setting item
* @param -
* @return - return prompt id if warning needed, 0 otherwise
TInt WarnUserOfChangeL();
* Get item for current index
* @param aIndex index of item
* @return ProfileData from item list
CNSmlDMProfileData* Item( TInt aItemId );
* Get item for current index
* @param aIndex index of item
* @return ProfileData from item list
CNSmlDMProfileData* IndexItem( TInt aItemId );
* Get item for current index
* @param aIndex index of item
* @return ProfileData from item list
CNSmlDMProfileData* GetItemForIndex( TInt aIndex );
* Utility function
* @param aHeaders
* @return None
void BuildHeaders( CDesCArray* aHeaders );
* Utility function
* @param None
* @return None
void BuildItemIds();
* Utility function
* @param None
* @return None
void BuildProfileNameItemL();
* Utility function
* @param None
* @return None
void BuildProfileServerIdItemL();
* Utility function
* @param None
* @return None
void BuildProfileServerPasswordItemL();
* Utility function
* @param None
* @return None
void BuildProfileConnectionTypeItemL();
* Utility function
* @param None
* @return None
void BuildProfileAccessPointItemL();
* Utility function
* @param None
* @return None
void BuildProfileUrlItemL();
* Utility function
* @param None
* @return None
void BuildProfilePortItemL();
* Utility function
* @param None
* @return None
void BuildProfileUserNameandPassWordItemL();
* Utility function
* @param None
* @return None
void BuildProfileActiveAcceptedItemL();
* Utility function
* @param None
* @return None
void BuildProfileHttpsUsedItemL();
* Utility function
* @param None
* @return None
void BuildProfileHttpsUserNameAndPasswordItemL();
* Handle connection setting item selection
* @param aItem - reference to setting item
* @return boolean to refresh list
TBool EditConnectionSettingItemL(CNSmlDMProfileData& aItem );
// Non owned data members
CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine* iSyncAppEngine;
CNSmlDMSyncDocument* iDoc;
CNSmlDMSettingItemList* iProfileList;
CNSmlDMSyncProfile* iProfile;
CAknSettingStyleListBox* iProfileListBox;
CAknNavigationDecorator* iNaviDecorator;
CAknTabGroup* iTabGroup;
TNSmlEditMode iEditMode;
TInt iProfileId;
TInt iOldProfileId;
TBool iServerIdChanged;
TBuf<KBufSize256> iBuf;
CAknNavigationControlContainer* iNaviPane;
TInt iResourceOffset;
TInt iConnUtilResourceOffset;
* CNSmlDMTextEditor
* For Handling Enter keys in Editors
NONSHARABLE_CLASS (CNSmlDMTextEditor) : public CAknTextSettingPage
* Constructor
* @param resource id
* @param text
* @param flag
CNSmlDMTextEditor(TInt aResourceID,TDes& aText,TInt aTextSettingPageFlags);
* Destructor
* From the base class
* @param aKeyEvent
* @param aType
* @return -Key response
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType);
// End of File