* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: DM Fota Adapter
#include <implementationproxy.h> // For TImplementationProxy definition
#include <DevManInternalCRKeys.h>
#include <SyncMLClient.h>
#include <SyncMLClientDM.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include "fotaadapterCRKeys.h"
#include "NSmlPrivateAPI.h"
#include "nsmldmimpluids.h"
#include "nsmldmfotaadapter.h"
#include "nsmldmconst.h"
#include "nsmldebug.h"
#include "nsmldmtreedbclient.h"
// =========================== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ==============================
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter* CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::NewL()
// Creates new instance of CNSmlDmFotaEngine and returns a pointer to it.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CNSmlDmFotaAdapter* CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::NewL( MSmlDmCallback* aDmCallback )
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::NewL(): begin");
CNSmlDmFotaAdapter* self = NewLC( aDmCallback );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::NewL(): end");
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter* CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::NewLC()
// Creates new instance of CNSmlDmFotaEngine and returns a pointer to it.
// Leaves the pointer onto the CleanupStack.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CNSmlDmFotaAdapter* CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::NewLC( MSmlDmCallback* aDmCallback )
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::NewLC(): begin");
CNSmlDmFotaAdapter* self = new (ELeave) CNSmlDmFotaAdapter( aDmCallback );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::NewLC(): end");
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::CNSmlDmFotaAdapter()
// Constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::CNSmlDmFotaAdapter( TAny* aEcomArguments )
: CSmlDmAdapter( aEcomArguments ), iPkgId( KNSmlDMFotaNullPkgId )
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::CNSmlDmFotaAdapter(): begin");
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::CNSmlDmFotaAdapter(): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::ConstructL()
// Second phase construction.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::ConstructL()
// Check if Fota feature is defined
TInt value( 0 );
CRepository * rep = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidFotaAdapter );
TInt err = rep->Get( KCRFotaAdapterEnabled, value );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( rep );
if ( err != KErrNone || value == 0 )
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
iFotaDb = CNSmlDmFotaAdapterDb::NewL();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::~CNSmlDmFotaAdapter()
// Destructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::~CNSmlDmFotaAdapter(): begin");
delete iFotaDb;
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::~CNSmlDmFotaAdapter(): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DDFVersionL()
// Returns the DDF version of the adapter.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DDFVersionL( CBufBase& aDDFVersion )
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DDFVersionL(TDes& aDDFVersion): begin");
aDDFVersion.InsertL( 0, KNSmlDMFotaDDFVersion );
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DDFVersionL(TDes& aDDFVersion): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DDFStructureL()
// Builds the DDF structure of adapter.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DDFStructureL( MSmlDmDDFObject& aDDF )
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DDFStructureL(): begin");
TSmlDmAccessTypes accessTypes;
// fota root
MSmlDmDDFObject& FUMO = aDDF.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMFotaNode );
FillNodeInfoL( FUMO,
KNSmlDMFotaNodeDescription );
// run time node <X>
MSmlDmDDFObject& rtPkg = FUMO.AddChildObjectGroupL();
rtPkg.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( KNSmlDMFotaRunTimeMimeType );
FillNodeInfoL( rtPkg,
KNSmlDMFotaRunTimeNodeDescription );
// <X>/PkgName
MSmlDmDDFObject& name = rtPkg.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMFotaNodeName );
FillNodeInfoL( name,
KNSmlDMFotaNodeNameDescription );
// <X>/PkgVersion
MSmlDmDDFObject& version = rtPkg.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMFotaNodeVersion );
FillNodeInfoL( version,
KNSmlDMFotaNodeVersionDescription );
// <X>/Download
MSmlDmDDFObject& download =
rtPkg.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownload );
FillNodeInfoL( download,
KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownloadDescription );
// <X>/Download/PkgURL
MSmlDmDDFObject& dlUrl =
download.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownloadUrl );
FillNodeInfoL( dlUrl,
KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownloadUrlDescription );
// <X>/Update
MSmlDmDDFObject& update = rtPkg.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMFotaNodeUpdate );
FillNodeInfoL( update,
KNSmlDMFotaNodeUpdateDescription );
// <X>/Update/PkgData
MSmlDmDDFObject& data =
update.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMFotaNodeUpdateData );
FillNodeInfoL( data,
KNSmlDMFotaNodeUpdateDataDescription );
// <X>/DownloadAndUpdate
MSmlDmDDFObject& dlAndUpdate =
rtPkg.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownloadAndUpdate );
FillNodeInfoL( dlAndUpdate,
KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownloadAndUpdateDescription );
// <X>/DownloadAndUpdate/PkgURL
MSmlDmDDFObject& dlAndUpdateUrl =
dlAndUpdate.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownloadAndUpdateUrl );
FillNodeInfoL( dlAndUpdateUrl,
KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownloadAndUpdateUrlDescription );
// <X>/State
MSmlDmDDFObject& state = rtPkg.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMFotaNodeState );
FillNodeInfoL( state,
KNSmlDMFotaNodeStateDescription );
//Check cenrep for predefined node and add if its not in DB
// check if there is need to make generic alert(s),
// and generate them if there are
// Set ACL for fota root, if not yet set
RNSmlDMCallbackSession session;
User::LeaveIfError( session.Connect() );
CBufBase* acl=CBufFlat::NewL(10);
CleanupStack::PushL( acl );
session.GetAclL( KNSmlDMFotaNode,*acl,EFalse );
if( acl->Size() == 0 )
_LIT8(KACLForAll, "Add=*&Get=*&Delete=*&Exec=*&Replace=*");
session.UpdateAclL( KNSmlDMFotaNode, KACLForAll);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( acl );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &session );
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DDFStructureL(): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL()
// Updates value of leaf object.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
const TDesC8& aObject,
const TDesC8& /*aType*/,
const TInt aStatusRef )
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL(): begin");
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
if ( aLUID.Length() > 0 )
TInt res = KErrNotFound;
TNSmlDmFwObjectId id = DesToInt( aLUID );
TPtrC8 lastSeg = LastURISeg( aURI );
if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeName )
res = iFotaDb->SetPkgNameL( aObject, id );
else if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeVersion )
res = iFotaDb->SetPkgVersionL( aObject, id );
else if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownloadUrl ||
lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownloadAndUpdateUrl )
TInt configFlags( KErrNone );
CRepository* centrep = NULL;
TRAPD( err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidDeviceManagementInternalKeys ) );
if ( err == KErrNone && centrep )
configFlags = 2; //means fota operation
centrep->Set( KDevManSessionType, configFlags );
delete centrep;
centrep = NULL;
User::Leave( err );
res = iFotaDb->SetPkgUrlL( aObject, id );
else if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeUpdateData )
// check if there is space for this data
if ( iFotaEngine.IsPackageStoreSizeAvailable( aObject.Size() ) )
// get stream from Fota Engine
RWriteStream* stream = NULL;
TInt err = iFotaEngine.OpenUpdatePackageStore( id, stream );
if ( ( err == KErrNone ) && stream )
// stream was opened successfully, write data
// and close stream
stream->WriteL( aObject );
// inform fota engine that data has been written
iFotaEngine.UpdatePackageDownloadComplete( id );
res = KErrNone;
// error occured
res = KErrGeneral;
// there was no space for the data
res = KErrDiskFull;
// map error
status = MapErrorToStatus( res );
// cannot update, object unknown
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL(): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DeleteObjectL()
// Deletes a firmware object from Fota database.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DeleteObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
const TInt aStatusRef )
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DeleteLeafObjectL( ): begin");
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
if ( ( aURI.Match( KNSmlDMFotaRuntimeMatch ) != KErrNotFound ) &&
( aLUID.Length() > 0 ) )
TBuf8<KMaxFullName> temp;
TBuf8<KMaxName> node[4];
TInt location = temp.LocateReverse(',');
TInt newLocation = (temp.Left(location-1)).LocateReverse(',');
location = newLocation;
newLocation = (temp.Left(location-1)).LocateReverse(',');
node[3].Copy(temp.Mid(0,newLocation ));
for(TInt i =0 ; i<4; i++)
if (node[i].Length() && aURI.Find( node[i] ) != KErrNotFound)
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotAllowed;
Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
// delete object identified by aLUID
TNSmlDmFwObjectId id = DesToInt( aLUID );
TInt res = iFotaDb->DeleteFwObjectL( id );
if ( res == KErrNone )
// deletion was successful, delete also from Fota Engine
iFotaEngine.DeleteUpdatePackage( id );
status = MapErrorToStatus( res );
// object unknown
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DeleteLeafObjectL( ): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL()
// Fetches the values of leaf objects.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
const TDesC8& aType,
const TInt aResultsRef,
const TInt aStatusRef )
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL(): begin");
// buffer for result
CBufBase* result = CBufFlat::NewL( KNSmlDMFotaResultBufferExpandSize );
CleanupStack::PushL( result );
// fetch data
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = DoFetchObjectL( aURI, aLUID, *result );
if ( status == CSmlDmAdapter::EOk )
Callback().SetResultsL( aResultsRef, *result, aType );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( result );
Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL(): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::ChildURIListL()
// Returns the list of children of a node.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::ChildURIListL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
const CArrayFix<TSmlDmMappingInfo>& aPreviousURISegmentList,
const TInt aResultsRef,
const TInt aStatusRef )
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::ChildURIListL(): begin");
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
TPtrC8 mimeType( KNullDesC8 );
// buffer for result
CBufBase* result = CBufFlat::NewL( KNSmlDMFotaResultBufferExpandSize );
CleanupStack::PushL( result );
TPtrC8 lastSeg = LastURISeg( aURI );
if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownload && aLUID.Length() > 0 )
// target is ./FUMO/<x>/Download
result->InsertL( 0, KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownloadUrl );
else if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeUpdate && aLUID.Length() > 0 )
// target is ./FUMO/<x>/Update
result->InsertL( 0, KNSmlDMFotaNodeUpdateData );
else if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownloadAndUpdate && aLUID.Length() > 0 )
// target is ./FUMO/<x>/DownloadAndUpdate
result->InsertL( 0, KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownloadAndUpdateUrl );
else if ( ( aURI.Match( KNSmlDMFotaRuntimeMatch ) != KErrNotFound )
&& ( TableExistsL( aLUID ) ) )
// target is ./FUMO/<x>
result->InsertL( 0, KNSmlDMFotaRunTimeChildren );
mimeType.Set( KNSmlDMFotaRunTimeMimeType );
else if ( aURI.Match( KNSmlDMFotaRootMatch ) != KErrNotFound )
// target is ./FUMO
// return the children listed in aPreviousURISegmentList
TInt childCount = aPreviousURISegmentList.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < childCount - 1; ++i )
result->InsertL( result->Size(), aPreviousURISegmentList[i].iURISeg );
result->InsertL( result->Size(), KNSmlDMFotaSeparatorDes );
if ( childCount )
// insert last child without separator
result->InsertL( result->Size(),
aPreviousURISegmentList[ childCount - 1 ].iURISeg );
// invalid target
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
// set result, if it was found
if ( status == CSmlDmAdapter::EOk )
Callback().SetResultsL( aResultsRef, *result, mimeType );
Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( result );
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::ChildURIListL(): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::TableExistsL(const TDesC8& aLUID) const
// Checks if table exists
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::TableExistsL(const TDesC8& aLUID) const
TBool ret = EFalse;
TNSmlDmFwObjectId luid = DesToInt( aLUID );
TSmlProfileId profileId = iFotaDb->ProfileIdL(luid);
if (profileId!=KErrNotFound)
ret = ETrue;
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::AddNodeObjectL()
// Adds new row to firmware object table in Fota database.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::AddNodeObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aParentLUID,
const TInt aStatusRef )
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::AddNodeObjectL(): begin");
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
// Luid specified and it's a valid luid => already exists
if ( TableExistsL( aParentLUID ) )
// the object has already been created and mapping set to DM Framework
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EAlreadyExists;
else if ( aURI.Match( KNSmlDMFotaRuntimeMatch ) != KErrNotFound )
// add new FW object to db
TNSmlDmFwObjectId newId = KErrNotFound;
TRAPD( err, newId = iFotaDb->AddFwObjectL() );
if ( err == KErrNone )
// added ok
TBuf8<KNSmlFwMgmtObjectIntegerLength> newLUID;
newLUID.AppendNum( newId );
Callback().SetMappingL( aURI, newLUID );
status = MapErrorToStatus( err );
// error, invalid uri
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
// if(status==CSmlDmAdapter::EOk)
// {
// TSmlProfileId profId = KErrNotFound;
// HBufC8* serverId = NULL;
// GetServerInfoL( profId, serverId );
// if(serverId)
// {
// CleanupStack::PushL( serverId );
// _LIT( KFotaAclAdd, "Add=");
// _LIT( KFotaAclGet, "Get=");
// _LIT( KFotaAclReplace, "Replace=");
// _LIT( KFotaAclDelete, "Delete=");
// _LIT( KFotaAclExec, "Exec=");
// _LIT( KFotaAclSeparator, "&");
// _LIT( KFotaAclForAll, "*");
// const TUint length = KFotaAclAdd().Length() +
// KFotaAclGet().Length() +
// KFotaAclReplace().Length() +
// KFotaAclDelete().Length() +
// KFotaAclExec().Length() +
// serverId->Length()*4 +
// 5; /* 4*'&'+ ''*' */
// HBufC8* acl = HBufC8::NewLC(length);
// TPtr8 acltPtr = acl->Des();
// acltPtr.Append(KFotaAclAdd);
// acltPtr.Append(*serverId);
// acltPtr.Append(KFotaAclSeparator);
// acltPtr.Append(KFotaAclGet);
// acltPtr.Append(*serverId);
// acltPtr.Append(KFotaAclSeparator);
// acltPtr.Append(KFotaAclReplace);
// acltPtr.Append(*serverId);
// acltPtr.Append(KFotaAclSeparator);
// acltPtr.Append(KFotaAclDelete);
// acltPtr.Append(KFotaAclForAll);
// acltPtr.Append(KFotaAclSeparator);
// acltPtr.Append(KFotaAclExec);
// acltPtr.Append(*serverId);
// RNSmlDMCallbackSession session;
// User::LeaveIfError( session.Connect() );
// CleanupClosePushL(session);
// session.UpdateAclL(aURI,*acl);
// CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &session );
// CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( acl );
// CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( serverId );
// }
// }
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::AddNodeObjectL(): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL()
// Updates a leaf object using streaming. In Fota adapter this method is used
// only to update PkgData of a firmware object.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
RWriteStream*& aStream,
const TDesC8& /*aType*/,
const TInt aStatusRef )
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL(stream): begin");
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
if ( aLUID.Length() > 0 )
TNSmlDmFwObjectId id = DesToInt( aLUID );
TPtrC8 lastSeg = LastURISeg( aURI );
if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeUpdateData )
// set final result to undefined error in db (in case an
// error occures during large object download)
TInt res = iFotaDb->SetFinalResultL( KNSmlDMFotaUndefinedError, id );
if ( res == KErrNone )
// save the id so that it is known when stream is committed
iPkgId = id;
// open stream and give it to DM Host Server
TInt err = iFotaEngine.OpenUpdatePackageStore( id, aStream );
if ( err == KErrNone )
// stream was opened successfully
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
User::LeaveIfError(iFotaDb->SetFinalResultL( KNSmlFotaNullResult, id ));
User::LeaveIfError( iFotaDb->SetMgmtUriL( aURI, id ) );
// fetch profile id and server id of the currently running dm session
TSmlProfileId profId = KErrNotFound;
HBufC8* serverId = NULL;
GetServerInfoL( profId, serverId );
CleanupStack::PushL( serverId );
// save profile id and server id to fota db
User::LeaveIfError( iFotaDb->SetServerInfoL( profId, *serverId, id ) );
DBG_FILE_CODE(profId, _S8("UpdateLeafObjectL profile id is"));
//Set ProfId & PkgId
err = RProperty::Set(TUid::Uid(KFotaServerUid),KFotaLrgObjDl,1);
DBG_FILE_CODE(err, _S8("UpdateLeafObjectL set P&S key KFotaLrgObjDl to 1"));
err = RProperty::Set(TUid::Uid(KFotaServerUid),KFotaLrgObjProfileId,profId);
DBG_FILE_CODE(err, _S8("UpdateLeafObjectL set P&S key profile id err is"));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( serverId );
// error occured
aStream = NULL;
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL(stream): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL()
// Fetches data object and returns its size.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
const TDesC8& aType,
const TInt aResultsRef,
const TInt aStatusRef )
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL(): begin");
// buffer for result
CBufBase* result = CBufFlat::NewL( KNSmlDMFotaResultBufferExpandSize );
CleanupStack::PushL( result );
// fetch data
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = DoFetchObjectL( aURI, aLUID, *result );
if ( status == CSmlDmAdapter::EOk )
// get size and form a string representation
TInt size = result->Size();
TBuf8<KNSmlFwMgmtObjectIntegerLength> sizeStr;
sizeStr.AppendNum( size );
// insert size to result
result->InsertL( 0, sizeStr );
Callback().SetResultsL( aResultsRef, *result, aType );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( result );
Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL(): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::ExecuteCommandL()
// Executes Update, Download or DownloadAndUpdate command depending on aURI.
// If aURI does not match to any of these, ENotFound is set as status.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::ExecuteCommandL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
const TDesC8& aArgument,
const TDesC8& /*aType*/,
const TInt aStatusRef )
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): begin");
TInt configFlags( 0 );
CRepository* centrep = NULL;
TRAPD( err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidDeviceManagementInternalKeys ) );
if ( centrep )
centrep->Get( KDevManSessionType, configFlags );
if ( err != KErrNone )
User::Leave( err );
configFlags = 1;
centrep->Set( KDevManSessionType, configFlags );
if( centrep )
delete centrep;
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
if ( aLUID.Length() > 0 )
TNSmlDmFwObjectId id = DesToInt( aLUID );
// uri should target Update, Download or DownloadAndUpdate
TPtrC8 lastSeg = LastURISeg( aURI );
if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeUpdate ||
lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownload ||
lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownloadAndUpdate )
// save information about the execution and get profile id of
// currently running DM session
TSmlProfileId profId = 0;
TRAPD( err, profId = SaveExecInfoL( aURI, id, aArgument ) );
if ( err == KErrNone )
if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeUpdate )
// update
status = DoExecUpdateL( id, profId );
else if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownload )
// download
status = DoExecDownloadL( id, profId, EFalse );
else if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownloadAndUpdate )
// download and update
status = DoExecDownloadL( id, profId, ETrue );
status = MapErrorToStatus( err );
Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::ExecuteCommandL()
// Not supported.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::ExecuteCommandL( const TDesC8& /*aURI*/,
const TDesC8& /*aLUID*/,
RWriteStream*& /*aStream*/,
const TDesC8& /*aType*/,
const TInt aStatusRef )
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): begin");
Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError );
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::CopyCommandL()
// Not supported.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::CopyCommandL( const TDesC8& /*aTargetURI*/,
const TDesC8& /*aTargetLUID*/,
const TDesC8& /*aSourceURI*/,
const TDesC8& /*aSourceLUID*/,
const TDesC8& /*aType*/,
TInt aStatusRef )
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::CopyCommandL(): begin");
Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError );
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::CopyCommandL(): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::StartAtomicL()
// Not supported.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::StartAtomicL()
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::StartAtomicL(): begin");
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::StartAtomicL(): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::CommitAtomicL()
// Not supported.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::CommitAtomicL()
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::CommitAtomicL(): begin");
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::CommitAtomicL(): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::RollbackAtomicL()
// Not supported.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::RollbackAtomicL()
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::RollbackAtomicL(): begin");
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::RollbackAtomicL(): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::StreamingSupport()
// Returns whether or not streaming is supported in this adapter.
// In Fota this method is also used to enquire whether or not a large object
// whose size is given in aItemSize fits to disk (OOD check using Fota Engine),
// and to acknowledge that Generic Alerts have been sent succesfully to remote
// server. If aItemSize is larger that 0, OOD check feature is executed.
// If aItemSize equals to KNSmlDMResetGenAlerts, Generic Alerts are marked
// sent. Otherwise aItemSize is set to a treshold value, which is used by
// DM Host Server to determineif streaming should be used (large object)
// or not.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::StreamingSupport( TInt& aItemSize )
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::StreamingSupport(): begin");
if ( aItemSize == KNSmlDMResetGenAlerts )
// generic alerts have been sent successfully to this server
TRAPD( err, MarkGenericAlertsSentL() );
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::StreamingSupport(): error in MarkGenricAlertSentL()");
else if ( aItemSize <= 0 )
// item size set so that streaming is used only when updating PkgData
aItemSize = KNSmlDMFotaStreamingTreshold;
// streaming is about to be used (fota overloaded feature)
// ask from engine if enough space is available
if ( iFotaEngine.IsPackageStoreSizeAvailable( aItemSize ) )
// space available
aItemSize = KErrNone;
// not enough space available
aItemSize = KErrNoMemory;
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::StreamingSupport(): end");
return ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::StreamCommittedL()
// Notification method used by DM Host Server. All data has been written to
// stream successfully and stream has been committed and closed.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::StreamCommittedL()
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::StreamCommittedL(): begin");
TInt err = RProperty::Set(TUid::Uid(KFotaServerUid),KFotaLrgObjDl,KErrNotFound);
DBG_FILE_CODE(err, _S8("StreamCommittedL set P&S key KFotaLrgObjDl to -1"));
// set success result to db
iFotaDb->SetFinalResultL( KNSmlDMFotaSuccessfullDownload, iPkgId );
// notify fota engine that all data is written
iFotaEngine.UpdatePackageDownloadComplete( iPkgId );
iPkgId = KNSmlDMFotaNullPkgId;
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::StreamCommittedL(): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::CompleteOutstandingCmdsL()
// Not supported.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::CompleteOutstandingCmdsL()
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::CompleteOutstandingCmdsL(): begin");
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::CompleteOutstandingCmdsL(): end");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DoFetchObjectL()
// Fetches the data identified by aURI in FW object aLUID. Writes the data
// to aObject and returns status code according to the success of the fetch.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSmlDmAdapter::TError CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DoFetchObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
CBufBase& aObject )
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
if ( aLUID.Length() > 0 )
HBufC8* data = NULL;
TNSmlDmFwObjectId id = DesToInt( aLUID );
// get correct data according to the last segment of the uri
TPtrC8 lastSeg = LastURISeg( aURI );
if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeName )
data = iFotaDb->PkgNameL( id );
else if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeVersion )
data = iFotaDb->PkgVersionL( id );
else if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownloadUrl ||
lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownloadAndUpdateUrl )
data = iFotaDb->PkgUrlL( id );
else if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeState )
// state is fetched from fota engine
RFotaEngineSession::TState state = iFotaEngine.GetState( id );
data = HBufC8::NewL( KNSmlFwMgmtObjectIntegerLength );
data->Des().AppendNum( state );
// if data is fetched ok, set results
if ( data )
CleanupStack::PushL( data );
aObject.InsertL( 0, *data );
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( data );
return status;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DoExecUpdateL()
// Gets needed data for Update from Fota DB and notifies Fota Engine that
// Update should be executed. Returns status according to the success of
// the method.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSmlDmAdapter::TError CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DoExecUpdateL(
const TNSmlDmFwObjectId aLUID,
const TSmlProfileId aProfile )
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
// get needed data from db for fota engine
HBufC8* pkgName = iFotaDb->PkgNameL( aLUID );
CleanupStack::PushL( pkgName );
HBufC8* pkgVersion = iFotaDb->PkgVersionL( aLUID );
CleanupStack::PushL( pkgVersion );
TInt error = KErrNone;
if ( pkgName && pkgVersion )
// notify fota engine to start update
error = iFotaEngine.Update( aLUID, aProfile, *pkgName, *pkgVersion );
// if immediate error occured, set final result to corresponding
// value so that generic alert is not sent
if ( error == KErrNotFound )
// binary update package has not been downloaded yet -> not
// possible to update
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
iFotaDb->SetFinalResultL( KNSmlDMFotaUndefinedError, aLUID );
else if ( error != KErrNone )
// other error
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
iFotaDb->SetFinalResultL( KNSmlDMFotaUndefinedError, aLUID );
// fw object was not found
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pkgVersion );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pkgName );
return status;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DoExecDownloadL()
// Gets needed data for Download or DownloadAndUpdate from Fota DB and
// notifies Fota Engine that Download or DownloadAndUpdate should be executed.
// Returns status according to the success of the method.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSmlDmAdapter::TError CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DoExecDownloadL(
const TNSmlDmFwObjectId aLUID,
const TSmlProfileId aProfile,
TBool aUpdate )
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
// get needed data from db for fota engine
HBufC8* url = iFotaDb->PkgUrlL( aLUID );
CleanupStack::PushL( url );
HBufC8* pkgName = iFotaDb->PkgNameL( aLUID );
CleanupStack::PushL( pkgName );
HBufC8* pkgVersion = iFotaDb->PkgVersionL( aLUID );
CleanupStack::PushL( pkgVersion );
TInt error = KErrNone;
if ( url && pkgName && pkgVersion )
if ( aUpdate )
// notify fota engine to start download and update
error = iFotaEngine.DownloadAndUpdate( aLUID, *url, aProfile, *pkgName, *pkgVersion );
// notify fota engine to start download
error = iFotaEngine.Download( aLUID, *url, aProfile, *pkgName, *pkgVersion );
// if immediate error occured, set final result to corresponding value so that
// generic alert is not sent
if ( error == KErrArgument )
// url incorrectly formed
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
iFotaDb->SetFinalResultL( KNSmlDMFotaBadUrl, aLUID );
else if ( error != KErrNone )
// other error
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
iFotaDb->SetFinalResultL( KNSmlDMFotaUndefinedError, aLUID );
// fw object was not found
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pkgVersion );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pkgName );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( url );
return status;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::SaveExecInfoL()
// Saves the values needed when starting an exec command. Returns the saved
// profile id.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TSmlProfileId CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::SaveExecInfoL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TNSmlDmFwObjectId aLUID,
const TDesC8& aCorrelator )
// set final result (null), uri and correlator to fota db
User::LeaveIfError( iFotaDb->SetFinalResultL( KNSmlFotaNullResult, aLUID ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iFotaDb->SetMgmtUriL( aURI, aLUID ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iFotaDb->SetCorrelatorL( aCorrelator, aLUID ) );
// fetch profile id and server id of the currently running dm session
TSmlProfileId profId = KErrNotFound;
HBufC8* serverId = NULL;
GetServerInfoL( profId, serverId );
CleanupStack::PushL( serverId );
// save profile id and server id to fota db
User::LeaveIfError( iFotaDb->SetServerInfoL( profId, *serverId, aLUID ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( serverId );
return profId;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::GetServerInfoL()
// Fetches profile id and server id of the currently running dm session.
// Data is fetched using Client API and set to the references given as
// parameters. Reallocates server id to aServerId.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::GetServerInfoL( TSmlProfileId& aProfId,
HBufC8*& aServerId ) const
// Open session
RSyncMLSession session;
CleanupClosePushL( session );
// get current job's id (and usage type)
TSmlJobId jobId = KErrNotFound;
TSmlUsageType type = ESmlDevMan;
session.CurrentJobL( jobId, type );
// open currently running job
RSyncMLDevManJob dmJob;
dmJob.OpenL( session, jobId );
CleanupClosePushL( dmJob );
// get job's profile id
aProfId = dmJob.Profile();
// open profile using id in read-only mode
RSyncMLDevManProfile dmProf;
dmProf.OpenL( session, aProfId, ESmlOpenRead );
CleanupClosePushL( dmProf );
// get profile's server id
aServerId = dmProf.ServerId().AllocL();
// close handles
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &dmProf );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &dmJob );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &session );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::CheckAndAddPredefinedNodeL()
// Checks if predefined node for FUMO is in tree if not add to the tree
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::CheckAndAddPredefinedNodeL()
TBuf8<KMaxFullName> temp;
if (temp.Length())
RNSmlDMCallbackSession session;
User::LeaveIfError( session.Connect() );
TBuf8<KMaxName> node[4];
TInt location = temp.LocateReverse(',');
TInt newLocation = (temp.Left(location-1)).LocateReverse(',');
location = newLocation;
newLocation = (temp.Left(location-1)).LocateReverse(',');
node[3].Copy(temp.Mid(0,newLocation ));
for(TInt i=0; i<4; i++)
TBuf8<KMaxFullName> temp1;
HBufC8* luid = session.GetLuidAllocL( KNSmlDMFotaAdapterImplUid,temp1);
if ( luid->Length() > 0 )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( luid );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &session );
// Add the mapping
TNSmlDmFwObjectId newId = KErrNotFound;
TRAPD( err, newId = iFotaDb->AddFwObjectL() );
if ( err == KErrNone )
// added ok
TBuf8<KNSmlFwMgmtObjectIntegerLength> newLUID;
newLUID.AppendNum( newId );
session.AddMappingInfoL(KNSmlDMFotaAdapterImplUid, temp1, newLUID );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( luid );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &session );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::GetPredefinedNodeL()
// Gets predefined node for FUMO from cenrep
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::GetPredefinedNodeL(TDes8& aNode)
CRepository* centrep( NULL);
centrep = CRepository::NewLC( TUid::Uid(0x101F9A0A) );
if ( centrep )
TFullName temp;
if (centrep->Get( KDevManFUMOPredefinedNodes, temp )==KErrNone && temp.Length() )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::MakeGenericAlertsL()
// Checks whether or not there are fw objects whose final result should be
// sent to the remote server which is involved with the current DM session.
// If there are such objects, notifies private api using the data needed for
// generic alert generation.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::MakeGenericAlertsL()
// search for fw objects that have empty final result
RNSmlDmFwObjectArray ids;
CleanupClosePushL( ids );
iFotaDb->GetEmptyFinalResultsL( ids );
if ( ids.Count() == 0 )
// none found, no need for generic alerts
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &ids );
// get information of the remote DM server
TSmlProfileId profId = 0;
HBufC8* serverId = NULL;
GetServerInfoL( profId, serverId );
CleanupStack::PushL( serverId );
// open handle to private api
RNSmlPrivateAPI privateAPI;
CleanupClosePushL( privateAPI );
// go through all objects in ids
for ( TInt i = 0; i < ids.Count(); ++i )
// check that server ids match. if not, move to next entry
HBufC8* fwServerId = iFotaDb->ServerIdL( ids[i] );
CleanupStack::PushL( fwServerId );
if ( *serverId == *fwServerId )
// check that mgmt uri is not empty string. if it is,
// move to next entry
HBufC8* fwMgmtUri = iFotaDb->MgmtUriL( ids[i] );
CleanupStack::PushL( fwMgmtUri );
if ( *fwMgmtUri != KNullDesC8 )
// check that update has reached its final result
TInt finalResult = iFotaEngine.GetResult( ids[i] );
RFotaEngineSession::TState finalState = iFotaEngine.GetState( ids[i] );
if ( finalResult != KErrNotFound && finalState != RFotaEngineSession::EStartingUpdate)
// get fw object's correlator
HBufC8* fwCorrelator = iFotaDb->CorrelatorL( ids[i] );
CleanupStack::PushL( fwCorrelator );
// add generic alert to dm message
TPtrC8 metaType = GetMetaType( *fwMgmtUri );
privateAPI.AddDMGenericAlertRequestL( *fwMgmtUri, metaType, KNSmlDMFotaMetaFormat, finalResult, *fwCorrelator );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fwCorrelator );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fwMgmtUri );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fwServerId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &privateAPI );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( serverId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &ids );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::MarkGenericAlertsSentL()
// Puts a final result value to those fw objects, that are
// associated with current DM session's remote server, have
// been a target to an exec command and the exec command has
// finished. I.e. Generic Alert has been sent to remote server
// reporting the results of these exec commands --> not needed to
// send Generic Alert anymore in next DM session.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::MarkGenericAlertsSentL()
// search for fw objects that have empty final result
RNSmlDmFwObjectArray ids;
CleanupClosePushL( ids );
// get information of the remote DM server
TSmlProfileId profId = 0;
HBufC8* serverId = NULL;
GetServerInfoL( profId, serverId );
CleanupStack::PushL( serverId );
iFotaDb->GetEmptyFinalResultsL( ids, *serverId );
// go through all objects in ids
for ( TInt i = 0; i < ids.Count(); ++i )
// check that update has reached its final result
TInt finalResult = iFotaEngine.GetResult( ids[i] );
if ( finalResult != KErrNotFound )
// set final result thus setting generic alert sent
iFotaDb->SetFinalResultL( finalResult, ids[i] );
// also notify fota engine, that generic alert has been
// successfully sent, thus enabling possible cleanup
iFotaEngine.GenericAlertSentL( ids[i] );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( serverId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &ids );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::GetMetaType()
// Determines by the given uri which meta/type should be used in generic
// alert.Returns the correct type, or KNullDesC8 if uri does not match to
// exec targets.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC8 CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::GetMetaType( const TDesC8& aURI ) const
TPtrC8 lastSeg = LastURISeg( aURI );
if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeUpdate )
return KNSmlDMFotaUpdateMetaType();
else if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownload )
return KNSmlDMFotaDownloadMetaType();
else if ( lastSeg == KNSmlDMFotaNodeDownloadAndUpdate )
return KNSmlDMFotaDownloadAndUpdateMetaType();
return KNullDesC8();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::MapStatusToError()
// Returns a status code corresponding to the system error code given
// as parameter.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSmlDmAdapter::TError CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::MapErrorToStatus( TInt aError ) const
CSmlDmAdapter::TError err = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
switch( aError )
case KErrNone:
err = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
case KErrNotFound:
err = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
case KErrDiskFull:
err = CSmlDmAdapter::EDiskFull;
case KErrOverflow:
err = CSmlDmAdapter::ETooLargeObject;
return err;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DesToInt()
// Converts a 8 bit descriptor to an integer.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::DesToInt( const TDesC8& aLUID ) const
TLex8 lex( aLUID );
TInt value = KErrNotFound;
lex.Val( value );
return value;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::LastURISeg()
// Returns the last segment of the given uri.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC8 CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::LastURISeg( const TDesC8& aURI ) const
TInt pos = aURI.LocateReverse( KNSmlDMFotaSeparatorDes()[0] );
if( pos == KErrNotFound )
return aURI;
return aURI.Mid( pos + 1 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::FillNodeInfoL()
// Fills the DDF node info.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmFotaAdapter::FillNodeInfoL( MSmlDmDDFObject& aNode,
const TSmlDmAccessTypes& aAccTypes,
MSmlDmDDFObject::TOccurence aOccurrence,
MSmlDmDDFObject::TScope aScope,
MSmlDmDDFObject::TDFFormat aFormat,
const TDesC8& aDescription ) const
aNode.SetAccessTypesL( aAccTypes );
aNode.SetOccurenceL( aOccurrence );
aNode.SetScopeL( aScope );
aNode.SetDFFormatL( aFormat );
if( aFormat != MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode )
aNode.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( KNSmlDMFotaTextPlain );
aNode.SetDescriptionL( aDescription );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[]
// Needed because of ECOM architecture.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(aUid, aFuncPtr) {{aUid},(aFuncPtr)}
const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] =
// ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ImplementationGroupProxy()
// Needed because of ECOM architecture.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy( TInt& aTableCount )
_DBG_FILE("ImplementationGroupProxy() for CNSmlDmFotaAdapter: begin");
aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);
_DBG_FILE("ImplementationGroupProxy() for CNSmlDmFotaAdapter: end");
return ImplementationTable;
// End of file