* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This class encapsulates test results from live execution runs
* as well as logged results and presents a common interface for
* both.
// System Include Files
#include <centralrepository.h> // CRepository
#include <drmserviceapi.h> // CDrmServiceApi
#include <diagenginecommon.h> // MDiagEngineCommon
#include <diagpluginexecplan.h> // CDiagPluginExecPlan
#include <diagexecplanentry.h> // MDiagExecPlanEntry
#include <diagresultsdatabaseitem.h> // CDiagResultsDatabaseItem
#include <diagplugin.h> // MDiagPlugin
#include <diagtestplugin.h> // MDiagTestPlugin
#include <diagpluginpool.h> // CDiagPluginPool
#include <diagresultsdatabasetestrecordinfo.h> // TDiagResultsDatabaseTestRecordInfo
#include <diagresultsdatabase.h> // RDiagResultsDatabase,
// RDiagResultsDatabaseRecord
#include <diagframeworkdebug.h> // Debugging Macros
// User Include Files
#include "DevDiagExecutionResults.h" // CDevDiagExecResults
#include "DevDiagApp.hrh" // UID definition
#include "DevDiag.pan" // Panic
#include "phonedoctorprivatecrkeys.h" // CR Key ID Definitions
// Local Constants
const TInt KRecordsArrayGranularity = ( 5 );
// Local Data Types
typedef CArrayFixFlat< TDiagResultsDatabaseTestRecordInfo > CDatabaseRecordInfoArray;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
// Static two-phase constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDevDiagExecResults::CResult* CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::NewL(
const MDiagPlugin& aPlugin )
CResult* self = CResult::NewLC( aPlugin );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
// Static two-phase constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDevDiagExecResults::CResult* CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::NewLC(
const MDiagPlugin& aPlugin )
CResult* self = new ( ELeave ) CResult( aPlugin );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
// Destructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iResult;
iResult = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
// Return the test result. This may be NULL if the test has not been run.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CDiagResultsDatabaseItem* CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::Result() const
return iResult;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
// Return a reference to the plugin for this result.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const MDiagPlugin& CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::Plugin() const
return iPlugin;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
// Return the execution error code.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::ExecStatus() const
return iExecStatus;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
// Return the current execution step for this result.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::CurrentStep() const
return iCurrentStep;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
// Return the total execution steps for this result.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::TotalSteps() const
return iTotalSteps;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
// This function takes ownership of a result object.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::SetResult(
CDiagResultsDatabaseItem* aResult,
TInt aError )
// Sanity check.
if ( iResult )
delete iResult;
// Set the result and error code Ownership of the result is transferred.
iResult = aResult;
iExecStatus = aError;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
// Set the progress information for this result.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::SetProgress( TUint aCurrentStep,
TUint aTotalSteps )
iCurrentStep = aCurrentStep;
iTotalSteps = aTotalSteps;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
// The default constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::CResult( const MDiagPlugin& aPlugin )
: iPlugin( aPlugin )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From nested class CDevDiagExecResults::CResult.
// The second phase constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevDiagExecResults::CResult::ConstructL()
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static two-phase constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDevDiagExecResults* CDevDiagExecResults::NewL(
TUid aRecordId,
CDiagPluginPool& aPluginPool,
RDiagResultsDatabase& aDbSession,
MDiagEngineCommon* aDiagEngine )
LOGSTRING3( "CDevDiagExecResults::NewL( %d, 0x%x )",
aDiagEngine )
CDevDiagExecResults* self = CDevDiagExecResults::NewLC( aRecordId,
aDiagEngine );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static two-phase constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDevDiagExecResults* CDevDiagExecResults::NewLC(
TUid aRecordId,
CDiagPluginPool& aPluginPool,
RDiagResultsDatabase& aDbSession,
MDiagEngineCommon* aDiagEngine )
LOGSTRING3( "CDevDiagExecResults::NewLC( %d, 0x%x )",
aDiagEngine )
CDevDiagExecResults* self = new ( ELeave ) CDevDiagExecResults(
aDiagEngine );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagExecResults::~CDevDiagExecResults()" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function is called during live execution to transfer ownership of a
// test result.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevDiagExecResults::AddEntryL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem* aResult,
TInt aStatus )
LOGSTRING3( "CDevDiagExecResults::AddEntryL( 0x%x, %d )",
aStatus )
// This is only valid for live executions.
if ( iType != ETypeExecution )
delete aResult;
User::Leave( KErrCompletion );
// Assign the result object to the corresponding item in the local array.
iResults[ CurrentIndexL() ]->SetResult( aResult, aStatus );
// Update the completed step counter.
if ( iResults[ CurrentIndexL() ]->Plugin().Type() ==
MDiagPlugin::ETypeTestPlugin )
iCompletedSteps += static_cast< const MDiagTestPlugin& >(
iResults[ CurrentIndexL() ]->Plugin() ).TotalSteps();
iCurrentPluginStep = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function is called during live execution to transfer ownership of a
// test result.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevDiagExecResults::SetProgressL( TUint aCurrentStep, TUint aTotalSteps )
LOGSTRING3( "CDevDiagExecResults::SetProgressL( %d, %d )",
aTotalSteps )
// This is only valid for live executions.
if ( iType != ETypeExecution )
// Assign the progress to the corresponding item in the local array.
iResults[ CurrentIndexL() ]->SetProgress( aCurrentStep, aTotalSteps );
// Update the current step counter.
if ( iResults[ CurrentIndexL() ]->Plugin().Type() ==
MDiagPlugin::ETypeTestPlugin )
iCurrentPluginStep = aCurrentStep;
iCurrentPluginStep = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function returns the corresponding results item from the local array.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDevDiagExecResults::CResult& CDevDiagExecResults::operator[] ( TInt aIndex )
return *iResults[ aIndex ];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function returns the corresponding results item from the local array.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CDevDiagExecResults::CResult& CDevDiagExecResults::operator[] (
TInt aIndex ) const
return *iResults[ aIndex ];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function returns the current item from the local array. For results
// which are from execution, this is the current execution item. For results
// which are from the database, this is always the last item.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDevDiagExecResults::CResult& CDevDiagExecResults::CurrentItemL()
return *iResults[ CurrentIndexL() ];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function returns the current item from the local array. For results
// which are from execution, this is the current execution item. For results
// which are from the database, this is always the last item.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CDevDiagExecResults::CResult& CDevDiagExecResults::CurrentItemL() const
return *iResults[ CurrentIndexL() ];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function returns the number of items in the local array.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDevDiagExecResults::Count() const
return iResults.Count();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function returns the index of the currently-executing item.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint CDevDiagExecResults::CurrentIndexL() const
// For live execution, the index from the execution plan is returned.
if ( iType == ETypeExecution )
TUint index = 0;
index = iDiagEngine->ExecutionPlanL().CurrentIndex();
return index;
// For logged test results, the last index is returned.
return iResults.Count() - 1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This utility function allows the result view to check if testing is
// complete so that it can cancel the progress dialog.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDevDiagExecResults::IsLastTestL() const
return ( CurrentIndexL() == ( Count() - 1 ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This utility function checks to see if a test is being executed / was
// executed as a dependency.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDevDiagExecResults::IsDependencyL( TInt aIndex ) const
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( ( aIndex < Count() ), Panic( EPDApplicationGeneral ) );
// For live execution, get the information from the execution plan.
if ( iType == ETypeExecution )
TBool dependent = EFalse;
dependent = iDiagEngine->ExecutionPlanL()[ aIndex ].AsDependency();
return dependent;
// For logged test results, get the information from the test result. The
// NULL check is needed in case the plugin failed during running and did
// not report a result.
if ( iResults[ aIndex ]->Result() )
return iResults[ aIndex ]->Result()->WasDependency();
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function locks "execution" style results from further changes, by
// changing the results type and clearing the reference to the engine.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevDiagExecResults::Finalize()
LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagExecResults::Finalize()" )
iDiagEngine = NULL;
iType = ETypeLog;
iCompletedSteps = iTotalSteps;
iCurrentPluginStep = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function returns the total number of steps for all items in the
// execution results.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDevDiagExecResults::TotalExecutionSteps() const
return iTotalSteps;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function returns the current execution step based on all items in the
// execution results.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDevDiagExecResults::CurrentExecutionStep() const
return iCompletedSteps + iCurrentPluginStep;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets information about the test log.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevDiagExecResults::GetSessionInformationL( TInt& aSessionNumber,
TInt& aTimeInterval,
TTime& aStartTime,
TTime& aEndTime ) const
LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagExecResults::GetSessionInformationL()" )
// Get the time interval from the Central Repository.
CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidPhoneDoctor );
User::LeaveIfError( repository->Get( KPDAppMaxUseTime, aTimeInterval ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
// Get the list of database records.
CDatabaseRecordInfoArray* oldRecords =
new ( ELeave ) CDatabaseRecordInfoArray( KRecordsArrayGranularity );
CleanupStack::PushL( oldRecords );
User::LeaveIfError( iDbSession.GetAllRecordInfos( *oldRecords ) );
// Get the current DRM time.
TTime currentTime( TInt64( 0 ) );
DRM::CDrmServiceApi* drmApi = DRM::CDrmServiceApi::NewLC();
TInt timeZone = 0;
DRMClock::ESecurityLevel secLevel = DRMClock::KInsecure;
User::LeaveIfError( drmApi->GetSecureTime( currentTime,
secLevel ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( drmApi );
// Go through the records list.
aSessionNumber = 0;
for ( TInt i = 0; i < oldRecords->Count(); i++ )
TDiagResultsDatabaseTestRecordInfo record = (*oldRecords)[ i ];
// If this record matches the one we have execution results for, store
// its start and end time.
if ( record.iRecordId == iRecordId )
aStartTime = record.iStartTime;
aEndTime = record.iFinishTime;
// Check the time interval that this record occured in.
TTimeIntervalSeconds timeDifference( 0 );
currentTime.SecondsFrom( record.iDrmStartTime, timeDifference );
if ( timeDifference.Int() <= aTimeInterval )
// Free the records information.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( oldRecords );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The default constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDevDiagExecResults::CDevDiagExecResults( TUid aRecordId,
CDiagPluginPool& aPluginPool,
RDiagResultsDatabase& aDbSession,
MDiagEngineCommon* aDiagEngine )
: iRecordId( aRecordId ),
iPluginPool( aPluginPool ),
iDbSession( aDbSession ),
iDiagEngine( aDiagEngine )
LOGSTRING3( "CDevDiagExecResults::CDevDiagExecResults( %d, 0x%x )",
aDiagEngine )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The second phase constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevDiagExecResults::ConstructL()
LOGSTRING( "CDevDiagExecResults::ConstructL()" )
// There are two types of results: (1) Current Execution, and (2) Logs.
// (1) If a pointer to the diagnostics engine was provided, then it is
// assumed that the results are from a live execution and this object will
// wait for the results to be assigned .
if ( iDiagEngine )
// This is the "current execution" type.
iType = ETypeExecution;
const MDiagPluginExecPlan& execPlan = iDiagEngine->ExecutionPlanL();
// Add an entry for every item in the plan.
TUint numItems = execPlan.Count();
for ( TUint i = 0; i < numItems; i++ )
CResult* result = CResult::NewLC( execPlan[i].Plugin() );
iResults.AppendL( result );
CleanupStack::Pop( result );
// Update the total step counter with this plugin's information.
if ( execPlan[i].Plugin().Type() == MDiagPlugin::ETypeTestPlugin )
iTotalSteps += static_cast< const MDiagTestPlugin& >(
execPlan[i].Plugin() ).TotalSteps();
// (2) If no pointer to the diagnostics engine was provided, then all the
// results which correspond to the record id will be looked up from the
// results database.
// This is the "logged" type.
iType = ETypeLog;
// Get the record's results from the database.
RDiagResultsDatabaseRecord dbRecord;
User::LeaveIfError( dbRecord.Connect( iDbSession, iRecordId ) );
CleanupClosePushL( dbRecord );
RPointerArray< CDiagResultsDatabaseItem > logResults;
CleanupClosePushL( logResults );
User::LeaveIfError( dbRecord.GetTestResults( logResults ) );
// Add an entry for each result item.
TUint numItems = logResults.Count();
for ( TUint i = 0; i < numItems; i++ )
MDiagPlugin* plugin = NULL;
TInt err = iPluginPool.FindPlugin( logResults[i]->TestUid(),
plugin );
// If a matching plugin was not found for this result, we just
// skip over it, because we can't do anything useful with it.
// This case should only occur if a plugin logged results
// previously, but was later removed from the phone.
if ( err != KErrNone )
continue; //lint !e960 A continue makes sense here.
CResult* result = CResult::NewLC( *plugin );
// Ownership of the results item is transferred.
result->SetResult( logResults[i], KErrNone );
logResults[i] = NULL;
iResults.AppendL( result );
CleanupStack::Pop( result );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // logResults
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // dbRecord
// Set dummy numbers for the execution steps.
iTotalSteps = 1;
iCompletedSteps = 1;
// End of File