* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
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* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Localization strings for Diagnostics Battery Charger Cable Test Plug-in
// d:Plug-in name in the header of the dialog that is shown when starting test
// d:execution.
// l:heading_pane_t1
// r:3.2.1
#define qtn_diag_msg_title_battery_charger "Battery charger test"
// d:The body text of the dialog that is shown when starting test execution.
// d:This provides information about running the plug-in to the user.
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
// r:3.2.1
#define qtn_diag_msg_info_battery_charger "The following test will check battery charger."
// d:The title pane shown when battery charger test is running
// l:title_pane_t2/opt12
// r:3.2.1
//#define qtn_diag_title_test_battery_charger "Battery charger test" // LVT Change
// d:Plugin name in the plugin view listbox.
// l:list_single_graphic_pane_t1
// r:3.2.1
//#define qtn_diag_lst_test_battery_charger "Battery charger test" // LVT Change
// d:Plugin name in the results view listbox.
// l:list_single_graphic_heading_pane_t1_cp2
// r:3.2.1
#define qtn_diag_lst_battery_charge "Battery charger test"
//d:Text of the query dialog to prompt user to connect battery charger and confirm
//r: 3.2
#define qtn_diag_conf_battery_charger_connect "Connect the Battery Charger and plug it into the power source."
//d:Title of message query prompt of query dialog when battery charger is not detected
#define qtn_diag_err_title_no_battery_charger "Battery charger not detected"
//d:Text of the query dialog when battery charger is not detected
//r: 3.2
// ADO & Platformization Changes
//#define qtn_diag_err_no_battery_charger "Press OK to continue tests, or press Back to retry this test."
#define qtn_diag_err_no_battery_charger "Do you want to repeat the battery charger test?"
//d:Failed result text
#define qtn_diag_conf_test_failed_battery_charger "Battery charger test"
// ADO & Platformization Changes
#define qtn_diag_softk_skip "Skip"
// End of File