* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Device Management IMPS Adapter
// TaH 3.6.2005 Added the checking of Name, PrefAddr, AAuthName and AAuthSecret lenght.
// and corrected the fetching of PrefConRef parameter.
// TaH 16.6.2005 Some minor changes done according the code review comments.
// TaH 8.7.2005 Corrected errors ESBA-6DYMFL, ESBA-6DYNMK and ESBA-6DYMNV
// TaH 27.9.2005 Dynamic node names changed,
// reduced number of warnings caused by debug logs writtings.
#include <msvids.h>
#include <implementationproxy.h> // For TImplementationProxy definition
#include <utf.h>
#include <iapprefs.h>
#include <commdb.h>
#include <cdbcols.h> // CommsDB columname defs
#include <sysutil.h>
#include <e32des8.h>
#include <cimpssapsettings.h> //CIMPSSAPSettings
#include <cimpssapsettingsstore.h> //CWWVSAPSettingsStore
#include <cimpssapsettingslist.h> //CIMPSSAPSettingsList
#include <featmgr.h>
#include "nsmldmimpluids.h"
#include "nsmldmimpsadapter.h"
#include "nsmldebug.h"
#include "nsmlconstants.h"
#include "nsmldmconst.h"
#include "nsmldmiapmatcher.h"
#include "nsmldmuri.h"
#ifndef __WINS__
// This lowers the unnecessary compiler warning (armv5) to remark.
// "Warning: #174-D: expression has no effect..." is caused by
// DBG_ARGS8 macro in no-debug builds.
#pragma diag_remark 174
// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ==============================
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ==============================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::CNSmlDmImpsAdapter()
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::CNSmlDmImpsAdapter(TAny* aEcomArguments) :
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::CNSmlDmImpsAdapter(): begin" );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::CNSmlDmImpsAdapter(): end" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ConstructL()
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// The global variables are created here.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ConstructL( MSmlDmCallback *aDmCallback )
iCallBack = aDmCallback;
iFeatMgrInitialized = ETrue;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter* CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::NewL( )
// Two-phased constructor.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CNSmlDmImpsAdapter* CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::NewL( MSmlDmCallback* aDmCallback )
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::NewL(): begin" );
CNSmlDmImpsAdapter* self = NewLC( aDmCallback );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::NewL(): end" );
return self;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter* CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::NewLC( )
// Two-phased constructor.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CNSmlDmImpsAdapter* CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::NewLC( MSmlDmCallback* aDmCallback )
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::NewLC(): begin" );
CNSmlDmImpsAdapter* self = new( ELeave ) CNSmlDmImpsAdapter( aDmCallback );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aDmCallback );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::NewLC(): end" );
return self;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::~CNSmlDmImpsAdapter()
// Destructor, the global variables are deleted here.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::~CNSmlDmImpsAdapter(): begin" );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::~CNSmlDmImpsAdapter(): end" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::DDFVersionL()
// The method returns the DDFVersion number.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::DDFVersionL( CBufBase& aDDFVersion )
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::DDFVersionL( TDes& aDDFVersion ): begin" );
aDDFVersion.InsertL( 0,KNSmlDMImpsDDFVersion );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::DDFVersionL( TDes& aDDFVersion ): end" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::DDFStructureL()
// The method creates the DDFStructure
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::DDFStructureL( MSmlDmDDFObject& aDDF )
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::DDFStructureL(): begin" );
TSmlDmAccessTypes allAccessTypes;
TSmlDmAccessTypes accessTypesAddGet;
TSmlDmAccessTypes accessTypesGet;
TSmlDmAccessTypes accessTypesNoDel;
TSmlDmAccessTypes accessTypesASecret;
MSmlDmDDFObject& imps = aDDF.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMImpsNodeName );
FillNodeInfoL( imps,
MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode, KNSmlDMImpsDescr );
// run-time node under IMPS
// IMPS/<X>
MSmlDmDDFObject& rtNode = imps.AddChildObjectGroupL();
FillNodeInfoL( rtNode,
KNSmlDMDynamicNodeDescr );
// AppID
MSmlDmDDFObject& appId = rtNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMImpsAppId );
FillNodeInfoL( appId,
KNSmlDMImpsAppIDDescr );
// Name
MSmlDmDDFObject& name = rtNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMImpsName );
FillNodeInfoL( name,
KNSmlDMImpsNameDescr );
// PrefConRef
MSmlDmDDFObject& prefConRef = rtNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMImpsPrefConRef );
FillNodeInfoL( prefConRef,
KNSmlDMImpsPrefConRefDescr );
// PrefAddr
MSmlDmDDFObject& prefAddr = rtNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMImpsPrefAddr );
FillNodeInfoL( prefAddr,
KNSmlDMImpsPrefAddrDescr );
// AppAuth
MSmlDmDDFObject& appAuth = rtNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMImpsAppAuth );
FillNodeInfoL( appAuth,
KNSmlDMImpsAppAuthDescr );
// Run-time node under AppAuth
MSmlDmDDFObject& rtNodeAppAuth = appAuth.AddChildObjectGroupL();
FillNodeInfoL( rtNodeAppAuth,
KNSmlDMDynamicNodeDescr );
// AAuthLevel
MSmlDmDDFObject& AAuthLevel = rtNodeAppAuth.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMImpsAAuthLevel );
FillNodeInfoL( AAuthLevel,
KNSmlDMImpsAAuthLevelDescr );
// AAuthName
MSmlDmDDFObject& AAuthName = rtNodeAppAuth.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMImpsAAuthName );
FillNodeInfoL( AAuthName,
KNSmlDMImpsAAuthNameDescr );
// AAuthSecret
MSmlDmDDFObject& AAuthSecret = rtNodeAppAuth.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMImpsAAuthSecret );
FillNodeInfoL( AAuthSecret,
KNSmlDMImpsAAuthSecretDescr );
// Services
MSmlDmDDFObject& service = rtNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMImpsServices );
FillNodeInfoL( service,
KNSmlDMImpsServicesDescr );
// Ext
MSmlDmDDFObject& extNode = rtNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMImpsExtNode );
FillNodeInfoL( extNode,
KNSmlDMImpsExtNodeDescr );
// PEPCompliant
MSmlDmDDFObject& pepCompliant = extNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMImpsPepCompliant );
FillNodeInfoL( pepCompliant,
KNSmlDMImpsPepCompliantDescr );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::DDFStructureL(): end" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::AddNodeObjectL()
// The method adds new node.
// - Check number of uri segments
// - If number of segements = 2
// - Read all dynamic nodes under IMPS from the DMTree
// - Check that the new node name does not already exist
// - If exists
// --> return error status "AlreadyExists"
// - If does not exist, create new SAP to the database
// and use the node name as temporary SAP name
// - Map the received index to the URI.
// - If number of segments = 3 or 4
// - Check that there exists a SAP with given LUID value in db
// - If does not exist
// --> return error status "NotFound"
// - If exists
// --> if number of segments = 4
// - check that there does not already exist the dynamic node
// ( only one dynamic allowed )
// - if exists
// --> Return error status invalid object
// - Set mapping for DB index and URI.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::AddNodeObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aParentLUID, const TInt aStatusRef )
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::AddNodeObjectL(): begin" );
CIMPSSAPSettings* ownSap = CIMPSSAPSettings::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( ownSap );
CIMPSSAPSettingsStore* ownStore = CIMPSSAPSettingsStore::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( ownStore );
CIMPSSAPSettingsList* ownList = CIMPSSAPSettingsList::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( ownList );
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
TInt numOfSegs = NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs( aURI );
TPtrC8 checkedNode = NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg( aURI );
if ( ( numOfSegs == 2 ) &&
( aURI.Match( KNSmlDMImpsRootAndDyn ) != KErrNotFound ) )
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
// Read all dynamic nodes under IMPS from tree
CSmlDmAdapter::TError stat;
CBufBase *allNodes = CBufFlat::NewL( KNSmlDMReservingData );
CleanupStack::PushL( allNodes );
iCallBack->FetchLinkL( KNSmlDMImpsNodeName, *allNodes, stat );
// Check if the second node is found
TInt startIndex = 0;
for( TInt i = 0; i < allNodes->Size(); i++ )
if( allNodes->Ptr(0)[i] == '/' || i == allNodes->Size()-1 )
TPtrC8 uriSeg8Ptr = allNodes->Ptr( startIndex ).Mid( 0, i-startIndex );
if ( uriSeg8Ptr.Compare( checkedNode ) == 0 )
status = EAlreadyExists;
startIndex = i + 1;
} // if ( allNodes->Ptr )
} // for
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // allNodes
if ( status == CSmlDmAdapter::EOk )
// the item does not exist - create it to the db
RFs fs;
User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
if ( SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( &fs,
KNSmlDMSAPSettings ) )
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::AddNodeObjectL(): DISK FULL end" );
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EDiskFull; // Disk full
ResetSapL( ownSap );
TBufC8<5> tmpName( KNSmlDMImpsName );
status = UpdateValueL( tmpName, checkedNode, ownSap );
if ( status == CSmlDmAdapter::EOk )
TUint32 uid32 = ownStore->StoreNewSAPL( ownSap, EIMPSIMAccessGroup );
TInt uid( uid32 );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::AddNodeObjectL(): New SAP added" );
HBufC8 *luidDes = IntToDes8LC( uid );
iCallBack->SetMappingL( aURI, *luidDes );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // luidDes
} //disk size
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // fs
// AppAuth nodes
else if ( ( ( numOfSegs == 3 ) &&
( aURI.Match( KNSmlDMImpsWholeAppAuthUri ) != KErrNotFound ) )
|| ( ( numOfSegs == 4 ) &&
( aURI.Match( KNSmlDMImpsWholeAppAuthDynUri ) != KErrNotFound ) ) )
if( aParentLUID.Length() > 0 )
// Check that Store is not empty
// causes leaving if empty db is tried to read
TInt count = 0;
count = ownStore->SAPCountL( EIMPSAccessFilterAll );
DBG_ARGS8(_S8("IMPS::Count of SAPs in store = %d \n"), count );
if ( count > 0 )
TInt uid = DesToInt( aParentLUID );
TUint32 uid32( uid );
ownStore->PopulateSAPSettingsListL( *ownList,
EIMPSAccessFilterAll );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::AddNodeObjectL(): SAP settings list" );
TBool found = EFalse;
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
TUint32 id32 = ownList->UidForIndex( i );
if ( id32 == uid32 )
found = ETrue;
if ( numOfSegs == 4 )
// There can be only one dynamic node,
// check that there is not one
TPtrC8 ptrToParentUri = NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg( aURI );
// Read dynamic nodes under AppAuth from tree
CSmlDmAdapter::TError stat;
CBufBase *dynNodes = CBufFlat::NewL( KNSmlDMReservingData );
CleanupStack::PushL( dynNodes );
iCallBack->FetchLinkL( ptrToParentUri, *dynNodes, stat );
TInt len = dynNodes->Size();
if ( len > 0 )
status = EInvalidObject;
iCallBack->SetMappingL( aURI, aParentLUID );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // dynNodes
iCallBack->SetMappingL( aURI, aParentLUID );
} // for
if ( !found )
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
} // count
} // aParentLUID length
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
} // aParentLUID length
// Ext node
else if ( ( numOfSegs == 3 ) &&
( aURI.Match( KNSmlDMImpsWholeExtUri ) != KErrNotFound ) )
if( aParentLUID.Length() > 0 )
// Check that Store is not empty
// causes leaving if empty db is tried to read
TInt count = 0;
count = ownStore->SAPCountL( EIMPSAccessFilterAll );
DBG_ARGS8(_S8("IMPS::Count of SAPs in store = %d \n"), count );
if ( count > 0 )
TInt uid = DesToInt( aParentLUID );
TUint32 uid32( uid );
ownStore->PopulateSAPSettingsListL( *ownList, EIMPSAccessFilterAll );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::AddNodeobjectL(): SAP settings list" );
TBool found = EFalse;
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
TUint32 id32 = ownList->UidForIndex( i );
if ( id32 == uid32 )
found = ETrue;
iCallBack->SetMappingL( aURI, aParentLUID );
} // for
if ( !found )
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
} // count
} // aParentLUID length
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
} // aParentLUID length
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // ownList, ownStore, ownSap
iCallBack->SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::AddNodeObjectL(): end" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL()
// The method updates the leaf value.
// - Check that LUID length > 0
// - Check that there exists SAP with uid which is same as received LUID value.
// - If exists
// --> update received parameter value to db
// - else
// --> return error status
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
const TDesC8& aObject,
const TDesC8& /*aType*/,
TInt aStatusRef )
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL(): begin" );
// Used only in Test purpose
// TBuf8<50> tmpUriBuf = aURI;
// TBuf8<50> tmpLuidBuf = aLUID;
// DBG_ARGS8(_S8("IMPS Luid / Uri : Luid = %S Uri = %S \n"), &tmpLuidBuf, &tmpUriBuf );
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
CIMPSSAPSettings* ownSap = CIMPSSAPSettings::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( ownSap );
CIMPSSAPSettingsStore* ownStore = CIMPSSAPSettingsStore::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( ownStore );
TPtrC8 lastSeg = NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg( aURI );
if( aLUID.Length() > 0 )
// Check that Store is not empty and find the correct SAP
TInt sapFound = GetCorrectSapL( aLUID,
ownStore );
if ( sapFound == KErrNone )
if ( lastSeg.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsPepCompliant ) == 0 )
TInt stat = UpdatePEPValueL( aURI,
ownStore );
if ( stat != KErrNone )
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
else if ( lastSeg.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsAppId ) == 0 )
// Only value "wA" is accepted for AppID parameter
if ( aObject.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsDefaultAppID ) != 0 )
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
TInt uid = DesToInt( aLUID );
TUint32 Uid32( uid );
status = UpdateValueL( lastSeg, aObject, ownSap );
if ( status == KErrNone )
ownStore->UpdateOldSAPL( ownSap, Uid32 );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL(): SAP updated" );
} // sapFound
else if ( sapFound == KErrNotFound )
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
} // aLUID length
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
iCallBack->SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // ownStore, ownSap
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL( ): end" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL()
// Method not used. Used if streaming in use.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& /*aURI*/,
const TDesC8& /*aLUID*/,
RWriteStream*& /*aStream*/,
const TDesC8& /*aType*/,
TInt aStatusRef )
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL(): begin" );
iCallBack->SetStatusL(aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError);
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL( ): end" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL()
// Fetches data object and returns its size.
// - Take last URI segment and request the value for requested parameter
// by using method FetchObjectL.
// - Take the size of received parameter value and change it to descriptor
// - Return the size and status
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
const TDesC8& aType,
const TInt aResultsRef,
const TInt aStatusRef )
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL(): begin");
CBufBase *currentURISegmentList = CBufFlat::NewL( KNSmlDMReservingMaxData );
CleanupStack::PushL( currentURISegmentList );
TPtrC8 fetchedLeaf = NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg( aURI );
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = FetchObjectL( fetchedLeaf,
*currentURISegmentList );
if ( status == CSmlDmAdapter::EOk )
TInt objSizeInBytes = currentURISegmentList->Size();
TBuf8<16> stringObjSizeInBytes;
stringObjSizeInBytes.Num( objSizeInBytes );
currentURISegmentList->InsertL( 0, stringObjSizeInBytes );
iCallBack->SetResultsL( aResultsRef, *currentURISegmentList, aType );
iCallBack->SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //currentURISegmentList
_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL(): end");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::DeleteObjectL()
// The method deletes the requested parameter values.
// - Check number of segments
// - If number of segments > 2
// --> check that the SAP which the deletion involves exists in DB
// and get SAP to ownSap
// - If number of segments = 2
// --> delete whole SAP from the DB
// - If number of segments > 2 and <= 5
// --> check the requested parameter and delete the value from it in DB
// - If number of segments < 1 or > 5 or given SAP is not found from DB
// --> return error status
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::DeleteObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
TInt aStatusRef )
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::DeleteLeafObjectL( ): begin" );
CIMPSSAPSettings* ownSap = CIMPSSAPSettings::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( ownSap );
CIMPSSAPSettingsStore* ownStore = CIMPSSAPSettingsStore::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( ownStore );
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
// Check the number of uri segments to find out is a node or a leaf deleted
TInt numOfSegs = NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs( aURI );
if ( numOfSegs < 2 || numOfSegs > 5 )
// Sap does not exist, return error status
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
iCallBack->SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
if( aLUID.Length() > 0 )
// Check that Store is not empty,
// causes leaving if empty db is tried to read
TInt sapFound = KErrNotFound;
sapFound = GetCorrectSapL( aLUID,
ownStore );
if ( sapFound == KErrNone )
TInt uid = DesToInt( aLUID );
TUint32 Uid32( uid );
if ( numOfSegs == 2 )
// delete SAP
ownStore->DeleteSAPL( Uid32 );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::DeleteObjectL(): SAP deleted" );
} // if numOfSegs
TPtrC8 deletedLeaf = NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg( aURI );
if ( ( deletedLeaf.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsPepCompliant ) == 0 ) ||
( deletedLeaf.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsExtNode ) == 0 ) )
TBuf8<5> tmpPep( KNSmlDMImpsDefaultIM ); //False
TInt stat = EOk;
if ( deletedLeaf.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsExtNode ) == 0 )
HBufC8 *tmpUri = HBufC8::NewLC( aURI.Length() + 14 );
TPtr8 tmpUriPtr = tmpUri->Des();
// URI: IMPS/<x>/PEPCompliant
tmpUriPtr.Format( aURI );
tmpUriPtr.Append( KNSmlDMImpsSeparator8 );
tmpUriPtr.Append( KNSmlDMImpsPepCompliant );
stat = UpdatePEPValueL( tmpUriPtr,
ownStore );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // tmpUri
stat = UpdatePEPValueL( aURI,
ownStore );
if ( stat != KErrNone )
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
} // stat
status = DeleteValueL( aURI, ownSap );
if ( status == EOk )
// update the SAP to db
ownStore->UpdateOldSAPL( ownSap, Uid32 );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::DeleteObjectL(): SAP updated" );
} // status
} // numOfSegs
} // sapFound
else if ( sapFound == KErrNotFound )
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
} // LUID length
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
iCallBack->SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // ownSap, ownStore
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::DeleteLeafObjectL( ): end" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL()
// The method returns the requested parameter value from DB
// - Take last URI segment and request the value for requested parameter
// by using method FetchObjectL.
// - Return the parameter value and status
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
const TDesC8& aType,
TInt aResultsRef,
TInt aStatusRef )
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL(): begin" );
CBufBase *currentURISegmentList = CBufFlat::NewL( KNSmlDMReservingMaxData );
CleanupStack::PushL( currentURISegmentList );
TPtrC8 fetchedLeaf = NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg( aURI );
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = FetchObjectL( fetchedLeaf,
*currentURISegmentList );
if ( status == CSmlDmAdapter::EOk )
iCallBack->SetResultsL( aResultsRef, *currentURISegmentList, aType );
iCallBack->SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //currentURISegmentList
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL(): end" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ChildURIListL()
// The method returns the child nodes or leafs under requested node.
// - Check number of URI segments.
// - If number of segments = 1
// --> check if the dynamic node name is found by setting the DB uid
// against the LUID value in aPreviousURISegmentList
// - If the name is found, it is taken to the result list,
// - else the index number of SAP is converted to the name
// and returned as node name
// - If number of segments > 1 and < 5
// --> check that given LUID is found as index in DB
// and get the SAP data to ownSap
// - if number of segments = 2 or 4
// --> return parameter under dynamic node
// - if number of segments = 3
// --> return the name of dynamic node under AppAuth node.
// - Return the results and status
// - In error case return error status
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ChildURIListL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
const CArrayFix<TSmlDmMappingInfo>& aPreviousURISegmentList,
TInt aResultsRef,
TInt aStatusRef )
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ChildURIListL(): begin" );
// Used only in Test purpose
// TBuf8<50> tmpUriBuf = aURI;
// TBuf8<50> tmpLuidBuf = aLUID;
// DBG_ARGS8(_S8("IMPS Luid / Uri : Luid = %S Uri = %S \n"), &tmpLuidBuf, &tmpUriBuf );
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
CIMPSSAPSettings* ownSap = CIMPSSAPSettings::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( ownSap );
CIMPSSAPSettingsStore* ownStore = CIMPSSAPSettingsStore::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( ownStore );
CIMPSSAPSettingsList* ownList = CIMPSSAPSettingsList::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( ownList );
TInt numOfSegs = NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs( aURI );
CBufBase *currentURISegmentList = CBufFlat::NewL( KNSmlDMReservingMaxData );
CleanupStack::PushL( currentURISegmentList );
if ( numOfSegs == 1 )
if ( aURI.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsNodeName ) == 0 )
ownStore->PopulateSAPSettingsListL( *ownList, EIMPSAccessFilterAll );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ChildURIListL(): SAP settings list" );
TInt32 id32;
TInt count = 0;
count = ownStore->SAPCountL( EIMPSAccessFilterAll );
DBG_ARGS8(_S8("IMPS::Count of SAPs in store = %d "), count );
TInt prevUriSegListCount = aPreviousURISegmentList.Count();
DBG_ARGS8(_S8("IMPS::Count of luids in prevUriSegList = %d "),
prevUriSegListCount );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
id32 = ownList->UidForIndex( i );
TInt id( id32 );
DBG_ARGS8(_S8("IMPS::Sap id = %d"), id );
HBufC8* name=0;
TBool found = EFalse;
// Go through the previousUriSegmentList
for( TInt prevListIx = 0;
prevListIx < aPreviousURISegmentList.Count();
prevListIx++ )
// Check if the Sap id is found from segment list
if( id == DesToInt( aPreviousURISegmentList.At( prevListIx ).iURISegLUID ) )
found = ETrue;
// If id is found, take the urisegment from segment list
name = aPreviousURISegmentList.At( prevListIx ).iURISeg.AllocLC();
DBG_ARGS8(_S8("InList: Id = %d Seg %S"), id,
&aPreviousURISegmentList.At( prevListIx ).iURISeg);
} // for prevListIx
if( !found )
// id not found from previousUriSegmentList
// change the id to segment name
name = HBufC8::NewLC( 20 );
TPtr8 namePtr = name->Des();
namePtr = KNSMLDMImpsDynNodeName;
namePtr.AppendNum( i+1 );
HBufC8 *uri = HBufC8::NewLC( aURI.Length() + name->Length() + 1 );
TPtr8 uriPtr = uri->Des();
// Format the whole URI
uriPtr.Format( aURI );
uriPtr.Append( KNSmlDMImpsSeparator );
uriPtr.Append( name->Des() );
HBufC8 *luid = IntToDes8LC( id );
// Map the received uri to id
iCallBack->SetMappingL( uriPtr, *luid );
// Used only in Test purpose
// TBuf8<50> uriBuf = uriPtr;
// DBG_ARGS8(_S8("NotInList, mapping done: Luid = %d Uri = %S "),
// id, &uriBuf );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); //uri,luid
TPtr8 namePtr = name->Des();
currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(),
namePtr );
if( i + 1 < count )
currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(),
KNSmlDMImpsSeparator8 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ); // name
} // for i < count
iCallBack->SetResultsL( aResultsRef,
KNullDesC8 );
} // aUri
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
} // aUri
else if ( ( numOfSegs > 1 ) && ( numOfSegs < 5 ) )
if( aLUID.Length() > 0 )
// Check that Store is not empty
// causes leaving if empty db is tried to read
TInt sapFound = KErrNotFound;
sapFound = GetCorrectSapL( aLUID, ownSap, ownStore );
if ( sapFound == KErrNone)
if ( ( numOfSegs == 2 ) &&
( aURI.Match( KNSmlDMImpsRootAndDyn ) != KErrNotFound ) )
// List leafs
currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(),
KNSmlDMImpsRtNode() );
iCallBack->SetResultsL( aResultsRef,
KNullDesC8 );
} // numOfSegs
else if ( ( numOfSegs == 3 ) &&
( aURI.Match( KNSmlDMImpsWholeExtUri ) != KErrNotFound ) )
currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(),
KNSmlDMImpsPepCompliant() );
iCallBack->SetResultsL( aResultsRef,
KNullDesC8 );
else if ( ( numOfSegs == 3 ) &&
( aURI.Match( KNSmlDMImpsWholeAppAuthUri ) != KErrNotFound ) )
HBufC8* name=0;
TInt count = aPreviousURISegmentList.Count();
if ( count > 0 )
for( TInt prevListIx = 0; prevListIx < count; prevListIx++ )
name = aPreviousURISegmentList.At( prevListIx ).iURISeg.AllocLC();
TPtr8 namePtr = name->Des();
currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(),
namePtr );
if( prevListIx + 1 < count )
currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(),
KNSmlDMImpsSeparator8 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // name
} // for
} // if count > 0
if ( ( ownSap->SAPUserId().Compare(KNSmlDMImpsNotDefined ) == 0 ) &&
( ownSap->SAPUserPassword().Compare(KNSmlDMImpsNotDefined ) == 0 ) )
HBufC8 *uri = HBufC8::NewLC( aURI.Length() + 9 );
TPtr8 uriPtr = uri->Des();
uriPtr.Format( aURI );
uriPtr.Append( KNSmlDMImpsSeparator );
uriPtr.Append( KNSmlDMRtNode );
iCallBack->SetMappingL( uriPtr, aLUID );
currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(),
KNSmlDMRtNode8() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //uri
iCallBack->SetResultsL( aResultsRef,
KNullDesC8 );
else if ( ( numOfSegs == 4 ) &&
( aURI.Match( KNSmlDMImpsWholeAppAuthDynUri ) != KErrNotFound ) )
currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(),
KNSmlDMAppAuthRtNode() );
iCallBack->SetResultsL( aResultsRef,
KNullDesC8 );
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
} // sapFound
else if ( sapFound == KErrNotFound )
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
} // luid len
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
} // numOfSegs
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
// Used only in Test purpose
DBG_ARGS8(_S8("Status = %d \n"), status );
iCallBack->SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4 ); // currentUriSegmentList, ownSap, ownStore, ownList
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ChildURIListL(): end" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::CompleteOutstandingCmdsL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::CompleteOutstandingCmdsL()
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::EndMessageL(): begin" );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::EndMessageL(): end" );
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ExecuteCommandL()
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ExecuteCommandL( const TDesC8& /*aURI*/,
const TDesC8& /*aLUID*/,
const TDesC8& /*aArgument*/,
const TDesC8& /*aType*/,
const TInt aStatusRef )
//Not supported
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): begin" );
iCallBack->SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): end" );
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ExecuteCommandL()
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ExecuteCommandL( const TDesC8& /*aURI*/,
const TDesC8& /*aLUID*/,
RWriteStream*& /*aStream*/,
const TDesC8& /*aType*/,
const TInt aStatusRef )
//Not supported
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): begin" );
iCallBack->SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ExecuteCommandL(): end" );
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::CopyCommandL()
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::CopyCommandL( const TDesC8& /*aTargetURI*/,
const TDesC8& /*aTargetLUID*/,
const TDesC8& /*aSourceURI*/,
const TDesC8& /*aSourceLUID*/,
const TDesC8& /*aType*/,
TInt aStatusRef )
//Not supported
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::CopyCommandL(): begin" );
iCallBack->SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::CopyCommandL(): end" );
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::StartAtomicL()
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::StartAtomicL()
//Not supported
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::StartAtomicL(): begin" );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::StartAtomicL(): end" );
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::CommitAtomicL()
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::CommitAtomicL()
//Not supported
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::CommitAtomicL(): begin" );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::CommitAtomicL(): end" );
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::RollbackAtomicL()
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::RollbackAtomicL()
//Not supported
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::RollbackAtomicL(): begin" );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::RollbackAtomicL(): end" );
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::StreamingSupport()
TBool CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::StreamingSupport( TInt& /*aItemSize*/ )
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::StreamingSupport(): begin" );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::StreamingSupport(): end" );
return EFalse;
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::StreamCommittedL()
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::StreamCommittedL()
//Not supported
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::StreamCommittedL(): begin" );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::StreamCommittedL(): end" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Converts 16 bit descriptor to integer value.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::DesToInt( const TDesC& aLuid )
TLex16 lex( aLuid );
TInt value = 0;
lex.Val( value );
return value;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Converts 8 bit descriptor to integer value.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::DesToInt( const TDesC8& aLuid )
TLex8 lex( aLuid );
TInt value = 0;
lex.Val( value );
return value;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Converts integer value to 8 bit descriptor.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC8* CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::IntToDes8LC( const TInt aLuid )
HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC( 10 ); //10 = max length of 32bit integer
TPtr8 ptrBuf = buf->Des();
ptrBuf.Num( aLuid );
return buf;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Converts integer value to 16 bit descriptor.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::IntToDesLC( const TInt aLuid )
HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC( 10 ); //10 = max length of 32bit integer
TPtr ptrBuf = buf->Des();
ptrBuf.Num( aLuid );
return buf;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::FillNodeInfoL()
// Fills the node info in ddf structure
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::FillNodeInfoL( MSmlDmDDFObject& aNode,
const TSmlDmAccessTypes aAccTypes,
MSmlDmDDFObject::TOccurence aOccurrence,
MSmlDmDDFObject::TScope aScope,
MSmlDmDDFObject::TDFFormat aFormat,
const TDesC8& aDescription )
aNode.SetAccessTypesL( aAccTypes );
aNode.SetOccurenceL( aOccurrence );
aNode.SetScopeL( aScope );
aNode.SetDFFormatL( aFormat );
if( aFormat != MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode )
aNode.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( KNSmlDMImpsTextPlain );
aNode.SetDescriptionL( aDescription );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ConvertTo8LC()
// Converts string value to 8-bit
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TDesC8& CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ConvertTo8LC( const TDesC& aSource )
HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC( aSource.Length()*2 );
TPtr8 bufPtr = buf->Des();
CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( bufPtr, aSource );
return *buf;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ConvertTo16LC()
// Converts string value to 16-bit
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TDesC16& CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ConvertTo16LC( const TDesC8& aSource )
HBufC16* buf16 = HBufC16::NewLC( aSource.Length() );
TPtr bufPtr16 = buf16->Des();
CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8( bufPtr16, aSource );
return *buf16;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ResetSapL();
// Initializes all fields with empty string.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::ResetSapL( CIMPSSAPSettings* aSap )
aSap->SetSAPNameL( KNSmlDMImpsNotDefined );
aSap->SetSAPAddressL( KNSmlDMImpsNotDefined );
aSap->SetSAPUserIdL( KNSmlDMImpsNotDefined );
aSap->SetSAPUserPasswordL( KNSmlDMImpsNotDefined );
aSap->SetAccessPoint( 0 );
aSap->SetHighLevelServices( EIMPSServicesUnknown );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdateValueL();
// Updates the given leaf value.
// Checks that the object is not too long and returns error status if is.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSmlDmAdapter::TError CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdateValueL( const TDesC8& aUpdatedLeaf,
const TDesC8& aObject,
CIMPSSAPSettings* aSap )
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdateValueL(): begin" );
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
if ( aUpdatedLeaf.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsName ) == 0 )
// Check the length of SapName
if ( aObject.Length() <= KNSmlDMMaxNameLen )
aSap->SetSAPNameL( ConvertTo16LC( aObject ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ConvertTo16LC
// length of SapName is too long
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ETooLargeObject;
else if ( aUpdatedLeaf.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsPrefAddr ) == 0 )
// Check the length of PrefAddr
if ( aObject.Length() <= KNSmlDMMaxAddrLen )
aSap->SetSAPAddressL( ConvertTo16LC( aObject ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ConvertTo16LC
// length of PrefAddr is too long
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ETooLargeObject;
else if ( aUpdatedLeaf.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsAAuthName ) == 0 )
// Check the length of AAuthName
if ( aObject.Length() <= KNSmlDMMaxNameLen )
aSap->SetSAPUserIdL( ConvertTo16LC( aObject ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ConvertTo16LC
// length of AuthName is too long
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ETooLargeObject;
else if ( aUpdatedLeaf.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsAAuthSecret ) == 0 )
// Check the length of AAuthSecret
if ( aObject.Length() <= KNSmlDMMaxNameLen )
aSap->SetSAPUserPasswordL( ConvertTo16LC( aObject ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ConvertTo16LC
// length of AuthSecret is too long
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ETooLargeObject;
else if ( aUpdatedLeaf.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsPrefConRef ) == 0 )
// find out the access point link
TPtrC8 objectPtr= NSmlDmURI::RemoveDotSlash( aObject );
// Used only in Test purpose
// TBuf8<50> tmpObjBuf = objectPtr;
// DBG_ARGS8(_S8("IMPS : AP = %S \n"), &tmpObjBuf );
HBufC8* luid = iCallBack->GetLuidAllocL( objectPtr );
CleanupStack::PushL( luid );
// Used only in Test purpose
// DBG_ARGS8(_S8("Luid length = %d \n"), luid->Length() );
if( luid->Length() > 0 )
TInt uid = DesToInt( *luid );
TUint32 uid32( uid );
aSap->SetAccessPoint( uid32 );
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // luid
else if ( aUpdatedLeaf.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsAAuthLevel ) == 0 )
if ( ( aObject.Length() > 0 ) &&
( aObject.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsDefaultAAuthLevel ) != 0 ) )
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
else if ( aUpdatedLeaf.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsServices ) == 0 )
// Change the text to int value
TUint32 serv = EIMPSServicesUnknown;
TBool imFlag = EFalse;
TBool psFlag = EFalse;
TBool grFlag = EFalse;
TInt len = aObject.Length();
TInt startIndex = 0; // tells the start point of value
TInt endIndex = 1; // tells the end point of value
while ( endIndex < len )
// TPtrC8 objPtr = aObject.Mid( startIndex, 2 );
TBufC8<2> str = aObject.Mid( startIndex, 2 );
if ( str.Match( KNSmlDMImpsServiceIM ) != KErrNotFound )
if ( imFlag == EFalse )
// IM service found
serv |= EIMPSServicesIM;
imFlag = ETrue;
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
else if ( str.Match( KNSmlDMImpsServicePS ) != KErrNotFound )
if ( psFlag == EFalse )
// PS service found
serv |= EIMPSServicesPEC;
psFlag = ETrue;
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
else if ( str.Match( KNSmlDMImpsServiceGR ) != KErrNotFound )
if ( grFlag == EFalse )
// GR service found
serv |= EIMPSServicesGroups;
grFlag = ETrue;
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
startIndex = endIndex + 1;
if ( startIndex < len )
TBufC8<1> chr = aObject.Mid( startIndex, 1 );
if ( chr.Match( KNSmlDMImpsSemiColon ) == KErrNotFound )
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
endIndex = startIndex + 1;
} // while
// Set Services
if ( status == KErrNone )
aSap->SetHighLevelServices( serv );
} // KNSmlDMImpsServices
else // Unknown leaf
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdateValueL(): end" );
return status;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdatePEPValueL();
// If PEP value is changed, deletes the existing SAP and creates new one with
// received access group and sets new mappings to all nodes and leafs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSmlDmAdapter::TError CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdatePEPValueL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aObject,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
CIMPSSAPSettings* aSap,
CIMPSSAPSettingsStore* aStore )
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdatePEPValueL(): begin" );
HBufC8 *object = HBufC8::NewLC( aObject.Length() );
TPtr8 objPtr = object->Des();
objPtr.Format( aObject );
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
TInt uid = DesToInt ( aLUID );
TUint32 uid32( uid );
TIMPSAccessGroup newAccGroup = EIMPSIMAccessGroup;
if ( ( objPtr.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsDefaultPEC ) == 0 )
|| ( objPtr.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsDefPEC ) == 0 ) )
newAccGroup = EIMPSPECAccessGroup;
else if ( ( objPtr.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsDefaultIM ) == 0 )
|| ( objPtr.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsDefIM ) == 0 ) )
newAccGroup = EIMPSIMAccessGroup;
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // object
TIMPSAccessGroup oldAccGroup = aSap->AccessGroup();
if ( oldAccGroup != newAccGroup )
// The AccessGroup should be changed.
// Check mapping first
TPtrC8 ptrToExtUri = NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg( aURI ); // IMPS/<x>/Ext
TPtrC8 ptrToDynNode = NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg( ptrToExtUri ); // IMPS/<x>
HBufC8 *appAuthUri = HBufC8::NewLC( ptrToDynNode.Length() +
KNSmlDMMaxNameLen );
TPtr8 appAuthPtr= appAuthUri->Des();
// URI: IMPS/<x>/AppAuth
appAuthPtr.Format( ptrToDynNode );
appAuthPtr.Append( KNSmlDMImpsSeparator8 );
appAuthPtr.Append( KNSmlDMImpsAppAuth );
// Used only in Test purpose
// TBuf8<50> tmpUriBuf = appAuthPtr;
// DBG_ARGS8(_S8("Fetched Uri = %S"), &tmpUriBuf );
// Get dynamic node under AppAuth
CBufBase *allNodes = CBufFlat::NewL( KNSmlDMReservingData );
CleanupStack::PushL( allNodes );
iCallBack->FetchLinkL( appAuthPtr, *allNodes, status );
// Used only in Test purpose
DBG_ARGS8(_S8("Status = %d \n"), status );
if( status == CSmlDmAdapter::EOk )
// Delete existing SAP
aStore->DeleteSAPL( uid32 );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdatePEPValueL(): SAP deleted" );
// Create new with correct AccessGroup
uid32 = aStore->StoreNewSAPL( aSap, newAccGroup );
uid = TInt( uid32 );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdatePEPValueL(): New SAP added" );
// Set mappings to new UID
HBufC8 *luidDes = IntToDes8LC( TInt( uid ) );
// URI: IMPS/<x>/Ext/PEPCompliant
iCallBack->SetMappingL( aURI, *luidDes );
// URI: IMPS/<x>/Ext
iCallBack->SetMappingL( ptrToExtUri, *luidDes );
// URI: IMPS/<x>
iCallBack->SetMappingL( ptrToDynNode, *luidDes );
// URI: IMPS/<x>/AppAuth
iCallBack->SetMappingL( appAuthPtr, *luidDes );
if ( allNodes->Size() > 0 )
TPtrC8 uriSeg8Ptr = allNodes->Ptr( 0 );
// URI: IMPS/<x>/AppAuth/<x>
HBufC8 *authUri = HBufC8::NewLC( appAuthPtr.Length() +
uriSeg8Ptr.Length() );
TPtr8 authUriPtr= authUri->Des();
authUriPtr.Format( appAuthPtr );
authUriPtr.Append( KNSmlDMImpsSeparator8 );
authUriPtr.Append( uriSeg8Ptr );
iCallBack->SetMappingL( authUriPtr, *luidDes );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // authUri
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // luidDes
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // appAuthUri, allNodes
} // oldValue != newValue
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::UpdatePEPValueL(): end" );
return status;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::DeleteValueL();
// Initializes the given leaf field with empty string.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSmlDmAdapter::TError CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::DeleteValueL( const TDesC8& aUri,
CIMPSSAPSettings* aSap )
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
TPtrC8 deletedLeaf = NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg( aUri );
TPtrC8 ptrToParentUri = NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg( aUri );
TPtrC8 parentSeg = NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg( ptrToParentUri );
if ( deletedLeaf.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsName ) == 0)
aSap->SetSAPNameL( ConvertTo16LC( parentSeg ) );
else if ( deletedLeaf.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsPrefAddr ) == 0)
aSap->SetSAPAddressL( KNSmlDMImpsNotDefined );
else if ( deletedLeaf.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsAAuthName ) == 0)
aSap->SetSAPUserIdL( KNSmlDMImpsNotDefined );
else if ( deletedLeaf.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsAAuthSecret ) == 0)
aSap->SetSAPUserPasswordL( KNSmlDMImpsNotDefined );
else if ( deletedLeaf.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsPrefConRef ) == 0 )
aSap->SetAccessPoint( 0 );
else if ( deletedLeaf.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsAAuthLevel ) == 0 )
// AAuthLevel is not stored anywhere so it can not be deleted either
else if ( ( aUri.Match( KNSmlDMImpsWholeAppAuthUri ) != KErrNotFound ) ||
( aUri.Match( KNSmlDMImpsWholeAppAuthDynUri ) != KErrNotFound ) )
aSap->SetSAPUserIdL( KNSmlDMImpsNotDefined );
aSap->SetSAPUserPasswordL( KNSmlDMImpsNotDefined );
else if ( deletedLeaf.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsServices ) == 0 )
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
else // Unknown leaf
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
return status;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::FetchObjectL();
// The method reads the requested parameter value from DB
// - Check that the requested SAP exists in DB by checking that
// the uid with LUID value exists.
// - Get SAP data to aSap
// - Read the requested parameter value
// - In error case return error status
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSmlDmAdapter::TError CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::FetchObjectL( const TDesC8& aUri,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
CBufBase& aObject )
CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
CIMPSSAPSettings* ownSap = CIMPSSAPSettings::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( ownSap );
CIMPSSAPSettingsStore* ownStore = CIMPSSAPSettingsStore::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( ownStore );
if( aLUID.Length() > 0 )
// Check that Store is not empty
// causes leaving if empty db is tried to read
TInt sapFound = KErrNotFound;
sapFound = GetCorrectSapL( aLUID, ownSap, ownStore );
if ( sapFound == KErrNone )
// Sap exist, read value of correct leaf
if ( aUri.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsName ) == 0 )
aObject.InsertL( 0, ConvertTo8LC( ownSap->SAPName() ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ConvertTo8LC
else if ( aUri.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsPrefAddr ) == 0 )
aObject.InsertL( 0, ConvertTo8LC( ownSap->SAPAddress() ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ConvertTo8LC
else if ( aUri.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsAAuthName ) == 0 )
aObject.InsertL( 0, ConvertTo8LC( ownSap->SAPUserId() ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ConvertTo8LC
else if ( aUri.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsAAuthSecret ) == 0 )
// Requesting password not allowed.
status = EError;
else if ( aUri.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsPepCompliant ) == 0 )
TIMPSAccessGroup accGroup = ownSap->AccessGroup();
if ( accGroup == EIMPSPECAccessGroup )
aObject.InsertL( 0, KNSmlDMImpsDefaultPEC );
aObject.InsertL( 0, KNSmlDMImpsDefaultIM );
} // PEPCompliant
else if ( aUri.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsPrefConRef ) == 0 )
HBufC8* buf = IntToDes8LC( ownSap->AccessPoint() );
TUint idFromDb = DesToInt( buf->Des() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ); // buf
CBufBase *allIAPs = CBufFlat::NewL( KNSmlDMReservingData );
CleanupStack::PushL( allIAPs );
iCallBack->FetchLinkL( GetConRef(), *allIAPs, status );
TBool found = EFalse;
if( status == CSmlDmAdapter::EOk )
TInt startIndex = 0;
for( TInt i = 0; i < allIAPs->Size(); i++ )
if( allIAPs->Ptr(0)[i] == '/' || i == allIAPs->Size()-1 )
HBufC8 *uriSegment=0;
TPtrC8 uriSeg8Ptr = allIAPs->Ptr( startIndex ).Mid( 0, i-startIndex );
uriSegment = uriSeg8Ptr.AllocLC();
HBufC8 *uri = HBufC8::NewLC( GetConRef().Length() + 1 + uriSegment->Length() );
TPtr8 uriPtr= uri->Des();
uriPtr.Format( GetConRef());
uriPtr.Append( KNSmlDMImpsSeparator );
uriPtr.Append( *uriSegment );
HBufC8* luid = iCallBack->GetLuidAllocL( uriPtr );
CleanupStack::PushL( luid );
if( luid->Length() > 0 )
TInt iapId = DesToInt( luid->Des() );
if( iapId == idFromDb )
found = ETrue;
aObject.InsertL( 0, uriPtr );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // uriSegment, uri, luid
} // if luid
startIndex = i + 1;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // uriSegment, uri, luid
} //end if allIaps...
} //end for
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //allIaps
if( !found )
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
} // PrefConRef
else if ( aUri.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsAppId ) == 0 )
// AppID is not used yet so return default value
aObject.InsertL( 0, KNSmlDMImpsDefaultAppID );
else if ( aUri.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsAAuthLevel ) == 0 )
// Check from the database if the AAuthName or AAuthSecret are defined
// if they are, return default value
if ( ( ownSap->SAPUserId().Compare(KNSmlDMImpsNotDefined ) == 0 ) &&
( ownSap->SAPUserPassword().Compare(KNSmlDMImpsNotDefined ) == 0 ) )
// AAuthName and AAuthSecret are not defined
aObject.InsertL( 0, KNSmlDMImpsNotDefined8 );
aObject.InsertL( 0, KNSmlDMImpsDefaultAAuthLevel );
} // AppID
else if ( aUri.Compare( KNSmlDMImpsServices ) == 0 )
HBufC8 *services=0;
TUint32 serv = EIMPSServicesUnknown;
services = HBufC8::NewLC( 11 );
TPtr8 servicesPtr = services->Des();
serv = ownSap->HighLevelServices();
switch ( serv )
case ( EIMPSServicesIM ):
servicesPtr.Format( KNSmlDMImpsServiceIM );
case ( EIMPSServicesPEC ):
servicesPtr.Format( KNSmlDMImpsServicePS );
case ( EIMPSServicesIM | EIMPSServicesPEC ):
servicesPtr.Format( KNSmlDMImpsServiceIM );
servicesPtr.Append( KNSmlDMImpsSemiColon );
servicesPtr.Append( KNSmlDMImpsServicePS );
case ( EIMPSServicesGroups ):
servicesPtr.Format( KNSmlDMImpsServiceGR );
case ( EIMPSServicesIM | EIMPSServicesGroups ):
servicesPtr.Format( KNSmlDMImpsServiceIM );
servicesPtr.Append( KNSmlDMImpsSemiColon );
servicesPtr.Append( KNSmlDMImpsServiceGR );
case ( EIMPSServicesPEC | EIMPSServicesGroups ):
servicesPtr.Format( KNSmlDMImpsServicePS );
servicesPtr.Append( KNSmlDMImpsSemiColon );
servicesPtr.Append( KNSmlDMImpsServiceGR );
case ( EIMPSServicesIM | EIMPSServicesPEC | EIMPSServicesGroups ):
servicesPtr.Format( KNSmlDMImpsServiceIM );
servicesPtr.Append( KNSmlDMImpsSemiColon );
servicesPtr.Append( KNSmlDMImpsServicePS );
servicesPtr.Append( KNSmlDMImpsSemiColon );
servicesPtr.Append( KNSmlDMImpsServiceGR );
servicesPtr.Format( KNSmlDMImpsNotDefined8 );
} // Service
aObject.InsertL( 0, servicesPtr );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // services
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
} // sapFound
else if ( sapFound == KErrNotFound )
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
status = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
} // aLUID length
status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // ownSap, ownStore
return status;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::GetCorrectSapL();
// The method reads the requested parameter value from DB
// - Check that the requested SAP exists in DB by checking
// that the index with LUID value exists.
// - Get SAP data to aSap
// - Read the requested parameter value
// - In error case return error status
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::GetCorrectSapL( const TDesC8& aLUID,
CIMPSSAPSettings* aSap,
CIMPSSAPSettingsStore* aStore )
// If value of Stat is KErrNone, the Sap has been found.
// If it is KErrNotFound, the Sap does not exist.
// Else the stat returns error status.
CIMPSSAPSettingsList* ownList = CIMPSSAPSettingsList::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( ownList );
TInt stat = KErrNotFound;
// Check that Store is not empty
// causes leaving if empty db is tried to read
TInt count = 0;
count = aStore->SAPCountL( EIMPSAccessFilterAll ) ;
DBG_ARGS8(_S8("IMPS::Count of SAPs in store = %d \n"), count );
if ( count > 0 )
TInt uid = DesToInt( aLUID );
TUint32 uid32( uid );
aStore->PopulateSAPSettingsListL( *ownList, EIMPSAccessFilterAll );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::GetCorrectSapL(): SAP settings list" );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
TUint32 id32 = ownList->UidForIndex( i );
if ( id32 == uid32 )
aStore->GetSAPL( uid32, aSap );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::GetCorrectSapL(): SAP requested" );
stat = KErrNone;
} // for
} // if count
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ownList
return stat;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[]
// Needed because of ECOM architecture
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY( aUid, aFuncPtr ) { {aUid}, ( aFuncPtr ) }
const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] =
CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::NewL )
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy( TInt& aTableCount )
_DBG_FILE( "ImplementationGroupProxy() for CNSmlDmImpsAdapter: begin" );
aTableCount = sizeof( ImplementationTable ) / sizeof( TImplementationProxy );
_DBG_FILE( "ImplementationGroupProxy() for CNSmlDmImpsAdapter: end" );
return ImplementationTable;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::HandleSessionEventL( TMsvSessionEvent /*aEvent*/,
TAny* /*aArg1*/,
TAny* /*aArg2*/,
TAny* /*aArg3*/ )
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::HandleSessionEventL(): begin" );
_DBG_FILE( "CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::HandleSessionEventL(): end" );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::const TDesC8& GetConRef()
// Returns the connection reference
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC8& CNSmlDmImpsAdapter::GetConRef()
return KNSmlDMImpsConnMOIAPUri();
return KNSmlDMImpsIAPUri();
// End of file