* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of customization components
#include "TestParams.h"
//#include <e32svr.h>
#include <StifLogger.h>
#include <StifItemParser.h>
//#include <Stiftestinterface.h>
//#include "ThemesTest.h"
#include "TestDmCallback.h"
#include "TestDmDDFObject.h"
#include "FileCoderB64.h"
#include "nsmldmuri.h"
//extern ?external_data;
//extern ?external_function( ?arg_type,?arg_type );
//const ?type ?constant_var = ?constant;
//#define ?macro ?macro_def
//const ?type ?constant_var = ?constant;
//#define ?macro_name ?macro_def
//enum ?declaration
//typedef ?declaration
//?type ?function_name( ?arg_type, ?arg_type );
// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTestParams::CTestParams
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CTestParams::CTestParams( CStifLogger *aLog )
: iLog( aLog )
// , iStr( 0 )
, iUri( 0 )
, iData( 0 )
, iDataType( 0 )
, iOutputFile( 0 )
, iExpectedStatus( -1 )
, iExpectedData( 0 )
, iExpectedType( 0 )
, iStatusRef( -1 )
, iResultsRef( -1 )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTestParams::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTestParams::ConstructL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
// Parse parameters
TPtrC str;
TInt ret = aItem.Remainder( str );
TBuf8<200> buf;
buf.Copy( str ) ;
iLog->Log( _L("CmdParams: '%S'"), &str );
// TInt i = 0;
// while (aItem.GetNextString( str ) == KErrNone )
// {
// iLog->Log( _L("Par[%d]: '%S'"), i, &str );
// }
// iLog->Log( _L("Version is")) ;
// iLog->Log( version->Ptr(0) ) ;
// iLog->Log( _L("Add Test Adding Policy data failed! %d" ), iStatus );
TTestParamVar var( buf );
while (var.Next())
TPtrC8 key = var.Name();
TPtrC8 value = var.Value();
TBool exist = var.ValueExist();
iLog->Log(_L8("key: '%S', value: '%S', exist: %d"), &key, &value, exist);
IT= Input (text)
IF= Input File (filename)
OF= Output File
ET= Expected result (text)
EF= Expected file (filename)
_LIT8( KURI, "URI" ); // = value
_LIT8( KText, "Text" ); // = "Text input"
_LIT8( KFile, "File" ); // = Filename (and path)
_LIT8( KType, "Type" ); // = MimeType (of data)
_LIT8( KInputText, "IT" ); // = "Input Text"
_LIT8( KInputFile, "IF" ); // = InputFileName (and path)
_LIT8( KInputFile2, "IF2" ); // = InputFileName (and path)
_LIT8( KInputType, "IM" ); // = Input MimeType (of data)
_LIT8( KOutputFile, "OF" ); // = OutputFileName (and path) (where result data is saved)
_LIT8( KExpectedStatus, "ES" ); // = <Expected Status Code>
_LIT8( KExpectedText, "ET" ); // = "Expected Result Text"
_LIT8( KExpectedFile, "EF" ); // = ExpectedResultFile (and path)
_LIT8( KExpectedFile2, "EF2" ); // = ExpectedResultFile (and path)
_LIT8( KExpectedType, "EM" ); // = Expected MimeType (of return data)
// , iUri( 0 )
// , iData( 0 )
// , iDataType( 0 )
if ( key.CompareF( KURI ) == 0 )
if (iUri == 0)
delete iUri;
iUri = 0;
iUri = value.AllocL();
iLog->Log(_L8("Warning: URI already given, not resetting to: '%S'"), &value );
else if ( key.CompareF( KInputText ) == 0 || key.CompareF( KText ) == 0 )
delete iData;
iData = 0;
iData = value.AllocL();
else if ( key.CompareF( KInputFile ) == 0 || key.CompareF( KFile ) == 0 )
delete iData;
iData = 0;
TFileCoderB64 coder;
User::LeaveIfError( coder.EncodeL( value, iData ) );
else if ( key.CompareF( KInputFile2) == 0 )
delete iData;
iData = 0;
RFs fs; fs.Connect();
TFileName fn; fn.Copy(value);
RFile f; f.Open(fs, fn, EFileShareExclusive|EFileRead);
TInt size; f.Size( size );
iData = HBufC8::NewL( size );
TPtr8 ptr( iData->Des() );
f.Read( ptr );
else if ( key.CompareF( KInputType ) == 0 || key.CompareF( KType ) == 0 )
delete iDataType;
iDataType = 0;
iDataType = value.AllocL();
else if (key.CompareF( KOutputFile ) == 0 )
delete iOutputFile;
iOutputFile = 0;
iOutputFile = value.AllocL();
else if (key.CompareF( KExpectedStatus ) == 0 )
TLex8 lex( value );
User::LeaveIfError( lex.Val( iExpectedStatus ) );
else if (key.CompareF( KExpectedText ) == 0 )
delete iExpectedData;
iExpectedData = 0;
iExpectedData = value.AllocL();
else if (key.CompareF( KExpectedFile ) == 0 )
delete iExpectedData;
iExpectedData = 0;
TFileCoderB64 coder;
User::LeaveIfError( coder.EncodeL( value, iExpectedData ) );
else if (key.CompareF( KExpectedFile2 ) == 0 )
delete iExpectedData;
iExpectedData = 0;
RFs fs; fs.Connect();
TFileName fn; fn.Copy(value);
RFile f; f.Open(fs, fn, EFileShareExclusive|EFileRead);
TInt size; f.Size( size );
iExpectedData = HBufC8::NewL( size );
TPtr8 ptr( iExpectedData->Des() );
f.Read( ptr );
else if (key.CompareF( KExpectedType ) == 0 )
delete iExpectedType;
iExpectedType = 0;
iExpectedType = value.AllocL();
// Unknown parameter
iLog->Log(_L8("Warning: Unknown parameter: key: '%S', value: '%S', exist: %d"), &key, &value, exist);
// Cleanup
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTestParams::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CTestParams* CTestParams::NewL( CStifLogger *aLog, CStifItemParser& aItem )
CTestParams* self = NewLC( aLog, aItem );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
CTestParams* CTestParams::NewLC( CStifLogger *aLog, CStifItemParser& aItem )
CTestParams* self = new (ELeave) CTestParams( aLog );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aItem );
return self;
// Destructor
delete iUri;
delete iData;
delete iDataType;
delete iOutputFile;
delete iExpectedData;
delete iExpectedType;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTestParams::?member_function
// ?implementation_description
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*?type CTestParams::?member_function(
?arg_type arg,
?arg_type arg )
void CTestParams::SetL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
// iString = aItem.
TPtrC str;
TInt ret = aItem.Remainder( str );
const TDesC8& CTestParams::Uri()
if (iUri != 0)
return *iUri;
return KNullDesC8;
const TDesC8& CTestParams::Data()
if (iData != 0)
return *iData;
return KNullDesC8;
const TDesC8& CTestParams::DataType()
if (iDataType != 0)
return *iDataType;
return KNullDesC8;
//sf-void CTestParams::SetCallback( CTestDmCallback* aCallback )
//sf- {
//sf- iCallback = aCallback;
//sf- }
void CTestParams::SetResultsRef( TInt aResultsRef )
iResultsRef = aResultsRef;
void CTestParams::SetStatusRef( TInt aStatusRef )
iStatusRef = aStatusRef;
//sf-TInt CTestParams::CheckStatusL( MSmlDmAdapter::TError aStatus )
TInt CTestParams::CheckStatusL( TInt aStatus )
TInt ret = KErrNone;
if (iExpectedStatus >= 0 && iExpectedStatus != aStatus)
iLog->Log( _L8("Error: CTestParams::CheckStatusL: expected=%d, status=%d"), iExpectedStatus, aStatus );
ret = KErrGeneral;
return ret;
TInt CTestParams::CheckDataL( CBufFlat& aObject )
TPtrC8 ptr = aObject.Ptr(0);
TInt ret = CheckDataL( ptr );
return ret;
TInt ret = KErrNone;
if (iExpectedData)
TPtrC8 ptr = aObject.Ptr(0);
if (iExpectedData->Compare( ptr ) != 0)
iLog->Log( _L8("Error: CTestParams::CheckDataL") );
ret = KErrGeneral;
return ret;
TInt CTestParams::CheckDataL( const TDesC8& aObject )
TInt ret = KErrNone;
if (iExpectedData)
TInt len1 = iExpectedData->Length();
TInt len2 = aObject.Length();
if (iExpectedData->Compare( aObject ) != 0)
TPtrC8 expt = iExpectedData->Left( 80 );
TPtrC8 real = aObject.Left( 80 );
//sf- iLog->Log( _L8("Error: CTestParams::CheckDataL") );
iLog->Log( _L8("Error: CTestParams::CheckDataL: expected='%S', real='%S'"), &expt, &real );
ret = KErrGeneral;
return ret;
TInt CTestParams::CheckTypeL( const TDesC8 &aType )
TInt ret = KErrNone;
if (iExpectedType)
if (iExpectedType->CompareF( aType ) != 0)
iLog->Log( _L8("Error: CTestParams::CheckTypeL: exp='%S', typ='%S'"), iExpectedType, &aType );
ret = KErrGeneral;
return ret;
TInt CTestParams::CheckL( CTestDmCallback* aCallback )
TInt ret = KErrNone;
// MSmlDmAdapter::TError status = EOk;
// const CBufBase& GetResultsObjectL( TInt aResultsRef );
// const TDesC8& GetResultsTypeL( TInt aResultsRef );
if (iStatusRef >= 0)
MSmlDmAdapter::TError status = aCallback->GetStatusL( iStatusRef );
TInt ret1 = CheckStatusL( status );
ret = (ret != KErrNone) ? ret : ret1;
// iLog->"Error: StatusRef not set"
if (iResultsRef >= 0)
const CBufBase& tmpObject = aCallback->GetResultsObjectL( iResultsRef );
TInt ret1 = CheckDataL( *(CBufFlat*) &tmpObject );
TPtrC8 tmpType = aCallback->GetResultsTypeL( iResultsRef );
TInt ret2 = CheckTypeL( tmpType );
// choose first error code
ret = (ret != KErrNone) ? ret : ret1;
ret = (ret != KErrNone) ? ret : ret2;
// iLog->"Note: ResultsRef not set"
return ret;
TInt CTestParams::CheckStatusRefL( TInt aStatusRef )
TInt ret = KErrNone;
if (iExpectedStatus)
return ret;
TInt CTestParams::CheckResultsRefL( TInt aResultsRef )
TInt ret = KErrNone;
if (iExpectedStatus)
return ret;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDDFTestParams::CDDFTestParams
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDDFTestParams::CDDFTestParams( CStifLogger *aLog )
: iLog( aLog )
, iUri( 0 )
// , iAccessTypes
, iDefaultValue( 0 )
, iDescription( 0 )
// , iFormat( 0 )
// , iOccurence( 0 )
// , iScope( 0 )
, iTitle( 0 )
, iMimeType( 0 )
, iObjectGroup( 0 )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDDFTestParams::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDDFTestParams::ConstructL( CStifItemParser& aItem )
// Parse parameters
TPtrC str;
TInt ret = aItem.Remainder( str );
HBufC8* ptr = HBufC8::NewLC( str.Length() );
ptr->Des().Copy( str );
//sf- TBuf8<400> buf;
//sf- buf.Copy( str ) ;
iLog->Log( _L("CmdParams: '%S'"), &str );
//same as uri Name=
/* Keywords */
_LIT8( KURI, "URI" ); // = uri
_LIT8( KAccessTypes, "AccessTypes" ); // =
_LIT8( KDefaultValue, "DefaultValue" ); // =
_LIT8( KDescription, "Description" ); // =
_LIT8( KFormat, "Format" ); // =
_LIT8( KOccurence, "Occurence" ); // =
_LIT8( KScope, "Scope" ); // =
_LIT8( KTitle, "Title" ); // =
_LIT8( KMimeType, "MimeType" ); // =
_LIT8( KObjectGroup, "ObjectGroup" ); // =
/* AccessTypes */
const TChar KAccessType_Add = 'A';
const TChar KAccessType_Copy = 'C';
const TChar KAccessType_Delete = 'D';
const TChar KAccessType_Exec = 'E';
const TChar KAccessType_Get = 'G';
const TChar KAccessType_Replace = 'R';
/* Format */
_LIT8( KFormat_B64, "B64" );
_LIT8( KFormat_Bool, "Bool" );
_LIT8( KFormat_Chr, "Chr" );
_LIT8( KFormat_Int, "Int" );
_LIT8( KFormat_Node, "Node" );
_LIT8( KFormat_Null, "Null" );
_LIT8( KFormat_Xml, "Xml" );
_LIT8( KFormat_Bin, "Bin" );
/* Occurrence */
_LIT8( KOccurence_One, "One" );
_LIT8( KOccurence_ZeroOrOne, "ZeroOrOne" );
_LIT8( KOccurence_ZeroOrMore, "ZeroOrMore" );
_LIT8( KOccurence_OneOrMore, "OneOrMore" );
_LIT8( KOccurence_ZeroOrN, "ZeroOrN" );
_LIT8( KOccurence_OneOrN, "OneOrN" );
/* Scope */
_LIT8( KScope_Permanent, "Permanent" );
_LIT8( KScope_Dynamic, "Dynamic" );
TTestParamVar var( *ptr );
//sf- TTestParamVar var( buf );
while (var.Next())
TPtrC8 key = var.Name();
TPtrC8 value = var.Value();
TBool exist = var.ValueExist();
iLog->Log(_L8("key: '%S', value: '%S', exist: %d"), &key, &value, exist);
if ( key.CompareF( KURI ) == 0 )
delete iUri;
iUri = 0;
iUri = value.AllocL();
else if ( key.CompareF( KAccessTypes ) == 0)
//sf- SetAccessTypes( value );
for (TInt i = 0 ; i < value.Length() ; i++)
if ( value[i] == KAccessType_Add )
//sf- iAccessTypes |= TSmlDmAccessTypes::EAccessType_Add;
else if ( value[i] == KAccessType_Copy )
//sf- iAccessTypes |= TSmlDmAccessTypes::EAccessType_Copy;
else if ( value[i] == KAccessType_Delete )
//sf- iAccessTypes |= TSmlDmAccessTypes::EAccessType_Delete;
else if ( value[i] == KAccessType_Exec )
//sf- iAccessTypes |= TSmlDmAccessTypes::EAccessType_Exec;
else if ( value[i] == KAccessType_Get )
//sf- iAccessTypes |= TSmlDmAccessTypes::EAccessType_Get;
else if ( value[i] == KAccessType_Replace )
//sf- iAccessTypes |= TSmlDmAccessTypes::EAccessType_Replace;
iLog->Log(_L8("Warning: Unknown AccessType: '%S'"), &value );
else if ( key.CompareF( KDefaultValue ) == 0 )
delete iDefaultValue;
iDefaultValue = 0;
iDefaultValue = value.AllocL();
else if ( key.CompareF( KDescription ) == 0 )
delete iDescription;
iDescription = 0;
iDescription = value.AllocL();
else if ( key.CompareF( KFormat ) == 0 )
//sf- SetFormat( value );
if (value.CompareF( KFormat_B64 ) == 0 )
iFormat = MSmlDmDDFObject::EB64;
else if (value.CompareF( KFormat_Bool ) == 0 )
iFormat = MSmlDmDDFObject::EBool;
else if (value.CompareF( KFormat_Chr ) == 0 )
iFormat = MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr;
else if (value.CompareF( KFormat_Int ) == 0 )
iFormat = MSmlDmDDFObject::EInt;
else if (value.CompareF( KFormat_Node ) == 0 )
iFormat = MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode;
else if (value.CompareF( KFormat_Null ) == 0 )
iFormat = MSmlDmDDFObject::ENull;
else if (value.CompareF( KFormat_Xml ) == 0 )
iFormat = MSmlDmDDFObject::EXml;
else if (value.CompareF( KFormat_Bin ) == 0 )
iFormat = MSmlDmDDFObject::EBin;
iLog->Log(_L8("Warning: Unknown Format: '%S'"), &value );
else if ( key.CompareF( KOccurence ) == 0 )
if (value.CompareF( KOccurence_One ) == 0 )
iOccurence = MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne;
else if (value.CompareF( KOccurence_ZeroOrOne ) == 0 )
iOccurence = MSmlDmDDFObject::EZeroOrOne;
else if (value.CompareF( KOccurence_ZeroOrMore ) == 0 )
iOccurence = MSmlDmDDFObject::EZeroOrMore;
else if (value.CompareF( KOccurence_OneOrMore ) == 0 )
iOccurence = MSmlDmDDFObject::EOneOrMore;
else if (value.CompareF( KOccurence_ZeroOrN ) == 0 )
iOccurence = MSmlDmDDFObject::EZeroOrN;
else if (value.CompareF( KOccurence_OneOrN ) == 0 )
iOccurence = MSmlDmDDFObject::EOneOrN;
iLog->Log(_L8("Warning: Unknown Occurrence: '%S'"), &value );
else if ( key.CompareF( KScope ) == 0 )
if (value.CompareF( KScope_Permanent ) == 0 )
iScope = MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent;
else if (value.CompareF( KScope_Dynamic ) == 0 )
iScope = MSmlDmDDFObject::EDynamic;
iLog->Log(_L8("Warning: Unknown Scope: '%S'"), &value );
else if ( key.CompareF( KTitle ) == 0 )
delete iTitle;
iTitle = 0;
iTitle = value.AllocL();
else if ( key.CompareF( KMimeType ) == 0 )
delete iMimeType;
iMimeType = 0;
iMimeType = value.AllocL();
else if ( key.CompareF( KObjectGroup ) == 0 )
TLex8 lex( value );
lex.Val( iObjectGroup );
// Unknown parameter
iLog->Log(_L8("Warning: Unknown parameter: key: '%S', value: '%S', exist: %d"), &key, &value, exist);
// Cleanup
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ptr );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDDFTestParams::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDDFTestParams* CDDFTestParams::NewL( CStifLogger *aLog, CStifItemParser& aItem )
CDDFTestParams* self = NewLC( aLog, aItem );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
CDDFTestParams* CDDFTestParams::NewLC( CStifLogger *aLog, CStifItemParser& aItem )
CDDFTestParams* self = new (ELeave) CDDFTestParams( aLog );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aItem );
return self;
// Destructor
delete iUri;
delete iDefaultValue;
delete iDescription;
delete iTitle;
delete iMimeType;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTestParams::?member_function
// ?implementation_description
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*?type CTestParams::?member_function(
?arg_type arg,
?arg_type arg )
const TDesC8& CDDFTestParams::Uri()
if (iUri != 0)
return *iUri;
return KNullDesC8;
TInt CDDFTestParams::CheckL( CTestDmDDFObject* aDdfRoot )
TInt ret = KErrNone;
// Find correct node
CTestDmDDFObject* curNode = aDdfRoot;
TInt num = NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs( *iUri );
for (TInt i = 0 ; i < num && curNode != 0 ; i++)
TPtrC8 nodeName = NSmlDmURI::URISeg( *iUri, i );
if ( nodeName.CompareF( _L8("<X>") ) == 0 )
nodeName.Set( KNullDesC8 );
curNode = curNode->FindChildObject( nodeName );
// Check node data
iLog->Log(_L8("Checking node: URI='%S'"), iUri );
if (curNode != 0)
if ( iUri && iUri->Compare( curNode->Uri() ) != 0 )
TPtrC8 expt = *iUri;
TPtrC8 real = curNode->Uri();
iLog->Log(_L8("Error: Uri: expected='%S' real='%S'"), &expt, &real );
ret = KErrGeneral;
if ( iAccessTypes.GetACL() != curNode->AccessTypes().GetACL() )
TUint8 expt = iAccessTypes.GetACL();
TUint8 real = curNode->AccessTypes().GetACL();
iLog->Log(_L8("Error: AccessTypes: expected=%d real=%d"), expt, real );
ret = KErrGeneral;
if ( iDefaultValue && iDefaultValue->Compare( curNode->DefaultValue() ) != 0 )
TPtrC8 expt = *iDefaultValue;
TPtrC8 real = curNode->DefaultValue();
iLog->Log(_L8("Error: DefaultValue: expected='%S' real='%S'"), &expt, &real );
ret = KErrGeneral;
if ( iDescription && iDescription->Compare( curNode->Description() ) != 0 )
TPtrC8 expt = *iDescription;
TPtrC8 real = curNode->Description();
iLog->Log(_L8("Error: DefaultValue: expected='%S' real='%S'"), &expt, &real );
ret = KErrGeneral;
if ( iFormat != curNode->DFFormat() )
TInt expt = iFormat;
TInt real = curNode->DFFormat();
iLog->Log(_L8("Error: Format: expected=%d real=%d"), expt, real );
ret = KErrGeneral;
if ( iOccurence != curNode->Occurence() )
TInt expt = iOccurence;
TInt real = curNode->Occurence();
iLog->Log(_L8("Error: Occurence: expected=%d real=%d"), expt, real );
ret = KErrGeneral;
if ( iScope != curNode->Scope() )
TInt expt = iScope;
TInt real = curNode->Scope();
iLog->Log(_L8("Error: Scope: expected=%d real=%d"), expt, real );
ret = KErrGeneral;
if ( iTitle && iTitle->Compare( curNode->DFTitle() ) != 0 )
TPtrC8 expt = *iTitle;
TPtrC8 real = curNode->DFTitle();
iLog->Log(_L8("Error: Title: expected='%S' real='%S'"), &expt, &real );
ret = KErrGeneral;
if ( iMimeType && iMimeType->Compare( curNode->DFTypeMimeType() ) != 0 )
TPtrC8 expt = *iMimeType;
TPtrC8 real = curNode->DFTypeMimeType();
iLog->Log(_L8("Error: MimeType: expected='%S' real='%S'"), &expt, &real );
ret = KErrGeneral;
if ( iObjectGroup != curNode->ObjectGroup() )
TInt expt = iObjectGroup;
TInt real = curNode->ObjectGroup();
iLog->Log(_L8("Error: ObjectGroup: expected=%d real=%d"), expt, real );
ret = KErrGeneral;
iLog->Log(_L8("Error: Node not found") );
ret = KErrGeneral;
return ret;
TTestParamVar::TTestParamVar( const TDesC8 &aStr )
: iLog( 0 )
, iLex( aStr )
//sf- : iStr( aStr )
//sf- , iPos( 0 )
, iName( KNullDesC8 )
, iValue( KNullDesC8 )
, iValueExist( EFalse )
TBool TTestParamVar::Next()
TBool ok = ETrue;
iName.Set( KNullDesC8 );
iValue.Set( KNullDesC8 );
iValueExist = EFalse;
ok = !iLex.Eos();
if (ok)
iName.Set( GetWord() );
if (iName.Length() == 0)
ok = EFalse;
TChar chr = GetChar();
if (chr == '=')
iValue.Set( GetWord() );
TInt i, j, k = iValue.Length();
for( i=j=0; i<k; i++,j++ )
if( iValue[i] == TChar('\"') && iValue[i+1] == TChar('\"') )
iValue[j] = iValue[i];
while( iValue.Find( _L("\"\"") != KErrNotFound )
iValue.Replace( iValue.Find( _L("\"\""), 2, _L("\"") );
iValueExist = ETrue;
else if (!chr.Eos())
if (ok && iLog)
iLog->Log( _L8("name: '%S', value: '%S', exist: %d"), &iName, &iValue, iValueExist );
return ok;
const TDesC8& TTestParamVar::Name()
return iName;
const TDesC8& TTestParamVar::Value()
return iValue;
TBool TTestParamVar::ValueExist()
return iValueExist;
TChar TTestParamVar::GetChar()
return iLex.Get();
void TTestParamVar::UnGetChar()
TPtrC8 TTestParamVar::GetWord()
TBool quoted = EFalse;
// Check if word is quoted
if (iLex.Peek() == '\"')
quoted = ETrue;
// Mark start position of word
// Seek end of word and extract it
TBool ready = EFalse;
while (!ready && !iLex.Eos())
TChar chr = iLex.Get();
//sf- if (chr == '\"' || (!quoted && (chr.IsSpace() || chr == '=')))
if (quoted)
if (chr == '\"')
if((iLex.Eos()) || (iLex.Peek() == ' '))
ready = ETrue;
else if (chr.IsSpace() || chr == '=' || chr == '\"')
ready = ETrue;
// Extract word
TPtrC8 word = iLex.MarkedToken();
if (quoted)
// return
return word;
// ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ?function_name implements...
// ?implementation_description.
// Returns: ?value_1: ?description
// ?value_n: ?description
// ?description
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
?type ?function_name(
?arg_type arg, // ?description
?arg_type arg ) // ?description
// End of File