--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/filemanager/View/src/CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup.cpp Mon Jan 18 20:09:41 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Memory card info popup
+#include <StringLoader.h>
+#include <aknPopup.h>
+#include <aknlists.h>
+#include <FileManagerView.rsg>
+#include <cmemstatepopup.h>
+#include "CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup.h"
+#include "TFileManagerDriveInfo.h"
+_LIT( KSeparator, "\t" );
+const TUint KDefaultItemCount = 4;
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup::CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup::ConstructL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup::ConstructL(
+ const TFileManagerDriveInfo& aInfo )
+ {
+ // Get unit utility instance
+ CMemStatePopup::GetUtilL( iUtil );
+ iListBox = new ( ELeave ) CAknSingleHeadingPopupMenuStyleListBox;
+ iPopupList = CAknPopupList::NewL(
+ iListBox,
+ AknPopupLayouts::EMenuGraphicHeadingWindow );
+ HBufC* title = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_FMGR_MEMCARD_INFO_HEADING );
+ iPopupList->SetTitleL( *title );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( title );
+ iListBox->ConstructL( iPopupList, EAknListBoxViewerFlags );
+ MDesCArray* array = ConstructDataArrayL( aInfo );
+ iListBox->Model()->SetItemTextArray( array );
+ iListBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
+ iListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(
+ CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );
+ iListBox->SetMopParent( this );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup::~CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ if( iIsDestroyed )
+ {
+ *iIsDestroyed = ETrue;
+ }
+ delete iListBox;
+ delete iUtil;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup* CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup::NewL(
+ const TFileManagerDriveInfo& aInfo )
+ {
+ CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup* self =
+ new( ELeave ) CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL( aInfo );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup::ExecuteLD
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup::ExecuteLD()
+ {
+ CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup* self = this;
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ TBool thisDestroyed( EFalse );
+ iIsDestroyed = &thisDestroyed;
+ TBool ret( EFalse );
+ TRAPD( err, ( ret = iPopupList->ExecuteLD() ));
+ // just in case check is this base object still on,
+ // before using member variable
+ if( !thisDestroyed )
+ {
+ iPopupList = NULL;
+ }
+ if( thisDestroyed )
+ {
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( self );
+ }
+ User::LeaveIfError( err );
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup::ConstructDataArrayL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MDesCArray* CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup::ConstructDataArrayL(
+ const TFileManagerDriveInfo& aInfo )
+ {
+ CDesCArray* array = new( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat( KDefaultItemCount );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( array );
+ // Name
+ HBufC* entry = NameEntryLC( aInfo );
+ array->AppendL( *entry );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entry );
+ // Capacity
+ entry = SizeEntryLC( R_QTN_FMGR_CARD_INFO_SIZE, aInfo.iCapacity );
+ array->AppendL( *entry );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entry );
+ // Used
+ entry = SizeEntryLC( R_QTN_FMGR_CARD_INFO_USED,
+ aInfo.iCapacity - aInfo.iSpaceFree );
+ array->AppendL( *entry );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entry );
+ // Free
+ entry = SizeEntryLC( R_QTN_FMGR_CARD_INFO_FREE, aInfo.iSpaceFree );
+ array->AppendL( *entry );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entry );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( array );
+ return array;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup::NameEntryLC
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC* CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup::NameEntryLC(
+ const TFileManagerDriveInfo& aInfo )
+ {
+ HBufC* title = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_FMGR_CARD_INFO_NAME );
+ HBufC* name = NULL;
+ if ( aInfo.iName.Length() )
+ {
+ name = aInfo.iName.AllocLC();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ name = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_FMGR_CARD_INFO_DEFAULT_NAME );
+ }
+ HBufC* dataStr = HBufC::NewL( title->Length() + name->Length() + 1 );
+ TPtr dataPtr( dataStr->Des() );
+ dataPtr.Append( *title );
+ dataPtr.Append( KSeparator );
+ dataPtr.Append( *name );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( name );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( title );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( dataStr );
+ return dataStr;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup::SizeEntryLC
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC* CFileManagerMMCInfoPopup::SizeEntryLC(
+ TInt aTextId, TInt64 aSize )
+ {
+ TPtrC unit( iUtil->SolveUnitAndSize( aSize ) );
+ HBufC* title = StringLoader::LoadLC( aTextId );
+ HBufC* sizeAndUnit = StringLoader::LoadLC(
+ R_QTN_FMGR_CARD_INFO_DATA, unit, I64INT( aSize ) );
+ HBufC* dataStr = HBufC::NewL(
+ title->Length() + sizeAndUnit->Length() + 1 );
+ TPtr dataPtr( dataStr->Des() );
+ dataPtr.Append( *title );
+ dataPtr.Append( KSeparator );
+ dataPtr.Append( *sizeAndUnit );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sizeAndUnit );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( title );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( dataStr );
+ return dataStr;
+ }
+// End of File