* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: MMCScBkupArchiveUtils implementation
#include "MMCScBkupArchiveUtils.h"
// System includes
#include <s32file.h>
#include <s32mem.h>
// User includes
#include "MMCScBkupLogger.h"
#include "MMCScBkupDllUids.h"
#include "MMCScBkupPhoneModelUtils.h"
#include "CMMCScBkupArchiveFooter.h"
#include "CMMCScBkupArchiveHeader.h"
#include "MMMCScBkupArchiveDataInterface.h"
#include "MMCScBkupArchiveFlags.h"
// Constants
const TInt8 KMMCScBkupArchiveFileFormatVersionMajor = 1;
const TInt8 KMMCScBkupArchiveFileFormatVersionMinor = 1;
const TInt8 KMMCScBkupArchiveFileFormatVersionMinor = 0;
const TInt16 KMMCScBkupArchiveFileFormatVersionBuild = 1;
const TUid KMMCScBkupArchiveFileFormatUid1 = { KMMCAppEngUID3 };
const TUid KMMCScBkupArchiveFileFormatUid2 = { 0 };
const TUid KMMCScBkupArchiveFileFormatUid3 = { 0x0BACCCCC }; // FIX
* Fixed Header
* ============
* 12 bytes = 3 uids
* 4 bytes = 1 uid crc checksum
* {
* 1 byte = version major
* 1 byte = version minor
* 2 bytes = version build
* }
* 4 bytes = size of footer in bytes - this is always the same
* fixed length, hence we can write the size here.
* The value can then be used to work from the back of the
* archive to the starting position of the footer (where
* most of the juicy info is).
* 4 bytes = archive flags
* 4 bytes = archive payload CRC (activated when RD_FILE_MANAGER_BACKUP)
* 4 bytes = archive category
* 4 bytes = archive header CRC (activated when RD_FILE_MANAGER_BACKUP)
* KMMCScSpareByteCount bytes = spare padding
* 1 byte = phone model version string length
* n bytes = phone model version string
* Note that we deliberately do not use the streaming chevrons
* as we then risk the problem of running the string through
* a unicode compressor first.
// ========================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS ================================
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ArchiveUidType()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ArchiveUidType(TUidType& aType)
aType = TUidType( KMMCScBkupArchiveFileFormatUid1,
KMMCScBkupArchiveFileFormatUid3 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ArchiveCheckedUid()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ArchiveCheckedUid(TCheckedUid& aCheckedUids)
TUidType uidType;
ArchiveUidType( uidType );
aCheckedUids.Set( uidType );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::PhoneModelFromArchiveLC()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC8* MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::PhoneModelFromArchiveLC( MMMCScBkupArchiveDataInterface& aADI )
const TInt phoneModelOffset = OffsetOfModelInformation();
RReadStream stream( aADI.ADIReadStreamUncompressedLC( phoneModelOffset ) );
HBufC8* modelInfo = PhoneModelFromArchiveLC( stream);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // stream
return modelInfo;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadPhoneValidityInformationL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadPhoneValidityInformationL( RFs& aFsSession, const TDesC& aFileName, HBufC8*& aPhoneModelData, TBitFlags& aArchiveFlags, TVersion& aArchiveVersion )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aPhoneModelData == NULL, User::Invariant() );
RFile64 file;
TInt error = file.Open( aFsSession, aFileName, EFileShareReadersOnly | EFileStream | EFileRead );
User::LeaveIfError( error );
// First, read the archive flags
aArchiveFlags = ReadArchiveFlagsL( file );
// Read version
ReadArchiveVersionL( file, aArchiveVersion );
// Then, create a stream interface to the file
const TInt phoneModelOffset = OffsetOfModelInformation();
RFileReadStream stream( file, phoneModelOffset );
CleanupStack::Pop( &file );
CleanupClosePushL( stream ); // stream takes ownership of the file now
HBufC8* modelInfo = PhoneModelFromArchiveLC( stream );
// Unfortunately we have to juggle the cleanup stack
CleanupStack::Pop( modelInfo );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream ); // also closes the file
// Done
aPhoneModelData = modelInfo;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ArchiveRunTimeFileFormatVersion()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TVersion MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ArchiveRunTimeFileFormatVersion()
return TVersion( KMMCScBkupArchiveFileFormatVersionMajor,
KMMCScBkupArchiveFileFormatVersionBuild );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::WriteHeaderL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TMMCScBkupArchiveVector& MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::WriteHeaderL( MMMCScBkupArchiveDataInterface& aADI,
TBitFlags aCategory )
__LOG("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::WriteHeaderL() - START");
RWriteStream stream( aADI.ADIWriteStreamUncompressedLC() );
// 16 bytes = uids + *uid* checksum
__LOG("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::WriteHeaderL() - [16] write uids + checksum");
TCheckedUid checkedUid;
ArchiveCheckedUid( checkedUid );
const TPtrC8 pUidAndCRC( checkedUid.Des() );
stream.WriteL( pUidAndCRC );
// 4 bytes = file format version
__LOG("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::WriteHeaderL() - [ 4] write version");
const TVersion version( ArchiveRunTimeFileFormatVersion() );
stream.WriteInt8L( version.iMajor );
stream.WriteInt8L( version.iMinor );
stream.WriteInt16L( version.iBuild );
// 4 bytes = Footer length - starts life as length of 0, and
// is then written to again later on after the footer has
// been exteranlised.
__LOG("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::WriteHeaderL() - [ 4] write size of footer (starts life as 0)");
const TInt footerLength = 0;
stream.WriteInt32L( footerLength );
// 4 bytes = Archive flags
__LOG("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::WriteHeaderL() - [ 4] archive flags (archive starts life invalid)");
const TUint32 defaultArchiveFlags = DefaultArchiveFlags();
stream.WriteUint32L( defaultArchiveFlags );
// 4 bytes = Initial payload CRC value, this will be updated with the final
// CRC once the entire archive has been prepared.
__LOG("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::WriteHeaderL() - [ 4] archive payload CRC");
const TUint32 initialPayloadCRC = 0;
stream.WriteUint32L( initialPayloadCRC );
__LOG("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::WriteHeaderL() - [ 4] archive category");
stream.WriteUint32L( aCategory.iFlags );
// 4 bytes = Initial header CRC value, this will be updated with the final
// CRC once the entire archive has been prepared.
__LOG("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::WriteHeaderL() - [ 4] archive header CRC");
const TUint32 initialHeaderCRC = 0;
stream.WriteUint32L( initialHeaderCRC );
// KMMCScSpareByteCount = padding, for future use
__LOG1("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::WriteHeaderL() - [%d] padding/spare data", KMMCScSpareByteCount);
for(TInt i = 0; i < KMMCScSpareByteCount/sizeof(TInt32); i++)
stream.WriteInt32L( 0 );
// 1 byte = Phone model version string length
__LOG("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::WriteHeaderL() - [ 1] phone model length");
HBufC8* phoneModelString = MMCScBkupPhoneModelUtils::CurrentPhoneModelLC();
stream.WriteInt8L( phoneModelString->Length() );
// Then the version string itself
__LOG("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::WriteHeaderL() - [??] phone model string");
stream.WriteL( *phoneModelString );
// Tidy up
__LOG("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::WriteHeaderL() - committing stream...");
__LOG("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::WriteHeaderL() - destroying stream...");
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // phoneModelString and stream
__LOG("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::WriteHeaderL() - END");
return aADI.ADICurrentArchiveVectorInfo();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadHeaderL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TMMCScBkupArchiveVector& MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadHeaderL( MMMCScBkupArchiveDataInterface& aADI, CMMCScBkupArchiveHeader& aHeader )
__LOG("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadHeaderL() - START");
RReadStream stream( aADI.ADIReadStreamUncompressedLC() );
// 16 bytes = uids + *uid* checksum
TBuf8<16> uidBuffer;
stream.ReadL( uidBuffer, uidBuffer.MaxLength() );
// Create a UID type objjec
TCheckedUid checkedUid( uidBuffer );
const TUidType uids( checkedUid.UidType()) ;
__LOG3("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadHeaderL() - uids: 0x%08x/0x%08x/0x%08x", uids[0], uids[1], uids[2] );
if ( uids[0] == KNullUid && uids[1] == KNullUid && uids[2] == KNullUid )
// Apparently, TCheckedUid sets the uids to 0 when the CRC doesn't match
// the value read from the file.
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
aHeader.SetCheckedUid( checkedUid );
// 4 bytes = file format version
TVersion version;
version.iMajor = stream.ReadInt8L();
version.iMinor = stream.ReadInt8L();
version.iBuild = stream.ReadInt16L();
aHeader.SetVersion( version );
__LOG3("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadHeaderL() - version: %3d.%3d.%6d", version.iMajor, version.iMinor, version.iBuild );
// 4 bytes = Length of footer
const TInt footerLength = stream.ReadInt32L();
aHeader.SetFooterLength( footerLength );
__LOG1("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadHeaderL() - footerLength: %d", footerLength);
// 4 bytes = Archive flags
const TUint32 archiveFlags = stream.ReadUint32L();
aHeader.SetArchiveFlags( archiveFlags );
__LOG1("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadHeaderL() - archiveFlags: %d", archiveFlags);
// 4 bytes = Archive payload CRC
const TUint32 payloadCRC = stream.ReadUint32L();
__LOG1("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadHeaderL() - archive payload CRC: %d", payloadCRC);
// 4 bytes = Archive Category
const TUint32 archiveCategory = stream.ReadUint32L();
__LOG1("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadHeaderL() - archiveCategory: %d", archiveCategory);
// 4 bytes = Archive header CRC
const TUint32 headerCRC = stream.ReadUint32L();
__LOG1("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadHeaderL() - archive header CRC: %d", headerCRC);
// KMMCScSpareByteCount of padding (spare) data. Skip for now
for(TInt i = 0; i < KMMCScSpareByteCount/sizeof(TInt32); i++)
(void) stream.ReadInt32L();
// Then the version string itself - which is handled through a separate method:
HBufC8* phoneModel = PhoneModelFromArchiveLC( stream );
aHeader.SetPhoneModelIdentifierL( *phoneModel );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( phoneModel );
// Clean up
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // stream
__LOG("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadHeaderL() - END");
return aADI.ADICurrentArchiveVectorInfo();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::OffsetOfModelInformation()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::OffsetOfModelInformation()
return EArchiveOffsetPhoneModelStringLength;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::PhoneModelFromArchiveLC()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC8* MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::PhoneModelFromArchiveLC( RReadStream& aStream )
const TInt length = aStream.ReadInt8L();
// Validate against preconditions
const TInt maxLength = MMCScBkupPhoneModelUtils::MaximumPhoneModelIdentifierLength();
if ( length > maxLength || length < 0 )
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
// Now try to read the model identifier
HBufC8* model = HBufC8::NewLC( length );
TPtr8 pModel( model->Des() );
aStream.ReadL( pModel, length );
// All done
return model;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::DefaultArchiveFlags()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::DefaultArchiveFlags()
return EMMCScBkupArchiveFlagsDefault;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::SetArchiveContentAsValidL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::SetArchiveContentAsValidL( RFile64& aArchive )
TInt error = KErrNone;
// Calculate the offset to the archive flags:
const TUint archiveFlagsFileOffset = EArchiveOffsetArchiveFlags;
// Flags are four bytes. Read the existing raw flag data
TBuf8< KMMCScArchiveFlagsByteCount > flagData;
error = aArchive.Read( static_cast<TInt64>( archiveFlagsFileOffset ), flagData );
User::LeaveIfError( error );
// Interpret the flag data as real flags
RDesReadStream readStream( flagData );
CleanupClosePushL( readStream );
TUint32 archiveFlags = readStream.ReadUint32L();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &readStream );
// Twiddle the "archive is complete/valid" bits
archiveFlags |= EMMCScBkupArchiveFlagsContentValid;
// Write the flags back out the descriptor
RDesWriteStream writeStream( flagData );
CleanupClosePushL( writeStream );
writeStream.WriteUint32L( archiveFlags );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &writeStream );
// Then write them to the file itself
error = aArchive.Write( static_cast<TInt64>( archiveFlagsFileOffset ), flagData );
User::LeaveIfError( error );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::SetFooterLengthL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::SetFooterLengthL( RFile64& aArchive, TInt aLength )
TInt error = KErrNone;
// Calculate the offset to the footer length:
const TUint archiveFooterLengthOffset = EArchiveOffsetFooterLength;
// Prepare externalized representation of length
TBuf8< KMMCScArchiveFooterLengthByteCount > footerLengthData;
RDesWriteStream writeStream( footerLengthData );
CleanupClosePushL( writeStream );
writeStream.WriteInt32L( aLength );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &writeStream );
// Then write them to the file itself
error = aArchive.Write( static_cast<TInt64>( archiveFooterLengthOffset ), footerLengthData );
User::LeaveIfError( error );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadBkUpCategoryInformationL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBitFlags MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadBkUpCategoryInformationL( RFs& aFsSession, const TDesC& aFileName )
RFile64 file;
TInt error = file.Open( aFsSession, aFileName, EFileShareReadersOnly | EFileStream | EFileRead );
User::LeaveIfError( error );
// Then, create a stream interface to the file
RFileReadStream stream( file, EArchiveOffsetArchiveCategory );
CleanupStack::Pop( &file );
CleanupClosePushL( stream ); // stream takes ownership of the file now
TUint category = stream.ReadUint32L();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream ); // also closes the file
TBitFlags ret;
ret.SetValue( category );
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::SetArchiveCrcsL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::SetArchiveCrcsL( RFile64& aArchive, TUint32 aCrc )
TInt error = KErrNone;
// Payload crc
SetArchiveCrcL( aArchive, aCrc, EArchiveOffsetArchivePayloadCRC );
// Calculate and write header crc also to the file
TBuf8< KMMCScArchivePhoneModelStringLength > length;
TUint32 modelLength;
TUint32 headerCrc = 0;
error = aArchive.Read( static_cast<TInt64>( EArchiveOffsetPhoneModelStringLength ), length );
RDesReadStream readStream( length );
CleanupClosePushL( readStream );
modelLength = readStream.ReadUint8L();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &readStream );
CalculateCrcFromArchive( headerCrc, aArchive, 0, EArchiveOffsetArchiveHeaderCRC);
CalculateCrcFromArchive( headerCrc, aArchive, EArchiveOffsetArchiveHeaderCRC + KMMCScArchiveCrcByteCount,
KMMCScSpareByteCount + KMMCScArchivePhoneModelStringLength + modelLength);
SetArchiveCrcL( aArchive, headerCrc, EArchiveOffsetArchiveHeaderCRC );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ValidateArchiveCrcsL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ValidateArchiveCrcsL( RFs& aFsSession, const TDesC& aFileName )
TBool validCrc = EFalse;
RFile64 file;
TInt64 size;
TInt error = file.Open( aFsSession, aFileName, EFileShareReadersOnly | EFileRead );
if ( error == KErrNone && file.Size(size) == KErrNone)
TBuf8< KMMCScArchiveFlagsByteCount > headerCrc;
TBuf8< KMMCScArchiveFlagsByteCount > payloadCrc;
TBuf8< KMMCScArchivePhoneModelStringLength > length;
TUint32 archivedHeaderCrc, calculatedHeaderCrc;
TUint32 archivedPayloadCrc, calculatedPayloadCrc;
TUint32 modelLength;
// Read crcs from header
error = file.Read( static_cast<TInt64>( EArchiveOffsetArchiveHeaderCRC ), headerCrc );
error = file.Read( static_cast<TInt64>( EArchiveOffsetArchivePayloadCRC ), payloadCrc );
error = file.Read( static_cast<TInt64>( EArchiveOffsetPhoneModelStringLength ), length );
CleanupClosePushL( file );
RDesReadStream readStream( headerCrc );
CleanupClosePushL( readStream );
archivedHeaderCrc = readStream.ReadUint32L();
archivedPayloadCrc = readStream.ReadUint32L();
modelLength = readStream.ReadUint8L();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &readStream );
// Calculate crc from header in two parts
calculatedHeaderCrc = 0;
CalculateCrcFromArchive( calculatedHeaderCrc, file, 0, EArchiveOffsetArchiveHeaderCRC);
CalculateCrcFromArchive( calculatedHeaderCrc, file, EArchiveOffsetArchiveHeaderCRC + KMMCScArchiveCrcByteCount,
KMMCScSpareByteCount + KMMCScArchivePhoneModelStringLength + modelLength);
// Calculate crc from payload and footer
TInt payloadSize = size - (EArchiveOffsetPhoneModelString + modelLength);
calculatedPayloadCrc = 0;
CalculateCrcFromArchive( calculatedPayloadCrc, file, EArchiveOffsetPhoneModelString + modelLength, payloadSize);
if(archivedPayloadCrc == calculatedPayloadCrc && archivedHeaderCrc == calculatedHeaderCrc)
validCrc = ETrue;
__LOG4("MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ValidateArchiveCrcsL() - crc mismatch: %u vs. %u - %u vs. %u",
archivedPayloadCrc, calculatedPayloadCrc, archivedHeaderCrc, calculatedHeaderCrc);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &file );
return validCrc;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadArchiveFlagsL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBitFlags MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadArchiveFlagsL( RFile64& aArchive )
TInt error = KErrNone;
// Calculate the offset to the archive flags:
const TUint archiveFlagsFileOffset = EArchiveOffsetArchiveFlags;
// Flags are four bytes. Read the existing raw flag data
TBuf8< KMMCScArchiveFlagsByteCount > flagData;
error = aArchive.Read( static_cast<TInt64>( archiveFlagsFileOffset ), flagData );
User::LeaveIfError( error );
// Interpret the flag data as real flags
RDesReadStream readStream( flagData );
CleanupClosePushL( readStream );
TUint32 archiveFlags = readStream.ReadUint32L();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &readStream );
// Done
TBitFlags ret;
ret.SetValue( archiveFlags );
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadArchiveVersionL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::ReadArchiveVersionL( RFile64& aArchive, TVersion& aVersion )
TInt error = KErrNone;
// Calculate the offset to the archive flags:
const TUint archiveVersionFileOffset = EArchiveOffsetFileFormatVersion;
// Flags are four bytes. Read the existing raw flag data
TBuf8< KMMCScArchiveVersionByteCount > versionData;
error = aArchive.Read( static_cast<TInt64>( archiveVersionFileOffset ), versionData );
User::LeaveIfError( error );
// Interpret the flag data as real flags
RDesReadStream readStream( versionData );
CleanupClosePushL( readStream );
aVersion.iMajor = readStream.ReadInt8L();
aVersion.iMinor = readStream.ReadInt8L();
aVersion.iBuild = readStream.ReadInt16L();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &readStream );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::SetArchiveCrcL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::SetArchiveCrcL( RFile64& aArchive, TUint32 aCrc, TUint aOffset )
TInt error = KErrNone;
// Prepare externalized representation of crc
TBuf8< KMMCScArchiveCrcByteCount > crcData;
RDesWriteStream writeStream( crcData );
CleanupClosePushL( writeStream );
writeStream.WriteInt32L( aCrc );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &writeStream );
// Then write crc to the file itself
error = aArchive.Write( static_cast<TInt64>( aOffset ), crcData );
User::LeaveIfError( error );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::CalculateCrcFromArchive()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MMCScBkupArchiveUtils::CalculateCrcFromArchive( TUint32& aCrc, RFile64& aArchive, TUint32 aOffset, TUint32 aLength )
const TInt KBigBufSize=0x10000;
const TInt KMediumBufSize=0x8000;
const TInt KSmallBufSize=0x1000;
// Allocate as large buffer as possible for crc validation, because
// need to read file content in chunks for crc calculation.
HBufC8* bufPtr = HBufC8::New(KBigBufSize);
if ( bufPtr == NULL )
bufPtr = HBufC8::New(KMediumBufSize);
if ( bufPtr == NULL )
bufPtr = HBufC8::New(KSmallBufSize);
if ( bufPtr != NULL)
TPtr8 copyBuf = bufPtr->Des();
TInt64 pos = aOffset;
TInt size = aLength;
// Loop through archive file skipping archive crc
TInt s;
s = Min( size, copyBuf.MaxSize() );
TInt error = aArchive.Read( pos, copyBuf, s );
if ( error == KErrNone && copyBuf.Length() != s )
pos += s;
size -= s;
Mem::Crc32(aCrc, copyBuf.Ptr(), copyBuf.Length());
delete bufPtr;