* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* The actual "engine".
#include <mseng.rsg>
#include <bautils.h>
#include <driveinfo.h>
#include "mseng.h"
#include "mseng.hrh"
#include "msengscanner.h"
// ========================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS ================================
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMseng::CMseng()
// C++ default constructor. Can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMseng::CMseng( MMsengUIHandler& aUIHandler ) :
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMseng::NewL()
// Two-phased constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CMseng* CMseng::NewL(MMsengUIHandler& aUIHandler)
CMseng* self = new (ELeave) CMseng(aUIHandler);
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMseng::ConstructL()
// Symbian OS default constructor can leave.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMseng::ConstructL()
RDebug::Print(_L("** CMseng::ConstructL()... starting **"));
#endif // __SHOW_RDEBUG_PRINT_
// Connect to File Server
// Open the resource file
TParse* fp = new(ELeave) TParse();
fp->Set(KMsengRscFilePath, &KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR, NULL);
TFileName fileName( fp->FullName() );
delete fp;
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( iFsSession, fileName );
TEntry entry;
User::LeaveIfError( iFsSession.Entry( fileName, entry ) );
// if file does not exist, leaves with KErrNotFound
iResFile = CResourceFile::NewL( iFsSession, fileName, 0, entry.iSize );
//create data structures and initialize them from resource file
TInt index = -1; // index used in for-loops
TInt subindex = -1; // index used in for-loops inside another for-loop
TInt length = -1; // length of resource array being read
TInt sublength = -1; // length of sub-array inside array resource
RResourceReader theReader;
theReader.OpenLC( iResFile, DATAGROUPNAMEARRAY );
//the first WORD contains the number of elements in the resource
iNumberOfDataGroups = theReader.ReadInt16L();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &theReader );
// Read the resource containing the data needed to create
// mapping between data groups and UIDs
theReader.OpenLC( iResFile, DATAGROUPUIDARRAY );
//the first WORD contains the number of elements in the resource
length = theReader.ReadInt16L();
// Create array with such granularity that reallocation is unnecessary
// initialize array to contain null pointers
iDataGroupUidArray = new (ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CIntArray>(iNumberOfDataGroups);
for(index=0; index<iNumberOfDataGroups; index++)
TInt groupindex; // value from enum TDataGroups
// Read the array resource
for(index=0; index<length; index++)
// Read one enum TDataGroups value
groupindex = theReader.ReadInt8L();
// Read the sub-array. First WORD contains array length.
sublength = theReader.ReadInt16L();
// Create new CUidArray with appropriate granularity
// and insert it into the main array
CIntArray* subarray = new (ELeave) CIntArray(iNumberOfDataGroups);
if( groupindex < iDataGroupUidArray->Count() )
iDataGroupUidArray->At(groupindex) = subarray;
// Read the subarray resource
for(subindex=0; subindex<sublength; subindex++)
// uidtype matches one value fron enum TUidTypes
TInt uidtype = theReader.ReadInt8L();
if( groupindex < iDataGroupUidArray->Count() )
CleanupStack::Pop( subarray );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &theReader );
// Read the resource containing the data needed to create
// mapping between data groups and extensions
theReader.OpenLC( iResFile, DATAGROUPEXTARRAY );
//the first WORD contains the number of elements in the resource
length = theReader.ReadInt16L();
// Create array with such granularity that reallocation is unnecessary
// Initialize it to contain null pointers, since some cells can leave empty
iDataGroupExtArray = new (ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CIntArray>(iNumberOfDataGroups);
for(index=0; index<iNumberOfDataGroups; index++)
// Read the array resource
for(index=0; index<length; index++)
// Read one enum TDataGroups value
groupindex = theReader.ReadInt8L();
// Read the sub-array. First WORD contains array length.
sublength = theReader.ReadInt16L();
// Create new CIntArray with appropriate granularity
// and insert it into the main array
CIntArray* subarray = new (ELeave) CIntArray(sublength);
if( groupindex < iDataGroupExtArray->Count() )
iDataGroupExtArray->At(groupindex) = subarray;
// Read the subarray resource
for(subindex=0; subindex<sublength; subindex++)
// exttype matches one value fron enum TUidTypes
TInt exttype = theReader.ReadInt8L();
if( groupindex < iDataGroupExtArray->Count() )
CleanupStack::Pop( subarray );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &theReader );
//instantiate scanner
iScanner = new (ELeave) CMsengScanner(iUIHandler, *iResFile);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMseng::~CMseng()
// Destructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CMseng::~CMseng()
RDebug::Print(_L("** CMseng::~CMseng(). Finished. **"));
#endif // __SHOW_RDEBUG_PRINT_
delete iScanner;
// Pointer arrays: elements must be deleted before deleting array
delete iDataGroupUidArray;
delete iDataGroupExtArray;
delete iResFile;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMseng::DataGroupsL()
// Get a descriptor array containing the names of the data groups.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CDesCArray* CMseng::DataGroupsL() const
RDebug::Print(_L("CMseng::GetDataGroupsL() called."));
#endif // __SHOW_RDEBUG_PRINT_
// Create the array for the data group names with appropriate granularity
CDesCArray* dataGroupNameArray = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(iNumberOfDataGroups);
// Read the resource containing data group names
// and put them to resultArray
RResourceReader theReader;
theReader.OpenLC( iResFile, DATAGROUPNAMEARRAY );
// The first WORD contains the number of elements in the resource
// (actually this is already in iNumberOfDataGroups)
TInt length = theReader.ReadInt16L();
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iNumberOfDataGroups == length, User::Panic(_L("CMseng::DataGroupsL"), KErrGeneral));
// Read the data group names from resource file and insert to array
TInt groupindex; // value from enum TDataGroups
for(TInt index=0; index<length; index++)
groupindex = theReader.ReadInt8L();
TPtrC name = theReader.ReadTPtrCL();
// Copy the name to the right place in the array
dataGroupNameArray->InsertL(groupindex, name);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &theReader );
// Return the array of data groups
CleanupStack::Pop( dataGroupNameArray );
// print the data group array
RDebug::Print(_L("Printing the Data Groups:"));
for(TInt k = 0; k < dataGroupNameArray->Count(); k++)
HBufC* groupName = dataGroupNameArray->MdcaPoint(k).AllocL();
RDebug::Print( _L(" %d: %S"), k, groupName);
delete groupName;
#endif // __SHOW_RDEBUG_PRINT_
return dataGroupNameArray;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMseng::ScanResultL()
// Returns an array of scan results
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CArrayFix<TInt64>* CMseng::ScanResultL() const
RDebug::Print(_L("CMseng::ScanResultL() called. Starting to calculate result..."));
#endif // __SHOW_RDEBUG_PRINT_
// Create the result array (with such granularity that reallocations do not happen)
CArrayFix<TInt64>* resultArray = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt64>(iNumberOfDataGroups);
// Get result arrays from scanner
const CArrayFix<TInt64>* extResultArray = iScanner->ExtResults();
const CArrayFix<TInt64>* uidResultArray = iScanner->UidResults();
const CArrayFix<TInt64>* groupResultArray = iScanner->GroupResults();
// Initialize the result array from the array of initial result
for (TInt i = 0; i < iNumberOfDataGroups; i++)
if( i < groupResultArray->Count() )
//Calculate the results and put them to the array
// Find results for each data group
for(TInt groupindex = 0; groupindex < iNumberOfDataGroups; groupindex++)
// For one data group, the UIDs belonging to this group are listed in
// iDataGroupExtArray. For each of these UIDs, add the result to the total result.
// If the examined data group does not have associated UIDs,
// iDataGroupUidArray->At(groupindex) is a NULL pointer.
TInt count = iDataGroupUidArray->At(groupindex)->Count();
for(TInt uidindex = 0; uidindex < count; uidindex++)
resultArray->At(groupindex) +=
uidResultArray->At( iDataGroupUidArray->At(groupindex)->At(uidindex) );
// The extension results are collected in a similar manner
// If the examined data group does not have associated UIDs,
// iDataGroupUidArray->At(groupindex) is a NULL pointer
TInt count = iDataGroupExtArray->At(groupindex)->Count();
for(TInt extindex = 0; extindex < count; extindex++)
resultArray->At(groupindex) +=
extResultArray->At( iDataGroupExtArray->At(groupindex)->At(extindex) );
// Calculate "Free memory" and "All device data"
TInt64 totalMemory;
TInt64 freeMemory;
DiskInfoL(totalMemory, freeMemory, iScanner->CurrentDrive());
RDebug::Print(_L("CMseng::ScanresultL(): iFreeMemory %d, freeMemory %d"), (TUint32)iFreeMemory, (TUint32)freeMemory);
// For some reason there is sometimes 16 kB difference in free memory when scanning started
// vs. scanning ended (16 kB more at the end of scanning) and latter one is incorrect.
// That is why free memory detected in the beginning of scanning taken into account.
freeMemory = iFreeMemory;
iFreeMemory = freeMemory;
// "Free memory" is the memory currently available
resultArray->At(EGroupFreeMemory) = freeMemory;
// "All Device Data" is all memory used
resultArray->At(EGroupAllDeviceData) = (totalMemory - freeMemory);
// Calculate how much files not falling to any predefined category consume
TInt64 others( 0 );
for( TInt i = EGroupCalendar; i < iNumberOfDataGroups; i++ )
others += resultArray->At( i );
// This should never happen, but just in case check that negative count is not established.
if( resultArray->At(EGroupAllDeviceData) - others < 0 )
resultArray->At( EGroupOthers ) = 0;
resultArray->At( EGroupOthers ) = resultArray->At(EGroupAllDeviceData) - others;
// write the result array to log file
RDebug::Print(_L("CMseng::ScanresultL(): current result array -"));
// note that the log macros cannot handle TInt64
for(TInt k = 0; k < resultArray->Count(); k++)
const TInt KMaxChars = 32;
TBuf<KMaxChars> num;
#endif // __SHOW_RDEBUG_PRINT_
CleanupStack::Pop( resultArray );
return resultArray;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMseng::ScanInProgress()
// Return ETrue if there is scanning going on, otherwise EFalse.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool CMseng::ScanInProgress() const
return iScanner->HaveActiveScanners();
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMseng::DiskInfoL
// Retrieves information about disk usage.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CMseng::DiskInfoL(TInt64& aTotal, TInt64& aFree, const TDriveNumber aVolume) const
TVolumeInfo vinfo;
User::LeaveIfError(iFsSession.Volume(vinfo, aVolume));
aTotal = TInt64(vinfo.iSize);
aFree = TInt64(vinfo.iFree);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMseng::MemInfoL
// Retrieves information about RAM usage.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CMseng::MemInfoL(TInt64& aTotal, TInt64& aFree)
TMemoryInfoV1Buf membuf;
TMemoryInfoV1 minfo = membuf();
aTotal = minfo.iTotalRamInBytes;
aFree = minfo.iFreeRamInBytes;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMseng::ScanL()
// First scan the specific data files.
// Then scan directories that are scanned for the
// size of all files. Then call scanner's ScanL.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CMseng::ScanL(TDriveNumber aDrive)
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (CMseng::IsInternalDrive(iFsSession, aDrive)
|| CMseng::IsRemovableDrive(iFsSession, aDrive)), User::Leave(KErrNotSupported) );
// Scanning started.
// Start scanning memory, check that not already doing it
TInt err = iScanner->ScanL(aDrive, iNumberOfDataGroups, iFsSession);
if(err != KErrNone) // can be only KErrNone or KErrInUse
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMseng::Cancel()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CMseng::Cancel()
RDebug::Print(_L("CMseng::Cancel() called. canceling scanning..."));
#endif // __SHOW_RDEBUG_PRINT_
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMseng::IsInternalDrive
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMseng::IsInternalDrive( RFs& aFs, TInt aDrv )
TDriveInfo drvInfo;
if ( aFs.Drive( drvInfo, aDrv ) == KErrNone )
if ( !( drvInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttInternal ) &&
drvInfo.iDriveAtt & ( KDriveAttRemovable | KDriveAttRemote ) )
return EFalse;
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMseng::IsRemovableDrive
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMseng::IsRemovableDrive( RFs& aFs, TInt aDrv )
TDriveInfo drvInfo;
if ( aFs.Drive( drvInfo, aDrv ) == KErrNone )
if ( !( drvInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttRemovable ) )
return EFalse;
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMseng::IsMassStorageDrive
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMseng::IsMassStorageDrive( RFs& aFs, TInt aDrv )
TUint drvStatus( 0 );
TInt err( DriveInfo::GetDriveStatus( aFs, aDrv, drvStatus ) );
if ( err != KErrNone )
return EFalse;
if ( ( drvStatus & DriveInfo::EDriveInternal ) &&
( drvStatus & DriveInfo::EDriveExternallyMountable ) )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// End of File