* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: File Manager application UI class
#include <aknViewAppUi.h> // CAknViewAppUi
#include <TFileManagerDriveInfo.h>
#include <ssm/ssmstateawaresession.h>
#include "MFileManagerSchBackupObserver.h"
class CAknNavigationControlContainer;
class CAknTitlePane;
class CAknNavigationDecorator;
class CSendUi;
class CAiwGenericParamList;
class CFileManagerIRReceiver;
class MFileManagerProcessObserver;
class CFileManagerTaskScheduler;
class CFileManagerSchBackupHandler;
* FileManager application UI class.
* An object of this class is created by the Symbian OS framework by a call to
* CFileManagerDocument::CreateAppUiL(). The application UI object creates
* and owns the application's views and handles system commands selected
* from the menu.
class CFileManagerAppUi : public CAknViewAppUi,
public MCoeForegroundObserver,
public MFileManagerSchBackupObserver
public: // Constants and types
static const TUid KFileManagerMainViewId;
static const TUid KFileManagerMemoryStoreViewId;
static const TUid KFileManagerFoldersViewId;
static const TUid KFileManagerSearchResultsViewId;
static const TUid KFileManagerBackupViewId;
static const TUid KFileManagerRestoreViewId;
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Standard C++ constructor.
* Destructor.
* Constructs the CFileManagerAppUi class.
void ConstructL();
* Activates folders view if it is not already
* activated.
* @since 2.0
* @return ETrue if activated
* EFalse if view already activated
TBool ActivateFoldersViewL();
* Closes folders view and goes back to view in which the
* application was before folders view was activated.
* @since 2.0
void CloseFoldersViewL();
* Activates search results view if it is not already
* activated.
* @since 2.0
void ActivateSearchResultsViewL();
* Closes search results view and goes back to view in which
* the application was before search results view was
* activated
* @since 2.0
void CloseSearchResultsViewL();
* Restores the default title of application to title pane.
* @since 2.0
void RestoreDefaultTitleL();
* Returns the CSendUi2 of this application.
* @since 3.0
* @return The CSendUi2 of this application.
CSendUi& SendUiL();
* This is called if resource is changed. Needed for skin feature
* @since 2.0
void HandleResourceChangeL(TInt aType);
* Is application foreground
* @since 2.0
* @return ETrue if application is foreground
* EFalse if application is not foreground
TBool IsFmgrForeGround();
* Activates main view
* activated.
* @since 3.1
void ActivateMainViewL();
* Activates memory store view
* activated.
* @since 3.1
void ActivateMemoryStoreViewL();
* Closes memory store view and goes back to main view
* @since 3.1
void CloseMemoryStoreViewL();
* Gets reference to drive info
* @since 3.1
TFileManagerDriveInfo& DriveInfo();
* Activates remote drive settings view
* @since 3.1
void ActivateRemoteDriveSettingsViewL(
const TDesC& aDriveName = KNullDesC );
* Activates backup view if not already active
* @since 3.1
void ActivateBackupViewL();
* Closes backup view and goes back to main view
* @since 3.1
void CloseBackupViewL();
* Activates restore view if not already active
* @since 3.1
* @param aDeleteBackup Indicates if delete backup selection is used.
void ActivateRestoreViewL( TBool aDeleteBackup = EFalse );
* Closes restore view and goes back to backup view
* @since 3.1
void CloseRestoreViewL();
* Starts scheduled backup
void StartSchBackupL();
* Gets task scheduler
CFileManagerTaskScheduler& TaskSchedulerL();
* Gets scheduled backup handler
CFileManagerSchBackupHandler& SchBackupHandlerL();
* Activates IR receive
* @since 3.1
void StartIRReceiveL( MFileManagerProcessObserver& aObserver );
* Stops IR receive
* @since 3.1
void StopIRReceive();
* Sets title
* @since 3.1
void SetTitleL( const TDesC& aTitle );
* Sets title
* @since 3.1
void SetTitleL( const TInt aTitle );
* Checks if view is file manager based view
* @since 3.1
TBool IsFileManagerView( const TUid aViewUid );
* Informs active view to update its cba
* @since 3.2
void NotifyCbaUpdate();
* Processes AIW input parameters
* @since 5.0
void ProcessAiwParamListL( const CAiwGenericParamList& aInParams );
* Indicates are all required input params received
* @since 5.0
TBool WaitingForInputParams() const;
* Exits the embedded open application if needed
* @since 5.0
void ExitEmbeddedAppIfNeededL();
* Checks is search view open
* @since 5.0
TBool IsSearchViewOpen() const;
* Save the time when backup/restore started.
* @since 5.0
void BackupOrRestoreStarted();
* Save the time when backup/restore ended.
* @since 5.0
void BackupOrRestoreEnded();
* Returns the time when backup/restore started.
* @since 5.0
TTime BackupOrRestoreStartTime() const;
* Returns the time when backup/restore ended.
* @since 5.0
TTime BackupOrRestoreEndTime() const;
* Resets the time when backup/restore start and end times.
* @since 5.0
void ResetBackupOrRestoreEndTime();
* after startup finish, the system state will get normal, backup/restore need check the status before get started.
* @since 5.2
* @return ETrue if system state is normal, EFalse if not
TBool IsSystemStateNormal() const;
public: // MCoeForegroundObserver
/** Handles the application coming to the foreground. */
void HandleGainingForeground();
/** Handles the application going into the background. */
void HandleLosingForeground();
public: // From CAknViewAppUi
* @see CAknViewAppUi
void HandleViewDeactivation( const TVwsViewId &aViewIdToBeDeactivated,
const TVwsViewId &aNewlyActivatedViewId );
* @see CAknViewAppUi
void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
* From CAknViewAppUi, called when screen layout changes
void HandleScreenDeviceChangedL();
* @see CAknViewAppUi
TErrorHandlerResponse HandleError( TInt aError,
const SExtendedError& aExtErr, TDes& aErrorText, TDes& aContextText );
* @see CAknViewAppUi
TBool ProcessCommandParametersL(
TApaCommand aCommand,
TFileName& aDocumentName,
const TDesC8& aTail );
* @see CAknViewAppUi
void ProcessMessageL( TUid aUid, const TDesC8& aParams );
public: // From MFileManagerSchBackupObserver
* @see MFileManagerSchBackupObserver
void SchBackupFinishedL( TInt aError );
/** Deletes IR receive after timeout. */
static TInt DeleteIRReceiveCB( TAny* aPtr );
/** Informs active view when screen device has changed. */
void NotifyViewScreenDeviceChanged();
void SetFolderToOpenAtStartup(
const TDesC& aFullPath, TInt aSortMode );
void OpenFolderViewAtStartupL();
void CreateAndActivateLocalViewL(
TUid aViewId, TUid aCustomMessageId, const TDesC8& aCustomMessage );
void CreateAndActivateLocalViewL( TUid aViewId );
private: // Data
/// Ref: Title pane of the application
CAknTitlePane* iTitlePane;
// Own: CSendAppUi for send menu item and sending files
CSendUi* iSendUi;
/// Uid of currently active view
TUid iActiveView;
/// Flag to indicate if search view is open
TBool iSearchViewOpen;
// For some reason IsForeGround() does not return correct state of the application
// so own boolean is updated according MCoeForegroundObserver callbacks.
TBool iForeGround;
// Own: Infrared receiver for receive via IR functionality
CFileManagerIRReceiver* iIRReceiver;
// Own: Callback to delete CFileManagerIrReceiver
CAsyncCallBack* iIRDeleteCB;
// Own: Drive info
TFileManagerDriveInfo iDriveInfo;
// Task scheduler
CFileManagerTaskScheduler* iTaskScheduler;
// Handler for scheduled backup
CFileManagerSchBackupHandler* iSchBackupHandler;
// Flag to indicate if started for scheduled backup only
TBool iSchBackupStandalone;
// Indicates the folder to be opened at startup
TFileName iFolderToOpenAtStartup;
// Indicates the folder level at startup when the app is embedded
TInt iInitialFolderLevel;
// Indicates the parameter ready status
TBool iWaitingForParams;
// Own: Stores the start time
TTime iManualBackupOrRestoreStarted;
// Own: Stores the end time
TTime iManualBackupOrRestoreEnded;
// State aware session.
RSsmStateAwareSession iSAS;
// End of File