* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of CDevEncUiMemoryEntity.
#include "DevEncLog.h"
#include "DevEncUiMemoryEntity.h"
#include "DevEncUiMemInfoObserver.h"
#include "DevEncDiskUtils.h"
#include "DevEncSession.h"
#include <f32file.h> // for TDriveNumer
#include <DevEncEngineConstants.h>
#include <TerminalControl3rdPartyAPI.h>
// Local definitions
const TInt KPercent100( 100 );
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 KProgressInterval( 500000 ); // ms, 0.5 seconds
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 KPollInterval( 2000000 ); // ms, 2 seconds
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::CDevEncUiMemoryEntity()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CEikonEnv* aEikonEnv,
TDevEncUiMemoryType aType )
: iEikEnv( aEikonEnv ),
iType( aType )
// TBI: Get the real states from the underlying SW levels
iState = EDecrypted;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::~CDevEncUiMemoryEntity()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( iPeriodic )
delete iPeriodic;
if ( iSession )
delete iSession;
delete iDiskStatusObserver;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::NewL()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDevEncUiMemoryEntity* CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::NewL(
CEikonEnv* aEikonEnv,
TDevEncUiMemoryType aType )
CDevEncUiMemoryEntity* self =
CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::NewLC( aEikonEnv, aType );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::NewLC()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDevEncUiMemoryEntity* CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::NewLC(
CEikonEnv* aEikonEnv,
TDevEncUiMemoryType aType )
CDevEncUiMemoryEntity* self =
new ( ELeave ) CDevEncUiMemoryEntity( aEikonEnv, aType );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::ConstructL()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::ConstructL()
DFLOG2( ">>CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::ConstructL, drive = %d", iType );
switch( iType )
case EPhoneMemory: iSession = new ( ELeave ) CDevEncSession( /*EDriveC*/EDriveE );
iDiskStatusObserver = CDiskStatusObserver::NewL( this, /*EDriveC*/EDriveE );
case EPrimaryPhoneMemory: iSession = new ( ELeave ) CDevEncSession( EDriveC );
iDiskStatusObserver = CDiskStatusObserver::NewL( this, EDriveC );
case EMemoryCard: iSession = new ( ELeave ) CDevEncSession( /*EDriveE*/EDriveF );
iDiskStatusObserver = CDiskStatusObserver::NewL( this, /*EDriveE*/EDriveF );
// Get initial memory state
TInt nfeDiskStatus( EUnmounted );
#ifndef __WINS__
User::LeaveIfError( iSession->Connect() );
TInt err = iSession->DiskStatus( nfeDiskStatus );
if ( err )
DFLOG2( "Could not get disk status, error %d", err );
nfeDiskStatus = EDecrypted;
//User::Leave( err );
nfeDiskStatus = EDecrypted;
SetState( nfeDiskStatus );
if ( ( iState == EEncrypting ) ||
( iState == EDecrypting ) )
// If the app was started in the middle of an ongoing operation,
// start polling the progress
StartPolling( KProgressInterval );
// Otherwise poll every once in a while to see if the status changes
//StartPolling( KPollInterval );
DFLOG( "<<CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::ConstructL" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::AddObserverL()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::AddObserverL( MDevEncUiMemInfoObserver* aInfoObserver )
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::AddObserverL" );
if ( !aInfoObserver )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
iObservers.AppendL( aInfoObserver );
// The new observer probably wants to know the current states
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::RemoveObserver()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::RemoveObserver( MDevEncUiMemInfoObserver* aInfoObserver )
if ( !aInfoObserver )
TInt index( iObservers.Find( aInfoObserver ) );
if ( index != KErrNotFound )
iObservers.Remove( index );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::StartEncryptionL()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::StartEncryptionL()
DFLOG( ">>CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::StartEncryptionL" );
#ifndef __WINS__
if ( ! iSession->Connected() )
User::LeaveIfError( iSession->Connect() );
DFLOG( "Connected" );
// Make sure the memory is decrypted
TInt nfeDiskStatus( EUnmounted );
TInt err = iSession->DiskStatus( nfeDiskStatus );
if ( err )
DFLOG2( "Could not get disk status, error %d", err );
User::Leave( err );
if ( nfeDiskStatus != EDecrypted )
DFLOG2( "Memory is in wrong state (%d), leaving", nfeDiskStatus );
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
// Launch the encryption process
err = iSession->StartDiskEncrypt();
if ( err )
DFLOG2( "Could not start encryption, error %d", err );
User::Leave( err );
// Set our internal state and update UI
iPercentDone = 0;
SetState( EEncrypting );
// Start a timer to periodically update the memory state in the UI
StartPolling( KProgressInterval );
#endif // __WINS__
DFLOG( "<<CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::StartEncryptionL" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::StartPolling()
// Starts a timer to periodically update the memory state in the UI
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::StartPolling(
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aInterval )
TInt error( KErrNone );
TRAP( error, DoStartPollingL( aInterval ) );
DFLOG2( "CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::StartPolling result %d", error );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::DoStartPollingL()
// Starts a timer to periodically update the memory state in the UI
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::DoStartPollingL(
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aInterval )
TCallBack pollCallBack( PollTick, static_cast<TAny*>( this ) );
TCallBack progressCallBack( ProgressTick, static_cast<TAny*>( this ) );
if ( !iPeriodic )
iPeriodic = CPeriodic::NewL( EPriorityNormal );
if ( aInterval == KProgressInterval )
iPeriodic->Start( 0, aInterval, progressCallBack );
iPeriodic->Start( 0, aInterval, pollCallBack );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::StartDecryptionL()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::StartDecryptionL()
DFLOG( ">>CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::StartDecryptionL" );
#ifndef __WINS__
if ( ! iSession->Connected() )
User::LeaveIfError( iSession->Connect() );
DFLOG( "Connected " );
// Make sure the memory is encrypted
TInt nfeDiskStatus( EUnmounted );
TInt err = iSession->DiskStatus( nfeDiskStatus );
if ( err )
DFLOG2( "Could not get disk status, error %d", err );
//User::Leave( err );
if ( nfeDiskStatus != EEncrypted )
DFLOG2( "Memory is in wrong state (%d), leaving", nfeDiskStatus );
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
// Launch the decryption process
err = iSession->StartDiskDecrypt();
if ( err )
DFLOG2( "Could not start decryption, error %d", err );
User::Leave( err );
// Set our internal state and update UI
iPercentDone = 0;
SetState( EDecrypting );
// Start a timer to periodically update the memory state in the UI
StartPolling( KProgressInterval );
#endif // __WINS__
DFLOG( "<<CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::StartDecryptionL" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::ProgressTick()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::ProgressTick( TAny* aPtr )
CDevEncUiMemoryEntity* self = static_cast<CDevEncUiMemoryEntity*>( aPtr );
return 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::DoProgressTick()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::DoProgressTick()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::PollTick()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::PollTick( TAny* aPtr )
CDevEncUiMemoryEntity* self = static_cast<CDevEncUiMemoryEntity*>( aPtr );
TInt error( KErrNone );
TRAP( error, self->DoPollTickL() );
DFLOG2( "CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::PollTick result %d", error );
return 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::DoPollTickL()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::DoPollTickL()
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::DoPollTickL" );
TInt nfeDiskStatus( EUnmounted );
TInt err = iSession->DiskStatus( nfeDiskStatus );
if ( err )
DFLOG2( "Could not get disk status, error %d", err );
// Ignore error
if ( ( nfeDiskStatus == EEncrypting ) ||
( nfeDiskStatus == EDecrypting ) )
// Some other component has started an encryption operation.
// Indicate this to the UI and start polling the progress.
DFLOG2( "CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::DoPollTick: New operation %d",
nfeDiskStatus );
SetState( nfeDiskStatus );
StartPolling( KProgressInterval );
if ( iState != nfeDiskStatus )
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::DoPollTickL => SetState" );
// The Mmc status has changed, but we are not in the middle of
// any operation. Just set the new state.
SetState( nfeDiskStatus );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::SetState()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::SetState( TUint aState )
DFLOG3( "CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::SetState, prev %d, new %d",
iState, aState );
iState = aState;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::CheckProgress()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::CheckProgress()
ASSERT( iSession );
ASSERT( iSession->Connected() );
TInt err = iSession->Progress( iPercentDone );
if ( err )
DFLOG( "Could not get progress" );
else if ( iPercentDone >= KPercent100 )
DFLOG( "Operation complete" );
iPercentDone = 0;
// The disk needs to be finalized, but the finalization is done in
// the starter component.
DFLOG2( "CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::CheckProgress => iSession->DriveNumber() = %d", iSession->DriveNumber() );
if ( iState == EDecrypted && iSession->DriveNumber() == EDriveC )
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::CheckProgress => RestoreAutolockSettings" );
// Restart the polling at a slower pace
// StartPolling( KPollInterval );
else // Not yet finished...
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::RestoreAutolockSettings()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::RestoreAutolockSettings()
#ifndef __WINS__
//the user chose to decrypt the phone memory. restore the previuos autolock settings
RTerminalControl terminalCtrl;
TInt ctrlConnect = terminalCtrl.Connect();
DFLOG2( "DEVENC: terminal control connected %d", ctrlConnect );
RTerminalControl3rdPartySession session;
TInt retValue = session.Open( terminalCtrl );
DFLOG2( "DEVENC: terminal control session open %d", retValue );
//read the current autolock period
TBuf8<21> autoLockPeriodBuf;
TInt err2 = session.GetDeviceLockParameter( RTerminalControl3rdPartySession::ETimeout, autoLockPeriodBuf );
DFLOG2( "DEVENC: max value get returned value %d", err2 );
//this is set to 0 because the Tarm control prevent the autolock from being disabled otherwise.
TBuf8<21> oldMaxPeriodBuf;
oldMaxPeriodBuf.AppendNum( 0 );
TInt err = session.SetDeviceLockParameter( RTerminalControl3rdPartySession::EMaxTimeout, oldMaxPeriodBuf );
DFLOG2( "DEVENC: max value set returned value %d", err );
//set the autolock period as it was previously
err = session.SetDeviceLockParameter( RTerminalControl3rdPartySession::ETimeout, autoLockPeriodBuf );
DFLOG2( "DEVENC: max value set returned value %d", err );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::UpdateMemoryInfo()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::UpdateMemoryInfo()
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::UpdateMemoryInfo" );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iObservers.Count(); i++ )
iObservers[i]->UpdateInfo( iType, iState, iPercentDone );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::State()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::State() const
return iState;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::DiskStatusChangedL()
// From MDiskStatusObserver
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::DiskStatusChangedL( TInt aNfeStatus )
if ( ( aNfeStatus == EEncrypting ) ||
( aNfeStatus == EDecrypting ) )
// Some other component has started an encryption operation.
// Indicate this to the UI and start polling the progress.
DFLOG2( "CDevEncStarterMemoryEntity::DoPollTick: New operation %d",
aNfeStatus );
SetState( aNfeStatus );
StartPolling( KProgressInterval );
if ( iState != aNfeStatus )
// The Mmc status has changed, but we are not in the middle of
// any operation. Just set the new state.
SetState( aNfeStatus );
// End of File