* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Base class for all file manager containers
#include <coecntrl.h>
#include <badesca.h>
#include <eiklbo.h>
#include <eikcmobs.h>
#include <aknmarkingmodeobserver.h>
class CEikTextListBox;
* Base class for all containers in File Manager
class CFileManagerContainerBase : public CCoeControl,
public MEikListBoxObserver,
public MCoeControlObserver,
public MEikCommandObserver,
public MListBoxSelectionObserver,
public MAknMarkingModeObserver
public: // destructor
* Destructor.
protected: // MEikListBoxObserver
void HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType );
protected: // MCoeControlObserver
void HandleControlEventL( CCoeControl* aControl, TCoeEvent aEventType );
protected: // From CCoeControl
* @see CCoeControl
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType );
* @see CCoeControl
void SizeChanged();
* @see CCoeControl
TInt CountComponentControls() const;
* @see CCoeControl
CCoeControl* ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const;
* @see CCoeControl
void FocusChanged( TDrawNow aDrawNow );
* @see CCoeControl
void GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const;
public: // From MEikCommandObserver
* @see MEikCommandObserver
void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId );
public: // From MAknMarkingModeObserver
* This method is called when marking mode is activated or deactivated.
* @since 5.2
* @param aActivated ETrue if marking mode is activated, EFalse
* if marking mode is deactivated.
void MarkingModeStatusChanged( TBool aActivated );
* This method is called just before marking mode is closed. Client can
* either accept or decline closing.
* @since 5.2
* @return ETrue if marking mode should be closed, otherwise EFalse.
TBool ExitMarkingMode() const;
public: // New functions
* Sets list empty and removes empty text until refreshed.
virtual void SetListEmptyL();
* Stores the focus, so when control is reseted, focus can
* be set back to current position.
* @param aFocusedIndex index to be stored
void SetIndex( TInt aFocusedIndex );
* Sets text array.
void SetTextArray( MDesCArray* aArray );
* Sets help context.
void SetHelpContext( const TDesC& aHelpContext );
* Sets empty text.
void SetEmptyTextL( TInt aTextId );
* Refreshes the container.
* @param aFocusedIndex Index of the item that will be focused
* after refresh.
virtual void RefreshListL( TInt aFocusedIndex );
* Gets selection mode status
TBool SelectionModeEnabled() const;
* Gets marking mode status.
* @since 5.2
* @return ETrue if marking mode is activated, otherwise EFalse.
TBool IsMarkingModeActivated() const;
* Updates cba
virtual void UpdateCba();
* Gets index of current list item
* @return Index of current list item or KErrNotFound if list is empty.
virtual TInt ListBoxCurrentItemIndex();
* Gets number of list items
* @return Number of list items.
virtual TInt ListBoxNumberOfItems();
* Gets indexes of selection
* @return Array of selected indexes. Ownership is not transferred.
virtual const CArrayFix< TInt >* ListBoxSelectionIndexes();
* Gets number of selected list items
* @return Number of selected list items.
virtual TInt ListBoxSelectionIndexesCount();
* Toggles list item selection status
* @param aIndex Index of list item.
virtual void ListBoxToggleItemL( TInt aIndex );
* Checks list item selection status
* @param aIndex Index of list item.
* @return ETrue if item is selected. Otherwise EFalse.
virtual TBool ListBoxIsItemSelected( TInt aIndex );
* Selects all list items
virtual void ListBoxSelectAllL();
* Clears list selection
virtual void ListBoxClearSelection();
* Sets text showm in empty list view.
* @param aText Text to be shown
virtual void ListBoxSetTextL( const TDesC& aText );
* Checks is search field visible
* @return ETrue if search field is visible. Otherwise EFalse.
virtual TBool IsSearchFieldVisible() const;
* Enables and disables the search field.
* @param aEnable New status of search field.
* @param aSearchText Text to search
virtual void EnableSearchFieldL(
TBool aEnable, const TDesC& aSearchText = KNullDesC );
* Sets current item index after search
* @param aIndex Current item index.
virtual void SetCurrentItemIndexAfterSearch( TInt aIndex );
* Selects list item
* @param aIndex Index of list item.
virtual void ListBoxSelectItemL( TInt aIndex );
* Deselects list item
* @param aIndex Index of list item.
virtual void ListBoxDeselectItem( TInt aIndex );
virtual void ListBoxSetSelectionIndexesL(const CArrayFixFlat<TInt>*
* search filed index to listbox index
* @param aIndex index in search filed
* @return index in listbox
virtual TInt SearchFieldToListBoxIndex( TInt aIndex );
* Sets flag to indicate marking mode could exit or not
* @since 5.2
* @param aAllowExit ETrue if allow marking mode exit, EFalse if not
virtual void AllowMarkingModeExit( TBool aAllowExit );
* Turns the marking mode on / off.
* @since 5.2
* @param aEnable ETrue to turn marking mode on,
* EFalse to turn marking mode off.
virtual void SetMarkingMode( TBool aEnable );
* Standard C++ constructor.
virtual void ConstructL(
const TRect& aRect,
const TInt aFocusedIndex );
virtual CEikTextListBox* CreateListBoxL() = 0;
TBool ListBoxExists() const;
CEikListBox& ListBox();
private: // From MListBoxSelectionObserver
void SelectionModeChanged(
CEikListBox* aListBox, TBool aSelectionModeEnabled );
void SetEmptyArrayL();
private: // Data
// Own: Pointer to listbox
CEikTextListBox* iListBox;
// Own: Help context name
TCoeContextName iHelpContext;
// Own: Empty text
HBufC* iEmptyText;
// Ref: Pointer to text array
MDesCArray* iArray;
// Own: Stores selection mode status
TBool iSelectionModeEnabled;
// Own: Indicates marking mode is activated or not
TBool iMarkingModeActivated;
// Own: Indicates marking mode is allowed to exit or not
TBool iAllowMarkingModeExit;
// End of File