changeset 13 e52958d06c29
parent 10 1882882c7f9c
child 14 20b99a6d6175
--- a/svgtviewer/SvgtViewerPlugin/AppObserverUtilSrc/SVGTAppObserverUtil.cpp	Tue May 25 12:28:38 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2441 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2004,2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  This class provides helper functions and a reference 
-*                implementation for hyperlink handling, image fetching
-*                and saving of the svg content. 
-#include <browserlauncher.h>
-#include <DocumentHandler.h>
-#include <uri16.h>
-#include <uriutils.h>
-#include <eikenv.h>
-#include <eikappui.h>
-#include <eikapp.h>
-#include <eikdef.h>
-#include <flogger.h>
-#include <cdownloadmgruiuserinteractions.h>
-#include <cdownloadmgruidownloadslist.h>
-#include <cdownloadmgruilibregistry.h>
-#include <browseroverriddensettings.h>
-#include <browseruisdkcrkeys.h>    // Include only if s60 native 
-                                   // browser available
-#include <centralrepository.h> 
-#include <apgtask.h>                                      // TApaTaskList
-#include <apmstd.h>                                       // RApaLsSession
-#include <commdb.h>
-#include <ApDataHandler.h>                                // CApDataHandler
-#include <ApAccessPointItem.h>                            // CApAccessPointItem
-#include <ApUtils.h>                                      // CApUtils
-#include <ApSelect.h>                                     // CApSelect 
-#include <aknnotewrappers.h>
-#include <AknGlobalNote.h>
-#include <AknWaitDialog.h>
-#include <AknCommonDialogs.h>
-#include <AknProgressDialog.h>
-#include <StringLoader.h>
-#include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
-#include <bautils.h>
-#include <eikprogi.h>
-#include <e32svr.h>
-#include <svgtappobserverutil.rsg>
-#include <SVGTAppObserverUtil.h>
-#include <pathinfo.h>
-#include <sysutil.h>
-#include <imcvcodc.h>   //TImCodecB64
-#include <AiwGenericParam.h>
-#include "SVGTViewerAppDbgFlags.hrh"
-#include "SVGTViewerAppDownloads.h"
-#include "SVGTAppObserver.h"                              // temp
-#include "SVGTUIDialog.h"                                 // AppDialog
-#include "SVGTUIDialog.hrh"
-#include <AknCommonDialogsDynMem.h>
-_LIT( KBrowserParameter, "4" ); // magic number for browser to open the URL
-_LIT( KSpace, " " );
-_LIT(KJpg,   ".jpg" );
-_LIT(KJpeg,  ".jpeg" );
-_LIT(KPng,   ".png" );
-_LIT(KBmp,   ".bmp" );
-_LIT(KSvg,   ".svg" );
-_LIT(KSvgz,  ".svgz" );
-    // Below constants need to be used if s60 native browser is not used.
-    const TUid KCRUidBrowser   = {0x10008D39};
-    const TUint32 KBrowserDefaultAccessPoint =  0x0000000E;
-#endif // __S60_REMOVE_BROWSER
-// SMIL Fit Value
-_LIT( KSvgtDefSmilFitValue,"meet" );
-// Resource file for App Observer Util
-_LIT( KResourceFileName, "Z:SVGTAppObserverUtil.rsc" );
-_LIT( KEmptyString, "" );
-_LIT( KWww, "www" );
-_LIT( KHttp, "http://");
-_LIT( KDotDot, ".." );
-_LIT( KBSlashStr, "/" );
-_LIT( KSlashStr, "\\" );
-_LIT( KDotSlashStr, ".\\" );
-_LIT( KColonStr, ":" );
-_LIT( KNewLineStr, "\n" );
-_LIT( KFileLoggingDir, "SVGTViewer" );
-_LIT( KFileLog, "SaveLog.txt" );
-// Maximum length of thread Id in Characters
-const TInt KSvgMaxThreadIdStr = 10;
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::NewL
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C CSVGTAppObserverUtil* CSVGTAppObserverUtil::NewL( 
-                        CSVGTUIDialog* aAppDialog,
-                        RFile* aFileHdlPtr,
-                        const TDesC& aFilename, 
-                        TBool aIsFileFullPathAvailable,
-                        TBool aCanSaveContent,
-                        TBool aShouldMoveContent)
-    {
-    CSVGTAppObserverUtil* self = 
-                             CSVGTAppObserverUtil::NewLC( aAppDialog,
-                                        aFileHdlPtr,
-                                        aFilename, 
-                                        aIsFileFullPathAvailable,
-                                        aCanSaveContent,
-                                        aShouldMoveContent );
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    return self;   
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::NewLC
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CSVGTAppObserverUtil* CSVGTAppObserverUtil::NewLC( CSVGTUIDialog* aAppDialog,
-                                            RFile* aFileHdlPtr,
-                                            const TDesC& aFilename, 
-                                            TBool aIsFileFullPathAvailable,
-                                            TBool aCanSaveContent,
-                                            TBool aShouldMoveContent)
-    {
-    CSVGTAppObserverUtil* self = 
-                          new( ELeave ) CSVGTAppObserverUtil( aAppDialog );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL( aFileHdlPtr, aFilename, aIsFileFullPathAvailable, 
-            aCanSaveContent, aShouldMoveContent );
-    return self;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::NewL
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C CSVGTAppObserverUtil* CSVGTAppObserverUtil::NewL( 
-                        CSVGTUIDialog* aAppDialog,
-                        RFile* aFileHdlPtr )
-    {
-    CSVGTAppObserverUtil* self = 
-                             CSVGTAppObserverUtil::NewLC( aAppDialog,
-                                        aFileHdlPtr );
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    return self;   
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::NewLC
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CSVGTAppObserverUtil* CSVGTAppObserverUtil::NewLC( 
-                                            CSVGTUIDialog* aAppDialog,
-                                            RFile* aFileHdlPtr )
-    {
-    CSVGTAppObserverUtil* self = 
-                          new( ELeave ) CSVGTAppObserverUtil( aAppDialog );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL( aFileHdlPtr );
-    return self;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------    
-// Destructor
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C CSVGTAppObserverUtil::~CSVGTAppObserverUtil()
-    {  
-    CSVGTViewerAppDownloads* downloads;
-    iDownloadIter.SetToFirst();
-    while ((downloads = iDownloadIter++) != NULL)
-        {
-        downloads->QueLink().Deque();
-        delete downloads;
-        iDownloadIter.SetToFirst();
-        }
-    // Close the DMgr UI Library first, as it uses the same 
-    // Download Manager session that the Viewer uses
-    delete iDMgrUiReg;
-    // Close the Download Manager connection
-    iDownloadMgr.Close();
-    iDMgrDownloadsList = NULL;
-    iDMgrUserInteractions = NULL;  
-    // Reset the app dialog, it is already freed in OpenFileL
-    iAppDialog = NULL;     
-    delete iFileManager;
-    delete iSvgFileName;
-    delete iSvgDstFileName;
-    delete iDocHandler;
-    delete iWaitNote;
-    delete iTempFileName;
-    if ( iResourceOffset != 0 )
-        {
-        iEikEnv->DeleteResourceFile( iResourceOffset );
-        }
-    // Reset the SVG File Handle as it is owned by the caller
-    iSvgFileId = NULL;
-    // Reset the Progress Info implementor pointer
-    iProgressInfo = NULL;
-    // Reset Environment pointer
-    iEikEnv = NULL;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::FetchImage
-// Called by Svg engine when there is an image tag encountered in the svg file
-// parameters:
-// aUri: the uri that needs to be downloaded or fetched locally
-// aSession: File Session in which the file is opened.
-// aFileHandle: handle of the downloaded file or locally fetched file.
-// return value:
-// KErrNone if the file is fetched successfully
-// KErrNotFound if the file could not be fetched.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CSVGTAppObserverUtil::FetchImage( 
-                          const TDesC&  aUri , RFs&  aSession , 
-                          RFile&  aFileHandle  )
-    {
-    TInt ret = KErrNone;
-    TDownloadNeeded downloadNeeded = ELocalImageFile;
-    TRAPD( error, downloadNeeded = IsDownloadNeededL( aUri ) );
-    if ( error != KErrNone )
-        {
-        return KErrNotFound;
-        }
-    if ( downloadNeeded == ELocalImageFile )
-        {
-        TFileName fileName;
-        if ( GetLocalFile( aUri, fileName, *iSvgFileName ) )
-            {
-            return aFileHandle.Open( aSession, fileName, EFileShareAny );            
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            return KErrNotFound;
-            }        
-        }
-    else if ( downloadNeeded == ERemoteImageFile )
-        {
-        TRAPD( err,ret = StartDownloadingImageL( aUri, 
-                                               aSession,
-                                               aFileHandle,
-                                               EFalse,
-                                               EFalse /* Asynchronous mode */) ); 
-        if ( err != KErrNone )
-            {
-            return KErrNotFound;
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            return ret;         
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        return KErrNotFound;
-        }   
-    }
-TInt CSVGTAppObserverUtil::FetchFont( const TDesC& /* aUri */, 
-                                    RFs& /* aSession */, RFile& /* aFileHandle */ )
-    {
-    return KErrNotSupported;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::LinkActivated
-// Callback Function called by svg engine when a hyperlink is activated
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CSVGTAppObserverUtil::LinkActivated( const TDesC& aUri )
-    {  
-    if( aUri.Length() == 0 )
-        {
-        return KErrNone;
-        }
-    TRAPD( error, LinkActivatedL( aUri ) );
-    return ( error == KErrNone );
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::LinkActivatedWithShow
-// Callback Function called by the svg engine when a hyperlink with show 
-// attribute is activated 
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CSVGTAppObserverUtil::LinkActivatedWithShow( 
-    const TDesC& aUri ,
-    const TDesC& aShow )
-    {
-    if( aUri.Length() == 0 )
-        {
-        return KErrNone;
-        }
-    TRAPD( error, LinkActivatedWithShowL( aUri, aShow ) );
-    return ( error == KErrNone );
-    }    
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::GetSmilFitValue
-// Default implementation for observer function to get SMIL fit value.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::GetSmilFitValue( TDes& aSmilValue )
-    {
-    aSmilValue.Copy( KSvgtDefSmilFitValue );
-    }   
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::SetDownloadMenu
-// Sets/Unsets the iDownloadMenuEnabled
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::SetDownloadMenu( TBool aAddDownloadMenu ) 
-    {
-    iDownloadMenuEnabled = aAddDownloadMenu;    
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::SetDownloadMenu
-// Sets/Unsets the iDownloadMenuEnabled
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CSVGTAppObserverUtil::CanShowDownload() const
-    {
-        if(iDownloadInProgress || iDownloadDone)
-            {
-            const CDownloadArray& array = iDownloadMgr.CurrentDownloads();
-            return ( array.Count() ? ETrue : EFalse ); 
-            }
-        return EFalse;            
-    }       
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-// void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::DisplayDownloadMenuL()
-// Call back called by the UI dialog when the downloads menu is 
-// selected. This function calls the DisplayDownloadsListL function
-// provided by the download manager ui lib.
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::DisplayDownloadMenuL()
-    {   
-    if ( iDMgrDownloadsList )
-        {
-        TRAPD( error, iDMgrDownloadsList->DisplayDownloadsListL() );        
-            {
-            if ( error != KErrNone )
-                {
-#ifdef _DEBUG                        
-                TBuf<64> buffer;
-                _LIT(msg, "AP error : %d" );
-                buffer.Format( msg, error );
-                iEikEnv->InfoMsg( buffer );              
-                }
-            }
-        }   
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::HandleDMgrEventL
-// Called by Download manager when the image is being downloaded. 
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::HandleDMgrEventL( RHttpDownload& aDownload,
-                                       THttpDownloadEvent aEvent ) 
-    {
-#ifdef _DEBUG        
-        TBuf<64> buffer;
-        _LIT(msg, "download progressing : %d, %d" );
-        buffer.Format( msg, aEvent.iDownloadState, aEvent.iProgressState );
-        iEikEnv->InfoMsg( buffer );        
-        {
-        if ( EHttpDlInprogress == aEvent.iDownloadState ) 
-            {
-            iDownloadInProgress = ETrue;
-            iDownloadDone = EFalse;
-            }
-        if ( EHttpDlCompleted == aEvent.iDownloadState )
-            {  
-             iDownloadInProgress = EFalse;
-             iDownloadDone = ETrue; 
-            // Get the download item from the list
-            CSVGTViewerAppDownloads* downloadItem;   
-            downloadItem = FindDownload( &aDownload );
-#ifdef _DEBUG                    
-            _LIT(downloadMsg, "download found" );
-            iEikEnv->InfoMsg( downloadMsg );
-            if ( downloadItem )
-                {
-                // Get the file Name of the downloaded file
-                TFileName fileName;
-                aDownload.GetStringAttribute( EDlAttrDestFilename, fileName );                
-#ifdef _DEBUG                       
-                _LIT(fileNameMsg, "got file name " );
-                iEikEnv->InfoMsg( fileNameMsg );
-// For AssignImageData
-                DoAssignImageDataL(downloadItem, aDownload);
-                downloadItem->SetFileName( fileName );
-                // Check whether the download happened in a synchronous way
-                if ( downloadItem->SynchronousMode() )
-                    {                    
-                    downloadItem->SetDownloadCompleted( ETrue );
-                    // If wait note is being displayed, delete it
-                    if ( iWaitNote )
-                        {
-                        // Delete the download wait note
-                        TRAPD( err, iWaitNote->ProcessFinishedL() );
-                        if ( err != KErrNone )
-                            {
-                            delete iWaitNote;
-                            iWaitNote = NULL;    
-                            }                        
-                        }                 
-                    // If synchronous stop the scheduler 
-                    iWait.AsyncStop();  
-                    }
-                else    
-                    {
-                    // Otherwise check the embedded mode and open the file 
-                    // using DocHandler
-                    downloadItem->QueLink().Deque();
-                    delete downloadItem;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        else 
-            {
-            // added for if user cancels the download.
-             if ( EHttpDlDeleting == aEvent.iDownloadState && !iDownloadDone)   
-                {
-                 aDownload.Pause();
-                aEvent.iDownloadState = EHttpDlFailed;
-                }
-            if ( EHttpDlFailed == aEvent.iDownloadState )
-                {       
-#ifdef _DEBUG                              
-                _LIT(failMsg, " downloading failed" );
-                iEikEnv->InfoMsg( failMsg );    
-                TInt32 error = 0;
-                TInt32 globalError = 0;
-                aDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrErrorId, error );
-                aDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrGlobalErrorId, globalError );
-#ifdef _DEBUG                  
-                TBuf<64> errorBuffer;
-                _LIT(failedMsg, "downloading failed : %d, %d" );
-                buffer.Format( failedMsg, error, globalError );
-                iEikEnv->InfoMsg( errorBuffer );
-                // Get the download item from the list             
-                CSVGTViewerAppDownloads* downloadItem;      
-                downloadItem = FindDownload( &aDownload );
-                // Check whether the download was started synchronously
-               // if( !downloadItem->ImageLinkFlag())
-                    {
-                    HBufC* lUriBuf = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxUrlLength );
-                    TPtr lUriPtr(lUriBuf->Des());
-                    aDownload.GetStringAttribute( EDlAttrReqUrl, lUriPtr ); 
-                    iAppDialog->AssignImageData(lUriPtr , NULL );
-                    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lUriBuf );
-                    }
-                if ( downloadItem )
-                    {
-                    if ( downloadItem->SynchronousMode() )
-                        {
-                        downloadItem->SetDownloadCompleted( EFalse );
-                        if ( iWaitNote )
-                            {
-                            // Delete the download wait note
-                            TRAPD( err, iWaitNote->ProcessFinishedL() );
-                            if ( err != KErrNone )
-                                {
-                                delete iWaitNote;
-                                iWaitNote = NULL;    
-                                }
-                            }                 
-                        // If synchronous, stop the scheduler started.
-                        iWait.AsyncStop();
-                        }   
-                    else
-                        {
-                        // Otherwise delete the download item from the list
-                        downloadItem->QueLink().Deque();
-                        delete downloadItem;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            } 
-        }
-    }    
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::LinkActivatedL
-// Leave variant of LinkActivated
-// Launches the browser in embedded mode and passes the uri to the browser
-// if the uri is a web page, if the uri refers to a local image file, or a 
-// remote image file, launches the file using doc handler.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::LinkActivatedL( const TDesC& aUri )
-    {
-    TDownloadNeeded dnloadNeeded = IsDownloadNeededL( aUri );
-    if ( dnloadNeeded == ENotAnImageFile )
-        {           
-        // (2 = length of the first parameter + space)            
-        HBufC* parameters = NULL;
-        parameters = HBufC::NewLC( aUri.Length() + 2 );
-        TPtr parametersPtr = parameters->Des();
-        parametersPtr.Copy( KBrowserParameter );
-        parametersPtr.Append( KSpace );
-        parametersPtr.Append( aUri );             
-        // Create BrowserLauncher
-        CBrowserLauncher* launcher = NULL;
-        launcher = CBrowserLauncher::NewLC();        
-        TBrowserOverriddenSettings overriddenSettings;
-        launcher->LaunchBrowserSyncEmbeddedL( *parameters, NULL, &overriddenSettings );     
-        //launcher, parameters   
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, parameters );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        if ( dnloadNeeded == ERemoteImageFile )
-            {
-            RFile fileHandle; // param not going to be used
-            RFs fileSession;  // param not going to be used
-            StartDownloadingImageL( aUri,
-                                    fileSession, 
-                                    fileHandle,
-                                    EFalse, /* aSynchronous mode */
-                                    ETrue,
-                                    ETrue /* Embedded mode */ );                                     
-            }
-        else if ( dnloadNeeded == ELocalImageFile )
-            {
-            TFileName fileName;
-            TInt error = KErrNone;            
-            if ( GetLocalFile( aUri, fileName, *iSvgFileName ) )
-                {
-                TRAP( error, LaunchDownloadedFileL( fileName, ETrue, EFalse ) );
-                } 
-            else
-                {
-                error = KErrNotFound;               
-                }
-            if ( error != KErrNone )
-                {
-                TInt resourceId;
-                resourceId = R_SVGT_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
-                // Show information note
-                HBufC* prompt = StringLoader::LoadLC( resourceId );
-                CAknInformationNote* note = 
-                        new ( ELeave ) CAknInformationNote( ETrue );
-                note->ExecuteLD( *prompt );
-                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( prompt );
-                }
-            }
-        else        
-            {           
-            return;
-            }
-        }  
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::LinkActivatedWithShowL
-// Called by LinkActivatedWithShow 
-// Calls LinkActivatedL
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::LinkActivatedWithShowL( 
-    const TDesC& aUri ,
-    const TDesC& /*aShow*/ )
-    {
-    LinkActivatedL( aUri );
-    }  
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::StartDownloadingImageL    
-// Called by FetchImage, LinkActivated, LinkActivatedWithShow to download the
-// image. This function calls the download manager client Api's to start the 
-// download. The download completion will be indicated by the call back 
-// HandleDownloadMgrEventL. As FetchImage is a synchronous function
-// a CActiveSchedulerWait loop is started, after starting the http download.
-// the wait loop is stopped when the call back HandleDownloadMgrEventL is 
-// called. 
-// 1. CreateDownloadAndSetAttributes
-// 2. check result
-//    If result no
-//          check the status of the download
-//          if Completed 
-//               return the filehandle
-//          if in progress 
-//               continue downloading
-//          if failed
-//               return 
-//    else
-//        Start Download
-// 3. If Synchronous
-//        Start DownloadWaitNote
-//        Start ActiveSchedulerWait.
-// 4. Return
-// parameters:
-// aUri: the hyperlink that needs to be downloaded.
-// aSession: File session in which the file handle is opened.
-// aFileHandle: Handle of the downloaded file
-// aIsSynchronous: flag indicating whether download is synchronous or not
-// aLinkFlag: Image flag to distinguish the Embeded & hyperlink.
-// aIsEmbedded: flag indicating whether downloaded file has to opened in 
-//              stand alone mode or embedded mode.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CSVGTAppObserverUtil::StartDownloadingImageL(
-                    const TDesC& aUri, 
-                    RFs& aSession, 
-                    RFile& aFileHandle,     
-                    TBool aIsSynchronous,
-                    TBool aLinkFlag,
-                    TBool aIsEmbedded )        
-    {  
-#if defined(__WINS__) || defined(__WINSCW__)
-    //do nothing, hard code later on
-    TUint32 Iapid( 0 );
-    if ( !GetDefaultInetAccessPointL( Iapid ) )       
-        {            
-        return KErrNotFound;    
-        }
-    iDownloadMgr.SetIntAttribute( EDlMgrIap, (TInt32)Iapid );
-#endif // __wins__|| __winscw__
-#ifdef _DEBUG     
-    _LIT( setAP, "Access point set" );
-    iEikEnv->InfoMsg( setAP ); 
-    TInt result = ETrue;     
-    // Add lDownload to cleanup stack and pop it after CreateDownloadL.
-    CSVGTViewerAppDownloads *lDownload = CSVGTViewerAppDownloads::NewLC( 
-            aIsEmbedded, aIsSynchronous, aLinkFlag );  
-    HBufC8* url8 = NULL;     
-    url8 = HBufC8::NewLC( aUri.Length() );    
-    url8->Des().Copy( aUri );                      
-    lDownload->SetDownloadHandle( 
-                    &iDownloadMgr.CreateDownloadL( *url8 , result ) );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( url8 ); // url8                                                                            
-#ifdef _DEBUG    
-    _LIT(dlCreated, "download created" );
-    iEikEnv->InfoMsg( dlCreated ); 
-    // Add Downloads to the Menu Option
-    if ( !iDownloadMenuEnabled && !aIsSynchronous )
-        {
-        SetDownloadMenu( ETrue );        
-        }
-    if ( !result )                           
-        {  
-        // url is already being downloaded or completed
-        // Get the download State
-        TInt32 downloadState = 0;
-        TInt retval = KErrNone;
-        lDownload->DownloadHandle()->GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrState,
-                        downloadState );       
-        if ( downloadState == EHttpDlCompleted )
-            {
-            TFileName fileName;
-            lDownload->DownloadHandle()->GetStringAttribute( EDlAttrDestFilename
-                            , fileName );
-            if ( aIsSynchronous )
-                {
-                retval = aFileHandle.Open( aSession, fileName, EFileShareAny );
-                }            
-            else    
-                {
-                if(aLinkFlag)
-                    {
-                    // Handle Launching downloaded file in asynchronous mode                   
-                    LaunchDownloadedFileL( fileName, aIsEmbedded , ETrue);    
-                    }
-                else
-                    {
-                    DoAssignImageDataL(lDownload, *(lDownload->DownloadHandle()));
-                    }
-                }                     
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lDownload ); // lDownload     
-            return retval;
-            }               
-        else
-            {
-            if ( downloadState == EHttpDlFailed )
-                { 
-                // Retry
-                // Add to the linked list 
-                iDownloads.AddFirst( *lDownload );               
-                CleanupStack::Pop( lDownload ); // lDownload                     
-                lDownload->DownloadHandle()->SetBoolAttribute( 
-                                   EDlAttrNoContentTypeCheck, ETrue );              
-                // Start the download       
-                lDownload->DownloadHandle()->Start();
-                return KErrNone;
-                }
-            else 
-                {                             
-                if ( !FindDownload( lDownload->DownloadHandle() ) )
-                    {
-                    // Add to the linked list 
-                    iDownloads.AddFirst( *lDownload );  
-                    CleanupStack::Pop( lDownload ); // lDownload 
-                    }
-                else
-                    {
-                    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lDownload ); // lDownload 
-                    }
-                }                   
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        { 
-        if ( aIsSynchronous )
-            {            
-            TFileName fileName( KEmptyString );
-            GetFileNameFromUri( aUri, fileName );               
-            LaunchWaitNoteL( R_SVGT_DOWNLOAD_WAIT_NOTE, ETrue, fileName );                        
-            }
-       if ( !aIsSynchronous )
-            {            
-            lDownload->DownloadHandle()->SetIntAttribute( EDlAttrAction, 
-                            lDownload->ImageLinkFlag() ? ELaunch : EDoNothing );             
-//                iIsFetchImageCall ? EDoNothing : ELaunch );           
-            }
-       else
-            {
-            lDownload->DownloadHandle()->SetIntAttribute( EDlAttrAction,
-                                                          EDoNothing );
-            lDownload->DownloadHandle()->SetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrSilent, 
-                                          ETrue );
-            }
-       lDownload->DownloadHandle()->SetBoolAttribute( 
-                                   EDlAttrNoContentTypeCheck, ETrue );
-#ifdef _DEBUG                 
-        _LIT(dlCreateMsg, "result true dl created" );
-        iEikEnv->InfoMsg( dlCreateMsg ); 
-       // Add to the linked list 
-       iDownloads.AddFirst( *lDownload ); 
-       CleanupStack::Pop( lDownload ); // lDownload     
-       // Start the download       
-       lDownload->DownloadHandle()->Start();
-       }
-    if ( aIsSynchronous )
-        {  
-        // Start the Scheduler Wait
-        if ( !iWait.IsStarted() )
-            {
-            iWait.Start();
-            }        
-#ifdef _DEBUG                         
-        _LIT(waitLoopMsg, "out of wait loop" );        
-        iEikEnv->InfoMsg( waitLoopMsg ); 
-        if ( iSynchronousDownloadStopped )
-            {
-            // Download dismissed
-            // Cancel the download
-            lDownload->DownloadHandle()->Delete();                    
-            return KErrCancel;     
-            }      
-        CSVGTViewerAppDownloads* downloadItem = NULL;
-        downloadItem = FindDownload( lDownload->DownloadHandle() );
-        if ( downloadItem )
-            {
-            TInt retval = KErrNone;
-            TBool downloadCompleted = downloadItem->DownloadCompleted();                       
-            if ( downloadCompleted )
-                {                
-                retval = aFileHandle.Open( aSession, 
-                                           downloadItem->FileName(), 
-                                           EFileShareAny );
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                retval = KErrNotFound;
-                }
-            downloadItem->QueLink().Deque();                    
-            delete downloadItem;
-            return retval;      
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            return KErrNotFound;     
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {      
-        return KErrNone;           
-        }
-        return KErrNotFound;
-    }   
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::GetDefaultInetAccessPointL
-// if the return value is true, aIapId has the default Iap id.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CSVGTAppObserverUtil::GetDefaultInetAccessPointL
-                              ( TUint32& aIapId ) const
-    {
-    // Try to find the default AP.
-    // The Browser may stores the default AP in the shared data.
-    CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidBrowser );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( repository );
-    TInt wapApId = 0;
-    TRAPD( error, repository->Get( KBrowserDefaultAccessPoint, wapApId ) );
-    if ( error != KErrNone )
-        {
-#ifdef _DEBUG                         
-        TBuf<64> buffer;
-        _LIT(msg, "AP error : %d" );
-        buffer.Format( msg, error );
-        iEikEnv->InfoMsg( buffer );
-        User::After(1000000);
-        return EFalse;   
-        }
-    TUint32 wapApId32( wapApId );
-    TUint32 iapId32( 0 );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
-    CCommsDatabase* commsDb = CCommsDatabase::NewL( EDatabaseTypeIAP );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( commsDb );
-    CApDataHandler* apDataHandler = CApDataHandler::NewLC( *commsDb );
-    CApAccessPointItem* apItem = CApAccessPointItem::NewLC();
-    TRAPD( err, apDataHandler->AccessPointDataL( wapApId32, *apItem ) );
-    CApUtils* apUtils = CApUtils::NewLC( *commsDb );
-    TBool wapApFound( EFalse );
-    TBool iapFound( EFalse );
-    if ( err == KErrNone )
-        {
-        wapApFound = ETrue;
-        }
-    else 
-        {
-        // The first valid access point has to be selected if exists
-        CApSelect* apSelect = CApSelect::NewLC
-            (
-                *commsDb, 
-                KEApIspTypeAll, 
-                EApBearerTypeAll, 
-                KEApSortNameAscending
-            );
-        if ( apSelect->MoveToFirst() )
-            {
-            wapApFound = ETrue;
-            wapApId32 = apSelect->Uid();
-            }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( apSelect ); // apSelect
-        }
-    if ( wapApFound )
-        {
-        // Get the IAP ID from the WAP AP ID.
-#ifndef __SERIES60_WSP
-        iapId32 = 0;
-        TRAPD( errTransl, iapId32 = apUtils->IapIdFromWapIdL( wapApId32 ) );
-        if ( errTransl == KErrNone )
-            {
-            iapFound = ETrue;
-            }
-        iapId32 = wapApId32;
-        iapFound = ETrue;
-#endif // __SERIES60_WSP
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4 ); // apUtils, apItem, 
-                                      // apDataHandler, commsDb
-    if ( iapFound )
-        {
-        aIapId = iapId32;
-        }
-    return iapFound;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::LaunchDownloadedFileL
-// Called by Download manager when the image is downloaded.
-// This function uses the document handler to launch the downloaded file.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::LaunchDownloadedFileL( const TDesC& aFileName, 
-                                        TBool /* aIsEmbedded */,  
-                                        TBool aAllowSave ) const
-    {            
-    TDataType dataType = TDataType();
-    RFile fileHandle;          
-    // Creates a sharable file handle
-    iDocHandler->OpenTempFileL( aFileName, fileHandle );                
-    CleanupClosePushL( fileHandle );        
-    if ( aAllowSave )
-        {      
-        CAiwGenericParamList& paramList = iDocHandler->InParamListL();                
-        // To show/hide save confirmation dlg
-        TAiwVariant allowSaveVariant(aAllowSave);
-        TAiwGenericParam genericParamAllowSave( EGenericParamAllowSave, 
-                                                allowSaveVariant );
-        paramList.AppendL( genericParamAllowSave );
-        iDocHandler->OpenFileEmbeddedL( fileHandle, dataType, paramList );    
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT( KSvgFile, ".svg");
-        _LIT( KSvgzFile, ".svgz");
-        _LIT( KSvgbFile, ".svgb");
-        if(aFileName.Right(4) == KSvgFile || aFileName.Right(5) == KSvgzFile || aFileName.Right(5) == KSvgbFile)
-            {
-            iDocHandler->OpenFileEmbeddedL( fileHandle, dataType );  
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            iDocHandler->OpenFileL( fileHandle, dataType );           
-            }
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &fileHandle ); // fileHandle        
-    } 
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::IsDownloadNeededL
-// Called by link activated(WithShow), FetchImage 
-// to check whether the uri needs a download
-// If the filename is present in the uri and if it is a html, 
-// returns ENotAnImageFile
-// If the host is present & filename is not present, 
-// returns ENotAnImageFile
-// If the host is present & filename is present, 
-// returns ERemoteImageFile
-// If the uri doesnt need a download and if it is locally available, 
-// returns ELocalImageFile 
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C CSVGTAppObserverUtil::TDownloadNeeded 
-      CSVGTAppObserverUtil::IsDownloadNeededL( 
-        const TDesC& aUri )
-    {
-    TUriParser UriParser;
-    TBuf<KMaxFileName> localUri;
-    // url starts with www so append http://
-    if ( !aUri.Left( 4 ).Compare( KWww ) )     
-        {
-        localUri.Append( KHttp );
-        localUri.Append( aUri );
-        User::LeaveIfError( UriParser.Parse( localUri ) );   
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        User::LeaveIfError( UriParser.Parse( aUri ) );   
-        }
-    if ( UriParser.IsPresent( EUriHost ) )
-        {
-        // Extract the Path, filename and extension from the uri
-        TFileName filename = UriParser.Extract( EUriPath ); 
-        TParsePtrC fileParser( filename );
-        if ( fileParser.NamePresent() && fileParser.ExtPresent() )
-            {                        
-            if ( fileParser.Ext().Compare( KJpg ) == 0  ||  
-                 fileParser.Ext().Compare( KJpeg ) == 0 ||
-                 fileParser.Ext().Compare( KBmp ) == 0  ||
-                 fileParser.Ext().Compare( KPng ) == 0  ||
-                 fileParser.Ext().Compare( KSvg ) == 0  ||
-                 fileParser.Ext().Compare( KSvgz ) == 0 )
-                {
-                // file name and ext present and 
-                // it is amy of the supported image types
-                return ERemoteImageFile;         
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                //file Extension present but not a supported image ext,
-                //may be some html file
-                return ENotAnImageFile;
-                }
-            } 
-        else
-            {
-            //Should be a domain name so return ENotAnImageFile
-            return ENotAnImageFile;
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {     
-        return ELocalImageFile;
-        }                        
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::GetFileNameFromUri
-// This function gets the filename from the uri, 
-// Returns true if the file name is retrieved
-// Returns False if the file name could not be retrieved.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CSVGTAppObserverUtil::GetFileNameFromUri( const TDesC& aUri, 
-        TDes& aFileName ) const
-    {
-    const TChar KBSlash = '/';
-    TUriParser UriParser;
-    if ( UriParser.Parse( aUri ) != KErrNone )
-        {
-        return EFalse;
-        }
-    if ( UriParser.IsPresent( EUriPath ) )
-        {
-        // Extract the Path, filename and extension from the uri
-        TFileName filename = UriParser.Extract( EUriPath );        
-        TParse fileParser;
-        fileParser.Set( filename, NULL, NULL );
-        TInt slashPos = filename.LocateReverse( KBSlash );
-        if ( slashPos != KErrNotFound )
-            {
-            aFileName = filename.Right( filename.Length() - (slashPos + 1));
-            return ETrue;               
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            return EFalse;      
-            }      
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        return EFalse;
-        }    
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::GetLocalFile
-// This function gets the filename  with full path from the uri, 
-// Returns true if the file name is retrieved
-// Returns False if the file name could not be retrieved.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CSVGTAppObserverUtil::GetLocalFile( 
-        const TDesC& aUri, 
-        TDes& aFileName ,
-        const TDesC& aSvgFileName )
-    {
-    TBuf<KMaxFileName> copyUri = aUri;
-    // Before giving the uri to the file parser,
-    // convert '/' to '\'.          
-    TInt pos;
-    while( KErrNotFound != ( pos = copyUri.FindF( KBSlashStr ) ) )
-        {
-        copyUri.Replace(pos,1,KSlashStr );
-        }
-    // if the uri starts with ".\" remove ".\"
-    if ( copyUri.Left( 2 ).Compare( KDotSlashStr ) == 0 ) 
-        {
-        copyUri = copyUri.Right( copyUri.Length() - KDotSlashStr().Length() );
-        }   
-    // If the second letter is not ':' 
-    // and if it is not starting with '\',
-    // and if the path has '/',
-    // then prepend slash to it.
-    if ( copyUri.Length() >= 2 && 
-         copyUri.Mid( 1, 1 ).Compare( KColonStr ) != 0 && 
-         copyUri.Mid( 0, 1 ).Compare( KSlashStr ) != 0 &&
-         ( copyUri.Find( KSlashStr ) != KErrNotFound ) )
-        {
-        copyUri.Insert( 0, KSlashStr );
-        }       
-    TParse fileParser;
-    if( fileParser.Set( copyUri, NULL, NULL ) != KErrNone )
-        {
-        return EFalse;
-        } 
-    if ( fileParser.DrivePresent() )
-        {
-        // The uri is an absolute path
-        aFileName.Append( fileParser.Drive() ); 
-        // Append path, file name and extension from the uri.
-        if ( fileParser.PathPresent() )
-            {
-            aFileName.Append( fileParser.Path() );              
-            }
-        if ( fileParser.NamePresent() )
-            {
-            aFileName.Append( fileParser.Name() );              
-            }
-        if ( fileParser.ExtPresent() )
-            {
-            aFileName.Append( fileParser.Ext() );
-            }
-        RFs session;
-        TInt connectError=session.Connect();
-        if(connectError==KErrNone)
-            { 
-            RFile fileHandle;
-            TInt openError  = fileHandle.Open( session, aFileName, EFileShareReadersOnly);    
-            fileHandle.Close();
-            session.Close();
-            if ( openError != KErrNone  )
-               {
-               return EFalse;
-               } 
-            return ETrue;
-            }
-        session.Close();
-        return EFalse;         
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        TParse svgFilenameParser;
-        if ( svgFilenameParser.Set( aSvgFileName,NULL,NULL ) != KErrNone )
-            {
-            return EFalse;
-            }
-        if ( svgFilenameParser.DrivePresent() )
-            {
-            aFileName.Append( svgFilenameParser.Drive() );               
-            }
-        TInt dotdotPos = copyUri.Find( KDotDot );
-        TInt rightPos = 0;        
-        if ( dotdotPos != KErrNotFound )
-            {
-            // If ".." is present collapse it with the parent path
-            if ( svgFilenameParser.PathPresent() )
-                {                  
-                do   
-                    {
-                    if ( dotdotPos > 1 )
-                        {
-                        svgFilenameParser.AddDir( copyUri.Left(dotdotPos - 1) );
-                        }
-                    if ( svgFilenameParser.PopDir() != KErrNone )
-                        {
-                        return EFalse;
-                        }               
-                    rightPos = (copyUri.Length()) - (dotdotPos + 3);
-                    if ( rightPos > 0 )
-                        {                       
-                        copyUri = copyUri.Right( rightPos );    
-                        }
-                    }while ( (dotdotPos  = copyUri.Find( KDotDot ) ) 
-                                   != KErrNotFound ); 
-                aFileName.Append( svgFilenameParser.Path() );
-                aFileName.Append( copyUri );             
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                return EFalse;
-                }                       
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            if ( svgFilenameParser.PathPresent() )
-                {
-                aFileName.Append( svgFilenameParser.Path() );
-                }           
-            // Append path, file name and extension from the uri.    
-            if ( fileParser.PathPresent() )
-                {
-                //deletes an extra slash in aFileName
-                TInt strlen = aFileName.Length();
-                if(aFileName.Mid(strlen-1).Compare(KSlashStr) == 0)
-                    {
-                    aFileName.Delete(strlen-1, 1);
-                    }
-                aFileName.Append( fileParser.Path() );              
-                }
-            if ( fileParser.NamePresent() )
-                {
-                aFileName.Append( fileParser.Name() );              
-                }
-            if ( fileParser.ExtPresent() )
-                {
-                aFileName.Append( fileParser.Ext() );
-                }
-            } 
-        RFs session;
-        // The error is caught to avoid any code scanner error
-        TInt connectError=session.Connect();
-        if(connectError==KErrNone)
-            {
-            RFile fileHandle;
-            TInt openError  = fileHandle.Open(session, aFileName, EFileShareReadersOnly );    
-            fileHandle.Close();
-            session.Close();
-            if ( openError != KErrNone  )
-                {
-                return EFalse;
-                }      
-            return ETrue;
-            }
-        session.Close();
-        return EFalse;                
-        }                                  
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::FindDownload
-// This iterates through the linked list and return the link 
-// corresponding to the given http download handle
-// If a link is not found returns NULL.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CSVGTViewerAppDownloads* CSVGTAppObserverUtil::FindDownload(
-                                         const RHttpDownload* aHttpDownload )
-    {
-    CSVGTViewerAppDownloads* downloadItem;
-    TDblQueIter<CSVGTViewerAppDownloads> Iter( iDownloads );    
-    if ( !iDownloads.IsEmpty() )
-        {
-            Iter.SetToFirst();
-            while ( ( downloadItem = Iter ) != NULL )
-                {
-                if ( downloadItem->DownloadHandle() == aHttpDownload )
-                    {
-                    return downloadItem;
-                    }  
-                Iter++;
-                }            
-        }
-    return NULL;     
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::CSVGTAppObserverUtil
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
-// might leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C CSVGTAppObserverUtil::CSVGTAppObserverUtil( 
-            CSVGTUIDialog* aAppDialog ) :
-             iDownloads( CSVGTViewerAppDownloads::LinkOffset() ) ,
-             iDownloadIter( iDownloads ),
-             iDownloadMenuEnabled( EFalse ), // construct header & iterator
-             iSynchronousDownloadStopped( EFalse ),
-              iAppDialog( aAppDialog ),
-              iSavingDone( EFalse ),
-              iCommandId( 0 ),
-//              iIsFetchImageCall(EFalse),
-              iTempFileUsed( EFalse ),
-              iDownloadDone( EFalse ),
-              iDownloadInProgress( EFalse )
-    {
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::ConstructL
-// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::ConstructL()
-    { 
-    // Get the CEikonEnv pointer
-    iEikEnv = CEikonEnv::Static(); 
-    // Find which drive this DLL is installed.
-    TFileName fileName;
-    // Get the full resource file
-    TParse fp;
-    // Add the resource dir
-    fp.Set( KResourceFileName, &KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR, NULL);
-    // Get the filename with full path
-    fileName = fp.FullName();
-    BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( iEikEnv->FsSession(), fileName ); //for
-                                                               // localization
-    iResourceOffset = iEikEnv->AddResourceFileL( fileName );
-    // File manager utility needed for saving/moving files.
-    iFileManager = CSVGTFileManager::NewL();
-    iDocHandler = CDocumentHandler::NewL(); 
-    TUid hostUid = iEikEnv->EikAppUi()->Application()->AppDllUid();
-    //creates a download manager session
-    //parameters - uid, mhttpdownloadmgrobserver
-    //embedded mode on - master flag True has to be passed when the app is 
-    //in stand alone mode, false in case of embedded mode
-    iDownloadMgr.ConnectL( hostUid ,*this , EFalse /* Embedded mode*/);
-    // When SVGT Viewer exits, all the downloads are 
-    // cancelled by the download manager
-    iDownloadMgr.SetIntAttribute( EDlMgrExitAction , EExitDelete );
-    iDMgrUiReg  = CDownloadMgrUiLibRegistry::NewL( iDownloadMgr );
-    iDMgrDownloadsList = &iDMgrUiReg->RegisterDownloadsListL();
-    iDMgrUserInteractions = &iDMgrUiReg->RegisterUserInteractionsL();
-    iDMgrUserInteractions->SetBoolAttributeL( CDownloadMgrUiUserInteractions::EAttrSuppressDownloadConfirmation,
-                                              ETrue );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::ConstructL
-// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::ConstructL(
-                                            RFile* aFileHdlPtr,
-                                            const TDesC& aFilename, 
-                                            TBool aIsFileFullPathAvailable,
-                                            TBool aCanSaveContent,
-                                            TBool aShouldMoveContent )
-    {
-    iIsFullFilePathValid = aIsFileFullPathAvailable;
-    iCanSaveContent = aCanSaveContent;
-    iShouldMoveContent = aShouldMoveContent;
-    iSvgFileId = aFileHdlPtr;
-    if ( aIsFileFullPathAvailable )
-        {
-        iSvgFileName = aFilename.AllocL();
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        TFileName fullPathName;
-        iSvgFileId->FullName( fullPathName );
-        iSvgFileName = fullPathName.AllocL();
-        }
-    ConstructL();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::ConstructL
-// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::ConstructL(
-                                            RFile* aFileHdlPtr
-                                            )
-    {
-    TBuf<1> lDummyFileName; /* This is needed by ConstructL, 
-                               but will be ignored */
-    ConstructL( aFileHdlPtr, 
-                lDummyFileName, 
-                EFalse /* IsFileFullPathAvailable */, 
-                ETrue  /* CanSaveContent */,
-                EFalse /* aShouldMoveContent */
-              );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::CanShowSave
-// Tells the SVG-T dialog if the save option should be displayed.
-// e.g. If the dialog is launched from SVG-T viewer and which is launched
-// embedded from Browser/Messaging then Save option would be displayed.
-// Also when MMS launches the dialog.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CSVGTAppObserverUtil::CanShowSave()
-    return iCanSaveContent;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::CanShowSave
-// Tells the SVG-T dialog if saving of the content is done.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CSVGTAppObserverUtil::IsSavingDone()
-    return iSavingDone;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::DoSaveL
-// Performs the save operation on the content opened. 
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::DoSaveL( TInt aCommandId )
-    {
-    iCommandId = aCommandId;
-    // Get filename.
-    // Run Dialog.
-    // Need to pause content
-    iAppDialog->ProcessCommandL( ESvgtDlgPauseCommand );
-    // Get the currently playing svg file's name and extension.    
-    HBufC* lFileNameBuf = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
-    TPtr lFileNamePtr = lFileNameBuf->Des();
-    GetFileNameAndExt( lFileNamePtr );
- #ifndef RD_MULTIPLE_DRIVE    
-    // Get User's choice of name and folder for target file.
-    TBool retval = AknCommonDialogs::RunSaveDlgNoDirectorySelectionLD(
-        lFileNamePtr,
-    TBool retval = AknCommonDialogsDynMem::RunSaveDlgNoDirectorySelectionLD( 
-                                         AknCommonDialogsDynMem::EMemoryTypeRemote | 
-                                         AknCommonDialogsDynMem::EMemoryTypePhone | 
-                                         AknCommonDialogsDynMem::EMemoryTypeMMC, 
-                                         lFileNamePtr, R_SVGT_SAVE_LOCATIONS);
-    if ( retval )
-        {
-        // User chose a valid file name        
-        TBool lMoveFlag = EFalse;
-        TBuf<1> lDummyFileName;
-        RFile lDummyFile;
-        TInt errSaveContent = KErrNone;
-        TInt errSaveText = KErrNone;
-        // Assume it is not the overwrite case by default
-        iIsOverwriteCase = EFalse; 
-        // Get the currently playing svg file's full path
-        HBufC* lFullFilePathBuf = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
-        TPtr lFullFilePathPtr = lFullFilePathBuf->Des();
-        if ( iSvgFileId )
-            {
-            iSvgFileId->FullName( lFullFilePathPtr );
-            }
-        // Check if file name is same as orig file -> overwrite case
-        if ( !( lFileNamePtr.CompareF( lFullFilePathPtr ) ) )
-            {
-            iIsOverwriteCase = ETrue;
-            }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lFullFilePathBuf );
-        lFullFilePathBuf = NULL;
-        // Check if text edit happened
-        if ( iAppDialog->IsTextContentChanged() )
-            {
-            if ( iTempFileName )
-                {
-                delete iTempFileName;
-                iTempFileName = NULL;
-                }
-            iTempFileName = HBufC::NewL( KMaxFileName );
-            TPtr lTempFilePtr = iTempFileName->Des();
-            // Indicate that cleanup is to be performed in SVGTSavingDoneL        
-            iTempFileUsed = ETrue;        
-            TRAP( errSaveText, SaveSvgTextContentL( *iSvgFileId, lTempFilePtr ) );
-            if ( !errSaveText )
-                {
-                // Temp file should be moved instead of
-                // original file
-                lMoveFlag = ETrue;
-                if ( IsAllowMove() || iIsOverwriteCase )
-                    {
-                    // Based on Move option/self overwrite case, need to close 
-                    // the content being played.           
-                    // Need to close the currently running file-handle, 
-                    // need to inform dialog to stop using it.
-                    iAppDialog->StopUsingContentFileHandle();
-                    iSvgFileId->Close(); 
-                    }
-                if ( IsAllowMove() )
-                    {
-                    // Remember that the original file should 
-                    // be deleted if file save is successful.
-                    iDeleteOrigFile = ETrue;    
-                    }
-                TRAP( errSaveContent, SaveContentL( 
-                      lDummyFile, 
-                      lTempFilePtr,
-                      lFileNamePtr, 
-                      lMoveFlag ));            
-                }
-            }
-            else // No text editing happened
-                {
-                if ( IsAllowMove() || iIsOverwriteCase )
-                    {
-                    // Based on Move option/self overwrite case, need to close 
-                    // the content being played.           
-                    // Need to close the currently running file-handle, 
-                    // need to inform dialog to stop using it.
-                    iAppDialog->StopUsingContentFileHandle();
-                    iSvgFileId->Close(); 
-                    }
-                if ( IsAllowMove() )
-                    {
-                    lMoveFlag = ETrue;
-                    TRAP( errSaveContent, SaveContentL( 
-                        lDummyFile, 
-                        *iSvgFileName,
-                        lFileNamePtr, 
-                        lMoveFlag ));
-                    }
-                    else
-                        {
-                        TRAP( errSaveContent, SaveContentL( 
-                            *iSvgFileId, 
-                            lDummyFileName,
-                            lFileNamePtr, 
-                            lMoveFlag ));
-                        }
-                }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lFileNameBuf );
-        if ( errSaveText || errSaveContent )
-            {
-            // If disk full problem, display note.
-            if ( errSaveContent == KErrDiskFull || errSaveText == KErrDiskFull )
-                {
-                // mmc full note
-                HBufC* text = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_SVGT_MMC_FULL );
-                CAknGlobalNote* note = CAknGlobalNote::NewLC();
-                note->SetSoftkeys( R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_EMPTY__OK );
-                note->ShowNoteL( EAknGlobalErrorNote, *text );
-                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);// note, text
-                }
-            // If temporary file was used, perform cleanup
-            if ( iTempFileUsed )
-                {
-                if ( iTempFileName )
-                    {
-                    // Try and delete the temp file, ignore the error.
-                    iEikEnv->FsSession().Delete( iTempFileName->Des() );
-                    delete iTempFileName;
-                    iTempFileName = NULL;
-                    }
-                iTempFileUsed = EFalse;
-                }
-            // If the File Couldn't be Moved, then Open the original
-            // file again and Set it back to dialog.
-            if ( IsAllowMove() )
-                {
-                if( iSvgFileId->Open(iEikEnv->FsSession(),
-                        iSvgFileName->Des(), EFileShareAny) != KErrNone )
-                    {
-                    // This should not happen, Couldn't reopen back the
-                    // Original content!, No Point in showing save.
-                    iCanSaveContent = EFalse; 
-                    return;
-                    }
-                else
-                    {
-                    iAppDialog->StartUsingContentFileHandle();
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else
-                {
-                LaunchWaitNoteL( R_SVGT_SAVING_WAIT_NOTE, ETrue, lDummyFileName );
-                }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        // User pressed cancel in save dialog - cleanup
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lFileNameBuf );
-        }
-    }
-EXPORT_C TInt CSVGTAppObserverUtil::NewFetchImageData( const TDesC& aUri )
-    {
-//    iIsFetchImageCall = ETrue
-    TInt ret = KErrNone;
-    TDownloadNeeded downloadNeeded = ELocalImageFile;
-    TRAPD( error, downloadNeeded = IsDownloadNeededL( aUri ) );
-    if ( error != KErrNone )
-        {
-        return KErrNotFound;
-        }
-    if ( downloadNeeded == ELocalImageFile )
-        {
-        TFileName fileName;
-        if ( GetLocalFile( aUri, fileName, *iSvgFileName ) )
-            {
-            TRAPD(error, DoAssignLocalFileDataL( aUri, fileName ));
-            return error;
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            iAppDialog->AssignImageData(aUri , NULL );
-            return KErrNotFound;
-            }        
-        }
-    else if ( downloadNeeded == ERemoteImageFile )
-        {
-        //creatred for Dummy purpose 
-        RFs fs; 
-        RFile file;
-        TRAPD( err,ret = StartDownloadingImageL( aUri, fs, file,
-                                               EFalse,
-                                               EFalse /* Asynchronous mode */) ); 
-        if ( err != KErrNone )
-            {
-            return KErrNotFound;
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            return ret;         
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        return KErrNotFound;
-        }   
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::SaveContentL
-// Performs the save operation on the content opened given 
-// source file handle, src/dst filename and whether to move/copy. 
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::SaveContentL( RFile& aSrcFileHandle, // Used in copy
-                                         const TDesC& aSrcFileName,   // Used in move
-                                         TDes& aDstFileName,    // Dest File name
-                                         TBool aMoveFlag )      // ETrue = Move
-    {
-    TInt ret = KErrNone;        
-    // Start Saving Operation.        
-    // Create directory 
-    TInt error = iEikEnv->FsSession().MkDirAll( aDstFileName );
-    if ( error != KErrNone && error != KErrAlreadyExists )
-        {
-        User::Leave( error );
-        }
-    // Check if the content should be moved. e.g. In Browser case.
-    iFileManager->SetAllowMove( aMoveFlag );
-    // Ask FileManager to start saving. ObserverUtil acts as
-    // observer for filemanager operations. Based on whether
-    // the Move operation is required or not,
-    // there are two versions of filecopy operations.
-    // In Move Full filepath is required
-    if ( aMoveFlag )
-        {
-        if ( IsFileFullPathAvailable() )
-            {
-            // Keep the Destination file reference.
-            if ( iSvgDstFileName )
-                {
-                delete iSvgDstFileName;
-                iSvgDstFileName = NULL;
-                }
-            iSvgDstFileName = aDstFileName.AllocL();
-            // Start the Move Now.
-            ret = iFileManager->StartCopyOperationL( 
-                this, aSrcFileName, aDstFileName );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            // Shouldn't happen. If Move operation is required,
-            // Full file path must be there.
-            ret = KErrPathNotFound;  
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        ret = iFileManager->StartCopyOperationL(
-            this, aSrcFileHandle, aDstFileName );
-        }
-    User::LeaveIfError( ret );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::GetUniqueFileName
-// Generates a unique filename in the private directory
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::GetUniqueFileName( TDes& aName ) const
-    {
-    TFileName lPpath;
-    iEikEnv->FsSession().PrivatePath( lPpath );
-    RThread lThread;
-    _LIT( KFNameFormatStr,"%u");
-    TBuf<KSvgMaxThreadIdStr> lThreadIdStr;
-    lThreadIdStr.Format( KFNameFormatStr, (TUint)(lThread.Id()) );
-    aName.Append( lPpath );
-    aName.Append( lThreadIdStr );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::IsGzipContent
-// Checks whether the file is a GZipped content
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CSVGTAppObserverUtil::IsGzipContent( const RFile& aFileHandle ) const
-    TUint8 ids[2];
-    TPtr8 des( ids, 0, sizeof( TUint8 ) * 2 );
-    TInt zero = 0;    
-    // Reset to the beginning
-    aFileHandle.Seek( ESeekStart, zero );
-    // Read the first two bytes
-    if ( aFileHandle.Read( des ) != KErrNone )
-        {
-        return EFalse;
-        }
-    // reset to start of file
-    aFileHandle.Seek( ESeekStart, zero );
-    return ( ids[0] == 31 && ids[1] == 139 );
-//    return ( ids[0] == EZGZipFile::ID1 && ids[1] == EZGZipFile::ID2 );
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::SaveSvgContent
-// Saves the SVG content to a temporary file
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::SaveSvgTextContentL( const RFile& aSrcFileHandle,  
-    TDes& aTempFileName )
-    {
-    TFileName lTempFileName;
-    // Save the content path
-    HBufC* lOrigFileNameBuf = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName ); 
-    TPtr lOrigFileNamePtr = lOrigFileNameBuf->Des();
-    aSrcFileHandle.FullName( lOrigFileNamePtr );
-    // Create the temp file in the same drive as the content file
-    TParsePtrC lOrigPath( lOrigFileNamePtr );
-    // Put the drive into the path
-    lTempFileName.Append( lOrigPath.Drive() );
-    // lOrigFileNameBuf no longer needed. No more references to
-    // lOrigFileNamePtr.
-//    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lOrigFileNameBuf ); 
-    // Generate a unique file name
-    GetUniqueFileName( lTempFileName );
-    TInt lOrigFileSize = 0;
-    TInt lFileSizeErr = aSrcFileHandle.Size( lOrigFileSize );
-    if ( lFileSizeErr )
-        {
-        User::Leave( lFileSizeErr );
-        }
-    // Check whether freespace available
-    // Assume that the new file occupies same amount of space as the original 
-    // file. Not so in the case of svgz file. 
-    if( lOrigPath.Drive().CompareF( PathInfo::MemoryCardRootPath().Left(2) ) 
-        == 0 )
-        {
-        if (SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(&(iEikEnv->FsSession()),
-            lOrigFileSize ))
-            {            
-            User::Leave( KErrDiskFull ); // MMC full, Avkon shows note
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        if (SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(&(iEikEnv->FsSession()),
-            lOrigFileSize ))
-            {
-            User::Leave( KErrDiskFull ); // Phone memory full, Avkon shows 
-                                         // note
-            }
-        }  
-//******************* Added to support multiple drives    *************************
-    TInt intDrive;
-    TChar ch = lOrigPath.Drive()[0];
-    User::LeaveIfError( RFs::CharToDrive(ch,intDrive) );
-    if( SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(&(iEikEnv->FsSession()),
-                                lOrigFileSize, intDrive ))
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrDiskFull ); // MMC full, Avkon shows note
-        }
-    // lOrigFileNameBuf no longer needed. No more references to
-    // lOrigFileNamePtr.
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lOrigFileNameBuf ); 
-    // Create the directory to the temp filename
-    TInt lDirCreateError = iEikEnv->FsSession().MkDirAll( lTempFileName  );
-    // Ignore error if the directory already exists
-    if ( lDirCreateError  != KErrNone && lDirCreateError != KErrAlreadyExists )
-        {
-        User::Leave( lDirCreateError );
-        }
-    // Save the changed SVG content to that file name
-    iAppDialog->SaveSvgDom( lTempFileName );
-    // Check if content is gzipped
-    if ( IsGzipContent( aSrcFileHandle ) )
-        {
-        // Zip the content
-        }
-    aTempFileName = lTempFileName;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::GetFileNameAndExt
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::GetFileNameAndExt(TDes& filename) const
-    // If FileName is valid use that, else check filehandle
-    // and give back file-name from that.
-    if ( iIsFullFilePathValid )
-        {
-            if ( iSvgFileName )
-                {
-                TParsePtrC p(*iSvgFileName);
-                TPtrC ptr(p.NameAndExt());
-                filename = ptr;
-                }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-            if ( iSvgFileId )
-                {
-                iSvgFileId->Name( filename );
-                }
-        }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::IsAllowMove
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CSVGTAppObserverUtil::IsAllowMove() const
-    return iShouldMoveContent;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::IsFileFullPathAvailable
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CSVGTAppObserverUtil::IsFileFullPathAvailable() const
-    {
-    return 1;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::LauncWaitNoteL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::LaunchWaitNoteL(TInt aResourceId, 
-        TBool aVisibilityDelayOff, const TDesC& aFileName )
-    {
-    delete iWaitNote;
-    iWaitNote = NULL;
-    iProgressInfo = NULL;
-    if ( aResourceId == R_SVGT_DOWNLOAD_WAIT_NOTE )
-        {
-        iWaitNote = new (ELeave) CAknWaitDialog( (CEikDialog**)&iWaitNote, 
-                                                      aVisibilityDelayOff );
-        iWaitNote->PrepareLC(aResourceId);  
-        TInt resourceId = R_SVGT_DOWNLOADING_FILE;
-        HBufC* downloadMsg = StringLoader::LoadLC( resourceId );
-        TBuf<KMaxFileName> titleString;                
-        titleString.Append( downloadMsg->Des() );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( downloadMsg ); // downloadMsg
-        // Add a force line feed to the note: 
-        // qtn_svgt_waiting_downloading [ Downloading file ],
-        // and the note will read like this:
-        //     Downloading file
-        //     filename
-        titleString.Append( KNewLineStr );
-        // Append the filename
-        titleString.Append( aFileName );
-        iWaitNote->SetTextL( titleString );
-        iWaitNoteState = EDownloadImageWait;                                              
-        }
-    else if ( aResourceId == R_SVGT_SAVING_WAIT_NOTE )
-        {
-        iWaitNote = new (ELeave) CAknProgressDialog( (CEikDialog**)&iWaitNote, 
-                                                      aVisibilityDelayOff );
-        iWaitNote->PrepareLC(aResourceId);
-        iProgressInfo = iWaitNote->GetProgressInfoL();
-        iProgressInfo->SetFinalValue( KSVGTPercent );
-        iWaitNoteState = ESaveFileWait;                                              
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        return;
-        }
-    if ( iWaitNote ) 
-        {
-        iWaitNote->SetCallback(this);
-        iWaitNote->RunLD();
-        }    
-    else
-        {
-        return;
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::DialogDismissedL
-// This is for CAknWaitDialog callback
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId )
-    {
-    switch (aButtonId)
-        {
-        case EAknSoftkeyQuit:
-            {
-            if ( iWaitNoteState == ESaveFileWait )
-                {
-                // Handle Save Cancel
-                iFileManager->CancelCopy();            
-                // Resume the presentation
-                iAppDialog->ProcessCommandL( iCommandId );      
-                }
-            else if ( iWaitNoteState == EDownloadImageWait )
-                {
-                if ( iWait.IsStarted() )
-                    {
-                    iSynchronousDownloadStopped = ETrue;
-                    iWait.AsyncStop();                              
-                    }    
-                }
-                else
-                    {
-                    return;
-                    }
-            break;          
-            }
-        default:
-            break;
-        }                  
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::SVGTSavingDoneL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::SVGTSavingDoneL( TInt aError )
-    {
-    TBuf<40> msg;
-    _LIT( errorMsg, "Save Done Err %d" );
-    msg.Format(errorMsg, aError );
-    PrintDebugMsg( msg );
-    // If temporary file was used then, perform cleanup
-    if ( iTempFileUsed )
-        {
-        if ( iTempFileName )
-            {
-            iEikEnv->FsSession().Delete( iTempFileName->Des() );
-            delete iTempFileName;
-            iTempFileName = NULL;
-            }
-        iTempFileUsed = EFalse;            
-        }
-    // Indicate to the dialog about the save completion
-    iAppDialog->SaveComplete( aError );
-    if ( !aError )
-        {
-        iSavingDone = ETrue;
-        }
-    if( iWaitNote )
-        {
-        if ( !aError && iProgressInfo )
-            {
-            iProgressInfo->SetAndDraw( KSVGTPercent );
-            }
-        iWaitNote->ProcessFinishedL();      
-        delete iWaitNote;
-        iWaitNote = NULL;    
-        _LIT( errorMsg, "Proc Finished called" );        
-        PrintDebugMsg( errorMsg() );  
-        }
-    if ( !aError )
-        {
-        // "saved" note
-        HBufC* text = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_SVGT_CLIP_SAVED);
-        CAknInformationNote* dlg = new (ELeave) CAknInformationNote( ETrue );
-        dlg->ExecuteLD(*text);
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );  // text   
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iEikEnv->HandleError( aError );
-        }
-    // If move allowed or it is the overwriting self case then             
-    if ( IsAllowMove() || iIsOverwriteCase )
-        {
-        if ( !aError )
-            {
-            // No error occurred
-            // File has been moved and source
-            // deleted hence don't show save now.    
-            iCanSaveContent = EFalse; 
-            // If It was Move operation, then Open the new file
-            // and give the handle to dialog.
-            if ( iSvgFileId->Open(iEikEnv->FsSession(),
-                 iSvgDstFileName->Des(), EFileShareAny) != KErrNone )
-                {
-                // Shouldn't happen. 
-                return;
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                iAppDialog->StartUsingContentFileHandle();
-                }
-            }
-        else // Error occurred while saving, try to recover
-            {
-            // If it was Move Operation, and failed, then Open
-            // Original Source file again and give the handle to
-            // dialog. Note this could fail potentially as the
-            // original file could have been deleted.
-            if ( iSvgFileId->Open(iEikEnv->FsSession(),
-                 iSvgFileName->Des(), EFileShareAny) != KErrNone )
-                {
-                //Inconsistent state, can't show save also.
-                iCanSaveContent = EFalse; 
-                return;
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                // Can keep showing the save option still.
-                iAppDialog->StartUsingContentFileHandle();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    if ( !aError )
-        {
-        if ( iDeleteOrigFile )
-            {
-            iEikEnv->FsSession().Delete( iSvgFileName->Des() );
-            iSvgFileName->Des().Zero();
-            }
-        // Pass the command id back to UiDialog
-        iAppDialog->ProcessCommandL( iCommandId );  
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::SVGTPositionChanged
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::SVGTPositionChanged(TInt aPosition)
-    {
-    if (iWaitNote && iProgressInfo)
-        {
-        iProgressInfo->SetAndDraw(aPosition);
-        }
-    /*
-    else if (iFullScreen)
-        {
-        TRAPD(ignore, iContainer->UpdateBufferingL(aPosition) ); 
-        } // (L961)
-        */
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::PrintDebugMsg
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::PrintDebugMsg( const TDesC&  aMsg )
-    {
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-    RFileLogger::Write( KFileLoggingDir, KFileLog, 
-                        EFileLoggingModeAppend, aMsg );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSVGTAppObserverUtil::DoAssignImageDataL
-// Reads the downloaded file & gives data to the svg engine.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::DoAssignImageDataL(const CSVGTViewerAppDownloads* aDownloadItem,
-                                                RHttpDownload& aDownload)
-    {
-    if( aDownloadItem && !aDownloadItem->ImageLinkFlag() )
-        {
-        TFileName lFileName;
-        // Get the file path of the downloaded file
-        aDownload.GetStringAttribute( EDlAttrDestFilename, lFileName );
-        TInt lFileSize = 0;
-        RFile lSvgFile;
-        // Attempt to open the file in read mode
-        User::LeaveIfError( lSvgFile.Open(iEikEnv->FsSession(),lFileName,EFileRead ) );
-        // Save on cleanup stack
-        CleanupClosePushL( lSvgFile );
-        // Get the size of the data to create read buffer
-        User::LeaveIfError( lSvgFile.Size(lFileSize) );
-        // Create buffer that will contain the file data
-        HBufC8* lFileData = HBufC8::NewLC(lFileSize);
-        TPtr8 lFileDataPtr(lFileData->Des());
-        // Read from the file
-        User::LeaveIfError( lSvgFile.Read(lFileDataPtr) );
-        // Create buffer to store the URI of the file
-        HBufC* lUriBuf = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxUrlLength );
-        TPtr lUriPtr(lUriBuf->Des());
-        // Get the URI from data structure
-        aDownload.GetStringAttribute( EDlAttrReqUrl, lUriPtr ); 
-        // Call the AssignImageData function
-        // Mapping is maintained between URI <-> FileData
-        iAppDialog->AssignImageData(lUriPtr , lFileData );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lUriBuf );
-        CleanupStack::Pop( lFileData );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&lSvgFile); // lSvgFile.Close()
-        }
-    }
-void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::DoAssignLocalFileDataL( const TDesC& aOriginalUri, 
-                                                   const TDesC& aNewUri ) const
-    {
-    TInt lFileSize = 0;
-    TBuf<KMaxPath>lFileName;
-    lFileName.Copy(aNewUri);
-    RFile lSvgFile;
-    // Attempt to open the file in read mode
-    User::LeaveIfError( lSvgFile.Open(iEikEnv->FsSession(),lFileName,EFileRead ) );
-    // Save on cleanup stack
-    CleanupClosePushL( lSvgFile );
-    // Get the size of the data to create read buffer
-    User::LeaveIfError( lSvgFile.Size(lFileSize) );
-    // Create buffer that will contain the file data
-    HBufC8* lFileData = HBufC8::NewLC(lFileSize);
-    TPtr8 lFileDataPtr(lFileData->Des());
-    // Read from the file
-    User::LeaveIfError( lSvgFile.Read(lFileDataPtr) );
-    // Call the AssignImageData function
-    // Mapping is maintained between URI <-> FileData
-    iAppDialog->AssignImageData(aOriginalUri , lFileData );
-    CleanupStack::Pop( lFileData );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&lSvgFile); // lSvgFile.Close()
-    }
-EXPORT_C void CSVGTAppObserverUtil::AssignEmbededDataL( const TDesC& aUri )
-    {
-    HBufC8* decoded = DoGetProcessedEmbededDataL( aUri );
-    if ( decoded )
-        {
-        iAppDialog->AssignImageData( aUri, decoded );
-        }
-    }
-HBufC8* CSVGTAppObserverUtil::DoGetProcessedEmbededDataL( const TDesC& aXlinkHrefValue ) const
-    {
-    HBufC8* retPtr = NULL;
-    // find positions for ';' and ',' to determine encoding, mimetype
-    TInt startIndex = aXlinkHrefValue.Locate( ';' );
-    TInt endIndex = aXlinkHrefValue.Locate( ',' );
-    // mimetype is after 'data:' : xlink:href="data:image/png;base64,
-    // ignore mimetype extraction, decode will detect mimetype from decoded data.
-    if (    startIndex != KErrNotFound && 
-            endIndex != KErrNotFound &&
-            startIndex < endIndex )
-        {
-        // extract encoding type
-        TPtrC encoding( aXlinkHrefValue.Left( endIndex ).Right( endIndex - startIndex - 1 ) );
-        // handle Base64 encoding
-        _LIT( KEncodingBase64, "base64" );
-        if ( encoding == KEncodingBase64 )
-            {
-            // find index of first character after white-space
-            TInt index = endIndex + 1;
-            while ( index < aXlinkHrefValue.Length() && TChar( aXlinkHrefValue[index] ).IsSpace() )
-            index++;
-            // must be 8-bit
-            TInt length = aXlinkHrefValue.Length() - index;
-            HBufC8* encoded = HBufC8::NewLC( length );
-            encoded->Des().Copy( aXlinkHrefValue.Right( length ) );
-            HBufC8* decoded = HBufC8::NewLC( length );
-            TPtr8 decodedDes = decoded->Des();
-            // decode
-            TImCodecB64 encodingBase64;
-            TInt decodeError = encodingBase64.Decode( *encoded, decodedDes );
-            // Cleanup
-            CleanupStack::Pop( decoded ); // encoded, decoded
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encoded ); 
-            //delete encoded;
-            // Check for decoding error
-            if ( decodeError != KErrNone )
-                {
-                delete decoded;
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                retPtr = decoded;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    return retPtr;
-    }
-    TBool CSVGTAppObserverUtil::ExitWhenOrientationChange()
-    {
-    	return EFalse;
-    }
-//  End of File     